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Hiking Trip: Bukit Salor

Had an awesome hike at Bukit Salor yesterday with the usual suspects plus Kak Tihah's
niece, Qairin. We all gathered at Kak Tihah’s house and left around 5:30 AM to catch the
'awan karpet' view.

We got there around 7:05 AM and started hiking right away. The trail begins with a steep
paved road that splits into three: a fully paved road to the pencawang, a half-paved road
(which we thought was paved all the way), and an unpaved road. We chose the half-paved
one, thinking, “We're not TNB, why go to the pencawang?”

The unpaved part wasn’t as steep, and there were spots to take pics of the 'awan karpet'.
About 2/3 of the way, Qairin couldn’t go on – which is pretty good for a 9-year-old! So, Kak
Tihah, Qairin, and I went back down while the rest went to the summit.

On the way down, we decided to explore the fully paved route leading to the pencawang and
stopped at a gazebo for breakfast. Well, Kak Tihah and Qairin had breakfast; I stuck to my
intermittent fasting and just enjoyed the view. As they ate, we watched the clouds start to
turn into fog, obscuring the once-visible peaks.

We hiked a bit more but turned back halfway since there's not much to see in the fog. We
met up with the rest at the parking lot.

Hike rate: 3/10

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