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3 eg x MO eee UEC e Ly \ your favourite role playing game i Menagerie of Magic by Greedy Mimic Games LTD is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approvedjendorsed by Wizards, Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Contents ‘Table Of Contents 1 Contents page 3 2 Dwarven Magic items page 4 3 Elven Magic Items page 8 4 Halfling Magic Items page 12 5 Human Magic Items page 16 6 Dragonborn Magic Items page 20 7 Gnome Magic Items page 24 8 Half-Elf Magic Ttems page 28 9 Half-ore Magic Items page 32 10 Tiefling Magic Items page 36 11 Barbarian Magic Items page 41 12 Bard Magic Items page 45 13 Cleric Magic Items page 49 14 Druid Magic Items page 53 15 Fighter Magic Items page 57 16 Monk Magic Items page 61 17 Pali in Magic Items page 65 18 Ranger Magic Items page 69 19 Rogue Magic items page 73 20 Sorcerer Magic items page 77 21 Warlock Magic items page 81 22 Wizard Magic items page 85 23 Artificer magic items page 89 24 Unrestricted magic items page 94 25 Backer cré fed items page 136 26 Item sets page 169 27 Spirit beast mount system page 198 Dwarven Magic items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Dwarves. Many of these items are revered and beloved by the majority of the Dwarven populace and only non-dwarves who have spent a 1 Dwarves will likely have seen or heard of any of them. Braiding Beads Wondrous item,very rare From time to time you may come across a Dwarf with beads braided through their beard or hair. Most of these beads are made of wood or stone, but some are made from rare minerals and carved with special Dwarven runes. These special beads are imbued with power and each bead grants +1 to an ability score. But beware, if more than one of these beads afe present, they will nullify the power of each other. Roll on the following table to decide which runic bead you might find and the ability score they4mprove. d6 Rune (Stat) 1 Abargor (Strength) 6 Rune (Stat) 5s 4 Tisdor (Dexterity) 5. Klondil (Costitution), 6 Sagera (Wisdom) 2 Coblend ((ntelligence) 3. Nithenoril (Charisma) Braided Hip flask Wondrous item, uncommon. ‘A typical flask you would find on any dwart from children up to the aged, usually made from rams leather and decorated with twisted and braided > leather. They are regularly filled with whiskey or rurn and offer a small draught of bravery in times of need Drinking from this flask (regardless of it's content) allows you to add 1d6 on your next ability check, This can be done a number of times equal to your constitution modifier (minimum one). You must finish a long rest before doing so again. Gauntlet of the hunt Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) ‘The gauntlet of the hunt is a treasure hunter's dream. Originally crafted by Copperbrush Fuzzlint, famed blacksmith, for his cousin Than Osdal when he sset off in search for his fortunes. While the original was lost (along with Than) a handful of reproduction versions have shown up aver time. considerable amount of time around = This solid brass gauntlet covers the entire forearm of the weilder. As a result you gain +1 to your AC while wearing it. The gauntlet has 10 charges and using an action you can detect if there is any gold, gemstones or valuable minerals within S0Oft of you. The portals Of light in the forearm section will glow brighter the ‘sloser the treasure is to you. You regain expended ‘charges after you finish a long rest. Fashionable half cloak Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) “These off the shoudler cloaks are not usually seen on dwarves as they tend to be longer and kept for those who care more about class. This particular cloak has been trimmed to be of the correct length. While you are attuned to this cloak you gain advantage and proficiency with all charisma based skills. Additionally yob gain +2 to your charisma. Ka-BOOMSStick Weapon, (Rifle) very rare (requires attunement) Firearms aren't a paricularly common sight amongst Dwarves let alone the other races of the realms. But this particular type of rifle is special. It comes with an ammunition pouch that must be within 30ft of the ‘weapon in order for It to function. The ammunition - automatically transfers from the pouch to the gun, 9 through similar magic to that of a bag of holding. This means you Ignore the loading property of the weapon. You gain +2 to your attack and damage rolls made using the Ka-BOOM-stick. The damage dice pool is ‘36 and you ignore the loading property. - Orb of descent Wondrous item, uncommon ‘. ‘This éléar eFB can detect a suddenchange in altitude. ‘When this happens it deploys a very light shield Beating a ft radius. While you are in possession of this orb you take 106 less fell damage. Quarry Spaulder — “he Wondrous item, uncommon These shoulderguards are exremely common within the mining community of Dwarves. Anyone who ‘spends any time in caves, caverns or quarries know how valuable this protection can be when rocks are falling. - ‘Once per day you may automatically succeed on a Dexterity saving tttrow. You must finish a long rest : Biers ater cots asain as Ram's hide boots Wondrous item, uncommon Any good Dwarf will tell you socks and boots are ‘some of the most important things in life. Look after your feet! ‘These boots are impervious to the elements. Your feet are always dry and warm fo matter what climate you find yourself in Runic Mining cap Wondrous item uncommon While underground, the wearer of this item always knows the item's depth below the surface and the direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leading upward. Subterranean Mining Pick at ‘Weapon (mace) uncommon. This may look like an ordinary mining too! to most but any Dwarf worth their salt would instantly recognise the design as that of Copperbrush Fuzeflne. The famed blacksmith spent years at a time in the deep mines ofthe underdark, perfecting the tools and methods of his trade. This mining tool has been designed so that the pick has the perfect angles to rip and tear into even the most stubborn of stone andiminerals. Not to mention’ itis forged from a secrét alloy, known only to the highest tier of the Miner's quild. While wielding this pick axe, you gain advantage on skill checks used to Identify 2 weak point in anything made from stone. Additionally, you may choose to succeed on any skill check uséd to destroy something using the pick. Once you have done this you must finish a long rest before you can doit again. Support beam Rod, rare (requires attunement) This rod can hold unnatural amount of weight. These were originally used to reinforce caves and mine shafts while digging, Recently they have been used in| destruction to reinforce buildings while the. foundation supports are removed. The support beams are then disabled and the buildings collapse very cleanly and efficiently. ‘Tenacity ‘Weapon (Quarterstaff), very rare (requires, % attunement) re ‘Attack and damage rolls made with this weapon receive a +2 bonus. While you aré/attuned to this staff, any time you take the attack action, you may make another attack with disadvantage. . Thanbar's Courage Weapon (Warhammer) Legendary (requires attunement) alll ‘Thanbar TimbeFbraw! ema h by all. = Dwarves, Humans, Gnomes, even Elves; While everyone will have their own stories about him, the Dwarves know the truth. He was a.cold, harsh man but he was fearsome and strong. His riame is,» ‘synonymous with his Warhammer. Black and gold with spiked sections on each end., one blow.could Ba. ™. enough to end a life. This weapon has seen mainy a battle and alwas seen them through. After his death, the hammer was sent to his foolish son.who sold it at the first opportunity he got. It hash been seen since. ‘Thanbar's courage is a versatile weapon that deals 110(d12), rather than the usual 148(410). While you are attuned to this weapon you increase both your Strength and Constitution scores by +2 and you may take 2 actions in the first round of each encounter. yi’ Vyrnhal Battle horn Wondrous item, uncommon, Originally used during the Battle of Vyrnhal, these hollowed out ram horns have been used for centuries to call autto those in the vicinity to alert them of battle. Back then the Rams.were much larger and” imposing but over time the species has shrunk down to the size of ordinary sheep. Any family that has an, original horn from the Battle of Vyrnhall would have it on display and have tremendous pride over that. Ifyou are in a.position where you could cause your ‘enemy to be surprised, instead you can choose to blow the battle horn. This allows the user and all allies to roll all attacks with advantage and with a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls, as well as increasing spell DC by +1. ‘This effect lasts only for the first round. Vyrnhal Medallion Amulet, very rare (requires attunement) These medallions were awarded to tht6Sé who fought in the battle of Vyrnhal. Every'single survior was ‘awarded a medal once they returned home safe and every brave dwarf that died in battle was awarded service. These medals were sent to their The sign of a good family, and even better men. These medallions are known by all of Dwarvenkind but some may go their whole lives without ever seeing one. Whilst you are attuned and wearing this medallion, you can’ no longer be surprised, you have advantage (on initiative rolls and you can increase your Constitution score by +2. Elven Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Elves. Whilst Elves have a tendency to spend their time anywhere and everywhere, populating towns and cities in every corner of the world, they do keep some secrets. Including many of these items. Alert hoop Ring, very rare (requires attunement) While you are attuned to this ring, your elf eyes are dialed in even more than usual. You gain advantage n initiative rolls and you cannot be surprised. Ancestral Amulet ‘Amulet, uncommon Elves can live for hundreds of years, and these amlets ore posced on to the (ret bor ehld ote oath, o plony of resol MES uouso Years 01. ach farly has one so theyre dulte the ‘common sight, but seeing someone with oneilet's, you know they're the eldest sibling. These mal dss ae imbued with the wi aa family due to a magleal property Inthe med you may choose to succeed one wisdom You must finish a long rest before be! again. Cape eilora Wondrous item, uncommon These cloaks are mass produced and sold every Elven tailor. They are designed to be cloaks for balls and events. While wearing you may add a +1 bonus to your charis ability checks. Comfortable Lynx fur Boot: Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) ‘These hardy yet elegant boots are both comfortable and practical. They keep the feet warm whilst also allowing them to breathe. They allow you to worry ‘about one less thing. ‘A good pair of boots is one item of clothing all good elves should have. These ones in particular increase your movement speed by +5ft and grant advantage on dexterity saving throws to save against falling. Crystal of the ancients Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This crystalline gemstone offers no benefit to races other than elves, aside from looking very pretty. But for any elf that is attuned to this item, it reduces the ‘amount of meditation needed to gain the benefits of a long rest from 4 hours to 2 hours. The elf must still spend 8 hours doing non strenuous activity, but the ther 6 hours can be used on other productive activities. Elven branch Weapon (quarterstaff), very rare (requires attunement) ‘This quarterstaff was crafted from the branch of a millenia old tee that had fallen naturally. Usually @ ead branch is weak and brite but this tree sheds excess branches if it grows too large. Attack and damage.rolls made with this weapon are made with 2 +2 bonus. The wood the staff is carved from is almost weightless, despite being extraordinarily strong. As such, these weapons gain the Light property. Eternal Beauty Comb Wondrous item, uncommon This comb was fashioned from a fallen branch of the ancient core tree. A tree so old and so large, the stofies say its roots burrow deep to the centre of the world. It is far older than anything constructed by any sentient creature and has seen more than anyorie could possibly imagine. Many elves believe that the nutrients from deep inside the world that the tree feeds from are the reason the arlcieht core tree has lasted so long, Untouched by. any creature and therefore completely untainted. Using this comb keeps your hair looking beautiful and full of life. You may cast.the Charm person spell without expending a spell slot. Once you have done this you must finish a long rest before doing so again. Ethereal mirror of the disguised oo Wondrous item, rare oa This mirror isa curious little trinket. Its elaborate frame is carved from wood and treated with a rich ~ varnish, the reflective part(s almost black and upon ey first inspection you would be confused to see nothing. No reflection staring back at you, nothing behind you. Nothing. Unless of course you were in a room with a Vampire. * This mirror was enchanted to show all invisible objects and creatures within its reflection. However at some point during the enchantment process it went wrong, soit only shows the invisible and hidden things. Mask of Divine grace Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) This white mask is carved:from marble and is decorated with golden inlay to show facial features . including sharp teeth and harsh eyes. While this, 3 "7 mask may appéar quite terrifying, it gives off 2 soothing feeling whyle itis being worn by an elf. When selling items to a vendor, your air of superiority causes them to forget the true value of items. You may sell items for double the price of others. This does not work on items that were previously. bought from a vendor. Oakenbow Weapon (shortbow), rare (requires attunement) Ps ‘A strong and powerful bow despite its sffall size, the ‘oakenbow is the ultimate combination of exceptional rf elven craftsmanship and sturdy materials. ‘Attack and damage rolls jade with this bow recieve a +1 bonus. While you are attuned to this item, travelling through difficult terrain has no ill effect on. you and you always know which way is north, Noble Timepiece - Wondrous item, uncommon, Elves are never late (nor do they arrive exectly when, they mean to), elves are always ontime. In part due to these wonderful timepieces that are common among elves. > This small clock can tell you the time and date and can be set to count down as a timer. € Ring of Arcane Alacrity : Ring, rare The knowledge that elves are athletic and well suited to moving acrobatically is known,to’all. However their true hastiness can come toa Surprise to some. Others have heard the stories and believed them to be nothing more than rumours. If you enter combat whilst outdoors and you're last in the initiative order, instead you act first during thes first round. Silent stiletto Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement) These daggers are designed to be as thin as possible in order to puncture as narrow a wound as possible, AAs such it is entirely possible to make an attack with this weapon without the target knowing immediately. If you make an attack against a surprised enemy, roll 2.020. If the roll is even you may immediately make another attack. Shortsword of the Light Night Weapon (shortsword), rare, (requires attunement) ‘This curved sword has a sapphire embedded in the hilt it offers no purpose other than for appearance. “The blade glows with a low blue hue Attack and damage rolls made with this weapon gain 2 +1 bonus. Between sunset and sunrise your movement speed is doubled. You can also jump twice as far and high as usual. The sword gives off light for 30ft. 7 ‘Time-infused pouch ‘Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) This mystical satchel is painstakingly sewn together by an artisan Tailor. Created using the finest silks and cloths and using the strongest threads. It's purple body almost seems to have an aura about it and the fineistitching detail looks to glow in dim light. The top flap is detailed with 3 beautiful purple gergstofies. . | The mouth of this bag acts as a portal to a safe room. This room can be anywhere of your choosing But the bag can only be paired with one room at a time. You may store as much in this bag as you can fit in the room of your choosing, but the mouth of the bag can not expand to the point you could fit large Items through, like a cart or ballista. The mouth may expand enough to let a particularly small gnome or halfling through. To pair this bag with a room, you must spend & hours in the room with the bag whilst meditating, Halfling Magic Items onl be used by the diminutive foot hove been ated specealy fr Halflings exclusive use, so they may be « ne rsa cere ties F Advanced cooking kit $4 Tool (Cooking utensils) rare If there Is one thing Halfings love more than being at home in front of a roaring fire with a good book, its a ‘good meal. Anyone can cook some food but only a Halfling with the correct tools can make a truly delicious, filling meal. This advanced set of utensils allow the user to create 2 magnificent feast from the most mundane of materials. Rice becomes delectable, simple bread is exquisite and anything with meat is instantiy mouthwatering, This kit has 10 charges. During a long rest you may prepare a meal using these tools to improve general wellbeing and morale of you and your allies. An) who eats the meal prepared instantly repleni spent hit dice and gains temporary hit points their level. Amulet of Home Amulet, very rare (requires attunement) No one really knows how these wondrot work, not even the vast majority of H extremely rare and only a handful them. You may speak the command word and conces ‘on a bound location. If you maintain concentrak for one minute, you will be teleported to this location. Similar spells exist that have this effect, but <= most who use these amulets bond them to their homes as this is where Halflings feel safest. In order to bind a location to the Amulet, you must spend 8 hours in said location while relaxing with the amulet. You must think about the bond at least once peer hour for it to hold. In order to bind to a new location, you must remove any existing bindings first by doing the opposite of the binding process. Boomerang ‘Weapon (boomerang) uncommon This curved wooden club is decorated with simplistic red paint. It is a curious weapon in that it is a club Damage: 146 with a hefty throwing range and it automatically Damage type: Bludgeoning returns to the thrower whether it hits the target or Properties: Light, thrown not. Range: 60ft/120% yi’ Critter pipe Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Halflings have a natural affinity for mice. They too are small, peaceful creatures that love food. When you are attined'to this pipe, you gain access to the following spells that you can cast at will using the instrument; Find familiar, Speak with animals, Animal Messenger, Locate animals or plants Formal waistcoat Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Everyone should be ready for a nice meal and everyone should dress smartly at meal times. This waistcoat gives you advantage on skill checks to, detect poisoned food and you gain resistance to olson damage. Hiding Ring Ring, rare (requires attunement) This curious ting fs forged from an unkown black etal and seems perfectly smooth. However upon further inspection a venyislight indentation can be seen on the outside of the band, This is so subtle “however that:you cannot make it out. Upon declaration command word, symbols appear in alowbluegiow. Halfling are small and hard to find at the best of times) but with this ring it makes it almost impossible. ar ‘Speaking the command word allows the user to become invisible as long as they do not move. The effect lasts until they move. You can use this number Of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Charges: reset when you finish a long rest. Homely Tea set_ Wondrous item, uncommon 2 “Ys Srv whickar pock containe’a delenes ene pot'as well 2& a set of four cups and saucers. During a short rest you can brew a pot of tea and take a break to drink. If you do you restore double health from spending hit dice. Letter opener Weapon (dagger) uncommon Halflings have smaller than average hands, so they need smaller than average sized weapons. Even 2 regular dagger can prove to be too big to get a comfortable grip which fs what makes this small, letter opener so perfect. While this is technically a dagger, with it being so ‘small the impact point is tiny so it does increased damage when piercing. This weapons damage poo! is 2d4 as opposed to the usual id4. Lucky Brooch Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This brooch’is usually attached to the lapel but some have been Known to wear them on their cloak or satchel. It is crafted from Solid silver and formed into the shape of a dragon. The dragon is clutching 3 golden orb ‘This brooch augments the lucky racial ability to triggerion a dice roll of 2 as well asa 1. Makeshift cloak a Wondrousiitem, uncommon s \With hatfngs being naturally short, most races ~ cutzde of gnomes wouldnt think about making 2 lodk fora halfling and most aren't Bothered enough to make one themselves. ‘This qpakeshift cloak is essentially a tablecloth that has Geen wreppedlend bed around tela by +2 and once per day you may grant yours advantage on & charisma based skill check. Peaked cap Late, Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Comfort and ease of life is the most important thing in 2 halfling’s opinion so imagine how inconvinient the sun can be when it is attempting to blind you. ‘While you are attuned to this cap, you are unaffected, by any vision impairing effects. i -. Pocket square sling : Weapon (sling), rare (requires attunement) ‘Any good man has 2 fine pocket square, but most men don't have one that can be used as a deadly weapon. This small square of cloth has a strong string attached to two of the corners, allowing you to, place a projectile in the square and launch it. ‘Attack and damage rolls made with this weapon receieve a +1 bonus, additionally the sling deals 146 damage rather than the standard 104. This sling is very easy to sneak into areas where you should not be carrying weapons as it is so well disguised as a humble pocket square. To identify it as a weapon, a DC25 investigation check is required. Og Scurrying boots Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) The Scurrying Boots are short by traditional standards but come half way up the leg of a halfling They're a very deep blue with silver detailing. These leather boots were crafted from the hide of a displacer beast. An unsual material that gives the boots unusual properties. While wearing and attuned to these boots your ‘movement speed is increased by 10ft and you may Dash as a bonus action. In addition, when you dash {as a bonus action you'can use your action to jump as though the¥Jump spell has been cast on you. Self heating pot Wondrous item, rare A full belly is one of life's greatest feelings and no fone wants to eat a cold meal. This pot can fit into 8 Standard backpack or Dedroll and has its own heating Source s0 no matter where you are you can have @ warm meal and 2 hot drink. Thurin's shirt Armor (Chain shirt), Legendary (requires attunement) ‘This Mithral Chain shirt was handcrafted by a Master craftsman, Each chain link was delicately linked together, and sealéd with such precision you're tunable to see the seam. The shirt has changed ‘many times since it was crafted but no one knows who the original owner was. It is extremely lightweight and can barely be felt while wearing, Unbelievable freedom of movement. ‘givin TYBBEIEPan pe wor under clothing and cannot be detected unless a creature succeeds on a DC 20 investigation check. While wearing this item and you -are attuned to it, you gain an additional bonus to your AC of +3 and you no longer have disadvantage on stealth checks die to wearing a chain shirt, Additionally, the maximum Dexterity bonus that contributes to your AC +3,.2s opposed to the ordinary +2, Human Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Humans. The most ( | commonly found race in any town, | village or city, most of these items will Ti / be well known my most races but they're only really used by humans. Climbing boots Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) These tall leather boots are made from tan leather and are decorated with golden stitching and buckling They're very expensive looking albeit not particularly comfortable. You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed and gain advantage on skill checks related to climbing, Coat of adaptability ‘Wondrous item, uncommon Humans have no innate defenses against any of the elements whether it be rain, hail, heat or cold. This Coat is just the ideal weight, thickness and material that itis perfect for any and all conditions. You suffer no negative effects from weather or climate while wearing this cloak Comfortable walking boots Wondrous item, uncommon There is nothing more satisfying than going for a lovely walk. Providing you are on fiat ground, your movement speed increases by 10ft. Soa itis rough to the touch and created to look like tw dragon claws intertwining, If you are attuned to this ring you gain, several spells while wearing it. The rin cast Thunderwave (1st level), Dar level), Fireball (3rd level), Fly (3rd level), level). The ring has 10 charges, casting a spel requires a number of charges equal to the spel to cast, The ring regains all spent charges at da Highbow : Weapon (longbow) rare (requires attunement) These bows were manufactured for tity guardsmen who would keep an eye out for incoming threats from a tall watchtower. Attacks made from vantage positions gain a +3 bonus to attack.and damage rolls. Additionally you ‘may cast the spell Lightning arrow once per day. om, Lantern of Secrets Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) This lantern gives off a dim purple light that doesn't illuminate darkness like a traditional lantern. This one reveals secrets. If the light touches a hidden lock, secret door, false wall, hidden trap, invisible treasure etc it reveals it. You may also cast detect magic at will, without the need for any material components and without expending a spell slot. Ocean Master's Trident Weapon (Trident), uncommon (requires attunement) “This weapon resembles an ornate, large pitchfork. While attuned to this weapon you gain the ability to breathe underwater and may cast the shape water cantrip. . Pearl of Wisdom» Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This oversized pear! is extremely valuable in both wealth and function. If you were to sell this to a collector, it would sell for a minimum of 1500 gold pieces, Altefhatively, if you were to use it yourself, then you ‘may meditate for four hours while holding it. This can bbe done while resting as part of a long rest. This will allow you towgain proficiency with up to 3 skills, but for each new skit! proficiency you gain, you must lose proficiency with an existing skill Privileged cloak Wondrous item, uncommon In most villages, towns and cities across the world, humans make up the majority of the population and {as such you have never really faced any adversity or prejudice. Being able to blend into practically any situation or location, (On the off chance you find youself being tracked down, pull up the hood of this cloak and gain advantage onstealth checks made to hide. Revitalizing locket Amulet, very rare (requires attunement) While you are attuned to this amulet, you gain 146. hit points at the start of every turn providing yous have at least 1 hit point. Additionally, death saving throws succeed on rolls above 8. ais Shortsword of retaliation ‘Weapon (shortsword),,uncommon ‘This small sword is very light{Which makes it very easy to make quick attacks. Whenever you make an attack as part of a reaction, your attack rolls gain 42, Skilled rod + Rod, very rare (requires attunement) When you attune to this rod, you may select a feat. If you remove your attunement to this item, you lose the feat benefits. If you attempt to attune to this item again, you may only select the feat chosen previously. Skinning Scimitar _ ‘Weapon (Scimitar) uncommon This Scimitar was originally designed for hunters to skin the pelts from wild beasts with skill and ease: Any time this item is used to remove 2 pelt from a dead animal, the skin is in perfect condition and can be sold to any vendor for double the standard rate. Additionally, it can be used in battle as a standard ‘Scimitar with no magical properties. eo attunement) with swiris and filigree. Ttis in immaculate condition ard ere you found it. It could have been in Be of a swamp or encased in magma, the ines ee oad 1e pages are empty, but is more to this book than ~ As an action, you recall a pi Dragonborn Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by a Dragonborn. Still shunned by the majority of the populace, Dragonborn are rarely seen in ~ Ti, _/ busy locations but if you know where to a look you can find them in abundance. = Brawnstone Wondrous item, uncommon This solid stone has volcanic origins. When eaten by a Dragonborn the damage from the breath ae is di} doubled for 24 hours. Cloak of the Gliding Drake = Wondrous item , very rare (requires attunement) a While wearing this cloak you fall with the gracesof a ballet dancing cat. No matter how high ofa distance from which you fall, you will never land with enoustin, force to take any damage. Additionally, yours met the cloak to cast the Feather fall spell at wil Darkened ruby Wondrous item, very rare eo This deep red gemstone can be housed in a necklace or held loose. While this is in your possession anytime you take healing, you heal for the maximum possible amount. Draconic Amulet ‘Amulet, rare Draconic pendants are seen by many as beautiful pieces of jewellery. Gemstones created by melting » ‘specific stones in dragon flames housed in delicate metal homes. What most will be unaware of however, that when these amulets are worn by dragonborn, it modifies their breath weapon by changing the typing. Draconic Pendant type Gemstone Damage type Onyx Acid Sapphire Lightning Ruby Poison Moonstone Cold Draconic shield ‘Armor (Shield), uncommon Ifa failed attack made against you would have dealt damage without the AC bonus fromithis shield, the attacker is repelled backwards 5ft. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Gauntlets of Elemental power Wondrousiter, rare (requires attunement) « These gauntlet aliow the wearer to modify the damage done using their claws as a melee weapon. Your claws deal 16 slashing damage and gain an additional source of elementalidamage based on your breath weapon. This damage matches the typing of your breath weapon and deals an additional 146 damage. Greatsword of the Savage Drake Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement) This heavy weapon would be difficult for most to pick ug, let Signe swing or be able to use It In battle. The sword was forged and infused using the blood from a Jegendary dragon centuries ago. This connection Causes thé greatsword to feel much lighter and more comfortable to use by a dragonborn when attuned to i eaageae Meera GPE wien this weapon gain 2 +2 bonus. When a Dragonborn is attuned to the Greatsword, it loses its Heavy and two handed properties for the attuned user. This would allow the User to wield a shield or keep a hand free for somantic spell components. Intimidating roar Collar Wondrous item (uncommon), requires attunement This strong cylinder is designed to be worn around the neck and protecting the throat area. They can be crafted from any type of metal, and are usually the same metal as one of the great metallic dragons to show allegience. Wihtn activate, these collars amplify the voice tenfold. Some use them during battle to shout commands across the field of war, others attempt to Cause opponents to flee in terror and some even use them to attract enemies in the hope they can cause distraction for alles to flee. Maul of descaling ‘Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement) ‘Attack and damage rolls made with this weapon gain a +1 bonus. If you attack a creature that is not wearing armor, you may attack twice whenever you take the attack action. Purse of draconic greed ‘Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Dragonborn, mtich,like their dragon ancestors have a love of all things shiny and valuable. So much so they created these pouches to protect their coins and, gems. Providing you are attuned to this pduch fany handiil that breaches its opening that isnot yours wil the bag close with such tremendous fords le hasithe i potential to sever the hand. 23 If this occurs, the victim rolls a 420, On a 1, thelr hand is severed from their body and they take 848 damage. On any other roll, the victim takes 448 damage. 2 a Ring of breathlessness ‘ Rcahrconae ne This ring has been crafted with special properties to vs . help improve bresthiog and VGaBemesdetme Wha wearing this ring, youfcan Ose your breath weapon twice between rests, rather than just once. Scale wax Wondrous item, rare ’ ‘Some dragonborn would rather be nude from dawn ‘i till dusk but it is frowned upon by many societies, and while in battle, this is not perticularly wise. However, X ‘some dragonborn who are lucky enough to own this Y Peculiar wax have the option to doff their armor for. . ‘good. When applied to @ dragon scalés, it forces them to “ harden and repel non-magical attacks. If you choose a A to use the scale wax, instead of wearing armor, you iE may instead choose to use a flat 15 AC and you gain resistance to non magical attacks. 7 ” ie Scaled epaulette Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) ‘This decorative shoulderguard can be worn with or without armor as it straps directly to the chest. While % wearing it your AC increased by +1 and you gain a +2 to intimidation skill checks. Tabard of Tiamat Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) ‘The cult of Tiamat have members in every nook of the world. Most members hide their allegiance as the cult have many an enemy and the vast majority of the public distrust them. While you are attuned to this tabard and wear it Proudly, you gain resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning and poison damage. A + Vicious claw coverings “+ Wondrous item, uncommon “These small metallic spikes slide directly over your ._ claws, protecting them and granting you a +L .” ‘modifier to attack and damage rolls made with your + claws. Gnome Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Gnomes. Gnomesare famed for manufacturing highly ‘advanced technological marvels. Most of the following items are technology based and will be majorly interesting to other 1 races who will likely not have seen anything like them, Absoulte Vision goggles Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) It takes an exceptionally skilled tinkerer to make something like this. These small, simple goggles don't look like much; a skinny leather band, a rough” lens housing and purple lenses. But they are extremely useful While you are wearing these Goggles and are attuned to them, you gain truesight out to a distance of 30ft. Additionally, you gain immunity to the blindness condition and can see through magical darkness. Atomising pulse cannon . Weapon (gun), very rare (requires attunement) If anyone other than a°Gnome were to look at this device, they would either assume it is from another plane of existence or of Gnomish origin given their: reputation for making weird and wonderful creations. This small handheld device'is capable of firing eneray blasts of extreme power. “i Damage: 2d6 Damage type: Force (magic’ damage) Properties: Ranged Range: 60f/120% This weapon also has several special attacks that can each be used once per long rest. + Power Blast: You may fire «large powerful blast of energy tha passes through creatures. Bach creature in a 30 line in front of you take damage. Make separate attack ro foreach creature + Piercing Blast: By tweaking the freqvency ofthe gum, it allows the next bast o pass through sold objects, This attack ignores all cover. + Overcharge: Asa lat dietbacfiea atetouleat overpower the battery ofthe gun causing to explode Every creature within 15 yards of you must succeed on a DCIS Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone snd take 46 Damage. Once this aitack has beer ged the gun jour of commission and must be repaired dui a ang Baboomb Weapon (Bomb), rare This magical grenade is an engineering masterpiece. These bombs are constructed in such a way that they can be manufactured to look like any mundane item. For someone to identify this item as an explosive device, they must succeed on a DC20 Investigation check This bomb can be thrown up to 60ft and has an explosive radius of 30ft. Any creature caught in the blast zone must succeed on a DC15 Dexterity saving throw or take 648 fire’damage and fall prone. Targets take half damage on a successful save but do not fall prone. Cloak of temporal invisibility Cloak, rare (requires attunement) ‘As an action, you may summon a field of space around you that vibrates violently causing a blurring effect in the air. This allows you to appear invisible, however the vibration can be seen and heard from. lose by. You can walk around and act as normal while this is ocurring. Daggerfell chargery ‘Weapon (Dagger), uncommon ‘This dagger has an unusually large handle. It is used to house a battery that charges the blade with electricity. This weapon deals lightning damage. Fingerless gloves Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) “These gloves are used by tinkerers, mechanics, Jewellers and thieves alike. They reinforce and stabilise your hands increasing your Dexterity ‘modifier by +1 ,and you gain a +2 bonus on sleight of hand checks. “Focus assistant Consumable, uncofhmon This small pill;amvbe ingested tofocus up. You may make your next skill check with a +1 bonus. Improved Tinkers Tools “Tool, tnkers tots, uncon” = While using these tools you gain +2 on any ability ccheck that requires the use of Tinker’s tools. In addition these tools allow you to cast the mend cantrip. ee Mind reader's circlet - ‘Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) This pretty metalic band sts on the headend amplifies brain actifty. en While you are attunéd to this item, you gain +1 to your intelligence modifier. Additionally you can read the thoughts of.a|target if you succeed on a DC18. Intelligence saving throw. If you fail, you take 148 damage. Pendant of gravitational pull Amulet, very rare (requires attunement) Speaking the command word allows the wearer of this amulet t6 defy the laws of gravity. Choose a direction, gravity now pulls that way exclusively for ‘you. Run directly up walls, run along ceilings, use your imagination! - This amulet has 5 charges that recover each day at dawn. Propulsion Boots 22 NS Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) . These simple looking leather boots look’at first like a miner's boots. Rugged leather with roughly attached iron toe caps. However if you look at the soles of these boots you will notice,6 small holes. These holes are capable of suction and expulsion. ‘As an action you may speak a command word to, ‘engage the boots in one of two ways. You may either cast the Spider climb spell or the Jump spell. You may do this a a number of times equal to your Proficiency modifier. You must complete @ long rest before doing so again. Scrap shield ‘Armor (shield), rare This shield is formed from the leftover scrap metal from a Gnome's workshop and strapping a leather handle to the back of it. after all, Gnomes don't need a lot of metal to make a decent shield. Tt would be practically useless to any other race aside from perhaps Halfling. This shield gains a #1 bonis to AC on top of the usual +2 from a standard shield. While you carry this item, your movement speed is reduced by 5, but it is strapped to the arm so you can still have 2 hands free. Senso: losion Rod, very rare (requires attunement) This rod is a little different to others you may see in that itis very clearly manufactured to have specific purposes. This rod has id4 charges that recharge at dawn. If you use all charges, roll a d20. On a result Of 1, the gears and pulleys inside the rod fail and no ‘amount of repair work can fix it. While you are attuned to this rod, you may throw it up to 100ft. All creatures within a 30ft radius of the impact point must make a dexterity saving throw or suffer from the blinded and deafened conditions for 5 rounds. Shock ring Ring, rare (requires attunement) This hexagonal ring was fashioned from a nut and it carries a large charge that can be used to attack creatures or make an attempt to resuscitate a fallen ally. ‘When you make a melee attack with a metal weapon, you ‘may use a bonuis action to send the electrical pulse through the weapon to deal an additional 1d8 electric damage. ‘+ You may place your hand on the chest ofa creature that is |, making death saving throws and use a bonus action to «* senda pulse through them. Roll ad20,on.a 10 or higher the ereature becomes stable, Short-bow Weapon (shortbow) uncommon (requires is item isn't really a bow as much as a stick with 2 piece of elastic attached to it. The elastic used allows Half-Elf Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Half-elves. Elves are known to be one of the more promiscuous races so it's not unheard of to find Half elf/Half humans, Half elf/half frcs, even Half elf/half gnomes. You will {find it hard to find a Half elf;half dwarf though. These two races still have a rift between “jy them. Amulet of communication Amulet, very rare (requires attunement) Due to their mixed heritage, half elves are common in every city and port you will find. As such, they regularly find themselves speaking with all kinds of races and beings. Dress shirt Wondrous item, uncommon ‘The half elves take on their favourite elements of Elven culture and human culture, as such they usually like to dress pretty well. This dapper shirt Gives off an aura of class and superiority. You gain +2 to skill checks to pursuade and gain advantage on spells and abilities attempting to charm: humanoids. Elven glider Wondrous item, rare This wonderful device has been craftéd to allow the User to travel in difficult terrain quite easily, By launching them into the air 100f¢ and allawing them to angle it to float back down to land in any direction they please. This device has 4 charges thatbreplenish at dawn. Explosive Dagger Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement) ‘When grappling a creature, you may use an action to, make a stabbing attack, while the blade is inside the target, speak the command word. The blade-contains: hundreds of minute needles that will shoot from the blade and return, This attack deals 4d4 damage. ars. You can use this ou may not have Wondrous tem , vy rare equ Tas snl cate ton the wee wielding hand. may speak the command word. For the next minute, all attacks made with melee weapons have their range doubled. A spectral projection of the weapon is pushed out when an attack is made. non (requires attunement) jot be underappreciated. 1¢ end. Inside is a the arrow up to its ects with something it can will then retract, causing the eat speed to the lodged head. Lucky coin Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) ‘This magical coin grants the holder an unusual ‘amount of luck. At the start of each day, flip arco Ifit lands on heads, you gain the luck feat for the rest of the day. If the coin lands on tails, you gain no benefit. a Ifyou don't have 2 coin, you & even roll, you gain the benefit. Lunar Quarterstaff Weapon (quarterstaff), very rare ( attunement) ee (Once per encounter, you my cast Healing word a Ast level spell and cure wounds as a 1st level This does not consume any spell slo from your class. Lens of truth + illusions by looking thgough it, Illusory magic will have a blurred white aura arotind it, Especially powerful magic will stile dif Possible, = Sleuthing blade ‘Weapon (shortsword), uncommon (require: yee <6 This small blade will glow white when within 30ft Sf an illusion. Attack and damage rolls ma this 4 blade are made with a +1 bonus. Be: Slippers of the dep Wondrous item, rare ‘These soft shoes have area, allowing you to Sister mirrors : © Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) ‘These two small pocket mirrors were manufactured {and enchanted at the same time. The succeed on a DC 25 Investigation check. aes id To identify the compartment, a creature must nN Half-Orc Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Half-orcs. Unlike Half- elves, Half-orcs aren't necessarily promiscuous as much as they aren't - particularly picky. Orcs are till shunned in most places though and while they're = j not fully orcs, the Half orc's still tend to shy away from busy places. Ancestry warfists Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) ‘These gloves have been used for centuries by orcs, while they may fita litle loosely due to your half orc lineage, they should be fit for purpose. While you are attuned to these gloves, your strength score increased by +1 and you gain proficiency in all strength based skills. Drinking skull Wondrous item,uncommon : This is the skull of an unidentifiable creature. This beast has clearly been dead for quite some time and the skull has not been cared for. 5 You may take a drink from the rémains of this skull, when you do so, you gain advantage on your next intimidation check. Elder Carapace ‘Armor(shield), rare (requires attunement) ‘There is not a lot that is a moré shocking sight than seeing someone carry around a large skeletal remain of a creature so casually. But seeing someone use said remains as a shield is up there. - ‘While you are attuned to this shield, you gain an additional +2 AC on top of the usual +2 AC from a: standard shield. You also gain proficiency in the intimidation skill. If you already are proficient, you gain expertise. First hunt tooth ‘Amulet, uncommon ‘As an action you can grip the necklace in your hand and be reminded of the day you killed your first beast and took this trophy. You gain a pride dies This die is a d6 and can be added to any attack rollor saving throw you make in the next hour. Frenzied Drape Wondrous iter, rare (requires attunement) While you are attuned to this cloak your AC is increased by +1. Additionally, once per day you may activate the Haste spell from the cloak. This modified casting of the spell requires no concentration saves and lasts for the full minute regardless. Greataxe of the conqueror Weapon (greataxe), rare (requires attunement) ‘Attack and damage rolls made with this weapon receive a +1 bonus. Additionally any attacks against human foes deal an additional d6 of damage. Heritage greathelm of honor Wondrousiitem, very rare (requires attunement) These helms were used by Orcish armies hundreds of years ago and this particular one was used by your Grandfather. He died in battle, fighting for the rights Of Ores everywhere. Wearing this helm fils you with tremendous pride. Whenever you make an attack roll and it fails, you can roll again with disadvantage. Legionairre's Maul Weapon (mace), uncommon This oversized mace would be much too large and heavy for most races to wield. The brute strength of the Orc blood allows you to use this item. This maul uses a d12 as a damage die. Bee Medal of service Wondrous item, uncommon AMEE crcs have 9 medel ofthis srt n thei PB nce most naicores have an sanity for WAMU Dhescts were alven to anyone who has spent any time at all in military service. (One per day you may spend 1 minute reflecting on your history, by doing so you may recover up to 2 hit dice worth of hit points without spending any of your hit dice. Mernagha hammer ‘Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires attunement) Folklore says that this Hammer was forged in helifires in the belly of a dragon by demon slaves, ‘commanded to create a weapon that could cause even the most fearful of foes to quake in their boots attunement) attack and damage rolls ma receive +2 bonus, The blade B jes of your foes and deel dam Tand@ successive attacks ont Ynthout fall one, the third atta = Thesé tough gauntlets cover forearms. They reinforce your joints and ease tt strain on the muscles, While you gain +1 strength and yo Capacity Is doubl . Savage tower © Armor (shi This tall tower shields carried via a'strap on the arm Qr Higysng you to free up a hand thot way sally be _Used for carrying the shield. 5 tall as the Wondrous item, uncommot ’, While wearing these boots you gain advantage on ~ “yb initiative rolls while standing in difficult terrain. Tiefling Magic Items Piping eccres aeen cal belied by ein eng Ge Perceive ta tts besten of other races and tend to keep to themselves. Aged root ring Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) the ancient trees of the underdark. While itis pretty aly to look at, it grants vitality to the wearer. __ Dunk the ring in any food or drink, if itis impure o poisoned, the ring will absorb all iliness, leaving it fully edible and safe, Boots of the timeless hells Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Ander mors rete tee bots anol > with some demonic blood in them could wear ther ‘While you are attuned to thesé boots you lose your move oped, tend Yu con elepox y Spat yu caso win 1208 Burning pride drape Once per day, as an action you can sumi restoritive powers of the depths. For th minute, any fire damage dealt to you points instead. Darkened blade ‘Weapon (shortsword), uncom ‘This blade has been dyed black which makes it difficult to track in the dark. While you are in dit light oF darker your attack rolls gain a +1 bonus. Demonic cuff Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) These omnate decorative wristguards increase the potency in which you deal fire damage. While you are attuned to them, you reroll any 1s and 2s when rolling for damage with fire spells and abilities. You must use the new rolls. Hood of solar vengeance Wondrous ite, rare (requires attunement) While you are attuned+to this helm, you can draw power fromthe sun. Your heritage gives you an innate fondness of heat. If you can see the sun you del an additional 1d6 fire damage on all attacks and spells. Idle mind Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wile you are’sttuned to this item and it sts atop your head, you are immune from charm and mind control effects. Neinei rag Weapon (whip), ‘uncommon (requires attunement) This peculiar whip is darker than the inside of a coffin ‘on a moonless night. Attacks made with this whip. deal necrotic damage. Additionally, any damage dealt from the whip reduce the targets hit point maximum by the same amount. a Alesse restoration spell can return the targets hit points to their original state. Ominous silk drape Wondrous item, uncommon This cloak will help protect from the elements. Your “infernal heritage naturally keeps your body craving heat,more than-most other humanoids. This cloak when’ wrapped around your body retains all heat and you suffer no’ll éffects of being in cold climates. ye Precise bone pipe Weapon (blowgun), rare (requires attunement) Attack rolls made with this weaponigaina +5 bonus. ‘Additionally, because the bone is so.smooth the dat fire with much higher speeds. Instead of dealing 1 plercing damage, the darts deal 1d6 piercing damage. Quarterstaff of illusion ‘Weapon (quarterstaff), very rare (requires attunement) humans to make a pact with the demon lords when hur bs aa great grant.children. y S af While you are attuned to this staff you'can cast the Major image spell at-will. Robes of anger Ss Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) 5 These robes recognise the demonic bloodline of which you belong and harness the power within...You gain immunity to fire damage while you are wearing them. Scorpion stinger wondrous item, very rere (requires attunement) This small handheld device looks like @ miniature rod, ‘or a large wand. When you prepss the activation button on the end, along, thin, chain of immeasurable strength erupts from within, Tt ‘grapples whatever it makes contact with and pulls it directly back to you. If it grapples a creature, make an attack roll using your dexterity modifier. On a successful hit the creature takes 246 damage and is. Pulled to you. The range on this item is 100ft. aa Talisman of incorporeal movement Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) While you are attuned to this talisman you can move through other creatures as though they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your tum inside another creature. ‘Tranquil wand Weapon (wand), very rare (requires attunement) While you are attuned to this want, your spell attack ‘modifier and spell save DC both increase by +2. ‘Additionally you can add the following spells to your spell list; Burning hands, Flame blade, Fireball, Wall of fire and Flame strike. ‘The spells follow all regular restrictions. You must be able to cast spells at the required level and have spell slots available. Barbarian Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Barbarians. Powerful combatants that rely on brute force and pure strength, most of the items they use lean directly into these aspects. Anger absorption amulet Amulet, rare (requires attunement) This amulet floods your body with adreneline and testosterone when you enter a range. While you are wearing this amulet you are immune from all damage and all condition effects on the turn that you enter rage. Atrocitus Ring, rare (requires attunement) ‘This ring is used to extend your stamina and increase your ability to push through discomfort and strain. Je has been enchanted with several powerfy} Spells. While you are attuned to this ring, you no longer suffer from exhaustion. Axe of mania ‘Weapon (greataxe), very rare (requires at While you are attuned to this weapon, you gf additional attack and receive a +2 to your atta damage rolls. Additionally your strength score increases by +2. Ifa creature is slain and the killing blow ls made this axe, roll a d20. On a 1, you become compl enraged and unable to distinguish ally from fost mania takes over you and you must attack an all creatures within 5Oft of you starting with th closest creature. You remain in this state until you are reduced to) points o are the subject of a lesser restoration of Greater restoration spell Berserker's Warpaints Wondrous item, uncommon This small pot of wax fas been tinted using the pigments from several herbs and inks, As a result, when applied to your face you gainjadvantage on ability checks made to intimidate. Belt of empowerment Wondrous item, uncommon ‘ When entering’ rage, the belt can detect a change in the bodies hormones and emits an aura of vitality When you enter rage, you gain temporary hit points ‘equal to your Barbarian level. Boots of advanced attacks Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) These boots have kept your feet safe in battle and have given you a step up in countless fights. While wearing these boots you may'edd your proficiency ‘modifier to your initiative rolls. While not necessarily a rare herb, Crazed frenzyroot fs not particularly common either. When crushed into powder and mixed with water, it causes incredible ‘anger in most people. Barbarians can use this herb to regenerate one charge of rage. Dancing Wristguards Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) These leather cuffs are designed to protect your forearms from flying weapons in battle while being lightsenough to keep you quick and battle ready. While you are attuned to these wristguards, you gain an additional +2AC providing you are not wearing ‘any. armtor. These can be used while using a shield ‘still grant the benefit. ‘Amulet, uncommon (requires attunement) = This choker places you in the mental state of being 2. slave. You are reminded that this is something yous never want to experience and fills you with * determination. Whenever you are in a position to take a level of exhaustion, roll a 20. On an even roll you do not suffer from the exhaustion. On an odd roll you do. ’ Potent crown Wondrous item, very rare (requiresjettunement) Most barbarians are not capable of casting spells, but the few that are tend to lose control of heir arcane: abilities when they rage. This,crown ai concentrate all of your abilities and allow you to ‘maximise your potential. While you are wearing this crown stare sted te yougen cart spel even winen raging. i "ie ‘Wondrous item, rare (requir While you are attunec ‘Additionally, if you ‘may use your reaction to lash o retaliatory attack. _ . Ring of prolonged rage Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) tS Have you ever heard of an angry ring? Sentient items aren't as rare as you think, even if they don't appear to be. ee are wearing this ring and are attuned to it, iN additional charge of rage. Once this been used,you must finish a long rest dis incredibly sharp and unsually made using this weapon have a ange of 19-20. If you are attuned to this land a critical hit on a target that has @ shield is:destroyed. axe 6f jaxe), very rare (requires attunement) on to wield and use in melee ndaxe was designed to be thrown as e at anyone that moves. If you ‘to use this in melee combat, you receive a alty to attack and damage rolls, ranged weapon, you can use your instead of dexterity when i attack and damage rolls. You make a +3 modifier. Bard Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Bards. Fantastic performers and entertainers, most bards will be found with some kind of musical = instument with them, ready to entertain a their friends and anyone with coin ata = : ‘moments notice. Broken harmonica of reviving Wondrous item, rare io This instrument has long been broken but every now and then it works. As an action you can attempt to play a song to a fallen ally. Roll a d10. On a roll of ° 410, the instrument works and the ally is brought. == back to life. If you roll a 1-9 the potential magic inside the harmonica fades. You cannot attempt to do this again for 24 hours. . Chaucer's forgery kit Forgery tools, rare 2 This forgery kit looks just like any other, but wher Used it produces works of art that would fool ever the orginal creator anything fam Summon decrees, edicts, warrants, patents of nob original owner of these tools was even ki scribble down a poem or two, if the muse Collar of peace Amulet, rare (requires attunement) This metal collar amplifies the sounds from your mouth when used any of your allies benefit from die they use to heal always roll Cannot be used alongside the Collar of Vigil Collar of Vigilance ‘Amulet, rare (requires attunement) This metal collar amplifies the sounds that emenate from your mouth. Whether that be a rousing speech ‘ora song of battle. As a result, whenever you grant an ally the use of a Bardic inspiration die, the die always rolls the maximum value. Cannot be used alongside the collar of peace. yi’ Eyeglasses of magnetism Wondrous item, uncommon These delicate wire framed eyeglasses are elegant and enchanted: As an action, youmy speak the ‘command word tg change:thé color of your eyes to any coloriyou choose, Additionally, your eyes are Irresistible and attract the attention of all those who gaze at you. You gain advantage ability checks made to seduce. Fiddle bow. Weapon (shortsword), uncommon This sword looks eerily similar'to the bow one would use with a violin or fiddle, As such, a Bard can ‘smuggle this weapon into areas where you would normally not be permitted weapons. Jack of all trades Wondrdts tem, very rare This is a small booklet of information and experiences that you have adged to over the years, Tt servés as a simple reminder on how to do simple tasks and how to simplify more complex ones. During along rest, you may rad this booklet and change one of your expertise bonuses from one ability to another. You may only change one eS Master of none Wondrous item, very rare This is a small booklet of information and experiences that you have added to over the years. It serves as a simple reminder on how to do simple tasks and how to simplify more complex ones. During a long rest, you may read this booklet and change one of your proficiency bonuses from one ability to another. You may only change one proficieney using this. Performer's glove Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Most people think a Bard spends hundreds of hours to master thelr craft. Usually this is true, but © sometimes it's more of a trick rather than endless hours of training. While you are attuned to the: proficiency in all instrument a Perished Flute _ ‘Wondrous item, uncommon (reqi This flute was carved from the fe creature. While you are attuned to this flute, you gain access to the following spells; spare the dying and animé dead. When you use the flute to"cast the: Wondrous item, rare (requires’attunement) ‘A small handheld flute carved from a fallen branch Mingo eiertres, his neta nature. sca MONG ‘messenger and conjure can a ‘you use the es ae a ae charge, you regain the expended charges wien you complete 2 tong rest. Supreme rin; Ring, very rare (requires attunement) While you are attuned to this ring, you ma spell that you know but do ‘not have prepared, without expanding a spell slot. Once you have done this, the ring must recharge its power. This takes 2 hours. Talisman of knowledge. ~ Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Bards are regulariy known to be quite skillful in many 2 way. They tend to exceed whenever. mind to something. This tall that narrative... ‘symbols along pound the drum to fon all attacks acts as a club, it is carved from a solid of oak 0 is deceptivelytough. Attack and. damage tolls made with pi or gain a +2 bonus. eo iy i Cleric Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Clerics. Powerful warriors and casters who were granted their power directly from the gods, most Of the items here will be gifts from the {gods themselves. Broken compass Wondrous item, rare This compass would appear broken to most who pick it up. However, when held by a cleric this compass activates. It is true that this compass does not point north. It points to that whichever the Cleric is most in need of at the current moment in time. Crown of mischief Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) This large golden crown is uncomfortable, heavy ani impractical. But it grants the attuned user benefits > that far outweigh those drawbacks. The folowing spells are added to your prepared, spel list and are classed as Cleric spells for your Minor illusion, dlsguise sel, invisiblty, major image-and phantom steed. = Divine cloak ‘Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunemnt) ‘Sometimes people seem to hit things harder than they should be able to. Sometimes its because they're unnaturally stong, other times its because they have been gifted by the gods. ) ‘While you are attuned to this cloak, your weapon sttacks deal an additional 144 radiant “arte Orb of Tagovailoa Og Gods will Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) This item is a small metallic relief of a symbol that best represents your god. While you are attuned to this item, your spells can originate from it. Whether the relief is placed in a static location or attached to fa creature, it matters not. Providing you are within 300 ft of this item, your spells can be used in this. way. Holy bandages ‘Wondrous item, rare ‘These mundane looking bandages are imbued with Holy magic from the Cleric's god. During a long rest, these bandages can be used to help bolster an allies wellbeing, the patient recovers all spent hit die during a lng rest. Once used, the bandage loses all ‘magical properties. Holy Hand Grenade Wondrous iter, legendary Armaments, chapter two, verses nine through twenty-one. ‘And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, ‘bless this thy hand grenade, that with ft thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.” And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chu.. Mis etalic sphere is ordained with symbols of the Gleric's God. It can be thrown up to 300 ft and is Guided to the desired location by a supreme power. “When thrown it deals massive damage in a large area. All creatures in a SOft radius of the grenade ‘must make 2 DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 20412 Holy damage or half as much on a successful save. Pacifier Ring, rare (requires attunement) A simple gold baf)with @ small iby set into it. This ring,has immeasurable power. You may hold this ring up to the sky and impose your will upon all creatures in a 150ft sphere of you, Each creature must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. Any cr that fail ‘must kneel and lay down all weapons. They remain in this position for 1 hour or until they feel they are in danger. You must finish a long rest before being able to do this again. 8 * Peace taker : . Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement) “Aare you taking the peace?" * Attack afd damage rolls made with this weapon receieve a +1 bonus. Every attack that lands from this weapon removes a small part of the targets essence, When the sword has landed 20 attacks, the next attack deals maximum damage. Plate armor of blast protection Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement) % Whie you are attuned to this armor you gain a +2 bonus to your AC. Additionally this armor grants immunity to force dat t Regeneration amulet af ‘Amulet, very rare (requires attunement) a While you are attuned to this amulet and it-sits around your neck, you regain 3 HP perhour. If you are a life Cleric, you regain 5 HP per hour. x of Rod of worship Se? Rod, rare (requires attunement) This small unassuming rod can/be used to creaté a restful area for worship and prayer. By standing the rod on its edge, or by placing it into the ground and speaking the command word, a solid translucent bubble surrounds the area in 2 30ft sphere. The sphere passes through solid objects but does not cause damage to them. 2 All creatures on the outside of the orb are unable to - pass through the bubble. Likewise all creatures inside are unable to leave. The bubble is completely impervious and has enough breatheable air to last 8 creatures up to 24 hours. The command word can be spoken at any point to disable the bubble, but it disapears after 24)hours regardless. Once used, you must wait at least 12 hours before : . using this again. is in addition to id. As a reaction when attack, you may speak the of energy shoots down from 2 creature within 150 ft of you. the creature from the attack. this a number of times equal to your attunement) You gain +1 to your a damage rolls made a gt ae a ae re ‘Strombjor hs 9 chargeS. You may use these charges id (1 charge), Knock (2 charges), Major Image (3 charges). 120. On a 1, the weapon away in the wind. josession, all of ouesaaaivonaly, Druid Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Druids. Preservers or nature and the balance of everything natural in the world. Getting their power ~ ~ directly from nature or from nature 6 deities, most of the otems here will be of = T similar’ theme. Amulet of Aromatherapy Amulet, rare (requires attunement) i. or This dull metallic disk is threaded onto a simple string and sits around the neck. While you are in danger it begins to leak scented YRS vapor which rise and fills your nostrils. The amulet seems to know exactly what you are in need of and restores your health R The first time each day you are subject to a X condition, the amulet will act to remove it. - & Brooch of fallen leaves - Wondrous item, rare Tihs brooch bar beer created intfqahape of a leaf. The leaf is green when You are te: wil turn brown if you are suffering from a ci it yotlare scflecng frost poor efrert ex etter dead Cloak of saving g Wondrous item, rare (requires attuner Any time you make a saving throw, you additional d4 and add the result to your tol Elis'llana's Whip Weapon (whip), uncommon (requires attuneme ‘This whip is made up of several strong vines that have been braided together to form a point. You gain +1 to your attack and damage rolls made using this, weapon. In addition, you can grapple at range using this whip, ” ie Goodberry orb Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This orb resembles a much larger than usual version of a goodberry. If you cast the spell Goodberry while this orb is in your hand, the berries produced will restore four hit points instead of one. Horn of Hasjorth Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This horn has been fashioned into an instrument that. can call upon local wildlife to aid you. Once per day you may use the horn to cast the Conjure Animals Spell, This variant of the spell does not require you to concentrate on it. Pin of feral traversal Wondrous item (rare) As an action you may speak the commend word and increase your movement speed to four times Your Standard speed. This speed increase lasts one minute and can be done once’per day. Ring of shield of thorns Ring, rare (requires attunement) ‘An aura of thorns:surrounds your flesh. Whenever a Greatture moves within melee range of you, they take 146 percng dtmase, I they begin tel tum n melee range of you, they take 1d4 piercing damage. e Sandman's pouch “Wondrous item, uncommon This mall linen saek contains a dark purple powder. As an action,"you can throw a handful of powder into 2 creature's face'The creature must make a DC 15 Wisdom Saving throw or fall asleep. If used in combat and the creature makes the save, they instead fal to the end of the initiative order. % c Scaled leather armo: Armor (scalemal), uncommon This scale mail armorhas been ured without adding any metal ody of it. This allows druids 2 values of nature the ability to and protection, attunement) ‘The truth is everyon Tome of beasts Wondrous item, uncommon This book has no magical properties but is an in depth textbook full of anatomical research notes on up to 5 different animals. The information in the book Is enough to allow you to transform into one of these animals without actually seeing one yourself. « Toxic Spikes Wondrous item, uncommon ‘These thorns are taken from a variety of poisonous plants. When you throw them, they cover a 15ft by 15ft area. Any creature that steps onto a square Containing these thorns take 1d6 poison damage. Every time they step into a square containing the thorns they take another 1d6 poison damage. Wilderness cap _Mondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) “ While you are attuned to this item, your hit point ‘maximum increases by 8, you gain +1 AC and if you -, cast the Conjure Animals spell, you summon double the standard amount of animais. st : Fighter Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Fighters. Fighters do fone thing above all else well-They fight. Most of the items used by fighters are ‘combat based and allow them to hit harder and take more of a beating Amulet of the bull Amulet, very rare ‘As part of your attack action you can charge toithe ‘enemy. You can leap up to your full movement speed and land in melee range of your target. If you do this, you do not need to follow a path to the target. You can literally jump from one point to another. Belt of Revenge ‘Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This belt is attuned to your very It feels what you feel. When you are subject to'geritical hitthie belt pushes its magic through you to empower next attack. ‘When attacking after being subject to a critical you roll double damage dice. Boots of withdrawal Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) If you attack a creature on this turn, you can move ut of its reach without provoking an attack of opportunity. Brawlers vigor Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) This small gemstone is quite unique in its function. During a rest, you may focus on the stone for at least 10 minutes. By doing so, the mysterious magic inside of the gemstone can take effect, altering your attributes. The alteration lasts-until the rféxt dawn, Roll a d6 and take the result from the following able. ‘Once you have done this, the item cannot belused until the next dawn. - Brawlers Vigor Table d6 result Effect. 1 2 Wisdom 2 2 Intelligence 3 2 Charisma, 4 42 Dexterity 5 +2 Constitution 6 42 Strength - Combat medic's diary Wondrous item, uncommon This small worn book is the personal diary of soldier who specialised in medical care. The book is. full of small bits of information that will help you survive in the wilderness. Between medical tips on hhow to properly bandage a wound and when a wound is infected, to different wild plants that may be . As an action you can activate the ring. Your will deal damage equal to half of your the cost from your body. You instantly ints and automatically receive one fe used this item, you must finish a long doing so again, ing hammer head sits atop a roughly is nat the prettiest looking weapon by but itis certainly capable of causing ttuned to this item, your strength by +2, Additionally, all attacks made lave a chance to cause the target to Orb of combat prowess Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) While you are attuned to this item you can select an additional fighting style. You age same © Shieldbreaker. Weapon (mace), rare Ifyou are attacking a creature th and your attack misses but | wasn't using te shield shield, d item you can select an not have saving throw proficiency with and become proficient in that chosen skill. Monk Magic Items he following items are restricted and can only be used by Monks. Monks harness ki to maximise their natural talents and skills. Most monks will rely solely on. - ~ their own bodies and minimal additional items. Here you may find afew things == 1 that they find suitable. or Amulet of inner peace Li ge ‘Amulet, rare (requires attunement) Monks have no need for material possessions, which ° is why this amulet is all purpose and no flash. Itis_ = made from a simple piece of stone, carved with a few relics. When you are attuned to this amulet, your maximum * ki points increase by an amount equal to your proficiency modifier - & Balboa's gloves a Wondrous item, very rare (requires attun erent) 7 These gloves once belonged to argreat natural! fighter, true underdog, While you are attuned to these gloves, your un: attack and damage rolls gain a bonus of +2. Charm of Self discover ‘Wondrous item, uncommon (requires a ‘A small token you have had since you wer child.This could be a small toy, figurine, pi Jewellery, anything that has sentimental m« you. Your bond and history with this item can you with many happy memories and allow you tr increase your health when needed. In times of great peril, you may inspire yourself with this item to help heal yourself in a pinch. You may ‘spend ki points to heal yourself at any time. The cost Of this heal is 2 ki points for 1d8+ wisdom modifier of heaing. _ Feral Nunchaku Weapon (club), uncommon 2 ¥ “This monastié weapon consists of two wooden clubs 4 attached at their ends via @ chain, allowing the ‘wielder to swing and spin the clubs at great speed. This weapon takes an incredible amount of hand eye coordination to master. When you are using this weapon, you may use your réaction to attempt to deflect an attack aimed at you. Roll a 420, on a 15 or above the attack fails. Jade necklace of time Amulet, rare (requires attunement) ‘This"amulet contains one charge of the haste spell. You may us@an action to cast this spell on yourself, You must wait 24 hours before doing so again while thesnecklacesregains power. Ki-bending ring Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) When you find yourself full of life, yet short of energy, you may transfer 8 hilt points from yourself and convert this into 1 ki point. You may do this a ‘number of times equal to your wisdom modifier. You must finish a long rest before doing so again. Wondrous item, very raré\(requires attunement) - Many monks believe in reincarnation, but there are several theories as to how it works. Whether it is a abe boon aifted by a higher power, a talent one can learn and practice over the years or some kid of wizardry. Any of those are possible, but the phoenix orb is a lear sphere that performs the wonder. When you are attuned to this item and are brought, ~ 0.0 hit points your body is engulfed in flames and instantly vanishes. Ghoosé a spot within 30 ft of where you fell. You reappear in this spot with full hit Points and ki points. “Otc ine anor paomes ha 3 tines, Bl mastcl properties as Rod of torrent flow Rod, rare This rod is simple as far as rods go. If placed ina flowing body of water, it can be charged by the kinetic forces from the water. It fully charges in one hour and holds 3 charges. Bary time you roll less than 10,09

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