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hooK: who has a mobile phone in today's world it is unlikely that anyone would not have a mobile phone

or even know how to use it.

Being immersed in a digital world, young people lose track of time; For example, they can spend many
hours on their phone distracted by anything from Tik Tok videos to Instagram photos.

This causes many to become dependent on technology as they cannot feel comfortable without checking
social media. Others can't stop thinking about video games, some generate an obsession with internet
personalities (influences) who are even more interested in them than in their own lives.

This generates a series of problems in young people such as:

Lack of self-control
They stay up until the wee hours of the morning, which causes them to have a bad mood, a bad face, they
don't feel like doing anything and in the long run this can lead to health problems such as anemia.
They do not concentrate on their responsibilities, which also affects other people.
Poor academic performance

I have two solutions to gradually regulate the use of technological devices.

The first is to ask for help from professionals, there are programs called digital detox. These programs
offer tools to help young people set limits when using technology. They use applications that control
screen time and create outdoor activities that keep the individual's concentration busy so that they forget
about their digital life.

The other solution is for the person themselves to establish a routine where they do not use electrical
devices. They can set a period of time each day when they can do activities that they like, such as riding a
bike, reading a book they like, going out with a friend, walking. or practice some sport of interest.

These recommendations seek to encourage the person to be physically and mentally active.

In conclusion: Technology addiction among young adults is a serious problem that requires urgent
attention. But there are ways to regulate technological dependence, where the fundamental factor is
willpower and the desire to try to change a bad habit to have a different life where better experiences

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