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USE A DICTIONARY! a plaster bruise crutches
donor faint first aid kit
plaster scar sling
sprained stitches X-rays
A. Use the words in the box to fill in the gaps.

1. A box which contains medical equipment which is useful in an

emergency is a ………………………………….

2. When John hurt his arm and shoulder, he needed to rest his arm in a ………………………………….

3. A …………………………………. is a mark on the skin, often a white line, where the skin healed
after a deep cut or an injury.

4. I hit my thigh against the edge of the table and now I’ve got a terrible ………………………………….
The skin has changed colour from blue to purple. Now it’s red and yellow.

5. Cathy broke her leg and had to go to hospital. After having some …………………………………… ,
the doctor put her leg in ……………………………………….. It’ll stay on for about six weeks and during
that time she’ll need a pair of ………………………………………. to help her walk.

6. When you cut yourself, you put ………………………………………. on the cut to protect it.

7. A ………………………………………. is someone who donates blood to help people who have lost
too much blood.

8. If you have a deep cut, a doctor needs to close it with ……………………………………….

9. You ………………………………………. when you lose consciousness because your brain isn’t
getting enough oxygen.

10. Peter was running to catch the bus when he fell. He ………………………………………. his ankle.

B. Look at the picture.

1. What’s wrong with your friend?


2. Give her 5 pieces of advice on what she should do to feel better.

a. ……………………….………………………………………………………………………….…….

b. ……………………….………………………………………………………………………….…….

c. ……………………….………………………………………………………………………….…….

d. ……………………….………………………………………………………………………….…….

e. ……………………….………………………………………………………………………….…….
C. Who works where? (Use the words in the box to help you answer the questions. You may
have to use the plural forms.)

doctor nurse sister surgeon

1. Who works on a ward?

2. Which people work in an operating theatre?
3. Which person is a senior nurse?

D. What is (are) the difference(s) between:

1. a patient and an out-patient?
2. a consultant and a GP?
3. an anaesthetist and a physiotherapist?

I. Past simple / Present Perfect
A. Complete with one of these words: ago, for, since, yet, already or just.
1. Susan sends her love. I've ………………….. seen her in the library.
2. I haven't been to the theatre ………………….. a long time. I’m going next week but I
haven't bought the tickets …………………...
3. Mrs Simpson’s been living in Zimbabwe………………….. 2005.
4. The war broke out three days …………………...
5. A: Do you know anything about Allison?
B: Oh she's fine. She’s got a new job. I've ………………….. spoken to her on the phone.
6. The boy hasn't seen his father ………………….. his birthday.
7. A: Peter, have you tidied up your room …………………..?
B: Yes, mom. I've ………………….. done it.
8. Dr Johnston hasn't done shift work ………………….. six months.
9. I've been living in Manchester ………………….. 8 years.
10. Shaun moved to London a few years …………………...
11. Sally, haven’t you eaten anything …………………..? You haven’t had anything
………………….. dinner yesterday.
12. They have been playing football ………………….. two hours.

B. Highlight the appropriate alternative.

1. She ___ a new house in Belgravia last weekend.
A. found B. has found C. finded D. is found
2. I can't play with you because I __ my leg.
A. broke B. have broken C. has broken D. breaked
3. ___ up to the Eiffel Tower when you were in Paris?
A. Did you climb B. Have you climbed C. Has you climbed D. Climbed
4. ‘Peter, ___ my passport in your house so I couldn't get on the plane.’
A. I leave B. I did left C. I left D. I've left
5. ___ such an exciting film. You really must see it.
A. I never saw B. I've never seen C. I didn’t never see D. I haven’t never seen
6. The children __ anything today so they must be terribly hungry!
A. haven't eaten B. have eaten C. didn't eat D. ate
7. I ___ anything for breakfast this morning, so I need a big lunch now.
A. didn't eat B. haven't eaten C. ate D. have eaten
8. ___ our work now so we're going out for a drink. Do you want to come?
A. We finished B. We didn’t finish C. We haven’t finished D. We’ve finished
9. ___ this holiday so much. I really don't want to go home.
A. I enjoyed B. I didn’t enjoy C. I’ve enjoied D. I've enjoyed
10. ___ this holiday so much. I didn’t want to come home at the end.
A. I enjoyed B. I didn’t enjoy C. I’ve enjoied D. I've enjoyed
11. The nurses ___ their shift ten minutes ago. They're having their lunch now.
A. finish B. have finished C. finished D. haven’t finished
12. The last time ___ my uncle was a month ago, so it was great seeing him again in Madrid.
A. I was seeing B. I've seen C. I did see D. I saw
13. Look at that car! ___ such a beautiful car! I wish I could have one like that!
A. I never saw B. I've never seen C. I never see D. I haven’t never seen
14. Don’t worry about me! I'm not hungry. ___.
A. I already ate B. I already has eaten C. I've already eat D. I've already eaten
15. It’s been raining __ lunch time.
A. already B. for C. since D. ago E. yet
16. Sally broke her leg two weeks __ .
A. already B. for C. since D. ago E. yet
17. Sarah has lived here __ 1985.
A. already B. for C. since D. ago E. yet
18. Have you been learning English __ a long time?
A. already B. for C. since D. ago E. yet
19. Paul hasn’t arrived __ .
A. already B. for C. since D. ago E. yet
20. The last time I visited my grandmother was three weeks __.
A. already B. for C. since D. ago E. yet
21. The students ___ cards when the teacher ___.
A. have played … arrived B. was playing … was arriving
C. played … were arriving D. were playing … arrived
22. While Dr Williams ___ the patient, he ___ a lump in her breast.
A. were examined … discovered B. was examining … discovered
C. examined … was discovering D. was examining … was discovering

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