EY CAFTA Case Championship 2024_PPT_Instructions

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Instructions for PPT

EY CAFTA Case Championship 2024

Finance with finesse
Dear participant,

In order to make sure that there is a standard procedure followed and all the
solutions are following some basic standard norms, please make a note of the
following pointers.
1) Naming convention for the PPT file in case of a team of 1 member –
CAFTA CC 2024_<<Stream Name>>_<<Participant 1 Name>>
2) Naming convention for the PPT file in case of a team of 2 members –
CAFTA CC 2024_<<Stream Name>>_<<Participant 1 Name>>_<<Participant
2 Name>>
3) The file size should not exceed 2 MB
4) The PPT should have not more than 15 slides excluding Introduction and
Thank You slide
5) The PPT should mandatorily have a slide for executive summary
6) There are more than 1 questions asked in the Case study, so each question
should be referenced either with the heading or the question number in
order to understand the proposed solution for the respective question
7) Attached with the mail is a sample slide type that can be used by you, or
else you are free to choose the type of template you wish to choose to design
the PPT
8) It is mandatory to have the 1st slide containing the Stream Name and
Participant Names (refer the sample PPT shared with the mail)
9) The final PPT needs to be converted to .PDF file type and then should
be uploaded as a PDF file only.
10) If you feel you are not able to express your solution completely via PPT and
need to back it up with some other excels/some other dashboard file, etc. to
show some calculations, then you can upload them separately
11) If you are submitting any excel, then please submit all your calculations in a
single excel file only. You can make multiple tabs (Sheets) in 1 single excel
workbook. In case of multiple sheets in the same workbook, make sure to
name them with question numbers for easy understanding
12) Please note that submitting additional documents like excel sheets are
completely optional. It is up to you if you wish to submit the same. The file
size of such additional file should not be more than 1 MB and same naming
convention as the PPT file to be followed for any of such additional files.

Finance with finesse

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