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How I Grew 17,000 Subscribers

in One Month

Hey! My name is Jay Vawzen, and at the age of 18 and in just one
year of posting consistently, I have gotten a combined 2 million
followers and one billion views across Instagram, TikTok, and

This has given me the opportunity to go from a small town in

Texas, to living my dream life in Miami with my dream car.

From Vawzen, I have had people like Luke Belmar reach out to me
to run Capital Club’s Instagram account, where my first two
posts with him have completely outperformed his other posts.
Also, in just a few months of providing my mentorship, I have had
amazing success stories such as Walid who gained 900k followers
in under 4 months and Armandez who gained 300k in under 6

now, it's my turn to give back to the community that

got me to where I am today. And I am giving you this
sauce for 100% FREE, so make sure you listen up.
step one: Authenticity

The first step is to make sure that you are unique. Although

understanding the competition is very important, creating the

unique factors of your brand is the most important aspect of

creating a successful Youtube channel. Because otherwise,

your viewers have no reason to follow you.

How do you be unique? try something no one has ever tried or

improve something that is working and add your own twist to


I’ve never seen a direct copy of Vawzen get over 100k followers

because you need to actually create a good spin on what is

already working.

That doesn’t mean don’t do market research. Looking at your

competitors and understanding what videos work well is still

crucial to your success.

However, the way you brand your account and what makes

you stand out from the rest of your competition is what will

get your audience to truly resonate with you.

Once your audience resonates with you, that is how you can

effectively sell to them and monetize your account.

Step two: Consistency

make sure you consistently post every day! That is very

essential to your growth as every day is a new chance to gain

thousands of views.

make sure you create a good schedule and structure so you

don’t miss any days. That way your content is not edited

quickly and shit. Make sure it’s good quality and something

that you would watch yourself.

I’d recommend breaking off your social media calendar into

the different tasks you need to accomplish. For example, for

vawzen, it is scripting, audio, edits, Internal Review, and Ready

to post.

I keep track of each stage that the video is in so I can make sure

that I am ahead of schedule, and getting out quality videos

on time.

I’d recommend you to create a process where you track each

step that your video goes through to make sure that each part

is high quality and you are consistently posting.

Everybody says that consistency is key, but in reality you need

consistency and quality to succeed.

Step Three: Patience

in my first month, I didn’t even gain 1000 subscribers and that

was because on Instagram I was popping off with 100,000

followers per month. Even though I was unmotivated, I knew

that over time my content would gain a following just like it

did on Instagram. The next month I gained 3000 and the month

after that I gained 6000. Last month I gained 8000, and this

month I have officially hit 17,000 subscribers. My growth is

almost doubling every month. If that's the case, I should hit

100,000 subscribers and get the silver play button within a

month or two.

This is strictly due to my patience. The reason most people don’t

hit their goals is because they give up. Yeah their videos

probably suck, and yours probably do too, but if you never give

up and seek the right advice, there is literally no way for your

account to fail.


There are three steps to success on YouTube: Authenticity,

Consistency, and patience. Although these sound like easy

concepts, actually applying them is the hard part, especially

when you are trying to stay motivated when you are getting

no views.
If you read this far, that means you know that social media is

the key to this era and if you don’t unlock the secrets soon,

you will struggle greatly when this space is oversaturated.

You see all of these gurus who are selling you the next big

dream, but in reality, they aren’t even working on the dream

they are selling. Instead, they are working on social media

which by far is the best way to monetize through the internet

today. Try to think of any business model and then ask

yourself: Which of these models have something to do with

social media?

if you think about any well-known business model, you will

realize that ALL of them have at least something to do with

social media. So, if you don’t learn how to conquer the social

media growth game RIGHT NOW, soon the space is going to be

flooded with competition and the game might come down

truly to luck at this point.

But right now, you are ahead of the competition. You know

something that they don’t yet. Your only goal is to get ahead

of them now. Short-form content has only been out for a few
years so you still have time. There is obviously more to growth

that I can’t fully share with the public. Otherwise, my secrets

would be worth nothing.

After the immense levels of growth I have seen on social media,

I have decided to offer something that has never been seen


The most affordable and hands-on mentorship in the entire

social media growth space.

The only catch is that if you want to work with me, you must

apply HERE.

I’m only choosing a select few to help grow their accounts.

Because I’ll only work with you, if I know you are going to


Speak soon

- Jay

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