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Guidelines for the admission of migrant children, youth and adults

into the public education system of the state of São Paulo

to school!
Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (SEDUC)

Secretário da Educação
Rossieli Soares da Silva

Secretário Executivo
Haroldo Corrêa Rocha

Chefe de Gabinete
Renilda Peres de Lima

Coordenadoria Pedagógica - COPED

Caetano Pansani Siqueira

Departamento de Modalidades Educacionais e Atendimento

Especializado - DEMOD
Nadine de Assis Camargo

Centro de Inclusão Educacional - CINC

Laís Barbosa Moura Modesto

Centro de Inclusão Educacional – CINC

Uiara Maria Pereira de Araújo

Cienpes Desing / Shutterstock

Thanks to:
Daniele Cristina Sabadini Mesquita, Heloisa Brito de Albuquerque Costa,
Julieth Melo Aquino de Souza, Livia Miranda de Paulo, Raquel Maria Rodrigues,
Ricardo Addeo Dias, Selma Denise Gaspar, Valéria Tarantello de Georgel

Organização Internacional para as Migrações - OIM
to school!

São Paulo


In case you or someone from your family needs to starts or reengage
in studies started in another country, clarify your doubts in this
booklet and search for the nearest school!

Organization of the schools in the State of São Paulo ____________________ 7

Registration and admission _____________________________________________ 10

School's operation _____________________________________________________ 14

Culture and communication ___________________________________________ 18

Brazilian laws about education and migration ___________________________ 21

Emergency dictionary _________________________________________________24

Study notes____________________________________________________________ 27
Organization of the schools
in the state of São Paulo

I am not Brazilian, do I have the right to basic cation (visual, physical, intellectual impairments,
education (primary, secondary and high autism, intellectual giftedness, or any other high
school)? abilities) receive specialized attention for their
needs in State schools. Education is also of-
You do. The Constituição Federal da República fered by the municipal education system, which
Federativa do Brasil (1988) establishes that ev- has a priority on childhood education and the
eryone is equal before the law - Brazilian and for- initial years of primary school of basic educa-
eign residents in the country. One of the rights tion. State schools are identified by the initials
granted is education in equal conditions of ac- "EE" before the name of the school, while mu-
cessibility and permanence for everybody. That nicipal schools are usually identified by the ini-
is, the fact of being born in another country is tials “EM”, “EMEI”, “EMEF”, among others.
not an obstacle to studying in a public school.
How is basic education organized at
How is the basic education offered in the schools?
State of São Paulo?
Basic education is divided in:
São Paulo State has the largest education sys-
tem in Brazil, with over 5 thousand schools and • Educação Infantil [Pre-school]: for
3,7 million students. Basic education is offered children between 0 and 5 years old;
at the schools of the State, it is mandatory and • Ensino Fundamental [Elementary and
free of charges, for children and youth between Middle school]: lasts a period of nine
4 and 17 years old. Free education for youth years, for children from 6 years old on. It
and adults who did not complete their studies is divided in elementary school (1st to 5th
at an appropriate age is also offered at the Ed- year) and middle school (6th to 9th year);
ucação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) [Education • Ensino Médio [High school]: which
for Youth and Adults] and at the Centros Estad- lasts 3 years (1st to 3rd year).
uais de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (CEEJA)
[State Youth and Adult Education Centers]. The
students who are the audience of especial edu-

And for unschooled adults, what is the periences in sciences, and personalized tutor-
service available? ship with a teacher. Besides, there are youth
clubs where students self-organize around their
For those who did not have access to educa- particular interests, such as dancing, chess,
tion at a proper age, Educação de Jovens e debates, etc.
Adultos (EJA) or the Centros Estaduais de Ed-
ucação de Jovens e Adultos (CEEJA) offer free A complete education is offered to students of
services. For registration and admission for this regular elementary, middle and high school. You
public, it is necessary to observe the minimum may consult and identify the offer at the near-
age, indicated below: est State School of you or your preferred one.
• EJA Ensino Fundamental: where For more information, read the Resolução SE
elementary school has a duration 52 de 02.10.2014.
of 4 semesters and middle school
4 semesters, being that the When does the academic year begin and
minimum age is 15 years old. how long does it last?
• EJA Ensino Médio: has a duration
of 3 semesters, being the The academic year always starts in February
minimum age 18 years old. and lasts until mid-December, for a total of 200
• CEEJA: Ensino Fundamental or academic days. From 2020 onnwards schools
Médio, admission by course/subject will have three break periods during the year:
and with flexible schedules, being one week in April, 15 days in July and one week
the minimum age 18 years old. in October. Between the end of December and
January there is a vacation period for students
EJA is usually given at night while attendance and teachers.
at CEEJA has flexible schedules (with at least
one attendence each month) and individual
support. To consult the address of one of the
39 CEEJAs at the State of São Paulo, check the
homepage of the Secretaria da Educação.

Are there schools that work on a full time


At the State Education System, some schools

have an expanded school journey of up to nine
hours and a half. Hence, students get a differ-
ent program, which includes guidelines for the
working world, study orientation, practical ex-

and admission

Who can request for the registration and Nacional Migratório [Provisional Document
admission at school? of National Migration Registration] –
DPRNM (usually known as "protocolo").
The registration and admission procedure at • Cédula de Registro Nacional Migratório
any educational level must be done by the legal [National Migration Registration Card]
guardian of the underage student or by the stu- - CRNM (usually known as "RNE").
dent if she/he is over 18 years old. • Entry card (“permit”), issued by the
Federal Police for those who enter
When to do the registration? the country without a passport.
• Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social
The Secretaria de Educação starts the cam- [Work and Social Security Card] – CTPS.
paign for registration and admission for the fol-
lowing academic year from the 1st to 31st of b. Proof of address:
October. This period opens again on 10th De- • Water, electricity, gas or telephone bills.
cember of the current year and remains avail- • Lease or a declaration of the owner of
able during the academic year. the property that proves residence.
• Declaration of the institution where
Which documents must I present? the person is temporarily sheltered.

It is desirable that at the time of registration you Attention! In case you do not possess any
present ID documents and a proof of address. of the listed documents, do not worry: the
We list some examples below. But you can pres- presentation of documents for registration
ent other documents that are not on the list: is not mandatory.
a. ID Documents:
• Passport. How is the registration done?
• ID card from your country of origin.
• Birth certificate. Any school units, either from the municipal or
• Documento Provisório de Registro state systems, are places for registration. To do

this, you must go to the secretariat of the near- I do not have any proof of previous studies,
est school and ask for registration. After com- what should I do?
pleting the information, wait for some days and
then return to any unit to know the result of your If the student does not have documents that
solicitation; that is, the indication of where there prove his/her educational levels, the school
is a vacancy for admission. You can also consult must carry out a procedure called 'classifica-
the result on the website: tion' to identify the student's best level or schol-
br/ConsultaPublica/Consulta ar year. Age and competencies will be consid-
ered, according to Resoluções SEDUC nº 60
Registration can also be done in one of the and 63 de 2019.
72 Poupatempo posts across the State. You
must make an appointment on the website of Can the school deny my registration or
the program, the app SP Serviços or over the admission?
self-attendance posts distributed on shop-
ping centers, supermarkets, metro and train In no way the school can deny registration or
(CPTM) stations. admission. Proceedings can be done at any
time, even if the ID, address or educational level
Can I choose the school of my preference? documents are not presented.

Regardless of the registration place, that is, in a Is it possible to lose the vacancy at the
municipal or state school, the student will be ori- school?
ented to the nearest school to his/her residen-
cy or from the informed address at the moment Yes, you will lose the vacancy if after the con-
of registration, where there is an open vacancy. firmation of the admission; the student miss-
es classes up to 15 consecutive days, counted
How to do the admission? from the beginning of the academic year, without
justification. If you lose the vacancy, the whole
Admission is automatically done at the school registration process must be done all over again.
where there is a vacancy. However, the legal
guardian or the young student must go to the And for the Educação de Jovens e Adultos,
school to confirm acceptance and to present how is the admission done?
additional documents, if the student has them,
that prove the educational level and the most The proceedings are the same. But, given that
adequate level or year, for proper classification. it is a six-month course, it is recommended that
the registration and the admission are complet-
ed at least 30 days before the end of the aca-
demic year, for better performance of the stu-
dent. If this deadline is missed, the vacancy will

be made available for the next semester. The registration can be made at any public
school by the student or the caregiver.
Is it necessary to register every year? • By self-interest of the student or the
caregiver: the registration must be done
Yes, once the first registration is done it must directly at the school of interest. The
be renewed annually by the caregiver or by the student must attend school until he/
student over 18 years old. Usually this proceed- she receives the communication with
ing occurs between August and October and the vacancy at the intented school.
can be completed in two ways: in person at the
school or online on the Secretaria Escolar Dig- Can the registration of transfer be canceled?
ital or on the app Minha Escola SP, as long as
the caregiver has already registered with a login Yes. The student or caregiver must communi-
and keyword for access. If you have any doubts cate about the decision of cancellation to the
about the use of the website or of the app, look school which was indicated for the transfer.
for the school secretariat.
Can students from the Ensino Médio opt for
Is it possible to change schools? classes at night?

Yes, the student who is already admitted and For those who enter the 1a Série do Ensino
must continue studying but his/her school of or- Médio, the day shift is prioritized. To attend the
igin does not offer the kind of education need- night shift, the caregiver must request it to the
ed, can be supported at the nearest school school after proving the impossibility of atten-
of his/her residency with open vacancies and dance on the day shift.
which offers the necessary type of education.
The student can also request a transfer if:
• Change of residency address: when this
change prevents the permanence of the
student already admitted at the school.


What are the school's working hours? geography, sociology, philosophy, biology,
physics, chemistry, art, physical education
From 2020 onwards, in the schools that do not and English. From 2020 on there will be
open full-time, classes will take place during offered the components of technology
the morning shift from 7am to 12:35pm, during and innovation, life project and optional
the afternoon from 1pm to 6:35pm and during courses, which are composed by topics
the night shift from 7pm to 11pm. Each pe- chosen by the students themselves
riod indicated above has a 20-minute break • On Educação para Jovens e Adultos:
for food and rest. the same contents of the regular
education system are followed, except
Which are the courses offered by the state for the offer of physical education.
school? • On Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais
(Middle school): it is also offered
• On Ensino Fundamental Anos Iniciais religious education, mandatory for the
(Elementary school): Portuguese, school and optional for the student,
mathematics, history, geography, physics, always in alternative hours, different
biology, art and physical education. from the regular class schedule.
• On Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais
(Middle school): Portuguese, mathematics, Schools with full-time education may offer oth-
history, geography, physics, biology, art, er topics, aside from those previously informed,
physical education and English. From such as experimental practices, the culture of
2020 onwards there will be offered movement, emotional education, study guid-
the components of technology and ance, youth leadership, academic preparation,
innovation, life project and optional the working world, and scientific practices.
courses, which are composed by topics
chosen by the students themselves.
• On Ensino Médio (High school):
Portuguese, mathematics, history,

Is it mandatory to use a uniform? research books to be lent to students. Students
with visual impairments or blindness receive
Each school has its own uniform, usually com- amplified or braille materials.
posed by a white t-shirt with the school em-
blem. It is not commercialized by the school Does the school offer meals?
and its use is not mandatory and cannot be
required, according to the Art. 1º, II, Lei Estad- Schools offer free of charge meals for the stu-
ual 3.913, 1983. dents in the morning, afternoon or night class-
es. The chosen recipes privilege fresh food
Is there any attire forbidden at school? supplies including, beef, chicken and fish. If the
student has any dietary restrictions, speak to
No, students can attend school with the cloth- the school administration.
ing they consider adequate, as long as com-
mon sense is observed. It is allowed the use of Does the school offer transportation?
attire or accessories related to a culture or be-
lief, such as the veil (Hijab), for example. The Secretaria de Educação offers school
transportation for the students admitted in
Is it mandatory to buy school supplies? state schools who live in distant places, such
as rural regions or people who live in places
The acquisition of school supplies and materi- where physical barriers prevent their access to
als is a personal choice of the student and his/ school. Besides, transportation with the pres-
her family. At the beginning of each academic ence of a monitor is offered to students with
year the Secretaria de Educação provides the disabilites that attend state schools and that
school kits for every student, which include, de- are supported in accredited or hired social as-
pending on the kind of education: notebooks, sistance institutions.
pencil, pen, color pencil, eraser, ruler, sharpen-
er, glue, crayon, scissors and gouache paint. For urban transportation, it is possible to re-
quest the student pass to board buses, the
Do I have to buy school books? metro and the train systems free of charge.
Consult the school’s secretariat for more infor-
The Secretaria de Educação provides books mation on how to access these services.
free of charge from the Programa São Paulo
Faz Escola and the education books offered by How are students with disabilities or
the Ministério da Educação (MEC), which will be giftedness supported?
used during the academic year.
According to the Lei Federal nº 13.146, 2015,
Schools are also equipped with reading rooms, and the Resolução SE nº 68 de 2017, the tar-
which offer a wide variety of literary titles and get-audience of special education is that of

students with disabilities, autistic spectrum dis- students with serious and compromising
order- TEA (by its name in Portuguese) and high features and who do not benefit from the
abilities/ intellectual giftedness. The services regular schooling process at the school.
offered for this public are:
All the necessary services to support the stu-
• Teacher interlocutor: oriented for students dent with special needs will be identified and re-
with hearing impairment who use signal quested by the school's staff.
language as a means of communication.
• School transportation: students with What is the Programa Escola da Família
several types of disability have access [Family School Program]?
to specialized school transportation.
• Caregiver: This professional is offered for Family School is a social program of the Gov-
students whose disability prevents them to erno do Estado de São Paulo, offering activi-
perform with independence and autonomy ties at school during weekends within 5 guid-
activities related to feeding, dental or ing axes: learning, sports, culture, qualification
personal hygiene, mobility; among others. for work, and health. These activities stimulate
• Special furniture: all equipment is adapted communities around the school, that is, stu-
for students with physical disabilities. dents, as well as their families, can participate.
• Specialized supplies: will be printed
on increased size and in braille for Which documents will I get when I finish my
students with visual impairment. studies?
• Scholarship progression: students with
abilities of intellectual giftedness can The Certificado de Conclusão e Histórico Esco-
accelerate their studies by moving lar (Certificate of Conclusion and School Tran-
ahead up to two academic years, script), are necessary to continue your studies
according to the Resolução SEDUC nº in Higher Education. The transcript can also be
81/2012. The measure is only valid for issued if there is the need to transfer the stu-
students on the State system who were dent to another school.
admitted more than one year before.
• Agreements with specialized institutions:
this category is oriented to support

Culture and

I do not understand Portuguese, how can The enrollment must be done in person by the
I communicate with my colleagues and caregiver or the student over 18 years old at
teachers? the school unit where is located the Centro de
Estudos de Línguas. Classes start on the pe-
It is recommended that the school designates a riod of counter-shift or on Saturdays and the
teacher or a group of students to be "tutors" of a courses are organized by semester, except the
foreign student who has started school, to help English course that is annual. To attend English
him/her to integrate to the environment. If no stu- and Mandarin classes it is necessary to be at-
dent or any teacher can speak the student’s lan- tending Ensino Médio [High School]. For other
guage, the communication can be accomplished languages, it is enough to be admitted in one
with the use of apps, gestures, signals, until he/ of the 7th year groups from the Ensino Funda-
she can, step by step, learn more Portuguese. mental [Middle School], or at the Educação de
Jovens e Adultos (EJA) [Education for Youth
It is also recommended that the schools make and Adults] or even at the Centro Estadual de
identification cards available on different spac- Educação de Jovens e Adultos (CEEJA) [State
es and to attach notices in other languages on Education Center for Youth and Adults].
the boards to facilitate the student’s mobility
and integration. It is necessary to verify which language is avail-
able in one of the 200 CELs units of the State.
Where can I learn to speak Portuguese?
Beyond school, many public and private insti-
In some schools there is the Centro de Estu- tutions offer Portuguese courses for migrants,
dos de Línguas (CEL) [Language Study Center], free of charge or for a fee. You can look up the
where there is an offer of 7 options of language options at the Guia do Migrante Homepage:
courses: German, Spanish, French, English, Ital-
ian, Japanese and Mandarin. It is being consid-
ered the possibility of also offering Portuguese
as a foreign language for migrants.

Can I use religious symbols at school? these practices without prejudice to the stu-
dent's academic life.
Yes, as stated before it is allowed the use of
specific attires or religious symbols, discrim- I am suffering from discrimination,
ination being prohibited in virtue of your reli- xenophobia or bullying due to my nationality,
gion or culture. how to deal with that?

How can I respect my religion's sacred days If your school colleagues have attitudes or
or precepts? practices that cause discomfort, the student
must communicate it to his teachers to define
Specific religious practices that prevent atten- the best way to overcome that behavior in a
dance to school or similar situations must be jointly way with all the student community.
communicated to the teacher or to the school
board who will verify the best way to maintain

Leis brasileiras sobre
Brazilian laws on
education e migração
and migration

Federal – Brazil

Constituição Federal de 1988

Lei Federal 8.069 de 1990 - Children’s and Adolescents’ Statute

Lei Federal 9.394 de 1996 - National Education Guidelines and Bases

Decreto Federal 70,946 de 1972 - Refugee Statute

Lei Federal 9.474 de 1997 - Implementation of the Refugee Statute

Decreto 4.246 de 2002 - Stateless Statute

Lei Federal 13.445 de 2017 - Migration Law

Decreto 9.277 de 2018 - Identification of the asylum seeker and Provisional Document for
National Migration Registry

Parecer CNE/CEB 11 de 2000 - National Curriculum Guidelines for Youth and Adult Education

Parecer CNE/CEB 18 de 2002 - Equivalence of studies carried out abroad

State – São Paulo

Lei estadual nº 3.913 de 1983 - Forbids educational establishments from collecting fees and

Deliberação CEE 16 de 1997 - Enrollment of a foreign student

Deliberação CEE 21 de 2001 - Equivalence of studies carried out abroad

Parecer CEE 633 de 2008 - Registration and Publication of Diplomas and

Certificates of Foreigners

Parecer CEE 385 de 2013 - Visa for Foreign Schools Documentation

Resolução SE 52 de 2014 - Organization and funcioning of state schools of the Full-Time

Learning Program

Resolução SE 60 de 2019 - Reclassification of students

Resolução SE 63 de 2019 - Assistance to foreign students

Resolução SE 66 de 2019 -
Guidelines for the curricular organization of elementary and high school education


Calendar Didatic Material

Monday: segunda-feira Sharpener: Apontador

Tuesday: terça-feira Eraser: Borracha
Wednesday: quarta-feira Notebook: Caderno
Thursday: quinta-feira Pen: Caneta
Friday: sexta-feira Compass: Compasso
Saturday: sábado Liquid paper: Corretivo
Sunday: domingo Set square: Esquadro
January: janeiro Case: Estojo
February: fevereiro Binder: Fichário
march; março Sheet: Folha
April: abril Crayon: Giz de cera
May: maio Pencil: Lápis
June: junho Color pencil: Lápis de cor
July: julho Book: Livro
August: agosto Bag: Mochila
September: setembro Paper: Papel
October: outubro Ruler: Régua
November: novembro
December: dezembro People and relationships
Holiday: feriado
Day: Dia Student: Aluno(a) / estudante
Morning: Manhã Friend: Amigo(a)
Afternoon: Tarde Grandfather: Avô
Night: Noite Grandmother: Avó
Hour: Hora Director: Diretor(a)
Inspector: Inspetor

Mother: Mãe Socks: Meia
Lunchbox: Merendeira Clothes: Roupa
Boyfriend/girlfriend: Namorado(a) Skirt: Saia
Father: Pai Shoes: Sapato
Teacher: Professor(a) Tennis shoes: Tênis
Coordinator teacher: Bonnet: Touca
Professor(a) Coordenador(a) Uniform: Uniforme
Caretaker: Responsável
Uncle: Tio(a) School everyday
Deputy head teacher: Vice-diretor(a)
Eraser: Apagador
School spaces Approved: Aprovado
Class: Aula
Restroom: Banheiro Note: Bilhete
Library: Biblioteca Card: Carteira
Cafeteria: Cantina Chair: Cadeira
Corridor: Corredor Calculate: Calcular
Stairs: Escada Call: Chamada
Laboratory: Laboratório Floor: Chão
Yard: Pátio Class council: Conselho de Classe
Entrance: Portão Copy: Copiar
Sport court: Quadra de esportes Draw: Desenhar
Classroom: Sala de aula Absence: Faltas
Exit: Saída Chalk: Giz
Secretary: Secretaria Window: Janela
Teacher's room: Sala dos Professores Read: Ler
Homework: Lição de casa
Clothes Garbage: Lixo
Garbage can: Lixeira
Blouse: Blusa Square/ board: Lousa / quadro
Cap: Boné Light: Luz
Skarf: Cachecol Map: Mapa
Shirt: Camiseta Table: Mesa
Pants: Calça Note: Nota
Overcoat: Casaco Toilet paper: Papel higiênico
Jacket: Jaqueta Ask: Perguntar
Tissue: Lenço Research: Pesquisa
Glove: Luva Door: Porta

Present (to answer the call): Presente (para Corn: Milho
responder chamada) Strawberry: Morango
Test: Prova Bread: Pão
Fail: Reprovado Dish: Prato
Answer: Responder Ham: Presunto
Parent meeting: Reunião de pais Soda: Refrigerante
Soap: Sabonete Salad: Salada
Faucet: Torneira Fast food: Salgado
Fan: Ventilador Sausage: Salsicha
Sandwich: Sanduíche
Nourishment Juice: Suco
Vitamin: Vitamina
Water: Água
Bitter: Amargo School Spaces
Rice: Arroz
Sour: Azedo Restroom: Banheiro
Candy: Bala Library: Biblioteca
Banana: Banana Cafeteria: Cantina
Cookie: Bolacha Corridor: Corredor
Red meat: Carne vermelha Stairs: Escada
Pork meat: Carne de porco Yard: Pátio
Food: Comida Sports court: Quadra de esportes
Spoon: Colher Classroom: Sala de aula
Chocolate: Chocolate Exit: Saída
Sweet: Doce Secretary: Secretaria
Knife: Faca Teacher's room: Sala dos Professores
Bean: Feijão
Chicken: Frango Documents
Fruit: Fruta
Fork: Garfo School bulletin: Boletim escolar
Yogurt: Iogurte Birth certificate: Certidão de Nascimento
Snack: Lanche Address receipt: Comprovante de endereço
Noodle/pasta: Macarrão Electricity bill: Conta de luz
Apple: Maçã Water bill: Conta de água
Corn: Milho Transcript: Histórico escolar
Melon: Melão Passport: Passaporte
Watermelon: Melancia Student card: Registro do Aluno (R.A.)
Snack: Merenda















































































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Coordenadoria Pedagógica - COPED
Departamento de Modalidades Educacionais e Atendimento Especializado - DEMOD
Centro de Inclusão Educacional - CINC
Praça da República, nº 53, sala 118, CEP 0 10 45-90 3, São Paulo - SP

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