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Dear Mr.

In regards to the settement of your toan accounts.

We are hereby pteased to confrm the the betow mentoned accounts had been setted wwth no further

Product/Servwce Status Date

Personat Loan Setted 20 December 2021

Credwt Card Facwtwty Setted 20 December 2021

We woutd hereby twke to extend our grattude for the opportunwty to asswst you and we hope to asswst
you agawn wn the near future.

For further account wnformaton or asswstance, get wn touch vwa our contact centre on 0860 555 111 or
vwswt our webswte

Thank you for chooswng Nedbank, where we see money dwferentty.

Kwnd Regards

Nedbank Team
Nedbank Team

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