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Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Introduction to Project
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
● Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a project management tool that
helps to systematically break down a project into smaller, more
manageable components.
● This hierarchical decomposition of the project scope into deliverables and
tasks enables better planning, execution, and control of the project.
Key Features of WBS
● Hierarchy: WBS is structured in levels, with the top level representing the overall
project and each subsequent level breaking the project into more detailed
● Deliverable-Oriented: WBS focuses on deliverables or outcomes rather than
activities, ensuring each component represents a tangible result that contributes to
the project’s objectives.
● Decomposition: The process of breaking down the project into smaller parts
continues until manageable work packages are identified. These work packages are
the lowest level in the WBS and are used for scheduling, cost estimation, and
resource allocation.
● Scope Definition: WBS helps define and communicate the project scope clearly,
ensuring all stakeholders have a common understanding of what the project entails
Types of Work Breakdown Structures
● The two main types of WBS are:

1. Deliverable-based
2. Phase-based
● Deliverable-based Work Breakdown Structures show the relationship between
project deliverables (blog posts, animations, and software) and the project’s scope
(the work needed).
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
● Here’s an example of a part deliverable-based WBS for a marketing campaign.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Phase-based Work Breakdown Structures organize the project work and required
deliverables by the typical phases your project goes through.

Here’s an example of a phase-based WBS for a marketing campaign.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Steps to create a work breakdown structure
Depending on the size and scope of your project, your work breakdown structure might
have five steps, or it might have 15. There is no universally correct number — just keep
breaking down the work into its smallest component parts. But these are some important
steps to creating a WBS.

1. Identify key team members

It’s essential to identify the key team members early on in the process so that they can be
involved in the planning and scheduling of the project. These team members can also
help identify deliverables and check that all relevant information is included in the
project. When key team members are identified, it’s easier to manage information and
delegate responsibility.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
● Steps to create a work breakdown structure
● Depending on the size and scope of your project, your work breakdown structure
might have five steps, or it might have 15.
● There is no universally correct number — just keep breaking down the work into
its smallest component parts. But these are some important steps to creating a
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
1. Identify key team members
● It’s essential to identify the key team members early on in the process so that they
can be involved in the planning and scheduling of the project.
● These team members can also help identify deliverables and check that all relevant
information is included in the project.
● When key team members are identified, it’s easier to manage information and
delegate responsibility.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
2. Define project scope and objective
● The key team members will help with this process.
● Defining the scope of the project begins with identifying its goals and objectives, as
well as its boundaries and limitations.
● Defining the goal early will ensure that everyone involved in the project is clear
about what they’re working toward and what’s expected of them.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
3. Gather critical documents
● To maintain the feeling of clarity and teamwork, it’s crucial to collect any relevant
documents or information that will be needed throughout the project.
● Making sure that each team member has access to the proper resources helps them
get their work done efficiently.
● This might include previous project plans, budget information, or technical
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
4. Define key phases and deliverables
● This step involves key team members using their understanding of the project and
breaking it down into smaller, specific parts.
● After dividing the larger project into phases like planning, design, feedback, and
development, they can break each of those phases down into even more specific
● Keep in mind the roles of each team member and how those deliverables could be
divided among them.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
5. Create work packages (tasks and subtasks)
● After the project has been broken down, deliverables can be divided into individual
tasks and delegated to the proper team members.
● The names of these tasks may vary, but they’re often referred to as elements, levels,
deliverables, subtasks, or work packages.
● Breaking down deliverables is similar to making a timeline. Subtasks should
chronologically lead to completing the deliverable, and each deliverable should
lead to the completion of the larger tasks and the overall project.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
6. Create a WBS dictionary
● It can be confusing for team members to begin on a task that they had no part in
● Crafting a detailed document that defines each task and deliverable and what is
involved can improve the workflow process immensely.
● A WBS dictionary gives team members a place to resolve their confusion and
continue working quickly.
● The dictionary should include information on each task or deliverable, including
the work required, duration, and costs.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
7. Create a schedule with the format of your choice
● After each task has been broken down and assignments have been made, find a
schedule that works for you and your team.
● The schedule should include information on each task or deliverable, as well as the
timeline for completing them.
● The format of the schedule can vary depending on the needs of the project and the
preferences of the team.
Rules to follow when creating a work
Use the 100% rule:
● The work that is initially represented by your WBS must be 100% of the work
necessary to complete the project.
● No unrelated work should be included in the WBS.
● Including all of the work right off the bat will ensure that each team member
understands the entire process of completing the task.

Make tasks mutually exclusive:

● Avoid duplicating any amount of work.
● Assigning a task twice or giving the same responsibility to multiple people would
violate the 100% rule and result in confusion among team members.
● This could also cause issues when determining the amount of resources needed to
complete a project.
Rules to follow when creating a work
Focus on outcomes, not actions:
● Ensure that deliverables are focused on outcomes and not actions. For example, if
you were baking a cake, a deliverable might be “frosted exterior” while actions
would include “make the frosting.”

Use the 8/80 rule:

● This rule is only one example of how to determine if a deliverable is small but not
too small.
● The 8/80 rule says that a deliverable should take no less than 8 hours and no more
than 80 which would be 10 days if you work full time.
● There are other ways of determining the correct amount of work, but if you are
unsure, go with what you feel is best for your team or what has worked in the past.
Rules to follow when creating a work
Divide into three levels:
● As a general rule, try to include three levels of detail in your WBS.
● For example, in an editorial setting, this could be the first draft of a document, a
second draft, and a final draft.
● And each of those levels would contain each deliverable that leads to it. This may
vary depending on the complexity of the project, but if most of your WBS has three
levels of detail, then you’re on the right track.

Always make assignments:

● Each task should be assigned to a team or individual. There should be no overlap in
assignments to keep responsibilities clear.
● Always make assignments.
● Each task should be assigned to a team or individual. There should be no overlap in
assignments to keep responsibilities clear.
WBS dictionary
A WBS dictionary is where the details of the tasks, activities, and deliverables of the
work breakdown structure are located. The content includes whatever milestones are
related, the project scope and in some instances dates, resources, cost and quantity.

1. Identify Item
Every step on your WBS should have a code or account identifier. This allows you to list
the steps on your WBS dictionary to correspond to the right item on the WBS.

2. Describe It
Here is where the task is detailed. It should be communicated succinctly and clearly.
WBS dictionary
3. Note Assumptions and Constraints
Note any assumptions and/or constraints about the task, such as dependencies with other
tasks, equipment needed, etc. That way you can plan for them and avoid any potential

4. Assign Owner
Each task will be assigned to a team member who will own the execution and successful
completion of that task. This is where that person is identified.

5. Set Milestone
A milestone is an important date in your project, usually indicating the end of one phase
and the beginning of another. They should be indicated in the WBS dictionary.
WBS dictionary
6. Make a Schedule
Whether your WBS breaks down into tasks or deliverables they’ll have to be scheduled,
such as determining their start and end dates.

7. List Resources
Note the tools, materials, equipment, etc. in your resource plan that are required to
execute the task.

8. Calculate Cost
Each task will have related costs to execute, whether that’s materials, supplies, or time.
That cost estimation should be included here.

9. Define Quality
Note the quality expectations that your stakeholders have for each step of the WBS.
WBS dictionary

● Lags represent delays or waiting periods that are intentionally inserted between
sequential activities.
● They are used to ensure that a successor activity cannot start immediately after its
predecessor finishes, but instead has to wait for a specified amount of time.
● Lags are typically represented as positive values in the project schedule.
● Example: After pouring concrete (Predecessor activity), there might be a 2-day lag
before starting the next activity of curing the concrete (Successor activity).
WBS dictionary

● Leads, on the other hand, represent acceleration or overlap between activities.

● They allow the successor activity to start before the predecessor activity is fully
● Leads are represented as negative values in the project schedule.
● Example: In construction, while one part of a building is being painted (Successor
activity), another part might start receiving electrical fittings (Predecessor activity)
simultaneously, thereby overlapping the activities and saving time.
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