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The enchanted forest

Chapter 1
Lily and Max are playing in the enchanted forest, where
numbers and words are living together. They are
seeing something strange today. Numbers and words
are dancing, but they are looking confused.
Professor Hoot, the wise old owl, is flying down.
"Hello, children," he is saying. "Numbers and words are
not working together. Can you help us?"
"We are happy to help!" Lily and Max are saying
Chapter 2

Professor Hoot is handing them a scroll. "You are needing to understand

the present continuous tense to read this," he is saying.
Max is explaining, "Present continuous shows actions happening now.
Like, I am running, you are playing, he is reading."
They are unrolling the scroll. It is reading:
"The numbers are missing, The words are hiding. Find the magic tree,
Where the answers will be."

Chapter 3

Lily and Max are starting down a path marked with numbers. Each step is
requiring them to solve a math problem. The first sign is reading:
"5 + 3 = ?"
Lily is answering, "That’s 8!" The path is lighting up, showing the way.
The next sign is reading:
"12 - 4 = ?"
Max is smiling. "That’s 8 too!" They are continuing along the path.
They are encountering more signs with addition and subtraction problems.
Each correct answer is leading them further into the forest.
The enchanted forest
Chapter 4
They are arriving at a magnificent tree with shimmering
leaves. It is the magic tree from the scroll. Beneath the
tree, they are finding a chest with a golden lock.
The lock is having a riddle: "I am thinking, you are
learning, he is solving. What am I?"
Lily and Max are shouting together, "It’s 'present
The lock is clicking open, revealing a set of shining
numbers and words. As they are placing the numbers
and words back in the forest, everything is glowing.
Numbers and words are dancing happily together again.

Chapter 5
Professor Hoot is appearing and congratulating them. "You are using the
present continuous and your math skills to solve the mystery. The forest is
in harmony again."

Lily and Max are happy and pride. They are celebrating with magical
fireworks, music, and delicious treats. Numbers and words are throwing a
grand celebration in their honor. Lily and Max are dancing and laughing,
knowing they maked a good job,.

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