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Oguikpe Chineleobi Michael

Due to the rapid emergence and evolution of new technology, businesses all over the world have
become more interconnected. In order to thrive in this new environment, individuals need to have the
necessary global exposure. For me, my 15 years of experience working at Fidelity Bank gave me the
opportunity to work with some of the most prominent individuals in the banking industry in Nigeria
and across Africa. This also allowed me to develop strong connections with people from different
backgrounds. I additionally gained a deeper understanding of the importance of Business analytics. As
an African, I am well aware of the challenges that the Nigerian market has to face. This has prompted
me to pursue a Project Management Masters degree at the Northeastern University. I would like to use
this opportunity to contribute to the organizations' operations.

Over the course of my career in banking, I have witnessed how data has become a vital part of
defining the success of businesses. Due to the technological advancements that have occurred in the
field, it is now more important than ever that marketers have the necessary skills to analyze and
interpret data. Throughout my career, I have gained a wide range of skills and knowledge in various
areas of the banking industry. These include product analysis, customer management, and operations.
I have been able to rise through the ranks and become a highly effective and versatile customer
service manager. Before becoming a candidate for this position, I worked as a cash officer, an
operations officer, and a customer service representative.

I have a bachelor's degree in sociology from the Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma and I intend to
pursue a post-graduate degree in Project Management with option in Prohject Business Analtics. I
believe that with the necessary skills and experience, I can achieve my goal of becoming a successful
project manager. I aim to work as a Project Business Analyst for a renowned organization in Nigeria.
The NEU's MSc Project Management program will help me get a competitive edge in the country's
job market. It also provides me with an opportunity to gain work experience. The internship program
will help me develop my transferable and soft-skills. It will also introduce me to various topics such
as team working, communication, and personal development. It will additionally provide me with the
necessary skills to apply theory in practice.

I chose NEU due to its reputation as a leading university that offers a wide range of academic
programs and career opportunities. I believe that a good education at an excellent school will allow
me to achieve my goals in my chosen field. I believe that NEU's facilities and courses are designed to
meet my needs and research interests. Apart from enabling me to pursue my academic goals, I would
also be able to use the institution as a launching pad for my career.

I would love to study business analytics in Canada. The country has been leading the way in
developing innovative technologies that are helping to create a more connected world. Whether it's
artificial intelligence, machine learning, or predictive analysis, its universities have been regarded as
some of the best in the world. I would be very privileged to take up this course in one of Canada's
esteemed universities, as I would be able to enjoy the country's sophisticated academic atmosphere.
Recruiters from all around the globe value individuals who have degrees from such institutions.

I believe that I can become a successful business analyst or information analyst in the future. The
rapid emergence and evolution of digital infrastructure has created great career opportunities for
individuals in Nigeria. I am therefore applying for a place in one of the country's top universities to
pursue a master's degree in business analytics.
Due to the complexity of the work environment in Nigeria, where I currently work, and the global
nature of the project management profession, I decided to pursue a Master's degree in Project
Management. This specialization will allow me to work with a team of experts and improve my skills.
I am planning on transitioning into the role of a strategist. In order to be successful in this new role, I
need to enhance my knowledge of Project business analysis. This will allow me to effectively apply
my skills to work for a leading organization. Although I've gained a lot of knowledge and experience
through my education, I'm still not at the top of my game yet. To be successful, I need to master the
various skills and techniques that I've learned.

My funds for this academic journey come from my savings as a banker in Nigeria and other
consultancy work I render to different start-ups. I will also consider a Mpower loan to help
with my tuition expenses.

I will definitely return to Nigeria once my NEU journey ends. The skills that I will be able to
gain from this academic journey will be applicable in this country as it is a developing nation
with numerous multinational companies. I will also love working in the country's multi-
faceted business environment.

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