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RvZxq wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cÖkœcÎ - 2021 1 2 weg~Z© exRMwYZ

NUH-2021 6| †`LvI †h, †Kv‡bv PµMÖ“‡ci cÖ‡Z¨K wefvwRZ MÖ“c wb‡RI PµMÖ“c| [Show
K-wefvM that every factor group of a cyclic group is cyclic.] [Ch-2G: Th-12]
1| (K) AbymgZv gWy‡jv msÁvwqZ Ki| [Define congruence modulo.] 7| hw` G GKwU mmxg MÖ“c nq Ges a  G nq Z‡e †`LvI †h, a O (G )  e | [If
[Ch-1: Quiz-20] G is a finite group and a  G then show that a O (G )  e .]
(L) wefvwRZ MÖ“c Kv‡K e‡j? [What is quotient group?] [Ch-2F: Th-11]
[Ch-2G: Quiz-10] 8| †`LvI †h, wd‡ìi †Kv‡bv k~b¨ fvRK †bB| [Show that, a field has no
(M) GKwU PµMÖ“‡ci m„RK Kx? [What is generator of a cyclic group?] zero divisors.] [Ch-3: Th-7]
[Ch-2E: Quiz-2] 9| cÖgvY Ki †h, cÖ‡Z¨K BDwK¬Wxq wis GKK Dcv`vb aviY K‡i| [Show that,
(N) AcÖK…Z DcMÖ“‡ci msÁv `vI| [Define improper subgroup.] every Euclidean ring possesses unit element.] [Ch-3: Th-25]
[Ch-2D: Quiz-4]
(O) k~b¨ fvRKwenxb wis Gi GKwU D`vniY `vI| [Give an example of a M-wefvM
ring without zero divisor.] [Ch-3: Quiz-9] 10| cÖgvY Ki †h, †Kv‡bv mmxg MÖ“‡ci Dcv`v‡bi µg mmxg Ges D³ MÖ“‡ci µ‡gi
(P) MÖ“‡ci Kv‡b©j Gi msÁv `vI| [Define Kernel of a group.] mgvb A_ev Kg| [Prove that the order of every element of a finite
[Ch-2H: Quiz-8] group is finite and is less than or equal to order of the group.]
(Q) eywjqvb wis Kx? [What is Boolean ring?] [Ch-3: Quiz-14] [Ch-2C: Th-2]
(R) mgwPÎY ej‡Z Kx eyS? [What do you mean by isomorphism?] 11| j¨vMÖv‡Äi Dccv`¨wU eY©bv I cÖgvY Ki| Gi wecixZ Dccv`¨wU wK me©`v mZ¨?
[Ch-2H: Quiz-3] Dˇii h_v_©Zv †`LvI| [State and prove Lagrange’s theorem. Is the
(S) k~b¨ eûc`x Kv‡K e‡j? [What is called zero-polynomial?]
converse of this theorem always true? Justify your answer.]
[Ch-4: Quiz-14]
(T) •bKZjxq wdì Kx? [What is skew field?] [Ch-3: Quiz-27] [Ch-2F Th-6]
12| g‡b Ki, G  {1,  1, i,  i} Ges H  {1,  1} , cÖgvY Ki †h, H n‡jv G
(U) mmxg wdì m¤cÖmvi‡Yi GKwU D`vniY `vI| [Give an example of a
finite field extension.] [Ch-5: Quiz-8] MÖ“‡ci bg©vj DcMÖ“c| [Let G  {1,  1, i,  i} and H  {1,  1} . Prove
(V) GKwU Dcwis-Gi D`vniY `vI hv GKwU AvBwWqvj bq| [Give an that H is a normal subgroup of G .] [Ch-2G: Art-2.7.1 Gi D`vniY]
example of a sub-ring which is not an ideal.] [Ch-3: Quiz-62] 13| GKwU MÖ“‡ci †¶‡Î cÖ_g mgwPÎY wbqgwU eY©bv I cÖgvY Ki| [State and
L-wefvM prove first law of isomorphism theorem of a group.] [Ch-2H: Th-9]
2| cÖgvY Ki †h, ÒAbymgZv gWy‡jv 3Ó A_©vr Ò  3 Ó  -Gi mgZzj¨ m¤úK©| 14| D`vniYmn AvBwWqv‡ji msÁv `vI| †`LvI †h, wd‡ìi †Kv‡bv cÖK…Z
[Prove that “Congruence modulo 3” i.e “  3 ” is an equivalence AvBwWqvj †bB| [Define ideal with example. Show that a field has no
relation in  .] [Ch-1: Prob-3] proper ideals.] [Ch-3: Art-3.4.4, Th-18]
3| hw` G GKwU MÖ“c nq, hvi Rb¨ (ab)i  a i bi hLb a, b  G cici wZbwU 15| Dc-wis Gi msÁv `vI| †`LvI †h, cÖ‡Z¨K AvBwWqvj Dc-wis wKš‘
µwgK msL¨v †`LvI †h, G nq Av‡ewjqvb| [If G is a group such that wecixZµ‡g mZ¨ bq| [Define sub-ring. Show that every ideal is a
sub-ring, but the converse is not true.] [Ch-3: Art-3.4.1, Th-16]
(ab)i  a i bi for three consecutive integers for all a, b  G then
16| hw` R GKwU Bw›UMÖvj †Wv‡gb nq, Z‡e †`LvI †h, R [x] I GKwU Bw›UMÖvj
show that G is an abelian.] [Ch-2A: Th-11]
4| hw` G GKwU MÖ“c nq, Z‡e †`LvI †h [Let G is a group, then show †Wv‡gb| [If R is an integral domain then show that R [x] also be an
that], O(a)  O(a 1 ), a  G [Ch-2C: Th-5] integral domain.] [Ch-4: Th-3]
17| †`LvI †h, †Kv‡bv wd‡ì eûc`x-wis GKwU gyL¨ AvBwWqvj wis n‡e| [Show
5| g‡b Ki H , G Gi GKwU DcMÖ“c, x  G Ges xHx  {xhx 1 : h  H} |
that, polynomial ring over a field is principal ideal ring.]
cÖgvY Ki †h, xHx 1 , G -Gi DcMÖ“c| [Let H be a subgroup of a [Ch-4: Th-9]
group G and let x  G and xHx 1  {xhx 1 : h  H} . Prove that, -----------------
xHx 1 , is a subgroup of G .] [Ch-2D: Th-8]

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