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Peer-Review Checklist

Assignment 2: Language Autobiography


Please give constructive feedback. Do not just say one word like “Good”.

Copy and paste the original text here to give comments on the grammar and

Name of Author/NIM: Siwi Lintang Manik / 20220810024

Name pf Reviewer/NIM: Mohammad Naufal Haryo Radityo / 20220810066

Aspect Yes/ Comments


Author writes his/her name Yes The author did what the rules
and student number. told
Minimum 1-page Yes Author had 2 pages
Use 1,5 spacing No Author didn’t use 1.5 spacing
Grammatical Accuracy Yes I checked on grammarly and its
correct, and from my own
Logistics perspective as reviewer your
grammar is already easy to
Punctuations Yes Author made good punctuation
as the result it easily to read
Flow of the story (easy to Yes Author did it easily to read for
read) reviewer
Author introduce his/her Yes Its written on paragraph 1
name and the meaning and
history behind the name.
Author describes his/her Yes Author Told her background
family background in family and her first L1 in
relation to L1. paragraph 1
Author mentions all Yes Author told all her language
languages (L1 and L2) that from L1 And L2, L1 is Javanese,
he/she has learned. L2 Indonesian,English,Arabic
L2 Learning All L2(s) are told one by Yes Author Told all her L2
experience one. Language, total language l2 she
s learn in 3
Author describes when and Yes She told all L2 language from
where he/she started where she begin to learnt
learning his/her second
Author expresses his Yes She did express her feeling
feelings about learning each each language she learnt
of those L2(s).
The story is in order. Each
stage (for example,
elementary school,
secondary schools, higher
education) is explained.
Author provides details of
what helped him/her in
his/her learning.
Author explains difficulties
and problems he/she faced
and the efforts he/she made
to improve the language
Author explains what
influence other people (for
example, his/her parents,
teachers, siblings or friends)
had on the development of
his/her second languages
and on his/her confidence in
using L2.
The best Author concludes from
ways of his/her experiences, the best
learning L2. ways of learning L2.
Author explains what the
teachers’ roles to motivate
their students to learn a
second language based on
his/her experiences.
Author gives a clear example
of real experience.
Author mentions the most
successful L2 learning that
he/she did.
Author explains the reasons
L2 Learning
he/she calls it the most

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