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Chapter 02 Class X: English

Chinese New Year

The Chapter Includes

 Chinese traditions for celebration of the new year‟s.

 Significance of their traditions for the Chinese families.
 All the celebrations and traditions are centred on sharing happiness and best wishes
for the coming year.

Key Points

 Chinese New Year is a holiday that celebrates the beginning of a new year according
to the Chinese lunar calendar.
 In China, the lunar calendar is still used to determine traditional holidays like Chinese
New Year.
 Prior to the first day of the New Year, it is customary for families to thoroughly clean
their houses.
 All cleaning must be finished before New Year‟s Day.
 The houses are thoroughly decorated after the cleaning.

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

 On the eve of the Chinese New Year, it is customary to visit relatives and partake in a
large dinner where a number of specific foods are served.
 Every year is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.
 Chinese New Year is a time when the family should come together in order to give
thanks for the year that has passed, and reinvigorate themselves for the coming year.

Words Parts of
Meaning Sentence
1. gatherings noun meetings, There was a great gathering in our uncle‟s
convention house few days ago.
2. festive adjective relating to a The festive day of Eid brings joy to everyone.
3. customary adjective traditional, She arranged everything with her customary
usual efficiency.
4. prior adjective coming before The teacher revealed the questions prior to
in time giving the exams.
5. thoroughly adjective completely You should always read the instructions on
medicines thoroughly.
6. warding off phrasal
to avoid being Don't forget insect repellent to ward off the
hit by mosquitoes.
7. commonplace adjective ordinary Computers are now commonplace in primary
8. partake verb join in They preferred not to partake in the social life
of the town.
9. prosperity noun wealth In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity
we know our friends.
10. long-lasting adjective existing for a It can be one of the most helpful and long-
long period of lasting things that a friend can do.
11. traits noun characteristics, Persistence is the common trait of anyone who
qualities, has had a significant impact on the world.
12. reinvigorate verb to give vigour, This not only alleviates boredom, it can
energize reinvigorate you.

I. Choose the correct option

1. Chinese New year is a holiday that _________ the beginning of a new year.
(A) celebrate (B) celebrates (C) celebrated (D) being celebrated
2. The new year day typically _____ somewhere between January 21 and February 20th

(A) fall (B) fallen (C) falls (D) fell

3. People _____ flowers for the home as it symbolizes the coming of spring and a new beginning.
(A) buy (B) buys (C) bought (D) are buying

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

4. Some people _______ that those born during the year of a particular animal may have character
traits of the animal.
(A) believed (B) believes (C) believe (D) did believe
5. Chinese New year is a time when the families _______ together to celebrate the coming year.
(A) come (B) comes (C) have come (D) are coming
6. Good students always ____ hard.
(A) works (B) work (C) worked (D) are working
7. She ____ English at present.
(A) learn (B) learns (C) learned (D) is learning
8. The children _____ to the teacher at the moment.
(A) listened (B) are listening (C) listen (D) listens
9. I _____ a book daily.
(A) read (B) reads (C) am reading (D) have read
10. The boy ______ to the school daily.
(A) go (B) goes (C) has gone (D) is going

II. Choose the correct spellings

11. (A) accociated (B) associated (C) asociated (D) esoceated
12. (A) popular (B) papular (C) popolar (D) pupular
13. (A) spacific (B) specifik (C) specific (D) spesific
14. (A) envalopes (B) envalops (C) envelopse (D) envelopes
15. (A) character (B) chracter (C) charakter (D) caracter
16. (A) asoceation (B) association (C) assoceation (D) assosiation
17. (A) custamary (B) custamury (C) customary (D) customery
18. (A) dacline (B) dicline (C) dikline (D) decline
19. (A) lunar (B) lunare (C) lunir (D) luner
20. (A) courege (B) courage (C) curige (D) corige
21. (A) reigoratien (B) rinvgeorate (C) reinvigorate (D) reinvigourate
22. (A) encorige (B) ancourege (C) encorage (D) encourage
23. (A) practice (B) prectice (C) prectis (D) prectise
24. (A) bilive (B) believe (C) beleive (D) belive
25. (A) previlege (B) prevelege (C) privilege (D) previllege
26. (A) prospaerity (B) prosperety (C) prosparity (D) prosperity
27. (A) excellent (B) excillant (C) excellant (D) excelent
28. (A) simbolize (B) symbolize (C) cymbolize (D) symbolise
29. (A) recepient (B) recepeant (C) recipient (D) recepeent

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

III. Choose the correct meanings of the underlined words

30. Chinese New Year is a holiday that celebrates the beginning of a new year according to the
Chinese lunar calendar.
(A) inception (B) outcome (C) end (D) completion
31. In China, the lunar calendar is still used to determine traditional holidays like Chinese New
(A) different (B) rare (C) almost (D) conventional
32. Prior to the first day of the New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly clean their
(A) following (B) preceding (C) subsequent (D) later
33. Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with death.
(A) rivalry (B) attraction (C) relation (D) division
34. Buying flowers for the home is also commonplace since they symbolize the coming of spring
and a new beginning.
(A) represent (B) convey (C) explain (D) hide
35. Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the Chinese
word „fu‟ written on them.
(A) law (B) rule (C) rare (D) practice
36. Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the Chinese
word „fu‟ written on them.
(A) love and sincerity (B) luck and happiness
(C) care and affection (D) sad and gloomy
37. These animals are often represented in decorations.
(A) symmetry (B) exterior
(C) beautification (D) flowering
38. In Chinese language, the word eight means:
(A) prosperity (B) sadness (C) happiness (D) long-lasting
39. In Chinese language, the word nine means
(A) prosperity (B) sadness (C) happiness (D) long-lasting
40. Envelopes are not to be opened until the recipient has left the home of the giver.
(A) giver (B) expert (C) younger (D) receiver
41. Every year is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac.
(A) middle (B) cycle (C) exterior (D) interior
42. Some people believe that those born during the year particular animal may have the character
(A) facilities (B) buildings (C) personality (D) features
43. Chinese families come together in order to give thanks for the coming year that has passed, and
reinvigorate themselves for the coming year.
(A) sad (B) enjoy (C) strengthen (D) cry
44. Buying flowers for the home is also commonplace since they symbolize the coming of spring
and a new beginning.
(A) usual (B) unusual (C) specific (D) particular

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

IV. Choose the correction according to grammar

45. The class has just had a physics lesson. The underlined word is a/an:
(A) collective noun (B) abstract noun
(C) adjective (D) gerund
46. The gang of robbers was arrested by the police. The underlined word is a/an:
(A) abstract noun (B) concrete noun
(C) adverb (D) collective noun
47. His happiness was apparent in his behaviour. The underlined word is a/an:
(A) concrete noun (B) abstract noun
(C) collective noun (D) adverb
48. The gang of robbers was arrested by the police. The underlined word is a/an:
(A) abstract noun (B) concrete noun
(C) adverb (D) collective noun
49. Children are playing cricket in the ground. This sentence is an example of:
(A) past continuous (B) present continuous
(C) present indefinite (D) future indefinite
50. You do not watch movies. This sentence is an example of:
(A) past continuous (B) present continuous
(C) present indefinite (D) future indefinite

Objective (From the Chapter)

1. On the arrival of the new year in China, symbolic foods are eaten, colours used and gifts
exchanged, all focusing on one thing i.e.
A. love B. good luck C. patriotism D. joy
2. Chinese New Year fall somewhere________.
A. on January 21 B. on February 20
st th
C. between January 21 and February 20 D. March 20th
3. All cleaning must be done:
A. before New Year’s Day B. on the New Year‟s Day
C. after the New Year‟s Day D. on the beginning of the month
4. Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with:
A. sadness B. depression C. death D. enmity
5. Wearing red is encouraged due to its association with:
A. the colour of rose B. the colour of blood
C. happiness and joy D. warding off bad spirits
6. In Chinese language, the word „eight‟ means:
A. prosperity B. joy C. happiness D. tasty
7. In Chinese language, the word „nine‟ means:
A. transient B. long-lasting
C. accomplishment D. thanksgiving

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

Translation (English to Urdu)

1. Chinese New Year is a holiday that celebrates the beginning of a new year according to
the Chinese lunar calendar. It is considered to be one of the most important holidays for
Chinese families. The holiday is celebrated with big family gatherings, gift giving, the
eating of symbolic foods and display of festive decorations – all focused on bringing
good luck for the New Year and celebrating the coming of spring. In China, the lunar
calendar is still used to determine traditional holidays like Chinese New Year. Since the
lunar calendar is based on the phases of moon – which has a shorter cycle than the sun.
Chinese New Year is never on the same day each year, but typically falls somewhere
between January 21st and February 20th. Celebrations can actually last up to a month.
Here are some traditions associated with Chinese New Year.

،‫سےسامہویٹھچںںیمےس کایوصتریکاجیتےہ۔اسیٹھچےکدنوک ببڑے ببڑےاخدنایناامتجاعت‬ ‫ینیچاخدناونںےئلیک ب‬
‫العیتمزغاںیئاھکےناوررپترستآراںوشںےسانم کااجاےہ۔امتمبڑوتہجےئناسلےئلیکوخشیتمسقالےناور‬،‫احتئدےنی‬
‫وممساہبریکآدمےکنشجرپرموکزوہیتےہ ۔نیچںیمرمقیکیکلیکیڈرابیھبروایتیایٹھچںاسیجہکوینیچںےکےئناسلاک‬
‫ےلہپدناکنیعترکےنےئلیکاامعتسلایکاجاےہ۔وچہکنرمقیڈنلیکریک دایددندنےکرمولحںرپینبمےہسجاک دوروسرجےک‬
‫فڑوریےک‬12‫ ونجریاور‬12‫ہدہعف کاییہروزںیہنوہا۔نکیلاعموطررپ‬ ِ ‫اقمےلبںیموھچاوہاےہ۔وینیچںاک‬
‫اسلون ڑ‬
:‫درایمنںیہکآاےہ۔رقتابیت کایامہیرہیتکسںیہ۔ینیچےئناسلکلسنمھچکروا کاتدنمرہجذلیںیہ‬
Cleaning Houses and New Clothes
2. Prior to the first day of the New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly clean
their houses. Doing this is said to clear out any bad luck from the previous year and to
make the house ready to accept good luck for the coming year. All cleaning must be
finished before New Year‟s Day so there is no chance of accidentally throwing out the
good fortune of the New Year. Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with
death, however, wearing red is encouraged as the colour is associated with warding off
bad spirits.

‫ےئناسل ےک ےلہپ روز ےس لبق اخدنان روایتی وطر رپ اےنپ رھگوں یک لمکم وطر رپ افصک یئ رکےت ںیہ۔ ا اجا ہک زگہتش اسل یک‬
‫دبیتمسق وک اصف رکےن اور آےن واےل اسل ےئلیک وخش یتمسق وک وبقل رکےن ےئلیک رھگ وک ایتر رےنھک ےک ےئلااسی ایک اجا ےہ۔ امتم‬
‫افصک یئےئناسلےکےلہپروزےسلبقمتخوہاجیندنےیہاہکےئناسلیکوخشیتمسقوکاحدایتوطررپ یھب ابہڑےنکنیھپاکوکک یئومعق‬
‫ف‬ ‫ف‬
‫امہرسخرنےننہپیکوحہلصازفاک یئیکاجیت‬،‫ہنرےہ۔ومتےسکلسنموہےنیکوہجےسایسہرنےننہپیکااجزتںیہنوہیت‬
Decorating the House
3. Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the
Chinese word „fu‟ written on them, which means luck and happiness. Buying flowers for

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

the home is also commonplace since they symbolize the coming of spring and a new
‫ف‬ ‫ف‬
‫کایاوروہشمرمسدرازوںاورڑھکویکںرپاشرےاورااہتشرات ک‬
‫ف ف‬
‫تمسقاوروخیشےہ۔رھگےئلیکوھپلخ کڑیایھباعمےہویکہکنوہوممساہبریکآدماورےئنآاغزیکالعمںیہ۔‬
New Year’s Eve Dinner
4. On the eve of the Chinese New Year it is customary to visit relatives and partake in a
large dinner where a number of specific foods are served. It is typical for a Chinese
family to make eight to nine dishes for the New Year‟s Eve dinner because in Chinese
language the word „eight‟ means „prosperity‟ and the word „nine‟ means „long-lasting‟.
‫رشیوہااعمرواجےہاہجںےبامشروصخیص‬ ‫وینیچںےکےئناسلےکومعقرپرہتشداروںےسانلم ب‬
‫اوربڑےاھکےنںیم ک‬
‫اھکےنشیپےئکاجےتںیہ۔ےئناسلےکومعقرپراتےکاھکےنںیمآھٹےسوناھکےنانباینیچاخدنانیک کای ک‬
‫ویکہکنینیچزابنںیمظفل’آھٹ‘ اکبلطم’وخاحشیل‘ اورظفل’ون‘ اکبلطم’ز کادہ ک ڑ‬
‫دبیاقمئرےنہواال‘ ےہ۔‬
Giving Good Luck Gifts
5. It is a traditional practice for adults to give children little red envelopes filled with money
in order to symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year. It is also common for
elders to present red packets to unmarried members of the family. Envelopes are not to
be opened until the recipient has left the home of the giver.
‫آدنئہاسلےئلیکدولاوروخاحشیلیکالعمےکوطر ب‬
‫رپبڑوںاکوچبںوکرمقےسرھبےوہےئوھچےٹرسخافلےفدانی کای‬
‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬
‫روایتیرطہقیےہ۔ ببڑروگںاکاخدنانےکریغشدیدشہافڑادوکافلےفشیپرکایھباعمےہ۔افلےفییںیہنوھکےل‬
‫اجےت ب ب‬
‫جیےنیلواےلدےنیواےلےکرھگےس الہناجےئ۔‬
Honouring the Animal
6. Every year is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. These
animals are often represented in decorations. Some people believe that those born during
the year of a particular animal may have the character traits of that animal.

‫ہڑاسلینیچ ببڑجےکامہابرہاجونروںںیم کایےکاسھتکلسنمےہ۔ہیاجونرارثکاسامنِ آراشئںیمشیپےئکاجےتںیہ۔ھچک‬

‫ولگنیقیرےتھکںیہوہولگوج کایاخصاجونرےکاسلےکدوراندیپاوہےتںیہانںیماساجونریکوخایبںوہیتکسںیہ۔‬
7. Chinese New Year is a time when the family should come together in order to give
thanks for the year that has passed, and reinvigorate themselves for the coming year.

‫ونیچںاکایناسل کایااسیوقوہاےہ ب ب‬

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

Exercise Questions

A. Form a noun from the given words and use the nouns in sentences.

Words Nouns Sentences

gather gathering She use to avoid every family gathering.
symbolic symbolism The symbolism is complicated and relies on a great
deal of background information.
prosper prosperity The growth of tourism brought prosperity to the
decorate decoration The decoration on the cake was a work of art.
encourage encouragement With a little encouragement from his parents he
should do well.

Reading Comprehension
A. Choose the correct option.
1. Chinese New Year falls somewhere ___________.
a. on 21st January
b. On February 20th
c. Between January 21st and February 20th
2. Paragraph 1 gives ________.
a. a. General details of festivals
b. Specific details of the Chinese New Year
c. General details of new year celebrations
3. It is customary for families to thoroughly clean their houses ______.
a. Before the first day of the New Year
b. On the first day of the New Year
c. On the second day of the New Year
4. Hanging up signs and posters on doors and windows means ________.
a. Love and sincerity
b. Care and affection
c. Luck and happiness
5. Envelopes are not to be opened until:
a. The giver has left the home of the recipient
b. The recipient has left the home of the giver
c. The giver has gone to sleep

B. Answer the following questions.

1. When does Chinese New Year start?
Ans. Chinese New Year falls somewhere between January 21st and February 20th. It is
never on the same day as it follows the lunar calendar which depends on the phases of
the moon.

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

2. Why do Chinese families do thorough cleaning of their houses before New Year’s
Ans. Chinese families believe that if they clean houses before New Year it will clear
out any bad luck from the previous year and will make the house ready to accept good
luck for the coming year.

3. Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New
Year? Why?
Ans. On Chinese New Year black colour is not allowed as it is a symbol of death,
however, red colour is encouraged as the colour is associated with warding off bad

4. What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?

Ans. The decorations on doors and windows have the Chinese word „fu‟ written on
them which means luck and happiness.

5. What is the significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner?

Ans. Chinese New Year is very important for Chinese families as it brings them close
to each other. They revive their relationships. They express their thanks for the
previous year and reinvigorate themselves for the coming year.

6. What do little red envelops filled with money symbolize?

Ans. The little red envelops filled with money symbolize wealth and prosperity for
the coming year.

7. What is the importance of Chinese New Year for Chinese families?

Ans. Chinese New Year has a vital importance for Chinese families as it is the time
when the families and relatives come close together. They greet each other and share

Additional Questions

8. Why is Chinese New Year never on the same day each year?
Ans. Chinese follow the lunar calendar, since the lunar calendar is based on the
phases of the moon – which has a shorter cycle than the sun – Chinese New year is
never on the same day each year.

9. What is Chinese belief about cleaning houses before New Year day?
Ans. The Chinese believes that all cleaning must be finished before New Year‟s Day,
so there is no chance of accidentally throwing out the good fortune of the New Year.

10. Why does this dinner consist of eight or nine dishes?

Ans. The dinner consist eight or nine dishes because in Chinese language the word
„eight‟ means „prosperity‟ and the word „nine‟ means „long-lasting‟.

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

11. Is Chinese belief about people having character traits of animals a fact or an
Ans. It is just an opinion of some Chinese people because they have a firm belief on
such things that have been taught to them by their ancestors.

12. What is the significance of buying flowers for the home?

Ans. Buying flowers for the home is a commonplace since they symbolize the coming
of spring and a new beginning.

13. Why red packets are given to the unmarried members of the family?
Ans. Red packets filled with gifts are given to the unmarried members of the family
by the elders as a symbol of wish that they find a suitable partner.

A. Fill in the blanks with correct collective nouns.
Gang, crowd, committee, class, crew, audience, family Collective Noun
A singular such as committee or team
1. It is typical for a Chinese family to make eight or nine that refers to a group of people,
dishes for the New Year‟s Eve dinner. animals or things.
2. The audience applauded heartily at the end of the a. My mother brought me a bunch
of grapes.
b. The hunter shot at a flock of
3. The class has just had a physics lesson. birds.
4. The gang of robbers was arrested by the police.
5. A crowd of people gathered at the accident sight.
6. The committee took many important decisions at its monthly meeting.
7. The crew of Pakistan Air Force looked smart in their uniform.

B. Fill in the blanks with must or mustn’t

1. She mustn‟t eat so much sugar. Use of must / mustn’t
2. Students must pass an entrance examination to study at Strong obligation: must
this school. Example: All cleaning must be
finished before New Year‟s Day.
3. You mustn‟t watch so much television. Strong prohibition: mustn‟t
4. He must take some medicine for that cough. Example: The mother yelled that
you mustn‟t play with matches.
5. Visitors mustn‟t smoke.

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

C. Make the present indefinite or present continuous sentences.

6. You (not / like) _______________ chocolate.
You do not like chocolate. Present Indefinite and Continuous Tense
7. She (not / study) _______________ at the moment. Sentence Structures
Affirmative: subject + v1 + s,es,ies (only with
She is not studying at the moment. singular subject) + object
8. They (not / eat) _______________ rice every day. Negative: subject + do/does + not + v1 + object
Interrogative: do/does + subject + v1 + object
They do not eat rice every day.
9. We (not / work) _______________ now. Affirmative: Subject + is/am/are + present
participle + object
We are not working now. Negative: Subject + is/am/are + present participle
10. It (rain) _______________ a lot here. + object
Interrogative: is/am/are + subject + present
It rains a lot here. participle + object
11. I (go) _______________ on holiday tomorrow.
I am going on holiday tomorrow.

D. Punctuate the following paragraph.

on the eve of chinese new year it is customary to visit relatives and partake in a large
dinner where a number of specific foods are served it is typical for a chinese family to
make eight to nine dishes for the new year s eve dinner because in chinese the word eight
means prosperity and nine means long lasting.

On the eve of Chinese New Year, it is customary to visit relatives and partake in a large
dinner where a number of specific foods are served. It is typical for a Chinese family to
make eight to nine dishes for the New Year‟s Eve dinner because in Chinese the word
“eight” means “prosperity” and “nine” means “long-lasting”.

Self-prepared Exercises

A. Which collective noun means:

a. A collection of ships
b. A collection of singers
c. A collection of cattle
d. A collection of soldiers

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns from the list.
(choir, pride, flock, bunch, troop, crowd, flight, band, swarm, litter)

1. The cat has a __________of five kittens.

2. The __________of singers sang melodiously.

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

3. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a __________of lions.

4. The poachers were attacked by a __________of wild elephants.
5. A __________of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave.
6. A __________of stairs leads to the terrace.
7. The __________of musicians delivered a magical performance.
8. The children were amused by the __________of monkeys in the park.
9. A __________of grapes was hanging from the vine.
10. A large ___________ gathered in the street.

C. Change the narration of the following.

1. He said, “Will you listen to me?”
2. She said, “Is this your book?”
3. She said, “Will he participate in the competition?”
4. They said to me, “did you go to college?”
5. Teacher said to him, “what is your father's name?”
6. She asked his son, “why are you tense?”
7. The teacher said, “Who is the author of this book?”

D. Use the following phrasal verbs in sentences of your own.

Phrasal Verbs Meanings Sentences

1. allow of make possible, permit The rules don‟t allow of any exceptions.

2. answer to reply rudely to Her mother was shocked when she started
back someone in authority. answering her back and refusing to help.

3. argue beat someone in a The teacher tried to argue the girl down, but she
down debate couldn‟t.

4. argue out argue about a problem If we can‟t argue our differences out, we‟ll have to
to find a solution. take them to court.

5. ask about ask how someone‟s My father‟s friend asked about him last night
health when I met him on the street.

6. ask around ask a number of I have no idea, but I‟ll ask around at work and see
people for information if anyone can help.
of help.

E. Use the following pair of words in your sentences.

Words Meanings Sentences

1. allusion an indirect The tour guide alluded to the terrible
reference to hardship suffered by the pioneers.

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

illusion a fantasy that may Although sawing the woman in half seemed
be or can be real, it was only a clever illusion.
confused with
2. altar where religious Everyone took their animals to the altars for
worship and the sacrifice on the day of Eid-ul-Adha.
sacrifices take
alter to change They altered the roads in the city center to
make them pedestrian only.
3. among preposition used Among the thirty candidates for the job
with three or more there were only three that were properly
persons or thing qualified
between preposition used Between Jill and her sister there is a two-
with two persons or year age difference.
4. are first person plural With the grace of the Lord, we are an
of verb independence state.
our possessive pronoun Our class is making progress in learning
5. award to bestow a public Major Aziz Bhatti was awarded with
recognition of Nishan-e-Haider for his valour in the war of
honor 1965.
reward to compensate There is a great reward in Hereafter for
every good deed we do here.
6. angel a spiritual being There are around 1,24,000 angels of God
acting as an agent, that comply each and every thing He orders.
or messenger of
angle a measure of the The plane was lying on an angle of 60o.
7. beside at the side of My friend was beside me during the entire
besides in addition to Besides two tourists from Uganda, nobody
on the bus was hurt.

A. Which collective noun means:
a. fleet
b. choir
c. herd
d. troops

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns from the list.
1. The cat has a litter of five kittens.
2. The choir of singers sang melodiously.
3. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a pride of lions.
4. The poachers were attacked by a herd of wild elephants.
5. A swarm of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave.

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

6. A flight of stairs leads to the terrace.

7. The band of musicians delivered a magical performance.
8. The children were amused by the troop of monkeys in the park.
9. A bunch of grapes was hanging from the vine.
10. A large crowd gathered in the street.

C. Change the narration of the following.

1. He asked whether I want to listen to him.
2. She enquired if it was my book.
3. She asked me if he would participate in the competition.
4. They asked me if I had gone to college.
5. Teacher asked him what his father's name was.
6. She asked her son why he was tense.
7. The teacher enquired who was the author of that book.

Letter Writing

Write a letter to the Editor of newspaper complaining against frequent power failures
in your area.

The Editor,
The News
City A. B. C
Subject: Frequent Power Failures in Our Area
Dear Sir,
I wish to draw the attention of the Electronic Company Authorities towards frequent power
failure in our locality.
This is a period of examination of different classes and failure of power about eight to ten
hours daily which is a great hindrance in our studies. Moreover, there are old people, infants
and sick in almost every house. The failure of electric power is a sort of punishment for all of
them, as the summer is on its brink and the temperature is unbearable. Apart from that
atrocity of the weather, the electricity bill is tormenting also. The prices of electricity are
increasing frequently, yet we are still facing hardships of the power failure.
I hope that the concerned authorities will take immediate steps to stop the failure of electric
Your truly,
17th July, 2020

Essay Writing

'Health' is a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity. Health is thus a level of functional efficiency of living beings
and a general condition of a person‟s mind, body and spirit. It is a resource of everyday life
and a positive concept emphasizing physical capabilities

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

“The first wealth is health”.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A good health helps us to live a good, balanced and a sound life. Our good health needs
several things to get done on daily basis. We need fresh air, clean water, proper sunlight,
balanced diet, no junk food, clean and healthy atmosphere, greenery environment, morning
walk, personal hygiene, proper education, etc.

Healthy food at proper time is very necessary for a healthy body which is possible only
through the well-balanced diet. It promotes the proper growth and development to our body
which keeps us mentally, physically healthy.

With the help of our good health we can fight any bad situations in the life. We should
always remember that we need proper food, water, air, physical activity, sleep and rest on
daily basis to stay healthy which is essential for a happy life.

Paragraph Writing

A Road Accident
I witnessed an accident on the Lahore – Narowal road. It was a very sad spectacle. The road
at the spot was littered with broken glass and bits of iron bars. The luggage of the passengers
of the bus was in a muddy sideway nallah. There little pools of blood with bricks around
them. A head on collision between a bus and a truck had taken place. Two persons were
killed on the spot and five others sustained serious injuries. The bus laid on one side with its
heavy wheels raised high in the air. The police arrived, took necessary measures and recorded

Translation (Urdu to English)

‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬

‫جاننابلکلاادیموہاجاےہ۔ہڑرطفادنریھایہادنریھانڑآاےہاور‬ ‫ب‬
‫زدنیگےکبیشنوفڑازںیماےسیاحملتیھبآےتںیہ ب‬
‫اس ےک اقمےلبیک تکس متخ وہاجیت ےہ۔ ہی ابت انن یک تمظع ےک الخف ےہ۔ داین ںیم ینتج یھب رطیق وہک یئ ےہوہ اس زعم‬
‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬
‫وتمہ اک ہجیتن ےہ وج ہک اہلل اعتیل ےن انن وک اطع فڑامک یئ ےہ۔ انن وک دنےیہ ہک یھبک تمہ ہن اہرے ہکلب رمداہن وار ااکویمں اک‬
‫اقمہلبرکے۔اہللاعتیل کایدنرضوراکایمیباطعفڑامےئاگ۔‬
In the ups and downs of life, such moments come when man feels quite hopeless. He finds
darkness all around him and his power to face it disappears. This is against the dignity of
man. All the progress that the world has made is the result of the determination and
perseverance that Allah has bestowed upon man. Man should never lose heart; rather he
should face the failures manfully. Surely Allah will bless him with success.

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

Chapter Test (PTB)

Subject: English Class: X Total Marks: 20
Name: _______________________ Total Time: 40 mins

Question No. 1 2 3 4 Total Marks

Marks 05 06 04 05 20
Marks Obtained

 Attempt all the given questions.
 Cutting, crossing or over writing in objective part will be considered as incorrect.
(Objective type)
Question 1: Choose the correct option. (5)
(A) Choose the correct form of verb.
We ___ speak English fluently now.
(A) is (B) can (C) are (D) were
(B) Choose the correct spellings.
(A) reigoratien (B) rinvgeorate (C) reinvigourate (D) reinvigorate
(C) Choose the meaning of the underlined word.
Prior to the first day of the New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly clean
their houses.
(A) preceding (B) following (C) subsequent (D) later
(D) Choose the correct option according to grammar.
i. It was his affection that held the family together. The underlined word is a/an:
(A) concrete noun (B) abstract noun
(C) collective noun (D) adverb
ii. The huntsman shot thrice at the flock of birds. The underlined word is a/an:
(A) abstract noun (B) adverb
(C) collective noun (D) concrete noun
Question 2: Answer the following questions (3x2=6)
1. Why is Chinese New Year never on the same day each year?
2. What do little red envelops filled with money symbolize?
3. What is Chinese belief about cleaning houses before New Year day?

Question 3: Translate the paragraph into Urdu. (4)

Prior to the first day of the New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly clean their
houses. Doing this is said to clear out any bad luck from the previous year and to make the
house ready to accept good luck for the coming year.

Question no 4: Change the narration of the following. (5)

1. She said, “Are your guests coming?”
2. My father said to me, “Why are you not studying?”
3. The teacher said, “Where is your book?”
4. Ali said to his brother, “Are you feeling okay?”
5. Imran said, “can you bring your car?”

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

Chapter Test (FTB)

Subject: English Class: X Total Marks: 20
Name: _______________________ Total Time: 40 mins

Question No. 1 2 3 4 Total Marks

Marks 04 09 03 03 20

 Attempt all the given questions.
 Cutting, crossing or over writing in objective part will be considered as incorrect.
(Objective type)
Question 1: Choose the correct option. (4)
1. In Chinese language, the word „nine‟ means:
A. transient B. long-lasting
C. accomplishment D. thanksgiving
2. All cleaning must be done:
A. before New Year‟s Day B. on the New Year‟s Day
C. after the New Year‟s Day D. on the beginning of the month
3. Choose the correct spellings.
A. custamary B. customery
C. custamury D. customary
4. It was his affection that held the family together. The underlined word is a/an:
A. concrete noun B. abstract noun
C. collective noun D. adverb

Question 2: Answer the following questions. (3x3=9)

1. Why is Chinese New Year never on the same day each year?
2. What is the significance of New Year‟s Eve Dinner?
3. When does Chinese New Year start?

Question 3: Use the following phrasal verbs in sentences of your own. (3)
a. ask around
b. answer back
c. ask about

Question 4: Change the narration of the following. (4)

1. The teacher said, “Where is your book?”
2. Ali said to his brother, “Are you feeling okay?”
3. Imran said, “can you bring your car?”
4. She said, “Are your guests coming?”

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Chapter 02 Class X: English
Chinese New Year

Students’ Checklist
(Mark the given boxes with once you have completed the topics)

 Words and their meanings.

 Multiple Choice Questions
 Translation of the text
 Exercise Questions
Self-Prepared Exercises

 Collective Noun
 Present Indefinite and Continuous tense
 Pair of Words / Phrasal Verbs
 Direct / Indirect Narration
 Letter writing
 Essay writing
 Translation (Urdu to English)
 Chapter Test

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