Vedic Approach to Identifying, Conquering and Transcending Fear | Vedic Manageme

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Vedic Approach to Identifying, Conquering and

Transcending Fear
Mahesh Prabhu(

September 29, 2020( 11:20 am


Fear is natural. But just because it is natural does not mean it is essential
for living. We fear things we do not understand. What we cannot understand
we must try to understand. We can never fear the known – fear is always
about the unknown.

Fear is an emotion. It is born of the

mind owing to various circumstances; it
often leads us to miserable conditions.
Nobody has ever suffered for the want
of fear. If you care to disagree, or desire uering-and-transcending-fear-bhayam-abhayam-nirbhayam/ 05/07/24, 3 02 AM

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to suggest that “certain fears are
good,” then probably you are confusing
a Threat with Fear.

Threat is real. There is no refuting

threat. Any being refusing the existence
of threat, is equally ignorant as a
person claiming the “necessity” of the

The Vedic texts, particularly the Artha

Shastra clearly states that “Fear is the
sign of Ignorance , ” and also, that “A
leader with fear is bound to self-
destruct, whereas a Leader without fear
is bound to overcome all challenges.”

In the Vedic approach to Politics or

Rajaneeti fear is recommended as the
tool for making people abide by the law
of the land. But a ruler is asked to
“transcend all fears before even
desiring position of power.”

The power is defined as Shakti in Artha

Shastra . A person deserving of power is
called Shakta. According to uering-and-transcending-fear-bhayam-abhayam-nirbhayam/ 05/07/24, 3 02 AM

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Shukracharya in Shukra Neeti “A
person with fear is Ashakta (i.e. a
person undeserving of power.)”

Bharadwaja, one of the pioneers of

Kootaneeti explains “A Shakti can be
attained and retained only through
Samarthya (qualities of
deservingness).” Samarthya is a Vedic
Sanskrit word made of two words,
namely Sama or Balanced and Artha or
Meaningful Wealth. The Artha is made
possible primarily by two aspects –
Gyana or Knowledge and Vigyana or

According to Bhartrihari it is extremely

easy to spot a person without
Knowledge and Wisdom. “A person
without knowledge and wisdom,” he
declares, “is ever fearful.” He even
suggests “It is owing to fear that people
generate lust, anger, greed, infatuation,
ego and envy. Therefore, a person who
is unable to check these Arishadvargas
(or six detrimental qualities) are
Ashaktas or Undeserving of Power. ” uering-and-transcending-fear-bhayam-abhayam-nirbhayam/ 05/07/24, 3 02 AM

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Given these depths of wisdom on
Bhayam or Fear, how are we to conquer
or even transcend fear? Is it even

Fear is natural. But just because it is

natural, does not mean it is essential
for living. We fear things we do not
understand. What we cannot
understand, we must try to understand.
We can never fear the known – fear is
always about the unknown.

If you think you fear a person even

though you know that person, think
again. You fear that person because you
consider that person to possess some
power to hurt you, but you do not
understand as to how to get back at
that person. If you know a person
inside out, you will certainly not fear
him. The beauty of nature is such that
it creates everything with a set of
strengths and weaknesses. Knowledge
helps us to understand that.

Our fear is not about others strengths

but always owing to our weaknesses.
Our ignorance is our greatest weakness.
Ignorance is never a bliss. Ignorance is uering-and-transcending-fear-bhayam-abhayam-nirbhayam/ 05/07/24, 3 02 AM

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always at the root of fear. Fear is
always at the root of our ill-conceived

Lets consider the ongoing global

economic crisis resulting from the
pandemic. A great many people are
losing jobs, entrepreneurs are
struggling to keep their companies
afloat, politicians are scrambling to
hold on to power, financial institutions
are ailing and aiming to reduce their
burden, and billionaires are trying to
hold on to their billions. Amid this
chaos, we are seeing only two sorts of
predictable responses, namely: Fight or

While some companies are opting for

publicity or propaganda stunts, others
are finding a quick exit route. They are
either trying to repay the debt by
raising more debt, or they are trying to
salvage the situation. Individuals too,
are no different since they are either
trying to restructure their existing
debts, or are trying to sell off and try to
save whatever they can. Neither
responses are wise – although they may
or may not have the desired effect. uering-and-transcending-fear-bhayam-abhayam-nirbhayam/ 05/07/24, 3 02 AM

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Any person understanding economy
would know that, like life, economy too
is cyclic. When the economy is in the
upward trend – our focus must be, not
just on making profits, but also to save
for the rainy day. So that, when the
economy is on a downward trend, we
can weather the storm.

Instead, to seek misinformation and

disinformation as a tool for misguiding
lenders and investors, will seldom help
in the long run. People do not like to be
misguided or misinformed. When we do
in the hope to find a quick solution, we
often leave a lasting dent, on our
popularity which would be very difficult
to regain.

Fear of losing is the silliest of all fears.

If you look at it closely nothing in this
life is yours for ever. And being
obsessed with objects and letting your
emotions to overwhelm you, is a sign of
ignorance which make us to do more
dreadful things. It is owing to this
approach that we often end up
worsening or adding to our existing
problems while trying to solve them. uering-and-transcending-fear-bhayam-abhayam-nirbhayam/ 05/07/24, 3 02 AM

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True knowledge and wisdom will teach
us that wealth happens because of
value creation. Value is created through
channelized efforts and sustained,
when it is driven by knowledge and
wisdom. Product or service is a direct
result of efforts. But efforts without
thoughts creates chaos. And thoughts
without efforts is a delusion.

When we are driven by debt; we

completely stop thinking about value
creation and forget about existing true
value. We either underrate or
exaggerate the existing value. As a
result, we lose focus and have
misplaced priorities. We try to repay a
debt by incurring more debts. It is like
curing an ailment with another ailment.
While the ailment goes, the pain

Whenever there is a financial debt –

know for sure that you were able to
raise that debt, owing to some
presumed value. Revisit that value and
rework on it. If it has lost value, see
how you can increase its value. You do
not have to win a debt situation;
sometimes you can simply find a way to
survive it for some time, before you can
thrive. Living one day at a time, by uering-and-transcending-fear-bhayam-abhayam-nirbhayam/ 05/07/24, 3 02 AM

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focusing every possible energy in your
body and mind on value, will yield
better results than worrying about the
consequence of not getting out of the

Simply put, if you are fearing or giving

haplessly into fear – you are simply
doing the wrong thing. Stop fearing. As
Parashara suggests “Relinquishing
Chinta (worry) and embracing Chintan
(retrospection) is the first step to
Paramartha (attaining greater wealth.)”

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