Rage - J. S. Cannon

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A Dark Romance Novella

J. S. Cannon
Copyright © 2023 J. S. Cannon

All rights reserved

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and
not intended by the author.

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.
For all the darkened hearts who love their men possessive, demanding and murderous.
He saw the darkness in her beauty.
She saw the beauty in his darkness.

Title Page
Trigger & Content Warnings
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Books By This Author
Trigger & Content Warnings
Childhood Trauma
Domestic Violence
Blood Play
Knife Play
Gun Play
Attempted Sexual Assault
Home Invasion
Dismemberment Scene
Explicit Sexual Content
Strong Language
Chapter One

I’m living in a world that likes to fuck me in the ass with no lube.
My entire life has been a cluster fuck, no matter my approach. I can’t
pinpoint the exact moment I lifted my middle finger to the sky, telling the
universe to fuck off. All I know is, I stopped giving a damn and I live my
life in survival mode.
I have mommy issues.
I have daddy issues.
I have issues with being touched.
To sum it up, I have major trust issues.
The only touch I’ve ever felt left my body covered in scars.
My mother left when she realized a little human required too much
Daddy was a mean drunk, blaming me for my mother’s departure. I still
remember the burn of his belt across my back, wishing for death when I
was only a child.
He dropped me off on my grandmother’s doorstep when I got my
period. He said I needed a woman to raise me.
That bitch was no woman.
More like the fucking devil.
I had hope when he left me with my grandmother. I couldn’t wait to
have a mother figure and finally experience a bond based on love and
That fantasy didn’t last long.
Sweet little granny beat me into submission with whatever she could
get her hands on. I can’t count all the scars on my body from her tools of
discipline, as she liked to call them. What kind of discipline was she
looking to achieve, hitting me in the back with a meat tenderizer?
Most children are terrified of the monsters under their bed. I prayed
they would snatch me from my bed and take me to their world.
As a hormonal teenager, my mouth got me into trouble more than
anything. I thought being defiant would intimidate her. Unfortunately, those
were the years I received most of my scars.
After a while, I became withdrawn, keeping my opinions and words to
It still wasn’t good enough. She always found a reason to punish me.
She demanded I be put on birth control. She said it was only a matter of
time before I became a whore like my mother.
Jokes on you bitch.
I’m twenty-two years old and still a virgin. It’s hard to fuck when you
can’t stand another person’s touch.
As time went by, my thoughts became darker, my heart and soul slowly
disappearing. I was a shell of the girl I used to be, until I had enough.
The last time she cracked her wooden cane across my back, she lost her
By my hand.
She was a horrible cunt, like her son. She deserved her fate and I feel
no remorse.
It pisses me off those memories invade my mind every night while I lay
in bed. The what ifs and could-haves drive me crazy. I often wonder where
I’d be if things were different.
I guess I’ll never know.
Another sleepless night.
My past is weighing heavy on my mind. I’m not surprised since I’m
still living in my grandmother’s house. Her home is paid for and her secret
stash of cash under her mattress has me financially set for a while. I don’t
know where she got the money or how long it’s been there, but I’m sure it
was from something shady.
After tossing and turning for an hour, I decide to go for a walk.
Throwing on some clothes, I head outside, locking the door behind me.
Roaming through the city for half an hour, I find myself in the park.
Most people wouldn’t come here this time of night, but I’m not most
people. After a life of abuse, I’ve trained how to protect myself.
Restless energy keeps my feet moving along the track and it’s not long
before I hear heavy footsteps behind me. Obvious it’s a man, adrenaline
pumps through my veins.
Time to have some fun.
His footsteps quicken and I smile when I sense him directly behind me.
He grabs my bicep in a viselike grip, digging his nails into my skin.
Spinning around to face him, I jerk out of his hold. “Any particular
reason you’re following me, motherfucker?”
His stocky build and impressive height should be intimidating, but it’s
not. He might be a bit of a challenge, but I’ll win in the end.
I always do.
It’s not like I’m out looking for trouble, but if it finds me, I’ll deal with
it. I consider it a public service to the community.
“It’s your lucky night, little girl.” He smiles, revealing sinister
intentions and fucked up teeth.
“Aw, that’s sweet big guy but you’re not my type. I’d also suggest you
ask a woman’s permission before touching her.”
He takes a step forward, seething with anger. “I don’t ask, bitch. I
Fucking rapists.
Physical abuse is bad enough, but sexual assault is my breaking point.
I’ve killed eight of these bastards over the past year. All I have to do is walk
through the city at night and they crawl out of the darkness like the fucking
cockroaches they are.
“Look, it’s apparent your mother didn’t teach you any manners, or oral
hygiene. How about this? Walk away now and I’ll let you live.” Smiling
sweetly, I bat my eyelashes just to piss him off.
He moves to grab my arm again, but I dart to the side. His other hand
flies up to grab my throat but I jump back avoiding his grip.
He kicks his leg out in front of him, effectively swiping mine out from
beneath me. My ass hits the ground and I grit my teeth to keep from crying
out in pain.
Fun time is over.
“You just signed your death warrant, fuck face.”
He laughs manically like they all do just before I take their life. Pulling
the trusted straight razor from my back pocket, I flick it open behind me.
Springing from the ground, I run past him, slashing the skin behind his
knee. He falls to the pavement holding his leg, howling in pain.
His big ass is on my level now.
“I told you, bitch. If you walk away, I’ll let you live. Not only are you
rude, you’re fucking dumb, too.”
“You cunt, I’ll kill you for this.” Tears trickle down his reddened face
as he attempts to stand.
Moving behind him, I jerk his head back by his hair, raising my blade,
slicing it across his throat. “I beat you to it, dickhead.”
Blood gushes from his neck, turning his dirty white shirt a vibrant
shade of red. He desperately tries to hold pressure against the wound but it’s
useless. Gurgling sounds fill the night air and I watch as the piece of shit
collapses on the pavement, his body jerking as the life drains from him.
This is the part where I should feel terrible and remorseful.
I don’t.
That’s not how things work in my world. If you take, be prepared to
pay with your life. Some people may think it’s extreme, but I call it balance.
Wiping my blade across his pants, I fold it closed after removing his
blood. As soon as I drop it back in my pocket, footsteps behind me catch
my attention.
Pulling the knife from my pocket once more, I spin around, locking
eyes with another man. “Do you want to die, too?”
He raises his hands in surrender, grinning like an idiot. “Hold on, killer.
I’m not your enemy.”
My heart races. I’m still wired with adrenaline. “I’ll be the judge of
Glancing at the dead man on the ground, his eyes find mine. “Are you
He almost seems concerned, and it throws me for a loop.
I’m the one standing here with a straight razor in my hand, dead man at
my feet. “Um, I think I have the upper hand.” Waving my blade at him, he
The sound resonates in my lower belly as I give him a once over. He’s
the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. He’s well over six foot. His broad
shoulders and toned chest fill out the gray t-shirt he’s wearing, and dark
jeans hug his thick thighs. The streetlight above us shines on his face,
giving me a glimpse of his blue eyes. His dark hair is slicked back, but one
strand hangs loose across his forehead.
My body slowly relaxes in the stranger’s presence, and it confuses the
hell out of me. I’m suspicious of everyone I meet, so what’s different about
him? My gut instinct tells me he’s not a threat but, in my experience,
everyone is a threat.
Whatever, I don’t have time for this shit. “Are you going to call the
cops?” Fisting my hips, I cock an eyebrow in challenge.
His lips twitch as if he’s fighting a smile. “Nope.”
I wait for him to continue but he stands there staring at me with a goofy
grin on his face.
“Um, okay?” This is awkward.
“What’s your name?” He asks, taking a step forward.
Puckering my lips, I’m mulling it over. He can’t track me by the name I
go by. He’s not calling the police and oddly enough, he doesn’t seem
bothered by the dead guy on the ground.
He tilts his head to the side, studying my face. “Rage. Is that a
nickname or your given name?”
“It’s my name and that’s all you need to know.” I snap.
Maybe he’s trying to find out my name so he can turn me in.
“Look, I happened to be walking by and saw you handling your
business. Obviously, you can take care of yourself, but I wanted to make
sure you’re okay.” His gaze is intense and it’s making me uncomfortable.
“I’m fine.”
He slowly steps forward, like he’s approaching a feral cat. “What was
his sin?”
Tilting my head to the side, I smile. “He touched me.”
“He touched you how?” His deep voice hardens, and goosebumps erupt
across my skin.
What the hell?
“He came up behind me as I was walking and grabbed me. I don’t
know who he is, but no one touches me.” I explain even though I don’t
know why I’m still standing here talking to this guy.
“He got what he deserved. Do you need a ride somewhere? I’m not
leaving you out here by yourself.”
“No thanks. I have shit to do so I’ll be on my way. A passer-by will
stumble across him and call it in.” As I turn to walk away, he speaks again.
“I’m Jase, by the way. I’ll be seeing you around, Rage.”
I don’t know why the thought of seeing him again makes me grin.
Chapter Two

Rage disappeared down the trail, and it didn’t sit right with me.
I went to the park because I couldn’t sleep. It’s not the safest place to
be this time of night, but I’m always prepared. As a retired hitman, most
people take one look at me and move along.
Walking down the trail lost in my thoughts, I heard a woman yelling.
My instincts kicked in and I ran towards her voice. As soon as I saw her, I
stopped in my tracks.
I watched in wonder as the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen slit a
man’s throat and dropped him to the ground like a sack of shit.
My cock was hard as a rock.
Before I knew what was happening, my feet carried me towards her.
As she spun around at the sound of my footsteps, my breath hitched at
how gorgeous she was up close. She looked like an avenging angel with
blood splattered across her face and perky tits. Her green eyes held pain and
suffering, while her body would bring any man to his knees.
Her perfect ass and thick thighs filled the black jeans she wore. Her
thin pink blouse showed off her perfect chest and soft belly. Long chocolate
hair flowed down her back, and I craved to fist it while fucking her from
The fact she can protect herself, kill rather than be killed, she’s the
whole damn package.
Her sassy mouth and bratty attitude only made me want her more.
I made the decision to follow her home. Knowing she can handle
herself doesn’t mean I want her to. One look at the beautiful slayer and I’m
willing to kill anyone who dares to look her way.
I’ll need to unravel the mystery of her issue with touch. I won’t be able
to keep my hands off her long.
Keeping my distance, I don’t want her to know I’m watching her back.
She would take offense to it, I’m sure.
I’ll find out where she lives and learn her schedule. I’ll insert myself
into her life and show her she can trust me. It may be unconventional or
crazy as hell, but this girl has her claws in me, and I will make her mine.
She turns left, taking the steps up to an older brick home. It’s modest
with a well-kept lawn. She surveys her surroundings before unlocking the
door and going inside.
Reaching into my pocket, I pull out a pen and notepad. It’s a habit from
my working days I’ve never broken. Scribbling the address from her
mailbox onto the pad, I place it in my pocket with a smile.
I see you, Rage. Soon, I will know everything about you, my little killer.
After returning home, I searched the property records for Rage’s house.
It’s amazing and terrifying what you can find on the internet.
Mirage Madison.
She’s twenty-two years old. The home is in her grandmother’s name.
Delilah Madison died four years ago. The report says she was walking into
the basement to do laundry, taking a nasty fall down the stairs. The home
went to Rage since her father passed away a few years before from cirrhosis
of the liver.
Seems ol’ dad was an alcoholic.
There’s no mention of her mother, other than Rage’s birth record. She
doesn’t have siblings or any other family. I can’t find any employment
records, school records or a vehicle registration. She doesn’t seem to have
social media either.
The more I find out about her, the more of a mystery she becomes.
Closing my laptop, I shed my clothes, crawling into bed. When I close
my eyes, I see her face, bloody and beautiful.
Nothing pisses me off more than waking up to a ringing phone.
Especially when it’s someone I have no interest in talking to.
My hand slaps the top of my nightstand, finally finding the noisy little
fucker. Staring at the screen, Malcolm Eason’s name flashes, and my blood
pressure rises.
I hate this motherfucker.
He’s the reason I retired. Actually, retiring is a nice way of putting it. I
told him I’m not killing innocent people to cover his ass and walked away
from the only life I’ve ever known.
It’s been two months. I didn’t hear from him the first few weeks. Then
he started calling once a week, never leaving a voicemail. I didn’t answer or
return his calls. Now, he’s calling every couple of days.
He wants me back for a job.
My life was fucked up and I’ve made bad choices, but being an
assassin was the one thing I’m good at.
The screen darkens and I sigh. Sitting upright in bed, my phone dings,
indicating a voicemail. Against my better judgement, I hit the button to
“Jase, I’ve called for three weeks. This is getting ridiculous. I gave you
time to calm down and think this through. You are an asset and frankly,
your time is up. Return my call.”
I’m done with that life and him. I made plenty of money, saving most
of it. I don’t need him.
Thoughts of him disappear as I glance at my desk across the room.
Seeing my laptop reminds me of the only person who matters.
Was it only last night I saw her glowing in the moonlight, her beautiful
body covered in blood?
I ache for her in ways I didn’t know possible.
One look at her and I’m obsessed.
One touch from her and I’ll be ruined.
Walking into the bathroom, I turn on the spray in the shower. Steam
fills the room as I step inside. My muscles tense as I lather my body,
begging for release.
Gripping my cock with a soapy hand, I close my eyes, slowly stroking
myself. An image of Rage, covered in blood, flashes through my mind.
Fisting my cock tighter, I jerk myself harder and faster. Picturing her on her
knees, begging me to fuck her mouth, a tingle shoots down my spine. My
other hand finds the wall as my legs weaken. Her name is ripped from my
throat as my balls tighten, a stream of cum circling the drain.
Fuck, I’ve never finished that fast.
Once I’m dressed, I reach for my phone to call Frank.
We worked a few jobs together and he’s an okay guy. He feels indebted
to me because I saved his life once. I’ve told him he doesn’t owe me shit,
but you can’t tell him anything.
“Yeah?” He greets, sounding more annoyed than usual.
“It’s Hamilton. What’s got you in a mood?” I ask.
“Fucking Eason.” He growls.
“That’s why I’m calling. He left a message today. He said he’s given
me time to calm down but now it’s time to come back. Is he fucking stupid?
I made it clear to him I was done.”
Frank sighs into the phone and I know something is going on. “He
called a meeting when we got here this morning. He knows you’re the best
and that’s why he wants you back. You know him, and he won’t stop until
he gets what he wants.”
“Fuck him. He knows my reputation and he’s seen what I’m capable of.
He should know not to fuck with me.”
“I have a bad feeling about this, man. If you don’t come back, I think
he’ll come after you.” He warns and the thought makes me grin.
“Let him come.”
“You’re a hardheaded son-of-a-bitch. When the time comes, you know
I’ve got your back.”
“I know, Frank. Thanks.” Ending the call, I drop my phone onto the
coffee table.
Malcolm is a crybaby bitch. If he doesn’t get his way, he loses his shit.
I guess if he can’t make me work for him again, he’s going to kill me.
Bring it, motherfucker.
I’m bored since retiring. I’m due for some fun.
Mentally preparing for what’s likely to come, I lose track of time.
It’s dark out and nighttime is my favorite time of the day now.
I’m going to see my girl.
She doesn’t know it yet, but Rage is mine.
Chapter Three

I’m being watched and I know it’s him.

He’s hijacked my thoughts, and it pisses me off. I don’t want to think
about him or imagine what his touch feels like. I blame my hormones
because the last thing I want is human interaction.
It’s been a week since we met in the park with a dead body lying at our
Jase kept to the shadows the first few nights he stood outside my house.
I knew he was there, call it women’s intuition. Since I’m lacking the normal
fear response most people have, I strolled over to the window, flipping him
off with both hands.
Since then, he casually leans against the big oak tree, watching me
throughout the house. I could close the curtains, but I don’t. After a week, I
still don’t have an answer for that one.
My irritation is at an all-time high tonight. I don’t understand why I
haven’t killed him.
He’s driving me crazy.
Striding towards the front door with purpose, I jerk it open, stomping
onto the front porch. “Hey, asshole stalker!”
His lopsided grin as he pushes off the tree makes my stomach flip.
“Hey there, killer.”
Rolling my eyes dramatically, I pin him with an eat shit and die look.
“Why are you lurking outside my house every night? Are you planning to
kill me or just hanging out?”
He stops when he reaches the bottom step, propping his arm on the
banister. “Just hanging out.”
I’m about to have a full-on adult fucking tantrum.
He’s infuriating.
“Listen fucker. I don’t want you here. I don’t know you and I don’t
want to. Leave and don’t come back.”
He moves closer, climbing two steps. His large hand grips the banister,
my eyes following the bulging veins and black ink trailing up his arm.
Fuck, he’s sexy.
This is the closest I’ve been to him, and my body weakens as his spicy
cologne floods my senses.
Traitorous bitch.
He smiles smugly, leaning closer. “I want to know you, Mirage
All the oxygen leaves me as my full name rolls off his tongue. “What-
How?” I’m confused how he knows my name.
I’ve always hated it. I mean, who names their kid Mirage? It’s fucking
stupid. That’s why I shortened it to Rage. It seems fitting.
“I know a few things about you, beautiful killer. I want to know more.”
He grins and I’m stunned into silence.
Did he just call me a beautiful killer?
Is he as fucked in the head as I am?
My body tenses as the thought of him liking me enters my mind.
He senses my discomfort, retreating down the steps, putting distance
between us. “I can’t stay away from you. My every waking thought is of
you. We don’t know each other, but we will.”
His eyes darken and I see the truth behind them. But I can’t give in to
some guy who camps out in front of my house. I don’t know him and it’s
not a good idea to try. My life is meant to be spent alone.
It’s safer that way.
“Jase, I’m not in the market for friends or anything else. I’m alone
because I choose to be. I don’t want people in my life. Something tells me
you may not be a bad guy. You’re stalking me, so you have a few screws
loose, but you don’t seem like a threat. I just want to be left alone.”
Blowing out a breath, I don’t wait for his response as I turn to go inside.
“You’re not alone anymore, killer.” He rumbles behind me, and the
sound makes my pussy tingle.
Closing the door, I lean against it considering his words. He must be
crazy. He’s going after a girl he witnessed slitting a man’s throat for
grabbing her arm.
I’m a walking, talking red flag.
So is he.
Pushing off the door, I turn off the lights one by one and head for my
bedroom. Creeping to the window, I peek outside. My stomach sinks when I
don’t see him.
You told him to leave and now you’re disappointed he listened?
Crawling into bed, I close my eyes as images of his full lips and sinful
smile plague my mind.
My days are lazy and uneventful.
I spend most of my time in the house wondering what I’m going to do
with my life. I have no schooling and I’ve never held a job. If it wasn’t for
my grandmother’s stash of cash, I’d be fucked. I need to figure something
out because the money will only pay the bills and buy food for so long.
Once I’ve unpacked the grocery bags, I make an easy dinner. I taught
myself to cook by watching videos online. It’s been trial and error, but I’ve
only had to throw away a few inedible meals.
Realizing I left my cup in the bedroom earlier, I head in there to grab it
from the nightstand. As I turn to leave the room, my eyes dart towards the
You’ve got to be kidding me…
Any other time, I’d rush outside to stab him, but I find myself smiling
at the idiot.
Heading into the living room, I take a deep breath before opening the
front door. Stepping onto the porch, I stare at Jase sitting in a pink lawn
chair in the center of my yard. His head is tilted back towards the sky, his
legs stretched out in front of him.
It’s odd, yet serene, watching him relax, completely at peace.
Going against everything my mind tells me, I do something completely
out of character. “Hey, creeper. Are you hungry?”
His head lifts, a genuine smile spreading across his lips. My breath
catches and my hands start to sweat. I’ve never been attracted to anyone.
What is it about him?
“I’m starved.” His deep voice sends a shiver down my spine.
There must be a chill in the air.
“Get your ass in here, and you better be on your best behavior.
Anything can be used as a weapon in this house.”
“Yes ma’am.” His smile grows wider as he stands, climbing the steps
He follows me into the house, looking around as we head towards the
kitchen. I motion for him to take a seat at the table as I make our plates.
After grabbing two beers from the refrigerator, I sit down, glancing at the
mysterious man across from me.
“It’s nothing fancy, but I love macaroni and cheese. If you don’t like it,
there’s sandwich shit in the fridge.” I say, tilting my head towards the
“Sounds good to me. I don’t like the fancy shit.” He picks up his fork,
diving in.
Taking a moment to really look at him, I can’t help but smile inwardly.
There’s something about him. He’s crazy as hell, but so am I.
“Tell me something about yourself that doesn’t involve stalking.”
Bringing the beer bottle to his lips, my eyes trail down his throat as he
swallows. Catching me in the act, he winks, and my thighs squeeze
What the hell is wrong with me?
“I’m thirty-two years old. I live about fifteen minutes from here. No
family. Just me.”
“What do you do for work?” I ask, taking another bite.
His eyes bore into mine and I stop chewing momentarily. “I’m retired.”
At thirty-two? “Retired from what?”
He watches me for a moment before responding. “I was a hitman.”
My fork drops to my plate, and I’m speechless. Any normal person
would be scared shitless right now, but I’m intrigued. The fact he was a
hired killer blows me away. That explains why he wasn’t bothered by the
dead guy at the park.
Honestly, I can’t believe he’s telling me this.
He eyes me cautiously, gauging my reaction.
Curiosity gets the better of me and I ask the first thing that comes to
mind. “Why did you retire? What do you do for money?”
He takes another swig of beer, leaning back in his chair. “New
management took over. It was do what they say or get out of the game. So, I
got out. I have more than enough money to support myself for the rest of
my life.”
“What did they want you to do?” I have so many questions. I don’t
think I’ve ever been this invested in a conversation with another person.
He exhales heavily. “I killed bad people, Rage. I don’t take innocent
lives. Life isn’t black and white, and they refused to see the gray.”
“What does that mean?” I ask curiously.
Leaning forward, he props his elbows on the table, our gazes locked. “I
wouldn’t kill women and children.”
A gasp leaves me with his response. The gray area means loose ends.
He wouldn’t kill the wives and children just to keep them quiet. “That’s
admirable, Jase.”
He nods and we eat the rest of our meal in silence. Once we finish, I
ask the one question I’m not sure I want the answer to. “Why did you tell
me that?”
Wiping his mouth, he tosses the napkin on the table. “We don’t know
each other. This will sound crazy, but I sense you’re trustworthy. I don’t
know what happened to you, but you don’t have to worry about me. I’m not
going to betray you and I won’t hurt you.”
My lips part, never hearing those words from another human being. My
stomach flutters and I don’t like it.
Clearing my throat, I move the conversation away from this emotional
shit. “Who was the first person you killed?”
His face hardens and I think he’s not going to answer me. After a
moment, he speaks. “My father.”
“Why did you kill him?” I blurt out, unable to control myself.
“He beat my mother for years. The time finally came when I was strong
enough, I could put a stop to it. Or so I thought.” His eyes grow distant as
he focuses on the wall behind me. “One night, I came home, and he was
drunk, kicking her in the face. I grabbed the fire poker and rammed it
through his neck. I went to my mother while he bled out on the floor, but
she was already dead. All those years trying to protect her, I was no match
for him. I was too late.” Picking at the label on the beer bottle, he’s
momentarily lost in the memory.
“I’m sorry you lost her but I’m glad you killed him.” I say, my
hardened heart softening a fraction. We share abuse in our pasts and we’re
both motherless.
Two lost souls navigating through this cruel world.
His lips lift in a grin. “Me too. Who was the first person you killed?”
Shrugging my shoulders, I take a sip of beer before answering him.
“My grandmother.”
“Why?” He leans forward, patiently waiting for me to explain.
“She was a horrible old bitch. My dad dropped me off with her when I
was becoming a woman.” Rolling my eyes, I use air quotes to show what a
fucking idiot my sperm donor was. “My dad beat the shit out of me as a
child and my grandmother beat the fuck out of me as I got older. One day,
she wouldn’t shut up about how I was going to be a whore like my mother
and get knocked up. I would leave my kid just like my mother left me. Then
someone else would have to raise the little bastard like she did.”
He grips the beer bottle in front of him until his knuckles turn white.
“What did you do?”
“It was my eighteenth birthday. I told her I’d had enough of her shit,
and I was leaving. It turned into a screaming match. We were standing in
front of the basement door when she hit me with her wooden cane across
the back. I fell to the ground, and she laughed like she always did.
Something snapped inside of me. I don’t know why that day was different
from the others, but I was done. I jumped up, opened the basement door,
grabbed her by the hair and pushed her down the steps.”
“What happened after that?” There’s no judgement in his eyes as I
recount what happened.
“I checked to make sure she was dead. I threw the laundry basket down
the stairs with some dirty clothes. After I called 911, they came and got her,
asked me some questions and it was over. It was ruled an accident.”
“You’re a quick thinker. Why did you stay after she was gone?”
“I was going to leave, but I didn’t have anywhere else to go. She never
let me have a job. She told people I was homeschooled, but she never
taught me anything. My education came from my own studying and
determination to learn. I didn’t want to be a dumbass like the rest of my
family. I was surprised when the lawyer told me the house was mine. I
figured she would leave her shit to a stranger before giving me anything.”
He nods with understanding. “Were you able to find a job?”
Shaking my head, I continue. “One day, I was packing up her things
and when I removed her sheets from the bed, a wad of money fell onto the
floor. I picked up the mattress and almost had a heart attack. The entire box
spring had been hollowed out and it was filled with cash. She had over two-
hundred thousand dollars in small bills.”
His eyes widen. “What the fuck?”
I giggle at his expression and the feeling is foreign. “Those were
literally my exact words. I don’t know where the money came from, but I’m
sure she was into some shady shit. I’ve thought about all the possibilities
and figured she was dealing drugs or running some kind of scam. The thing
I could never figure out is what her old ass was saving it all for. I know she
wasn’t leaving it to me and there’s no other family.”
“That’s a mind fuck. So, if you don’t work, what do you do with your
“You mean you don’t know?” The sarcasm in my voice contradicts the
smirk on my face.
He grins, shaking his head slowly.
“I’d say you need to improve your stalker skills. I usually hang out
here, reading books or watching tv. It’s hard to have a social life when you
hate people and don’t trust them.”
“I guess it’s a good thing I’m pushy then.” He shoots back.
Rolling my eyes, I flip him off. “Asshole.”
He stands abruptly, taking his plate to the sink and dropping his beer
bottle in the trash. “Thank you for dinner, killer. I’m going to take up my
spot out front now.”
“Seriously? You’re in my house and you would rather sit in the yard?”
“You need to get some sleep and I like pretending you don’t want me
here.” He grins.
“I don’t want you here. I was only feeding you to be nice.” And now I
want to choke him.
He walks to the door, gripping the handle, his expression turning
serious. “Lock the door.”
Rolling my eyes, I stomp towards him. I hope my dramatics are getting
on his damn nerves like he gets on mine.
It happens so fast I almost miss it.
My feet move backwards on instinct. He has me pinned against the
wall, but he isn’t touching me.
I’m caged in, but not really. On reflex, my fight rushes forward but I
freeze at the dark look in his eyes.
“I’ll respect your boundaries, for now. I know you don’t like being
touched. That will change soon. You’ll beg for it.”
My breath comes in short pants and all the blood in my body rushes
south to my throbbing pussy.
He’s right.
I don’t like to be touched, but he’s so fucking tempting.
He leans forward, his lips an inch from mine. “Tell me killer, are you
wet for me?”
A low whimper sounds in my throat. His words ignite a fire in my belly
and for the first time, I want someone’s hands all over me.
He closes his eyes, groaning with satisfaction at my reaction. If I lean
in just a little, I can taste him.
His eyes snap open as if he heard my thoughts. “Go to bed, Rage.
Invite me in for dinner tomorrow.” He opens the door and leaves to go sit in
his pink lawn chair.
What the fuck just happened?
Chapter Four

We’re locked in a routine.

She acts like it damn near kills her to invite me to dinner and I play the
part of a well-controlled guest.
It’s been a week since I crowded her, tempted to take her against the
wall. I reeled myself in that night, knowing it could do more harm than
She has to make the decision. She has to stop fighting what’s between
Until then, I’ll behave myself, only showing her a glimpse of what
she’s missing.
Even if it kills me.
Like clockwork, I’m sitting in her yard at dark.
She thinks I’m crazy. Maybe I am, but I like pushing her buttons. I
know the chair is ridiculous, but it got her attention, making her smile. And
propping against a tree all night was uncomfortable.
I’m glad she doesn’t have many neighbors. The closest one is still far
enough away; it gives her the illusion of being secluded. I like how peaceful
it is here.
My girl is terrified of letting someone in. She’s been abused and treated
like shit her entire life. She’s a fighter, but I don’t mind. She can fight me
all she wants.
I’m not going anywhere.
The front door opens, and she rolls her eyes, stepping onto the porch.
There’s a hint of a smile on her lips and I suppress the urge to bound up the
steps like a dog and tackle her to the ground, devouring every inch of her
delicious body.
“Chicken fingers. Take it or leave it.” She cocks her hip, looking
fucking adorable.
“I’m taking it, killer.” Rising from the chair, I stride up the steps,
following her inside.
There are two plates on the table, loaded with chicken fingers, a bag of
chips and a bottle of ranch in between them. I smile to myself.
She’s complicated yet simple.
Sitting at the table, she digs in, and I watch every bite she takes. The
way her jaw works itself as she chews is enough to make my cock hard.
We eat in silence until she catches me watching her. “Why are you so
quiet? It’s weird.”
Wiping my mouth with a napkin, I toss it on the table, relaxing in the
chair. “I’m just admiring the view.”
She rolls her eyes, looking down at her food. “Look. I don’t know why
I keep inviting you inside my house. I prefer to be alone. This doesn’t make
any sense. We hardly know each other. I either let you in or you sit outside.
I don’t know why I even give a damn. I should just slit your throat and get it
over with.”
Chuckling at her inner turmoil, I respond in a way I know will ruffle
her feathers. “You invite me in because you like what you see.”
She scoffs, her eyes flaring with heat. “Ugh. I don’t think so creeper.”
“I do. I see the way your eyes rake over me when you think I’m not
looking. You’re dying to see where this ink leads to.” I grin as a pink flush
spreads across her face and chest.
She jumps up, her chair sliding across the floor, banging into the wall.
“You’re off your fucking rocker!”
Seeing her riled up like this does things to me. I want to pin her against
the wall and fuck the attitude out of her.
“Why are you so bent out of shape? I’m just stating the truth.” A smug
smile tugs at my lips, infuriating her more.
Her jaw clenches as she grits her teeth. “Do you not understand I will
slit your throat?”
Her harsh words hold no heat as I glance at her perky tits. My eyes lock
on her hard nipples poking through the soft fabric of her shirt.
Standing slowly, I round the table, and she doesn’t back away. Pushing
my luck, I don’t stop until our chests are flush against each other.
She gasps as our bodies touch and my skin absorbs her racing
heartbeat. With each step I take, she moves back. I stay with her, making
sure we never lose contact.
Her pupils are blown wide, the green in her eyes nothing but a thin
She’s panting rapidly, but she doesn’t push me away.
My cock is hard as fuck and I’m aching to destroy her. I want to ruin
her where the only thing she needs in this world is me.
I want to consume her.
She stops abruptly and I grin.
My little killer is pinned against the wall with nowhere to go.
Chapter Five

There’s something about him.

He won’t give up and it pulls at the little bit of humanity I have left. I
want to hate him. I want to stab him repeatedly, but I can’t make myself do
I like the bastard.
I’ll pretend his existence makes my life miserable. Maybe he’ll
eventually get tired of my shit and leave. I’ve pretended my entire life. It’s
how you keep yourself safe. You act like you feel nothing and the people
around you believe it.
But for some reason, I think Jase sees right through me.
“Why do you hate me so much, killer? Is it because I make this little
pussy wetter than it’s ever been?”
My face heats and I slap him across the cheek.
His filthy words burn me from the inside out, but he doesn’t need to
know that.
Holding my breath, I silently hope he doesn’t hit me back. If he does,
I’ll have to kill him and for some reason, I don’t want to.
He smiles wickedly, running his tongue across his bottom lip. “Do it
again. I liked it.”
I thought I had problems.
“You’re a psychopath.” My response is meant to offend him, but he
seems to take pride in it.
“I never claimed to be sane, little slayer. That’s why we’re perfect for
each other.” He leans forward, and my thighs squeeze together at his
Staring at his mouth, I silently beg for his lips to devour me. I’ve never
kissed anyone before, but I want this.
There’s no doubt he notices my shallow breathing and trembling body,
but he doesn’t push. Lowering his head, he trails his nose along my neck,
and I tilt my head to the side as a whimper escapes my throat. The skin-on-
skin contact has me light-headed and wanting more.
“You smell fucking delicious. Tell me what you want, killer.” His warm
breath caresses my ear, and I shiver.
Shocking us both, I say the first thing that comes to mind. “Kiss me.”
He pulls away, searching my eyes. He seems to find what he’s looking
for as he leans forward, crashing his lips to mine. My body tenses at first,
but I melt into him, slowly wrapping my arms around his neck.
Fuck, he feels good.
He groans against my mouth, and I lose all train of thought. Gasping
for air, he pushes his tongue inside my mouth. The warmth of his tongue
hypnotizes me, and I struggle against him, trying to get closer.
I have no idea what to do, so I follow my instincts. Massaging his
tongue with mine, he deepens the kiss, exploring every inch of my mouth.
My hands move into his hair, tugging hard, refusing to let him go.
He growls, and lust slams into me like a tidal wave, soaking my
panties. His hands travel lower, gripping my ass roughly. He lifts me
effortlessly, my legs circling his waist to keep him close.
He sucks my bottom lip, forcing needy sounds from my throat. He
trails his lips along my jawline, licking and sucking a path down my neck.
“Jase.” It’s the only word I remember in this moment.
Hell, I don’t know my own fucking name right now.
His mouth should come with a warning label.
He groans into my neck and changes his path until our lips meet again.
We’re a mess.
Desperate to stay in this chaos for as long as possible.
He slows the kiss, and I’m vibrating with energy I’ve never
experienced. “You taste better than I imagined. You’ll never get rid of me
His words tug at something inside me, but I push it down. I won’t let
him, or his touch make me vulnerable. Letting go of his hair, I nudge his
chest, pushing him away.
He releases me slowly, my feet finding the floor again.
“I’ll go now and give you time to think.” He turns to leave, and I want
to say something, but think better of it.
Once he closes the door behind him, I exhale a shaky breath.
What the hell am I doing?
Here I am, twenty-four hours after he mind-fucked me with his kiss.
Then, he didn’t show tonight.
I’m disappointed and fucking furious.
Mad at myself for letting him get under my skin.
Disappointed he’s not here.
I’m a fucking wreck.
Lying in bed, tossing and turning, I can’t shake the thought I hurt his
Why the hell do I care?
Because you care about him.
Taking a chance, I grab my phone and search his name in my web
browser. I laugh to myself when I find his address. He was a hitman; you’d
think he would be a little more discreet.
Jumping out of bed, I throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. His place is
about fifteen minutes away. Glancing at the clock, it’s two in the morning.
Cursing myself for what I’m about to do, I grab my keys and phone
before exiting the house.
The walk to his place is quiet.
Surprisingly, I haven’t run into any creeps. Grinning to myself I realize,
tonight I’m the creeper.
My phone vibrates in my hand, the GPS signaling I’ve arrived.
He lives in an apartment. This is the nicer part of town, but my eyes
dart to the alley between his building and the next. It’s second nature to
check my surroundings.
He lives on the bottom floor and as I find the numbers on his door, I
notice a small lamp turned on in the bedroom.
I catch a glimpse of him passing the window as he pulls the blanket
back on his bed. My body heats with the thought of him sliding between his
sheets, naked.
“Hey pretty lady.” A voice calls from behind me.
Closing my eyes, I kick myself for thinking I could avoid our cities
finest for one night. “Back off, asshole.”
“Don’t be like that, baby.” He comes closer and I’m hit with the smell
of alcohol.
“I’m not your fucking baby. This is your last warning. Back. The. Fuck.
Off.” I snap, not in the mood to deal with a horny drunk.
He grabs my arm, his grip beyond painful. I spin around to kick him in
the nuts, but he swings his leg, kicking my own out from underneath me. I
hit the ground hard, crying out, wincing as pain shoots down my back.
The last guy you killed used the same move, dumbass.
“You fucking cunt! I could’ve made this good for you.” He fists my
hair before I find my footing, dragging me into the alley.
I’m kicking, screaming and clawing at him, desperate to rip myself
from his hold. I’m twisted awkwardly as he drags me along the pavement,
and I can’t reach my back pocket to get my knife.
It can’t end like this.
I’ll fucking fight until he kills me before I let him rape me.
I promised myself after years of abuse, I’d never let someone have
control over me again. But here I am, being dragged across the ground by
some fucktard who wants to violate me. My stomach churns with every step
he takes towards the dark alley.
Do something!
Falling limp in his hold, he staggers, my dead weight slowing him
down. Reaching behind me, my hand clasps around the straight razor in my
Suddenly, the vice-like grip on my hair jerks my head to the side before
loosening completely. A howl pierces the night air as I reach for my scalp,
only to discover a hand still tangled in my hair. Ripping it away, I throw the
severed limb to the ground.
A scuffle snaps me from my disgust. I glance at the bloody hand once
more before taking in the scene before me.
Jase has my one-handed attacker pinned against the dumpster, choking
him to death. His eyes are murderous as he concentrates on squeezing the
last bit of oxygen from the asshole’s lungs. He’s silent as the man gasps
desperately for air. Blood squirts from his wrist where his hand was only
moments ago. His face is covered in blood, swelling at a freakish rate.
My eyes dart around us, making sure no one is watching. It’s two-thirty
in the morning and everyone’s lights are off.
My gaze lands on Jase.
He’s a gorgeous fucking sight.
His body is drawn tight, muscles flexing underneath the fabric of his t-
shirt. He doesn’t make a sound, but his expression says it all. He’s pissed
the fuck off and I’m here for it. He’s completely lost in his rage, and I feel a
sense of peace as it unfolds in front of me.
Glancing down, a cleaver lays on the ground, a few feet from him.
That’ll take a hand off.
The man sputters a few more seconds before taking his last breath. Jase
throws him into the dumpster like he weighs nothing, followed by the
He stalks towards me, bending down to pick up the bloody appendage.
He tosses it in with the body. Closing the lid, he takes out his phone,
sending a text. It dings a few seconds later and he drops it back in his
“This will be cleaned up in an hour.” His chest rises and falls raggedly,
reminding me of thunder during a storm.
I stand frozen, but not with fear.
If ever a man looked like Lucifer himself, it’s Jase in this moment. His
beauty rivals a thousand fallen angels, coated in blood after killing someone
for me.
I’ve never had anyone give a shit about me, much less take a life to
protect me.
Except him.
I must’ve been silent too long because two strides and he’s in front of
me. His lethal gaze locks with mine, and emotions I’ve never felt take over.
He reaches for me, and I throw myself into his arms. He rocks
backwards as I crash my lips to his, taking what I need. The metallic taste
of blood mixes with his minty flavor and I can’t get enough.
He groans into my mouth, his hands gripping my ass as he lifts me.
Wrapping my legs around his waist, he pins me to the side of the building,
ravaging me until I’m trembling in his hold.
“Are you okay? Tell me.” He demands against my lips before
frantically kissing a trail down my throat.
It takes a moment for my brain to register he asked me a question. “I’m
“We’re going to discuss you standing outside my apartment at three
o’clock in the morning.” He sounds pissed but he doesn’t stop sliding his
warm tongue across my skin.
“You weren’t outside my house.” I throw back, my breathless words
holding no heat behind them.
He groans against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. “Did you
miss me, killer?”
I couldn’t answer him if I wanted to. I’m lost in his touch. His strong
hands squeeze my ass as his mouth sucks and nips at my throat. His hard
cock presses between my thighs, and I feel his massive size through our
clothes. I have no experience when it comes to sex, but I have a feeling he’s
“We have to go inside before he shows to clean up the mess.” He
doesn’t let me go, pushing off the wall, walking towards his front door.
“Who?” I ask automatically.
“I have a guy who used to clean things up for me after I finished a job.
You could say he owes me a few favors.” He holds me firmly against him
with one hand, opening the door with the other.
Once inside, I glance around his apartment.
What I can see of it.
He hurries to the bathroom, immediately turning on the shower. Steam
surrounds us as he loosens his grip and I slide down his hard body.
“You okay with this?” He asks, eyeing me cautiously.
Not trusting myself to speak, I simply nod.
He just killed someone for me. Showering together doesn’t seem like
that big of a deal.
He undresses himself, dropping his bloody clothes into a pile on the
floor. A sigh escapes me as I greedily take in every defined ridge of his
muscular body. Beautiful ink covers his upper half and the urge to trace
every line with my tongue is overwhelming. My gaze drifts lower and my
breath hitches when I see his cock.
“Do you like what you see, killer?”
My eyes dart to his and I’m met with a cocky grin. “What the hell do
you feed that thing?”
He chuckles deeply, gripping the bottom of my shirt, lifting it over my
head. It lands on the pile with his clothes, and I notice all the blood on it.
Well, that’s ruined.
He sucks in a breath as I unclasp my bra. Feeling brave, I unsnap my
pants, but he stops me. Watching me closely, he lowers himself onto his
knees, removing my boots, followed by my jeans.
This is crazy.
The girl who doesn’t like to be touched is standing in a dangerous
man’s bathroom, letting him undress her.
Fuck it.
Stepping out of my jeans, his hands travel up my legs, leaving a trail of
goosebumps behind. My breath ceases as he gently tugs the sides of my
panties, pulling them down my thighs.
Once they join the rest of our clothes in the pile, he stands, taking a
step back.
His eyes roam my body appreciatively, his thumb sliding across his
bottom lip. My legs turn to jelly as I watch him eye fuck me. I steal a glance
at his cock and the angry monster looks to be at full attention.
“You. Are. Fucking. Perfect.” He growls, gripping my hand, leading me
into the shower.
My belly flutters at his praise as I follow him.
The warm spray hits my back and I groan. It feels amazing beating
against my aching muscles. Tilting my head backwards, I wince as the
water runs down my scalp. It stings, but I deal with it, wanting the blood
and hand fragments out of my hair.
“Where does it hurt, baby?” Opening my eyes, I find him watching me
intently, his eyes darkening with lust and anger.
“I fell on my back when he kicked my legs out from under me and my
scalp is sore from where he dragged me by the hair.” I pause for a moment,
trying to reel in my emotions. Saying what happened out loud makes it real
and a lump forms in my throat. “Thank you. If you hadn’t come outside,
things could’ve been a lot worse.”
“I’ll always protect you. You’re strong, Rage. Sometimes people get
the upper hand on us when we least expect it.” He grabs the shampoo,
gently massaging it into my hair.
This is strange.
The same hands that killed a man twenty minutes ago are handling me
like I’m made of glass.
“How did you know I was out there?” I ask, enjoying his tenderness.
“Something felt off. Before I could make it to the window, I heard you
scream.” His grip tightens for a moment before resuming his gentle strokes
through my hair.
“Thank you.” I whisper, the spray of the water nearly drowning out my
He places a kiss on my shoulder, letting me know he heard me. After
rinsing my hair, he squirts body wash on a cloth, scrubbing my skin
This whole experience has my thoughts scattered in a million different
directions. I never thought another person could be kind like this, especially
a man. Although his cock is hard and there’s sexual tension surrounding us,
he’s ignoring it and caring for me.
What am I supposed to do with this? I’m out of my depths here.
Water rinses the soap away as his hands roam my body. He growls and
my clit buzzes with a tingling sensation. I moan deeply as his hand dips
between my thighs.
He leans down, breathing against my ear. “Relax, baby.”
He pushes his body against mine, trapping me between him and the
cool tile wall. I tense for a moment, and he pulls back, examining my face.
“Look at me.”
Going against everything inside me, I obey him. “We don’t do anything
you don’t want to. You understand me?” His heated gaze says he wants me
as badly as I want him, but he’s sacrificing his needs for mine.
I nod, unable to speak. I’m feeling too many things right now and it has
me fucked up.
“Go ahead and dry off. Grab one of my shirts from the closet and get
into bed. I’ll finish up and be in there in a few minutes.”
Exiting the shower, I chastise myself. I’m a fucking lioness and I’m
obeying him like a fluffy ass kitten.
Because he’s the only person who’s ever cared about me. There’s been
a mutual attraction between us from the moment we met. I fought it with
everything I had while he embraced it. I tried to push him away and he held
onto me with an iron grip.
It finally dawns on me.
He didn’t come to my house tonight because he wanted me to realize
what I feel for him. He gave me the time and space to miss him.
Fuck, this is too much.
After drying off, I slip on one of his t-shirts, climbing into bed. He
comes into the bedroom, sliding on a pair of boxers.
He settles into bed beside me, pulling me into his chest. He throws one
leg over mine, locking me against him.
I smile into the darkness as he buries his face in my neck. “You’re
ridiculous. I’m not going anywhere.”
He sighs behind me. “Just in case, killer.” He inhales deeply, kissing
me on the sensitive spot below my ear. “Goodnight, baby girl.”
Just like that, I relax in his arms and drift off to sleep.
Chapter Six

My eyes pop open and I’m momentarily disoriented.

I’m in Jase’s bed. In his apartment. I was attacked last night, and he
killed the guy.
Once I’ve re-capped what happened, I take notice of my current
Laying on my side, Jase’s arms and legs are wrapped around me in a
protective hold.
Melting into him, I smile.
I fucking smile.
His huge cock is nestled perfectly in the crack of my ass. I wiggle my
hips, enjoying his hardness against my soft skin.
“You’re playing with fire, killer.” His raspy voice is a beacon to my
pussy, already dripping with my need for him.
Flipping over in his arms, our eyes lock. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever
seen but he’s fucking gorgeous in the morning light.
Hiking my leg over his thigh, I grin. “Maybe I want to get burned.”
His nostrils flare as his eyes darken. I don’t have time to think about it
before he’s on me. His firm lips crash to mine and his strong hands grip my
ass, grinding his erection against my core. I gasp and he plunges his tongue
inside my mouth. Whimpering at his assault, I match him stroke for stroke,
desperate for more.
He breaks away, trailing his lips down my throat. His large hands roam
my sensitive skin, leaving me a wanton mess.
A moment of clarity hits me, realizing where things are headed. My
mind is telling me to run like hell, but my body craves him more. “Jase,
Everything stops.
He gazes down at me with concern. “Tell me.”
“I-I’ve never done this before.” Sucking my bottom lip between my
teeth, embarrassment heats my face.
He lifts my chin with his finger, forcing me to look at him. There’s no
judgement. His eyes soften like he already knew.
“I need you, but I’ll wait until you’re ready. I’ll never force you to do
anything you don’t want to.”
I’m stunned, unable to process the amount of patience and control he
has. At my silence, he moves to release me.
Digging my nails into his biceps, I shake my head. “I want this. I’ve
never wanted anyone, but I want you.”
A deep growl rumbles in his chest and he attacks my mouth viciously.
The metallic taste of blood hits my tongue and I moan as I realize I’ve
bitten his bottom lip.
He breaks our kiss, his dark eyes boring into mine. “You’re mine,
“I don’t know about all that-“ He grips my hips, slamming his lips to
mine, cutting off my response.
“You. Are. Fucking. Mine.” He growls again and I surrender.
The possessive declaration has my pussy throbbing. “Jase.”
His sinful mouth works down my throat, biting and sucking as he pins
me to the bed. My skin is on fire as I writhe beneath him, the friction
between us overwhelming.
His hands slide under my shirt, lifting it above my breasts. Something
is building inside me and when he sucks my nipple into his mouth, I think
I’m going to explode.
“Oh, fuck.” I whisper, digging my nails into his scalp.
He groans in response, giving my other nipple the same treatment.
“Have you ever had an orgasm?”
My face heats with his question. “No.”
He licks the valley between my breasts before meeting my eyes. “Have
you ever touched yourself?”
My eyes close with embarrassment. I really don’t want to talk about
He releases my nipple. “Answer me.”
“Yes, but I couldn’t…I don’t know how…” I trail off, unable to finish
the sentence.
He taps my thigh and I open my eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby.
The thought of giving you your first orgasm has me so fucking hard.”
A pathetic sound leaves my throat, and his eyes smolder before pulling
my shirt over my head. I’m lying underneath him, completely naked. I
didn’t have any panties to put on last night and I didn’t think to steal a pair
of his boxers.
His chest rumbles as he looks me over. “I’ve never seen anyone as
beautiful as you. You’re fucking perfect and all mine.”
He kisses me violently, his tongue and teeth ravaging me. He lifts
himself just enough to slide down my body, leaving a trail of warm kisses
along my skin. He stops when he reaches my pussy, staring at it like it’s his
last meal. He lowers his face, breathing me in deeply.
My cheeks heat at the intimacy, but my pussy throbs as he groans
against my sensitive flesh.
“Fuck, Rage. Your cunt is almost too beautiful to ruin.” His eyes dart to
mine and he smiles wickedly. “Almost.”
He dives in, burying his face, licking and sucking me like a mad man.
My body tightens beneath him, and I’m lost in a stormy sea of pleasure. I
never knew anything could feel like this.
He spreads my pussy open with his thumbs, sliding his tongue inside
me. He fucks my hole mercilessly as my hips buck into his face.
He’s going to kill me.
He replaces his tongue with a single finger, and I lose the ability to
breathe. “Oh, God.”
Chuckling darkly, he adds a second finger. “You’re so fucking tight.”
He pumps his fingers inside me, slow and steady as he increases his
suction on my clit. Just as I’m about to beg him for release, something
inside me breaks.
“Jase! Oh Fuck!” My pussy walls clench around his fingers as an
explosion ignites behind my eyelids. My entire body convulses, my back
arching off the bed. I don’t know where the fuck I am, but I like it here,
suspended in a fog of pleasure I never knew existed.
He pins my hips to the mattress, licking me through my first orgasm. It
seems to last forever, and tremors rack my body as I float back to reality.
Just as I become too sensitive, he kisses my clit, rising to hover above me.
“You’re gorgeous when you come. The smile you’re wearing right now
and the taste of you on my lips has my cock aching to be inside you.” He
kisses me and I taste myself. It’s so dirty and so fucking hot.
Moaning into his mouth, my fingers dive into his hair, holding him in
place. “I want your cock.”
He growls against my lips. “I’ll try to make it as painless as possible,
but it’ll hurt.”
I’ve heard that it’s painful, but I trust him to make it good for me.
His hand slips between my legs and I arch into his touch. His fingers
spread me open, and he notches his cock at my entrance. I exhale deeply,
readying myself for what’s to come. He slips inside an inch and then
another. I’m so fucking wet, but he’s still fighting to get inside me. His cock
bumps the resistance of my innocence, and he stills.
“Don’t stop.” I beg, desperate to feel more of the burn as he stretches
“This virgin cunt is precious to me. We’re doing this my way.” He
leans down, biting my bottom lip until I whimper.
His hand slips between us again, his thumb rubbing my clit slowly. I’m
still sensitive but I don’t want him to stop. His hips rock back and forth,
shallow thrusts making my eyes roll back in my head.
“Fuck. You’re choking my cock and I’m only halfway in.” He rasps,
his jaw clenched, fighting for control.
He continues rocking into me, his strokes on my clit getting faster.
Another orgasm builds as he expertly works my body. I’m dying to take his
full length, but he keeps me pinned to the mattress.
“Jase, I’m going to come again.”
“Do it, baby. Come around my cock.” He pushes my clit harder, and I
Opening my mouth to scream his name, the orgasm tears through me
like a fucking freight train. My body arches and at the peak of my ecstasy,
he punches forward, filling me completely.
I scream.
He rips through my innocence, and it takes my breath away. A tear
slips down my cheek and I squeeze my eyes closed, waiting for the pain to
pass. His lips find mine, kissing me as he holds himself back to let me
“Fuck. It’ll only last a minute. I promise.” He kisses me again, his body
trembling. It takes every ounce of his control to give me this and it makes
me feel things I’m not used to.
Relaxing my body, the pain eases. Experimentally moving my hips, a
shock of pleasure surges through me. “Oh my God.”
His jaw clenches as he speaks. “You ready for me to move?”
“Yes!” I beg.
He moves slowly, deep thrusts hitting a hidden spot I never knew was
there. He rests his weight on top of me, and all I can do is take his huge
cock. He grips my ass with both hands, lifting my lower half. The new
angle makes me gasp as he circles his hips.
This feels too damn good. “Jase, it’s too much. I can’t-“
His warm breath reaches my ear as he squeezes my ass harder. “You
can and you will. Your body is mine, killer. Now be a good girl and beg for
my cock.”
Holy fuck!
“Please, Jase. Please fuck me faster…harder.”
He lifts himself, rising to his knees without breaking our connection.
Spreading my legs wide, he slams into me, and I detonate. “Fuck!”
Clawing his thighs with my nails, my body bucks beneath him, sobbing
his name, over and over. Shaking uncontrollably, I never want this to end.
“That’s it, baby.” He chokes out, his movements becoming erratic.
I may have been a virgin, but I know this sexy fucking beast is losing
control. “Come inside me!”
Our eyes meet for a moment before his head falls back and he roars his
release. The heat of his cum coats my insides and it ties me to him further.
He slows down, our combined juices leaking out of me, sliding down
my ass and thighs. As I lie here, covered in sweat and cum, I feel the walls
around my heart slowly crumbling.
Chapter Seven

I’ve fucking died and been reborn.

She gave me her body.
Only me.
I figured she was a virgin, the way she reacted to our kiss the other
night. She’s never let anyone close to her. I didn’t go to her house last night
because she needed to work things out in her head. She wants me, but she’s
scared. I knew if I didn’t leave when I did, I’d take her and then I would
lose her. I needed her to come to me, and my sexy little killer did exactly as
I wanted.
Killing someone wasn’t part of the plan but fuck it. He got what he
deserved when he touched what’s mine. I will always protect her and kill
anyone who dares to hurt her.
She was tense and confused when I brought her inside. I didn’t want
her first time to be tainted by what happened. Little did I know, killing for
her turned her on.
If she only knew the things I would do for her.
With a body like a fucking drug, I’m addicted. I’ve never come so hard
in my life.
She’s sealed her fate.
She’s mine.
Hovering above her, she looks sated and dare I say happy. I’d burn this
fucking world to keep a smile on her face. “How do you feel, killer?”
“Your cock is magic. I’ve never felt so relaxed. It’s weird.” Her brows
knit together as if she’s confused by what she’s feeling, and I chuckle.
Leaning down to kiss her, she welcomes my tongue, whimpering low in
her throat. I’m already hard again, my cock still snug inside her.
She grinds her pussy against me, and I groan. “You’re going to be sore,
Moaning against my lips, she gasps as I push deeper, hitting her g-spot.
“Exactly. I’m going to be sore anyway, so give it to me.”
I want to plow into her tight, warm pussy but I want to watch her ride
me more. She squeals in surprise as I roll over, taking her with me. She
looks like a queen sitting on my cock.
“Jase, I don’t know what to do.”
“Do whatever feels good.” I groan as she wiggles her hips to get
“What if it’s not good for you?” She bites her bottom lip and I grin.
“Trust me, everything you do feels good. I could come just from seeing
you like this.” Gripping her hips, I thrust inside her slowly.
“Oh shit!” She gasps, her hands going to my chest. She circles her hips,
squeezing her eyes shut.
“Open your eyes. Look at me while you ride my cock.” Her eyes snap
to mine and she smiles.
She lifts herself, hopping off the bed. My cock protests, but I keep
quiet, waiting to see what she’ll do. Walking into the bathroom, she comes
back after a few moments, a wicked gleam in her eyes and something in her
hand. I watch intently as her full hips sway, her naked body calling to my
dark side.
She jumps onto the bed, straddling me once more. Sinking down on my
cock, my chest vibrates with satisfaction.
“What do you have, killer?” Just as the last word leaves my mouth, her
hand flicks the straight razor open.
She falls forward, placing the cold blade against my throat. “You’re
fucking bossy and I haven’t decided if I like it or not.” She pushes it against
my skin, and I feel a drop of warm blood trickle down my neck. Her gaze
latches onto it, following the trail with lust in her eyes.
It shouldn’t be possible, but my cock grows harder.
Thrusting deep inside her, she moans, losing her grip on the knife. I
snatch it from her hand, flipping her onto her back. She yelps in surprise as
I mimic what she did, sliding the blade against her throat. “Don’t threaten
me with a good time, little girl. I’ll wear your mark and you’ll wear mine.”
Her deep breaths cause the knife to barely nick her flawless skin. As I
slide my cock in and out of her, I notice she’s getting wetter by the second.
Licking the side of her face, I pause at her ear. “You love this, don’t you?
You want me to cut you, my little pain slut?”
She rocks her hips against me as I lick the bead of blood from her
throat. Groaning against her skin, the taste of her blood unlocks a hidden
primal desire inside me.
She grips my hair, tracing my lips with her tongue, making my cock
twitch. “More.”
“More what?” I’m unravelling and things are about to get messy.
“Everything. I want it all.”
Sliding the blade down to the swell of her breast, I make a shallow cut
across her smooth skin. Her body arches into me as I lick the droplets of
blood. “My good little virgin likes pain.”
“I’m not a virgin anymore.“ She moans, grinding her pussy on my
She gasps as I slam inside her, bottoming out. “No, you’re not a virgin
anymore. I made sure of that. Your body is mine and your blood is mine.
You belong to me.”
“Please! Fuck me harder!” She sobs, already addicted to the pleasure I
give her.
“As you wish, baby girl.” She whimpers as I pull out, flipping her onto
her stomach, pulling her ass in the air. Slapping one plump cheek, I plunge
inside her.
She screams at the intrusion, pushing back against me. “Fuck, yes!
Don’t stop or I’ll stab you.”
If I wasn’t balls deep and lost in the most intense pleasure of my life, I
might’ve laughed. But I pound into her harder, her moans and whimpers
urging me on. Fisting her hair, I jerk her head back, needing to see every
second of ecstasy play across her face.
Her pussy throbs, and she clamps down around my cock so tightly, I
have no choice but to come with her. We both lose ourselves in our orgasms
until I fall to the side, pulling her onto my chest.
“Jase.” Her voice is full of emotion, and I turn my head expecting to
see regret. My heart drops until I meet her gaze. She’s smiling, her beautiful
eyes glassy with satisfaction.
My hand trails down her back, feeling scars I didn’t notice before.
Raising my head, my eyes lock on the clear evidence of her abuse.
“Were you so mesmerized by my ass and pussy you didn’t notice them
before?” Her voice has an edge, and I don’t fucking like it.
This changes nothing. I only want her more. Slipping from underneath
her body, I hover above her back. Kissing every single scar, I flatten my
tongue on her skin, licking the long one stretching across her shoulder
She moans quietly, glancing at me over her shoulder. “What are you
“Enjoying your battle scars. Yes, I was lost in your ass and pussy but
now that I’ve seen these, I’m hard again.”
She laughs, the sound going straight to my cock. “Sorry big boy, I’m
out. I need some recovery time.”
Licking a trail up her spine, she writhes beneath me. “I can always fuck
your mouth.”
She flips onto her back, and I take in her expression. Her eyes are wide,
and she looks excited. “You’ll have to teach me what you like, but I’d be
happy to suck that monster.”
A rumble of laughter bursts from my chest as I fall on the mattress
beside her.
She’s fucking perfect.
“You can suck the monster anytime you like, but first you need rest. I’ll
run you a bath when you wake up. It’ll help with the soreness.”
Shocking the shit out of me, she snuggles into my chest, wrapping her
arm around my waist. “Thank you.”
All it took was me killing someone, and damn near fucking her to
She’s finally starting to see we were made for each other.
She doesn’t know what she’s in for.
I’ll kill everyone.
I’ll keep my cock buried inside her twenty-four hours a day.
I’ll do anything to make her stay with me.
Chapter Eight

The sun is my enemy, and it proves my point, shining through the

I know Jase isn’t beside me before I open my eyes.
Stretching my body, I feel every delicious ache from losing my
virginity. Even with sore muscles and heavy limbs, it seems a heavy weight
has lifted off me.
I’m not sure when everything changed but it did.
He killed someone for me.
He didn’t push sex on me.
He let me set the pace for everything. Except forcing his way into my
Maybe it’s what I needed. Believe me, I fought to push him away, but I
couldn’t fight hard enough. It’s like my heart knew to let him in.
If this bites me in the ass, I’ll kill him.
Muffled rumblings drift to my ears as I pull myself from his bed.
Quietly making my way to the door, I hear his frustrated voice. His t-shirt is
hanging on the doorknob, and I slip it over my head.
“Fuck him. I don’t care if he wants me to come back. It’s not
happening.” He grits out.
Sneaking down the hall, I watch him pace back and forth through the
living room.
“He’s fucking watching me? I’ll be sure to walk around naked, sick
The stalker is being stalked. I laugh inwardly until a strange sense of
protectiveness hits me in the gut.
Who the fuck is watching him?
“What?” He yells and I’m instantly on alert.
“You tell him she’s not a bargaining chip. If he touches one hair on her
fucking head, I’ll rip out his fucking eyeballs and skull fuck him until he’s
begging for death.”
Damn, that was hot. Angry Jase is sexy as hell.
“I’m not playing. I’m done with him and the sooner he figures it out,
the longer he’ll keep breathing.” He ends the call, slamming his phone on
the counter.
That’s my que to calm him down and find out what’s going on.
Sauntering into the living room with a little extra sway in my hips, he
looks up, his eyes roaming down my body. Giving him a flirty smile, he
opens his arms and I walk into them. Laying my head against his bare chest
feels weird but a sense of peace washes over me.
This emotional shit is fucking with my head.
“Daddy didn’t sound very happy on the phone.” My attempt to lighten
the mood falters when his body tenses.
“What did you call me?” He doesn’t move a muscle and I mentally kick
myself for creating this awkward ass moment.
Raising my head from his chest, I meet his eyes, heat spreading across
my face. “Sorry. I was trying to ease the tension, and I guess it backfired. I
didn’t mean-”
Before I can finish my sentence, I’m picked up and thrown onto the
couch. He rips his shirt off me, his eyes almost black with lust.
My pussy comes alive at the feral sight of him. I don’t know what I did
to deserve this, but I need to figure it out so I can do it again.
He surges forward, covering my body with his own, growling against
my neck. “Say it again.”
“W-what? You mean Daddy?” My breath hitches as he bites my throat,
growling again.
Holy shit.
This is crazy and sexy as fuck at the same time.
“Say. It. Again.” The deep rumble of his voice has my bare pussy
dripping for him.
“You going to fuck me, Daddy?” I say it slowly, batting my eyelashes
A devilish grin spreads across his lips, his hand rushing between my
legs. “Fuck. You’re drenched for me.”
My head falls back, and a low moan leaves my throat. My body arches
as he shoves two fingers inside me.
“Let Daddy taste all the sweetness between these thighs.”
I don’t know what kind of kinky shit I’ve unlocked, but I like it.
Licking a hot trail down my chest and belly, he spreads my legs wider,
burying his face in my pussy. He sucks my clit into his demanding mouth,
and my eyes close while my head spins from the sensation.
His demon tongue plunges inside me, and I swear I’m going to need an
exorcism when this is over.
Noises I’ve never heard escape me, and he groans against my skin,
creating delicious vibrations on my clit. My muscles tighten as I feel the
familiar pull in my lower belly.
I’m so close.
He must sense my impending orgasm. He turns his face to the side,
biting my inner thigh. The little shock of pain only adds to the desperate
craving I have for his cock.
I guess I am a pain slut.
I accept that.
He crawls over my body, a smug grin on his face. “Do you need to
come, killer?”
I glare at him. “Does daddy’s little girl need to grab her blade to get this
show going?”
He chuckles against my neck. Notching his cock at my entrance, he
brutally slams inside me.
“Fuck!” I scream, digging my nails into his back. Warm liquid meets
my fingertips, and it only makes me wetter.
“That’s it, baby. Make me bleed for you.” He pounds into me, and all I
can do is take it.
Locking my legs around his waist, I drag my nails down his back,
spreading his blood across his skin. He growls against my ear, slowing his
pace. He fills me with long, deep strokes and my eyes close on their own.
He finds the secret place inside me, hitting it with every thrust.
My insides ignite, and I’m coiled tighter than a viper ready to strike.
“You better not stop!”
“The room could be engulfed in flames, and I’d still give this pussy what
she needs.” He grits out, so close to his own release.
His loyalty to my cunt pushes me over the edge as an earth-shattering
orgasm robs me of my senses. I scream his name, my body wrapped around
him in a death grip.
I’m surprised he’s able to keep moving.
He circles his hips, grinding against my clit, drawing out my pleasure.
His cock feels impossibly larger right before he stills, my name leaving his
lips in a raspy groan. He falls on top of me, our sweat slicked bodies
sticking together.
Running my fingers through his hair, possessive thoughts enter my
mind. “You know a woman’s body pretty well. Had much practice?”
He raises his head, locking eyes with me. “No. I’ve only been with
three other women.”
Anger surges through my veins and murder flashes through my mind.
He sees my emotions fucking with my head, trying to push me down
that dark rabbit hole. “No, Rage. You can’t kill them.”
Shooting daggers at him, I grip his hair tightly. “That’s not as bad as I
thought, but I still want to punch you in the face.”
He chuckles, leaning down to brush his lips across mine. “You’re so
responsive to my touch. It’s easy to figure out what makes you feel good.
Those other women meant nothing to me just as I meant nothing to them.
We used each other to pass the time. You’re the only one who has ever
mattered to me.”
My body relaxes as his words, a sigh leaving my lips. “You sweet
bastard. I still want to punch you.”
He rolls to the side, taking me with him. “Punch me anytime, killer.
You know I’ll like it.”
Rolling my eyes, I smile.
Jase matches my crazy in every way. It’s like we were meant to find
one another. Does that mean we were made for each other?
My mind wants to fight it, but my damaged heart is surrendering.
Chapter Nine

“Alright, Daddy. Spill it. What’s got you in a tizzy?” She asks, grinning
like a smart-ass.
Who knew I had a daddy kink?
I’ve never given it any thought, but when she said it, I lost my fucking
mind. The voice inside my head demanded I take her and breed her. Instead
of showing the fear I expected, she took everything I gave her, begging for
“It’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ve got it handled.” Scooping her
into my lap, my hands roam every part of her I can reach.
She sighs as I run my fingers through her long, dark hair, soaking up
every moment before the shit storm hits.
I know Malcolm. He gets what he wants but he’s never encountered
someone like me. I’ll be his worst fucking nightmare now that I have
something to lose.
My killer.
I’ll protect her with my life, taking anyone who threatens her with me.
“Stop distracting me and tell me what’s going on.” She pinches my
nipple, giggling as I flinch.
“Rage.” I warn.
I don’t want to talk about this while her perfectly round ass is wiggling
on my cock.
She turns to straddle my hips, watching me carefully. I’ve never seen
this look on her face before and I’m not sure what she’s about to say.
“Listen. You’ve pushed your way into my life. I didn’t have a choice in
the matter, and I tried to hate you for it. I don’t know if it’s your personality
or your magic cock, but I’m trying here. I need you to try too.” She eyes me
expectantly and I hide my grin as I take in what she’s saying.
She’s trusting me.
Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck, I haul her towards me,
kissing her deeply. Her arms sneak around me, her delicate hands sliding
into my hair. She gasps as my cock hardens and I plunge my tongue into her
She rocks her hips against me, and I fight to keep from sinking inside
I don’t want this bullshit with Malcolm touching her, but she wants to
know. And I’ll give her anything she wants.
Breaking away, I watch her closely as she opens her eyes. Her pink,
swollen lips call to be wrapped around my cock but that’ll have to wait.
“My old boss wants me to come back to work. I don’t answer or return
his calls and he’s resorted to watching me.”
“Really now.” She smirks.
“Smart-ass.” I chuckle and she giggles as I pinch her side.
“Should we kill him?” She asks, serious as hell.
She’s fucking perfect.
“I walked away from the business, thinking his word meant something.
He let me believe it was done, and he’d let me leave. Obviously, his word
means shit. Normally, I would’ve already killed him for threatening me,
consequences be damned.”
Her brows furrow in confusion. “Normally?”
Trailing my thumb across her bottom lip, she sucks it into her mouth,
biting the pad.
My eyes bore into hers and she leans back from the intensity. “I have
something to lose now, Rage.”
She jumps off my lap, pacing the floor as she curses under her breath.
“No!” She yells, leaning down to push her finger into my chest. “No.”
“I know it’s a lot to take in-“
She cuts me off. “Damn you. He threatened me, didn’t he? That’s what
you were talking about?”
Nodding my head, I know she’s pissed. She’s not used to someone
loving and protecting her. She’s only known pain and loneliness.
Not anymore.
She has me whether she likes it or not. I’ll protect her until the end. No
one will ever hurt my girl again.
I’m lost in my thoughts until she surprises the shit out of me. Coming
to stand between my legs, she falls to her knees. I’m left speechless as I
watch my fearless queen kneel before her undeserving king.
She takes my hands in her own and my heart constricts in my chest.
“You can’t keep these things from me, Jase. I need to know if a threat is
hanging over us. I know you’re a killer, but I am too. We can get rid of this
fucker and never give him a second thought.”
She leans back as I slide onto my knees in front of her. “This isn’t your
battle, baby girl. No matter what your head tells you, your heart knows I
will fight until the end to protect you.”
Tears gather in her eyes, but my little warrior won’t let them fall. I see
into her soul. I don’t need words to confirm what she feels for me.
“I hate you.” She whispers and the organ in my chest pounds against
my ribs.
She loves me.
“I love you, Rage. Keep telling me you hate me, though. It keeps things
interesting.” I grin to ease the tension surrounding us.
It works and she relaxes, kissing me softly. I groan against her mouth
as she deepens the kiss, pulling me against her body.
Squeezing her ass, I trail my fingers up her spine until they tangle in
her hair. She moans as I grip her hard, pulling her head back. “As much as
I’d love to sink inside you again, my precious cunt needs rest.” I hide a grin
as she pouts.
“Fine, Daddy.” She places her hands on my shoulders, pushing herself
up to stand.
I follow suit, gripping her by the waist. “Let’s go get a shower. After,
we’ll relax and watch a movie.”
The smile on her face is brighter than a bolt of lightning in the middle
of the night.
She squeals and takes off running towards the bathroom. Stalking after
her sends a surge of adrenaline through my veins.
I’m a hunter after all and she will always be my prey.
Chapter Ten

“I’m starving! Is there anything open at one o’clock in the morning

other than pizza joints?”
Jase chuckles, wrapping his arms around my waist. “We’ve been
watching movies all night. You’ve ate two bowls of popcorn, three candy
bars and a bowl of ice cream. Now, you want real food?”
“You mean to let me starve to death? What kind of boyfriend are you?”
I pout.
His eyes widen and I smile. A devious grin spreads across his face and
I’m so fucked. My body comes alive, and this asshole knows how to push
all my buttons.
“Boyfriend, huh? Are we teenagers now?”
Rolling my eyes, I slap his chest. “Fine. What are we?”
He moves until his nose is touching mine, his lips just out of reach.
“You’re mine. I’m yours. This isn’t high school boyfriend and girlfriend
shit. We’re two halves of the same soul. We belong to each other. It’s the
only way we’ll ever be complete.” His tongue darts out, tracing my lips
“Yours.” I whisper, lost in his feelings for me. Or am I lost in my
overwhelming feelings for him?
He must sense my turmoil. He pulls away, giving me room to breathe.
It doesn’t bring relief. The loss of his touch is cold and unnerving.
Crashing my lips to his, he grins against my mouth, fisting his hands in
my hair. “What do you want to eat, killer? There’s a burger joint in the next
town over. We’ll take my truck.”
“Now you’re speaking my language. Feed me, my other half.”
He freezes, looking at me like I’m the most precious jewel in the world.
I don’t have much of a filter. Whatever comes out of my mouth is usually
uncensored. I won’t take back the things I say to him. It’s either my
subconscious outing me or my heart.
Both bitches are determined to rip me open and leave me raw.
“Come on.” He grips my hand, not mentioning the lovey-dovey shit I
just spewed.
Another reason I love him.
Blowing out a breath, I follow behind him as we grab our things and
head for his truck.
“Oh my God! That was so good. I never knew about this place. Middle
of the night burgers should be our thing.”
He chuckles, pulling out of the parking lot. “Okay, this is our new
thing, killer.”
I’m wiping my hands on a napkin when a glare in the side mirror
catches my eye. “There’s a car coming up on your ass fast.”
He looks in the rear view, his hands gripping the wheel so tightly his
knuckles turn white in the glow of the streetlights.
There’s no traffic this time of night. It’s probably kids driving like
assholes or some drunk trying to get home before the cops get him.
Bright lights shine through the cab of the truck before the black car
whips over, coming up on Jase’s side.
“Just slow down so he can pass.” This is the exact reason I don’t have a
car. Obviously, I don’t have a license, but I know if I did, I’d be on the news
for road rage.
Jase looks at the driver, throwing his hand up and screaming
obscenities. His eyes widen as the car swerves our way.
“Hold on!” He yells and I grab the handle above the door, bracing my
feet firmly into the floorboard.
The truck jolts, the car ramming into the driver’s side. Jase recovers,
getting the tires back on the asphalt. He jerks the wheel to the left,
slamming the truck into the other car. He’s screaming and cussing at the
driver while I’m confused as to what the fuck is happening.
I just wanted a damn burger.
“Run him off the road and haul ass!” I scream, hoping he hears me
through the murderous fog he’s in.
The truck swerves again and this time he can’t hold it. We spin around,
my head cracking against the window as we head for a ditch.
My eyes squeeze shut as we slam to a stop. Disoriented as hell, I faintly
hear him unbuckling his seatbelt and I’m being pulled across the seat.
“Open your eyes, baby. Let me see you.” His hands are everywhere,
checking me thoroughly as I struggle to open my eyes.
“Good girl. Tell me where it hurts.” His voice is shaky, filled with
It takes a moment to speak. My head is throbbing, and the glare from
the streetlight is killing me. “I-I’m okay. My head hit the window, but I
think I’m okay.”
“Let’s get you to the hospital. You could have a concussion.”
“Jase, I’m fine. Are you okay?” I’m cut off as his mouth crashes to
Even though it feels like someone is hammering my brain, I let him
devour me.
He’s worried about me.
We both need this.
That thought alone has me lost in his touch and agreeing with him. “I
guess it wouldn’t hurt to get checked out.” I whisper against his lips.
He leans his forehead against mine and we breathe each other in. The
tender moment doesn’t last long as I jerk to the side, surveying our
surroundings. “Are they gone?”
He cups my face in his hands, regaining my focus. “They’re gone. This
was to scare us. If they wanted us dead, we would be.” His face hardens and
his jaw clenches. “Let’s get you looked at and then we’ll go home.”
He kisses me once more before stepping out of the truck. He circles it
slowly, checking for damage before climbing back inside.
“Is your truck okay?” I ask, wincing from the pain in my head.
“It’s fine. We can drive out of here, but I’ll need to replace the bumper
and my door is fucked. There’s a dent in the door on your side. It can all be
fixed.” He spins a little before catching enough traction to pull back onto
the road.
Lifting the console, I slide to his side, a strong need to be closer to him
taking over. He lifts his arm and I tuck myself into him. His fingers draw
soothing circles over my arm, but his body is rigid, and I feel him seething.
I leave him be, knowing our minds are on the same track.
We want blood.
Four damn hours in the emergency room.
They gave me prescription pain killers, and a bigger headache with all
the fucking flashlights they were shining in my eyes. No concussion
though. Just a big ass knot to deal with.
Jase is quiet on our way home and I’m not sure what to do. Tonight was
a close call and its obvious he’s plotting something. We pull up to his
apartment building and an idea comes to mind.
Sliding across the seat, I reach for him before he gets out of the truck.
He turns to face me, his haunted eyes snapping something inside my chest.
These fuckers are going to die.
“Why don’t you get some of your stuff and we can stay at my place?”
“I’m not running, Rage.” He moves to get out again and I grab his arm.
“We aren’t running, Jase. We can go to my house and regroup. Come up
with a plan.”
His body sags against the seat, considering my suggestion. Laying his
hand on my thigh, he stares at me with vacant eyes. “Are you scared?”
His question throws me for a moment, but I realize he wants to know if
I’m all in.
Climbing onto his lap, I palm his face roughly in my hands. “No, I’m
not scared. You have my trust. You have my loyalty. You have me.”
His body tenses beneath me just before he grips me by the throat,
jerking me closer. “You’ve sealed your fate, killer. You fucking belong to
me.” He kisses me roughly, punctuating his words. “Your body.” Kiss.
“Your blood.” Lick. “Your breath.” He squeezes my throat, kissing me
again. “Your heart.” Bite. “Your fucking soul.” He growls, and I melt
against him, surrendering to the beast.
“Take me inside.” I whisper, his hold on my throat restricting my
Opening the door, he slides out and I tighten my grip around him.
Entering the apartment, he pushes me against the wall, devouring me with
uncontrolled lust.
Pulling us away from the wall, he stalks to his bedroom, laying me on
the bed. “Your pussy needs a break from my cock, but I’m so fucking hard
for you, I’m about to explode.”
Getting to my knees, I pat the bed next to me. He strips his clothes off,
lying down on the mattress. His cock is nearly purple, slapping against his
stomach. It looks painful and I know just what to do. Leaning down, I kiss
the tip and it twitches.
“Take your clothes off.” He demands.
Maneuvering on the mattress, I strip my clothes off, tossing them on
the floor. Feeling nervous all the sudden, I meet his eyes. “You’ll tell me
what to do?”
Propping up on his elbows, he watches me closely. “Spin around and sit
on my face.”
Doing as I’m told, I turn around, lowering my pussy to his face. This
feels wrong and dirty, but fuck if I don’t like it.
“Now lean forward and suck my cock.” He grits out, gripping me by
my thighs.
Lowering my upper body, I take his cock in my hand. Large veins run
from the base to the tip. Deciding to explore, I start at the bottom, my
tongue tracing one of the veins to the head. He moans beneath me, and I
grow bolder. Licking his slit, I taste the drop of creamy liquid leaking from
it. It’s salty and musky, the perfect taste for him.
Opening wide, I push myself down on his cock and his hips jerk.
“Fuck, baby. Just like that.” He groans and it makes me wetter knowing I’m
making him feel good.
Hollowing my cheeks, I take him as deep as I can, gagging when he
hits the back of my throat. “Relax your throat. You’re taking me so well.
Such a good girl fucking daddy’s cock with your mouth.”
My pussy clenches at his words and I suck harder, relaxing my throat.
He’s so big, I can’t take him completely, but I grip him at the base with one
hand, giving me better control.
I whimper as his tongue laps at my pussy. He plunges his tongue inside
me, and I moan around his cock. His answering groan turns me on more
and I suck him greedily.
His hands move to my sensitive cunt, spreading me open. He fucks me
with his tongue as his teeth scrape across my clit. My hips buck into his
face and I’m struggling to focus.
His mouth feels too damn good.
My head moves up and down, fucking him with my face just as his
mouth becomes more demanding. We’re racing towards the finish line,
determined to make the other come.
Increasing my suction, he groans, pushing himself deeper. “I’m about
to come. Swallow every fucking drop.”
Clamping my mouth tightly around him, I take him further down my
throat. Tears leak from my eyes as spit escapes the corners of my lips.
A loud roar echoes through the room as he pushes himself inside me,
his come sliding down my throat. My pussy is aching for release, but
knowing I did this to him, makes it worth the sacrifice. I’m dripping from
getting him off like this.
After swallowing everything he gives me, I slowly let him fall from my
mouth. Wiping my lips with my fingers, he surges forward, throwing me
onto my back. He’s on top of me instantly, slamming his lips to mine. Our
combined flavor leaves me light-headed, aching for him to fill me.
“You took my cock so good, baby girl. You made me come so hard. I
could tell you were nervous, but you sucked me like a queen.” He smiles
wickedly. “Now, it’s daddy’s turn.”
Oh, fuck.
He crawls down my body, latching onto my cunt like he needs it to
breathe. He’s careful not to use his fingers since I’m sore, but his tongue is
all I need. He licks and fucks my pussy, using his thumb to flick my clit just
how I need it.
Moaning and mumbling incoherent words, the orgasm builds quickly
until I explode. He keeps his tongue inside me, drinking every drop like I
did for him. Grinding myself on his face, I can’t control my hips as I ride
the wave of ecstasy flowing through me.
I hope I’m not smothering him. Of all the times I’ve wanted to kill him,
this would actually be an accident.
Sinking into the mattress, I’m useless after what he just did. The bed
moves and I open one eye.
His mouth is glossy with my juices and he’s grinning like a lunatic. I
can’t help but giggle. “Taste yourself.”
Lifting my head, I lick his lips, tasting my orgasm. Gripping the back
of his neck, I pull him onto me, deepening the kiss. Damn, I taste good.
Maybe I taste good because it’s from his mouth.
He lowers his weight on top of me and I need him all over again.
Sensing my thoughts and ignoring his still hard cock, he pulls away. “Sleep,
baby. We’ll go to your place in the morning.”
He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I’m asleep before he turns the light
Chapter Eleven

It’s been weeks and I don’t have the information I need on Malcolm.
Rage is getting impatient, ready to kill him and be done with it all.
I’ve explained to her we have to do this right. Malcolm is a well-
connected man. We can’t go in there half-cocked and screw up the only
opportunity we may have.
She agrees with me, but she’s restless, ready to blow away the dark
cloud lingering over us. I didn’t want her involved in any of this, but she’s
strong and fearless. I know if I would’ve tried to keep her out of it, she’d
hate me. All I can do is make sure she’s safe, no matter what happens.
Frank has helped a lot, giving me Malcolm’s schedule. Unfortunately,
the perfect opportunity hasn’t presented itself yet. I’m patient and my
instincts have always guided me when to make my move. That’s why I was
the best and why Malcolm wants me back in the business.
We’ve spent more time at Rage’s house lately. She’s comfortable in her
own space and she thinks we’d have a better advantage here, if they decided
to come after us again. I can’t argue with that. My girl is smart, and I trust
her judgement. I just hope she doesn’t get too upset when I paint her walls
in any man’s blood who dares to step foot in here.
“I can hear you thinking.” She whispers against my chest.
We came to bed hours ago, but I can’t sleep. Seems I’m not the only
“You should be getting your beauty rest.”
She jerks her head up to glare at me. “Do I need beauty rest?”
Wrapping my hand around her delicate throat, I pull her close, kissing
her like I didn’t just have her a few hours ago. “If you were any more
gorgeous, it would be painful to look at you. Your beauty is only rivaled by
the darkness inside you. Your pain is beautiful. It’s shaped you into the
fearless woman in my arms.”
Her bottom lip quivers as she exhales shakily. “Darkness is all I know.
You embrace it. You appreciate it. You’re more than I could’ve ever asked
for, Jase.”
My chest tightens at her words. My dark thoughts spiral as I would do
anything to keep her with me.
She rests her head on my chest, tracing the lines of black ink down my
stomach. “Tell me how you became a hitman.”
My head falls on the pillow as the bad decisions from my younger
years come flooding back. “I’ve already told you the story of my father
murdering my mother, and of course I killed him. A neighbor called the
police when they heard my mother’s screams. I didn’t know it at the time,
but they were on their way when I killed him. I told them what happened.
After weeks of statements and collecting evidence, they ruled it as self-
“How? He wasn’t attacking you.” She asks curiously.
“He would’ve. I witnessed him killing her. He didn’t have the chance to
attack me before I killed him, but the cops didn’t know that. I told them he
came after me, too.”
“Good. He deserved to die.” She smiles and I pull her closer.
“I didn’t have any family, so I was on my own after that. I got in with a
group of guys who introduced me to a man. He was the boss of this city for
a long time, and nothing happened here without him knowing about it. He
took an interest in me, training me to be an assassin.” I pause, images of
every person I’ve killed flashing through my mind.
They deserved it.
“What kind of people did you kill?” She asks, her fingers leaving a trail
of goosebumps on my skin as she continues tracing my tattoos.
“I killed bad men, Rage. Charles Lutz was a good man. He trained me
to kill the rapists, abusers and crooked politicians. Every man I killed
deserved their fate.”
She strokes my chest, keeping me calm. “So, what happened? How did
Malcolm come into the picture?”
“Charles was sick. He’d been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.
All the cigarettes and cigars finally caught up with him. He’d always
wanted me to take over when his time was done. He wanted me to keep
fighting for our cause. I stood by his side, caring for him and promising I’d
continue his legacy.” My hands ball into fists as I continue. “Malcolm is
Charles’s half-brother. He didn’t give a damn about him. He simply waited
for him to die and took over. He couldn’t stand me. He only kept me around
because I got the job done, no matter what. I was fully prepared to carry on
and keep working for him, but he wanted entire families killed. I couldn’t
do that, Rage. I may be a cold-hearted bastard, but I couldn’t murder
women and children.”
She rises, hovering above me. “You did the right thing, Jase. You may
think you’re cold and empty, but I know better. You have a few morals left.
Most people don’t.”
Enough of this.
I don’t want to spend my time with her rehashing old shit.
She squeals as I flip her onto her back. Pinning her with my weight, I
grip one of her full breasts harshly, my lips coming to rest by her ear. “I
have no morals when it comes to you.”
She moans, gripping my free hand, bringing it to her other breast. “I’m
glad to hear that, Daddy.”
Just as my control snaps and I dive in to devour her, the sound of glass
cracking reaches my ears.
We freeze.
Looks like her walls are getting painted tonight.
Bringing my hand to her mouth, I place my index finger over my lips,
signaling to stay quiet.
She nods.
Slipping out of bed, I slide on a pair of boxers, grabbing my gun from
the holster on my belt. She throws on my t-shirt, hot on my heels as I creep
across the room. Wanting to scold her to stay put, I know she’d rather stab
me in the eye than miss the action. Honestly, I don’t want to leave her alone
anyway. I can protect her if she’s by my side.
Sneaking down the hall, I reach behind me, fisting the front of her shirt.
As if she can read my thoughts, she moves closer, sensing I want her
against me. If someone comes up behind us and tries to grab her, I’ll know
Hearing a faint click, I look down, finding her straight razor in her right
hand. Meeting her gaze, she grins.
Beautiful fucking psycho.
Entering the living room, I spot a bullet hole in the window next to the
front door. Blood roars in my ears and a red mist darkens my vision. Every
muscle in my body tenses. All my senses shift into overdrive, and I’m
thrown into the killer mode from my past. My breathing shallows and my
blood hums in my veins with adrenaline.
She grips my arm, my face swinging her direction.
She jerks back, seeing a side of me I hoped she never would.
Malcolm has sealed his fate.
He’s going to die.
She points at the front door, opened just enough for someone to slip
inside. We locked the doors before bed, but it’s nothing to pick a lock these
days. The bullet hole in the window serves no purpose other than a scare
Sweeping through the house quietly, Rage takes matters into her own
hands. “Come out. Come out. Wherever you are.”
Looking back at her, she grins, my pissed off glare doing nothing to
deter her.
“Poor little piggy. Don’t you know you broke into the big bad wolf’s
house?” She lets out a fierce growl that I wasn’t expecting, and I can’t
decide if I want to beat the hell out of her or fuck her to death.
Reddening her ass while I fuck her later will do. I’d never lay a hand on
my killer without it bringing her pleasure.
As I shift my attention back to the matter at hand, a man dressed in all
black, wearing a ski mask, barrels around the corner, straight for me.
Raising my gun too late, it falls to the floor as he tackles me against the
wall. Rearing back, I punch him in the face, knocking him on his ass.
Scanning the room, I find Rage standing off to the side, amusement on
her face.
“What?” I ask, speeding towards her.
“Behind you.” She quips, twirling her knife in her hand.
Spinning around, I dodge the guy’s swing, taking out his knee. He hits
the floor, howling in pain. Bending down to remove his mask, Rage clears
her throat, getting my attention.
Another man rushes her, but she ducks out of the way before he makes
contact. She kicks him in the ass, and he hits the wall with a thud.
Our gazes lock and the energy in the room shifts.
My girl’s mask has fallen, her face full of fury.
The dark angel has risen, and she’s pissed the fuck off.
My God, she’s a fucking sight.
Her attacker attempts to pick himself up, but she kicks him in the nose,
a crunch sounding as the bone breaks. He’s lying on his stomach as she
straddles him. Gripping his hair, she yanks his head back, slitting his throat
There’s movement behind me. As I turn, the other guy stands,
stumbling backwards to make his escape.
I don’t think so, motherfucker.
“I want him. The gunshot will be too loud.” She growls behind me.
Pinning him against the wall by his throat, I smile as she approaches,
lethal eyes and waves of murderous energy flowing from her body.
She comes to stand in front of him, and I step aside to give her room.
He’s scared to death and I’m expecting him to shit his pants any moment.
“Did Malcolm send you?” She asks, and he nods.
“I stood back and watched when you attacked Jase. I knew he could
take you. He’s sexy as hell when he’s angry and I was already imagining
how hard he’d fuck me when he was done with you.” She pauses and I’m
sucked into her fantasy, my cock growing harder with each word.
“Then, the other douchebag had to come in here and ruin the whole
thing.” She gets in his face, scraping the blade down his cheek. “You don’t
come into my house and threaten what’s mine. You fucked with the wrong
Pushing the blade against his neck, she moves closer. “In case you
didn’t know, he’s mine.” She whispers before slicing his throat, blood
splattering all over her shirt.
She’s a fucking goddess and I need her on my cock now.
He reaches for his throat, gurgling incoherent words as his blood
gushes. He falls, twitching for a few moments before his body goes limp.
Grabbing my little savage by the waist, I pin her back to my chest,
nipping her earlobe. “I’m yours, huh?”
She spins around, pushing me against the wall. “You’re mine and no
one gets to kill you but me.”
Moving quickly, I reverse our positions. Her breaths grow shorter, and I
feel the heat and wetness of her pussy on my thigh. Flashing her a sinister
grin, I lift her up by her ass, and she wraps her legs around my waist.
“Is this what you imagined earlier, killer? Me fucking your tight little
cunt against the wall while covered in blood?”
She moans, arching into my touch as my fingers skim her slit. “Yes.”
Pushing down my boxers, I grip my cock, finding her slick hole. In the
next breath, I slam inside, pushing her up the wall.
“Oh God!” She screams, digging her nails into my shoulders.
“No, not God. It’s me ripping your pussy apart, taking what I want.” I
growl, biting her shoulder, fucking her like it’s the last time I’ll ever have
her. She gasps and I show no mercy.
“Jase! You’re so fucking deep!” Her blood splattered face is a mixture
of pleasure and pain.
“Take it, killer. You were made for my cock.” Bracing a hand against
the wall for leverage, I plunge inside her, over and over. Our sweat covered
bodies move against each other in sync, giving and taking in a brutal
“I-I’m coming!” She clamps down around me, her orgasm tearing my
name from her throat.
Heat shoots down my back, into my balls and before I take my next breath,
I’m shooting cum into my dark angel’s cunt.
She may be dark, but I’m darker. She brings light to my black world,
and I will do anything and everything to keep her.
Her body sags against me, a smile playing across her lips. “I need a
shower.” She mumbles, snuggling against my chest.
“I like you like this, killer.” Wrapping my arms around her, I start
walking towards the bathroom.
She looks up at me, then down at her shirt and where we’re connected.
When her eyes meet mine, she grimaces. “I’m covered in blood, sweat and
Chuckling, I stand her on her feet, peeling the blood-soaked shirt from
her skin. “Hop in the shower. I’ll call Frank and see if he can help with the
My eyes roam her creamy skin speckled with red and my cock hardens
again. She leans forward, kissing me deeply and it takes all my control not
to throw her on the floor and fuck her again.
“I won’t be long.” She whispers, turning to enter the shower.
Chapter Twelve

Hearing the door click as he leaves the bathroom, I let my thoughts run
Watching Jase fight one of Malcolm’s bitches was sexy as hell. But,
when the second guy came into the room, a hint of fear and pure fucking
rage took over.
I’ll do anything to protect him. I don’t care how many people I have to
kill. Despite our current situation, he’s the only happiness I’ve ever
experienced in this life, and I’ll be damned if anyone takes him away from
Shit is getting deep, and we need to make a move.
Killed or be killed.
We were lucky enough to find each other in this cruel world, I won’t let
anyone tear us apart.
Turning the shower off, I step out, reaching for a towel. As I’m drying
off, I resolve myself to the inevitable.
It’s time to let him in.
Coming into the bedroom, I sit beside Jase on the bed, wrapped in a
“Frank will be here in a couple of hours.” His eyes meet mine, filling
with concern. “What is it?”
“Can you live in this world without me?” I ask, giving voice to my
earlier thoughts.
Anger burns in his eyes. “What kind of fucking question is that? Fuck
no. I can’t, and I won’t.”
Lifting my palm to his cheek, I rip myself open, giving him everything.
“I can’t be without you either.”
His eyes widen, his lips parting with surprise. He watches me
thoughtfully, running his fingers across the pulse point in my neck before
speaking. “What’s on your mind, baby?”
My hand falls from his face as I square my shoulders. “They’re closing
in, Jase. We either risk one of us being killed or-“
“Or what?” He asks, furrowing his brows.
“We end it on our terms. You and me until our last breath, but if it
comes to that, we take every one of those motherfuckers with us.”
Realization hits him and he nods. “On our terms.”
“What do you think?” Watching him closely, I burn every inch of his
face into my memory. I don’t ever want to forget the man who brought me
back to life.
He reaches over, pulling the corner of the towel until it pools at my
hips. He pushes me back on the bed, covering my body with his own.
“I wake up for you. I breathe for you. You fucking own me. There’s no
way I’ll survive without you. We can end this life together and start again in
the next one. I could live a thousand lives, and I will always find you in
every single one of them. Your soul calls to me like a beacon. Without you,
I’m nothing.”
Tears burn the back of my eyes, and I fight to hold them there. “I was
dead inside before I met you, Jase. I can’t go back. Not after being loved by
He swallows slowly, his dark eyes boring into mine. “You’ll never have
to. You have me for eternity, killer. Just you and me.”
I nod. “What do you want to do?”
He kisses me softly, trailing his fingers down the valley between my
breasts. My breath hitches as he looks up.
A sinister grin on his beautifully sculpted face sends a shiver through
me. “We go to war.”
“Yes.” I whimper as he licks and nibbles his way across my skin.
Lowering himself to the floor, I yelp as he jerks me to the edge of the
bed. My legs open and he rests my thighs on his shoulders. A deep growl
vibrates against my clit as he surges forward, attacking my swollen pussy.
“Yes! Don’t stop!” Muscles coil in my lower belly, already bracing for
the powerful orgasm I know is coming.
He grips the back of my thighs, lifting my ass in the air. His mouth
moves lower until his pointed tongue circles my back entrance.
He chuckles as I jump in surprise. “Relax, baby. This belongs to me,
and you know how I take care of what’s mine.”
He licks me in slow circles, driving me to the brink of something
unknown. My eyes close, lost in the new sensation. He slides two fingers
inside me, and I grow wetter from him playing with my ass.
Who knew this could feel so good?
His tongue moves back to my clit and I’m almost disappointed until his
finger is there, pushing past the ring of muscles in my back hole.
“Let me in, killer. I won’t take you here with my cock tonight, but
Daddy wants to play with his girl.” Our eyes lock and I moan as his finger
slips further inside.
He works my pussy with his tongue and the overwhelming feeling of
being full pushes me over the edge. His name is ripped from my throat and
my body releases a gush of liquid on his face.
Oh my God!
I just pissed in his fucking face!
Kill me now.
I sit up quickly, his fingers leaving my holes. I’m horrified at the
wetness dripping from his face, but he stares at me with pride. I’m frozen in
place, embarrassed and confused.
Before I can apologize or die, he speaks. “You fucking squirted.” A
feral grin lights his face as he rises, stalking towards me on his hands and
“I’m so fucking sorry!” My hands fly to my face, and he reaches for
me, ripping them away.
“Why the hell are you sorry? That’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever
seen, and I want you to do it again.”
“W-What? I just peed on your face, and you liked it?”
He’s crazier than I thought.
He barks out a laugh like a lunatic. I wish the damn bed would open up
and swallow me whole.
Once he’s pulled himself together, his eyes soften as he runs his fingers
along my thighs. “You didn’t piss on me, Rage. It’s called squirting. It
happens when a woman has a powerful orgasm. Not all women can do it, so
that proves how lucky I truly am.” A devilish grin spreads across his lips as
I release the breath I was holding.
“Oh.” It’s the only word I can muster right now.
He places a hand on my chest, pushing me back onto the bed. Crawling
over me, he settles his weight and I instantly relax.
“I can’t wait to see you do it again with my cock in your tight ass.”
I gasp. The thought both excites me and terrifies me. “I don’t think the
monster will fit in there.”
He chuckles, burying his face in my neck. “I’ll fit. I’ll just have to give
you so many orgasms, your body gives out and you can’t fight me.”
His words cause a wave of arousal to hit me, the inside of my thighs
coated with the proof.
“My little killer likes the sound of that.” He grins, notching his cock at
my entrance.
He slides inside me, and I lift my hips to take him fully. He leans down,
kissing me until I’m nothing but a puddle beneath him.
“Jase.” I’m consumed by him in every way as he owns me with slow,
deep strokes.
“I’m a rough man, Rage. You make me lose control. I can’t hold myself
back when I’m with you.” He emphasizes his point by biting my neck, the
shock of pain quickly morphing into pleasure. “I need to take you slow this
time. I want to worship you. Do you know why?”
How is he able to talk so much right now?
I shake my head because his massive cock is fucking me stupid and
there’s no way I can speak.
“Because you’re my queen. As long as there’s breath in my lungs, I’ll
always worship you. I’ll always love you.”
I can’t keep the tears at bay this time. They leak down my cheeks and
my lips part on a sob. He bends down, licking them away, my heart and
soul cracking wide open.
“Jase-“ I start to confess my love for him, but he presses his finger
against my lips.
“Don’t.” He thrusts deeper inside me, hitting the secret spot that makes
me forget everything but him. “I know how you feel about me, killer. I’m
glad you finally realize it but save those words for another day.”
Realization dawns on me. He doesn’t want me to have any regrets. He’s
always regarded my feelings with care and patience.
I’m ready.
I could blurt it out anyway, but it would ruin the moment. He doesn’t
want my love out of fear or with our impending doom hanging over us.
Once we handle Malcolm and the smoke clears, I’ll tell him I love him.
As for right now, I’ll give him what he wants. “I hate you.”
He flashes me a sexy grin as I tighten around his cock, moaning his
name over and over. His features relax and his hands slide underneath me,
pinning me against him. We grind against each other, chasing our release in
a slow rhythm.
“Fuck.” He groans as we tip over the edge together.
This is a stark contrast from the rough sex we usually have. While I
crave every second of his savage fucking, this slow seduction was more
More emotional.
More everything.
It connected the final piece of our jagged puzzle.
Chapter Thirteen

“You’re beautiful with your blade, killer. In this situation though, it’s
best to have a gun.” I tell her as she sits in my lap at the kitchen table.
She made pancakes for breakfast, and I insisted on feeding her. Why?
Because I can.
“I’ve never used a gun.” She licks a drop of syrup from her bottom lip
and my cock stirs underneath her.
Clearing my throat, I focus on the task at hand. “I’ll teach you. We’ll go
to a little shooting range in the woods. There’s usually nobody out there.”
“Okay. Won’t we have to get a gun first? You only have the one.”
She’s so adorable.
Does she think I turned in all my guns when I retired?
Not a fucking chance.
Leaning in to trace her lips with my tongue, I grin. “Baby, I have guns.”
Her tongue darts out, licking mine as she moans. “What does one wear
to a shooting range?”
I chuckle at her weird ass question, but it’s one of the many reasons I
love her. Lifting my finger to my lips, I stare at the ceiling, pretending to
ponder what she should wear. A devious idea comes to mind, and I grin to
myself. “A skirt would be best.”
“Seriously? How?” She tilts her head to the side in confusion.
“You’ll be comfortable. It also gives you freedom to find which stance
is best for you.” I’m a horrible person. I should feel like an asshole for
taking advantage of my girl, but I don’t. She’ll reap the rewards.
She eyes me suspiciously, then shrugs her shoulders. “If you say so.”
She heads to the bedroom to change.
Shoving different pistols into a duffle bag with plenty of ammo, I haul
it over my shoulder as she walks into the living room.
Fuck me.
I swear my heart stops as I take in what she’s wearing. A short black
skirt, black tank top and black combat boots. Her long, dark hair is pulled
up in a ponytail and her green eyes shine bright against her dark eye
makeup. She’s a gorgeous picture of darkness. The way she looks right now
matches her name.
She’s my dark angel.
My Rage.
“Is this okay?” She asks, twirling in a circle.
I know if we stay in this house one more second, we’ll never make it to
the range.
We have plans.
“Perfect.” I grunt, gripping her wrist, dragging her out of the house.
We arrive at the range, a place deep in the woods, away from everyone.
Slinging the bag of guns over my shoulder, we walk to the pavilion, and I
set each gun in a line on the concrete table. Heading for a group of trees, I
nail up a few paper targets.
Once I’m back at the pavilion, I point at the table. “Alright, killer. Pick
up each gun and see how they feel in your hand. When you find one that’s
comfortable, I’ll show you how to load it.”
She picks up the forty-five, scrunching her nose. “This one is too
She lays it on the table, picking up the forty-caliber next. “Eh.”
Smothering a grin with my hand, I lean against a beam, watching as she
weighs each gun, raising them in the air to aim at a target.
“I like this one.” Holding the thirty-eight, she smiles.
“It’s a good gun. Light weight with minimal recoil. The downside is it
only holds six rounds, and the range isn’t as far as the others.”
She frowns, thinking it over. “Maybe I should have two guns.”
Sexy little warrior.
She never disappoints me. She’s a badass and fierce as fuck.
“Two guns is good. Pick another one that feels good in your hands.”
She picks up the nine-millimeter and her eyes light up. “I like the way
this one feels. I want to shoot both.”
Pulling the ammo from the bag, I show her how to load them. Once
we’re finished, I offer her a pair of ear plugs, but her stubborn ass shakes
her head. “I want to hear the boom.”
Fuck, I love her.
Showing her the proper stance and how to hold the gun, I whisper
against her ear. “Show me what you can do, baby.”
She shivers against me before I step back, giving her space. Aiming the
gun, she breathes deeply, exhaling as she fires her first shot.
Well shit.
I should’ve known she’d be a natural. The bullet pierces the target a
quarter inch right of the bullseye.
“Holy shit! Did you fucking see that?” She squeals in excitement,
bouncing on her toes.
“Good girl. Shoot a few more rounds. The more you practice, the better
you’ll get.”
Her smile is contagious and I’m so fucking proud of her. She spins
around and her face turns serious as she zeros in on the target again. She
takes another shot, hitting the bullseye dead center.
My cock hardens as I watch her get more comfortable, rapid firing until
the paper target is lying in shreds on the ground.
“Want to try the thirty-eight now?”
She nods, taking it from my hand. We move closer and she fires a shot.
It hits a little to the left of the next target. She fires a few more rounds and
like last time, she ends up hitting the bullseye over and over.
“I really like this one, but it doesn’t hold enough bullets.” She pouts.
Chuckling, I pass her more ammo. She reloads both guns and I can’t
stop imagining her bent over the rough concrete table while I fuck her tight
little pussy.
It’s time to have some real fun.
“You’re a good shot, but I think you need some distractions. You won’t
always be able to stand still and breathe deeply before shooting someone.”
“What kind of distractions?” She asks curiously.
I know there’s a wicked gleam in my eyes as I come up behind her.
“Take your aim, killer. No matter what, keep your aim and fire.”
She raises the gun, concentrating on her target. My hand skims up her
thigh and she exhales shakily. Finding her panties already damp, I slide my
fingers across her slit lightly, through the fabric. Her hips jerk just as she
fires. The bullet catches the edge of the target.
“That won’t do. You need to concentrate.” Licking the shell of her ear, I
pull her panties to the side, exposing her warm cunt.
She whimpers, but her face hardens, focusing on the target. Just as she
fires again, I push two fingers inside her.
“Fuck!” The bullet hits the tree above the target, bark flying in every
direction. “Jase, I’m going to shoot you.”
“Mmmm. That would be hot as fuck.” I smile against her neck, biting
her creamy flesh. She moans, her head falling back on my chest as I pump
my fingers inside her deeper.
“I’m supposed to be playing with guns, but you’re playing with me.”
She’s drenched and breathless, just the way I like her.
“We can do both, baby.” Sliding my free hand down her arm, I take
hold of the gun. Spinning her around to face me, I push her against the
She’s too lost in the pleasure I’m giving her to hear me flip the chamber
open, emptying the shell casings on the ground.
Jerking the chamber back into place, I touch the gun to my wrist,
making sure the barrel isn’t too warm for what I’m about to do.
Placing the barrel under her chin, her breath hitches as she opens her
eyes. I don’t miss her pupils dilating as her heart rate kicks up. I trail the
gun down her body, over her tank top, until it reaches the waist band of her
skirt. She’s panting, her eyes clouded over with lust.
Removing my fingers, I skim her pussy with the gun. “I’ve stood here,
watching you be the bad bitch you are and now I want to fuck you with my
gun. What do you think, killer?”
She wiggles closer, her eyes darting to my lips. “I’d be disappointed if
you didn’t.”
“Lean back on your elbows and don’t fucking move.” I growl, my cock
about to burst through my jeans.
She grins, propping herself up so she can get a good view. Her pussy is
soaking wet, but I can’t stop myself from bending down and spitting on it.
She moans deeply, lifting her hips towards my face.
“You have a greedy little cunt, don’t you?” Sucking her clit into my
mouth, her head falls back. She starts to protest when I pull away, but they
die in her throat as I trail the gun over her clit, notching it at her dripping
The sight overwhelms me and I’m about to come in my damn pants.
“Fuck, Rage.”
“Jase. Please.” She begs and I end her torment.
She gasps as I slide the gun inside her pussy, the sound of her arousal
shooting straight to my dick. I start out with slow, shallow strokes. Her hips
buck to meet the metal, and I quicken my thrusts as her body begins to
“That’s it, baby girl. Come on my fucking gun.”
Her body tenses as she screams my name. She loses the battle of
holding herself up, falling back on the table as I slow down the pace.
Once she relaxes, I slide the gun from her pussy, looking on with pride
as her orgasm coats the barrel.
She sits up on the table, an unreadable look on her face. “Did I hurt
Quirking an eyebrow, she stands up, gripping my hand and bringing the
gun to her mouth. She swipes her tongue across the barrel, and I dive
forward, devouring her mouth.
“Fuck me before I shoot you with your own gun.” She whispers against
my lips.
A growl rumbles deep in my chest as I spin her around, pushing her
chest against the table. “You want my cock, killer? Beg me.”
“Fuck you.” She throws a grin over her shoulder.
Unbuckling my belt, I unbutton my jeans, shoving them down with my
boxers. Gripping my cock, I slam inside her as she screams my name.
Conjuring all the control I have, I stop. “Beg.”
She tries to move, but I have her pinned with my hand on her back. I’ll
drag out this torture, even if it kills me. I love her more than I need my next
breath, but she will learn who commands her body.
She growls in frustration. Pulling out, I slam inside her again, and stop.
“Damnit, Jase! Please fuck me!” She sobs and I snap.
Plunging inside her, I destroy her pussy, fucking her like our lives
depend on it. Covering her back with my front, I wrap my hand around her
throat, restricting her airway. “I love when you beg for my cock, killer.
You’ll always beg, won’t you?”
“Yes!” She cries as I plow into her with no remorse.
“Why do you beg for my cock, baby girl?” I ease the pressure on her
“Because I’m yours!” She screams, her pussy clamping down on my
cock, ripping the orgasm from me.
We come together as I rut inside her, never wanting to leave the warmth
of her pussy. Her body goes limp as I rise and pull my jeans up. Gripping
her hips, I pull her off the table, holding her back against my chest.
She turns her face to the side, a sly grin playing across her lips. “I hate
Burying my face in her neck, I smile against her skin. “I know, baby.
Me too.”
Chapter Fourteen

A few days have passed, but Frank finally gave me information I can
Malcolm has a meeting with a new recruit tonight at his usual meeting
spot, the old factory warehouse downtown.
Originally Charles’s central location, it was the place where we’d meet
to set up jobs.
Frank said it will be Malcolm, the new guy and two bodyguards. After
all the training I’ve done with Rage, I know we can handle the four of them.
He said he has a job tonight, but he’ll swing by and handle the cleanup
when he’s back in town tomorrow morning.
Things are playing out in our favor, but something doesn’t feel right. I
don’t want Rage in danger, but I know if I leave her behind, she’ll never
forgive me. If she gets hurt though, I’ll never forgive myself.
Loving her is more than an obsession. I fucking live and breathe for
her. If I want the same in return, she has to know I trust her and believe in
her abilities to take care of herself. She’s been quite the hellcat these past
few weeks. She’s a better fighter, staying more alert and expecting the
unexpected. Putting me on my ass a few times gave her all the confidence
she needed.
She’s a perfect shot now, even with multiple distractions.
And how I love distracting her.
She’s a devil with a blade and she proved her point by teaching me a
few things. We learned from each other and strengthened our weaknesses.
Together, we’re a force to be reckoned with.
Malcolm won’t know what hit him.
“You ready?” Rage whispers as we crouch in the tree line, just behind
the warehouse.
My nerves grate at me under my skin. I’m never nervous before a job,
but this is different.
It’s personal.
Gripping her chin with my fingers, our eyes lock and it’s the calm
before the storm. “Stay close and listen to me. If shit goes south, you
fucking run. Do not let them catch you.”
Her jaw clenches, grinding her teeth back and forth. “I won’t leave you.
On our terms, remember? I know both outcomes and I’m ready. We kill him
and move on, or we die trying. Either way, we do it together.”
Gripping her ponytail, I jerk her towards me, crashing our mouths
together in a savage kiss that renews my confidence in our plan. She grips
my hair, pulling me closer, needing this as much as I do. The air shifts
around us, the kiss slowing to something deeper. Licking every inch of her
mouth, I burn the warmth and taste of her into my mind.
She tastes of chains and freedom.
Lust and love.
Darkness and light.
She’s all I’ve ever known, yet everything I’ve never had.
A beautiful contradiction, perfect in every way.
Breaking away, I watch as her eyes slowly open. Gorgeous green
depths stare back at me with emotions only I can understand.
Trailing my thumb along her bottom lip, I let her fill my senses.
“Don’t let this be the end.” I think to myself, sending the words to
whoever may be listening.
She kisses the pad of my thumb, her eyes dark with finality. “Let’s do
this so we can get home. I’m starving.”
“Come on, killer. I can’t have my girl hungry.” I grin, leading the way
to the warehouse.
She stays close as we weave our way through the trees. The sun set
over an hour ago and it’s darker outside, not quite pitch black. The
streetlights around the warehouse burned out long ago after it was
We approach the building, pinning our backs against the brick exterior.
Peering around the corner, the coast is clear. Quietly making our way down
the side, I see Malcolm’s car sitting alongside another one I don’t recognize.
I’m assuming it belongs to the new guy. Both vehicles are empty.
We keep moving, ducking below a window, creeping past it without
being seen.
Glancing behind me, Rage is focused, her steps in sync with mine.
The side door comes into view. We chose this as our entrance. Instead
of it leading straight into the open factory, it opens into an office, keeping
us hidden until we’re ready to strike.
We both stop as we reach the door. She pats her pocket, double
checking her straight razor is still there. She glances at her ankle, the thirty-
eight strapped in its holster. Reaching behind her, she pulls the nine-
millimeter from her waistband, cocking it before holding it down by her
Once she’s ready, she looks up at me and nods.
Grinning down at my little psychopath, I pull the forty-five from its
holster. A calmness from my past fills me as I feel the weight of the metal
in my hand. My forty caliber is in my waistband as a backup. There’s also a
straight razor in my back pocket, courtesy of Rage.
I lean down, stealing one last kiss before reaching for the door. Turning
the handle slowly, I’m surprised when the door doesn’t creak.
We slip inside, closing it quietly behind us. The office is dark, shielding
us from view. I prowl towards the open threshold, Rage following so close I
feel the heat of her body on my back.
Good girl.
Pinning myself against the wall, she follows suit and my eyes dart
around the open area. It’s empty, not a soul in sight. A heavy weight settles
in my stomach as I move further into the large space.
It’s dark and eerily quiet.
What the fuck?
Rage tugs on my shirt and when I turn my head, she points to the other
side of the room.
Malcolm sits at a table off to the side, talking with someone. Two
bodyguards stand on each side of him, oblivious to our presence.
Glancing at Rage, I nod, and she does the same.
We begin to move towards the men, slow and steady. Just as we reach
the halfway point, spotlights from above shine down on us, momentarily
blinding me.
It’s a fucking trap.
Reaching for her hand, Rage grips mine tightly. “Here we go.”
My eyes focus just as the stocky bodyguards run towards us. The taller
one is on me before I have a chance to take a shot. He tackles me to the
floor, and I grunt at the weight of him landing on top of me. Swinging my
arm, I bash his temple with the butt of my gun. He falls to the side,
unconscious. Rolling over towards him, I push the barrel to the back of his
head, pulling the trigger. Brains and blood splatter my face, but I don’t have
time to bask in the victory.
Jumping to my feet, I find Rage on top of the other guy, digging her
fingers into his eye sockets. Blood trickles from her nose and my body
ignites with bloodlust as I realize the motherfucker hit her.
Her gun lays abandoned on the floor, a few feet away. Rushing to her
side, I raise my gun, pointing it at his forehead. His eyes widen with a look
of panic, and I smile as I fire a shot, killing him instantly. He deserved to
suffer, but we don’t have time.
“You were always efficient, not one to drag things out. I always
admired that about you, Jase.”
I turn to meet Malcolm’s smug expression, raising my gun once again.
“Jase!” Rage screams, but the blow to my head makes me stumble,
dropping my gun in the process.
Spinning around, I come face to face with a traitor. An ally who’s
chosen to be my enemy.
“Surprised to see me, Hamilton?” He snarls and I want to kick my own
ass for not seeing this betrayal coming.
“You fucking traitor.” I growl, readying myself to rip him apart.
He laughs. “I’m no traitor. I’ve always been loyal to the people who
employ me. I liked you in the beginning, but you tried to make me your
bitch boy. I grew tired of cleaning up your messes. I’ve grown more tired of
hearing how you’re the best.”
My jaw clenches as I ready myself for a fight. “Don’t pin your jealousy
on me. No matter your reasons, you’re a fucking traitor and for that, you
will die.”
In the blink of an eye, he lunges at me, but I spin past him before he
makes contact. Reaching for my pistol at my back, I pull it out of my
waistband, aiming it at his chest. Pulling the trigger, he drops to the ground,
the bullet barely missing his head.
Quick bastard.
Aiming again, he jumps from the ground, swinging his leg out. His foot
catches me in the knee, and I lose my footing. He takes advantage, barreling
into me as I fall.
He straddles my waist, punching me in the jaw. Bucking my hips, I
throw him to the side, climbing on top of him.
Unleashing my fury, I land blow after blow to his face. The crunch of
bones fills the air around me, his grunts of pain fueling my adrenaline. I
pummel him over and over until my arms grow tired. Reaching for the
straight razor, I pull it from my pocket.
Flicking it open, I lean down, our noses almost touching. “Pray to your
God, traitor. You’re about to meet him.”
Sliding the blade across his neck, blood spurts from his throat, coating
my hands and the concrete floor beneath us. Pushing off his chest, I lift
myself up, enjoying the sound of his garbled words.
Turning to find Rage, my heart fucking stops.
Focused on killing Frank, I left her vulnerable, and Malcolm noticed.
She stands frozen in front of him, his gun trained on me. “Your tunnel
vision left this beauty unattended. You should have kept a better eye on her.
She’s a wild one, but as soon as I aimed my gun at you, she calmed down.”
I’m her weakness and she’s mine.
She stands still as a statue, her face void of emotion. She’s the master
of pretending, but looking into her eyes, I know she’s terrified. Not of dying
but losing me.
“You’re going to die today.” I growl and I don’t recognize my own
I’ve never felt madness like I feel in this moment. My blood boils in
my veins. My head throbs with a voice screaming to rip him to shreds with
my fucking teeth. My vision clouds with a red hue and I can only focus on
his death.
Footsteps come up behind me. I spin around, seeing my replacement
ready to fight. Dropping to my knees, I slash his thigh with my blade, and
he howls in pain, collapsing to the floor. Without a lot of effort, I lean over,
slashing his throat quickly. I don’t waste the time watching him take his
final breath.
My gaze swings back to Rage and my heart ceases.
Stopping dead in my tracks, my chest caves in as I stare at the very
thing that will kill me.
Death slowly seeps into my bones.
If she dies, I die too.
Chapter Fifteen

He aims the gun at me.

My heart races as I realize this is the end. My life will be over in a
matter of seconds, and it pisses me off. I’ve finally found someone I can
trust. I’ve finally found happiness after all the misery. I’ve been teased with
a happy ending and it’s about to be ripped away by a fucking idiot who has
a hard-on for the man I love.
My pity party is interrupted by an inhuman roar, and I gasp as Jase
jumps from the floor.
“Take the fucking gun off her, motherfucker.” If there truly is a devil,
he’d think twice about fucking with Jase right now. His face is twisted with
malice, his eyes darkening to black, like a demon. His body is rigid like
stone, ready to fight for my life.
I don’t get the chance to soothe him before his deep voice fills the room
again. “If you kill her, you better kill me too.”
Malcolm laughs and it turns my blood to liquid fire. “You would die for
Jase’s eyes find mine and we’ve found a moment of calm in the storm.
“Yes. I will die for her or with her, but I will not walk this fucking earth
without her. If you leave me alive, I’ll rip you apart and every fucking
person you’ve ever cared about.”
I gasp at his words, realizing this man is my twin flame. He’s the other
half of my soul. Everything I’ve went through in this life was meant to lead
me to him. We can’t lose each other before experiencing what this fucked
up world has in store for us.
“Jase.” I hate how my voice trembles.
His eyes are on me again, softening at my tone. With a sad smile, I give
him the only words that matter. “I love you.”
His jaw tightens as he grits his teeth. He shakes his head slowly,
begging me not to give up.
I didn’t play our game this time. He knows I’ve always cared for him,
even when I couldn’t admit it to myself. I’ve only confessed to hating him,
but we both know it was a term to keep me safe. He’s always wanted me to
feel safe.
“No. Tell me you hate me. Fucking say it.” His voice is hard, and I
know he needs me to stay strong until the end.
With everything he’s given me, I have to do this for him. “I hate you.”
He smiles and it’s the last glimmer of hope before all hell breaks loose.
A loud gunshot fills the room a millisecond before the crushing burn
rips through my chest. Falling on my back, I struggle to find the air I need.
“No! No! No!” Jase’s screams pierce through the pain. My head falls to
the side. My eyes stay on him as warm blood trickles from my burning
He runs straight for Malcolm, barreling into him with the force of a
truck. They fall to the ground, struggling for the gun. Another shot rings out
just as Jase’s body jerks on top of him.
A single tear leaks from the corner of my eye. My breaths are coming
shorter and all I can manage is a whispered sob. “Please no.”
Jase’s head lifts and the gun goes off once more before Malcolm’s head
hits the ground with a thud. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his cell
phone, hitting a few buttons.
“Jase.” I croak as he pushes off Malcolm’s limp body and crawls across
the floor towards me. Blood seeps from his stomach, soaking his shirt,
leaving a trail on the concrete beneath him.
Struggling with his jaw clenched in pain, he reaches me, pressing his
body as close to mine as possible. Applying pressure to my chest with his
palm, I whimper, and he presses his lips to my ear. “Fight, killer. Don’t give
up on me.”
“I think it’s too late.” More tears stream down my face as I struggle to
breathe. My hand finds his stomach, trying desperately to stop his bleeding.
He watches me, sadness shadowing his features. Resolve fills his eyes,
and he nods. “We go together, baby. There is no me without you. I’ll bleed
out knowing I’ll find you in the next life.”
He leans down, kissing me tenderly. His warm tears fall onto my skin,
and I know we are the same.
“Y-You better find me, or I-I’ll stab y-you.” My breath stutters, and I
tremble from the cold.
“Shhh, killer. Go to sleep and when you wake up, I’ll be there waiting
for you. You’ll be mine again.” He removes his hand from my chest,
replacing it with his head.
My hand falls from his stomach as I close my eyes. His body trembles
against me and a soft cry vibrates against my skin.
Thoughts of what our future would’ve been flashes through my mind
before there is nothing left but darkness.
Chapter Sixteen

Everything hurts.
It feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest.
Why does it hurt to breathe?
Beeping sounds blare around me and I’m instantly annoyed.
Turn that shit off!
Peeling my eyes open, I immediately shut them again. The lights are
too bright, and I have no idea where I am.
Breathing deeply, I try again, blinking rapidly as my eyes adjust to the
offending brightness.
Turning my head slightly, I see an IV pole with tubes leading to my
hand and arm. There are monitors everywhere and I wish I had my gun to
shut them up.
At the thought of my gun, vivid memories flash through my mind like a
We were both shot. I was shot in the chest, and he was shot in the
stomach. I remember watching him crawl to me, holding me close as we
resigned ourselves to our fate.
But I’m here. I survived.
Where is he? I have to find him.
Just as I’m about to rip this shit out of my arm, the door opens, a nurse
walking into the room. “Ah, you’re awake. I’ll get the doctor.”
“Wait! The man who was with me, Jase Hamilton. Where is he?” My
throat is dry, my voice hoarse from lack of use. The way she’s staring at me
has my chest cracking, and I can’t handle the sinking feeling in my
“I’m sorry, honey. He’s gone.” She turns on her heel, leaving the room
as if she didn’t just shatter my world into a million pieces.
“Gone.” I whisper in shock.
Bile rises in my throat, and I turn quickly, vomit spewing all over the
floor. Gasping for air, I’m heaving, wishing chunks would come up and
choke me to death. My stomach is empty, but I can’t stop gagging.
Falling back against the pillow, uncontrollable sobs rack my body.
Shaking violently, I relive our last moments together.
His hand covering my wound. My hand covering his. Our decision to
leave this life and find each other in the next.
Oh, God.
He’s gone and I’m here. I can’t take this. I had his love, and I can’t be
without it.
I won’t.
Every ounce of pain I’ve suffered in this life surges to the front of my
mind and I embrace it.
Every lonely moment.
Every depressing thought.
Every cruel word.
Every violent strike.
Every wish for death.
I focus on it with every cell in my body.
It’s all nothing compared to the pain of losing him.
Why the fuck am I still here?
We were supposed to be together.
What the fuck did I do to deserve this cursed fate?
I repeat the question over and over in my mind until it tears from my
throat in an agonizing scream.
“Shhh. It’s okay, killer. I’ve got you.”
I freeze at the sound of his voice.
Is he really here or am I stuck between worlds, and it will only be
seconds before I’m ripped away from him again?
“I’m here, baby. It was just a nightmare.” He coos in a soothing tone.
My eyes fly open, and I lunge at him. Maybe if I hold onto him as
tightly as I can, no one can tear us apart.
He leans back just enough to flip on a lamp, but I don’t let go. “Rage,
baby. Look at me.”
The dam breaks and I sob into his neck, my legs and arms wrapping
around him like a child. His hands grip my face and I open my eyes.
“We were shot. You were in a medically induced coma for a month to
help you heal. You woke up and the bitch nurse told you I was gone. You
thought I was dead, but I had only run home to shower and change clothes.
This isn’t a dream, baby. We’re real and we’re together. We survived.”
He tells me the story after every nightmare. He never loses his patience.
Every time the words leave his mouth, I calm down and feel like an idiot.
It’s been three months since the shooting and I’m still having these
fucking nightmares. Jase thinks I have PTSD. I told him that’s ridiculous.
I’ve been through a lot of shit in my life, and I’ve always recovered.
But you’ve never experienced losing him.
An hour after that fucking nurse destroyed me, Jase walked into the
room, and I flipped the hell out. Once I told him what happened, he lost his
shit. He cursed and threatened every nurse and doctor in the hospital for
what she said to me. I was scared he was going to get arrested, but they
sympathized, and everyone catered to me for the remainder of my stay.
Not to mention, he was still healing from his stomach wound. He was
getting along well, with minor pain by the time I woke up. The gun shot
missed his organs, only piercing the flesh.
I thought after leaving there, everything would be okay. Unfortunately,
I relive that horrible moment at least once a week. I was having nightmares
every night, but Jase helped me through them, and they’re reoccurring less
and less. I feel terrible for putting him through this.
“I’m sorry.” I sniffle, trying to gain my composure.
He grips my chin, his eyes hardening. “This is the last time I’m going
to say this. You. Have. Nothing. To. Be. Sorry. For.”
His clipped tone leaves no room for argument. It also sends a shiver
down my spine, and I want him now.
We haven’t had sex since the shooting. We’ve both been healing and
didn’t want to take a chance of hurting the other.
Okay, not really.
I’ve wanted to jump him at least ten times a day and he won’t
cooperate because he’s worried about me.
Looking into his eyes, I’m done waiting. If he doesn’t give in, I’ll
torture him.
Cupping his face, I kiss him gently. Licking the seam of his lips, he
groans, opening himself to me. We keep it light for a few moments, but I
lose control and deepen the kiss. He growls into my mouth and my
desperate body reacts. Pushing him until he’s flat on his back, I crawl over
him, taking what I want.
He pulls away, concern written across his face. “Rage, your chest. You
“You are what I need. Only you.” I whisper, taking control again.
“Killer.” He warns, using his ‘daddy’ tone.
“Jase.” I snap, and that gets his attention. “I love you. When I thought I
lost you, I wanted to die. I was so fucking angry I survived. It was the worst
pain I’ve ever experienced.”
His eyes widen, his jaw dropping. Now, I have his full attention.
“Do you understand now? I can’t live without you. When I thought I’d
have to, something inside me broke. The nightmares are slowly fading, but
maybe you’re right. Maybe I do have PTSD. Either way, I need you. I need
us. I love you, Jase. I love you so fucking much.” A stray tear falls down
my cheek, landing on his chest.
He watches me silently and I have no idea what he’s thinking.
Suddenly, I’m flipped on my back as he hovers above me. “I love you,
killer. The past few months have almost killed me. I’ve been dying to touch
you, but I will always put you first. Your needs and your well-being will
always come first, whether you like it or not. Understand me?”
Feeling defeated, I sigh, nodding my head.
His fingers glide down my cheek and he grins. “You said the words,
Confused, I look up at him.
“You said you love me. No hesitation. No regrets. You said the words
as easy as breathing.” He touches his forehead to mine, breathing deeply.
“Say it again.”
“I love you.” I tell him, cupping his face in my hands.
“Fuck, baby. The strength of what I feel for you hurts.” As the last
word leaves his mouth, he slams his lips to mine. Pouring all his emotions
into this kiss, I match his sentiment. He rips my shirt over my head, pausing
to look at the scar to the right of my heart. His finger lightly traces over it
before leaning down to kiss it gently.
“I’ve never been more scared in my life.” He whispers and the pain in
his voice shatters my soul.
Lifting his chin, I smile. “We’re here. Together.”
Crashing his lips to mine, he devours me. He’s unhinged and I welcome
the beast emerging from him. His hand slides down my stomach, fisting my
panties. He rips them from my skin, the burn from the fabric making me
moan into his mouth.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but it’s been too long.” He growls, my pussy
already dripping for him.
“I don’t want gentle. I want you. All of you.” I whisper against his lips.
“Fuck.” He groans as I push his boxers down, freeing his massive hard-
on. “Spread your pussy lips open.”
Snaking my hands between us, I spread myself open with my fingers.
He looks down between us, licking his lips in anticipation. I want his mouth
on me, but I need his cock more. I need our bodies joined together where
neither of us know where the other begins and ends.
“Jase, later. Fuck me now.” I beg, not giving a damn how desperate I
After watching me for a moment, he gives in to my plea. “Hold that
soaked cunt open.”
He rises to his knees, pulling me to him roughly. He drives into me, my
wet pussy welcoming him home.
We moan together as he falls on top of me, careful to hold himself off
my chest. He refuses to believe I’m healed, still afraid of hurting me.
I’ve had enough.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down further, his full
weight pinning me to the mattress. My body hums with satisfaction, content
in being cocooned by him.
He holds himself still, searching my face. “Tell me to stop. That’s all
you have to say.”
“Not a fucking chance.” I breathe, grinding myself against him.
He pulls out slowly, torturing us both. With a wicked gleam in his eyes,
he punches forward, ripping a scream from my throat. “Fuck!”
He doesn’t stop this time, and I’m lost in the brutal pace he sets, taking
what he needs from me. He groans into my neck, sucking the sensitive skin
below my ear.
He’s been starved for too long.
He’s using my body and I’m getting off on every second of it.
The muscles in my lower belly tighten and my pussy throbs around
“Come on daddy’s cock, baby girl. Give me what’s mine.” He growls,
his large fingers coming to bracket my throat. He applies enough pressure
to restrict my airway and I explode.
His name is a quiet sob falling from my lips, but he doesn’t relent.
Before I can come down from the high of my orgasm, he shifts to his knees,
taking me with him.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this. I’ll never get enough of you. We’ll be eighty
years old, and I’ll still chase your tight pussy around the house.” He groans
and I can’t help but giggle.
“You’re crazy.”
Bouncing hard on his cock, he wraps his arms around me, halting my
movements. He holds me to him as he stands up, turning to pin me against
the wall.
Driving into me, he grins. “I’m crazy as hell, killer. But only for you.”
He fucks me like a mad man, desperate to break me open and live
inside my warmth. His cock sinks deeper until he hits my g-spot and
another orgasm tears through me.
The high is an out of body experience.
Digging my nails into his shoulders, he groans as I clench around him,
my pussy demanding his cum fill me up.
“Fuck!” He roars, his thrusts stuttering as he empties himself inside me.
We’re breathless, panting like wild animals. He pushes away from the
wall, and we fall onto the bed.
Nuzzling my neck, he wraps me in a protective hold. “Say it again.”
Choosing to be a brat, I play dumb. “Say what again?”
He lifts his head, narrowing his eyes in warning. “Rage.”
“Yes, daddy?” I ask innocently, doing a shitty job hiding my smile.
He shoots up, flipping me to my back. I yelp in surprise as he grips my
thighs, ripping them open.
There’s my beast.
He slams inside me, my scream muffled by his unforgiving mouth.
Fucking me like a toy, his hips piston into me like a machine.
“Say. It. Again.” He growls against my mouth.
Debating on pushing his buttons, I decide coming around his cock
would be much more enjoyable. Besides, after successfully tearing down
every protective layer I built around my heart, he deserves to know how I
feel about him.
“I love you.”
He groans, and the sound sets me off for the third time. “Again.”
“I fucking love you!” I sob, my body giving out beneath him.
As I lie limp on the mattress, he stills deep inside me, coating my
insides with his release. “You own me, killer. I’m yours in every life for
eternity. You will never know loneliness again. You will never know pain
again, unless I give it to you with pleasure. Nothing will ever tear us apart,
not even death. Do you know why?”
A lump forms in my throat as my emotions get the better of me.
“Because you belong to me.” His intense gaze and the finality in his
words bring me a sense of peace and safety I never thought I’d find in this
“Say it.” I whisper, throwing his own demands back at him.
He grins wolfishly, shifting his hips, his hard cock still nestled inside
me. “I love you, killer.”
One Year Later…

“Oh come on. Let me kill him.” She begs, knowing what it does to me.
After we killed Malcolm, the remaining assassins voted I take over.
They all agreed I’m the only one who can fill Charles’s shoes. I’m humbled
by their faith in me, but nothing made me feel more capable than Rage
standing by my side at the meeting.
I had my doubts about returning to the business, but she encouraged me
to continue Charles’s legacy. She amazes me every day with her strength,
loyalty and love.
Her only request was to be part of it.
She’s come into her own, finding her path, by my side. She’s a queen in
every sense of the word.
Her determination.
Her willpower to fight.
Her dedication in keeping our streets safe.
The men were concerned when I told them I accept, but I won’t just be
a figure head. I want to be in the field like I was before. Most of them
knowing me for years, knew I wouldn’t back down.
I waited for resistance bringing Rage into our circle, but it never came.
They all welcomed her to the family.
Fighting and killing together was my only condition in bringing her on
board. I believe in her whole-heartedly, but no matter how smart and strong
she is, I won’t risk losing her.
In the beginning, she would’ve cut my balls off for suggesting it. But
after what happened with Malcolm, she understands my fear. She agreed
and we’ve worked as a team flawlessly.
Our current job is to take out Christian O’Hare.
We received entail he’s trafficking young girls up north. This particular
job has bothered Rage more than usual. She found the file on my desk,
seeing pictures of the girls. She vowed to bring them home to their families.
O’Hare is a sneaky son-of-a-bitch. There’s been multiple attempts on
his life, and no one has got him yet.
He’s never met us.
Rage is obsessed with killing the bastard and I don’t mind. She knows
we’ll be together, but she wants the kill shot.
Leaning against the bedroom doorframe, I grin as she watches me
expectantly. I’ve yet to answer, enjoying seeing her get riled up.
I don’t know why she still does this. I always give her what she wants,
but I’m not going to stop her from begging. It makes my cock hard.
“Jase. Are you listening to me?” She snaps.
Pushing my luck, I stay quiet, winking at her.
She growls in frustration from across the room, fisting her hips.
“You’re getting on my nerves, damnit. Say something.”
Crossing my arms over my chest, I drop the playful demeanor.
She inhales deeply and her gorgeous green eyes widen. She flashes me
a flirtatious smile as she slowly lowers her knees to the carpet. Her hands
follow suit and for the first time, I feel like the prey.
My cock strains against my jeans, aching to be inside her. Dropping my
arms, my hands flex, summoning the control to let her come to me.
Her thick hips sway as she moves closer and my jaw clenches, begging
to bite her tight, round ass.
She stops in front of me, rising up on her knees. Batting her eyelashes
innocently, I take in her not-so-subtle grin.
“Take my cock out.” I demand, needing to feel her warm, wet mouth
around me.
“Yes, Daddy.” She smiles, knowing exactly what she’s doing.
She unzips my pants, pulling them down with my boxers. My cock
springs free, at her mercy. Taking it in her hand, she grips me tightly,
moving up and down at a slow pace.
Fisting her hair, I jerk her head back. “Stop teasing. You know what to
She grins before opening her mouth, taking me inside her at a slow,
torturous pace.
My eyes close as I groan, momentarily lost in the pleasure only she can
give me. Winding my fingers tighter in her long hair, I look down into her
eyes, already on the edge of coming. “That’s it, killer. You’re taking
daddy’s cock so well.”
She moans around me, her soft tongue twirling around my shaft.
Seeing her like this, on her knees, always has me exploding in record
time. She moves her head up and down, faster and faster. Tears gather in her
eyes as she pushes me deeper, gagging when I hit the back of her throat.
Hollowing her cheeks, she increases the suction on my throbbing cock, and
I’m done for.
“Fuck!” I roar, shooting my release down her throat. “Swallow every
She does as she’s told, still sucking until she’s drained me completely. I
slide out of her mouth, and she wipes her lips, sucking the last remnants of
me from her fingers.
Leaning down, I grip her biceps, lifting her off the floor. Walking her
backwards, she yelps when I throw her on the bed. Ripping her panties off,
I jerk her to the edge of the mattress.
My turn to kneel for my queen.
She gasps as I attack her clit, pushing two fingers inside her swollen,
dripping cunt. Sucking my dick has always turned her on.
I know the feeling.
My cock is hard again, tasting her sweet juices on my tongue.
“Fuck, Jase!” She moans as I add a third finger.
Curling them upwards, I find her g-spot, applying the pressure she
needs to come undone. Sucking her clit harder, she bucks against my face.
Using my other hand, I circle her back hole, pushing through the ring of
muscles easily with her arousal.
“Oh, God!” She screams as she detonates, sucking my fingers into both
her holes. Her cum gushes from her pussy, soaking my hands and face.
She’s a trembling mess, panting as the tension in her body starts to
This is what I live for.
Loving this woman and making her come is my purpose in life.
Rising from the floor, I strip down before crawling on the mattress,
propping myself up against the headboard. “Ride my cock, killer.”
After catching her breath, she gives me that gorgeous smile. “Daddy’s
demanding today.”
Pulling her shirt over her head, she settles on top of me, sinking down
slowly. We moan together, knowing this is how we belong.
She grinds on me slowly, savoring every inch of me as I worship every
inch of her. She leans to the side, reaching under her pillow. Pulling out her
straight razor, she flicks it open, holding it to my throat.
My cock grows impossibly harder, throbbing as the cool blade touches
my skin. “You still haven’t decided if you like me bossy?”
She drops down, taking me to the hilt, groaning as I hit her g-spot. “I
love you bossy, but I still want your blood.”
Warm liquid trickles down my throat as she knicks me with the blade.
Her eyes dilate as she watches it trail down my skin. Thrusting my hips, I
push inside her deeper. She falls forward, licking the blood from my neck,
dropping the knife off the side of the bed.
Flipping her onto her back, I take control, fucking her fast and hard.
Wrapping my hand around her throat, I squeeze. “You want the kill shot,
She reaches for the headboard, holding on as I rut inside her like an
animal. “Yes!” She wheezes.
“Then put your fucking hands on me and don’t let go.” Gritting my
teeth, I bury myself deeper.
She releases the headboard, digging her nails into my back until I feel
the burn of flesh being ripped open. “Good girl. Make me bleed for you.”
“Jase, it’s too much. Fuck! Don’t stop!” She sobs, and I lick the tears
trickling down her face.
“I’ll never stop. I take care of what’s mine.” I growl, releasing her
throat, biting the sensitive skin below her jaw. “Come for me, killer. Give
daddy what he wants.”
She cries out as her back tries to arch, but I keep her pinned to the bed.
Her pussy clenches around me so tightly, my eyes roll back. Slamming
inside her again, white hot sensation shoots down my spine, my balls
drawing tight.
“Oh, fuck!” I come so hard my arms give out and I collapse on top of
We both struggle to catch our breath. Moving to shift my weight, she
tightens her grip around me. “No. Stay.”
Snaking my arms underneath her, I bury my face in her neck. The smell
of her skin is intoxicating, like rain on a tropical island. My cock twitches
inside her as I lick the length of her throat.
She moans, sinking her fingers into my scalp. “Do I get to kill him?”
Raising my head to meet her eyes, I’m hit with an overwhelming
feeling of love for my little slayer.
“You are my strength and weakness. You’re my light and darkness.
You’re my life and my death. You’re everything to me and I’ll give you
anything you desire.” Tears leak from her eyes, and I brush them away with
my thumb. “He’s all yours, baby.”
Slamming her lips to mine, she pushes her way inside my mouth, and I
take what she has to give. Deepening the kiss, I groan in satisfaction as she
moves her hips below me.
Ripping her mouth from mine, she’s breathless. “You know I don’t do
this mushy shit, but I love you so fucking much, Jase. There aren’t words to
describe what I feel for you.”
My chest tightens. It still amazes me every day that I have her heart.
Neither of us are poetic with our words. We simply say how we feel,
We convey our feelings through actions.
It’s what we know.
Taking her slowly this time, I worship her with everything I have.
“You’ll never understand the depths of my love for you, wife.”
She smiles through her tears. “I think I have a good idea, husband.”
I'd like to thank my wonderful readers. Without you, this little dream of
mine would be nothing. Your interest in my stories humble me. You are all
freaking awesome!

To my beautiful beta reader, Katelin. Your sharp eyes and encouraging

words mean so much to me. You are a true blessing to all the authors with
your dedication.

Finally, the bookstagram community. I'm truly grateful to all the readers for
their feedback and the authors for their advice.

All of you make a difference. Especially in the life of a little Indie Author
like me.
Books By This Author
Entwined: The Complete Emerald Hills Series
Shelby Carter is making the move to Emerald Hills to start a new life with
her best friend, Ava.
Meeting her motorcycle riding landlord, she falls hard for the sexy stranger.
Damien McCallister is content living in the mountains, running a cabin
rental business.
Everything changes when he meets his new tenant. He realizes he's been
missing something.
Their chemistry is explosive.
The stars align as their souls entwine.

Ava Larson is excited to have her best friend close again.

When she meets Shelby and Damien for dinner one night, she doesn't
expect to meet the man of her dreams.
Chase Brooks loves his peaceful life in Emerald Hills. He has everything he
Or so he thought.
One look at Ava and his world is changed forever. He will do everything in
his power to capture her heart.

Lucas Campbell is a grump. He moved to Emerald Hills after retiring from

his job as a bouncer in Atlanta.
He's doesn't like people, so when he feels the pull to visit the local bar one
night, he's baffled.
Until he sees her...
Scarlett Ellis is trying to ignore the guy flirting with her at the bar. She's all
but given up on finding love until her eyes lock with a giant who steals her
He's the sexiest man she's ever seen, and she knows her fate is sealed.

The Emerald Hills Series includes three novellas, each with a guaranteed

Souls Entwined
Hearts Entwined
Passions Entwined

If you love short, fast-paced, insta-love books with extra spice and a happy
ending, this is the series for you.

This is the author's debut series. Each novella can be purchased individually
on Amazon, or you can purchase the complete collection in one book!

His Good Girl

For two years, I've been content alone. Being married to a narcissist did me
in. I'm a book editor who works from home and I'm okay with that.
Until the gorgeous man covered in tattoos notices me. Suddenly, I don't
want to be alone anymore.
It starts out as a story book romance, but much dirtier.
A second chance at finding love.
Our pasts have other plans and they collide in a way we never could have

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