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Reading the results

What is a Schedule of Growing Skills? Why am I going to a SOGS assessment?

The assessment has several different age
A Schedule of Growing Skills is referred to as a Your child may have recently had their Ages bands and if your child’s development falls 2
SOGS. This individual assessment can be used and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), and this has age bands below that of their actual age then
at any time with children from birth to 5 years, highlighted some areas of difficulty. this is suggestive of a mild delay in that area.
enabling professionals to assess 8 key However, there are many factors that can affect
You may have spoken to your child’s nursery or
developmental areas. school and they have expressed concerns a child’s performance on a developmental
 Locomotor around their development. assessment, including how your child is feeling
 Manipulative on that day.
You may have concerns as a parent/ carer
 Visuals about your child’s development.
 Hearing and Language
What happens at a SOGS assessment?
 Speech and Language What happens next?
 Interactive Social Skills Your child will be presented with several tasks
The assessment is written into a report and this
 Self-Care Skill and these give a score which will be added up
is sent home to parents/carers. Your
at the end of the session. Your child will be
 Cognitive paediatrician and GP are also sent a copy, so
observed completing these.
they know the outcome of the SOGS
This is a standardised test delivered in a set assessment.
format and scored using a consistent method. What if my child does not join in?

Currently only one parent can attend this For some tasks parents can answer questions
appointment about their child’s development and this can be
What happens at your Paediatrician
added to the scoring.
The SOGS assessment, scores your child’s appointment?
skills in the different areas of development and If your child does not carry out many of the
this score will be reported as an age in months. Your paediatrician will use the results of the
tasks, then a summary of skills will be used,
This means that the skills your child has shown and a baseline score given. SOGS assessment as part of gaining an overall
in this area of development are those typically picture of your child and will then decide
seen in a child of that age. How is a score taken? whether any further assessment or action is
A specialist Nursery Nurse or Speech and needed.
At the end of each task there is a number and
Language Therapy assistant usually deliver the for each task that is completed in each area this
SOGS assessment and feedback results. is added together. This is then plotted onto a
sheet which has a reference line drawn through
your child’s age or nearest months to their age.

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