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Standard Bank Centre

5 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg, 2001
P.O. Box 7725, Johannesburg, 2000
STANDARD BANK Telephone: 0860 123 000
International: +27 11 299 4701
1761 Fax: +27 11 631 8550


Dear Client

We confirm that payment has been made into your account as follows:
Accountholder's name RSAWEB (PTY) LTD
Account number 0000000072581174
Reference number/name GOD022
Bank name STANDARD
Amount R800.00
Telephone number 0680379126
Payment date and time 2021-12-15 10:56:34

If you need more information or have any questions about this payment, please contact the depositor.

Kind regards
The ATM Team

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06) Authorised financial services provider and registered credit provider (NCRCP15)

Directors: TS Gcabashe (Chairman) L Fuzile* (Chief Executive) PLH Cook A Daehnke* MA Erasmus1 GJ Fraser-Moleketi Xueqing Guan2 GMB Kennealy Li Li2 JH
Maree NNA Matyumza KD Moroka NMC Nyembezi ML Oduor-Otieno3 ANA Peterside CON4 MJD Ruck SK Tshabalala* JM Vice

Company Secretary: Z Stephen - 2021/11/11

*Executive Director 1British 2Chinese 3Kenyan 4Nigerian

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