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cIGRE International Conference on Large High Tension Electric Systems 12, boulvard Haussmann ~ Pacis 18 Session — 10-20 June 12-03. ° TRANSFORMER INRUSH CURRENT by B HOLMGREM & RS. JENKINS J. RIUBRUGENT Swedish Stole Power Board ASEA (Sweden) SUMMARY Inrush currents have caused difficulties principally in connection with h.v.d.e, converter stations but interference with relays and communication circuits has also been a problem. Against a background of field tests, model tests, digital com= puter calculations and analogue computer measurements the report discusses the influence of various factors on the mag- ritude of the inrush currents, It is shown that the remanent ux after disconnection of a transformer will often be high in two of the phases, Delta windings are found under certain conditions to reduce very appreciably the zero-sequence ‘components of innush currents. Certain measures on the relay and communications side are discussed. The effectiveness of presnsertion resistors is underlined and rules for their dimensioning given. However particular problems can arise in the case of two transformers with a Breaker in common eyen though pre-insertion resistors are used. Delta winding, Inrush current, Preinsertion resistor, Power transformer. REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION Several factors during the last decades have heightened the severity of the inrush currents occurring when a power transformer is connected to voltage, for example increases in unit ra- tings and employment of higher flux densities with grain oriented steels. Another factor is the higher closing speed of modern circuit-breakers, In the cage of a slowly-closing breaker gap, the probability that gap ignition will occur near the peak of the voltage wave, and thus result in low inrush current, is greater than with a high-epeed breaker. In many systems the problem of inrush current has gone almost unnoticed, particularly where earthing conditions are good and the networks well interconnected. It was perhaps first in connection with the supply transformers for several high-voltage d.c. transmission schemes that inrush currents were found to constitute a serious problem, and comprehensive technical in- vestigations were made, The calculations and studies initiated were found however to be of a general nature, equally applicable to a.c. or dc, systems, 2. THE NATURE OF THE PROBLEM 2,1, Transformers supplying h.v.d.c. transmission links - The use of h.v.d.c. for trans- mitting Targe amounts of bulk energy requires power transformers of large rating (of the order of hundreds of MVA per unit) at the converter stations. A special feature of such transformer banks is that they include transformer units with different connection groups (usually YNy and YNd, with or without auxiliary tertiary winding) connected in parallel to provide the supply for the 12-pulse operation of the converter, It is often the practice, for economic reasons, to use only one circuit-breaker for swit- ching groups of two or more transformers, 12-03 2 ‘The breaker is sometimes used in conjunction with isolating switches to switch the trans- formers individually, In this ease, the various transformers can be left with different rema- nent fluxes after disconnection, When, thereafter, all transformers are switched in together, the pre-ingertion resistors are found to be almost ineffective, This situation is discussed in § 5.4, below, A more immediately apparent problem is the fact pro-insertion resistors of an optimum design for one transformer, do not represent an optimum for a group of transformers and vice versa, Finally problems can be found in stabilising the relay protection to render it insensitive to inrush currents when two or more transformers are provided with a common current mea- surement, This question is dealt with in §6, 2.2, Other relay and communication problems - Inrush currents can in principle affect all types of protection based on current measurement. Once the current exceeds the current set- ting of the relay, the latter will begin to function, Certain types of protection deliver a trip- ping impulse immediately. In other types, which deliver their tripping impulse after a certain time delay, difficulties are encountered only if the inrush current exceeds the return setting of the relay during a period of time longer than the time delay of the relay. A summary of the types of current-sensitive protection used in the Swedish 400, 220 and 130 kV networks is given in appendix 1, At one time or another inrush currents have affected differential protection, earth fault protection, overcurrent protection and distance protection. The following examples ean be quoted. During the commissioning of a new 130 kV transformer with grain oriented steel, the transformer itself was tripped after switching in by its own overcurrent protection, either in the phases or in the neutral, (Differential protection was not provided). The highest peak of the sum of the inrush currents in the phases was about 5 times rated current. In another case a large 400 kV system transformer in a neighbouring station was trip- ped by the overcurrent protection in the neutral point, the switched transformer also being tripped by its own differential protection, In both the above cases the inrush current had a “ime constant" of about 1.5 8. 2,3, Difficulty of calculation - As is shown below the parameters affecting transformer in- rush current are many, and in some cases only known with poor accuracy, However even as~ suming full knowledge of all parameters an exact calculation is extremely laborious. For these reasons many of the calculations hitherto performed, either by manufacturers or utili- ties, were often only approximate estimates based on a number of simplifying assumptions. Experience has shown that such calculations on occasions can be in error, on either the high or the low side, by a factor of 3:1 or greater. 3. SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATIONS PERFORMED ‘Once understanding of the main features of the problem had been reached, it was attacked from a number of angles, both by the utility and the manufacturer, These approaches can be summarized as follows : 3,1 Theoretical analyses 3,2 Field tests, model tests and analogue computer measurements 3,3 Computer calculations ‘The various nes of development are mentioned at the appropriate points of the follow- ing discussion. 4, THE ADVANCE CALCULATION OF INRUSH CURRENTS 4.1, ‘The remanent flux - The remanent flux in the core limbs prior to switching in the transformer is one Of the parameters exercising the greatest influence on the magnitude of -3- 12-03 the inrush current. At the same time it is probably the parameter about whose magnitude least is known, However, certain general reflections on this question are possible and some par- ticular cases are treated in the following. tinction (in phase S), the sum of the fluxes in the When finally the current extinguishes at ite natural zero in the third phase R, the fluxes then or prevailing determine the remanences in the three limbs, Using a graphical method shown in figure 1, K the following remanences are found to be probable : eatincpne 8 Lat, Sequence of interruption Remanent flux density p.u, of peak —_ 1st phase low value and” - 2 85 ara" +. 85 In the case of a circuit breaker with moderate current-chopping tendencies, the current is extin- guished somewhat before the natural current zero, the residual magnetic energy being absorbed in the are, over which appears an appreciable voltage drop. ‘The flux and voltage functions are thus simply fore~ shortened in time so that the remanent flux den- sities remain of the same order of magnitude as in the case of the non-current-chopping circuit-breaker, A somewhat different case is a circuit breaker o with pronounced current-chopping properties. ‘The instant of current extinction in the three phases is “Theoretical analysis of fx varia imdeDendent of the natural current zeros. ‘The remma- {rege when dlscontectia av ideal transformer ent fluxes are dependent on the instant at which In- with a non-current-chopring Sneaker terruption occure, this normally varying by some milliseconds from phase to-phase, Provided the Te- sidual magnetic energy in the respective phases is assumed to be absorbed in the breaker arc in a substantially aperiodic manner, it might be possible with an analogous argument to the above, to deduce that the maximuin remanent flux density would be about 85 % of the peak, the others being of opposite sign and of lower amplssude, However, in practice the picture is complicated by the fact that the current extinction i often oscillatory. If a delta winding is present, the magnetising current will contain third harmonies to a high degree, resulting in several natural current zeros per half-period, It is therefore diffi- cult in this case to deduce the magnitude of the remanence, even for a circuit-breaker without current-chopping properties. The same can be said of five-limbed cores or shell-type trans- formers. During a certain proportion of trippings in such cases, at least one limb may be left with a remanent flux approaching 85 %, 4,2, Pleld tests to determine remanent flux - During one of the field tests referred to in $3, an attempt was made to measure the remanent flux after disconnecting the transformer [1], 12-03 ‘The transformer was of the three-limbed, three-phase, core type, 200 MVA, 210 kV, with a delta winding, The circuit-breaker was of the modern air-blast type, Oseillograms of the magnetising current in the three phases and in the della winding pro- vided evidence of very pronounced third-harmonic currents. With due reservation for the poor accuracy of the current transformers at these low currents, the magnetising current in the middie phase was found to display double peaks of full amplitude, i.e, there were six current zeros per cycle, Thus certain of the test conditions represented a considerable departure from the ideal conditions supposed in the theoretical analysis of § 4.1, and for this reason, no par= ticularly good agreement with the theory was anticipated. ‘The circuit-breaker tripping was controled by a timing device to occur at 30” intervals between 0° and 360°. The remanence was determined as follows : On the oocillograme of voltage on the trmaformer side the two points of diecomtimity representing the essai and asd phason to interrupt (eee fg. 1) ware found The vomanset ftox was considered 10 be given by the time integral of voliage J[U.dt, measured from a vol tage peak on the sinusoidal part of the wave to the second point of discontinuity. (The voltage bec argrsni leah Tm aoe Ire enya Sor tance and transformer inductance, Tn view of the high Irequeney, vs phenomenon was assured eer ergy ioe ‘The results of the tests are shown in fig- ure 2, where the remanent fluxes ealeulated as above for the phases R, S and T are plotted as a funetion of the tripping angle. Despite the rather unfavourable circum- stances of the test, namely - the rather primitive method of de termining the remanent flux, ¢ - the fact that the breaker was of air-blast type and thus had considerable current- Toreing tendencies and = the presence of very pronounced third-harmonic currents in the delta winding, a fair degree of agreement with the theoretical ah kh considerations would seem to be found, In ten of the thirteen interruptions were found a high Figure 2 - Remanent fluxes in transformer (> 0.7 p.u,) positive remanent flux in one phase, pines (ps. as 4 function of phase angle of 4 high pegative flux in another and a relatively tripping impulse. low (« 0.5 p,u,) remanent flux in the third, The occurrence of either quite high or relatively low remanence conditions would appear to confirm the observation made by F.Haber [2] that two distinct groups of inrush currents oceur in a large number of random switchings. 4.3, A computer method - Conventional methods of calculation become immediately rather difficult unless simplifying assumptions are made. Thus for example, the hysteresis loop of the core cannot be simply represented mathematically, the three phases influence each other ‘through the delta winding and the common grounding impedances, a flux will occur’ from yoke to yoke via the tank and air, and finally there is the problem of remanent fluxes, This iatter question is treated in § 4,2 above, In view of these and many other difficulties, an attempt was made to write a computer program based on an iterative or step-by-step method, The calculation progresses in discrete invervals of time St, so short that the various inductive and resistive voltage drops st one ins~ tant can be utilised for the calculation of the nett applied voltage at the next instant. ‘The main equations of the method are summarized in appendi> 2 (3). In the program, in its present state, the following parameters have been taken into con- sideration : ’ -s- 12-08 = complete hysteresis loop of the magnetic core ~ winding resistances - presence of a delta winding = leakage flux between windings ~ yoke-to-yoke flux - resistance and reactance in the neutral grounding ~ resistance and reactance of the supplying network = any pre-insertion resistor in the cireuit-breaker = the possibility of connecting several transformers in parallel = the possibility of connecting a capacitor bank in parallel 4.4, Check of calculation method against field tests - It will be appreciated that the method of calculation described in §4.3 contains a -nomber oP factors which can legitimately be ad= justed, to bring the calculation method into agreement with experimental results, particularly if found under conditions known in detail. With a view to checking the method, and to providing experimental data collected under controlled conditions, the following tests were performed on the transformer deseribed in $4.2 above (1). ‘The transformer was excited with d.c, to above rated flux density, with the aid of an accumulator of 24 V. ‘he exciting procedure was such as to leave phase R with maximum positive remanence and phase S with maximum negative remanence, The transformer was then switched in under the control of the timing device previously mentioned at angles of 0° to 360° in steps of about 60°, During the majority of the tests the transformer was switched through a 54 km long line, the short-circuit power at the transformer being about 1500 MVA, A few tests were made against the intact network with a short-eireult power of about 4000 MVA, Figure 9 ~ Measured and calculated inrush currents in the phases in test BL¢ (table 11 ‘The results of the tests are shown in table 1, In figure are shown a typical current oscillogram (test No, B14) and for comparison the result of a computer calculation made under the same conditions. ‘he curves agree well both in form and amplitude, 12-03 Table 1 Maximum current peaks, remanence +inR, ~ in S Short-cireuit power, test series B 1500 MVA es nc 4000 Mva phase angle ‘ es in phase . fg Cs anaes test R(deg) = 760 ° 1470 | +280 | -980 | 3100 sa | Bis 533 20 +1260 | +610 | -1300 | s6oo | 275 | Bis =582 35 +1300 | +635 | -1320 | sooo | 125 | Bia +109 110 =140 | 421s | -152 | 1500 10 | B16 +151 195 =390 | -340 | +830 | 2200 so | Bi7 -467 235 +420 | -ss0 | +980 | 4200 20 | Bit +282 325 +1295 | -915 | -343 | 5500 5a | Bie =470 10 +1280 | +330 | -s70 | 3100 | 620 | cis 470 30 +1370 | +355 | -e20 | sso0 | 750 | cia 15 -140 | 4240 | -127 700 20 | ciz 4215, 180 -435 | -280 | +530 | 2220 | 30 | ci 5. PRE-INSERTION AND NEUTRAL RESISTORS 5.1, Principle of pre-insertion resistors - Among the technically feasible means of limiting inrush' currents Te Tie use of a two-step clreuit-breaker with pre-ingertion resistors. Eqs. 1, 2, 9 and 4 of Appendix 3 state the highest peak values of the inrush current attainable before and after shorting the resistor. ‘As shown in Appendix 3, suitable criteria can be found for the ohmic value of the pre- insertion resistor and the time during which it is connected in circuit ‘The pre-insertion resistor limits the inrush current by the combined action of three ef- fects, namely, = shift of the phase angle between the voltage and current when the transformer passes from the non-saturated to the saturated state (B-a) in fq, 1 and 2 (Appendix 3), See also figure 4, + = limitation of the amplitude of the a.c. and d.c, components when entering saturation while T _ the resistor is connected (cos # in Eq. 1), = exponential damping of the de. com- D ponent (e8 and e-8%% in Hq, 1 and 2 respect ively) Figure 4 - Vector diagrame showing voltage, 5.2. Neutral resistors - Another measure which current and flux relationships in (a) the non- might have been expected to reduce at least the time saturated and (b) the saturated states constant of the high zero-sequence currents encoun 1- 12-03 tered in the case of the transformers for the h.v.d,c, Unk would be the provision of resis. tors in the neutral point. In view of the use of graded insulation, these resistors would re- quire to be of rather low value, Tests with neutral point resistors of 0.8, 1,6 and 2.7 ohms have been performed, See § 5.3 below. 5,3, Field test in h.v.d.c. converter station - The first fleld tests in recent years were conducted in connection with the ,v.4, 6, link between Sweden and Denmark (Konti-Skan), Here two transformer banks (connected YNd and YNy respectively) were connected in parallel with a common circuit-breaker, From the start unacceptably high ground currents were en- countered particularly when both transformers were switched together, Figure 5 shows the currents and time constants (determined from the decrement of the first 10 cycles) measured on a number of different occasions during 1965 and 1966 [4]. The rows in the diagram are as follows 1, Switching of T11 (YNd, d-winding outside YN-winding) alone 2. T12 (YNy) alone 3," " Pat and 712 together 4, "|" ‘P11 alone with a resistance of 0.8~ 1.6 ohm in the neutral point (Re) 5, as above, transformer T12 6, Switching of T11 with pre-insertion resistors (Rp) OM ep ho " 8, " "" "T11 and T12 together with pre-insertion resistors ret pk x got ar we Fen apa rt 0 sane on ooh os = i ma ney me Qeas cai wo og ete ee wR me | fees em toe ety am 4 n . Mieke ag my a we igure 8 - Ampittude and time constant of neutral point sarush currents when switching in 711 (YN) wad ‘2 (weet. , + neutral point resistor 0,8 — 1.6 ohms presinaertion resietor. ‘The basic conclusions to be drawn from these tests are : - @ delta winding outside the energized winding reduces neutral currents only slightly, = resistors in the neutral point are of practically no value in reducing either the amplitude or the time constant of the inrush current, ~ pre-insertion resistors are the most effective means of eliminating inrush cur- rent for a single transformer, but, = when two transformers can be switched in by the same common cireuit-breaker, either independently or together, the effectiveness of the pre-insertion resistor is reduced, 5.4, Pre-ingertion resistors with several transformers in parallel - The last observation in $ 5.3 above has two explanations, ‘The first is self-evident, in view of the observations in $5.1 and Appendix 3, namely that a resistor value represents an optimum only for a given transformer or group of trans- formers, the current before or after shorting the resistor rising rapidly as soon as optimum conditions are departed from, 12-03 The second explanation, found after exhaustive model tests [5] and field tests, concerns the special case where the transformers are tripped individually but switched in together. We use as example two identical single-phase transformers in parallel, Their remanences are as- sumed to be different, and of opposite sign, Pigure 6 depicts the time variation of source vol- tage (u), nett voltage at the transformer terminals (v), fluxes (9, ,) and currents (ij, 1, i). 4 oT UE VE UP tr Mile) Uv we Ww on ARO “ Figure 6 - Theoretical anaysis of wollage, current and flax selaonships when evitching ln wo transformers snith & common breaker with presinsertion resistors. sH+ Closing of the brenker without pre-insertion resistor. — Chosing of the breaker with pre-ingertion resistor at wt It 1s assumed that X, > R> X,, The voltage-drop across the resistor may be disregar- ded as long as both transformers are below the saturation level, As soon as either of the transformers enters saturation, the resistor drop absorbs most of the supply voltage, leaving fa negligible voltage for effecting flux variations, The fluxes remain fairly constant until both transformers again enter the non-saturated region, A state is soon reached where the trans- formers saturate alternately, at different half-periods of the supply voltage. In vow of the relationship, o- 2 fue § Sve, the 'demagnetisation" of either core (both of its remanence and offset of flux) can be expressed i Real, As both negative and positive iR terms contribute to the integral the flux curves are only slightly displaced while the resistors are in circuit, In other words, the d.c. component of the 9 12-03 total current i rapidly dies out, but the partial currents i, and i, still contain d.c. components of comparable magnitude and opposite signs. Between the two transformers circulates a d.c. component which will be damped only slowly by the low resistance of the windings. ‘The re- sistors are shorted at um = uy, the voltage drop becomes zero, and the magnetic fluxes as- sume a sinousoidal variation corresponding to the supply voltage, u, As each transformer en- ters saturation, high current peaks will occur, depending on the moment of shorting the re~ sistors, 6, MEASURES TO REDUCE RELAY AND TELECOMMUNICATION PROBLEMS In § 2.2 a case of a 130 kV transformer tripped by ils own overcurrent protection was mentioned. In the neighbouring stations the lowest current setting of the line fault protection and also that in the neutral point of the transformer were Increased otherwise these protec- tions would have given a tripping impulse, This was proved by measuring the current, Another case where the start relay of the distance protection had started has been ob- served. However an investigation has shown that in practice there is only negligible risk that distance protection will measure a sufficiently low impedance, during switching in of a trans- former, to initiate tripping. ‘The highest current setting of line earth fault protection cannot be affected by inrush currents as it is based on the highest fault currents, which are appreciably higher than the sum of the inrush currents in the phases of a transformer, In practice the protective devices most likely to be affected by inrush currents are thus Gifferential and overcurrent protection, furthermore earth fault protection where the settings are low. An analysis of inrush currents shows that they contain a relatively large proportion of second harmonic which can be used to identify them and block relay operation. However this method was found to be ineffective in the case of two parallel transformers switched in- dividually. It was found that the d.c. component of the inrush current in the one transformer returning through the other, magnetised the core of the latter with "remanence" of opposite polarity. ‘The second harmonics, though individually strong, cancelled one another in the total Zero-sequence current, At the same time the remanence resulted in currents resembling in- rush currents, so that relays dependent on 2nd harmonic-stabilisation tripped out. The pae- nomenon lasted several seconds after the instant when the second transformer was switched in, During tests, the sum of the inrush currents in the phases has been measured at dif- ferent points in the network and found to be distributed to within 10 % of the proportions ap- plying for 50 Hz zero-sequence currents, The sum of the inrush currents in the phases of a power line results in induced o.m.f's in parallel telephone lines, Currents occurring during earth faults at locations unfavourable for induction can reach a much higher value, and the e.m.{'s are also greater even when con- sideration is given to the relatively high $rd harmonic content of inrush currents. If only the amplitude had to be considered, inrush currents would not raise induetion problems. However in Sweden agreement has been reached with the Telephone Authorities that currents inducing interference will be tripped within 0.5 s, In the case of inrush current inducing appreciable voltages after this time (for example more than 400 V), the case must be discussed on its merits with the Telephone Authorities, In marginal cases eircuit-breakers with pre-insertion resistors have had to be installed to reduce the amplitude and duration of the induced voltages. 7, CONCLUSION ‘The investigations made would seem to lead to the following conclusions = remanence is one of the most important factors in determining the magnitude of the inrush currents, Theoretical and experimental studies indicate that a normal remanence state after tripping a 3-limbed transformer is remanences of 0.7-1,0 p.u. with opposite signs in two of the phases and low remanence in the third, Five-limbed and shell-type transformers may constitute exceptional cases, 12-03 ~10- = delta windings are very effective in reducing the zero-sequence inrush currents. However tests indicate that a delta winding outside instead of inside the YN-connected winding hac a greatly reduced effect in this regard, = the step-by-step computer method appears well capable of representing current- inrush phenomena, After further checks against field test data it can probably be used for di- rect research into inrash phenomena and preventive measures, - pre-insertion resistors are the most effective means of eliminating rent difficulties. However they are less effective if two or more transformers in be switched individually by a comnton cireuit-breaker, particularly if the transformers have different connection groups, nrush cur- parallel can APPENDIX 1 ‘CURRENT-SENSITIVE PROTECTION IN DIRECTLY EARTHED NETWORKS Object Type Setting Delay ‘Comment transformer | differential 150 % 1, instantaneous 40% In Los neutral point overcurrent | 100 A 15s phase overcurrent | 150% I, 108 Line directional zero-sequence overcurrent | highest instantaneous | earth fault next highest | 0.5 5 lowest 15s (100 A) distance highest instantaneous | short circuit current next highest | 0.4 5 current lowest current O88 start relay alone Bs APPENDIX 2 |AN ITERATIVE METHOD FOR CALCULATING INRUSH CURRENT In view of the multiplicity of parameters and in some cases the difficulty in representing them mathematically, an attempt was made to wrile a computer program based on a step-by- step method, Using the notations v, 1 U, R, L im their usual sense, further, V total voltage drop 8 rel W number of turns M magnetomotive force, q ratio of limb flux to total flux and the sulfixes ne 12-03 » network: 2 mb ground or neutral ¥ yoke k leakage path ¢ delta winding Pp phase designation (sometimes omitted) 's star winding (energized) n-1, n, nét instants of time, the principle of the calculations is illustrated by the following equations, which for the sake of simplicity are confined to one phase wherever possible. 1. ~(U, = ¥.,) Ot/W, an estimate is made of the factor g, i.e, the division of ® between limb and leakage path : 2, by, =a A, = (14) 09, 3 4 5 6 cm 8 9. 10. ma 12 = I, 18 Bg M/W» M/W 4 ae Me Mg Og MK EM) 15, If My {# not less than a given low value, 9,a new approximation for @ must be made and the calculation repeated from step 2, IfM,,, is less than the limiting value, ¢, proceed to 16. 1B. Vy * (ay — hye) (Ly + L)/Ot +R, +R) Ty 17, ‘Transfer to next point of time, n+1 Su, inaten, § 1, OO. # (Uy = V)/ U/W, , ete In practice the three phases affect one another through the delta-winding and the com- mon impedance in the neutral point. Thus the factor q cannot be adjusted independently for the three phases, but must be found by the solution of three linear equations, ‘The reluctance of the limbs is calculated at each instant by a subprogram, representing the complete hys- teresis loop, The reactance and resistance of the supplying network and of the common neutral con- nection respectively are calculated from the corresponding positive and zero eequence quan- tities with the approximate relationships : z 1 j(R,-8) 12-03 -12- where suffix r denotes network g "neutral » positive sequence zero sequence APPENDIX 3 HIGHEST PEAK VALUES OF INRUSH CURRENT Using the following notation Utt) = VEU sin (ut + 9) + supply voltage, further the suffixes = saturation mit r = remanent n= rated let now n= (8, - 8)/9 ig «= RIX, te B= RIX, 1) itcosa > 2 os a cos (1- BE) it cos ; x seosaet 1, = peak current before shorting Re” "after nooR ‘The most unfavourable case is given by g =~, breaker closure at wt = 0 and the re- sistor shorting at ut, = (4kt1) 5, where k = positive integer. The source inductance and trans- 2 former resistance are neglected, For ut,~ %~ (B - a) the peak currents are > . vu Be Yau a 1+ BP cong (1 + 008 (9 - sat) eM) + Sgt a) BU st s ej + EUG Get + sina +e08 a . cos (2k(8 - a)ewteres) + SOS (a) where wy oh ¢ Eau, entier (GY) if oS aay ke ot ig My Raw oar of Serger Y Ft 2 (B -a) + wt, b= n-(B-a)-ut, For wt,> ~ (8 ~ a) these equations become cos a (1 + ete] @) -13- 12-03 Br vee soon ev — qj + BU Se ® x where eewen 2 wv ener (28) ‘The precinsertion resistor should fulfill the following conditions. 1/ The shift (P ~a) of the angle between voltage and current should satisly (B - a)/m 2 (mw - wt)/ay, thus minimizing i,. On the other hand the time of connection of the resistor must be ut, > 2x. ‘Therefore, the condition (P - «) > (x ~wt,)/2 should be approached av elosoly as poscible 2/ R > X, to effectively limit and damp the current when the transformer goes into sa turation (cos § “> 0 in Eq. 1), 3/ R « X, to reduce voltage drop across the resistor when shorted (sin a —> 0 in Eq.2), These conditions, which ae somewhat contradictory, are best met when R~ VEX, and ur, Zot, the masonim peak value of the Invush current is then the same before and after shorting the pre-insertion resistor, namely oie (Eee) REFERENCES [1] JONSSON U, LINDQVIST C, STOCKEL R. - Switching tests on Oeverby transformer (State Power Board internal test report reg. 7212, 13.9,1967). [2] HUBER, F, - BinschaltstrOmstésse von Verteiltransformatoren, (Brown Boveri Mittellungen B, 52 Nr. 11/12 Nov-Dee 1965 pp, 908-15). [3] JENKINS, R, - Program dokumentation no, ETT 10700 (State Power Board internal report reg. 317, 721, 6,9, 1967). [4] HANSSON, L, - Switching tests with ZL9-S in Stenkullen, (State Power Board internal test report, reg. 73413, 13,5,1966), [5] RIUBRUGENT J, - Inrush currents of unloaded transformers connected in parallel when energized through a common circuit-breaker, (Internal ASEA Report TM 9543, 1967) Extrait de Ia Conférence Internationale des Grands Réseau Blectriques. Session 1968,

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