Roots of Complex Numbers

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DeMoivres Theorem (continued)

Finding a general root of a complex number

Lesson objective: To find roots of a complex number using de Moivres theorem. To use the exponential form for a complex number.

General problem: Find the complex numbers z such that z n =a + ib. Steps: Find the nth roots of a + bi 1) Write a + bi in modulus-argument form. Example: Find the cube roots of 8 8i, i.e. find z such that z3 = 8 8i. 1) 8 8i = [ 128, ] (remember to use exact

values) 2) Obtain a total of n equivalent forms for 2) We want a total of 3 equivalent versions of this the complex number a + bi by keep adding complex number: on 2 [ 128, ] or [ 128, 74 ] or [ 128, 15 ] 4 8 3) Let z be one of the nth roots of a + bi so 3) Let z = [r, ] be a cube root of 8 8i. that z n =a + ib. Use this to find the Then z 3 =[ r 3 ,3] = modulus and argument of z. [ 128, ] or [ 128, 74 ] or [ 128, 15 ] 4 4 Comparing the modulus and arguments we get:
r 3 = 128 i.e. r =

and 4) Write down the nth roots in modulusargument form.


)1 / 3 = (128 )1 / 6 = 2.244924097
= 12 or 7 or 15 12 12

3 = 4 or 74 or 15 4
6 6 6

4) The cube roots of 8 8i are:

128(cos( 12 ) + i sin( 12 ))

128(cos( 7 ) + i sin( 7 )) 12 12 128(cos( 15 ) + i sin( 15 )) 12 12

5) If necessary write the roots in Cartesian form.

5) The cube roots (to 3 sf) are: 2.17 - 0.581i -0.581 + 2.17i -1.59 1.59i
3 2 1

Note: The cube roots of 8 8i can be shown on an Argand diagram: Notice that the cube roots form an equilateral triangle. Note 2: If the answers are to be left in modulus-argument form, the arguments should strictly lie between and .



0 -1 -2

Example: Find the 6th roots of -64. Solution: Writing in modulus-argument form, we get -64 = [64, ] OR [64, 3] OR [64, 5] OR [64, 7] OR [64, 9] OR [64, 11]. We wish to find z such that z6 = -64. So if z = [r, ], then z6 = [r6, 6] = [64, ] OR [64, 3] OR [64, 5] OR [64, 7] OR [64, 9] OR [64, 11]. So and r6 = 64 i.e. r = 2 6 = or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9 or 11 i.e. =


3 6


5 6


7 6


9 6


11 6

Therefore, the 6th roots of -64 are:

( ) 2 ( cos 36 + i sin 36 ) = 2i 2 ( cos 56 + i sin 56 ) = 3 + i 2 ( cos 76 + i sin 76 ) = 3 i 2 ( cos 96 + i sin 96 ) = 2i 2 ( cos 11 + i sin 11 ) = 3 i 6 6
2 cos + i sin = 3 + i 6 6

On an Argand diagram, the 6th roots of -64 form the vertices of a regular hexagon.





Question: Find the fourth roots of 8 1 + 3i .

Exponential form for a complex number

A complex number z can actually be written in 3 different ways: 1) as a + bi 2) in modulus-argument form i.e. r (cos + i sin ) 3) in exponential form. The exponential form for a complex number with modulus r and argument is z = rei or rexp(i). The following results follow: ei = cos + i sin = 1 i i = ei / 2

= ei

/ 2

= e / 2

(a real number)

From the first result above, we get the relationship: ei + 1 = 0 (this result is interesting mathematically as it connects the 5 most important numbers in maths).

Defining ez
If z = x + iy, then e z = e x +iy = e x eiy = e x (cos y + i sin y ) . So we have the result: e x +iy = e x (cos y + i sin y ) .

Example: Write the following complex numbers in the form rei : a) 1 i b) 1 + i 3

Example 2: In an Argand diagram, plot the complex numbers: a) e 2 i b) 2e i c) e 1+i

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