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Student: Lourdes Duarte

Subject: Práctica docente III

School year: 2023
Teacher: Alejandra Velazquez
Class N°: 5
School: Colegio Santísima Virgen Niña Nº 3130
Course: 1º “B”
N° of Students: 24
Background: Normal School. Students have English twice a week.
Language functions: Expressing family relationships clearly when talking to friends, at school, or in social situations.
Linguistics exponents: mother, father, son, daughter, mother –in- law, father-in-law, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, cousin, niece,
nephew, grandparents, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepmother, stepfather.

Lexical items: -
Previous knowledge: Personal pronouns, Have/Has got, Adjectives.
Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will … identify and express family relationships.
Anticipated problems:
o Lose control of the class due to the lack of interest by the students.

o Students may not know much/anything about the topic.

º The principal or a teacher interrupts the class to communicate something.

º The students could have a discussion.

º The professor or the students are late for class.

º That a student disturbs his/her classmates or interrupts the professor when he/she is speaking.

Possible solutions:
o Build on the students the knowledge by giving them information they need to deal with the task in the lesson

o Arrive earlier to double-check everything.

º Give them a break of 5 minutes before the lesson is over.

º Congratulate them when they do their activities.

Stages Techniques/ Aims Activities Aids/Resour Timing
strategies ces
Warm up Listening Students will be able The Trainee Teacher Teacher’s voice, 5min
to be in the “English will say hi to the board, chalks.
mood” students and ask
them how they feel
today, and then she
will write the date on
the board.

Listening Students will be able The Trainee Teacher will Board, teacher´s 10min
to recognize the tell the students that the voice, chalks,
Feedback subject of the day is:
Global FAMILY MEMBERS. pictures.
family members.
presentation Using the board
Then she will explain
that the family members
are: parents, mother,
father, son, daughter,
mother –in- law, father-
in-law, sister, brother,
uncle, aunt, cousin,
niece, nephew,
grandmother, grandson,
granddaughter, brother-
in-law, sister-in-law,
stepmother, stepfather.
They are words used to
express family
relationships clearly
when talking to friends,
at school, or in social

- The Tt will copy

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