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Useful Phrases: Meetings

Introducing yourself
Hello, I’m/my name is Peter Jones.
I’m with Blue Bank.
I’m based in Berlin.
I’ve been with Blue Bank for 3 years.
I’ve been with Blue Bank since 2011.
I work in finance.
I’m a financial consultant.
I work in the Financial Department.

Starting the meeting Opinions

Good morning/afternoon, everyone. Asking for opinion
It’s nice to see everyone. What does everyone think about…?
I’m glad you could all make it today. I’d like to get your feedback on…
Thanks for being here today What are your thoughts about… ?
If we are all here, let's get started. What are your views on… ?
Are there any other comments?
Saying who can’t attend Jack, can we get your input?
I'm afraid John can't be with us today. Would you like to add anything, Jack?
John has sent his apologies.
Unfortunately John wasn’t able to Strong
make it today. I firmly believe that…
I’m absolutely convinced that…
Stating the agenda I’m certain that…
We are here today to discuss… I have no doubt that…
We’re meeting today to talk about … As far as I am concerned…
Our objective today is … Frankly, I think that…
We’ll be discussing …
Daniel will present an analysis of … Neutral
Peter is going to give us an overview I think/believe/feel/suppose
of… that…
In my opinion,…
Introducing participants From my point of view,…
Before we begin, does everyone know To my mind,…
Alice Phillips? I hold the view that,…
This is George, one of our consultants.
Let me introduce you to… Tentative
I guess that,
Asking participants to introduce It seems to me that,
themselves I am under the impression that,
Why don’t you introduce yourself to Perhaps we should,…
everyone? I tend to think that …
Could you tell us all who you are and It might be the case that…
say something about yourself?
Useful Phrases: Meetings
Interruptions Agreeing and disagreeing

How to interrupt Showing understanding

I’m sorry to interrupt but… Ok that makes sense.
I hate to interrupt but… I see your point.
Excuse me, but may I jump in here?
Sorry to butt in, but… Partially agreeing
Can I add something here? I agree with you to a point, but…
I understand what you are saying,
Dealing with interruptions however/but…
Let’s come back to that.
Let’s return to that in a minute. Strongly agreeing
We’re definitely going to talk about You’re completely right.
that next. Absolutely.
I want to hear more. But before I lose I totally/completely agree.
my train of thought…
I’m sorry Frank, you were saying? Politely disagreeing
I’m afraid I don’t agree.
Returning to my original point Sorry, but I really can’t agree to that.
As I was saying, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.
Getting back to what I was saying… I’m not sure it’s the best idea.
Where was I?
Continuing where I left off, Strongly disagreeing
No, I think you’re wrong there.
Clarification I completely disagree.

Clarifying myself Controlling the meeting

Do you see what I'm getting at?
Let me explain in more detail… I think we’ve spent enough time on
Let me put this another way… this topic. Moving on…
To put it differently,… If nobody has anything else to add,
In other words… let’s move on to the next item.
I'd just like to repeat that… We’re running short on time, so let’s
Have I made that clear? move on.
I’d like to skip item 2 and go directly to
Asking for clarification item 3.
What do you mean by...?
If I understood you correctly, you Closing
Could you say that again, please? Just to confirm, we’re going to …
Would you elaborate on that , please? Thank you very much for your time.
Could you be more explicit? It looks like we’ve covered the main
Could you explain what you mean items on the agenda.
by...? That will be all for today.
Could you give us an example? If no one has anything else to add,
I’m not quite sure I follow you. then I think we’ll wrap this up.
Our next meeting will be…

Useful Phrases: Meetings

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