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Risk Focus:
Inventory of Hazardous
Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition
A guide for shipowners to ensure compliance with ship recycling legislation
2 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Introduction 4 IHM Part I 12
Background 4 Requirements for new ships 12
The Green Passport 4 Requirements for existing ships 13
The Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) 4 Certification and surveys 14
IMO Hong Kong Convention 5 Ongoing maintenance of IHM Part I 14
Developments at IMO MEPC 80 5 Top tips for ongoing maintenance 14
European Union Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) 6 Known Port State Control (PSC) enforcement mechanisms 17
What is in an IHM? 6 Requirements for end-of-life ships 17
Who is responsible for compiling the IHM? 9 IHM Parts II and III 18
Key considerations 9 Ship Recycling Plan 18
Definition of “ship” 9 Final Survey 18
Hazardous Materials (HM) Experts 9 How compliance can reduce risk and increase competitive edge 20
How do you select an HM Expert or IHM expert company? 10 Conclusion 21
Standard format of the Inventory 10 Appendix 22
What should a good IHM look like? 10 About us 26
Supplier Declaration of Conformity and Material Declarations 12 UK P&I Club 26
Marprof Environmental Ltd. 26

This guide is intended to promote best practice, based on the experience of the UK P&I Club. It is informative and not directional in nature. It does not represent legal advice. Vessel
owners and operators must refer to and comply with Flag State and Classification Society Rules and Guidelines, as applicable, and as directed by the applicable Administration and
Recognised Organisations.

A guide to help ensure

your IHM is compliant
The advent of international and regional
legislation is driving the marine industry
towards achieving compliance, at all
stages of a ship’s life.
4 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Introduction countries accounted for more than 95%

of annual ship recycling volume.
The Green Passport kilns. Light fittings find further use on
land. Furthermore, new steel production
from recycled steel requires only one-third
This 2nd Edition of Risk Focus: Inventory Unfortunately, in late 2017, China In a bid to help ensure that workers
of the energy used for steel production
of Hazardous Materials, provides an instigated a blanket ban on the import breaking ships were forewarned of
from raw materials. Recycling thus makes
update to the Risk Focus of the same of foreign wastes and so this large and potential or known hazardous materials
a positive contribution to the global
name previously released by UK P&I successful area is effectively closed, and inherent in the ship’s structure or fixed
conservation of energy and resources.
Club in May 2020. As before, this Risk ship recycling for internationally trading equipment, the International Maritime
Focus addresses technical aspects and foreign flag ships has ceased. Organization (IMO) introduced the concept It was envisaged that the Green Passport
provides guidance to shipowners when of an Inventory of Hazardous Materials would be produced by the shipyard
Ship recycling can and should be a safe
compiling their Inventory of Hazardous – then known as a Green Passport – as at construction stage and successive
and environmentally sound industry1. It
Materials (IHM). It also provides updated part of its voluntary Guidelines on Ship owners of the ship would maintain its
employs a large workforce in South Asia
information with regard to the June Recycling (2003). accuracy throughout the ship’s working
where almost nothing is wasted during
2025 entry into force of the Hong Kong life. The Green Passport would then be
the dismantling and recycling process. The guidelines provided advice to all
International Convention for the Safe and delivered with the ship to the recycling
However, working practices found at stakeholders in the recycling process,
Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, facility, providing information on the
the majority of the world’s ship recycling including the administrations of ship
summarises the latest developments with potentially hazardous materials on board.
facilities have routinely fallen short of building and maritime equipment
regard to the European Union Regulation The Green Passport is now obsolete and
internationally acceptable standards, with supplying countries, flag, port and
on Ship Recycling and its enforcement, has been replaced by the Inventory of
environmental concerns and frequent loss recycling states, and commercial bodies
and offers advice on best practices and Hazardous Materials.
of life reported by pressure groups and, such as shipowners, ship-builders and
lessons learned.
over recent years, the mainstream media. recycling yards.
Cutting apart very large steel structures The guidelines noted that, in the process The Inventory of
Background is a complex business. Although a high
proportion of the ship structure provides
of recycling ships, virtually nothing goes
to waste. The materials and equipment Hazardous Materials
For the last 35 years or so, ship
recycling – also known as ship breaking,
a ready supply of steel and other metals,
there are also significant amounts of plastics
are almost entirely reused. Steel is
reprocessed to become, for instance,
dismantling and scrapping, amongst other and other materials that must be handled reinforcing rods for use in the construction
terms – has been centred primarily in Over the last 15 years, international and
carefully and appropriately. Hazardous industry or as corner castings and hinges
India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, where regional ship recycling legislation has
materials such as asbestos are a constant for containers. Ships’ generators are
the vast majority of ships are broken at been adopted, some of which is already in
concern. The traditional beaching methods reused ashore. Batteries find their way
‘beaching’ facilities. Along with China, force. The cornerstone of this legislation
commonly used during dismantling make into the local economy. Hydrocarbons
where the ‘alongside’ method of ship is the IHM, which is based on the same
it difficult to ensure worker safety and on board become reclaimed oil products
recycling is preferred, and Turkey, which concept as the Green Passport but with
containment of pollutants. to be used as fuel in rolling mills or brick
uses the ‘landing’ method, these five main two key differences.

1 Recycling of ships (imo.org)


Firstly, compiling and maintaining an operational lives, ships over 500GT do A key requirement of the Convention that facilities under their jurisdiction
Inventory of Hazardous Materials is not pose any unnecessary risks to human is for ships over 500GT to maintain an comply with the Convention.
no longer a voluntary requirement, but health, safety and the environment. IHM during operation, in accordance
will be mandatory for all ships over with published MEPC Guidelines for Developments at IMO
500GT, with the exemption of any the Development of the Inventory of
warships, naval auxiliaries, or other ships
Hazardous Materials.3
MEPC 804
26 JUNE 2025
owned or operated by a Party (i.e., Flag The IMO’s Marine Environmental
The day the Hong Kong Convention From 26 June 2025, all new ships (i.e.,
State) and used only on government Protection Committee (MEPC) – which
will enter into force ships for which the building contract is
non-commercial service. developed the Hong Kong Convention
placed on or after 26 June 2025, or the
– met for its 80th session in July 2023,
Secondly, and crucially, the IHM is After much behind-the-scenes discussion, keel laid date is on or after 26 December
soon after the Convention entry into force
expected to be significantly more accurate both Bangladesh and Liberia deposited 2025, or delivery is on or after 26 June
criteria were met. The meeting had a
than the old Green Passport, with instruments of accession on the same day 2030) must be delivered with an IHM and
full agenda since it needed to adopt its
sampling of unknown hazardous materials –26 June 2023. Since Liberia has a very all ships going for recycling must fulfil
greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy
expected as standard. large fleet and Bangladesh has a very large all the various criteria of the Convention.
as well as work on energy efficiency,
ship recycling capacity, this meant that the Existing ships, however, shall comply with
This guide aims to explain the key concepts, ballast water management, underwater
two outstanding conditions (the percentage this requirement by 26 June 2030 or
processes and requirements of the IHM, noise, marine litter, and other high-profile
of the world’s fleet and the capacity of the before going to recycling, if this is earlier.
based upon guidance materials, experience and urgent issues.
and best practice. ratified ship recycling capability) had been This will finally create a level playing
met, allowing the Convention to enter into Therefore, although the Hong Kong
field where everyone will need to
There are two key pieces of ship recycling force two years later – on 26 June 2025. Convention entry into force was reported
have, and maintain, a Hong Kong
legislation that need to be considered by the Chair, there was no agenda or
The Regulations in the Convention cover: Convention-compliant IHM.
when compiling an IHM. preparation to take any actions regarding
the design, construction, operation and Ship recycling facilities must also the Convention text.
preparation of ships to facilitate safe comply with the relevant sections of the
IMO Hong Kong and environmentally sound recycling Convention from 26 June 2025 onwards
However, MEPC did adopt new 2023
without compromising the safety and Guidelines for the development of the
Convention2 operational efficiency of ships; the
and will be expected to prepare a Ship
Recycling Facility Plan (SRFP) and
IHM in order to align the Hong Kong
operation of ship recycling facilities in a Convention Guidelines with amendments
produce a ship-specific Ship Recycling
The Hong Kong International Convention safe and environmentally sound manner; made to the Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS)
Plan (SRP) for each vessel they recycle,
for the Safe and Environmentally and the establishment of an enforcement Convention. Appendix 1 of the IHM
taking into account information in the
Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 (the mechanism for ship recycling, including Guidelines now includes controls on
completed IHM. National authorities will
“Convention”) is aimed at ensuring that, certification and reporting requirements. cybutryne, which is used in hull paint to
be required to take measures to ensure
when being recycled at the end of their prevent biofouling growth but is acutely

2 Microsoft Word - 45.doc (unep.org)

3 MEPC.379(80) 2023 Guidelines For The Developme.pdf (wsimg.com)
4 MEPC 80 - A Summary (ukpandi.com)
6 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

and chronically toxic for a variety of Guidance on the Inventory of Hazardous on the evaluation of the EU Regulation. Part I of the IHM should be compiled
marine organisms. Materials.6 It should be noted that the This was set to run until 7 June 2023 – at new build stage prior to the ship
introduction to this document states: coincidentally, days before the entry into entering service or, for existing ships,
It would be very unusual for a Convention
force requirements for the Hong Kong during operation.
to be amended so soon after it enters into
“EMSA’s Best Practice Guidance is a Convention were met.
force, so any changes are more likely to Parts II and III of the IHM are only to be
non-binding document and nothing in this
be updates to the guidance or other non- The evaluation aimed to assess how well compiled once a decision has been taken
guidance document should be construed as
legally binding texts, as illustrated above. the EU Regulation was being applied, to recycle the ship.
generating mandatory requirements on any
and how it contributes to the general
of the involved parties.” Loosely fitted equipment, for example,
policy objectives of the European Green
European Union Ship In addition to the IHM, the EU Regulation Deal and the Circular Economy Action
portable extinguishers, spare parts, non-
fixed electrical and electronic equipment,
Recycling Regulation requires the establishment of a list of
approved ship recycling facilities (the
Plan, and to identify shortcomings in its
implementation and enforcement.
lamps and filament bulbs, and non-ship
specific furniture (such as chairs, tables,
(EU SRR)5 “EU List”).
Recommendations for any changes to be beds, curtains, carpets, etc.) should be
Ships flying the flag of an EU member made are expected in 2024. listed in Part III, and are not required to be
The EU Regulation entered into force in state can only be recycled at a facility on listed in Part I.
December 2013. It applies to ships of the EU List. Such facilities are required
at least 500GT flying the flag of an EU to meet the design, construction and What is in an IHM? Further, Table B materials inherent in solid
metals or metal alloys, such as steels,
member state and to ships visiting the EU operation requirements of the EU, and can
The Inventory consists of: aluminium, brasses, bronzes, plating and
flying the flag of a non-EU member state. be located outside of the EU.
solders, provided they are used in general
The EU Regulation is mostly aligned with For facilities located in third countries • Part I: Specific hazardous materials
construction, such as hull, superstructure,
the Hong Kong Convention and, since 31 (i.e., those located outside the EU) contained in ship structure or fixed
pipes or housings for equipment and
December 2020, all ships entering EU requirements and procedures for inclusion equipment, as detailed in Tables A and
machinery, are not required to be listed in
waters – regardless of flag – are required on the EU List were published by the B of the MEPC Guidelines7 Appendix
the Inventory.
to maintain an IHM. The IHM lists two European Commission (EC) in a Technical 1, including additional EU Regulation
additional hazardous materials (PFOS and Guidance Note. By applying for inclusion hazardous materials as appropriate (see
HBCDD, both of which are fire retardants on the EU List, facilities located in third Figure 1)
and Persistent Organic Pollutants) that countries accept that they will be subject • Part II: Operationally generated
need to be addressed in addition to the to on-site inspections by the EC, or agents wastes, as detailed in Table C of the
IMO requirements. acting on its behalf. MEPC Guidelines
The EU Regulation makes reference to In the beginning of 2023, the European • Part III: Stores, as detailed in Tables C
the European Maritime Safety Agency’s Union launched a public consultation and D of the MEPC Guidelines
5 Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 on ship recycling and amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 and Directive 2009/16/ECText with EEA relevance (europa.eu)
6 Latest News - EMSA Guidance on the Inventory of Hazardous Materials - EMSA - European Maritime Safety Agency (europa.eu)
7 MEPC.379(80) 2023 Guidelines For The Developme.pdf (wsimg.com)

Figure 1 – Items to be listed in the Inventory of Hazardous Materials

Table Materials Threshold value
Part I Part II Part III

A-1 Asbestos X 0.1%

A-2 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) X 50 mg/kg


Halons X

Other fully halogenated CFCs X

Carbon tetrachloride X
Table A – Materials listed
in Appendix 1 of the Annex A-3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (Methyl chloroform) X no threshold value
to the Convention
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons X

Hydrobromofluorocarbons X

Methyl bromide X

Bromochloromethane X

Anti-fouling systems containing organotin compounds as a biocide X 2,500 mg total tin/kg

Anti-fouling systems containing cybutryne X 1,000 mg/kg

EU SRR Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) X 10 mg/kg

8 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Figure 1 continued – Items to be listed in the Inventory of Hazardous Materials

Table Materials Inventory Threshold value

Part I Part II Part III

B-1 Cadmium and cadmium compounds X 100 mg/kg

B-2 Hexavalent chromium and hexavalent chromium compounds X 1,000 mg/kg

B-3 Lead and lead compounds X 1,000 mg/kg

B-4 Mercury and mercury compounds X 1,000 mg/kg

Table B – Materials listed
in Appendix 2 of the Annex B-5 Polybrominated biphenyl (PBBs) X 50 mg/kg
to the Convention
B-6 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) X 1,000 mg/kg

B-7 Polychlorinated naphthalenes (more than 3 chlorine atoms) X 50 mg/kg

B-8 Radioactive substances X no threshold value

B-9 Certain short-chain chlorinated paraffins (alkanes, C10-C13, chloro) X 1%

EU SRR Brominated flame retardant (HBCDD) X 100 mg/kg


Who is responsible for submersibles, floating craft, floating

platforms, self-elevating platforms,
materials in the ship’s structure or fixed
equipment is a complex process and
• An “IHM expert company” is an entity
employing or contracting individual
compiling the IHM? Floating Storage Units (FSUs), and
Floating Production Storage and
one that should only be undertaken with
expert guidance.
HM Experts to conduct any relevant
work or task in relation to the IHM
For new ships, the shipbuilder is Offloading Units (FPSOs), including process for the purpose of compiling or
The IHM Guidelines which accompany
responsible for complying with the relevant a vessel stripped of equipment or updating Inventories.
the Convention state that, for existing
international requirements on installing being towed.
ships, the procedures for the development As demand for IHM compilation increases,
hazardous materials on board new-build As such, the requirement for an IHM is not of the IHM “should be carried out by so are the numbers of HM Experts
ships. In this respect, the conformity of just limited to marine assets; the offshore the shipowner, who may draw upon offering services to shipowners. The major
Part I of the Inventory at the design and industry also needs to take note. expert assistance”. Classification Societies have implemented
construction stage should be ascertained procedures for approval of such experts
The EMSA Best Practice Guidance
by reference to the Suppliers’ Declarations Hazardous Materials (HM) goes further and recommends that, for
and are considered to be well placed to
of Conformity (SDoCs) and related offer further advice on the suitability of
Material Declarations (MDs) collected Experts new ships, expert assistance may also
expert parties. Some Class Societies will
from suppliers. Further details follow on Inventories are not only essential for safe be sought by the shipbuilder. The Best
only verify and subsequently certify an
page 12. and environmentally sound recycling, but Practice Guidance also provides further
IHM if one of their preferred experts has
they provide benefits with respect to the information on the expected knowledge,
Part I of the Inventory for existing ships compiled the Inventory.
maintenance and operation of a ship. The experience and qualifications that such
should be developed by the shipowner. an expert should possess, regardless of Therefore, it is always worth checking
development of an IHM will not only help
As detailed in the IMO Guidelines and the to ensure compliance with the Convention whether the IHM is being compiled at with Class before proceeding with the
EMSA Best Practice Guidance, there are a and the EU Regulation, but can also build or during operation: development of an IHM.
number of key considerations that should aid compliance with existing SOLAS, • An “Individual HM Expert” is a
be taken into account. ISM Code and Safety Management person who has the appropriate
System requirements. training, qualifications and knowledge
Key considerations However, in order to ensure that the above to conduct Hazardous Materials
surveys for the development and
benefits are realised, the services of IHM
maintenance of an IHM. They should
Definition of “ship” service providers should be called upon to
have experience on ship structure
offer help and advice, at any stage in the
The Convention and the EU Regulation development of an IHM. and on the handling of such materials
both define a “ship” as: and sufficient knowledge of how to
Although it is possible for shipowners to compile an IHM and of all the relevant
• a vessel of any type whatsoever develop IHMs using their own resources, international and EU legislation.
operating or having operated in the compiling an Inventory and taking of
marine environment and includes samples for any unknown items or
10 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

How do you select an Poor IHM expert companies will provide The experts themselves should have a ensure that it will accept the format of
in-house training only, or procure training technical background – ideally, the experts the Inventory.
HM Expert or IHM expert from an unknown firm. Training courses should be experienced ship surveyors,
company? vary, as do the entrance requirements. naval architects or professionals with What should a good IHM
Generally speaking, a good HM Expert many years of experience in the industry
Poor IHM expert companies are likely
training course will be three or four days and deep knowledge of ships – and
look like?
to have poor paperwork which hasn’t
been independently verified, and are in duration, delivered by suitably qualified will have received additional training on In essence, an IHM should provide
unlikely to produce detailed IHMs with experts, and will include a practical hazardous materials, as outlined above. documentary evidence of an onboard
clear photographic evidence of sampling exercise on a ship. Shipowners should ask Such knowledge is vital, since ships investigation into installed paints,
points, clear markings of samples on the IHM expert company to provide details are totally different from land-based structures, materials, and fitted
ship drawings and plans, etc. Shipowners of the training its experts receive and the applications. Again, shipowners should components and equipment. This should
should ask to see examples of the IHM qualifications they hold. seek out this information. be achieved by means of (a) documentary
expert company’s Inventories in order to evidence/Material Declarations, (b) visual
make an informed decision. Standard format of the checks on board and (c) physical sampling
on board followed by laboratory analysis.
As a minimum, a good IHM should be
The Convention and the EU Regulation
ship-specific and provide evidence
both refer to the same standard format
of the documentary review; provide
for the IHM and, for the most part, the
details on the hazardous materials, the
structure and layout of the IHM is in
scope of regulations and the sampling
accordance with the published format
strategy used; include the finalised
– regardless of which expert company
Visual/Sampling Check Plan; provide
compiles the Inventory or which
photographic evidence of the onboard
Classification Society subsequently
survey, with a good description of each
verifies the information.
sample location (additionally marked on
However, it should be noted that there the General Arrangement); and include
is not a universally accepted electronic the results of sampling, conducted at a
format and the various expert companies referenced accredited laboratory, including
and Classification Societies involved in a quantity estimation of any hazardous
the process have different designs and/or materials found (see Figure 2).
software packages.
It is again recommended that Class is
consulted prior to compiling an IHM, to

Figure 2 – Example layout of an IHM

Location/ Expected Check Procedure Sample Number Sample Result Quantity Risk Level Remarks
Zone/Deck Hazardous Material Assessment
Frame no.12 – Port side, near centre line
Electric cable penetrations
12 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Supplier Declaration of IHM Part I Figure 3 – Process of MD (and SDoC) collection showing involvement of supply
chain (Image source: IMO RESOLUTION MEPC.379 (80))
Conformity and Material
Declarations Requirements for new ships
Information provided by the suppliers of Part I of the Inventory for new ships
materials and equipment is considered to should be developed at the design and
be key to the development and ongoing construction stage. As much information
maintenance of the IHM. as possible should be obtained,
The legislation requires that the suppliers throughout the build process.
should make “Declarations” regarding the Reference should be made to the IMO
presence of any hazardous materials listed Guidelines for the development process,
in Tables A and B if they exceed specified which is based on three main steps:
threshold values.
1. Collection of hazardous material
Standard formats for the Declarations are information, based upon information
available in the IMO Guidelines. provided by suppliers
Concerns have been raised that such 2. Assessment of the collected
Declarations are frequently not made information, including identification of
available, or are inaccurate, and this It should be noted that the non-legally out the [hazardous materials] survey and
all systems/products which contain
applies at new build stage and for existing binding EMSA Best Practice Guidance sampling should be an IHM expert as defined
hazardous materials above the
ships (during compilation, or as part of states the following: in this guidance document working under
applicable threshold values
ongoing maintenance of the Inventory). the conditions described in this guidance
3. Preparation of the IHM, using the “However, in practice, there were cases document. The shipowner may also establish
The EMSA Best Practice Guidance standard format. where random sampling checking proved a policy for performing random checking of
provides advice on additional steps
The collection of the hazardous materials that [Material Declarations] were not accurate. materials for new ships. In this context, the
to be taken if there are any concerns
information is therefore expected to Therefore, the shipbuilder should establish same process as for carrying out random
about Declarations.
involve the entire shipbuilding supply a quality assurance policy for performing checking by the shipbuilder may be applied.”
chain, as shown in Figure 3. random checking of materials provided by
It is recommended that Class and/or Flag
the suppliers... The checking of the materials
are consulted to ascertain if they have
may include visual checking and/or random
specific policies or procedures that insist
samples which will be tested by indicative
upon the EMSA Best Practice Guidance
or field testing and/or random samples to be
being followed.
tested by specific testing... The entity carrying

Requirements for existing 2. Assessment of the collected than answers. Limited, targeted sampling
information, to cover all Table A is strongly recommended.
ships materials, with Table B assessed “as
4. Onboard visual/sampling check, with
Part I of the Inventory for existing far as practicable”. The results of the
sample points clearly marked on the
ships should be developed by the assessment should be reflected in the
ship plan, supported by photographs,
shipowner, with reference made to the Visual/Sampling Check Plan.
with sample results clearly referenced.
IMO Guidelines’ examples, which are
3. Preparation of a Visual/Sampling
based on the five main steps. Samples may be tested by a variety of
Check Plan (VSCP) based on the
methods, including indicative or field
It is recommended that, when possible, following lists of equipment, systems
tests. However, it is recommended, in
IHM compilation takes place during dry- and/or areas:
order to avoid dispute, that “specific
dock and that the shipowner draws upon
a. Visual checks – for materials testing” should be used. These tests
expert assistance by contracting a suitably
confirmed by document analysis are repeatable, reliable and can
qualified IHM expert company to assist
b. Sampling checks – for materials that demonstrate definitively whether a
with all five steps:
cannot be confirmed by document known type of hazard exists or not.
1. Collection of information, including but analysis and/or visual checks Specific tests are to be carried out by a
not limited to: c. Those classed as “potentially suitably accredited laboratory, working
containing hazardous material” – to international standards or equivalent,
a. maintenance, conversion and
materials that cannot be confirmed with a written report provided.
repair documents
by document analysis, visual checks
b. certificates, manuals, ship’s plans, IHM expert companies and
and/or sampling checks.
drawings and technical specifications Classification Societies are well-placed
c. data sheets and Note: The classification “potentially to offer further advice on sampling and
Material Declarations containing” should only be used if a the associated costs.
d. hazardous material inventories comprehensible justification – such as
5. Preparation of Part I of the IHM and
or recycling information from the impossibility of conducting sampling
supporting documentation, using the
sister ships without compromising the safety of the
standard format.
e. information sourced from previous ship and its operational efficiency – can
shipowners, the shipbuilder, historical be provided. This classification is not
societies, Classification Society recommended as there seems to be little
records and ship recycling facilities value in compiling an IHM that states
with experience working with the ship’s structure or fixed equipment
similar ships. potentially contains hazardous materials;
it could be seen to create more questions
14 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Certification and whether an additional survey is required,

considering that interpretations of the
B hazardous materials, including additional
EU Regulation materials (as appropriate)
guidance. There are various IHM
consultancy firms offering support with
surveys8 term “significant” are likely to vary. and relevant changes in the structure and
equipment of the ship.
ongoing maintenance, including some who
will enter into contracts with shipowners to
The Final Survey must verify that the IHM
Once the IHM has been compiled, ships take over the responsibility in full.
(Parts I, II and III) and the Ship Recycling To this end, a designated IHM
shall be subject to the following surveys by Plan comply with the requirements of the responsible person should be identified, Regardless of whether a shipowner seeks
the Flag State or Recognized Organisation Convention and/or the EU Regulation, and a management system should be out such support or plans to maintain their
on behalf of the Flag State: and that the ship recycling facility where established by the shipowner, including Inventories independently, it is important
• Initial the ship is to be recycled is authorised specific provisions to safeguard the to understand what items may or may
as appropriate. Further details follow on quality and continuity of the IHM when not require a Material Declaration (MD)
• Renewal page 15. building, buying or selling a ship, or when and Suppliers Declaration of Conformity
• Additional changing the ship’s registry. The quality (SDoC).
management system should identify
• Final Survey. Ongoing maintenance the procedures to safeguard the proper
Figures below (4a and 4b) may be of use
as part of the decision-making process.
Initial and renewal surveys must verify
that the IHM Part I complies with the
of IHM Part I updating of the IHM during scheduled or
unscheduled works involving changes,
requirements of the Convention and/ replacements or repairs to the structure,
Regardless of whether the Inventory is
or the EU Regulation. They should take equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements
compiled, verified and certified at new
place prior to the issuance of the relevant and material, which could have an impact
build or during operation, one of the most
Certificate or Statement of Compliance on the Inventory.
crucial requirements of the legislation is
or, for new ships, prior to entering
the life-cycle management of the IHM. It is recommended that the Inventory,
into service.
Without proper maintenance of the provided by the shipbuilder or IHM
Additional surveys may be made at the Inventory, all the good work during the expert company, is in an electronic
request of the shipowner “after a change, initial compilation process can be undone and editable format to assist with the
replacement, or significant repair of the and confidence in the contents of the IHM ongoing maintenance.
structure, equipment, systems, fittings, will be lost.
arrangements and material” which has an
Shipowners should establish procedures Top tips for ongoing
impact on the IHM, to ensure that the ship
on board the ship and within their maintenance
continues to comply with the requirements
company to ensure each IHM is
of the EU Regulation, and that Part I of If in doubt when it comes to the ongoing
maintained and updated throughout the
the IHM is amended as necessary. It is maintenance process, it is recommended
operational life of the ship, reflecting new
recommended that Class, or whoever that reputable IHM expert companies
installations containing any Tables A and
issues the certification, is consulted as to are approached for support and general

8 Session (imo.org)

Figure 4a

No need to update
Is it a Table C item? Is it loosely fitted?
(i.e. an item listed in C-1 to C-55 (i.e. NOT a fixed / fitted item
of the IHM guidelines) or part of ship structure)

Is it a Table D item? Is it exempt?

(i.e. a regular consumable good (i.e. an item specified in paragraph 3.3
listed in D-1 to D-3) of the IHM guidelines)
16 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Figure 4b

IHM PART 1 might
need to be updated

Is it a fixed item? Is it a Table B

(i.e. equipment or materials securely fitted Indicative Item List?
with the ship, such as by welding or with bolts, (i.e. an item specified in paragraph 2.2.4
riveted or cemented, including electrical of the IHM guidelines and EMSA
gaskets, paints, coatings etc.) Annex C.b.2)

Is it a Table A
Indicative Item List?
(i.e. an item specified in paragraph 2.2.3
of the IHM guidelines and EMSA
Annex C.a.2)

Known Port State A key concept is “validity”. Normally, regions

publish their requirements for inspection
Control (PSC) to check validity, for example, the Paris or
Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding.
enforcement These specific requirements for IHM do not
exist yet. EMSA has published inspection
mechanisms guidance9 to check validity, but it is unclear
and appears it may rely on the PSC
Both the Convention and the EU inspector using an external expert company
Regulation provide for the control of ships. to check the Inventory.
Once the Convention has entered It was generally expected there would be a
into force and the requirement for an focus from PSC on IHMs in 2020, once the
IHM applies, it is expected that Port requirements came into force for ships in
State Control verification of the IHM EU waters. This was backed up by several
will be limited to checking that a valid enquiries and proposals from PSC about
International Certificate on Inventory of what it intended to do. However, the global
Hazardous Materials is kept on board COVID pandemic quickly re-prioritised things
or, if the ship is going for recycling, that and the expected PSC focus did not arise. For EU ships, the PSC check is limited to that crew are trained in ongoing
an International Ready for Recycling checking that these documents are valid. maintenance procedures.
Regardless, when enforcement does A detailed inspection may be carried out if:
Certificate is available. For non-EU ships, the PSC check is
arrive, it is paramount that all shipowners
For the EU Regulation, the IHM ensure they have a quality IHM. • the ship does not have valid documents limited to ensuring that the IHM:
application date of 31 December 2020 • there are clear grounds for believing • is ship-specific, identifies at least the
By way of summary, each ship will need the
applies. From that date, when a ship calls that either the ship or its equipment Annex 1 hazards and includes the
following documents on board for PSC:
at a port or anchorage of a member state, does not correspond substantially with Visual Sampling Check Plan; and
it is expected that PSC verification of • An EU ship must have an Inventory the documents
Certificate supplemented by Part I of • has been properly maintained
the IHM will be limited to checking that
the IHM (or a Ready for Recycling • there is no procedure for maintenance and upgraded
an Inventory Certificate (for EU flagged
Certificate if on the final voyage) of Part I of the IHM.
ships) or Statement of Compliance (for PSC may detain both EU and non-
non-EU flagged ships) is kept on board; • A non-EU ship must have a Statement Clearly, if the crew are seen not to be EU ships if they do not submit the
if the certification is valid, this shall be of Compliance supplemented by Part I knowledgeable or proficient in such proper documents.
considered sufficient for the inspection to of the IHM (Articles 11 and 12 of the procedures, PSC may decide to take
be approved. EU Regulation) further action. It is imperative, therefore,

9 ENV_19_06-Annex-A-EMSA-Guidance-inspections-ship-recycling-_002_.pdf (euroflag.lu)
18 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Requirements for whose jurisdiction the ship recycling

facility operates
That said, many IHM expert companies
offer this service and can provide
Final Survey
Once the above end-of-life requirements
end-of-life ships • provide to the ship recycling facility
further advice.
have been met, a Final Survey prior to the
all available information relating to ship being taken out of service and before
Once a decision to recycle a ship has the ship for the development of the Ship Recycling Plan10 the recycling of the ship has started will be
been taken, there are some additional Ship Recycling Plan required by the In turn, the information provided by the required.
requirements for a shipowner to Convention and/or EU Regulation shipowner in Parts I, II and III of the IHM
consider, some of which involve working This survey shall verify that:
• complete Parts I, II and III of the – along with other documents specified
in partnership with an authorised in the relevant IMO Guidelines – should 1. Parts I, II and III of the IHM are in
IHM; and
recycling facility. be used by an authorised ship recycling accordance with the requirements of
• be certified as Ready for Recycling by facility to help develop a ship-specific Ship the Convention and/or EU Regulation
In brief, ships destined to be recycled shall:
the administration or organisation that Recycling Plan (SRP).
• only be recycled at ship recycling recognises it. 2. the SRP properly reflects the
facilities that are authorised in The SRP should be developed in information contained in the IHM
accordance with the aforementioned and contains information concerning
accordance with the Convention or, IHM Parts II and III the establishment, maintenance and
in the case of EU-flagged ships, are guidelines and should include information
published on the EU List As such, once a decision has been made concerning the establishment, monitoring of Safe-for-entry and Safe-
to recycle the ship, the shipowner will maintenance and monitoring of Safe-for- for-hot work conditions
• only be recycled at facilities fully need to complete Part II (operationally entry and Safe-for-hot work conditions, 3. the ship recycling facility(ies) where
authorised to handle the materials generated wastes) and Part III (stores) of and how the type and amount of materials the ship is to be recycled holds a valid
identified in the IHM the IHM, and incorporate this information – including those identified in the authorisation in accordance with the
• conduct operations in the period prior into the properly maintained and updated Inventory of Hazardous Materials – will Convention or, for EU-flagged ships, is
to entering the ship recycling facility in Part I. This will then need to be verified, be managed. on the EU List.
order to minimise the amount of cargo typically as part of the Final Survey.
The SRP will be tacitly or explicitly
residues, remaining fuel oil and wastes Compiling Parts II and III of the IHM is approved by the Competent Authority
remaining on board typically a much simpler process than that authorising the ship recycling facility. To
• in the case of a tanker, arrive at the required for the development of Part I. date, most of the member states who have
ship recycling facility with cargo tanks Expert support is not usually required, and ratified the Convention appear to prefer
and pump room(s) in a condition that is there is no requirement for sampling to tacit approval. Although this removes
ready for certification as Safe-for-entry take place. Rather, it is an administrative a possible delay, it does mean that a
or Safe-for-hot work, or both, according process of ensuring that items listed in potential governmental safeguard is not
to the national laws, regulations Tables C and D of the MEPC Guidelines available to the Owner to allay the risks in
and policies of the Party under are identified and recorded. the country of the ship recycling facility.

10 Microsoft Word - 24.doc (imo.org)


Figure 5 – Ship recycling process from preparation to completion (Image source: IMO RESOLUTION MEPC.210(63))

Ship Recycling State Ship Recycling Facility Ship Owner Flag State

Prepare Ship Recycling Facility Plan

Authorisation process
Issue Document of Authorisation to conduct
Ship Recycling (DASR)

Notice Notice
Start of preparation for Ship Recycling

Finalise the Inventory of Harzardouus

Materials (Part I, II & III)
Develop Ship Recyling Plan (SRP)

In case of a party has made a

Approval process
declaration not to require approval
Approved SRP Final Survey

Report on the planned International Ready for

start of Ship Recycling Recycling Certificate

The Statement of Completion

Original Copy
20 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Case Studies final voyage insurance to a vessel pursue a negligence claim against - holds a Hong Kong Convention
belonging to a Norwegian shipowner. the shipowner and concluded that the Statement of Compliance (ahead
Although Norway is not an EU member defendant was responsible for sending of the Convention entering into
How compliance state, it has implemented the WSR the ship to Bangladesh, knowing that force); or
- is authorised by national authorities
can reduce risk and into national legislation. Following the
investigation, the Norwegian shipowner
this would expose workers such as
the claimant’s husband to significant (once the Convention has entered
increase competitive was fined and sentenced to six months
imprisonment in November 2020.
dangers. The Court’s ruling means
that the shipowner’s liability does not
into force); or
- is on the European List (for
edge The shipowner appealed and the
prison sentence was upheld in March
automatically end once it sells a ship
and the shipping company owes a duty
EU-flagged ships)

The number of cases where shipowners 2022. This case demonstrates that of care to shipbreaking workers even
have been prosecuted for irresponsible the illegal scrapping of vessels can where there are third parties involved.
ship recycling or related issues with result in criminal liability which may be The above-mentioned cases show that
non-compliance with the law has risen applicable not only to the shipowning inadequate or uninformed decisions
continuously. Examples include: company, but also to shipyards, brokers, relating to ship recycling could lead
insurance companies, banks and other to significant risks, including criminal
• In March 2018, the Rotterdam District
entities enabling the transaction. liabilities, reputational damage, fines
Court fined a Dutch shipping company
and convicted two of its directors • In the case of a prominent UK-based and financial loss. These issues can be
for selling four reefer vessels which ship manager/owner, a Bangladeshi avoided when applicable legislation and
sailed from Europe to South Asia worker successfully claimed guidance documents are followed, even
for scrap, in breach of the EU Waste compensation from the company, ahead of the Hong Kong Convention
Shipment Regulation (EU WSR).11 The on the basis that it had a duty not to entering into force:
decision was subsequently overturned sell vessels to Bangladeshi recycling • Specified hazardous materials on
by the Hague Court of Appeal and facilities, via its contractors or cash board can be assessed by experts, and
sent for a retrial. Irrespective of the buyers, due to known harmful scrapping an IHM Part I compiled and certified
eventual outcome, this case highlights conditions. by Class
that shipowners need to be mindful • A UK-based shipping company faced
of how they choose to dispose of • A Final Survey can be held to verify
a similar claim for compensation that the IHM (Parts I, II and III) and
end-of-life ships. from the widow of a man who died the Ship Recycling Plan comply with
• In 2017, the Norwegian authorities in a fall while demolishing a VLCC relevant legislation, and that the ship
investigated a leading insurer for in Bangladesh. In July 2020, the UK recycling facility:
breaches of the EU WSR for providing High Court ruled that the widow can

11 Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste (legislation.gov.uk)

Ship recycling can be a complex and
challenging business that requires careful
attention to policies and procedures.
Commonly, shipowners sell their ships to
intermediaries (third parties) for recycling,
but this does not necessarily mean that
they are relieved from complying with the
applicable regulations. The consequences
of getting it wrong can be severe. Recently,
it has been suggested that shipowners may
owe a duty of care to ensure that the ship
is safely and responsibly recycled.
To mitigate the risks, it is recommended to
ensure that the recycling process complies
with the applicable regime. This can be
done by including protective clauses in
the sale contract, such as those outlined
in BIMCO’s RECYCLECON,12 which is a
standard contract that provides for these
circumstances and incorporates the
requirements of the Hong Kong Convention.
Furthermore, BIMCO has recently released
its Ship Sales Further Trading Clause,13 which
is intended to provide sellers of second-hand
vessels with protection and minimise the
risk of being held responsible for the actions
of buyers after the transfer of ownership,
especially if the buyers dispose of the
vessel in violation of any laws or regulations
regarding vessel demolition or dismantling.

12 RECYCLECON (bimco.org)
13 Ship Sales Further Trading Clause 2023 (bimco.org)
22 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Table C – Potentially hazardous items

Table Properties Goods Inventory

Part I Part II Part III
C-1 Kerosene X
C-2 White spirit X
C-3 Lubricating oil X
C-4 Hydraulic oil X
C-5 Anti-seize compounds X
C-6 Fuel additive X
C-7 Engine coolant additives X
C-8 Antifreeze fluids X
C-9 Liquid Oiliness Boiler and feed water treatment and test re-agents X
C-10 De-ionizer regenerating chemicals X
C-11 Evaporator dosing and descaling acids X
C-12 Paint stabilizers/rust stabilizers X
C-13 Solvents/thinners X
C-14 Paints X
C-15 Chemical refrigerants X
C-16 Battery electrolyte X
C-17 Alcohol, methylated spirits X

Table C continued – Potentially hazardous items

Table Properties Goods Inventory

Part I Part II Part III
C-18 Acetylene X
C-19 Propane X
C-20 Butane X
C-21 Oxygen X
C-22 CO2 X
C-23 Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) X
C-24 Methane X
Green House Gases
C-25 Hydrofluorocarbon (HFCs) X
C-27 Nitrous oxide (N2O) X
C-28 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) X
C-29 Bunkers: fuel oil X
C-30 Grease X
C-31 Waste oil (sludge) X
Bilge and/or wastewater generated by the after-treatment systems fitted
C-32 X
on machineries
C-33 Oily liquid cargo tank residues X
C-34 Ballast water X
C-35 Raw sewage X
C-36 Treated sewage X
C-37 Non-oily liquid cargo residues X
24 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

Table C continued – Potentially hazardous items

Table Properties Goods Inventory

Part I Part II Part III
C-38 Gas Explosibility/inflammability Fuel gas X
C-39 Dry cargo residues X
C-40 Medical waste/infectious waste X
C-41 Incinerator ash X
C-42 Garbage X
C-43 Fuel tank residues X
C-44 Oily solid cargo tank residues X
C-45 Oily or chemical contaminated rags X
C-46 Batteries (incl. lead acid batteries) X
C-47 Pesticides/insecticide sprays X
C-48 Extinguishers X

C-49 Chemical cleaner (incl. electrical equipment cleaner, carbon remover) X

C-50 Detergent/bleacher (could be a liquid) X

C-51 Miscellaneous medicines X
C-52 Fire-fighting clothing and personal protective equipment X
C-53 Dry tank residues X
C-54 Cargo residues X

C-55 Spare parts which contain materials listed in table A or table B X


Table D – Regular consumable goods potentially containing hazardous materials

Table Properties Goods Inventory

Part I Part II Part III
Electrical and electronic equipment Computers, refrigerators, printers, scanners, television sets, radio sets, video cameras,
D-1 video recorders, telephones, consumer batteries, fluorescent lamps, filament X
bulbs, lamps
D-2 Lighting equipment Fluorescent lamps, filament bulbs, lamps X
Non-ship-specific furniture, interior and Chairs, sofas, tables, beds, curtains, carpets, garbage bins, bed-linen, pillows, towels,
D-3 similar equipment mattresses, storage racks, decoration, bathroom installations, toys, not structurally X
relevant or integrated artwork
26 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

About us
UK P&I Club Marprof Environmental Ltd.
UK P&I Club is a leading provider of Marprof Environmental was formed in
P&I insurance and other services to the 2018. With combined marine consultancy
international shipping community. The experience amounting to over half a
UK P&I Club insures over 250 million century, the 2 founding partners specialise
tonnes of owned and chartered shipping in ship recycling legislation and providing
through its international offices and solutions – for shipbuilders, shipowners,
claims network. ‘A-’ rated by Standard recycling facilities, flag states, and the
& Poor’s, the UK P&I Club is renowned legislators themselves. Marprof’s practical
for its specialist skills and expertise experience includes leading on asbestos
that ensure ‘best in class’ underwriting, and other hazmat related projects, the
claims handling and loss prevention development of IHMs onboard, ship
services. (www.ukpandi.com) recycling facility audits and certification
projects, and active participation at the
IMO and the EU contributing to ship
recycling legislation and guidance.
28 Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – 2nd Edition

ukpandi.com UK P&I Club UK P&I Club – Japan @UKPandI

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