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Preoperative Evaluation in Children

Kyle Jordan Fletke, MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
Alexander Kaysin, MD, MPH, University of Maryland Capital Region Health, Largo, Maryland
Stephanie Jones, MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

A preoperative evaluation is advised for all children and adolescents having elective surgery with anesthesia. The evalu-
ation assesses medical and psychosocial factors that may affect surgery timing and identifies underlying conditions that
may require evaluation or management before surgery. The evaluation also classifies the patient’s American Society of
Anesthesiologists’ risk category. The history component of the evaluation should include a review of the patient’s medical,
behavioral, and social history; previous complications with surgery or anesthesia; a medication review; and a tobacco use
history. The physical examination should involve the identification of airway anomalies that could interfere with intubation
and the evaluation of cardiac, respiratory, neurologic, and fluid status. Routine laboratory testing is not recommended
for healthy children and adolescents having low-risk procedures. Patients with underlying conditions may benefit from
targeted laboratory and imaging studies to assess clinical stability. The HEMSTOP questionnaire can identify patients who
have coagulation disorders. A pregnancy test should be considered for all adolescents who are postmenarchal on the day of
surgery. Many children have anxiety about surgery, which can be reduced by educational pamphlets, videos, coaching pro-
vided to parents the week before surgery, and a parental presence during the induction of anesthesia. (Am Fam Physician.
2022;​105(6):640-649. Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

Each year in the United States, 3.9 million surgical proce- Patients whose preventive care is overdue should also be
dures are performed on children and adolescents.1 Ortho- scheduled for a separate follow-up appointment to complete
pedic surgery and tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are important developmental and psychosocial assessments,
among the most common in-hospital surgical procedures and age-appropriate immunizations.16
performed in this age group and often require a preoper- The American Society of Anesthesiologists has established
ative outpatient evaluation.2,3 Family physicians and other a physical status classification system (ASA-PS;​Table 2).17
primary care clinicians can play an important role in pre- The ASA-PS can help predict postsurgical complications
operative evaluations. These evaluations allow for a detailed and mortality.18 Clinicians should use the preoperative eval-
understanding of the patient’s medical status and psycho- uation to identify medical problems and optimize patient
social situation to communicate the unique needs of each status before surgery to improve their overall health within
child to the surgery and anesthesia team, provide family- a specified ASA-PS classification.
centered counseling, and contribute to improved postoper-
ative outcomes and decreased costs. Components of the Preoperative Evaluation
In addition to the surgeon’s discussion with the patient MEDICAL HISTORY
and family about indications for surgery, a preoperative The preoperative evaluation should include a medical and
evaluation is advised for all children and adolescents having birth history review, including prematurity and associated
elective surgery with anesthesia to assess medical and psy- complications. A review of previous complications with
chosocial factors that may affect the timing of surgery and surgery or anesthesia should also be completed, particularly
to identify underlying conditions that would benefit from those involving respiratory or cardiac events. A family his-
evaluation and management before surgery.4-8 Table 1 lists tory should focus on anesthesia complications, such as post-
the symptoms and medical conditions that may require fur- operative nausea and vomiting or malignant hyperthermia,
ther evaluation or subspecialist referral before surgery.4,6-15 and bleeding disorders that can increase the risk of adverse
events. Allergies should be identified and documented.
CME This clinical content conforms to AAFP criteria for
Author disclosure:​ No relevant financial relationships. Clinicians should review a patient’s behavioral and social
history and involve caregivers when appropriate. Older

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Anesthesia and Coexisting Disease: Implications for Preoperative Evaluation

Role of subspecialists and pediatric
Primary care assessment Preoperative recommendations anesthesiology

Airway Evaluate Mallampati score, neck Review previous airway, head, Anesthesia:​evaluate for difficult mask
anomalies range of motion, and mouth and neck surgeries or interven- ventilation and/or intubation
opening tions (e.g., radiation) Otolaryngology:​evaluate for tracheos-
Perform dental examination tomy if severe craniofacial abnormalities
Identify craniofacial syndromes that are present
may impact airway management
(e.g., Pierre-Robin sequence,
Goldenhar syndrome)

Asthma Classification or disease severity:​ Take maintenance medication Pulmonology:​consider for severe or
consider pulmonary function tests as prescribed, including on the poorly controlled cases
for accurate disease assessment morning of surgery
Determine short-acting beta- Take albuterol prophylactically on
agonist requirement and mainte- the morning of surgery
nance medication compliance Consider oral steroids for severe
Evaluate emergency department vis- asthma
its, hospitalizations, and intubations Delay nonurgent procedures if
Evaluate for recent corticosteroid patient is symptomatic

Cystic Determine disease severity Optimize pulmonary function Anesthesia:​discuss risks of anesthesia
fibrosis Determine medication requirement, and control airway secretions and postoperative care
access, and adherence Treat with vitamin K if hepatic Gastrointestinal and nutrition:​manage
Evaluate nutritional status function is impaired poor nutritional status or hepatic
Optimize nutrition dysfunction
Pulmonology:​consult for disease opti-
mization and continued maintenance

Infection Determine upper vs. lower respira- Consider delaying nonurgent Anesthesia:​assess severity of symp-
tory tract infection procedures toms vs. urgency of surgery;​identify
Evaluate for presence of fever Prescribe inhalers if obstructive appropriate postoperative resources
lung disease is present if proceeding with surgery (including
Assess for COVID-19 exposure risk possible need for admission and postop-
Review vaccination history Manage symptoms with nasal erative airway support)
saline, antihistamines, antitus-
sives, and guaifenesin
Perform preoperative COVID-19
testing of patient and household

Sleep- Determine disease severity and Encourage weight loss (if obese Anesthesia:​discuss preoperative seda-
disordered current signs and symptoms* or overweight) tion, risks of perioperative opioid use,
breathing/ Assess for comorbid conditions (e.g., Bring continuous positive airway and possible need for postoperative
obstructive craniofacial abnormalities, neuro- pressure machine on day of admission
sleep apnea muscular disease, cardiopulmonary surgery Cardiology:​consult if signs or symptoms
syndrome disorder, obesity, trisomy 21) of right heart dysfunction or systemic or
pulmonary hypertension† are present
Otolaryngology:​evaluate for ton-
sillectomy and adenoidectomy if
adenotonsillar hypertrophy present
Pulmonology:​manage preexisting
obstructive sleep apnea or new diagnosis;​
evaluate for need of polysomnography

*—Snoring or witnessed apneas.

†—Exertional dyspnea or chest pain, fatigue, edema, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.
‡—Holosystolic, diastolic, grade 3 or higher, systolic click, increased intensity with standing, or harsh quality.

June 2022 ◆ Volume 105, Number 6 American Family Physician 641
TABLE 1 (continued)

Anesthesia and Coexisting Disease: Implications for Preoperative Evaluation

Role of subspecialists and pediatric
Primary care assessment Preoperative recommendations anesthesiology

Congenital Assess functional capacity, including Continue medications as pre- Anesthesia:​determine need for care
cardiac signs or symptoms of congestive scribed (with possible exception by pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist;​
disease heart failure* of anticoagulants) identify need for preoperative laboratory
Coordinate with pediatric cardiolo- Minimize nothing-by-mouth time studies
gist to optimize medication regimen on the day of surgery Cardiology:​consult for ongoing man-
Discuss management for anticoagu- Consider preoperative electro- agement of patient’s condition, including
lation, if necessary cardiography or transthoracic medication optimization and identifi-
echocardiography cation of need for additional imaging,
Identify need for antibiotic pro- therapies, or interventions
phylaxis for spontaneous bacterial Engage cardiology for oversight
endocarditis of cardiac rhythm management Pharmacy/hematology:​assist with anti-
devices coagulation management

Heart Evaluate for features of concerning Determine need for preoperative Anesthesia:​note this is not necessary for
murmur murmur‡ transthoracic echocardiography benign murmurs
Assess for additional signs or symp- and electrocardiography with Cardiology:​consult if new-onset mur-
toms of congenital heart disease further management dependent mur with concerning features, patient
on cardiac testing has additional signs/symptoms of
Review previous transthoracic echo-
cardiogram (if available) or obtain congenital heart disease, or concerning
new transthoracic echocardiogram finding on transthoracic echocardiog-
and electrocardiogram if murmur raphy or electrocardiography
has concerning features

Develop- Assess for the patient’s understand- Consider family-centered Psychiatry/behavioral health:​evaluate
mental ing of illness state and need for approach, including caregiver for and manage comorbid mood and
delay surgery presence during induction of anxiety disorders
anesthesia if appropriate

Seizure Review disease severity, seizure fre- Continue antiepileptic medica- Neurology:​consult if seizures are
disorder quency, and recent hospitalizations tions on the day of surgery uncontrolled or antiepileptic dose was
Assess for medication interactions adjusted recently

Diabetes Evaluate disease severity Titrate insulin regimen to account Endocrinology:​consult if poorly con-
mellitus Manage insulin preoperatively for preoperative fasting period trolled illness;​management of insulin
types 1 pump
and 2 Nephrology:​maximize renal function
if chronic kidney disease or proteinuria

Obesity Evaluate for obstructive sleep apnea Provide counseling for weight Otolaryngology:​evaluate for ton-
and diabetes loss and lifestyle modifications sillectomy and adenoidectomy if
adenotonsillar hypertrophy present
Pulmonology:​manage preexisting
obstructive sleep apnea or new diagnosis
Nutrition:​optimize nutritional status

Bleeding Obtain clinical history and assess Obtain preoperative laboratory Hematology:​refer for further workup if
disorders patient and family with validated studies:​platelet count, prothrom- high level of clinical concern or abnor-
screening tool:​easy bruising, muco- bin time, international normalized mal laboratory studies
sal bleeding, prolonged/excessive ratio, partial thromboplastin Discuss specific recommendations
bleeding, menorrhagia time, thrombin time, fibrinogen based on final diagnosis of coag-
concentration ulation disorder with surgeon and
Consider postponing nonurgent anesthesiologist
surgery for further evaluation continues

*—Snoring or witnessed apneas.

†—Exertional dyspnea or chest pain, fatigue, edema, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.
‡—Holosystolic, diastolic, grade 3 or higher, systolic click, increased intensity with standing, or harsh quality.
TABLE 1 (continued)

Anesthesia and Coexisting Disease: Implications for Preoperative Evaluation

Role of subspecialists and pediatric
Primary care assessment Preoperative recommendations anesthesiology

Hematology/oncology (continued)
Hypercoag- Identify personal or family history of If strong personal or family history Hematology:​evaluate for perioperative
ulability venous thromboembolism in the absence of acquired risk pharmacologic prophylaxis
Identify acquired risk factors, includ- factors, consider testing for con-
ing presence of a central venous genital conditions such as factor V
catheter, malignancy, cardiac dis- Leiden, prothrombin gene muta-
ease, nephrotic syndrome, or recent tion, protein C and S deficiency,
surgery or trauma and antithrombin III deficiency
Encourage preoperative hydration
to reduce hemoconcentration

Malignancy Identify chemotherapeutic regimen Ensure recent complete blood Cardiology:​consider if patient has
and history of radiation therapy count, electrocardiography, new-onset arrhythmia or reduced car-
transthoracic echocardiography, diac function related to cancer therapy
and chest radiography Oncology:​continue to manage thera-
Type and screen (if indicated for peutic regimen and communicate with
surgical procedure) anesthesia team about avoidance of
specific medications

Sickle cell Assess pain control Maximize fluid status and hemo- Hematology:​manage antisickling
disease Evaluate renal function globin before procedure agents, pain, and iron overload
Consider possible preoperative
admission for transfusion

Genetic disorders
Malignant Identify personal or family history of Obtain genetic testing or caffeine Anesthesia:​prepare for nontriggering
hyperthermia malignant hyperthermia halothane contracture test before anesthetic
elective surgery, if possible Genetics:​discuss genetic testing or
caffeine halothane contracture test

Pseudocho- Consider personal or family history Consider plasma assay of Anesthesia:​avoid succinylcholine use,
linesterase of unexpected, prolonged intubation pseudocholinesterase activity if possible, in patients with concern for
deficiency following surgery enzyme deficiency
Determine if acquired condition in
patients receiving plasmapheresis

Trisomy 21 Identify cardiac anomaly and status Consider flexion and extension Anesthesia:​prepare for potential difficult
of repair cervical spine radiography before airway
Examine cervical spine for presence surgery if patient is symptomatic Cardiology and cardiac surgery:​manage
of atlantoaxial instability preoperative medication and surgically
repair congenital heart defects before
elective surgery

Jehovah’s Identify religious beliefs that could Discuss and document family’s Anesthesia:​meet with family to discuss
witness affect administration of human wishes about the use of human options for blood conservation and
products during medical care blood products during medical ethical and legal considerations of
procedures administering blood products to minors
Hematology:​consider iron supplemen-
tation or administration of erythropoiesis
if appropriate

Preterm/ Evaluate for bronchopulmonary dys- Counsel parents about possible Anesthesia:​discuss increased risk of
former plasia, cardiac abnormalities, feeding need for postoperative hospital- apnea and bradycardia postoperatively
preterm intolerance, and neurologic deficits ization due to increased risk of Pulmonology:​optimize respiratory func-
infant apnea and bradycardia tion before elective surgery
Gastrointestinal/nutrition:​ optimize
nutrition status

*—Snoring or witnessed apneas.

†—Exertional dyspnea or chest pain, fatigue, edema, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.
‡—Holosystolic, diastolic, grade 3 or higher, systolic click, increased intensity with standing, or harsh quality.
Information from references 4 and 6-15.

Recommendations From the Choosing Wisely Campaign

Recommendation Sponsoring organization
children and adolescents should be
allowed the confidential space to dis- Avoid admission or preoperative chest radiogra- American College of Radiology,
phy for ambulatory patients with unremarkable American College of Physicians,
cuss sexuality, stress, mood symptoms, history and physical examination. American College of Surgeons
prior and current trauma or abuse, and
substance use. Gaining a comprehen- Avoid routine preoperative testing for low-risk American Society for Clinical
surgeries without a clinical indication. Pathology
sive understanding of the psychosocial
dynamics of the patient better informs Avoid routine prothrombin time and partial American Society for Clinical
the operative team and prepares the thromboplastin time preoperative screen- Laboratory Science
ing on asymptomatic patients;​use instead a
child and family for the postoperative
history-based bleeding assessment test.
recovery period, which can be a vul-
nerable time, particularly after more Do not perform routine preoperative hemostatic American Society of Hema-
complex procedures. testing (prothrombin time, active partial throm- tology, American Society of
boplastin time) in an otherwise healthy child with Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
no personal or family history of bleeding.
A review of all prescription, over- Do not obtain baseline laboratory studies in American Society of
patients without significant systemic disease (ASA Anesthesiologists
the-counter, and herbal medications I or II) undergoing low-risk surgery—specifically
should be completed. It may be neces- complete blood count, basic or comprehensive
sary to communicate with the periop- metabolic panel, coagulation studies when blood
erative team to determine which loss or fluid shifts are expected to be minimal.

medications should be taken or not ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists.

taken on the day of surgery and if any Source:​For more information on the Choosing Wisely Campaign, see https://​w ww.choosing​
medications need to be held in the pre- For supporting citations and to search Choosing Wisely recommendations relevant
ceding days or weeks due to potential to primary care, see https://​w

interactions with medications com-

monly used during anesthesia. Table 3
outlines common medications used by
children and the respective periopera- TABLE 2
tive considerations.19-25
American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status
The preoperative evaluation should Classification Definition Pediatric examples
include an assessment for tobacco use I Normal healthy Healthy child without acute or chronic illness
with cessation counseling and treat- patient
ment as needed. Tobacco use, includ-
II Patient with mild Well controlled chronic illness (e.g., asthma,
ing secondhand exposure, increases
systemic disease epilepsy, non–insulin dependent diabetes
the risk of perioperative respiratory mellitus), abnormal body mass index, asymp-
events and postoperative events, tomatic congenital heart disease
including 30-day mortality, pneumo-
III Patient with severe Uncontrolled chronic illness, insulin-
nia, and re-intubation.26 systemic disease dependent diabetes, morbid obesity, severe
Electronic smoking devices and obstructive sleep apnea, autism with severe
electronic nicotine delivery systems limitations
have gained popularity among adoles- IV Patient with severe Sepsis, heart failure exacerbation, bleeding
cents. The nicotine and volatile organic systemic disease diathesis, automatic implantable
compounds produced by these devices that is a constant cardioverter-defibrillator, severe trauma,
can cause pathophysiologic changes, threat to life symptomatic congenital heart abnormality

including airway hyperreactivity, and V Moribund patient Massive trauma, patient requiring extracor-
contribute to hemodynamic insta- who is not expected poreal membrane oxygenation, respiratory
bility.27-29 Clinicians should inquire to survive without failure, multiple organ system failure
the operation
about these devices when obtaining
a tobacco use history. The Society for Information from reference 17.
Perioperative Assessment and Quality

644 American Family Physician Volume 105, Number 6 ◆ June 2022

Improvement recommends that primary care clinicians information about the predicted risk across nine outcome
counsel and offer cessation therapy to all patients using measures within 30 days following surgery.33
nicotine products, including electronic nicotine delivery
systems in the perioperative period to reduce intra- and Preoperative Testing
postoperative complications.30 The 5A’s (Ask, Advise, ROUTINE TESTING
Assess, Assist, Arrange) model is a recommended approach Routine laboratory testing is not recommended for healthy
to tobacco cessation counseling.31 children and adolescents having low-risk procedures (i.e.,
minimal bleeding risk and a low likelihood of cardiopul-
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION monary and neurologic complications).4-6,8 Patients with
Important aspects of the physical examination include underlying conditions (e.g., heart murmur, bronchopulmo-
airway, cardiac, respiratory, neurologic, and fluid status nary dysplasia) may benefit from targeted laboratory and
evaluation. Airway anomalies should be assessed. Air- imaging studies to assess clinical stability and establish a
way complications are more common in patients with baseline.4 In addition, some U.S. surgical centers have poli-
craniofacial malformations;​trisomy 21;​mucopolysaccha- cies that require A1C testing for all infants or former preterm
ridoses;​tumors of the head, neck,
and mediastinum;​musculoskele-
tal disorders, including ankylosis TABLE 3
of the jaw and cervical spine;​and
history of facial trauma.7 The Mal- Common Childhood Medications and Perioperative
lampati score can assess the risk of Considerations
difficulty with endotracheal intu- Medication Perioperative risk/benefit Perioperative considerations
bation (https://​w
Antiepileptics Increased seizure risk if Administer antiepileptic medica-
modified-mallampati-classification). doses of antiepileptics tions pre- and postanesthesia to
are missed secondary to reduce the risk of seizure
Predictors of Perioperative prolonged fasting Counsel patients that these
Complications Possible interaction with medications may increase time to
anesthetic agents* emergence from or prolong seda-
Most patients who experience severe
tion after a surgical procedure
complications, such as perioperative
cardiac arrest, typically have severe Histamine H 2 Decreased gastric volume Continue H 2 blockers and proton
underlying disease.7,32 Although the blockers and and increased gastric pump inhibitor medications in the
proton pump content pH;​reduced risk perioperative period
likelihood for any individual is low, inhibitors of aspiration
healthy children and adolescents can
also experience critical perioperative Inhalers Decreased intubation- Counsel patients to take asthma
induced bronchospasm controller medications on the
events, specifically respiratory dis- with inhaled long-acting morning of surgery
tress. Of children who experience such beta-agonists and oral Take albuterol prophylactically on
events, 80% are healthy, and 73% are corticosteroids the morning of procedure
undergoing elective surgery.7,32
Nonsteroidal Improved pain control in Weigh potential benefit of pain
There are identifiable factors that
anti-inflammatory the perioperative period control vs. bleeding risk
increase the risk of perioperative and drugs Possible increased
anesthesia-related complications. They bleeding risk in certain
include ASA status, age (higher risk in populations†
infants due to risk of airway collapse,
Steroids Adrenal insufficiency Consider stress-dose steroids in
apnea, and laryngospasm), emergent patients with secondary adrenal
nature of the surgery, and underlying insufficiency or high risk of adrenal
conditions.7 An online tool developed insufficiency from high-dose steroids
by the American College of Surgeons Note increased risk of infection and
National Surgical Quality Improve- sepsis in the postoperative period

ment Program (https://​riskcalculator. *—Dose reduction for propofol (Diprivan), decreased duration of action for paralytics. can guide †—High-dose nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, concomitant anticoagulation.
clinicians to provide patients and Information from references 19-25.
caregivers with more individualized

June 2022 ◆ Volume 105, Number 6 American Family Physician 645

infants, for patients with hemoglobinopathies or risk factors bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cervical lymph node biopsies
for hemoglobinopathies based on ethnicity, and for surgeries for suspected lymphoma to evaluate for mediastinal disease,
in which clinically significant blood loss is expected.4,8,33 neuromuscular disease, cardiac disease, and history and
At the time of publication of this article, expert guid- examination findings that indicate a mediastinal mass or
ance suggests universal preoperative SARS-CoV-2 testing, active lung disease, including pneumonia.5,8
regardless of symptoms, and postponement of elective sur-
gery if the result is positive to enhance patient outcomes and COAGULATION STUDIES
hospital staff safety.34 Routine coagulation laboratory screening is unreliable due
to low sensitivity and specificity and low predictive value.5
PREGNANCY TESTING Many underlying coagulopathies are not detected using pro-
Pregnancy testing of all postmenarchal adolescents should thrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time,
be discussed and offered on the day of surgery.4,5,8 This pro- and most patients with abnormal coagulation tests do not
vides an opportunity to avoid the use of potentially terato- reliably experience perioperative bleeding complications.5,8
genic medications and procedures in patients with unknown Clinicians should consider using validated screening
pregnancy status or an unclear history of the most recent instruments such as the HEMSTOP (Hematoma, hEmor-
menstrual period. The incidence of a positive pregnancy test, rhage, Menorrhagia, Surgery, Tooth extraction, Obstet-
particularly in adolescents 15 years and older, ranges from rics, Parents) questionnaire (Table 4).36 Based on a limited
0.5% to 2.4% in the preoperative period, regardless of the patient sample, a score of 2 or greater on the HEMSTOP
patient’s history.8 Institutional policies can assist clinicians provided a sensitivity of 89.5% and specificity of 98.6%, and
in communicating and normalizing to patients and families a negative predictive value that is superior to the activated
that a pregnancy test is advisable for safety reasons.4,5,8 partial thromboplastin time for detecting clinically signifi-
cant bleeding disorders before surgery.5,8,36
CARDIAC TESTING The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemosta-
Expert consensus recommends a selective approach to elec- sis Bleeding Assessment Tool offers more robust validation
trocardiography (ECG), with no benefit to routine testing in in children, but it may not be practical in routine clinical set-
healthy children and adolescents.4,5,8 ECG, possibly followed tings because of its length (https://​
by an echocardiogram and pediatric cardiology
consultation, should be considered in patients TABLE 4
with a heart murmur of uncertain etiology, fail-
ure to thrive, recurrent upper respiratory infec- HEMSTOP Preoperative Hemostatic Assessment
tions, exercise intolerance, history concerning for Questionnaire
congenital heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea,
1. Have you ever consulted a doctor or received treatment for prolonged
severe scoliosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, or or unusual bleeding (e.g., nosebleeds, minor wounds)?
neuromuscular disease. 4,5,8
These findings may 2. Do you experience bruises or hematomas larger than 2 cm without
indicate an intracardiac shunt or obstructive car- trauma or severe bruising after minor trauma?
diac lesions. Clinicians should look for right axis 3. After a tooth extraction, have you ever experienced prolonged bleed-
deviation, chamber hypertrophy, and atrio- or ing requiring medical or dental consultation?
intraventricular conduction defects. Some inter- 4. Have you experienced excessive bleeding during or after surgery?
national experts recommend routine ECG for all 5. Is there anyone in your family who has a coagulation disease (e.g.,
hemophilia, von Willebrand disease)?
infants younger than six months because of the
perioperative risks of undiagnosed long QT syn- For females:​
drome.5 Table 1 includes preoperative recommen- 6. Have you ever consulted a doctor or received a treatment for heavy or
prolonged menstrual periods (e.g., oral contraceptives, iron)?
dations for patients with cardiac concerns. 4,6-15
7. Did you experience prolonged or excessive bleeding after delivery?

CHEST RADIOGRAPHY Note:​A cutoff of two or more positive answers provides a sensitivity and speci-
Routine chest radiography is not recommended ficity for a bleeding disorder of 89.5% and 98.6%, respectively.

for healthy patients whose baseline oxygen satu- HEMSTOP = Hematoma, hEmorrhage, Menorrhagia, Surgery, Tooth extraction,
Obstetrics, Parents.
ration is 95% or greater because the risk of clin-
Adapted with permission from Bonhomme F, Boehlen F, Clergue F, et al. Preop-
ically significant cardiopulmonary disease is erative hemostatic assessment:​a new and simple bleeding questionnaire. Can J
minimal.5,8,35 Chest radiography should be con- Anaesth. 2016;​63(9):​1010.
sidered in patients with severe asthma, history of

646 American Family Physician Volume 105, Number 6 ◆ June 2022

However, clinicians should consider

if a patient screens positive.
Preoperative Counseling Clinical recommendation rating Comments
for Patients and Caregivers The preoperative evaluation is advised for all C Expert consensus
ANESTHESIA COUNSELING children and adolescents having elective surgery guidelines and
with anesthesia.4-8 clinical review
The perioperative period can be
stressful for caregivers and patients. Counseling and cessation therapy should be C Large observational
Parents are generally more concerned offered to all patients using nicotine products, study and expert
including electronic nicotine delivery systems. 26,30 consensus
about the risks of anesthesia than
those of surgery.10 Although a com- Routine laboratory testing is not recommended C Expert consensus
prehensive discussion of the risks for healthy children and adolescents having guidelines with data
low-risk procedures (i.e., minimal bleeding risk derived from non-
and benefits of anesthesia is generally
and low likelihood for cardiopulmonary and neu- randomized cohort
outside the scope of primary care, rologic complications).4-6,8 studies and their
initiating preoperative counseling meta-analysis
can reduce misconceptions and allay
Pregnancy testing of all postmenarchal ado- C Expert consensus
anxieties to improve patients’ and lescents should be discussed and offered to guidelines and
caregivers’ experience on the day of patients on the day of surgery.4,5,8 clinical review
surgery. Clinicians performing the
Parental presence during anesthesia induction B Consistent patient-
preoperative assessment can dis- can be considered on an individual basis because oriented findings
cuss common minor complications it does not generally decrease child anxiety from multiple
of anesthesia, including sore throat, outside of a comprehensive program or relative small randomized
to other nonpharmacologic interventions for controlled trials of
nausea, vomiting, and oral trauma. parental and child stress and anxiety. 38-42 limited quality
Serious complications, such as laryn-
gospasm, bronchospasm, hypoxemia, A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence;​ B = inconsistent or limited-quality
patient-oriented evidence;​ C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert
and drug reactions, can be mentioned opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go to https://​
during the preoperative assessment
and discussed again by the pediatric
anesthesiologist on the day of sur-
gery.6 Providing easy-to-understand
written information to adolescents
and caregivers addressing common
ADVANCE Family-Centered Interventions for Surgery
concerns about duration and recov-
ery from anesthesia and postoperative
management may also be beneficial.38 Timing of intervention Details of intervention

Preoperative preparation Caregiver given video and pamphlets with informa-

PSYCHOSOCIAL PREPARATION visit (5 to 7 days before tion about expectations on the day of surgery, how to
One family-centered psychosocial surgery) manage their own and their child’s anxiety, and how to
distract their child;​parents also receive an anesthesia
preparation approach that integrates mask practice kit with instructions
knowledge from anesthesia and psy-
chology is the ADVANCE (Anxiety- 2 days before surgery Caregiver contacted to confirm review of previously
received information and to confirm a specific plan for
reduction, Distraction, Video model- distracting their child
ing and education, Adding parents, No
excessive reassurance, Coaching, and Day of surgery:​preoper- Child receives bag of age-appropriate toys and a sur-
ative holding area prise box
Exposure/shaping) behavioral prepa-
ration program (Table 5).39 Patient Day of surgery:​ Caregivers use planned distraction strategies and accom-
and parental anxiety are reduced with induction of anesthesia pany child to the operating room;​child allowed to open
surprise box after introduction of the anesthesia mask
the combination of educational pam-
phlets, videos, coaching provided to Information from reference 39.
parents the week before surgery, and

June 2022 ◆ Volume 105, Number 6 American Family Physician 647

TABLE 6 Preoperative fasting is important to minimize the risk of
pulmonary aspiration and should be emphasized to patients
American Society of Anesthesiologists and caregivers. Table 6 summarizes the ASA guidelines for
Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting fasting before administration of anesthesia.45
Ingested material Minimum hours of fasting Many institutions are moving to liberalize fluid intake,
Clear liquids 2
allowing healthy patients to have clear liquids up to one
hour before surgery.8,35,45 Pulmonary aspiration is a rare
Breast milk 4 event in children, and allowing clear liquids closer to the
Infant formula, nonhuman 6 time of surgery can have physiologic and psychosocial ben-
milk, light (nonfatty) meal efits.45,46 Fasting instructions may vary based on the surgi-
cal procedure, such as bowel preparation for colonoscopies.
Fatty foods, including meat 8
Clinicians are encouraged to address any confusion the
Information from reference 45. caregivers and child may have with the surgical team.
Data Sources:​A PubMed search was completed in the Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, the National Guideline Clear-
parental presence during induction of anesthesia in the inghouse, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
operating room.39 using the key words pediatric preoperative care, pediatric preop-
Although incorporating a comprehensive program such erative evaluation, pediatric perioperative risk, pediatric anesthe-
as ADVANCE may be logistically challenging, evidence sia, postoperative pain relief in children, pediatric preoperative
risk, pediatric surgery risk, fasting and pediatric anesthesia, pedi-
suggests that even small interventions, such as exposing the atric preoperative anxiety. Results were filtered by the English
child to the anesthesia mask before the day of surgery, can language and were selected for relevance. Search dates:​June
effectively reduce preoperative anxiety.40 2020 to June 2021.
Interventions that may be offered to reduce anxiety on the
day of surgery in select cases can include parental presence
The Authors
during induction of anesthesia or administration of pre-
operative sedation such as midazolam. Although parental KYLE JORDAN FLETKE, MD, is the associate director of the
University of Maryland Family Medicine Residency Program
presence during induction of anesthesia may reduce anxi- and an assistant professor in the Department of Family and
ety for some patients or as part of a comprehensive program Community Medicine at the University of Maryland School of
such as ADVANCE, evidence shows that parental presence Medicine, Baltimore.
during induction of anesthesia alone does not generally
ALEXANDER KAYSIN, MD, MPH, is the medical director of the
reduce child anxiety relative to other nonpharmacologic University of Maryland Capital Region Health Family Medicine
interventions for parental and child stress and anxiety,41,42 Residency Program and a faculty member in the Department
such as handheld video games, clown doctors, low sensory of Family Medicine at the University of Maryland Capital
stimulation, hypnotherapy, and parental acupuncture.42 Region Health, University of Maryland Medical System, Largo.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many institutions have STEPHANIE JONES, MD, is an assistant professor in the
eliminated parental presence during induction of anesthe- Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Maryland
sia because of visitor restriction policies. Clinicians should School of Medicine.
become familiar with options available at their institutions
Address correspondence to Kyle Jordan Fletke, MD, University
to help manage expectations and guide families to articulate of Maryland School of Medicine, 29 S. Paca St., Baltimore, MD
questions and concerns for the perioperative team related to 21201 (email:​kfletke@​ Reprints are not
their unique situations. available from the authors.
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