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1. Vessels shall be inclined on completion and the elements of their stability determined.

To which of
following vessels this regulation shall be applied?

Every passenger ship regardless of size and every cargo ship of 24 metres and over;

2. Abbreviation “FP” stands for:

Forward Perpendicular;

3. Abbreviation “AP” stands for:

After Perpendicular;

4. Abbreviation “LBP” stands for:

Length Between Perpendiculars

5. “AMIDSHIPS” is the mid point between:


6. “DRAUGHT” is:

The distance from keel to the water line

7. “FREEBOARD” is:

The distance between the waterline and the top of the uppermost continuous deck;

8. Abbreviation “TPC” stands for:

Tons Per Centimeter Immersion;

9. Abbreviation “LCB” stands for:

Longitudinal Center Of Buoyance;

10. Abbreviation “VCB” stands for:

Vertical Center of buoyance

11. Longitudinal Center Of Flotation is:

Geometric Centre of the ship’s water-plane area

12. Into how many categories cargoes carried by sea can be split?

13. The total amount of cargo space available for the carriage of bags, bales, pallets or boxed cargoes
and does not include the space between the frames and beams is called:

Bale Capacity

14. The total amount of cargo space available for the carriage of bulk cargo. It includes the gaps
between the frames and beams in the hold is called:

Grain Capacity

15. “Deadweight Tonnage” is:

The amount of cargo, stores and fuel that a vessel can carry. It is the difference between the
summer displacement and the light displacement;

16. “Broken Stowage” is:

The space that is lost in a ship by cargo of irregular shape or because of the hold being irregular.
It includes the space lost between cargo packages. It is expressed as a percentage. If a cargo has a
B.S. of 5% this means that an additional 5% of the cargo volume must be allowed for when
allocating space for that particular cargo;

სივრცეების რაოდენობა პროცენტებში დაარის აუთვისებელი გამოიყენება დატვირთის

17. “Stowage Factor” is:

The space occupied by one metric ton of that cargo

18. Cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved securing system based upon cargo units of
specific types means:

Standardized Cargo;- დამტკიცებული უსაფრთხოების სისტემა

19. cargo for which the ship is provided with a securing system capable of accommodating a limited
variety of cargo units, such as vehicles, trailers, etc means:
Semi-standardized Cargo; შეზღუდული რაოდენობით ხდება დატვირთვა

20. Cargo which requires individual stowage and securing arrangements means:

Non-standardized Cargo; ჭირდება დამატებითიტვირთის დასამაგრებლათ

21. A road freight vehicle, a railway freight wagon, a freight container, a road tank vehicle, a railway
tank wagon or a portable tank means:

Cargo transport unit;

22. “Tallying” is method of determining of:

Cargo quantity;

23. “Weighing” is method of determining of:

Cargo quantity;

24. “Draught Survey Calculation” is method of determining of:

Cargo quantity;

25. Into how many group dry bulk cargoes are subdivided?


26. Cargoes which may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content in excess of their transportable
moisture limit is:

Group A;
შეუძლია გათხევადება

27. Cargoes which possess a chemical hazard which could give rise to a dangerous situation on a ship
Group B;

შეიცავს ქიმიურ ნივთიერებებს

28. Cargoes which are neither liable to liquefy nor to possess chemical hazards is:

Group C;

არცერთში არ ერთიანდება

29. Reels of paper and Intermediate Bulk Containers of goods fall into the category of:

General Cargo;

30. Stress caused by forces that tend to pull the material in parallel but opposite directions away from
the centre, increasing the tension and the length of the material before breaking it in two is called:

Tensile stress; ცენტრიდან წამოსული ძალაა რომელიც მოძრაობს პარალელურად

31. Stress caused by forces that tend to push the material in parallel but opposite directions towards the
centre, causing the material to buckle or crush and decreasing its length until the force exerted
becomes equal to the strength of the material is called:

Compression stress;
ცენტრისკენ მიმავალი ძალაა რომელიც მოძრაობს პარალელურად

32. “Shear Stress” can be defined as stress:

Caused by non-parallel forces that tend to pull the material in opposite directions away from the
centre, causing the material to shear under the influence of the exerted force.
ერთმანეთის საპირისპიროდ მიემართება პარალელურად

33. “Torsional Stress” can be defined as stress:

Caused by forces acting in opposite directions, causing a twisting moment in the material. In other
words, if a shear stress occurs in a transverse direction, it is refers to as torsional stress.

კიჩოს ცხვირს ატრიალებს ერთმანეთის საპირისპიროდ

34. The effect of a force applied around any pivot point on a structure, causing it to turn around that
point is:


35. Result from differences in the weights loaded/discharged or moved within а Ship is called:

Static Stresses;
სტატიკური ეს არის რომელიც გამოწვეულია დატვირთვა-გადმოტვირთვის დროს.

36. Stresses which causes tensile stress in the deck area and compression stress in the bottom area in
the midships region is:

Hogging დროს tension სტრესი არის დეკზე compression Stress არის ფსკერზე

37. Stresses which causes tensile stress in the bottom of the ship and compression Stress in the deck
area in the midships region is:

Sagging საგინგის დროს tension სტრესი არის ფსკერზე compression Stress არის დეკზე

38. Stresses which occurs when а Ship’s hull is distorted transversely due to the effect of rolling is:

Racking გამოწვეულია როლინგის დროს ტრავერსული მოძრაობის შედეგად

39. Stresses which can cause watertight partitions to buckle and develop leaks through cracks is called:

ძაბვები, რომლებმაც შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს წყალგაუმტარი ტიხრების გაჟონვა ეწოდება

40. Stresses which results in 'in-out’ movement of the plates is:


სტრესი, რომელიც იწვევს ფირფიტების "შიგნით გარეთ" მოძრაობას

41. Cargo distribution which is permitted for all bulk carriers and is usually adopted for the carriage of
light (low density) cargoes, such as coal and grain, but heavy (high density) cargoes such as iron ore
may be carried too, is called:

Homogeneous Hold Loading Conditions (Fully Loaded);

ტვირთი რომლის გადატანა შეუძია ბალკს დაბალი დენსიტით მაგრამ აქვს უნარიც რო
გადაიტანოს მაღალი დენსიტით
42. Ships not approved for the carriage of heavy cargoes in alternate holds by their classification
society must not adopt which of presented cargo load distribution?

Alternate Hold Loading Conditions (Fully Loaded);

რომელსაც არ შეუძლია გადაიტანოს მაღალი დენსიტის ტვირთი

43. Planning of the Ballast operations is to be approved by:


44. Planning of the Ballast operations is to be approved:

Prior to commencing the operation;

45. Ballast water exchange procedure shall be carried out an “Open Ocean Condition” at least:

200 nautical mile from the nearest land;

46. Ballast water exchange procedure shall be carried out an “Open Ocean Condition” at least:

In waters at least 200 metres in depth;

47. A process by which a ballast tank is first emptied and then refilled with replacement ballast water

Sequential Method;

პროცესი, რომლითაც ხდება ბალასტური ავზის ჯერ დაცლა და შემდეგ შევსება შემცვლელი
ბალასტური წყლით

48. “Flow-through Method” is a process:

By which replacement ballast water is pumped into a ballast tank, allowing water to flow
through overflow or other arrangements.
49. “Dilution Method” is a process:

By which replacement ballast water is filled through the top of the ballast tank with simultaneous
discharge from the bottom at the same flow rate and maintaining a constant level in the tank throughout
the ballast exchange operation;

რამდენი ბალასტური წყალიც ივსება ზემოდან იმდენი გამოდის ქვემოდან

50. How much ballast water is to be pumped through the tank to achieve 95% effectiveness?

At least three times the tank volume;

51. Which of following methods may lead to major reduction of stability, higher stresses, high sloshing
pressures and increased probability of bow slamming?

Sequential Method; მაღალი სტრესი

52. Ships required to have on board and implement a Ballast Water Management Plan are:

Ships of 400 GT and above;

53. Ballast Water Management Plan shall be approved by:

Administration; Classification of society ‘’IACS’’

54. List is the term used to describe a ship that is in an inclined condition due to:

The distribution of weights within it; წონების გადანაწილება

55. Heel is the term used to describe a ship that has been inclined by:

The external force

56. If a weight is shifted both vertically and horizontally the movement of G to G1 is considered to
have how much components?

57. Trim is the difference in cms or metres, as measured at the:

Forward and Aft perpendiculars

58. The Displacement value should always be obtained using:

True Mean Draught

59. Ship trimmed by the stern, “LCF” aft of amidships:

TMD = AMD + Correction

60. Ship trimmed by the stern, “LCF” forward of amidships:

TMD = AMD – Correction

61. Ship trimmed by the head, “LCF” aft of amidships:

TMD = AMD - Correction

62. Ship trimmed by the head, “LCF” forward of amidships:

TMD = AMD + Correction

63. all fixed and portable devices used to secure and support cargo units is:

Cargo Securing Devices

64. Securing points and supports either integral, i.e. welded into the hull structure, or non-integral, i.e.
welded onto the hull structure means:

Fixed Securing Devices

65. “Portable Securing Devices” means:

Portable devices used for lashing , securing or support of cargo units

66. Abbreviation “MSL” stands for:

Maximum Securing Load

67. A rigid, semi-rigid or flexible portable bulk container packaging of a capacity of not more than 3
m3 (3,000 l), designed for mechanical handling and tested for its satisfactory resistance to handling
and transport stresses means:

Intermediate Bulk Container

68. A tank which is not permanently secured on board a ship, and has a capacity of more than 450 l
and a shell fitted with external stabilizing members and items of service equipment and structural
equipment necessary for the transport of gases, liquids or solids means:
Portable Tank მოცულობა აქვს 450 ლიტრი დაგამოიყენება რო გადაიტანოს გაზები
თხევადი და მყარი ტვირთი

69. For the purpose of stowage and securing cargo, which forces are considered predominant:

Longitudinal and Transverse forces

70. Friction coefficient of Steel to Steel when wet is:


71. Friction coefficient of Steel to Steel when dry is:


72. Friction coefficient of Steel to Timber is:


73. Friction coefficient of Steel to Rubber is:


74. Friction coefficient of Timber to Timber when wet or dry is:

75. All necessary information about the cargo to enable the ship-owner or ship operator to ensure safe
carriage of goods should be provided:

By Shipper

76. How much methods of Safe stowage and securing of containers on deck of ships which are not
specially designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers are considered?

77. According to CSS Code for the Safe stowage and securing of containers on deck of ships which are
not specially designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying of Medium-weight containers, when
weight of top container not more than 70% of that of bottom container is:

Method A გამოიყენება საშუალო წონის ტვირთის გადასატანად სადაც ზედა კონტეინერის

წონა არ აღემატება 70%-ით ქვედაზე

78. According to CSS Code for the safe stowage and securing of containers on deck of ships which are
not specially designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying of Medium-weight containers, when
weight of top container may be more than 70% of that of bottom container is:

Method B
გამოიყენება საშუალო წონის ტვირთის გადასატანად სადაც ზედა კონტეინერის წონა
აღემატება 70%-ით ქვედაზე

79. According to CSS Code for the safe stowage and securing of containers on deck of ships which are
not specially designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying of Heavyweight containers, when
weight of top container may be more than 70% of that of bottom container is:

Method Cგამოიყენება მძინე წონის კონტეინერების გადასატანად სადაც ზედა

კონტეინერის წონა აღემატება 70%ით ქვედაზე

80. When require safe stowage and securing of portable tanks the master should be provided with at
least the following information:

All of mentioned

81. When require safe stowage and securing of portable tanks against sliding the lashing angles should
not be higher than:

25 deg
82. When require safe stowage and securing of portable tanks against tipping the lashing angles should
not be lower than:

45 deg. to 60 deg.

83. When require safe stowage and securing of portable receptacles, which of below information is not
require for the master to be provided?

None of mentioned

84. The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be less than 0.055 meter-radians:

Up to 30 angle of heel

85. The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be less than 0.09 meter-radians up
to 40° angle of heel or the angle of down flooding if this is less than:

86. The area under the righting curve between the angles of heel of 30° and 40° or between 30° and the
angle of downflooding if this angle is less than 40°, should not be less than:

0.03 metre-radians

87. The righting lever GZ should be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel equal to or greater than:


88. The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30° but not less


89. The initial metacentric height GM should not be less than:

0.15 m

90. With increasing WPA, TPC will:


91. With increasing Draught for a normal ship-shape, TPC will:


92. With increasing Draught for a normal ship-shape, WPA will:


93. When not a box-shaped vessel passes to waters with lower density, WPA will:

94. When not a box-shaped vessel is towed to waters with lower density, under water volume of that
vessel will:

95. When not a box-shaped vessel is towed to waters with higher density, freeboard of that vessel will:

96. When a box-shaped vessel is towed to waters with higher density, displacement of that vessel will:
Not Change

97. When not a box-shaped vessel is towed to waters with higher density, displacement of that vessel
Not Change

98. When a box-shaped vessel is towed to waters with lower density, freeboard of that vessel will:

99. With increasing Draught for a normal ship-shape, LCF will:

Change Position

100. LCF is the point about which the ship will:

101. To indicate cargo quantity “Line metres” is used in:

RO-RO Fleet

102. To indicate cargo quantity “T.E.U” and “F.E.U” is used by:

Container Ships

103. The maximum moisture content of the cargo which is considered safe for carriage in ships is

Transportable Moisture Limit

104. Who can be carried out a pre-loading cargo holds inspection at the loading port?


105. Into How many categories divide hatch cover test?

106. “Hose Test” Method is a process:

Carried out with a minimum 12 mm diameter nozzle

107. “Ultrasonic Test” Method is a process:

Using Ultrasonic signal generator in the close cargo hold.

108. When the ultrasonic generator reading above 10% of the OHV is recorded, the hatch cover is:

Not water tight

109. Abbreviation “OHV” means:

Open Hatch Value

110. Abbreviation “CHV” means:

Closed Hatch Value

111. “Chalk Test” Method is a process:

Chalk is applied on all compressor bars, then the hatch covers are closed to see if there is a chalk
imprint on the rubber gasket
ცარცი გამოიყენება კომპრესორის ყველა ზოლზე, შემდეგ ლუქის გადასაფარებლები
იხურება, რათა დაინახონ, არის თუ არა ცარცის ანაბეჭდი რეზინის შუასადებებზე
112. For what require many countries fumigation of the cargo?

Destroy Pets

113. The cargo residues of bulk cargos that remain after hold cleaning are treated as:


114. The cargo residues can’t be dumped within:

12 nautical miles of the nearest coast

115. Regarding disposal of cargo residues entries should be made in:

Garbage Record Book

116. Who can inspect the cargo residues disposal records in the Garbage Record Book?

Port Control

117. In some cases, where the NOR tendered and the cargo hold is not yet ready, ship have been

Off-hire by surveyor

118. After preparation cargo holds bilge wells should be:

Clean and tested

119. After washing cargo by seawater, cargo holds should be:

Rinse with fresh water

120. Whose responsibility to ensure that the ship is safe for all personnel while it is being fumigated:


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