4 Practice - The relative clauses

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English 301

Independent clause + (relative pronoun) dependent clause

1. In general terms, a relative clause gives us information about the subject or the object of a main
clause, it can join two clauses as well.
a. WHO for people
b. WHICH for things
c. WHOSE for possessions
d. WHERE for a place
e. WHEN for a time
f. WHY to explain a reason
g. THAT for people or things instead of who or which

2. The relative clauses which, that and who can be omitted when they are the object of the verb
however when they are the subject they should never be omitted.

1. Join these sentences using who or which.
a. We chose the hotel. It seemed to be the nicest.
We chose the hotel that seemed to be the nicest.

b. She spoke to the man. He was standing next to her.

She spoke to the man who was standing next to her.

c. I read the letters. They came in the morning post.

I read the letters that came in the morning post.

d. He likes the other people. They work in his office.

He likes the other people who work in his office.

e. I pay the bills. They came yesterday.

I pay the bills that came yesteday.

2. Join these sentences using who, which, that or whose.

a. She chose the books. She wanted to buy them.
She chose the books that she wanted to buy
English 301

b. We ate the sandwiches. Jack made them.

We ate the sandwiches Jack made them.

c. I’m doing some work. I have to finish it today.

I’m doing a job that I have to finish today.

d. She’s an old woman. I often see her when I go to the shops.

She’s an old lady whom I often see when I go to shopping.

e. She was wearing a red dress. She wears for parties.

She was wearing a red dress that she wears for parties.

f. My classmate is very friendly. His mother is Indian.

My classmate, is very kind and his mother is Indian.

3. Complete the sentences with which, where, when or why. Leave out the pronoun where
a. This tastes awful. I don’t know (why ) I ordered it!
b. It was raining by the time ( when) we got there.
c. Is this the place (where ) we’re supposed to meet them?
d. She works in a building (where) used to be a hospital.
e. Is that the reason (why ) she nevers answers your emails?
f. This is the house (where) my grandmother was born.
g. 1969 was the year (when ) human beings first landed on the moon.
h. What a terrible thing to say! I don’t know (why ) she’s always so rude to me.

4. Write a 50-word paragraph where you describe a famous invention or product. Use relative
clauses as much as you can. Then, in pairs, try to make a description of the invention to one

This taco bar which is an excellent sunscreen product containing organic and inorganic filters is
formulated with cotton extracts, niacionamide, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, vitamin E and herbal
complex and vegetable oils is used for all skin types including sensitive skin.

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