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1) When I was a child I had a memorable time with my family.

I went for a walk

with my parents and my sister for the first time together to the amusement
rides, my dad doesn't like them but as I asked him we went and got on the
pirate ship together, it was very funny and cute. We also ate and enjoyed a
nice outing. My dad gave my sister, my mom and me a ring as a promise
and union between the four of us. It was very moving

2) I went on vacation to Pucallpa with my family, I enjoyed delicious food, I

loved the tTacacho con cecina meat and we visited a place called the
jungle, there were exotic animals, and I bathed in the Yarinacocha river, was
a amazing experience because on the rive you can listened music of
diferents restaurants , is similar a boulevard .

3) I believe that there is life after death, or at least I have that hope of meeting
my most loved ones in another life. It is something philosophical but I have
had paranormal situations that make me think that there is something
beyond death

4) I think so, I am doing research on cocoa at the university and we have been
invited to a conference in Piura and Colombia, I still don't know if I will go but
the opportunity to travel is open, I don't rule it out.

5) I don't know, it's not something I've thought about but maybe it is possible to
reincarnate, just as they say that in life we have a double, maybe
reincarnation is possible, I think
I believe that to improve security on the streets it is necessary to improve the
surveillance system, cameras with an external microphone, recently a young
woman was going to be robbed at my house and from a house with a camera and
microphone she scared the thief and the neighbor told him that the police were on
their way. It can be a solution or as citizens we can convert abandoned spaces into
community areas together with the municipality.

We can potentialize all these ideas and improve our security, put bars in a more
economical and viable option, I agree with your proposal
In addition to what I said, I agree with your idea of a solution, the gates with
surveillance can be reinforced to reduce thefts.
In the first image, some people prefer to enjoy a date away from home, like going
to the rides, an afternoon of adrenaline and fun; while on the other hand, there are
people who prefer to stay calm at home, rest, read a book, saw netflix with chips
and talk about each other's day and enjoy the company of the people they love

Some people on vacation prefer to get out of their routine and take a break outside
of Lima, travel and see new places. While others, either due to lack of money or
simply for pleasure, prefer to go out, go to the movies, watch horror movies, on
vacation the cinemas are the best option although the theaters get much more
crowded if there is a good movie on the billboard.

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