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XYLAARION, THE SHACKLED QUEEN Gorgantuen dragon, neutel ev! ‘Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 326 (28420 ~ 252) Speed 40%, burrow 40 f, Fy 80% STR 200410) DEX CON INT 1000) 2913) 15002) wis 1804) cHA 22 (+8) ‘Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +17, Wis “12, Cha +14 Skills Perception ~12, Stealth +8 Damage Immunities force Condition Immunities charmed Senses blindsight 60 f, darkvision 120, passive Perception 2 Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal Challenge 25 (75,200 x") Proficioncy Bonus ~2 Discorporation. When xyigarion drops to D hit points or cies, hher body is cestrayed, ano she is unable to take physica form fora time, When she reappears, she remains shacsled, Innate Spelleasting. Xslzarion'sinnste spelicasting ability CCharisms (spell save DC 22, +14 0 hit with spell attacks), She caninnately cast the oliowing spells, requiring no material components: 3[day each: arcane hand (appears cs spectral chan) canfusion, sincegrote earthouake,eyebite feblemind, forcecage, globe ofirvulnerabilty, hold monster, maze, resilient sphere reverse groxity telekinesis wal of fire wal ef force. wall of stone Legendary Resistance 3/day). 1 xyaarlon falls 2 saving throw, sha.can choose to succeed Instead. ACTIONS Muttiatack Xyisarion can use her intoxicating Presence. She then makes three attacks: one with her bite an two with her clans, Bite. ielee Weopon Attack: ~ 18a hit, reach 15 ft, one target. ‘its 21 (2410 ~ 10) piercing damage, plus 13 (3d8) force damage (Claw. Helee Weapon Attack: ~ 18 ta bit, reach 10 fe, one target Hie 17 (248 + 10) slashing damage Tail. Mes Weapon Attack ~ 18 obit, each 20 ft, one target Hie 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgecning damage Frighsful Presence, Each creature ot%jaarion’s choice that Is (within 120 feet of har and aware of har must succesd on a OC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute, A ‘creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of ts| turns, ending the effect on self on a success. f 2 creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for iy the creature Is immune to xyaarion’sFrightful Presence for the next 24 hours. Brooth Weapons (Recharge 5-6). Xylaarion uses one of the following breath weapons: Disrupting Fores. xjsarion exhales disruptive force ina 90 foot line that's 10 feet wide, Each cresturs Inhat line must mate a DC24 Dexterty saving throw, taking 63 (1408) force damage, and is pushed 15 feet away from her and knocked prone on a ‘alled save or receives hal as much Gamage and Isn't pushed or prone on a successful one, Breath of Despair. Xylaarion exhales gas in a 90-foct cone, Each creature in tat area must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on attack ras, ablity checks and saving throws for one minute, A cresture cen repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on self on a success A cresture that can‘tbe charmed is immune to this eFect LeGenpary ACTIONS >xylaarion can take 3 lagandary actions, choosing from the joptions below. only ane lagendary action option can be used 3t a time and only at the end of another creature's tur, >xlaarion regains spent legendary actions at the start of es turn, Detect. xyfaarion maxes a viisdom (Perception) check, Tall attack, xylsarion makes atall tack. Snatch (Cests 2 Actions). Xy;aarion makes a claw attack Ifthe attack hits creature that is Large or smaller, the creature is ‘grapples (escape DC 25). Until this grapple ends the target 'S restrained. Xyizarion has two clas, each of which can ‘grapple only one target. Wing Attack. xyizarion béats her wings. Each creature within T5 feet of her must succeed on a D€25 Dexterity saving ‘throw or take 17 246-10) bludgeoning damage and be ‘rocked prane, She can then fly up t half her “lying speed, Lair AcTIONS ninitiative count 20 (losing Initatve tes), xslaarion can take ‘one lair action to causa one of the folowing etfecs. xlaarion Can’cuse the same effect ewe rouncs In 3 row. + xylzarion summons sokes from out ofthe darkness. Each Creature must succeed on 2 OC 21 Dexterity saving throw for be spiked to the floor, suering 35 (1006) piercing damage. A spiked cresture has a movement of0.s an ‘action, a cresture can make a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to free its, causing 206 accitional piercing ‘damage. The metal spikes are forged in Tartarus and are consicered magical weapons. They nave an AC 18 with 60 bit points and are immune to psychic and poison damage. “The spikes last until Xjaarion uses this lair action again or Luni she dies, after which they tum ta dust + Xylzarion chooses a point se can see within 100 feet of her in the lar. The atea within 30 feet ofthat point fils with the sound of a thousand voices wailing in despair. Each creature ather then Xylaarion in the afea must a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or loss one ‘cventuring level and suffer a level of exhaustion, Xylaarion can repeat this action when it's available, causing the party to lave additional levels and suffer ‘nother level of exhaustion, ReGIONAL EFFects ‘The region containing Xylaarion's lair is warped by her magic, creating one or more ofthe following effects: + Allerestures within 1 mile of xylaarion’s lair suffer Level 1 exhaustion + The area within 6 les ofthe lars full of damp, dreary mist The area within the mist ie ightly cbscured + Creatures within 1 rile of the lair that are bound, restrained or caged suffer without enc. Such creatures age slovly, physically aging one year for avery 10 years that ass. ltionally, creatures Inthe area with four or more levals of exhaustion ne longer raquire food or drink sf xylaarion das, concitions ofthe ares surrounding the lair return to normal -as “normal” as Tartarus can be - over the course of 1610 oays.

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