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Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum

Nama. : Muhammad Evan Surya Alparis
Nim. : 043095607
UPBJJ-UT : Mataram
Saudara mahasiswa,
Anda diminta menyusun 5 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan istilah-istilah kata
kunci sebagai berikut:
1. Presumption of Innocence
2. Justice Collaborator
3. Contempt of court
4. Legal Standing
5. Shifting burden of proof
Silahkan dikerjakan.

1) The presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle in criminal law, which states that a
person is considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

2) A justice collaborator is an individual who cooperates with law enforcement authorities by

providing information or evidence in exchange for leniency or other benefits in a criminal
investigation or prosecution.

3) Contempt of court refers to any behavior that disrespects or obstructs the administration of
justice, such as disobeying court orders, disrupting court proceedings, or showing disrespect
to the judge or other court officials.

4) Legal standing refers to the right of an individual or entity to bring a legal action or
participate in a lawsuit based on their connection or interest in the subject matter of the case.

5) Shifting burden of proof occurs when the burden of proving a fact or disproving an allegation
shifts from one party to another during the course of a legal proceeding.

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