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Kassandra Guadalupe Mota Carlin

Teresa Nayeli Torres Casillas

Samanta González Villalobos
Sergio Emiliano Gallegos Sánchez
Ethics in
Ethics in workgroups refers to the moral principles and norms
guilding the behavior of their members. It involves honesty,
responsibility, respect, and fairness in interactions and decisions
within the team. Strong ethics promote an environment of trust,
effective collaboration, and ethical, sustainable achievement of
organizational goals.
An example of ethics in workgroups could be when all members collaborate fairly and transparently in assigning
tasks and recognize individual and collective merit, thus promoting an environment of mutual respect and
compliance with ethical commitments.
Work values
Values are crucial for workgroups, shaping how they work together. Respect
ensures everyone feels valued. Clear communication helps everyone
understand each other. Collaboration means working together to achieve
more. Integrity builds trust by sticking to moral standards. Accountability
means being reliable and contributing actively. Innovation sparks creativity
and helps adapt to change. Diversity and inclusion bring different
perspectives and better solutions. Adaptability helps deal with challenges.
Empowerment encourages taking initiative. Quality ensures high standards
are met. These values create a supportive environment where everyone can
succeed together.
Main difference
between ethics and
The main difference between ethics and values lies in their scope and application. Values are
principles or standards of behavior that individuals or groups deem important and desirable.
They serve as guiding principles that influence attitudes and behaviors. Values can be
personal, cultural, or organizational and may include concepts like honesty, respect, fairness,
and loyalty.

On the other hand, ethics refers to a set of moral principles or rules of conduct that govern a
person's or group's behavior. Ethics provides a framework for determining right and wrong
actions based on values. It involves reasoning about moral dilemmas and making decisions
that align with ethical standards.
y Origen de
la Idea
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posuere eros quis felis viverra mattis. Ut turpis nunc, imperdiet a
lorem nec, feugiat vulputate lectus.

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