Elevated Corridor

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An elevated corridor is being constructed to reduce traffic congestion in the capital of a particular
state. You have been selected as project manager of this prestigious project on the basis of your
professional competence and experience. The deadline is to complete the project within two years,
which will allow the Chief Minister to inaugurate the corridor before the next elections are announced
in the state. While conducting a surprise inspection, an inspecting team noticed a minor crack in one
of the piers of the elevated corridor, possibly due to the use of poor material. You immediately
informed the chief engineer and stopped further work. You estimated that a minimum of three piers of
the elevated corridor would have to be demolished and reconstructed. But this process will delay the
project by a minimum of four to six months. But the Chief Engineer overruled the observation of the
inspecting team on the grounds that it was a minor crack, which would not in any way impact the
strength and durability of the bridge. He ordered you to overlook the observation of the inspecting
team and continue working with same speed and tempo. He informed you that the concerned Minister
does not want any delay as he wants the Chief Minister to inaugurate the elevated corridor before the
elections are declared. He also informed you that the contractor is a distant relative of the Minister
and the Minister wants him to finish the project. The Chief Engineer also hinted that your further
promotion as additional chief engineer is under consideration with the ministry. However, you
strongly feel that the minor crack in the pier of the elevated corridor will adversely affect the health
and life of the bridge. Therefore, it will be very dangerous to not repair the elevated corridor.
(Mains 2021)

i. What are the options available to you in this situation?

ii. Critically examine each of the options identified by you.
iii. What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by the project manager?
iv. What are the professional challenges likely to be faced by the project manager and his
response to overcome such challenges?
v. What can be the consequences of overlooking the observation raised by the inspecting team?


This case involves a choice between short-term delays in the construction and long-term public safety.
Ignoring the structural flaws will ensure timely completion and my promotion, but endangers public
lives in the future.

The options available to me are:


Resume - Timely completion - Risk to public lives
construction - Promotion and political support - Professional reputation is at stake
Repair the piers - Ensures public safety - Project is delayed + cost increases
- Professional reputation strengthened - Might face harassment from superiors
Halt the work - Temporary relief from building an - Project is delayed
unsafe structure - Pressure will keep mounting

The ethical dilemmas faced by the project manager are:

i. Delaying a prestigious project v/s public safety.

ii. Disobeying a direct order by a superior v/s dereliction of duties.
iii. Safeguarding public lives v/s ensuring a promotion.
iv. Career advancement v/s professional credibility.


The professional challenges faced by the project manager are:

i. Resistance and pressure from superiors.

ii. Completing the repairs within the stipulated budget and deadline.
iii. Professional embarrassment, if the project is delayed or if the corridor collapses in the future.

The project manager can respond to these challenges by:

i. Insisting on the repairs of the damaged piers; conduct an independent audit of construction to
validate this demand.
ii. If the Chief Engineer does not agree, noting the objections on record and asking for the order
in writing.
iii. Attempting timely completion of the project by re-assigning work and cost-cutting where

The consequences of overlooking the observations of the inspection team include:

i. Corridor may collapse, causing loss of life and property.

ii. Chief Minister will lose public goodwill.
iii. Minister’s relative will be punished and will not get contracts in the future.
iv. Promotion is unlikely because professional reputation is tarnished; may face disciplinary

Ø Honesty is the best way to prevent a mistake from becoming a failure.


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