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Class : Date:

Day : Time: (30 Minutes)

Age : 5 years old

Number of children :

Subtheme: My Body Parts

Theme : Myself

Learning Standard (KSPK) : BI 2.4.1 Recognise and name pictures in books

Prior Knowledge : Children recognise certain body parts such as eyes, mouth,
ears nose, hands and legs.

Learning outcomes/objectives: At the end of the lesson, children should be able to:

1. Identify parts of body correctly

2. Follow the instruction of the game appropriately

3. Put the body parts’ pictures at the correct place

Learning materials/teaching aids: videos song, book, laptop, body parts’ pictures

Vocabulary: body parts, head, shoulder, knees, toes, nose, mouth, ears, eyes, fingers, hand

Steps/ T&L T&L Activities Notes/ Values/

Times Strategies Remarks
Induction Explanation 1. Educator plays a video TS: Analysis
Set that introduces body
parts. LM: Body parts’ video,
(5 minutes) laptop
2. Student watch the
3. Educator asks the
student what they have
Step 1 Description 1. Educator introduces TS: Understanding
(7 minutes) Simon while playing
video. Example: “This is Simon’s head”
le/d/1D3Yt7XYkL_7B7D “This is Simon’s nose”
w?usp=sharing LO 1
2. Student watching the
video. LM: video, book
3. Educator repeat the
body parts’ names.
4. Educator introduces a
book titled Simon’s body
5. Educator shows the body
parts of Simon and name
the body parts.
6. The student repeat after
the educator and point
out his.
7. Educator shows the book
again and asks student to
name it.

Step 2 Learn through 1. Educator plays the song TS: Application

(10 minutes) play ‘Head, Shoulders,

Knees and Toes’. Example: “Simon says
m/file/d/1CkDgbwzuo3 touch yournose”
v3k5Wm6sP8q8zpS0X (student touch
BI4gs/view? their nose) “Touch
usp=sharing your head”
2. The student dance as (student do not need to
showed in the video. obey)
3. Educator play a video
LO 2
about Simon.
LM: Head, Shoulders,
Knees and Toes’ song,
4. Student watch the
5. Educator explains
about the game that
they are going to play.
6. Educator plays Simon
Says which only
sentence starts with
“Simon says…”,
student should follow
the command.

Step 3 Learn by doing 1. Educator play Simon’s TS: Remembering

(5 minutes) video. CV: Happy, excited
97uTBTzbS4tfUY3Nz9 LO 3
usp=sharing LM: body parts’

2. Student watch the video pictures, video

about Simon missing
his body parts and asks
for help.
3. Educator shows a big
picture of Simon with
separate body parts.
4. Educator asks the
student to attach the
body parts in the
correct place.
Closure Congratulates 1. Educator play a video CV: Happy
(3 minutes) and praises Simon is back and
congrats the kid. LM: Head, Shoulders,
2. Educator revise about Knees and Toes’ song
what they had learn from
the lesson.
3. Educator congratulates
and praises student for
giving cooperation.
Strenghts: The strength is I manage to use laptop for
playing the video. I also did not forget the
step that I had plan in the lesson plan. I also
manage to prepare the learning materials for
the activity. Besides, I use learn through
playing as one of my strategies so student
did not feels sleepy.
Weakness: The weakness in this lesson is time
management. The lesson should end exactly
30 minutes but it is overdue up to 31
minutes. This is because, in step 1, it took
times to explain the body parts. Besides, I
also loss confident when playing the game. I
took times to give instruction.
Improvement: I should wear watch or put the clock at the
wall so I can end the step exactly like I had
plan. For the second weakness, I should
practise the game before play it with

Micro Teaching Video Link :

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