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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access

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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.32016

Active Currents, Power Factor, and Apparent

Power for Practical Power Delivery Systems
M. Malengret1, C. T. Gaunt2
MLT Drives, 97 Garfield Rd, Kenilworth, Cape Town, 7708, South Africa
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

Corresponding author: C. T. Gaunt (e-mail:

This work was supported in part by a grant from the Open Philanthropy Project.

ABSTRACT Concepts of apparent power and power factor as measures of a system’s power delivery
capability are over a century old but have not been defined in one general, rigorous and acceptable way.
Instantaneous power is defined precisely, and average power measured over a selected period is widely
accepted. The many ways of defining and measuring reactive and apparent power in single and three phase
systems are based on different assumptions and give different results in real cases. Building on definitions
in the IEEE Standard 1459-2010, this paper formulates in vector space linear algebra and the frequency
domain, the active wire currents as those that cause the minimum losses in a network for the power
delivered. Power factor measures the relative efficiency of power delivery as defined by the losses.
Apparent power consistent with early terminology is the maximum power that can be sourced for the same
original line losses and has the unit of power: Watt. It is identified without requiring the contentious
concept of reactive and non-active power components. Measurements based on this approach are
independent of assumptions about sinusoidal waveform, voltage and current balance, and frequency-
dependent wire resistances, and apply to power delivery systems with any number of wires. The rigor of
this novel general formulation is important for technical design of compensators and inverters; analyzing
power system losses, delivery efficiency and voltage stability; and electricity cost allocation and pricing.

INDEX TERMS Active current, apparent power, harmonics, power theory, representational measurement,

I. INTRODUCTION combinations of harmonics instead of only fundamental

Power theory has scientific, engineering and economic frequency sinusoids, and practical line impedances different
relevance. It identifies the relationships between parameters from those assumed.
of power systems, such as voltages, currents, delivered power This paper presents a new, more general formulation of
and the losses incurred, as explored in the literature review power theory for any poly-phase systems, including a neutral
section. Despite the need for it, no general power theory or without it, with any periodic non-sinusoidal waveforms
adequately copes yet with the conditions of real power and dc components, voltage and current unbalance, and
delivery systems. For example, many different definitions of unequal and/or frequency-dependent wire impedances.
reactive power, power factor (PF), and apparent power (AP) The formulation is derived entirely in elementary vector
have been proposed in thousands of papers and engineering space linear algebra [1]. It maintains rigorously the frame of
standards and implemented in meters and tariffs – but reference of measurements and compliance with Kirchhoff’s
without general agreement and consistent technical rigor. voltage and current laws and the law of Conservation of
The many different power theory formulations are based on Energy. The calculations of a measurement are arithmetic
different simplifications and assumptions that are violated in and implemented easily in a simple spreadsheet, processor or
practical systems. Examples of violations include having a program.
different number of wires from that used in formulating the This power theory builds on two key interpretations of PF
definition of measurement, unbalanced voltages or currents relative to power and losses in the IEEE Standard 1459-2010
instead of balanced, waveforms distorted by variable [2]: that “unity power factor means minimum possible line

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

losses for a given total active power transmitted”, and “… the load, depicted in Fig. 1 by the Thévenin equivalent circuit.
ratio (PF=) P/S is a utilization factor indicator”. These lead to Further, consider that the currents drawn at the PCC of the
a reformulation of the definition of AP, for which the units delivery system and load are the result of unbalanced
are shown to be Watts, as the maximum power that can be voltages and delivery system impedances and distorted by
transmitted from the source to a specific point of a network harmonic components, so that the waveforms of the currents
for the same delivery loss. Further, it is shown that the and voltages at the PCC are such as depicted in Fig. 2. The
widely used reactive power concept is incompatible with real following questions arise:
systems with unbalanced and distorted waveforms. 1) What re-distribution of the currents between wires and
Since the PF and AP can be identified with measurement harmonics delivers the power most efficiently (with the
made at a point of connection or common coupling (PCC) of lowest losses) to the PCC?
a power supply to a load or other network, this power theory 2) What AP or PF can be identified with this load as
has many potential applications, such as in converters, loss suggested by Bell, Steinmetz and Silsbee?
reduction in delivery systems and loads, dispatching of 3) What if the load is replaced by a source feeding into the
embedded or distributed generation (DG) into systems, and system instead of drawing currents from it?
in electricity trading and tariffs. 4) What are the implications of the answers to these
In the rest of the paper, Section II locates the challenge of questions?
a general definition in the context of power delivery, and
Section III reviews some of the extensive literature These questions have not yet been answered adequately in
describing various approaches to defining and measuring AP. 100 years since the problems were first identified.
Sections IV presents the theory development in two parts: as Note: For consistency, we refer to phases or conductors
a transport problem of delivering power most efficiently to or (including a ground neutral) as wires, and the elements of a
from the source (identified in a Thévenin equivalent circuit) Thévenin equivalent circuit as lines.
to the PCC. Section V extends the development with the
concept of a controllable power processor such as a power PT h Line currents P PCC
electronic converter. Section VI demonstrates the arithmetic iS(t)
process of measurement in three examples with unbalanced VTh1,h rTh1,h + j xTh1,h
voltages and currents and distortion. Section VII discusses
rTh2,h + j xTh2,h
the interpretation, implications and potential applications of M wires with Load
the general power theory, and there is a brief conclusion in H+1 harmonics
rTh3,h + j xTh3,h
Section VIII.
VThM,h rThM,h + j xThM,h
Electrical engineers recognized at an early stage that, VT hM,h= 0 if Mth
compared with dc systems, loads supplied by ac were wire is a neutral
affected by an extra loss of power in the cables [3] and, later, FIGURE 1. Dispatch of power PTh from a Thévenin equivalent source through
that this depended on frequency, waveform distortion and M x (H+1) lines representing a system of M wires with H+1 harmonics to deliver
PPCC at the PCC.
unbalance. Bell [4, Discussion] identified the need to charge
for capacity and not only energy when the PF is low, to
which Steinmetz replied “… it would be desirable to charge
for a part of the wattless currents, a part sufficiently large to 400
[V, A]
take care of the losses due to resistance of lines and 300

transformers and generator capacity” [4, Discussion]. Silsbee 200

[5] wrote about the economic importance of capacity cost 100

and the cost of losses for which it is important to define PF 0

0 5 10 15 20
correctly in the presence of “phase displacement, unbalance -100

and wave form”. Much more recently, the IEEE Std 1459- -200

2010 [2] identified the need to make accurate measurements -300

so that the cost of maintaining the quality of electricity -400 U(t) wire1 U(t) wire2 U(t) wire3 U(t) wire4
service could be distributed fairly. is(t) wire1 is(t) wire2 is(t) wire3 is(t) wire4

The common needs expressed by all these writers can be FIGURE 2. Wire current and voltage waveforms at the PCC, with dc and
represented by a source, a delivery system with any (real, >1) harmonic components, and v-i waveform phase-displacement of the fundamental
frequency components.
number M of wires (with or without a neutral wire) and a

2 VOLUME XX, 2017

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

The CPC power theory identifies active, reactive,

III LITERATURE REVIEW scattered, load generated, and three unbalanced sequence
In this section we review four aspects: recent papers in current components [13]. Various applications are
measurement theory; progress during the past decade towards constrained by different assumptions, such as loads being
determining active currents and AP; some of our previous linear and time-invariant, or by decomposition into
research; and some approaches in the frequency domain. symmetrical components of a three-phase system [14] [15]
[16]. Some characteristics of the CPT approaches, with five
A. RECENT MEASUREMENT THEORY or six component currents [17] [18], are like the CPC theory
Representational measurements require close association and suffer from similar limitations. Despite the limitations
between the concept model and the physical components requiring a modified formulation according to each system
being measured [6], so some power measurement problems topology, CPT and CPC approaches have been applied
can be attributed to an inadequate definition for reactive recently to filter design [19] and to reactive compensation
power measurement when the waveforms are no longer pure [16]. The IEEE Std 1459-2010 [2] adopted a similar
sinusoids [7]. Too many constraints or assumptions inherent approach in identifying several reactive and distortion power
in the definition of a parameter make it likely that components.
measurements are operational and, in practice, violating the A recent formulation in geometric algebra [20] proposed a
definition’s conditions leads to invalid measurements. different set of apparent power components.
Although not expressed in the context of representational The p-q theory was developed to define instantaneous
measurement, Ghassemi [8] identified the requirements for a power. None of the more recent p-q approaches appears to
rigorous definition of electrical power parameters as having have addressed fully the limitations of its assumptions. An
to include applicability to systems of all topologies and instantaneous approach to mitigate harmonic distortion [21]
conditions, with any number of phases, balanced or is interesting for its depiction of the distorted grid but a
unbalanced, sinusoidal or distorted waveforms, and without solution that does not depend on the grid parameters. To
violating any principle of electrical engineering. overcome the limitations of the instantaneous power theory,
the Lagrange multiplier technique has been used to identify
B. POWER PARAMETERS RESEARCH DURING THE the active current using digital signal processors [22]. This
PAST 10 YEARS appears to be one of relatively few power theory approaches
For many years, a rigorous, comprehensive power theory of tested in hardware and not only simulation, and although the
reactive power, PF and AP has been a controversial topic, control algorithms were promising they could not “keep the
even in single phase systems [9]. The IEEE Standard 1459- grid currents balanced”. The work illustrates the difference
2010 [2] might have resolved the problems, but it too left between grid current balancing and the compensation of non-
several issues unresolved [10] [11]. active power, which is discussed in Section V.
In 2011, a review of definitions of various power Some of the papers reviewed propose alternative methods
parameters used in meters [12] identified eleven formulae for for specific studies, including applications of optimization
the calculation and measurement of reactive power (termed algorithms, fuzzy controllers or neural networks
VAR) in single-phase elements. It was shown by testing with (comprehensively reviewed in [23]), but do not appear to
14 different waveforms that the measured VAR varied have been followed up with general approaches. Such
widely, differing even in sign between some approaches. The approaches cannot reflect the structure and physics of the
AP in single phase elements was calculated by three system and cannot qualify as measurements or definitions of
methods. In three-phase supplies, the AP and reactive power any parameters other than as defined in the artificial
are the sum of the single elements, or a vector sum of the intelligence approach used.
power, AP and VAR as calculated by a method specified by In all the papers reviewed, the constraints on the various
the manufacturer. To summarize, the survey found many definitions, by the number and resistances of phase and
different methods being used to measure reactive power and neutral wires or by specified non-physical current
AP and they gave different measurement results. None of the components or by any other assumptions, limit all the
measurements included the resistance of the wires of the approaches to being operational measurements of PF and AP.
delivery system.
We have scanned many (>200) of the apparently most C. GENERAL POWER THEORY IN TIME DOMAIN
relevant papers published since 2014 and most appear to We proposed a general power theory developed in linear
follow three well-established approaches: that of Current algebra for multiple wire systems with consistency between
Physical Components (CPC) proposed by Czarnecki, or the instantaneous and average time domain [24] [25] [26] and
Conservative Power Theory (CPT) following Tenti, or complying with all the requirements identified by Ghassemi
variations of the p-q instantaneous power theory developed [8]. We reviewed in the paper on instantaneous power [24]
by Akagi. the various proposals of Akagi, Buchholtz, Dai, Depenbrock,
Ferrero, Fryze, Nabae, Peng, Rossetto, Salmerón, and

VOLUME XX, 2017 3

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

Willems and their co-authors, and in the paper on average 𝐼𝐼𝐴𝐴,𝑚𝑚,ℎ = P� 2 𝑈𝑈m,h = Ge 𝑈𝑈 m,h
power [25] the concepts of AP, including papers by �|𝑈𝑈|�
Czarnecki, Depenbrock, Emanuel, Ferrero, Filipski, Jeon, and
Mayordona, Morsi, and Willems, and their co-authors. ||𝑈𝑈||2 = ∑𝑀𝑀 𝐻𝐻
1 ∑0 |�𝑈𝑈m,h �|
Although some of those papers introduced unequal where m = 1 to M wires and h=0 to H.
resistances [27] or distortion, unbalance and multi-wire At the PCC, all Um,h for every m and h are measured from
systems [28], none of the papers proposed approaches a common reference that is generally not defined, or is
meeting all the requirements. We concluded that agreement ‘arbitrary’ [2], and therefore may result in incorrect and
on reactive or non-active components required a unique inconsistent calculation of active currents. A ‘fictitious null-
definition of AP for systems for all the variables of any point’ from which all the wire voltages add to zero, which
number of wires of any resistance, and any conditions of effectively eliminates the zero sequence has been proposed
unbalance, harmonic distortion, and direct current [35]. In the case where not all the wires have equal
components. resistances, the ‘null reference’ must be calculated in such a
We explained the requirement for a resistance-weighted way the line voltages are weighted in proportion to the
null point as the correct reference for the voltage inverse of their respective line resistances [24] [25] [30] [31].
measurements, else the minimum theoretical line losses Jeon [36] proposed a generalized theory in the frequency
cannot be identified [24] [25]. The derivations were domain, based on Buchholz and a ‘fictitious’ neutral. The
consistent with the link between power theory and delivery approach allows transmission lines to have different and
losses that requires the wire resistances to be included in the frequency-dependent resistances by determining a reference
analysis [29] [30], and the definition of unity PF as the resistance and an effective current and voltage. In what is
minimum loss condition [31]. effectively a superposition approach, compensation currents
The derivation showed compensating currents have only are rearranged among the subsystems of the whole power
two components and that they are physically realizable, being system to minimize the total transmission loss. All
a portion instantaneously transferred between wires and a components are defined at the PCC.
portion that needs energy storage during the period of a An approach combining frequency components with the
wavelength [25]. Later [32], we extended the compensation CPC theory [37] and referencing the supply voltage to an
reference to the Thévenin point, maintaining a consistent artificial zero, still does not consider the impedances of the
frame of reference for the null point of voltage measurement, delivery system.
and reported the successful testing of compensator hardware. In a series of seven papers, Lev-Ari, Stanković and co-
However, until recently, our approach did not provide for authors calculate the near-optimum shunt compensator
frequency dependent Thévenin equivalent impedances compensation for an induction machine load using the
consistent with the harmonic distortion of waveforms. This Hilbert transform and frequency domain. In early papers they
led us to consider a frequency domain approach. refer to weighting the Thévenin side wire voltages with the
inverse wire resistances respectively [38], and to voltage
D. ACTIVE CURRENTS IN THE FREQUENCY DOMAIN measurements from a common point or the neutral wire [39];
According to Czarnecki [33] and Depenbrock [34], Fryze though the concepts of a weighted null point are not
and Buchholz defined the active current in a sinusoidal explicitly included, even later [40]. These papers are not the
system in the time domain as: only ones using analysis in the Hilbert space. Other authors
ia (t) = P� 2 𝑢𝑢(𝑡𝑡) have applied geometric algebra, but then adopt power
�|𝑢𝑢(𝑡𝑡)|� components that make the definition of AP “impossible” [20]
where P is the power delivered, u is the load (and source) or other simplifications that limit their approach.
voltage and llu(t)ll is its rms value.
Expressed in the frequency domain it is equivalent to: SUMMARY OF DEFINITIONS OF PF AND AP
𝐼𝐼𝐴𝐴,𝑚𝑚 = P� 2 𝑈𝑈m = Ge 𝑈𝑈m (1) Although different forms of PF have been identified, it is
�|𝑈𝑈|� generally agreed that PF is an index of relative delivery
where Ge is a common, constant of proportionality, and a efficiency and a measure of utilization [2] [30] consistent
real number termed 'equivalent admittance' of the load and its with the meaning implied by Bell [4]. It is also generally
components, Um and IA,m are M complex root mean square agreed that PF=P/AP and PF=1 when only active currents are
(CRMS) values representing each of the mth wire voltages delivered, incurring the minimum loss [2] [31] [34].
and current components, and However, the values of PF<1 are not identified uniquely
||𝑈𝑈||2 = ∑𝑀𝑀 1 ||𝑈𝑈m ||
(2) and vary with the definition of AP.
In the case of bandwidth limited non-sinusoids the active Formulations of AP have followed different approaches
CRMS components values for each m-wire includes also H [41]. They are based on various models constrained by
harmonics components [10] [33]: assumptions, such as voltages being invariant after
compensation [10], or that AP is a geometric sum of

4 VOLUME XX, 2017

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

components of power and non-active power, such as in the Kirchhoff’s current law that the sum of all wires’ weighted
IEEE Std 1459-2010 [2] and the CPC and CPT approaches. harmonic current components respectively add to zero.
Therefore, better, more general, unique definitions are Accordingly, this approach differs in several aspects from
needed of PF and AP. Any new definition should apply in the previous formulations of active currents, namely:
context of measurement theory, meet the needs of various 1) The key voltages are the Thévenin point voltages
practical applications, and conform to all physical electrical measured from h different references.
principles. The review suggests a novel solution might be 2) The optimal total power is at the Thévenin point after re-
found in the frequency domain with a Thévenin equivalent assigning current components, and not the power at the
circuit decomposed into lines of wire-harmonic components, load/PCC.
and with careful attention to a line-resistance-dependent 3) Weighted voltage references are specific to each
reference for all voltage components at all frequencies, to frequency voltage component, so that
comply with Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws. The 𝑉𝑉 𝑇𝑇ℎ 𝑚𝑚,ℎ
1 =0 (5)
approach must allow unequal frequency-dependent line 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅,ℎ
resistances and inductances in the physical model of the is always true for all h.
power system and always lead to optimal (minimum loss for PTh(OPT) PPCC
4) KA = (and not as in (1)) (6)
the delivered power) dispatch by redistribution of the active ||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) ||2 ||𝑈𝑈||2
currents. We have not identified an approach incorporating 2 2
all these fundamental concepts. where PTh(OPT) = PPCC +/- �| 𝑰𝑰′A |� where �| 𝑰𝑰′A |� is
the minimal line loss for the same power delivery, and
IV. GENERAL DERIVATION OF ACTIVE CURRENTS IN ||𝑰𝑰′A || = ½(−||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) || −/+ √(||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) ||2 + 4 PPCC ))
THE FREQUENCY DOMAIN AS TRANSPORTATION and KA replaces Ge of (1) to allow for additional
variables; where KA and Ge will only be the same
The problem can be considered as a transportation problem
when three limiting conditions apply: the line voltages
where the same total energy as before is delivered to a PCC
do not change at the PCC after the current components
over a specific time interval. This is achieved through the re-
are re-assigned, the line resistances are equal and
assignment of the current components’ CRMS values
negligible, and there are no weighted zero sequence
between all wires. Re-assignment allows the same energy as
voltage components.
before to be transported with minimal power losses. This
leads to the following relationships:
The main stages of the theoretical development are:
- the power consumed (or generated) at the PCC remains
- setting up the input data structures in the form of CRMS
vectors and a resistance square matrix;
- the objective of identifying minimal losses requires a
- identifying the Thévenin side CRMS voltage vector VTh;
specified reference for resistance-weighting the voltage
- calculating the voltage components’ reference CRMS
measurements [24] [25], which includes maintaining a
offsets from the PCC-side reference;
consistent frame of reference over the extent of the
- finding VTh (null) by subtracting the offset voltages from
- there is a physical model of currents that can be
- identifying the weighted Thévenin voltage vector and
redistributed between wires and/or temporarily
finding the minimum possible P(OPT) at the Thévenin
extracted, stored and returned to a wire, which allows
point by adding the minimum line loss to PPCC;
that a wire can be represented by Thévenin equivalent
- identifying KA and the individual CRMS solution
lines for each frequency component, such that the
current components IA m,h from (4).
dimensions of vectors Um and IA in (1) and (2) are
These stages are developed in the following sub-sections.
increased; and
- Kirchhoff’s current law applies to all wire currents and
also to their respective line current components.
Consider the network shown in Fig. 1 with M wires
The approach transfers the point of reference for all
described in terms of the equivalent Thévenin circuit in
voltages to the Thévenin equivalent point. The formulation of
which the voltages vector U(t) and uncompensated currents
(1) is generalized as:
vector IS(t) at the PCC point are known.
𝑰𝑰A = K A 𝑽𝑽Th(null) 𝐑𝐑−1 (4)
Similar to (1), each M wire’s time-variable bandwidth-
where 𝑽𝑽Th(null) is a voltage vector representing all the limited voltage Um and current Im during a chosen time
equivalent Thévenin CRMS voltages components of the interval T can be expressed in a condensed form, by Fourier,
equivalent circuit of the network (source). Each voltage with a finite set of h CRMS values, namely:
component, h, differs from the others in that each has its own (Um,0 , Um,1 , … Um,,H) and (Im,0 , Im,1 , … Im,,H)
reference, not necessarily the same for all frequency where m=1 to M and h=0 to H (includes dc h=0).
components. This “multiple” reference for all h satisfies

VOLUME XX, 2017 5

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

From these, let row vectors IS and U be constructed so that phase, three wire system. In practice, it is common to use one
each consists of two M x (H+1) CRMS values: of the wires of the system or a ground point.
𝑼𝑼 ={(U1,0, U1,1, …. U1,H), (U2,0, U2,1, …. U2,H), .., (UM,0, Also, given (measured) the sets of all M wires equivalent
UM,1, ... UM,,H)} (7a) Thévenin resistances 𝑟𝑟m,h and equivalent inductances: 𝑙𝑙m,h
IS ={(I1,0, I1,1, … I1,H), (I2,0, I2,1, … I2, H), … (IM,0, IM,1, … for all m= 1 to M and h = 0 to H, then…
IM,,H)} (7b) … using classical complex power theory, one can calculate
Further, construct a square matrix R with M x (H+1) rows the Thévenin side voltages with respect to the PCC common
and M x (H+1) columns, where the diagonal vector is arbitrarily chosen voltage reference RefPCC (see (b) in Fig. 3).
R(diag) = {(r1,0, r1,1, … r1,H), (r2,0, r2,1, ... r2,H), …, (rM,0,
rM,1, … rM,H)} (8)
and where all other elements of the R square matrix are zero.
Vectors U and IS and matrix R represent all the parameters
in convenient data structures, to which can be applied the
properties of linear algebra to find a solution current vector
called IA.


We propose a Theorem: A unique vector IA consisting of M
x H+1 optimal line CRMS current components IA m,h values
exists, which delivers the same total power to the PPCC with
FIGURE 3. Mx(H+1) line Thévenin equivalent circuit as seen from PCC, with
minimal losses, can be identified and computed with (4): (a) the PCC side voltages measured from a common arbitrarily chosen
𝑰𝑰𝐴𝐴 = K A 𝑽𝑽Th(null) 𝐑𝐑−1 (9)..same as (4) reference, possibly the potential of one of the wires; (b) the voltages at the
Thévenin point referenced to RefPCC; and (c) the null reference at the Thévenin
where KA is a single real value constant throughout the point, offset from RefPCC by eref.
interval chosen and applicable to all M wires and H+1
KA =
(10) Each of the Thévenin side CRMS voltage components VTh m,h
||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) ||2 for all m and h with respect to the original single voltage
in which PTh(OPT) and 𝑽𝑽′Th(null) are calculated with (24) and PCC-side reference RefPCC are calculated using standard
(31) below. power theory as follows:
The proof of the theorem is developed in the rest of this 𝑉𝑉Th m,h = 𝑈𝑈m,h + 𝑧𝑧m,h 𝐼𝐼m,h
section and up to (36) at the end of III.H. It is necessary both where 𝑧𝑧m,h = 𝑟𝑟m,h + j 2𝜋𝜋𝜋𝜋h 𝑙𝑙m,h
for rigor and to identify the equations needed for calculating for m = 1 to M, and h = 0 to H.
a measurement quantity. A reader more interested in the Construct the M x H+1 Thévenin complex voltage
application of the theory may pick up the general story in vectors VTh:
Section III.I. 𝑽𝑽Th = {(𝑉𝑉Th1,0 , 𝑉𝑉Th1,1 , … 𝑉𝑉Th1,H ), (𝑉𝑉Th2,0 , 𝑉𝑉Th2,1 , …
𝑉𝑉Th2,H ), …, (𝑉𝑉ThM,0 , 𝑉𝑉ThM,1 , … 𝑉𝑉ThM,H )} (12)
Given the CRMS vectors U, IS representing the original The total power PTh drawn at the equivalent Thévenin
time domain line voltages um(t) and currents is m(t), and the voltage side (point) can then be calculated as:
physical constraints of the system namely Kirchhoff’s current PTh = <VTh, IS> (13)
law (the sum of current components in all lines respectively This total power can be positive or negative depending of the
must sum to zero) and that the power delivered to the PCC direction of the total power flow. The difference of power
remains the same after re-assigning the current components, between PPCC and PTh is the transmission losses consisting of
then PPCC, the power flow at the PCC point, can be calculated the sum of the losses due to all current components. Further,
from classical power theory as: the component powers may be individually positive or
PPCC = <𝑼𝑼, IS > (11) negative and may not be flowing in the same direction.
where <𝑼𝑼, IS > is the real part of the inner product of the two Then let the following weighted Thévenin voltage vectors
vectors defined as the dot product of the complex vectors be defined as: 𝐕𝐕Th ′
= 𝑽𝑽Th R−1/2 ; namely:
𝑼𝑼 and IS* where IS* is the conjugate of IS. ′
𝑉𝑉Th ={(VTh1,0 r1,0-1/2, VTh1,1 r1,1 -1/2, … VTh1,H r1,H-1/2),
It is important to note that the power PPCC is independent (VTh2,0 r2,1-1/2, VTh2,1 r2,1-1/2, … VTh2,H r2,H -1/2 ), (…),
of the reference chosen for measuring the voltages at the (VThM,0 rM,0-1/2, VThM,1 rM,1-1/2, … VThM,H rM,H-1/2)}
PCC, shown as RefPCC in (a) of Fig. 3. Different voltage (14)
references may even be used for each voltage component,
such as measuring the voltages between phases of a three

6 VOLUME XX, 2017

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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

and the weighted current vector be defined as the product of Secondly, the following equation must also remain true
a vector and a matrix: after current component re-assignment where the line current
𝑰𝑰′S = 𝑰𝑰S 𝐑𝐑1/2 ; has changed to 𝐼𝐼𝐴𝐴 , which still needs to be found.
namely: PPTh(OPT) = <𝑽𝑽Th , 𝑰𝑰A > (21)
𝑰𝑰′S = {(I1,0 r1,01/2 , I1,1 r1,11/2, … I1,H r1,H1/2), Clearly, this can also be calculated as the inner product of
(I2,0 r2,01/2, I2,1 r2,11/2, … I2,H r2,H1/2 ), (…), (…), the weighted vectors 𝑽𝑽′Th , 𝑰𝑰′A as defined above:
(IM,0 rM,01/2 , IM,1 rM,11/2, … IM,H rM,H1/2)} (15) PPTh(OPT) = <𝑽𝑽′Th , 𝑰𝑰′A >
Therefore, 𝑽𝑽′Th must also reside in the solution weighted
D. REFERENCE OFFSETS FROM THE PCC SIDE vector subspace needed to find the solution current vector.
It can be seen from (15) that the norm square < 𝑰𝑰′S , 𝑰𝑰′S > , However, 𝑽𝑽′Th as measured from the PCC ref, is not
where the inner product is defined as the real part of the necessarily orthogonal to the other solution vector space’s
product of 𝑰𝑰′S and its conjugate 𝐼𝐼S′ *, is equal to the wire losses coordinates vector 10′, 11′, …, 1H′: and is not a coordinate
PS (loss) since it is the sum of all I2r of all wires for all current vector.
components: ′
Another orthogonal coordinate vector 𝑽𝑽Th(null) (with a
PS (loss) = < 𝑰𝑰′S , 𝑰𝑰′S > = ||𝑰𝑰′S ||2 (16) different reference) that is orthogonal to 10′, 11′, …, 1H′ and
The solution approach consists of finding first the also in the solution subspace can be obtained using the
weighted vector 𝑰𝑰′A and then 𝑰𝑰A , the current vector Gram-Schmidt method [1]. This linear algebra method
representing the physical currents required to flow through consists of subtracting from VTh all the components 𝒆𝒆 ′ref,h for
the wires. This current vector with the minimum norm in the every h in the direction of 1h′, where 𝒆𝒆 ′ref,h the projection of
solution subspace will deliver the same power PPCC as 𝑽𝑽′Th is calculated as:
delivered with the set of non-optimal currents. 𝒆𝒆 ′refh = < 𝑽𝑽′Th , 1h′) > 1′h / ||1h′ ||2 (22)
The mathematical technique to find such minimum norm for h = 1 to H, and
𝑚𝑚 𝑚𝑚
vector is to project the original weighted current 𝐼𝐼𝑆𝑆′ onto a 𝒆𝒆 ′refh = (�𝑚𝑚=1 𝑽𝑽Th,m,h R m,h −1 /�𝑚𝑚=1 R m,h −1 )1h′ (23)
solution subspace representing all the physical constrains of
the M x (H+1) sub-vector weighted solution space, in two E. VTh(null) BY SUBTRACTING THE OFFSETS
steps. ′
It can then be seen (shown as (c) in Fig. 3) that 𝑽𝑽Th(null) can
First, Kirchhoff’s current law at PCC, is expressed be obtained directly by changing the voltage component
mathematically for each h from 0 to H as: reference from the original common RefPCC to a new
1 𝐼𝐼Th,m,h = 0 (17) reference displaced by a constant value 𝒆𝒆 ′ref,h for all the
This can be expressed also as the equivalent inner products wires and their respective frequency components h.
for each and every h being equal to zero: Since the calculation of power is independent of the
< 𝑰𝑰A , 𝟏𝟏h > = 0 voltage reference chosen, it applies to any of the power
where the vectors 1h vector structures also have M x (H+1) components. An offset can be subtracted from each
elements. component’s reference without changing the power
11 = {(1 , 1, …1), (0, 0, …, 0), …, (0, 0, …, 0)} calculated at the Thévenin point:
12 = {(0, 0, … 0), (1, 1, …, 1), …, (0, 0, …, 0)} PTh(OPT) = <𝑽𝑽′Th(null) , 𝑰𝑰′A > = <𝑽𝑽Th , 𝑰𝑰A > (24)
13 = {(0, 0, … 0), (0, 0, …, 0), …, (1, 1, …, 1)} (18)
It can now be seen that the following inner product of two
Now 𝑽𝑽Th(null)′
= 𝑽𝑽′Th - 𝒆𝒆′ref
weighted vectors is also equivalent for any h = 0 to H:
<𝑰𝑰′A , 𝟏𝟏′h > = 0 (19) = (𝑽𝑽Th − 𝒆𝒆ref )𝐑𝐑−1/2 = 𝑽𝑽Th(null) 𝐑𝐑−1/2 (25)
where 𝟏𝟏′h = 𝟏𝟏h 𝐑𝐑 −1/2 . Namely:
The vectors are 10′, 11′, ….. , 1H′ where: (20) 𝑽𝑽′𝑇𝑇ℎ(𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛) ={((V1,0 - eref 0) r1,0-1/2, (V1,1 - eref 1) r1,1 -1/2, …. ,
𝟏𝟏0 = {(r1,0 , r1,1 , … r1,H ), (0, 0, …, 0), …, (0, 0, …, 0)}
′ -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 (V1,H - eref H ) r1,H-1/2),
𝟏𝟏′2 = {(0, 0, …, 0), (r2,0-1/2, r2,1-1/2, …, r2,M-1/2), …, (0, 0, …, 0)} ((V2,0 - eref 0) r2,0-1/2, (V2,1 - eref 1) r2, 11/2, …. ,
….. (V2,H - eref H) r2,H-1/2),
𝟏𝟏′H ={(0, 0, …, 0), …, (rM,0-1/2, rM,1-1/2, …, rM,H-1/2)}. ( ………….………,……………………..., .... ,
Therefore, 10′, 11′, …, 1H′ are some of the necessary (………...…….….. ),
weighted vectors defining the weighted solution subspace ((VM,0 - eref 0) rM,0-1/2, (VM,1 - eref 1) rM,1-1/2, …. ,
where the optimal weighted current vector 𝑰𝑰′A must reside. (VM,H - eref H ) rM,H-1/2)} (26)
Furthermore 10′, 11′, …, 1H′ can be seen to be orthogonal to where for h = 0 to H and m = 1 to M:
each other, such that H+1 coordinates must be part of the eref h = (�m=1 𝑉𝑉Th,m,h r m,h −1 / �m=1 r m,h −1 )
definition of the weighted solution subspace.

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Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

From which ||𝑽𝑽Th(null) ||2 = < 𝑽𝑽Th(null) ′, 𝑽𝑽Th(null) ′ > (27) And the individual unweighted CRMS solution current
This is the sum of all 𝑉𝑉Th(null)m,h (weighted) magnitude components are:
squared divided by respective resistance. 𝐼𝐼A(m,h) = K A for all m and h. (36)


The weighted solution vector space is now completely
By definition:
determined by the set of H+1 orthogonal coordinates 10′, 11′,
PF = ||𝑰𝑰′𝐴𝐴 |/||𝑰𝑰′𝑆𝑆 || or PTh(OPT) /PTh(bef) (37)
…, 1H′ representing Kirchhoff’s law applied to the current
′ where PTh(OPT) = ||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) || ||𝑰𝑰′A || is the minimum power
components and the weighted Thévenin voltage 𝑽𝑽Th(null)
needed to be transmitted from the Thévenin source to deliver
which is also mutually orthogonal to 10′, 11′, …, 1H′.
PPCC with optimal delivery loss; and
The solution optimal weighted current vector defined 𝑰𝑰′A
AP = PTh(bef) = ||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) || ||𝑰𝑰′S || (38)
which has minimum length can now be found by projecting
is the maximum optimally distributed power that could be
the non-optimal weighted original line current vector 𝑰𝑰′S onto
transmitted from the source with the original delivery loss.
the weighted solution vector space. This projection vector
(by the property of linear algebra), which has minimum
length (i.e. || 𝑰𝑰′A ||2 is the minimum possible sum of squares, The order of the steps followed to calculate the minimal loss
representing line losses) and conforms to the solution space current CRMS vector, representing the optimal current
constraints, namely Kirchhoff’s current law (18..16), will components that will deliver PPCC power to a PCC point with
deliver the same power PPCC as the original line current minimal losses, is not the same as the order of the theory
vector IS (13). development and are illustrated by examples in Section VI.
The coordinates of 𝑰𝑰𝐴𝐴′ in 10′, 11′, …, 1H′ are all zero since:
< 𝑰𝑰′A , 𝟏𝟏′h >= 0 for all h = 0 to H (28) V. POWER PROCESSOR (COMPENSATOR) CONCEPT
And, since all current components add to zero for each The applications of power theory include the calculation of
respective harmonic, this implies that the solution vector 𝑰𝑰′A active currents and the control with compensators and
is in the direction 𝑽𝑽′Th(null) only, as it is the only other inverters of the currents in power systems to reduce the
coordinate left which is not zero. Therefore: delivery losses.
𝑰𝑰′A = K A 𝑽𝑽′Th(null) (29) With the advent of modern, flexible, and low-cost power
where KA is a real value and constant throughout the processing devices (PPD), we use this term to include all
duration of T chosen and common for all components. forms of compensators, converters and inverters, irrespective
From (21) and (29): of their topology.

PTh(OPT) = < K A 𝑽𝑽Th(null) , 𝑽𝑽′Th(null) > PPDs that process the electrical energy can be represented
Hence: simply as a combination of bi-directional current sources,
K A = PTh(OPT)/ ||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) || (30) voltage sources and temporary energy storage (capacitors,
inductances and batteries) connected at the PCC, from which
And since = < 𝑰𝑰′A , 𝑰𝑰′A > represents the sum of all line power can be received from the Thévenin side during an
components losses, then: interval T (typically a cycle), illustrated in Fig. 4. For
PTh(OPT) = PPCC +/− ||𝑰𝑰′A ||2 (31) example the converter could be a double conversion
where +/- depends on the direction of total power flow. converter drawing the specific currents IA and reissuing the
||𝑰𝑰′A ||2 − ||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) || ||𝑰𝑰′A || + PPCC = 0 (32) original voltages U on the output. This converter would have
Expanding, rearranging and solving the quadratic a zero average power requirement apart from the internal
equation: losses of the power PPD. The power capacity of this
||𝑰𝑰′A || = 1/2(− ||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) ||−/+ (||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) ||2 + 4PPCC )1/2
converter could be minimal depending on the topology used.
Now knowing ||𝑰𝑰′A ||, PTh(OPT) can be calculated from (31)
and KA can be calculated too.


Finally, the active current components are given by
multiplying (29) by 𝐑𝐑−1/2 :
𝑰𝑰′A 𝐑𝐑−1/2 = K A 𝑽𝑽′Th(null) 𝐑𝐑−1/2 (34)
The optimal CRMS solution (active) current vector is:
𝑰𝑰A = K A 𝑽𝑽Th(null) R-1 (35)
FIGURE 4. PPD connected at the PCC changes the currents from the Thévenin
point to minimize delivery losses, and control the output voltages as needed.

8 VOLUME XX, 2017

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

The input currents of the PPD are processed as input The spreadsheets not only illustrate the process of the
current sinks, and the compensation purpose of the PPD is to calculation, but act as a benchmark for others using the
optimize the power delivery to the PCC by reducing the approach. The contents of the key cells with the more
delivery losses. However, the result of the re-distribution of complex formulae of each table are expressed in their
current components will change voltages at the PCC from the arithmetic form in the Appendix, from which is should be
original voltage U to U(OPT). It can be shown that: easy to identify the calculation steps, adapt the equations for
<U(OPT), IC> + <U - U(OPT), IS> = 0 the similar cells and translate them into other software, as we
so that no power apart from compensator loss is needed if the have done already into JavaScript, Matlab measurement
output voltage is restored to the original voltage. The output blocks, and a processor to control a compensator.
voltages can be processed independently to deliver the power Example 1 shows the solution of a measurement with only
PLoad according to the application. They may be restored to fundamental frequency waveforms and unbalanced wire
the original values or balanced voltages as needed. impedances. In Example 2 some harmonic content is added,
The flow of power out of the PPD could deliver the same including a dc component, and the full spreadsheet is
power PLoad as received, less the PPD losses or plus power presented. Example 3 compares our approach with another
from any local source such as solar. The output voltages and approach that is similar in some respects.
currents depend on the nature of the load circuit, which may
be another network, and can be controlled independently TABLE I:
according to the type of PPD, such as balancing the output
voltages and/or restoring an acceptable voltage range. Rows A3..A18: Inputs at PCC: Um,h, ISm h, Thév rm,h, xm,h:
Convert values of Table I to CRMS values, constructing two M
Thus, the role of a PPD at the PCC is to modify an original
x (H+1) dimensional vectors U and IS according to (4), (7).
set of line currents (IS) transporting power by injecting and Insert Thévenin equivalent impedances rm,h and xm,h.
extracting compensation currents (IC) in such a way that the
A19..29: inputs give PPCC (11), loss, ||IS’|| and PTh without
same quantity of power still reaches the PCC, with lower compensation, and conventional S and PF.
losses or, preferably, minimal possible losses, as identified
A30..34: CRMS VTh m,h: Using (11) and (12), calculate VTh m,h
by the transportation solution identifying the active currents line voltages with respect to original PCC side common
(IA) described in Section IV. reference.
In essence, the PPD approach is that the losses will be A35..44: Calc offsets eref_h and VTh(null)(m,h): From (23) calculate
reduced to a minimum by the compensation current. For the eref h reference offsets from original PCC side, and VTh(null) by
system, this can be written as loss before rearrangement: subtracting the respective eref,h offsets from VTh m,h. (26), then
||𝑰𝑰′S ||2 = ||𝑰𝑰′A ||2 + ||𝑰𝑰′C ||2 + 2 < 𝑰𝑰′A , 𝑰𝑰′C > (39) ||𝑽𝑽′𝑇𝑇ℎ 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 ||2 (27).
And the loss after rearrangement is ||𝑰𝑰′A ||2 giving a loss A45..50: Calc loss, PF and AP: Use (33) to calculate �|𝑰𝑰𝐴𝐴′ |� ;

reduction of ||𝑰𝑰′C |||2 + 2 < 𝑰𝑰′A , 𝑰𝑰′C > in which 2 < 𝑰𝑰′A , 𝑰𝑰′C >can calculate PF (37), AP (38) and loss reduction.
be a negative or positive value. This real value of power is A51..A60: Calculate KA and optimal IA: Use (31) to calc.
attributable to the voltage change at the PCC point and can 2 PTh(OPT)
PPTh(OPT) = PPCC +�|𝑰𝑰𝐴𝐴′ |� and K A = (30)
be positive or negative depending on the circumstances. The ||𝑽𝑽′Th (null) ||2

value will be zero only if 𝑰𝑰′A and 𝑰𝑰′C are orthogonal. Note that Using (35) and (36) calculate 𝑰𝑰A = K A 𝑽𝑽Th(null) checking 𝐑𝐑−1 ,
||𝑰𝑰′C ||2 is the loss attributed to the “non-necessary” currents min. loss by IA.
conventionally associated with the concept of reactive or A61..A69: New PCC-side line voltages: Calculate new PCC
non-active power. line voltages from VTh, wire impedances and now optimal line
These steps lead to reconciliation of the losses without and currents. Check.
with (or before and after) compensation and, therefore, A70..A75: Compensation currents ICm,h : Calculate from ISm,h
identify the PF before compensation. After compensation, and IAm,h .
only active current is delivered and the loss is minimized for A76..A84: Loss reduction and PF: Reconcile loss reduction
the power sent out, so PF=1. (39); calculate PF by two alternative ratios.


Electrical quantities defined by mathematical models can be A. EXAMPLE 1: FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY ONLY
measured by modern instruments incorporating processors The first example considers three phases with a neutral wire
and programs [2]. and with only fundamental frequency waveforms (no
Although the algebraic notation and the length of some harmonics). The example is compiled using arbitrary
equations of Section III might appear complex, the sinusoidal waveforms and phase shifts to give unbalanced
measurement breaks down into simple arithmetic steps, for currents, illustrated in Fig. 5, and unequal line resistances and
which the operations are written easily in a spreadsheet or a inductances.
program. The steps are shown in Table I, referenced to the Since this example is constrained to the fundamental
cells of the full spreadsheet (shown in Example 2). waveforms, frequency dependent Thévenin impedances are

VOLUME XX, 2017 9

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

not relevant. A time domain solution is possible following Were re-assignment or compensation implemented, the
our past work [25] [32] and using the 16 samples of the six avoidable losses would be reduced to zero, making the
waveforms over period T in Table II. relative efficiency PF=1. Although the power PPCC delivered
to the PCC without and with compensation does not change,
compensation would change the voltages, according to the
reallocated wire currents and loss reduction. The voltages
and currents at the PCC after compensation, if implemented,
are illustrated in Fig. 6, showing that the currents are not
necessarily in phase with the voltages at the PCC when the
delivery loss is minimized, even though the PF=1.

FIGURE 5. Example 1 line voltages um(t) and currents iSm(t) at PCC before
component current re-assignment, with sinusoidal waveforms and unbalance.

t ms U1(t) U2(t) U3(t) U4(t) is1(t) is2(t) is3(t) is4(t)
0.00 0.00 -291.49 296.39 0 -29.47 -139.30 154.67 14.10
1.25 129.89 -333.70 208.34 0 36.73 -170.35 123.67 9.95
2.50 240.00 -325.11 88.58 0 97.34 -175.46 73.83 4.29
3.75 313.58 -267.03 -44.67 0 143.13 -153.86 12.76 -2.03 FIGURE 6. Example 1 voltage and current waveforms at the PCC after
5.00 339.41 -168.29 -171.12 0 167.13 -108.83 -50.26 -8.04 compensation.
6.25 313.58 -43.93 -271.52 0 165.68 -47.24 -105.62 -12.82
7.50 240.00 87.11 -330.58 0 139.01 21.54 -144.91 -15.65 B. EXAMPLE 2: SEVERAL FREQUENCY COMPONENTS
8.75 129.89 204.90 -339.31 0 91.18 87.05 -162.13 -16.10 AND FREQUENCY-DEPENDENT IMPEDANCES
10.00 0.00 291.49 -296.39 0 29.47 139.30 -154.67 -14.10
The second example comprises a three-wire four-wire system
11.25 -129.89 333.70 -208.34 0 -36.73 170.35 -123.67 -9.95
12.50 -240.00 325.11 -88.58 0 -97.34 175.46 -73.83 -4.29 with fundamental, dc and 3rd and 5th harmonic components,
13.75 -313.58 267.03 44.67 0 -143.13 153.86 -12.76 2.03 and with frequency-dependent impedances. The input values
15.00 -339.41 168.29 171.12 0 -167.13 108.83 50.26 8.04 are the CRMS voltages measured from PCC side and line
16.25 -313.58 43.93 271.52 0 -165.68 47.24 105.62 12.82
currents at the PCC, and line resistances Rm,h and Lm.h for all
17.50 -240.00 -87.11 330.58 0 -139.01 -21.54 144.91 15.65
18.75 -129.89 -204.90 339.31 0 -91.18 -87.05 162.13 16.10 lines from m= 1 to M and harmonics 0 to H.
To demonstrate the relative effects of unbalance and the
Alternatively, using the frequency domain approach, the harmonics, all the values of the fundamental frequency
first step is to take the sampled line currents and voltages components are the same as those in Example 1, with the dc
measured from an arbitrary reference and derive the and two harmonic components added to shape the voltages
frequency components, in this case the fundamental towards a square wave (to illustrate the power delivery
frequency waveforms. capability of the harmonic components), with arbitrary added
Thereafter, the process of the calculation follows the current components .
sequence detailed in Table I, using the input parameters of The waveforms before compensation were illustrated in
Table III. The results are reviewed in Section VII. Fig. 2, and the compensation currents are shown in Fig. 7.

Inputs at PCC Wire m Fund. freq h1
CRMS voltages Um,h [Vrms] α [deg]
1 240.00 0.00
2 238.00 -120.00
3 242.00 -240.00
4 0.00 0.00
CRMS currents Is m,h [A] α [deg]
1 120.00 -10.00
2 125.00 -128.00
FIGURE 7. Example 2 compensation current waveforms in each wire at the PCC
3 115.00 -252.00
4 -11.47 -60.31 The steps of the whole calculation, carried out in the full
R, X r(m,1) x(m,1) spreadsheet, are laid out in Tables IV and V. Table IV gives
1 0.020 0.040 the input parameters and the calculation of conventional
2 0.030 0.060
measurements of the power at the PCC (PPCC), the delivery
3 0.010 0.020
4 0.030 0.010 loss, ||𝑰𝑰′S ||2 , the power PTh at the Thévenin point without

10 VOLUME XX, 2017

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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

compensation, and the conventional value of S and PF as This third example is a three-phase system without a
measured at the PCC. Table V presents the calculation of the neutral [39]. The input parameters are the same for both
measurements following the steps of Table I and the results calculations. The currents have fundamental and fifth
are discussed in Section VII. harmonic components and are unequal. The Thévenin and
PCC voltages are unequal. The resistances and inductances
C. EXAMPLE 3: FROM LEV-ARI AND STANKOVIĆ are the same in all three wires, so our correction of the
Unable to find a standard model with which to compare our reference used for resistance weighting the Thévenin point
approach, we considered several power system models used voltages has no effect. This detail, not mentioned in their
by other authors. The approach of Lev-Ari et al. [38] [39] example, might be significant were the resistances unequal.
[40] is like ours in several respects. It is developed in the Further, their example includes adaptation of the load power
frequency domain in the Hilbert space of projecting when the voltage at the PCC changes with compensation; it
orthogonally one vector onto another and both their approach is not based only on the analysis of the losses for delivering
and ours do not consider line impedances to be negligible, the original load power PPCC. Although using nominally the
though their approach relies on the Hilbert transform. Their same example, there are small differences between the results
approach is adaptive and includes load admittances, while in [39] and a smaller set of results in [40].
ours arrives directly at the measured quantities of loss, PF
and AP, and is independent of load admittances.


A1 B C D E F G H I
2 Wire m Fund. freq h1 DC comp h0 Harmonic h3 Harmonic h5
3 Inputs at PCC Um,h [Vrms], α [deg] Um,h [Vrms] Um,h [Vrms], α [deg] Um,h [Vrms], α [deg]
4 CRMS voltages 1 240.00 0.00 2.00 70.00 0.00 48.00 0.00
5 2 238.00 -120.00 2.00 70.00 -120.00 48.00 -120.00
6 3 242.00 -240.00 1.50 70.00 -240.00 48.00 -240.00
7 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 CRMS currents Is m,h [A], α [deg] Is m,h [A] Is m,h [A], α [deg] Is m,h [A], α [deg]
9 1 120.00 -10.00 0.50 40.00 0.00 24.00 0.00
10 2 125.00 -128.00 0.50 40.00 -120.00 24.00 -120.00
11 3 115.00 -252.00 0.40 40.00 -240.00 24.00 -240.00
12 4 -11.47 -60.31 -1.40 0.00 -126.87 0.00 -126.87
13 Sum I 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 R, X r(m,1) x(m,1) r(m,0) r(m,0) x(m,3) r(m,5) x(m,5)
15 1 0.020 0.040 0.020 0.010 0.035 0.010 0.045
16 2 0.030 0.060 0.020 0.010 0.035 0.010 0.045
17 3 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.010 0.035 0.010 0.045
18 4 0.030 0.010 0.030 0.030 0.010 0.030 0.010
19 Ppcc(h) before opt reassgt 85044.79 2.60 8400.00 3456.00
20 Tot. Ppcc bef opt reassgt 96903.39
21 Loss ||Is'h||^2 (h) 892.95 0.07 48.00 17.28
22 Tot. loss||Is'||^2 bef opt reass 958.30
23 ||Is'|| 30.96
24 Pth(h) before comp 85937.74 2.67 8448.00 3473.28
25 Pth before comp 97861.69
26 ||Is|| 225.38
27 ||U|| before 444.92
28 Conv. AP: S = ||Is|| ||U(bef)|| 100274.60
29 PF conventional 0.9664
Blue values are data input.
Red calculations and values are part of the minimum requirement to calculate PF, AP and the reduced loss possible with compensation.

VOLUME XX, 2017 11

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30 Calculate Vth(m,n) line voltages with respect to original PCCC side common reference
31 1 243.24 1.02 2.01 70.41 1.13 48.25 1.28
32 2 242.86 -118.37 2.01 70.41 -118.87 48.25 -118.73
33 3 243.61 120.47 1.51 70.41 121.13 48.25 121.27
34 4 0.36 138.12 -0.04 0.00 71.57 0.00 71.57
35 Weighted null point necessary offset to substract from above to obtain Vthnull(m,h)
36 eref h 67.69 106.03 1.50 0.00 0.22 0.00 90.00
37 Calculate Thevenin's line voltages Vth(m,n)(null) with respect to weighted null point, giving PF and AP
38 1 268.84 -13.06 0.51 70.41 1.13 48.25 1.28
39 2 295.05 -109.13 0.51 70.41 -118.87 48.25 -118.73
40 3 178.86 125.89 0.01 70.41 121.13 48.25 121.27
41 4 67.39 -74.13 -1.54 0.00 177.96 0.00 -90.00
42 weighted sum 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
43 ||Vth(h)(null)'||^2 9865907 105 1487424 698475.06
44 ||Vth(null)'||^2 12051911
45 Calculate min. loss, PF and AP
46 ||Vth'|| 3472
47 ||IA'||^2 (min loss) 791.94
48 PF bef comp (by losses) 0.9091
49 AP=||Is'|| ||Vth'|| 107468.05 max P transmittable from source with orig loss
50 Loss reduction comp. 166.36
51 Calculate Pth(opt), KA, and optimal currents IA (m,n) for each wire m and frequency h
52 Pth(opt) 97695.32
53 KA = 0.00811
54 Optimal current components m,h 1 108.97 -13.06 0.21 57.08 1.13 39.11 1.28
55 2 79.72 -109.13 0.21 57.08 -118.87 39.11 -118.73
56 3 144.98 125.89 0.00 57.08 121.13 39.11 121.27
57 4 18.2085 -74.13 -0.42 0.00 177.96 0.00 -90.00
58 sum IA (check) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
59 ||IA'h||^2 ( per h) 648.30 0.0069 97.74 45.90
60 ||IA'||^2 (sum all h ) 791.94 Check c47
61 Calculate Ppcc voltages U(m,h) from original PCC measurement reference after opt reassgt
62 1 240.68 -0.04 2.04 69.87 -0.49 47.89 -0.82
63 2 241.65 -119.38 2.04 69.87 -120.49 47.89 -120.82
64 3 241.54 119.72 1.54 69.87 119.51 47.89 119.18
65 Check sum 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
66 Ppcc(h) after opt reassgt 79326.82 0.85 11959.63 5616.09
67 Total PpccC after opt reassgt 96903.39 check c20
68 Pth(h) opt 79975.11 0.85 12057.37 5661.99
69 Total Pth opt (all h) 97695.32 check c52
70 Compensation approach: calculate currents IC(m,h):
71 1 12.61 17.47 0.29 17.10 -176.23 15.13 -176.70
72 2 55.86 -155.48 0.29 17.10 63.77 15.13 63.30
73 3 50.11 -9.29 0.40 17.10 -56.23 15.13 -56.70
74 4 29.48 111.20 -0.98 0.00 44.56 0.00 90.00
75 Check sum IC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
76 Reconciliation: Loss reduction components and alternative PF ratios
77 ||IC h'||^2 147.99 0.03717 8.77706 6.86697
78 ||IC'||^2 163.67
79 2x <IA'h, Ic'h> 96.67 0.03 -58.52 -35.48
80 2x <IA', IC'> 2.70
81 Loss reduction 166.36 check=c50
82 PF = P/AP 0.9091 by P and AP at Thevenin point
83 ||IA'|| 28.14
84 PF=||IA'||/ ||IS'|| 0.9091 by current ratio
Note: Red calculations and values are part of the minimum requirement to calculate PF, AP and the reduced loss possible with compensation.

12 VOLUME XX, 2017

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The key results of the two approaches are compared in three-phase loads and adopted in IEEE definitions and
Table VI. standards [2] [42] without referring to the delivery system
There is close agreement on values before compensation impedances.
and the minimum possible loss for the same PPCC delivered. Our objective is different: to characterize the loss and the
In our approach, the AP is identified as the maximum relative efficiency of the delivery system to the PCC. The PF
power ||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) || ||𝑰𝑰′S || that could be sent out from the and AP depend on the parameters of the delivery system and
Thévenin point for the same losses as before compensation. the distribution of currents in the lines as well as the ‘circuit’
It is not the same as the optimal power shown as (b) in load at the PCC.
Table VI, needing to be sent out after compensation to The formulation of the general power theory in the
deliver the original power to the PCC. An avoidable loss of frequency domain adds frequency-dependent line parameters
(a)-(c) = 988 W before compensation corresponds to the to our earlier time-domain formulations and identifies the
“wattless” power that does not reach the PCC and can be active elements of current and power, avoidable losses and
eliminated by compensation. possible compensation. This allows the PF and AP of a
AP is defined in [39] as the power that can be delivered to system/load to be defined at the PCC, and the avoidable loss
the PCC for the same losses, given as: to be compensated if desired.
||𝑽𝑽′Th(null) || ||𝑰𝑰′S || − ||𝑰𝑰′S ||2 . The analysis is consistent with our earlier findings [24],
A PF based on this AP would not return a quantity [25] that a physically-realizable model of the system requires
consistent with the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality notion that only two components of the ‘non-active’ power: the
the angle between two vectors (namely 𝑽𝑽′Th(null) , 𝑰𝑰′S ) in inner power/energy transferred instantaneously between wires and
product space [1] is : the energy requiring local storage at the PCC during the
cos(∅) =< 𝑰𝑰′S , 𝑽𝑽′Th(null) >/ ||𝑰𝑰′S || ||𝑽𝑽Th(null)

|| ≤1 period of a wavelength.
Only in the case where 𝑰𝑰S is in the direction of 𝑽𝑽′Th(null)
′ The analysis defines all the active CRMS active current
would the PF be optimal and equal to 1. components 𝐼𝐼A m,h for all M wires and all H+1 orders of
In our opinion, PF can be defined only at the Thévenin frequency. 𝑰𝑰A = K A 𝑽𝑽Th(null) 𝑅𝑅 −1 is a generalized formula in
point and not at the PCC side, unless the wire impedances are which the components of active current are:
negligible. • proportional to the common factor KA, the magnitude of
which scales to the Thévenin lines the distribution of the
TABLE VI current components, the delivered power, and AP;
COMPARISON OF TWO APPROACHES IN HILBERT SPACE • proportional to each of their respective weighted
Quantity Lev-Ari & Malengret Thévenin voltage CRMS components 𝑉𝑉Th(null)(m,h)
Stanković [39] & Gaunt
PPCC (before compensation) 16080 W 16083 W measured from their respective harmonic weighted null
PPCC (after compensation) Not given 16083 W point reference;
Loss before compensation (a) 1944 W 1941 W • inversely proportional to the respective line resistances.
Conventional AP, S = ||v|| ||iS|| 20.6 kVA 20545 VA Further, KA reduces to Ge as used by Fryze and many
Conventional pf by P/S at PCC (0.78) 0.7828
Power sent out before compensation 18024 W 18024 W
following his approach, provided all line resistances are
Opt. power sent out to deliver PPCC (b) Not given 17036 W equal and line impedances negligible.
Loss after compensation for same 1528 W 953 W A practical advantage of the frequency domain approach is
delivered PPCC (c) Theoretical that it condenses the measurement data input to frequency
min. 950 W
PTh (max) power possible to send from Not given 24316 W
components, making them easier to transfer to a processor to
source for same loss as before comp. measure PF and AP or derive the compensation currents for
Max. power possible at PCC for same With zero With zero controlling a PPD.
loss as before compensation power shunt power
compensator PPD
21.4 kVA 22375 W
AP by authors’ definition (d) 22.4 kVA 24316 W Losses incur costs, and the benefits of loss reduction lead to
PF before comp. given by b/d or Not given 0.7006 the popular concept of PF compensation, such as by shunt
√(c/a) capacitors to reduce the phase displacement between voltages
and currents of loads with inductive components. PPDs
VII. DISCUSSION provide alternative approaches to all compensation, even of
distortion and unbalance.
A. CONTRIBUTION OF TRANSPORTATION APPROACH Many approaches to passive or active compensators have
In 1927, Budeanu proposed that the AP in one phase of a been proposed, with various degrees of success in
circuit or load was S2=P2+QB2+DB2 where QB =reactive minimizing losses, generally arising from assumptions that
power and DB =distortion power [42]. The relation, derived compromise rigorous power theory. For example, a general
from the fundamental and harmonic voltages measured at the assumption that the voltages at the PCC do not change with
PCC, was reproduced in many publications, extended to the introduction of compensation currents is inconsistent with

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physical laws, and results in invalid active currents. Current are reassigned in the wires of the delivery system and the
compensation that removes all non-active components from total losses are reduced, the loss in one or more wires might
the current delivered from the source will change the increase, and the distribution of voltages in the wires at the
voltages at the PCC. For this reason, definitions of AP PCC will change too. In most cases, the changes will be
assuming invariant voltages at the PCC after compensation beneficial. However, in systems operating at their voltage
cannot be valid. and thermal limits, compensation might cause a limit to be
The basic theory does not depend on introducing violated, as might occur also in traditionally compensated
compensating currents at the PCC; instead it identifies the PF systems.
and AP associated with the load at the PCC of the power
system without compensation. It retains the initial network C. APPLICABILITY
structure (represented by the Thévenin equivalent circuit) to Most variables of practical power delivery systems are
calculate compensation where required. accommodated in the formulation, and no engineering
When compensation is implemented to optimize delivery principles are violated. The model and analysis approach the
by reducing the avoidable loss component, the voltages at the conditions for a representational measurement in power
PCC will change on some or all wires. The change will affect system steady-state conditions.
any intermediate voltage-dependent loads and require the The measurement is based on the fundamental frequency,
Thévenin equivalent parameters to be re-determined. which might differ from the rated power frequency. The
Similarly, a PPD can improve the voltage magnitude and/or measurement of power, PF, AP and energy, though valid,
balance the voltages supplying the load at the PCC and, by will return different quantities according to the window of
changing the load, might adjust the power drawn from the measurement, such as for a chosen time period or several
Thévenin side of the system. fundamental frequency wavelengths, as might be defined for
The term 2<IA′, IC′>, introduced by compensation is part a standard or declared differently for a particular purpose.
of the change in losses and is typically small. (If the vectors The time period of measurement is an operational
were orthogonal, the inner product would be zero. This measurement constraint.
occurs if the delivery system is assumed to have no Measurement is based also on the Thévenin equivalent
impedance and is not valid in practical systems.) In most circuit parameters, assumed constant during the
cases, its non-zero value indicates the ‘compensation’ current measurement.
component IC is not orthogonal to the active current IA but The processor time for the actual AP and PF measurement
has two components, one in direction of IA′ and one calculation is negligible (<1 ms using a typical industrial
perpendicular to IA′, arising from the change of the PCC processor). However, a first measurement is delayed by the
voltages with compensation, and challenging further the period needed to extract the Thévenin parameters, and the
concept of reactive power and the geometric power model. CRMS components of the currents and voltages. Further,
Where harmonic currents in a load are driven by harmonic where operational measurement standards require
voltages, and are not detrimental to the load, then the measurement of average values over several cycles, this will
exclusion of the harmonic frequencies from delivering power extend the minimum duration of a first measurement.
will increase delivery losses without a compensating benefit. Thereafter, a sliding window can be utilized for rapid re-
In some circumstances, current waveform distortion is calculation if required. Other delays must be considered
undesirable or unacceptable, and only a measurement of the when compensation is implemented, based on the parameters
power quantity at the fundamental frequency power delivery of the preceding wavelength. Compensation causes the load
is considered relevant. Where power transfer only at the currents and voltages to change dynamically, locally at the
fundamental frequency current is required, the power no PCC and at intermediate voltage-dependent loads on the
longer delivered at the harmonic frequencies must be system, requiring re-measurement.
delivered by the fundamental current instead, increasing the
associated losses and the voltage drop. The scaling parameter D. INTERPRETING THE RESULTS
KA decreases and is no longer optimal in terms of losses, A ‘conventional’ approach to PF defined by S = ||v|| ||iS|| at
although it may be desirable in terms of power quality. the PCC neglects the resistance and inductance of the
However, a suitable PPD can provide optimum power delivery system. Example 1 introduces a delivery system
delivery as well as load balancing and harmonics removal. with unbalanced impedances and unbalanced sinusoidal
Clearly, there are many opportunities for power voltages and currents; and Example 2 adds extra power with
conditioning, and the details of the many forms of PPDs are harmonic components. The results are compared in
beyond the scope of this paper. Table VII.
The topic of compensation would be incomplete without Rigorously including unbalance (in Example 1) and
reference to safety. Measurement of PF and AP has no effect unbalance and harmonics (Example 2) in the system models
on a system, simply characterizing its performance in terms and calculations leads to lower measurements of the PF of
of two parameters. However, as soon as current components the load on the system, compared with a conventional

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approach. Or, the other way around, violating assumptions of F. REVERSE POWER FLOW: DISTRIBUTED
sinusoidal waveforms and balanced voltages, currents, and GENERATION
wire impedances, invalidates the measurement of PF based There are four approaches to controlling reactive power
on a hypothetical ideal power system. operation of DG. One is at a fixed specified level of PF
operation. With voltage-var or active power-reactive power
TABLE VII control, when voltage is high, the generator must be under-
COMPARISON OF RESULTS OF EXAMPLES 1 AND 2 excited and absorb vars on a sliding scale up to the rated
Example 1 Example 2 limits. Only under a voltage-active power characteristic must
Convention’l GPT Convention’l GPT
PPCC delivered 85.0 kW 85.0 kW 96.9 kW 96.9 kW generation be reduced when voltages are high. Clearly, the
PF 0.982 0.914 0.966 0.909 three PF or reactive power approaches do not consider loss
AP as defined 86.6 kVA 93.9 kW 100.3 kVA 107.5 kW optimization and the potential of flexible control to reduce
Ploss before comp. 893 W 893 W 958 W 958 W
Gen. capacity 85.9 kW 97.9 kW the loss to a minimum for the power delivered.
needed, PTh bef Especially as distortion and unbalance tend to be higher
Opt gen. capacity, 85.8 kW 97.7 kW towards the lower voltage ends of a network, a more
same PPCC, PTh aft
Opt. loss Ploss aft 746 W 792 W
appropriate control of DG can be achieved by turning around
Ploss avoided 147 W 166 W the power flow of Fig. 1 and controlling the currents to
minimize the loss in delivering power/energy to the network,
With a constraint that only fundamental frequency power thereby reducing the avoidable loss of generated energy on
is permitted, practically implemented by harmonic blocking extra heating of the wires. The detailed approach to
filters, then the power PPCC required by the load must be answering the third question in Section II will be described in
delivered by IA with only fundamental frequency a separate paper.
components. Effectively, the ‘benefit’ of the parallel
impedances of the extra lines at harmonic frequencies is lost, G. OTHER POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS
and the minimum loss in Example 2 increases to 971 W. A We conceive that in smart grids it will be economic to
full study of power quality and optimal power delivery at transport only the useful energy and supply locally the
high power factor is beyond the scope of this paper. components of power for which no net energy is required.
Power electronics provides this capability and will become
E. DEFINING PF AND AP even more significant with lower losses. Since battery
The PF of the system supplying the load at the PCC is an systems (BESS) and most DG already include power
index of the relative delivery efficiency, given by the square electronic controllers, the adoption of more appropriate
root of (minimum possible loss by redistribution of the control algorithms using the losses-based definition of PF has
transmitted current components at the Thévenin source the potential to reduce total energy losses, consistent with
divided by the actual losses incurred in delivering to the PCC economic cost allocation.
the original power without redistribution or compensation). Scott counselled in 1898 “While it is desirable, it is not as
Thus, the original statement in Section I needs to be clarified: essential to have absolute scientific accuracy in all of the
“unity power factor means minimum possible line loss for a definitions as it is to have definite definitions of capacity and
given total active power transmitted from a source.” performance, and definite methods of testing which are
The PF is also equal to the ratio P/AP, described in IEEE mutually understood” [43]. Building on the research of many
Std 1459-2010 [2] as a utilization factor indicator. Therefore, engineers during the subsequent 120 years, a
the AP (with units of Watts) is the maximum power that representational, accurate, measurable definition of the
could be dispatched from the source by the optimum minimum possible and avoidable losses attributable to a load
distribution of the components of the active current IA and at any point (PCC) is now available. This changes the
with the same Thévenin source voltages, and delivered perspective. The continued empirical approximation of PF,
through the same system for the same delivery loss as the AP and reactive power in technical and economic studies
original uncompensated power PPCC received at the PCC. where model assumptions are likely to be violated is no
The maximum power received at the PCC for the same longer necessary. AP as an indicator of the utilization of the
losses and after compensation is less than the AP by the delivery system might be of interest to wires operators.
quantity of the minimum loss. This differs from many Regulators can now take an evidence-based approach to rate-
interpretations of AP as being the power supplied to a load, making that incorporates PF penalties or avoidable losses
such as in [2], which applies only when the delivery system according to measurements that are uniquely defined. The
has no impedance. NEMA meter study [12] and some preliminary research in
energy trading [44] indicate the new definition could have
significant financial implications when applied to metering
and tariffs.

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Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

Other potential applications include economically justified independent of the delivery system, has only a weak
load compensators, including STATCOMs, for loss reduction relationship to the delivery losses or voltage drop in practical
in both delivery systems and motor loads, and the injection of power systems.
renewable energy into delivery systems. The definition opens Power systems with any number of wires, unbalance, dc
new approaches to power quality assessment and voltage components, periodic waveform distortion, and unequal
stability analysis (such as where distortion by and/or frequency-dependent wire resistances can only be
geomagnetically induced currents compromises conventional represented adequately by a model incorporating all the
approaches [7]), and wherever conventional approximations variables, which is the approach taken in this paper.
are inadequate. The definitions of power and apparent power are derived
in vector space linear algebra and are representational to the
H. EVALUATION AGAINST CRITERIA OF IEEE STD extent that the practical conditions do not violate the
1459 properties of the model. Power factor is a measure of the
According to IEEE Std 1459- 2010 [2] a generalized power relative efficiency of delivering power to the PCC.
theory providing simultaneously for energy billing; The approach is based on minimizing the loss associated
evaluating electric energy quality; detecting the major with the delivery of power to the point of measurement. The
sources of waveform distortion; and calculations for two assumptions in the approach are that the supply system
designing mitigation equipment was not available at that can be modelled by a Thévenin equivalent circuit and the
time. As proposed here, the new theory, calculations and active (or real) power delivered is constant.
measurement process can be applied: We have shown that the calculation of the quantities of
• at a PCC anywhere in a power system, to measuring apparent power, power factor and delivery loss is relatively
power, energy, AP, and avoidable loss in consistent units simple, and requires relatively little data transfer (as
of W and Wh, and the PF as the relative loss efficiency frequency components derived from measured voltages and
of the power delivery, and these can be used in various currents) to an inexpensive processor where the calculation is
combinations for electricity trading; and made. The accuracy of the derived parameters obviously
• in calculations of the intra- and inter-wire energy depends on the accuracy of measurement of voltages,
transfer required in mitigation equipment, including the currents and the Thévenin equivalent parameters of the
worst case conditions that might be defined as the basis system, and there are many methods for making such
of design of the equipment, and in operation. measurements, including by the compensator.
The approach allows measurement of the actual delivery loss This formulation produces unambiguous and repeatable
without optimal distribution of the current components and results, resolving the problems of all non-sinusoidal
the loss avoidable by compensation. The PF before periodical and bandwidth-limited waveforms that can be
compensation measures the ratio of minimum possible to resolved into a limited set of frequency components.
actual loss for an unchanged delivery of PPCC. The AP Steinmetz, Bell and Silsbee [4] [5] would have known the
measures the potential utilization of the delivery system for loss associated with a dc load at the PCC. A power factor
the original level of delivery loss. These parameters can be rigorously defined in the presence of unbalance and
used for system and compensator design, and energy billing. distortion would have given them the avoidable “wattless”
The approach does not differentiate current harmonics and loss through PF2 and enabled them to calculate the power
unbalance, conventionally considered as being generated by needing to be sent out for each load. The AP would have
the load, from the voltage harmonics and unbalance, because them enabled them to calculate how much more power could
their effects are all combined in the measurement of one PF have been sent out to optimally compensated loads for the
and one AP quantity that incorporate all the many degrees of same losses and thereby increase the utilization of the
freedom inherent in the measurement. It is possible, though, delivery system. These same concepts are still useful for
to identify the contribution of non-fundamental-frequency power system design and operation and are embedded in
power components without compensation, and after many tariffs, though not always with scientific accuracy.
compensation including or excluding all non-fundamental- Power factor, apparent power, reactive power, and non-
frequency components. These do not evaluate an undefined active power as defined in IEEE Standard 1459-2010 and
‘energy quality’ beyond these quantities and the conventional other standards clearly do not lead to representational
concepts of power quality may need to be re-visited. measurement and expose users to the uncertainty inherent in
operational measurements in practical systems.
VIII. CONCLUSION The scientific accuracy of this proposed novel, rigorous
In a ‘perfect’ balanced system with sinusoidal waveforms and practical (general) definition of power factor and
and all phase wires of equal and negligible impedance, the apparent power avoids the assumptions made in all other
conventional approach to apparent and reactive power is definitions we have found, approaches representative
valid, but it is impractical. Power factor used to describe the measurement, questions fundamentally the validity of the
impedance of a load or appliance in the form of R/|Z|, concept of reactive power and its non-power units, enables

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Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

evidence-based decisions on matters such as cost allocation C60=C59+E59+F59+H59

and whether mitigation of relatively inefficient power
delivery is justifiable, and has profound implications for the (C$34*COS(RADIANS(D$34))-
definitions of power quantities in engineering standards, C$57*C$18*COS(RADIANS(D$57))+C$57*D$18*SIN(RADIANS(D
mitigation equipment design, power system analysis, $57))),C31*SIN(RADIANS(D31))-C54*C15*SIN(RADIANS(D54))-
electricity regulation, and education and further research.
The contents of selected cells from Examples 1 and 2 are 31))-
listed, identified by the row and column in Tables IV and V. C54*C15*COS(RADIANS(D54))+C54*D15*SIN(RADIANS(D54))-
These Excel formulae in rows 19 to 84 of the spreadsheet are
the arithmetic symbol representation of the equations in the $57))),C31*SIN(RADIANS(D31))-C54*C15*SIN(RADIANS(D54))-
linear algebra. C54*D15*COS(RADIANS(D54))-(C$34*SIN(RADIANS(D$34))-
C19=C4*C9*COS(RADIANS(D4-D9))+C5*C10*COS(RADIANS(D5- C$57*C$18*SIN(RADIANS(D$57))-
D10))+C6*C11*COS(RADIANS(D6- C$57*D$18*COS(RADIANS(D$57)))))*180/PI()
D11))+C7*C12*COS(RADIANS(D7-D12)) C66=C62*C54*COS(RADIANS(D62-
C20=C19+E19+F19+H19 D54))+C63*C55*COS(RADIANS(D63-
C21=C9^2*C15+C10^2*C16+C11^2*C17+C12^2*C18 D55))+C64*C56*COS(RADIANS(D64-
C22=C21+E21+F21+H21 D56))+C65*C57*COS(RADIANS(D65-D57))
C23=SQRT(C22) C67=C66+E66+F66+H66
C24=C19+C21 C68=C38*C54*COS(RADIANS(D38-
C25=C24+E24+F24+H24 D54))+C39*C55*COS(RADIANS(D39-
C26=((C9^2+C10^2+C11^2+C12^2)+(E9^2+E10^2+E11^2+E12^2)+(F9 D55))+C40*C56*COS(RADIANS(D40-
^2+F10^2+F11^2+F12^2)+(H9^2+H10^2+H11^2+H12^2)+(K9^2+K1 D56))+C41*C57*COS(RADIANS(D41-D57))
0^2+K11^2+K12^2))^0.5 C69=C68+E68+F68+H68
C27=((C4^2+C5^2+C6^2+C7^2)+(E4^2+E5^2+E6^2+E7^2)+(F4^2+F5^ C71=IMABS(COMPLEX(C9*COS(RADIANS(D9))-
2+F6^2+F7^2)+(H4^2+H5^2+H6^2+H7^2)+(K4^2+K5^2+K6^2+K7^ C54*COS(RADIANS(D54)),C9*SIN(RADIANS(D9))-
2))^0.5 C54*SIN(RADIANS(D54))))
C29=C20/C28 C54*COS(RADIANS(D54)),C9*SIN(RADIANS(D9))-
NS(D9))*C15- C77=C71^2*C15+C72^2*C16+C73^2*C17+C74^2*C18
C9*SIN(RADIANS(D9))*D15),(C4*SIN(RADIANS(D4))+C9*SIN(R C78=C77+E77+F77+H77
ADIANS(D9))*C15+C9*COS(RADIANS(D9))*D15))) C79=2*(C54*C71*COS(RADIANS(D54-
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010638, IEEE Access
Malengret & Gaunt: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (June 2020)

Michel Malengret BScEng(Elec) Trevor Gaunt BScEng(Elec)

Natal, MScEng(Elec), PhD Cape Natal, MBL South Africa, PhD
Town is an Emeritus Associate Cape Town is an Emeritus
Professor and a Director of MLT Professor and Senior Scholar in
Drives in Cape Town. His main the Department of Electrical
research interests are in power Engineering at the University of
theory as applicable to inverters Cape Town. He is the principal
for back up supplies and the investigator on research funded
integration of renewable energy by the Open Philanthropy Project
sources. to investigate the mitigation of
effects of geomagnetically
induced currents that can introduce extreme distortion into
power systems.

VOLUME XX, 2017 19

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