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Exercise Eight

Geologic Maps, Block Diagrams, and Rock Structures


The following materials are necessary to complete this exercise and should be available in the laboratory. The

quantities depend upon the number of students in the laboratory and whether or not students are to work

independently or in groups.

ruler hand lens/magnifying lens

colored pencils protractor



Tarbuck and Lutgens, Earth Science, 13th edition, 2012. Chapter 10


• In its entirety, the exercise covers quite a bit of material. Since few materials are necessary to work the exercise,

parts, or all, of it could be assigned for completion outside of the laboratory session.

• Many students have difficulty understanding strike and dip as well as visualizing geologic block diagrams

and/or cross sections. We recommend a brief discussion of these, perhaps with examples, before beginning the


• Working through some of the figures, step by step, with the students may be helpful.

• For this exercise, it would be best to instruct the students to “sketch” rather than attempt to “construct” the

geologic block diagrams and cross sections.

• Remember to inform the students that the goal is not to become a “master” draftsperson but rather to understand

the techniques used by geologists to map and interpret geologic structures.


Activity 8.1

1. Rock deformation refers to a change in the shape or position of a body of rock.

2. Compression, tension, and shear.

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3. Convergent

4. Wine glass: brittle; Modeling clay: ductile; China plate: brittle;

Tennis ball: elastic; Pizza dough: ductile

5. Folds are examples of ductile deformation, while faults are examples of brittle deformation.

Activity 8.2

1. Rock unit A: Strike = N 45 E, dipping 45 degrees SE

Rock unit B: Strike = N 30 W, dipping 60 degrees SW

2. Draw an arrow on each diagram indicating the direction of dip.

Activity 8.3

1. Complete the block diagram in Figure 8.6.

2. Complete the block diagram in Figure 8.7.

3. Complete the block diagram in Figure 8.8.

4. Sketch a map view, and complete the block diagram on Figure 8.9 using the guidelines provided.

Activity 8.4A

1. A = syncline B = anticline

2. Draw the appropriate strike-dip symbols on the surface of each block diagram.

3. Axial plane

4. Away

5. Toward

6. The syncline is symmetrical. The anticline is asymmetrical.

7. Nonplunging

8. Syncline: 5, 4 3, 2, 1 Anticline: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

9. Label the oldest unit on each diagram with an “X”.

10. a) Older b) Younger

11. Complete the block diagram in Figure 8.13.

12. Write the names of the geologic structures on the block diagram in Figure 8.13 — anticline on the left and

syncline on the right.

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Activity 8.4B

1. Draw several strike-dip symbols on Figure 8.14, illustrating a dome and a basin.

2. In a dome, the oldest rocks are found near the center.

3. In a basin, the oldest rocks are found at the flanks.

4. The Black Hills are a geologic dome.

Activity 8.5

1. On Figure 8.16, write the words older or younger on the appropriate side of each fault trace.

2. Vertical

3. Dip-slip fault

4. Complete the block diagram in Figure 8.18 B.

5. Right-lateral fault

6. Complete the block diagram in Figure 8.20 B.

7. Draw arrows on both sides of the fault in Figure 8.20 B to illustrate the relative movement of each block.

Activity 8.6

1. Youngest: Phosphoria formation; Age: 245—286 million years (Permian)

Oldest: Greyson shale; Age: 570—2000 million years (upper Precambrian)

2. Write the words oldest and youngest on the appropriate sedimentary rock units on Figure 8.22.

3. Younger

4. (In the central and western portions of the map the rocks are dipping toward the west and northwest, and in

the eastern third of the map the rocks are dipping toward the east and northeast); a) northwest; b) east

5. 40˚–55˚

6. The axial plane of the large geologic structure extends from the center of the south edge of the map

(southeast corner of section 23) to the northeast corner of the map.

7. Younger

8. Plunging anticline

9. 1) the rock layers dip away from the axial plane; 2) the oldest exposed rocks are at the center of the

structure, along the axial plane

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Geologic Maps, Block Diagrams, and Rock Structures — Lab Report 8

1. Strike: North 25° East

Angle of dip: 40°

Direction of dip: northwest

2. Add strike-dip symbols to Figure 8.23 to produce an asymmetrical syncline.

3. In the center of the syncline.

4. Structure shown is an anticline. The stress that produced the anticline was compression.

5. Compression

6. Complete the block diagram in Figure 8.25.

7. Left-lateral

8. A = normal fault caused by tension B = reverse fault caused by compression

9. Basin. The youngest rock units are in the center of the structure.

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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Form square—Quick march. The two rear Companies close
When the Second Company up, and form the rear face of the
has closed upon the front Square, receiving
Company, which stands fast— Halt—Right about face.
Sections outwards. The remaining Companies
wheel outwards by Sections, the
rear Sections closing to the
front, after the wheel.
2. If on a Flank Company, and to a flank.
Square on the right (or Leading Company—Halt.
left) Company—Companies Second Company closes on it—
right (or left) shoulders Halt.
forward—Double march— Remainder (except the two last
Forward. Companies), as they
successively arrive at Quarter
Sections outwards. Two last
Companies when closed up—
Halt—Right about face.
3. When the Square is to resist Cavalry.
Prepare for Cavalry —
The Kneeling ranks do not
cock until required to fire.
*Kneeling ranks—Ready—
The Standing ranks fire by Files.
* The Kneeling ranks, when
Prepare for Cavalry (or
required to fire a volley.
shoulder arms).
4. To reduce the Square.
Re-form column. Rear sections of side Faces
step back to wheeling distance,
Quick march. pivot men facing to their proper
front, and at Quick march
wheel backwards—Halt, Dress.
Front Company advances to
quarter distance—Halt, Dress.
Two rear Companies retire—
Halt, Front, Dress.
5. If the Square is to be formed on the two centre Sub-divisions.
On the two centre Sub- The outer Sub-divisions of the
divisions form square. two centre Companies face
inwards, and leading files
disengage; the two flank
Companies face inwards, and
the remaining Companies of the
Battalion face to the right about.
Right and left shoulders No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 Companies,
forward. Sections successively, Halt,
Front. The two centre Sub-
divisions close by the side step,
Quick march. upon the interval left by the
Colours. The Sub-divisions of
the two flank Companies are
conducted to form the rear Face,
the right Sub-division of the
Grenadiers covering its left Sub-
division, and the left Sub-division
of the Light Company covering
its right Sub-division, each
receiving Halt, Right (or Left)
6. To reduce the Square and form Line.
Re-form line—Quick (or The flank Companies face
double) march. outwards; and the rear Sub-
divisions of the centre face
outwards, and file into line at
Quick (or double) march—
Halt, Front, Dress. The two
centre Sub-divisions open by the
side step to right, and left. The
flank Companies move in file to
their respective places. The
other Companies deploy by
Sections and (when at their
places) receive Right (or left)
shoulders forward—Forward—
Halt, Dress up.
7. But should it have been previously necessary to move the
Form double column of Sub- The rear Sub-divisions of the
divisions—Quick march. side faces fall back to Section
distance, and the Pivot men face
to their proper front, and at
Quick march, the Sections
which formed the side faces
wheel backwards; and the two
Sub-divisions of the front face,
and four Sub-divisions of the
rear face, advance to quarter
distance. The Sub-divisions of
front face receive—Halt. Sub-
divisions of the rear face receive
8. When the Line is retiring, the Square may be formed at once
without halting.
On two centre Sub-divisions The two centre Sub-divisions
form square. Halt—Front. The outer Sub-
divisions of centre Companies
“Inwards turn,” and the formation
will proceed (as directed in No.
5, Section 21) at the Double
S. 22. When the Battalion forms a Square, or Oblong two deep, to
protect baggage, &c., against Infantry.
1. Form square, two deep, on The two centre Companies
the two centre Companies. stand fast, remaining
Remaining Companies, Companies face to the
right and left shoulders rightabout, and at Quick march
forward—Quick march. the two centre Companies (4
and 5) close inwards: the
remainder right, and left
shoulders forward, and move
into Square. Nos. 1, 2, and 3,
form the right face, 6, 7, and 8
the left face, the Grenadier, and
Light Infantry the rear face of the
Square, respectively receiving
Halt, Front, Dress.
2. When the Square or Oblong is to march by any one face.
The square will march to
the front (rear, right, or
left) face.
Flank Faces—by sub-divisions
The rear face advances two
on the right and left
paces and faces about—Halt,
backwards wheel—Quick
Quick march. The Square marches two
faces in Line, (by their centre,)
and two faces in Open column of
Halt—Re-form square— The Sub-divisions in column
Quick march. wheel up and form their faces,
and the rear face will close up
and then face about.
3. To reduce the Square.
Form line—Right and left The two centre Companies
shoulders forward— open out by the side step, to
Quick march. leave room for the Colours.
Remaining Companies, Right (or
left) shoulders forward—Forward
—Halt, Dress up.
S. 23. A Battalion halted in Line, to change front to the rear upon
the centre.
Change front to the rear Centre Companies—Right (or
upon the centre. left) face—Right Counter-march
—Quick march—Halt, Front,
Dress up—Eyes front.
Remaining Companies, Threes The Companies pass each
right, and left shoulders other by the left, those of the
forward—Right and left Right wing describing a circle to
counter-march— Quick allow room for the others to
march. pass, and when in their proper
position—Right (or left)
shoulders forward—Forward—
Halt, Dress up—Eyes front.



S. 24. The Battalion to change position to the front on the right

halted Company, by throwing forward the whole Left, and by the
flank march of Companies.
1. Form open column in If the change of front is to be at
front of the right right angles with the old line, the
Company—Remaining right Company stands fast; if
Companies—Right face— oblique to it, that Company will
Quick march. wheel back on the right flank as
many paces as will make it
perpendicular to the new
direction. Remaining Companies
face to the right, and disengage
to the left—Halt, Front, Dress.
Right wheel into line. Halt, Dress—Eyes front.
2. The Battalion may change its position to the Left, Right thrown
forward, by the formation of the Open column in front of the left
halted Company.
3. If the Change of position is effected by the formation of the
Open column on a central Company, the caution will specify which
flank is to be thrown forward. The Companies face inwards, and
4. When a Battalion is to change position on a flank halted
Company, by throwing back the other flank.
Form open column in rear of
the right (or left)
Remaining Companies—Halt,
Company— Remaining
Front, Dress.
Companies— Right (or
left) face— Quick march.
Right (or left) wheel into
Halt, Dress—Eyes front.
line—Quick march.


S. 25. The Battalion in line changes position by breaking into Open

column, marching up in column to the point where its head is to
remain, and entering the line by the flank march of Companies.
Right (or left) face—Quick The Battalion in Open column
march. to form at a point where its
Halt. leading flank is to be placed,
receives—Halt— when its
leading division is at wheeling
distance short of that point.
S. 26. The Battalion formed in line, changes position by breaking
into Open column, marching to a point where its head is to rest, and
to which its rear divisions form, by successively passing each other,
and wheeling up.
Form line to the reverse Leading division—Right (or
flank. left) shoulders forward—Forward
—Halt, Dress. Remaining
divisions successively—Right (or
left) shoulders forward—Forward
—Halt, Dress up.


S. 27. When the leading flank of the Column is changed by the

successive march of Divisions from the rear to the front.
Halt— If Right in front; Rear Company
By successive divisions — —Right face—Quick march—
Rear wing to the front. Front turn. Remaining Divisions
in succession, when their rear
Division passes them—Right
face—Quick march—Front turn.
If left in front, the rear
Divisions are faced to the left.
S. 28. To change the Wings of a column formed upon a road,
where the space does not admit of the Flank movement.
By double files from the Rear Company—Inwards face,
centre, rear wing to the by Files from the centre.
front. Two centre Remaining Companies*—Halt,
Sections outwards wheel Dress. Rear Division when clear
—Quick march.* of the column—Form Company
—Forward. Remaining Divisions
in succession when clear—
Inwards face—Quick march—
Form Company—Forward.
S. 29. When the Column, at open, or half distance, is required to
form a Square.
1. If the Square is to be formed on the front Company.
Form square upon the front
(Vide S. 21, No. 2.)
Company—Quick march.
2. If upon a central Company.
Form square on the right The Officer commanding the
(or left) centre Company named Division, gives—Sections
—Right (or left) wing— outwards; the rear Sections
Right about face—Quick closing on the front Sections.
(or double) march. The Left wing will close to
Section distance, and the
Companies receive, in
succession—Sections outwards;
the Right Wing will move to the
Centre, rear Rank in front, and
when each Company shall close
up to the one preceding it,
Companies 3, 4, 5, 6, Front turn,
Sections outwards, and the rear
Sections close to the front. Nos.
1 and 2—Halt, Front,—Nos. 7
and 8—Halt, Right about face.
3. If an Open column, moving to front, or rear in File, or Sections
of Threes, be attacked by Cavalry.
If in File.
Form square on the centre The Divisions turn to the right,
—Wings inward turn— and left; and if the Column be
Double march. right in front, when the left centre
Company has turned it receives
—Sections outwards; the Wings
close on the centre, at the
double march, and each
Company wheels outwards into
Square; as in No. 2.
If the Column is moving in Sections of Threes.
Right (or left) shoulders The Formation proceeds as
forward. before.
Forward—Square on the
centre—Right wing, right The Column is re-formed as
about turn—Double. directed in S. 21, No. 4.


S. 30. When a Battalion forms a close, or quarter distance

Column, from Line.
1. If a Close Column before, or behind, either of the flank
Form close (or quarter
distance) column on ——
All except the named
Company, right (or left) in
Company—Halt, Front, Dress.
front—Right (or left)
face—Quick march.
2. On a central Company.
Inwards face—Quick march. All except the named
Company—Halt, Front, Dress.
In the same manner, Column may be formed from Line upon any
Company facing to the rear; that Company countermarching by files,
and the Wings facing outwards, and countermarching to the right, or
left; and forming as before.
In all Counter-marches from Line, the Company of formation will
be faced by the command of its own Officer.
3. If a Quarter distance Column upon any named Company.
Form column at quarter Shoulders forward—Halt,
distance, right (or left) in Dress, as in Nos. 1 and 2.
front, —— on Company—
Remaining Companies, The leading threes of the
threes— Shoulders Company next the one of
forward— Quick (or formation must wheel upon its
double) march—Forward. centre file in disengaging to the
4. The Close column may be formed from Open column.
Close to the front—Quick If on the March, Leading
(or double) march. division—Halt. Remaining
Or without halting—Close to divisions successively—Halt:
the front—Double. When on the Double march—
S. 31. When the Column, at close, or quarter distance, marches to
a flank.
Column will march to the
right (or left) flank—
Right (or left) face—
Quick march—Halt, front.
If the Column is at quarter distance, it may be marched to a flank
in Sections of threes.
Threes right (or left)
shoulders forward—
Quick march—Forward.
S. 32. When the Column at quarter distance, moving to front, or
rear, takes ground to the Right, or Left, by the Echellon march of
1. Sections right (or left)—
Forward. Officers remain on their proper
2. Re-form Column— pivot flank.
Ground may be taken to a flank by the diagonal march.
Right (or left) half turn.
S. 33. When a Column halted, at Close, or Quarter distance, is to
wheel on a fixed, or moveable pivot.
1. At close distance on a fixed pivot.
Column to the right (or The flank file of front Company
left) wheel—Quick (or will face. Remaining Companies
double) march—Halt. make a half face.
Vide S. 10. No. 6.
2. At close distance on a moveable pivot.
Right (or left) shoulders Rear Divisions will make a half
forward—Halt (or turn to the outward flank, and
forward). circle round.
If the Column is to wheel in double time.
3. At Quarter distance on a fixed pivot.
Right (or left) wheel— Rear Divisions half face to the
Quick (or double) march— wheeling flank. The front
Halt. Division will advance six paces,
and wheel at shortened pace
round the Pivot, the rear
Divisions circling round.
4. At Quarter distance on a moveable pivot.
Right (or left) shoulders The Front division moves
forward—Double— round at a short pace, the pivot-
Forward—Quick. man gradually advancing in the
new direction.
S. 34. When a Close, or Quarter distance Column is to change its
front by the wheel and countermarch of Sub-divisions round the
1. If at the halt.
Counter-march by Sub- The Reverse sub-divisions
divisions round the centre face about. The whole wheel
—Right (or left) Sub- round in succession.
divisions—Right about
face—Quick (or double) * When the leading Sub-
division is in a line upon the new
march—*Halt, Front, front of the Column. Front
Dress. applies to the Reverse sub-
divisions only.
2. If the Column at Quarter distance is on the march.
Right (or left) Sub-divisions
—Right about turn—
Front turn—Forward.
S. 35. When a Column at close, or quarter distance, is to open out
to full, or half distance, from front, or rear.
1. If from the front.
Column will open from the The requisite number of paces
front—Right about face— are counted by the leaders of
Quick march. each Division. Halt, Front.
2. If from the rear.
Column will open from the Each Division leader gives Halt
rear—Quick march. to the Company in his front,
when at the ordered distance.


Deployments are made from Column invariably on the base of the

front Company; Close columns deploy in File.
S. 36. When the Battalion in column of Companies, at Close, or
Quarter distance (right in front), deploys into Line.


1. On the Front Company.

Deploy on the front
Each Company, in succession
—Front turn—Halt, Dress up—
Companies, left face—
Eyes front.
Quick march.
2. On the Rear Company.
Deploy on the rear Company When the front of the named
—Remaining Companies, Company is clear, the Officer
right face—Quick march. commanding it gives— Double
march—Halt, Dress up—Eyes
front—Remaining Companies
successively —Halt, Front.
When uncovered, Quick march,
and when in the alignement,
Halt, Dress up—Eyes front.
Deployments on a central Company are performed in a similar
manner. In deploying on a rear, or central Company, the Company of
formation will be moved up in Double time.


3. When a Battalion in Column of Companies at quarter distance,

right in front, deploys upon its Front division.
Deploy on the front
Left shoulders forward—
Companies, threes— Right
Forward— Halt, Dress up—Eyes
shoulders forward —
Quick (or double) march—
4. On a Rear Company.
Deploy on the rear Company When the Front is clear, Rear
—Remaining Companies, Company —Double march—
threes— Left shoulders Halt, Dress up—Eyes front. The
forward —Quick march— other Companies successively
Forward. —shoulders forward—Halt.
When uncovered —Quick march
—Halt, Dress up—Eyes front.
The Base points are three paces in advance of the Front Company
of the Column.

S. 37. When a Battalion from Line wheels forward by Companies,

to either flank, into Echellon.
1. Companies —— paces to
the —— wheel—Quick Halt, Dress.
2. When the Echellon thus formed marches forward, and halts.
Quick march—Halt.
S. 38. When the Battalion having wheeled from Line into Echellon,
has marched, and halted, and is to form back parallel to the Line it
Wheel back into line—Quick
Halt, Dress—Eyes front.
S. 39. When the Battalion having wheeled from Line into Echellon,
has marched and halted, and is to form up oblique to the Line it
1. If the Formation is made forward.
Leading Division, —— paces Leading Division—Halt, Dress
right (or left) wheel— —Eyes front. Remaining
Quick march. Form line— Divisions—shoulders forward—
Quick march. Halt, Dress up—Eyes front.
2. If the wheel of the leading Division exceed the number of paces
which it before wheeled from Line into Echellon, the others wheel up
one-half of that excess, move on, and successively dress up with it.
3. If the formation is to be on the prolongation of the front Division
as it stands, the others wheel back one-half of what they originally
wheeled forward, then move on, and dress up with it.
S. 40. When the Battalion formed in Line changes front on a fixed
flank Company, by throwing forward the rest of the Battalion.
Change front on —— Company of formation—Halt,
Company, right (or left) Dress.
thrown forward, ——
Company —— paces right
(or left) wheel.
Remaining Companies, —— Remaining Companies—
paces to the —— wheel— * Halt, Dress.
Quick march.* † —— shoulders forward—
Quick march.† Halt, Dress up—Eyes front.
S. 41. When the Battalion changes front on a fixed flank Company,
by throwing back the rest of the Battalion.
Change front on —— —— Company on the ——
Company, right (or left) backwards wheel—Quick march
thrown back. —Halt, Dress.
Remaining Companies, right
about face, —— paces to
Halt, Dress.
the —— wheel—Quick
Quick march (or march). —— shoulders forward—Halt,
Front, Dress up—Eyes front.
S. 42. When the Battalion changes front on a central Company, by
advancing one Wing, and retiring the other.
The Company of the Wing to be thrown back is wheeled
backward, and the Company of the wing to be brought forward is
wheeled forward; or a Central Company is wheeled upon its centre
into the new direction.
—— Wing, right about face
—Companies —— paces
Halt, Dress.
inwards wheel—Quick
Quick march. Companies successively—
shoulders forward— and when
in Line, those of the advancing
Wing receive—Halt, Dress up:
the retiring Wing—Halt, Front,
Dress up.
S. 43. When, from Open column, the Companies wheel backward
into Echellon, in order to form in Line on the front Company.
1. Form line on the leading The front Company remains
Division. square to the Column, or is
Remaining Divisions —— wheeled backward into the
paces on the —— intended direction of the Line by
backward wheel—Quick its Officer.
march. If the front Company remains
square, the remaining
Quick march. Companies wheel back four
paces, or the eighth of a circle;
but if the direction be Oblique,
then the remaining Companies
wheel one-half the number
wheeled by the front Company,
in addition to the eighth of a
circle—Halt, Dress. ——
shoulders forward—Halt, Dress
up—Eyes front.
2. If the Line be formed on the rear Company of the Column, that
Company will stand fast, the others will receive.
Right about face, —— paces
Halt, Dress.
on the —— Backwards
—— shoulders forward—Halt,
wheel—Quick march.
Front, Dress up—Eyes front.
Quick march.
3. If the Line is to be formed on a rear Company, but facing to the
Form line on rear Company,
facing to the rear.
Halt, Front, Dress—Eyes front.
The column will counter-
—Face—Quick march. Form * Halt, Dress.
line on the leading † —— shoulders forward—
Division. Halt, Dress up—Eyes front.
Remaining Divisions, four
paces on the ——
backward wheel—Quick
Quick march.†
4. If the Line be formed on a Central Company of the Column.
Form line on the Right (or
Left) centre Company, ——
wing right about face— All except the central
Four paces on the right Company Halt, Dress.
(or left) backwards wheel
—Quick March.
Quick march. Companies of Wings (except
Company formed on)——
shoulders forward—Halt, Dress
up—Eyes front. Or ——
shoulders forward—Halt, Front,
Dress up—Eyes front.
S. 44. When from Line the Companies of a Battalion march off in
Echellon, successively and directly to the front; and again form Line
to the front, or flank.
1. When the intention is to form Line to the front.
Advance in direct echellon When the leading Division
of Companies from the receives—Halt, the others move
right (or left). on, and Halt, Dress up, in line
with it.
2. When the intention is to form Line to the flank.
Form line to the right (or Leading Division—Halt, Dress
left) flank. —Eyes front.
By Divisions, shoulders Remaining divisions—Halt,
forward—Forward. Dress up— Eyes front.
3. If a Column is to be formed to the flank, from a direct Echellon.
Form column in rear of the
leading Division—Threes— —— shoulders forward—Halt,
Shoulders forward— Dress.
S. 45. When a Battalion, in Echellon of Companies, halted, or in
motion, is required to form square.
Companies right (or left)
The formation will proceed as
shoulders forward—
directed in Section 29.
Forward—Form square.
S. 46. When a Battalion marching in Line is to take ground to a
flank by the Echellon movement of Sub-divisions, or Sections.
1. Sub-divisions (or Sections)
right (or left)—Forward.
2. When sufficient ground has been taken to the flank.
Re-form line—Forward—
3. When sufficient ground has been taken in Echellon to a flank,
and a forward formation of the Line is to be made.
Form line on the leading The head Division is wheeled
Division. up two paces more and halted.
Divisions successively ——
shoulders forward. Halt, Dress
up—Eyes front.
In taking ground to a flank, if a small degree of obliquity from the
former position is to be taken, the Line may wheel forward by
Companies; if a greater, by Sub-divisions; and if a greater still, by


The Officers’ call—as established, and therefore not numbered.

1. To extend.
2. To close.
3. To advance.
4. To halt.
5. To fire.
6. Cease firing.
7. To retreat.
8. Assembly.
9. Incline to the right.
10. Incline to the left.
11. The alarm.


Words of command throughout


The words in Italics are to serve as a caution only.

Section I.

First extension motions.—One—Two—Three—Four—Five.
First position in three motions.—One—Two—Three.
Second position in two motions.—One—Two.
Balance motions.—One—Two—Three—Four.
First position.
Third position in two motions.—One—Two.
Second extension motions.—One—Two—Three.
First position.
Stand at ease.
Single attack—Double attack.
Advance—Single attack—Retire—Double attack.
Front—Stand at ease.

Section II.

Draw swords—Return swords—Draw swords—Slope swords.
Stand at ease.

Prepare for Sword exercise.
Right prove distance—Slope swords.
Front prove distance—Slope swords.
First Point—Two—Second Point—Two—Third Point—Two.
Parry—Two. Slope swords. Stand at ease.
Guard—Inside guard—Outside guard.
Cut one. First guard.
Cut two. Second guard.

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