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Instituto Superior Dardo Rocha

Trabajo Práctico N 1
Cultura 4
“An outline of British History”
Profesor Santiago Mansilla
Alumno/a :
Deadline : June 28 th.

You must write a short paragraph for each of the following topics.

1. In the early period of English history, various groups settled in England: first the Celts,
then the Romans, then the Anglo-Saxons and then the Vikings. In the beginning, none of
these groups were Christian, but they all became Christian. Explain how this happened.
2. In 1066 the Norman French invaded England. Explain how England changed after the
Norman invasion.
3. The Elizabethan period, or Tudor period, is also known as the English Renaissance. Why
is this period known as the English renaissance?
4. What were the causes of the English Civil War? What changes did it have on English
politics and society?
5. In the 17th, 18th and 19th century England became an empire with colonies all around the
world. Describe the commercial or economic consequences of this.

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