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Forest Science and Technology

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Allometric models and aboveground biomass of

Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. forest in Rawa Aopa
Watumohai National Park, Southeast Sulawesi,

Analuddin Kangkuso, Jamili Jamili, Andi Septiana, Rasas Raya, Idin Sahidin,
Usman Rianse, Saban Rahim, Alfirman Alfirman, Sahadev Sharma & Kazuo

To cite this article: Analuddin Kangkuso, Jamili Jamili, Andi Septiana, Rasas Raya, Idin Sahidin,
Usman Rianse, Saban Rahim, Alfirman Alfirman, Sahadev Sharma & Kazuo Nadaoka (2016)
Allometric models and aboveground biomass of Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. forest in Rawa
Aopa Watumohai National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, Forest Science and Technology,
12:1, 43-50, DOI: 10.1080/21580103.2015.1034191

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Forest Science and Technology
Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2016, 4350

Allometric models and aboveground biomass of Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. forest in Rawa
Aopa Watumohai National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Analuddin Kangkuso a*, Jamili Jamilia, Andi Septianaa, Rasas Rayaa, Idin Sahidinb, Usman Riansec, Saban Rahimd,
Alfirman Alfirmand, Sahadev Sharmae and Kazuo Nadaokae
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia; bFaculty of Pharmacy, Halu Oleo University,
Kendari, Indonesia; cFaculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia; dPostgraduate Program, Halu Oleo University,
Kendari, Indonesia; eGraduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

(Received 9 August 2014; Accepted 17 March 2015)

Information on aboveground biomass of mangrove forest at Rawa Aopa Watumohai National (RAWN) Park is
fundamental for the management of mangroves (Lumnitzera racemosa Willd.) in the park. Allometric relationships of
partial or whole L. racemosa trees were examined using independent variables D30, DBH, and DB or quadratics D302H,
DBH2H, and DB2H from different individuals of L. racemosa trees. Aboveground biomass was estimated by allometric
equations and tree census data. Results showed that the best fit for allometric models of stem biomass (WS) and leaf
biomass (WL) used the independent variable of DBH2H, while the best fit for branch biomass (WB) used quadratic DB2H.
The quadratic DBH2H is the most reliable parameter for estimating aboveground biomass of L. racemosa trees.
Aboveground biomass of L. racemosa varied among stands, ranging from 26.23 to 191.01 ton ha¡1. Biomass density of L.
racemosa forest varied from 4.07 to 29.80 ton ha¡1 m¡1. The high aboveground biomass of L. racemosa indicates its high
blue carbon stock, which maintains the productivity of nearby coastal areas. Therefore, the results of this study can help
the sustainable management of mangroves in the RAWN Park and surrounding areas.
Keywords: allometric model; aboveground biomass; Lumnitzera racemosa; RAWN Park; Indonesia

Introduction measurements (Khan et al. 2005), the overall productivity

Mangroves are woody plant communities inhabiting the of mangrove forests remains poorly understood. Conse-
intertidal zones of tropical and subtropical coasts. Man- quently, biomass estimation is a key tool for studying the
grove forest is a highly productive ecosystem that exports production structure and functions of forest ecosystems.
organic matter to support a variety of organisms and Many studies have been focused on allometry and bio-
enhances phytoplankton production (Rivera-Monroy et al. mass estimation as a first step in the evaluation of carbon
1998). Mangroves maintain the ecological equilibrium in sinks in different plant ecosystems. Estimation of man-
coastal waters and preserve rich biological resources and grove biomass in the field is difficult due to extreme con-
species diversity. The carbon sequestrated in vegetated ditions such as mud, dangerous animals and insects, and
coastal ecosystems has been termed “blue carbon.” inundation at high tide. Therefore, many ecologists have
Because of their high productivity, these ecosystems play developed allometric models for quantifying the whole or
an important role in the global carbon cycle, and therefore partial biomass of mangroves from measurable tree
occupy a position of increasing importance in climate dimensions (Clough et al. 1997; Komiyama et al. 2005;
change debates and mitigation programs. However, due to Dahdouh-Guebas et al. 2006; Deshar et al. 2012). Many
increasing human population, global mangrove cover is studies using allometric models have quantified above-
being destroyed, adversely affecting mangrove ecosystem ground biomass of mangrove forest worldwide (Christen-
function and productivity. Therefore, estimation of sen 1978; Tamai et al. 1986; Day et al. 1987; Lee 1989,
remaining mangrove biomass is needed for the develop- 1990; Day et al. 1996; Ross et al. 2001; Sherman et al.
ment of realistic carbon budgets in coastal ecosystems. 2003; Soares and Schaeffer-Novelli 2005; Khan et al.
The UN REDDC program requires developing countries 2009), but few data are available for aboveground bio-
to produce robust estimates of forest biomass accompa- mass of mangrove forest from Indonesian sites
nied by an appropriate measure of uncertainty. (Komiyama et al. 1987; Kusmana et al. 1992; Sukardjo
The carbon fixation capacity of mangrove forests is and Yamada 1992), and there are no aboveground bio-
higher than that of terrestrial forests (Clough 1998). For mass data available for Lumnitzera racemosa Willd.
this reason, mangroves have been considered an important forest.
carbon sink in coastal ecosystems (Ong 1993). Although Mangrove forest at the Rawa Aopa Watumohai
many studies have been conducted on biomass National (RAWN) Park is one of the most protected

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 2158-0103 print/ISSN 2158-0715 online

Ó 2015 Korean Forest Society
44 A. Kangkuso et al.

forests in the Southeast Sulawesi region of Indonesia. the trends in aboveground biomass, biomass density, and
Spatial trends in the structural characters of this mangrove biomass allocation in L. racemosa forest; and (3) estimate
forest show clear zonation of different stands, with L. the stock of aboveground biomass of mangroves in the
racemosa growing near the land site (Analuddin et al. RAWN Park.
2013). Nevertheless, it is important to establish allometric
models for estimating the aboveground biomass of man-
Materials and methods
groves, which can improve the understanding and knowl-
edge of biomass stock and future productivity of Site description
mangroves. These data are fundamental for the conserva- The present study was carried out in the mangrove
tion and management of mangrove forests in the RAWN forest of the RAWN Park (Figure 1), which is located
Park, which support the habitat of the endangered in the eastern part of Kendari city (04o33’12.100 S
endemic buffalo, anoa (Bubalus sp.), and also play an 122o0.3’20.400 E), Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia (RAWN
important role as a blue carbon source for the coastal zone Park 2011). It is an excellent location for studying man-
of this region. Therefore, the aims of this study were to: grove biomass because mangroves at this site are continu-
(1) develop an allometric model for estimating whole or ously watered by the Lanowulu River. The L. racemosa
partial aboveground biomass of L. racemosa; (2) elucidate forest is located near the land site of the RAWN Park

Figure 1. Maps of Indonesia (above) and of southeast Sulawesi (below). Small box is study site of Rawa Aopa Watumohai National
Park (RAWN Park 2011).
Forest Science and Technology 45

(Analuddin et al. 2013), and shows different growth stages Total WL of L. racemosa trees in each stand was esti-
and stand performance. This mangrove is monospecific mated by summation method using the following equa-
dominant on the border of the land site, and the tree can- tion:
opy is closed due to crowded stands.
WL D WL1 C WL2 C ::::WLn
Tree sampling and allometric establishment iD1

Forest survey and tree sampling were carried out from

February to June 2014 using a quadrat method within nine where WL is leaf weight of trees, while WL1, WL2, … ..
100 m2 stands. The stem and height of all individual trees WLn are leaf weight of individual trees.
were measured. Stem diameter at breast height (DBH) Total aboveground biomass (W) of L. racemosa in
was measured using diameter tape, while tree height (H) each stand was estimated by summation method using the
was measured by measuring pole meter. An allometric following equation:
model was established by selecting eight different sized
L. racemosa trees for estimation of stem mass, branch WD WS C WB C WL
mass, leaf mass, and aboveground mass. All selected trees
were harvested, and divided into main stem, branch/twig, P P
as well as leaf components. The main stem was cut into where
P WS is total stem biomass, while WB and
1 m length intervals from the bottom to the top. The fresh WL are total branch biomass and leaf biomass,
weight of all tree components was measured at the sample respectively.
plot. Main stem samples of c. 5 cm discs were taken from
each 1 m length, together with branches/twigs and leaf
Results and discussion
samples, and brought to the Biology Laboratory at Halu
Oleo University to be oven dried at 80  C. Total dry mass Allometric model of partial and whole aboveground
of L. racemosa parts (stem, branch/twig and leaf) were biomass
estimated as dry/fresh biomass ratios (Brown et al. 1997). Table 1 represents the coefficients and R2 values for allo-
An allometric model was established using independent metric models of partial and whole aboveground mass of
variables of stem diameter at 30 cm from the ground L. racemosa trees. The best fit for allometric models of
(D30), at breast height (DBH), and branch diameter (DB) stem biomass (WS) and leaf biomass (WL) used the inde-
at minimum position or quadratic those of parts and tree pendent variable DBH2H. The constant values of a and b
height (D302H, DBH2H and DB2H). In addition, the age for the allometric model of WS were estimated as 5.82 £
of the stands was estimated by ring analysis from a sample 10¡2 and 0.9434 (R2 D 0.993), respectively; while the val-
tree taken from each stand on the basis of mean DBH. ues of a and b for the allometric model of WL were esti-
mated as 3.92 £ 10¡3and 1.025 (R2 D 0.934),
respectively. On the other hand, the best fit for the allome-
Data analysis tric model of branch biomass (WB) used the independent
Allometric models of stem weight (WS), branch weight variable DB2H with constant values of a and b estimated
(WB), and leaf weight (WL) of L. racemosa trees were as 8.46 £ 10¡5 and 2.25 (R2 D 0.997), respectively. These
established as WS D aDBH2Hb, WB D aDB2Hb, and results suggested that the independent variable DBH2H is
WL D aDBH2Hb, respectively; where a and b are the two the most applicable for the allometric model of stem bio-
constant values. Total WS of L. racemosa trees in each mass in L. racemosa trees, while independent variables
stand was estimated by summation method using the fol- DB or quadratic DB2H are the most precise for estimating
lowing equation: branches/twigs biomass of L. racemosa trees, although
the independent variable DBH2H could be also applied
n (Table 1).
WS D WS1 C WS2 C ::::WSn Conversely, the allometric model of leaf biomass
(WL) is more proportional using the independent varia-
bles D30 and DBH rather than D302H or DBH2H, because
where WS is stem weight of trees, while WS1, WS2, … ..
the R2 values for the relationship of D30 to WL, and DBH
WSn are stem weight of individual trees.
to WL were high (R2 D 0.955 and R2 D 0.960, respec-
Total WB of L. racemosa trees in each stand was esti-
tively). The constant values of a and b for the relationship
mated by summation method using the following
of D30 to WL were estimated as 9.85 £ 10¡3 and 2.48,
respectively, while the values of a and b for the relation-
n ship of DBH to WL were estimated as 1.30 £ 10¡2 and
WB D WB1 C WB2 C ::::WBn 2.44, respectively. On the other hand, the R2 values for
iD1 the relationships of D302H to WL and of DBH2H to WL
were 0.927 and 0.934, respectively. The constant values
where WB is branch weight of trees, while WB1, WB2, of a and b for the relationship of D302H to WL were esti-
… ..WBn are branch weight of individual trees. mated as 3.13 £ 10¡3 and 1.034, respectively, while the
46 A. Kangkuso et al.

Table 1. Coefficients and R2 values for allometric equations between independent variables and dependent variables of partial or whole
aboveground biomass in Lumnitzera racemosa trees.

Coefficient values

Independent variables Dependent variables a b R2 values

D30 Stem biomass WS 0.146 2.24 0.982

DBH 0.179 2.23 0.983
D302H 0.0498 0.9421 0.989
DB 0.0582 0.9434 0.993
DB2H 0.0444 2.0222 0.964
0.17869 1.1167 0.983
D30 Branch/twig biomass WB 0.00561 3.146 0.88
DBH 0.00802 3.095 0.86
D302H 0.00126 1.321 0.91
DB 0.00121 1.31 0.885
DB2H 0.00082 2.935 0.993
0.0000846 2.25 0.997
D30 Leaf biomass WL 0.00985 2,48 0.955
DBH 0.013 2.44 0.96
D302H 0.00313 1.034 0.927
DB 0.00392 1.025 0.934
DB2H 0.00269 2.23 0.78
0.00476 1.704 0.77
D30 Aboveground biomass W 0.146 2.4 0.98
DBH 0.184 2.384 0.98
D302H 0.0464 1.0086 0.99
H2H 0.056 1.0065 0.99

values of a and b for the relationship of DBH2H to WL Many previous studies have developed allometric
were estimated as 3.92 £ 1032 and 1.035, respectively. models for estimation of aboveground biomass for man-
However, the R2 values for the relationships of DB to WL groves by using independent variable DBH (Table 2),
and of DB2H to WL were lower at 0.78 and 0.77, respec- which applied well for various mangrove species includ-
tively. The constant values of a and b for the relationship ing Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa
of DB to WL were estimated as 2.69 £ 10¡3 and 2.23, (Fromard et al. 1998a), A. marina (Comley and McGuin-
respectively, while the values of a and b for the relation- ness 2005), and Rhizophora apiculata (Ong et al. 2004).
ship of DB2H to WL were estimated as 4.76 £ 10¡3 and The independent variable DBH applied well for estimat-
1.704, respectively. Nevertheless, when the parameters of ing aboveground biomass of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Cer-
DB and DB2H were used for leaf biomass estimation, the iops australis, and Xylocarpus granatum (Clough and
allometric relationship for leaf biomass was less site- Scott 1989). Therefore, independent variable DBH or qua-
dependent for each, but it was well fitted by DBH2H as dratic DBH2H are the best parameters for allometric mod-
the independent variable for leaf biomass. Therefore, the els estimating the whole or partial aboveground biomass
quadratic DBH2H is the most reliable parameter for of various mangrove species. However, the findings of
estimating aboveground biomass of L. racemosa trees. this study indicate that there is considerable variation in

Table 2. Allometric equations for aboveground biomass for various mangrove species based on DBH (cm).

Species Allometric model References

Avicennia germinans Wtop D 0.140DBH R D 0.97, n D 45

2.40 2
Fromard et al. (1998)
Avicennia marina Wtop D 0.308DBH2.11 R2 D 0.97, n D 22 Comley and McGuinness (2005)
Laguncularia racemosa Wtop D 0.102DBH2.50 R2 D 0.97, n D 70 Fromard et al. (1998)
Rhizophora apiculata Wtop D 0.235DBH2.42 R2 D 0.98, n D 57 Ong et al. (2004)
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Wtop D 0.186DBH2.31 R2 D 0.99, n D 17 Clough and Scott (1989)
Ceriops australis Wtop D 0.189DBH2.34 R2 D 0.99, n D 26 Clough and Scott (1989)
Xylocarpus granatum Wtop D 0.0823DBH2.59 R2 D 0.99, n D 15 Clough and Scott (1989)
Lumnitzera racemosa Wtop D 0.184DBH2.384 R2 D 0,98, n D 8 Present study
Wtop D 0.056DBH2H1.0065 R2 D 0.99, n D 8
Forest Science and Technology 47

Table 3. Biomass in the stem, branch/twig, leaf, aboveground, and biomass density of Lumnitzera racemosa stands.

Stand Density Stem biomass Branch biomass Leaf biomass Aboveground Biomass density
Stands age (yrs) (no. indiv. ha¡1) (ton ha¡1) (ton ha¡1) (ton ha¡1) biomass (ton ha¡1) (ton ha¡1 m¡1)

1 54 2000 121.60 54.31 15.10 191.01 23.34

2 46 3400 123.04 45.88 14.32 179.72 28.54
3 42 8500 135.68 37.70 15.13 188.50 29.80
4 49 2300 88.14 34.24 10,60 132.98 21.56
5 28 8000 30.89 8.26 3.42 42.58 5.80
6 24 11900 19.82 4.32 2.10 26.23 4.07
7 26 4700 52.12 11.86 5.60 69.55 10.90
8 29 4100 65.47 17.34 7.23 90.04 14.31
9 29 2900 48.73 13.22 5.41 67.36 10.73
Mean 36.33 5311 76.16 25.24 8.76 109.77 16.56

the use of independent variables in allometric equations Japan (Khan et al. 2009). Moreover, the biomass of L.
for estimating the biomass of aboveground components of racemosa was comparable with values recorded elsewhere
mangrove species. The allometric relationships described (see Table 4).
in this article may not be appropriate in mixed or open for- Biomass density (aboveground biomass/mean tree
est stands, because this study was carried out under mono- height) of L. racemosa forest varied among stands
specific and closed canopy conditions. For estimating the (Table 3). The biomass density of L. racemosa trees at
biomass of trees outside the size range of this investiga- mature stands was high, ranging from 21.56 to 29.80 ton
tion, care should be taken in extrapolating the present ha¡1 m¡1, with a mean of 25.81 ton ha¡1 m¡1, which is
allometric relationships. Further studies to include other much higher than that of K. obovata (22.30 ton ha¡1 m¡1)
plant species could improve the goodness of fit found in forest (Khan et al. 2009). On the other hand, the present
this research. data of the biomass density of L. racemosa at young
stands was low, ranging from 4.07 to 14.31 ton ha¡1 m¡1,
with a mean of 9.16 ton ha¡1 m¡1. In most mangroves,
Trends in aboveground biomass the biomass density appears to be higher than other types
Table 3 describes the trends in stem biomass, branches/ of terrestrial forest, while the tropical zones (i.e., lower
twigs biomass, leaf biomass, and aboveground biomass, latitudes) show lower biomass density and higher latitudes
as well as biomass density of L. racemosa stands. Stem show higher biomass density (Khan et al. 2009; Deshar
biomass of L. racemosa ranged from 19.82 to 135.68 ton et al. 2012).
ha¡1 for young and mature stands, respectively, with a These variations in aboveground biomass may depend
mean of 76.16 ton ha¡1. Branch biomass was estimated as on many environmental factors including stand character-
54.31 ton ha¡1 in mature stands, but as just 4.32 ton ha¡1 istics, species, as well as ecological circumstances and
in young stands, with a mean of 25.24 ton ha¡1. On the geographical location (Komiyama et al. 2008). Previous
other hand, leaf biomass ranged from 2.10 ton ha¡1 in work (Table 4) shows that high total aboveground bio-
young stands up to 15.13 ton ha¡1 in mature stands, with mass of Rhizopora apiculata growing in Matang, Malay-
a mean of 8.76 ton ha¡1. However, aboveground biomass sia ranges from 270 to 460 ton ha¡1 (Putz and Chan
of L. racemosa varied among stands, ranging from 26.23 (1986), and reached 436.4 ton ha¡1 for B. gymnorrhiza
ton ha¡1 in young stands (2429 years old) up to 191.01 and 356.8 ton ha¡1 for R. apiculata growing in Halma-
ton ha¡1 in mature stands (4254 years old), with a mean hera, Indonesia (Komiyama et al. 1987). In this study,
of 109.77 ton ha¡1. Biomass studies of mangroves have aboveground biomass of L. racemosa was much lower
been done in many parts of the world with many different when compared to the biomass of these other mangroves.
species of mangroves including Bruguiera gymnorrhiza However, a comparison with the aboveground biomass
(Suzuki and Tagawa 1983; Komiyama et al. 1988; Deshar for other global mangroves worldwide (Table 4) indicates
et al. 2012), B. parviflora (Kusmana et al. 1992; Hossein that the aboveground biomass of L. racemosa forest in the
et al. 2008), B. sexangula (Kusmana et al. 1992), Ceriops RAWN Park, Indonesia was much higher than that of
tagal (Komiyama et al. 1988), Kandelia obovata (Khan Kandelia candel in Hong Kong, China (Lee 1990), or of
et al. 2009), Rhizophora mucronata (Suzuki and Tagawa R. mangle in Mexico (Day et al. 1996) and in Florida
1983), and R. apiculata (Putz and Chan 1986; Chandra (Ross 2001). Conversely, aboveground biomass of
et al. 2011). Our study showed that aboveground biomass L. racemosa was much lower than that of tropical fringe
of L. racemosa was much higher than that of several other and basin mangroves in the Dominican Republic
mangrove species, including B. parviflora and B. sexan- (Sherman et al. 2003). These differences in aboveground
gula, which grow in East Sumatra, Indonesia (Kusmana biomass of mangroves occurring in different regions may
et al. 1992), and K. obovata, which grow in Okinawa, not only be due to differences in stand structure, but also
48 A. Kangkuso et al.

Table 4. List of aboveground biomass of mangrove forests in different regions of the world.

Aboveground Mean tree

Places Mangroves biomass (ton ha¡1) height (m) References

Dominican Republic Rhizophora mangle 233 Sherman et al. (2003)
Florida, USA R. mangle 56 Ross et al. (2001)
Mexico R. mangle 135 Day et al. (1996)
Japan (Okinawa) R. mucronata 108.1 5.5 Suzuki and Tagawa (1983)
Japan (Okinawa) Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 97.6 5.5 Suzuki and Tagawa (1983)
Japan (Okinawa) Kandelia obovata 80.5 3.61 Khan et al. (2009)
Hong Kong K. candel 128.6 Lee (1990)
Malaysia (Matang) R. apiculata 270460 Putz and Chan (1986)
Malaysia (Kuala Selangor) B. parviflora 144.47 Hossein et al. (2008)
Malaysia (Lawas) R. apiculata 116.79 12.16 Chandra et al. (2011)
Thailand (Ranong Southern) Rhizophora spp. forest 298.5 Komiyama et al. (1987)
Thailand (Satun Southern) Ceriops tagal 92.2 5.2 Komiyama et al. (2000)
Thailand (Ranong Southern) Rhizophora spp. 281.2 10.6 Komiayama et al. (1987)
Indonesia (Halmahera) B. gymnorrhiza 436.4 22.4 Tamai et al. (1986)
Indonesia (Halmahera) R. apiculata 356.8 21.2 Komiyama et al. (1988)
Indonesia (East Sumatra) B. sexangula 279.0 21.7 Komiyama et al. (1988)
Indonesia (Halmahera) R. stylosa 178.2 22.3 Kusmana et al. (1992)
Indonesia (Halmahera) Sonneratia sp 169.1 15.9 Komiyama et al. (1988)
Indonesia (East Sumatra) B. parviflora 89.7 18.8 Komiyama et al. (1988)
Indonesia (East Sumatra) B. sexangula 76.0 17.1 Kusmana et al. (1992)
Indonesia (Southeast Sulawesi) Lumnitzera racemosa (mature stands) Mean 173.15 8.2 Present study
Indonesia (Southeast Sulawesi) Lumnitzera racemosa (young stands) Mean 59.05 5.4 Present study

to differences in climatic factors. At any given latitude, well as community structure of mangroves (Lin 1999).
high values of biomass in mangroves indicate optimum The mangrove species grown as draft type in unsuitable
growing conditions such as low salinity, high fertility, and conditions or mangrove grown in sparse might be allo-
favorable climatic conditions (Saenger and Snedaker cated more aboveground biomass for branches and leaf
1993). Therefore, the present results imply that biomass rather than for stem. Our present study shows that alloca-
of mangroves might be attributed to the characteristics of tion of stem biomass in L. racemosa forest was much
mangrove stands (e.g., whether stands are crowded or higher than in R. apiculata forest (Table 6) in Lawas,
not), mangrove developmental stage (whether stands are Malaysia (Chandra et al. 2011), but it was much lower
mature or young), and habitat conditions, including salin- when compared to B. parviflora (Table 6) growing in
ity and nutrient availability. Langkawi Island, Malaysia (Norhayati and Latif 2001).
The proportion of biomass in each component of
L. racemosa trees (Table 5) varied (i.e., the proportion of Table 5. Proportion of biomass components for Lumnitzera
stem biomass in mature stands was estimated at < 70%, racemosa stands.
except in stand no. 3). On the other hand, most young
stands showed high proportions of stem biomass Proportion of biomass (%)
(> 70%), while only 20% was branch biomass and Stands Stem Branch Leaf
< 10% was leaf biomass. This means that allocation of
biomass in the stem and branches for L. racemosa forest 1 63.66 28.43 7.91
might be affected by stand age because, as shown in 2 67.30 25.39 7.31
Table 5, the branch biomass allocation of L. racemosa in 3 71.98 20.00 8.02
mature stands was much higher than in young stands. On 4 66.28 25.75 7.97
the other hand, stem biomass allocation in young stands 5 72.71 19.26 8.03
was much higher than in mature stands. However, above- 6 72.34 19.62 8.04
ground biomass allocation in mangrove forest may not 7 72.54 19.44 8.02
only depend on stand age, but also on habitat characteris- 8 75.54 16.48 7.98
tics or edaphic factors including water logging, nutrient 9 74.94 17.05 8.01
availability, and salinity (Robertson and Alongi 1992), as Mean 70.81 21.27 7.92
Forest Science and Technology 49

Table 6. Comparison of proportion of biomass for each component of mangroves in different places.

Proportion of biomass (%)

Location (countries) Species Stem Branch Leaf References

Langkawi Island, Malaysia Bruguiera parviflora 90.0 9.10 0.90 Norhayati and Latif (2001)
Lawas, Malaysia Rhizophora apiculata 57.30 35.09 7.61 Chandra et al. (2011)
RAWN Park, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Lumnitzera racemosa 70.94 21.28 8.00 Present study

Previous studies have shown that biomass allocation ORCID

below and aboveground varies among mangroves. For Analuddin Kangkuso
example, nearly 50% of mangrove biomass is allocated to
the root for C. tagal growing in Satun, Thailand
(Komiyama et al. 2000) and for K. obovata growing in
Okinawa Island, Japan (Khan et al. 2009). On the other References
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ing in Matang, Malaysia was < 25% (Gong and Ong spatial trends in the structural characteristics of mangrove
1990), while it was < 15% for B. parviflora growing in forest at the Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, South-
Kuala Selangor, Malaysia (Hossein et al. 2008). These east Sulawesi, Indonesia. Inter J Plant Sci. 4(8):214221.
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integrated mechanisms between the internal and external mangrove forest. Amer J Agric Biol Sci. 6(4):469474.
factors that maintain the aboveground biomass of L. race- Christensen B. 1978. Biomass and productivity of Rhizophora
apiculata B1 in a mangrove in southern Thailand. Aquat
mosa forest. Bot. 4:4352.
Clough BF. 1998. Mangrove forest productivity and biomass
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Conclusions Mars. 2:191198.
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