Faiths of the Forgotten Realms 2

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Credits Project Lead: Micah Watt ‘Writing: Scott Bean, Steve Fidler, Anne Gregersen, Marquis Hartis, Bryan Holmes, Ryan Langr, Ashley May, Isaac May, & Micah Watt Editing: Justyn Johnston Layout: Micah Watt Sensitivity Reader: DT ‘Honey’ Saint ‘Artwork: Dante Ezio Cifaldi (covers, deity symbols, page backgrounds, and cover fonts), Dean Spencer, ‘Storn Cook, Felipe Goana, Forrest ime, Eric Lofgren, Juan Diego Dlandris, M's Guild Creator Resources, ‘Adobe Stock, Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art (c) Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games Based on the Original Forgotten Realms ‘Campaign setting created by Ed Greenwood (especially Prayers from the Faithful) Further Inspired by development from Eric L. Boyd (Demihuman Deities, Faiths & Avators, Faiths and Pantheons, Powers & Pontheons) Eric Mona (Faiths and Pantheons) Julla Martin (Faiths & Avators) ‘The many other contributors to those projects Ns DRAGON ROCK —sAMES—— DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards ofthe Coast, Forgotten Realms the dragon ampersand, Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dun- .geon Master s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizard of the Coast product names, al their respective logos are trademarks of Wiz- Ends ofthe Coast in the USA and other countries. Allcharacters and their datncive likenesses are property of Wizards ofthe Coast, This material ofthe United States of America, Any eeproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein i prohibited without the express written permission of Wizard of the Coast. is protected under the copyright (©2016 Wizards ofthe Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA $8057-I707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbrid ee On the Cover: The Temple by Dante Cifaldi Middlesex, UBIL TET, UK. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE DRAGON PANTHEON Tur Drow PANTHEON THE DWARVEN PANTHEON THE ELVEN PANTHEON THE GNOMISH PANTHEON THE HALFLING PANTHEON THE ORCISH PANTHEON Hoty Texts New Macic ITeMs CONTRIBUTOR BIOGRAPHIES lL 35 78 119 136 147 158 160 164 INTRODUCTION Following in the footsteps of Faiths of the Forgotten Realms, this new book brings you more content for your faith based characters a deeper dive into the religions of, Faerdin with character options that are far more closely aligned with the official products. However, it differs from the original in two significant ways, Firstly, the archetypes within are no longer limited to clerics and paladins. Aside from the obvious difficulty in avoiding replication with another fifty of each, much of the feedback surrounding the first volume concemed the ‘extra’ archetypes we included - the odd druid circle or ranger conclave. Not all religions of the Forgotten Realms are defined by clerics or paladins, and there was significant scope to increase the range of classes tied to the various deities. In fact, some are better suited to having representation among fanatical barbarians, passionate bards, mystical druids, or sly rogues. In volume 2 there are faithful archetypes for all the classes in the game. Secondly, the original book focused on the primary pantheon of Faeran, which is in many ways tied to the human peoples of the realms. This volume explores the various pantheons of the other ancestries and cultures of, the setting, Itis worth mentioning that eachis categorized by the culture it is tied to, but this in no way limits the gods or archetypes to the various races presented in the rulebook. The deities of the realms are tied to their followers; both for power and for their very existence. If a god's following dwindles, they begin to fade away. Very few gods would be so xenophobic or stubborn as to refuse worship, and as such most have quite inclusive and eclectic faithful. Where the nature of a god or the established lore indicates that their situation might be ‘unique, a section has been added to their entry on the subject Included in this book you will find; ‘THE DRAGON PANTHEON The dragon pantheon has a long and storied history in the realms, but their influence, appearances, and faithful worshippers have dwindled as the draconic races have slowly reduced in numbers and power. While the rest of, the pantheon has retreated to their planar lairs across the ‘multiverse, only two currently remain as active powers in Faerdn; Bahamut the Platinum Dragon and Tiamat the Dragon Queen. ‘Tue Drow PANTHEON ‘The drow pantheon, also known as the Dark Seldarine, consists primarily of a splinter pantheon of fey deities that split with the Seldarine when the acrimony of Lolth and Corellon turned to all out war. They now succor, ee guide, and exploit the drow in their eldritch cities in the harsh and perilous Underdark. ‘Te DWaRVEN PANTHEON ‘The dwarven pantheon, the Morndinsamman, shepherd the dwarven folk of Faeran, guiding and protecting them, and bringing prosperity and plenty. ‘Only Laduguer and Deep Duerra it outside the pantheon, ‘exiled by Moradin for crimes no mortals know. ‘Tue ELveN PANTHEON ‘Theelven pantheon, theSeldarine,are the mostnumerous, of the fey powers, their natures as varied a5 the stars, and as capricious as the winds. Tied to the Feywild, they represent the culture and beliefs of the elven peoples of Faeran, ‘Tue HALFLING PANTHEON ‘The halfling pantheon are more like benevolent relatives than gods, embodying the affable and good humored nature of their charges, while maintaining a stalwart resilience to the challenges of Realms life. ‘Tut GNomtsH PANTHEON ‘The gnomish pantheon isan eclectic, often dysfunctional, family of deities dedicated to the passions of the gnomish peoples - exploration, artifice, and mischievous fun. ‘Tut OncisHt PANTHEON ‘The orcish pantheon represent the primal power of the ores; a warrior culture that takes pride in its strength and martial prowess. Hoty Texts Unique religious relics containing the sacred teachings of their faith in their exemplary form. Macic Irems New enchanted items that are tied to the religions, gods, or faiths represented above. So brandish your holy symbol, gird yourself with righteous zeal, and say your prayers. THE DRAGON PANTHEON BAHAMUT ‘Angel ofthe Seven Heavens, Draco Paladin, The God of Dragons, Grandfather of Dragons, King of the Good Dragons, Justicemaker, The Justice Bringer (as Marduk), Lord of the North Wind, Lord of Pure Incantations (as Marduk), The Platinum Dragon the Valiant (as Marduk) Baharnut (Bahamite) Bahamut (Bahamite) There is no greater force in the world than one of kindness, Our King of the Good Dragons shows not the vanity nor the greed that so many of his kind are known for, and from that, we must learn to grow beyond what is expected of us. Do not tolerate evil in its many forms. Always make small gestures of kindness, as enough droplets of gooxiness can fill an ocean. Justice and good above all Clergy. There are few priests of Bahamut. However, their work is constant. The Priests of Bahamut believe in performing consistent, yet subtle acts to further the cause of good in the world, and they feel that heavy-handedness can cause unnecessary harm. They believe in behaving, as their god would, and not interjecting themselves into worldly conflicts; instead, it is better to offer healing, wisdom, and temporary shelter to those inneed, Temples and Shrines. Temples of Bahamut are even’ rarer than their clergy. In general, the Platinum Dragon cares not for worldly goods, but instead focuses on the deeds of his followers. However, the temples that do exist, stand as refuges for the followers of the King of the Good Dragons, giving them places to contemplate, study, and hold meetings. Meanwhile, many good dragons keep shrines to Bahamut in their lars, even if only in the form of the Platinum Dragon's holy symbol etched into their wall. Background Story Option at Event 1. When Iwasa young solder travelling in squalid conlitions, and fighting i pointless skirmishes, there was a young priest ‘who would vist us after every ball to tend to the wounded. ‘They would leave at dawn and watch our battles from afar, never interfering or assisting unl the dust had sled. Listening to the priest speak of his “prayers through deeds” te Bahamut gave me inspiration, and followed the teachings when Tet the battleeont 2. [stumbled upon a temple of Hahamnut and found what appeared tobe a secretive meeting 1 was certain fd be killed, ‘Dt instead, the priest's serious eyes turned Lind, and they took me into ther care. Once | was warmly nestled into my cot, heard them return to their petting against the forces of Tiamat I was intrigued. 3. Lonce meta knight who called herself a Talon of Justice, paladin of Bahamat. Iwas so enamored with her discipline And faith, that I began to study Bahamut’ teachings as well 4 Since! wasa small child would listen to my mother recite ‘The Parian Code, almost ikea prayer. She taught me the cote lke a knight's chivalric oath, andl Ihave always grown ‘up ollowing the dogma of the King ofthe Good Dragons, Ashley May Ceric: METALLIC DOMAIN Clerics of the Metallic Domain worship Bahamut and seek to advance his agenda while thwarting Tiamat’s. They hold dragon’s in the highest regard, and often. offer their services to metallic dragons in ‘exchange for any piece of knowledge or wisdom the dragon may impart, Bahamut grants them the ability to channel elemental power, that they may serve his will. MeTALLic DOMAIN FEATURES Cleric Level Feature Ist Domain Spells, Bonus Proficiencies, Aspect of Dragon 2nd Channel Divinity: Dragon's Fortitude 6th Bahamut’s Mercy 8th Greater Aspect of Dragon 17th Superior Aspect of Dragon DoMatn Spetts ‘You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Metallic Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells work. Cleric Level. Spells Ast case fear, disguise self 3rd dragon's breath, dragon specter Sth elemental weapon, protection from energy 7th elemental bane, polymorph 9th immolation, Rary's telepathic bond

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