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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Section A
( 20 marks ) Questions
1 to 5

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. Mother is _______________ the plants in the garden.

A. water
B. waters
C. watered
D. watering

2. This is the pen _____________ my sister bought for me from New Zealand.
A. what
B. whose
C. when
D. which

3. The staircase in this castle is not as _____________ as the staircase in that

A. narrower
B. narrowest
C. narrow
D. more narrow

4. Mother bought six pineapples from the cold storage. One of ___________ apples
was rotten.
A. a

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B. an
C. the
D. -
5. They ________________ Mathematic extra class every Monday evening.
A. attend
B. attends
C. attended
D. attending

Questions 6
Choose the most suitable proverb to complete the sentence below.

6. Halim is Shahril’s best friend. Halim helps Shahril whenever he needs him. As
the saying goes …….
A. look before you leap
B. friend in need is a friend indeed
C. practice makes perfect
D. silence is golden

English Language Year 6 : Diagnostic Test: Pemahaman

Questions 7-9
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follow.

Faris and his friends are playing football in the field. Suddenly, Faris

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

________________ (7) over a stone ________________(8) falls down. He hurts his

left knee and it is bleeding. Faris walks home_______________(9) . His mother

cleans the cut on his knee and applies some ointment on it.

7. A stumble
B stumbles
C stumbled
D stumbling

8. A or
B so
C and
D but

9. A quickly
B hurriedly
C gently
D slowly
Questions 10
Choose the best word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10. Aiman’s room used to be dirty but now it is _______________.

A fair

B clean

C white

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D fragrant

Questions 11
Choose the word with the correct spelling.
11. An ___________ family includes parents, children, grandparents, uncles,
aunts, cousins, nephews, and nieces.

A exteended

B extended

C extanded

D extendeed

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Questions 12-15
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that

There was a book fair in Rina’s town last week. Many parents and

___________________ ( 12 ) children were there to browse and also to buy the books.

There ______________ ( 13 ) many schoolbooks, storybooks, revision books and

other types of books. A salesgirl was ____________ ( 14 ) the books from her

company to the people there. Raina and her sister bought _______________ ( 15 )

storybooks and guidebooks. After that, they went home.

12. A his

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

B my
C our
D their

13. A is
B are
C was
D were

14. A promote
B promotes
C promoted
D promoting

15. A any
B few
C some
D muchQuestions 16 to 18
Read the following passage below and answer the questions that follow.


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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Lot 88, level 3, Sunrise Shopping

Try Charlie’s Crispy Barbeque Chicken, our most popular dish.
Charlie’s Crispy Barbeque Chicken our most
popular elicious dishes specially prepared by our

• Steamed garlic chicken• Cabbage fried

with pra
• Black pepper chicken• Spinach fried
with gar • Roasted honey chicken•
Mixed vegetables
• Sweet and sour chicken• Long beans
fried with
• Chicken in lemon sauce
• Fried bean sprouts

Lunch Set : RM 9.00 Children : RM 5.00
Special Offer : RM 25 for 2 adults and 2 children

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Enjoy your food in our air-conditioned restaurant….

16. The restaurant is _______________ a shopping complex.
A. in
B. near
C. opposite
D. behind

17. What is the restaurant famous for?

A. steamed chicken
B. roasted honey chicken
C. black pepper chicken
D. crispy barbeque chicken

18. Mr. and Mrs. Sujit Singh have 2 children. They take the lunch set at Charlie’s
Place. How much does their meal cost?
A. Nine ringgit
B. Nineteen ringgit
C. Twenty-three ringgit
D. Twenty-five ringgit

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English Language Year 6 : Diagnostic Test: Pemahaman 013
Questions 19 to 20
Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.

A teenager with a ponytail and wearing a T-shirt entered the stationery

shop. She went to the back shelf to choose some files. There were some other
customers in the shop. A young man was looking at the magazine on the
bookrack to buy. A few children were looking at the school bags and
stationeries. The shop assistants were busy attending the customers. The
cashiers were at the counters. They were attending the customers who queued
up to pay for the things they had bought.
All of sudden, a lady screamed loudly. Everyone panic. Then they saw a
man with moustache. He was grabbing the collar of the teenager’s T-shirt
angrily. There was a gold chain in her hand. The teenager was caught
redhanded while snatching the lady’s gold chain from her neck. The supervisor
quickly called the police station. The police patrol car arrived a few minutes
later. The policeman arrested the snatchers.

19. Where do you think the teenager was taken after the incident?
A. her house
B. police station
C. court
D. the lady’s house

20. The phrase caught red-handed means that one…..

A. was wearing red T-shirt
B. was caught at the counter

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C. had bought a red school bag
D. was caught while doing the act 10

English Language Year 6 : Diagnostic Test: Pemahaman 013

Section B
( 30 marks )
Questions 21

Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.

(a) Answer


( 2 marks )

(b) Answer

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____________________________ ____________________________

( 2 marks )

(c) Answer

____________________________ ____________________________

( 2 marks )
English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013
Questions 22
Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow

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Ladies ad gentlemen, we have arrived in Kuala Kuala Terengganu. Our tour
bus will stop at this town for four hours. You are free to go where you like, but
please return to the bus punctually at 2.00 p.m. We will go on to Dungun and
Kemaman in the evening.

If you wish to go to the waterfront along Sungai Terengganu, walk down Jalan
Masjid and turn right at the junction into Jalan Sultan Ismail. Go straight until you
reach the jetty.

On the way to the jetty, you will pass the handicraft centre called Desa Craft.
At the jetty, turn right. Along the waterfront are many stalls selling fish. All the fish
is fresh as it has just been brought back by fishermen. Across the river is Pulau
Buyung which is famous for boat-building.

Most tourist enjoy shopping at the Central Market. There are all kids of
Malaysian handicrafts such as batik and songketon sale. You can also buy local
food at reasonable prices. Try the keropoklekorwhich is made from fish and sago.
To go to the Central Market, walk up this road and turn left into Jalan Jail. At the
end of Jalan Jail, turn right into Jalan Bonggol. The market is just round the

Another place to visit is the state museum. There are many things about
Terengganu that you could learn and it worth a visit, but I suggest you take a taxi to
get there. The main part of the museum is built on sixteen stilts.
Have a pleasant time, but remember to be back here on time.
Write True or False in the space provided.

a) The tour bus had arrived at Terengganu in the morning.

a) To go to the waterfront, the tourists will have to walk down

Jalan Masjid and go across the river.

( 2 marks )

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) List two things that tourist can do at the central Market.

(i) _________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark

) (ii) _________________________________________________________ ( 1

mark )

(d) Do you think Terengganu is a worth visit place. Which sentence text tell you

Answer : ____________________________________________________( 1
mark )

Sentence : ____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(e) If you were a tourist, which part of Kuala Terengganu would you visit?




( 2 marks )

English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Questions 23

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Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.


Do you love reading? Enjoy helping people?
Here‘s your chance to do both.
The Red Crescent Society is having a book fair.
Books will be sold from RM 2 to RM 30.
For every book sold, 35% will be donated to the Sunshine Orphanage.
Let’s do our part to help those in need!



Place: DewanOrangRamai,
Time: 10 a.m.– 9.00 p.m.
Date: 11/06/2018
– 15/06/2018
• Dates may be extended if response is good

Circle the correct answer to fill in the blank.

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Example :
Amir wants to go to the circus. He need to pay _________.

RM 5 RM 15 RM 8

(a) Which society is having a book fair?

St John’s Ambulance The Red Cross Society The Red Crescent Society

( 1 mark )

List A List B

Book will be sold if it is well received.

The orphanage will receive at Dewan Orang Ramai.

The book fair will be held some money for every book sold.

The book fair may be extended from RM 2 to RM 30

(b) The book fair will be last for __________________.

. 3 days 4 days 5 days

( 1 mark )

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is
given below.

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( 2 mark )

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Write your answer in the space provided.

(d) List two other things you can donate to the orphanage.



__ ii)



( 2 mark )

(e) Would you go to the event? Give your reason.



( 2 mark )

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Questions 24 and 25
Study the poster and read the message below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

8th Young Painters’ Art Competition

Young artists between 8 and 12 years old are invited to
submit their artwork for the above competition.

Theme : City Landscape

Medium : Oil, charcoal or water colour

What to do :

• Scan and email your artwork to

• Write your personal details in a separate email
• Wait for the preliminary judging
• Wait to be notified if your artwork has been chosen for for the final
round ( notification on 30 April 2018 )
• Winners will be announced and prizes will be awarded.

Last day of submission is 11 April 2018

Hello Yarlini,

I’ve some exciting information to tell you. There is an art

competition with the theme ‘City Landscape’. You can use a variety of
media to create your masterpiece. I’ve attached the notice too. I hope
you enter the competition because I believe you have a good chance of

All the best, Yarlini.

Your friend,
Questions 24

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013

Tick (√) the correct answer..

(a) Young artist who have entered the competition will only know if they are in the
final round……

on 30 April

After 11 April

By 30 April
( 1 mark )

(b) “You can use a variety of media to create your masterpiece”. The word
masterpiece in the email refers to…..
the competition

the landscape

the artwork
( 1 mark )

Questions 25
Write your answer in the space provided.

‘All the best, Yarlini’

Why does Atikah say this?


____________________________________________________________________ ( 2

marks )

(b) Why do you think Atikah attached the notice in the email?

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English Language Year 6 : PKSR 1 : Pemahaman 013



( 2 marks )

(c) Yarlini has decided to enter the art competition. What should she do by 11




BAHAGIAN B TAMAT ( 2 marks )

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