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LESSON PLANS……………………………………………...2







Quelimane, 2024



Portfolio submitted to the Faculty of

Education, in the Department of
Language Teachers Training, to the
English Course for evaluative purpose.

The Lecturer: Lino Nhaliveu

Quelimane, 2024

School’s story and description.................................................................................................................6
1. Conceptual framework.....................................................................................................................7
2. Observation of classes.....................................................................................................................8
2.1. Observation..................................................................................................................................8
2.2. Lesson plans................................................................................................................................9
3. Meetings about lesson plans..........................................................................................................10
4. Micro teaching...............................................................................................................................10
5. In the Field – Patrice Lumumba Secondary School.......................................................................11
5.1. The day of acquaintance............................................................................................................11
5.2. The first lesson...........................................................................................................................11
5.3. The day when the Supervisor observed the lesson.....................................................................12

The honours degree in English Language Teaching Course has as complement the teaching
practice activities that takes place in real schools as also has micro teaching that takes place at
university. The Final Teaching Practice involves the activities that will judge the students
whether he is ready as a teacher or still needs more improvements.

The present portfolio was produced as result of the teaching practice held in Patrice Lumumba
Secondary School and the micro teaching held at university. As its content, it composes the basic
which has to do with the conceptualization of some terms, the school’s description and its story,
the lesson plans, the micro teaching activities, the lessons on the field, among other relevant
elements of this journey.

School’s story and description
Patrice Lumumba Secondary School

The current Patrice Lumumba Secondary School was built in 1817. Designed for the services of
the "Customs of Mozambique" at that time. Later, it became a warehouse and warehouse for
selling slaves to the West, East and some African regions, with a view to being used as cheap
labor. After the slave trade ended, the facilities were converted into a Commercial School until
1964, from 1964 to 1971 it functioned as a Lyceum named João de Azevedo Coutinho de
Quelimane. Afterwards, it occupied the premises of the current 25 de Setembro General
Secondary School, the establishment housed the preparatory cycle which included first and
second years.

The Patrice Lumumba General Secondary School is located in Quelimane and receives, at
primary and secondary education level, students from various schools in the city and peripheral
areas. From a socioeconomic point of view, it integrates students from different strata. Many
fathers work in the public sector and in services and among mothers there is a considerable
percentage who perform domestic activities.

1. Conceptual framework
1.1. The school

It is an institution designed to teach students under the direction of teachers

1.2. Classroom

The classroom, a space established at school, which is a characteristically modern institution, can
be understood as the place where people come together to learn (Rizzoni, 2010)

1.3. Assessment

Defining evaluation is a very complex subject full of contradictions. “There is no clear consensus
on what it is to evaluate and what the functions of evaluation are, it appears that the most
mentioned in the literature are those that concern improving the quality of learning processes”
Duarte (2001:55).

1.4. Education

It is a process of continuous reconstruction of experience with the purpose of expanding and

deepening its social content while, at the same time, the individual gains control of its evolved
methods. (DEWEY, John).

1.5. To teach

It is about creating favorable conditions (psychological, didactic and material) for student
learning; is to facilitate learning (KARLING, 1991).

1.6. Lesson

It is the set of means and conditions by which the teacher directs and stimulates the teaching
process based on the activity specific to the school learning process, that is, the conscious and
active assimilation of content, Libaneo (1994:177).

1.7. Lesson plan

It is a very important tool for the teacher. Through it, the educator can predict the content that
will be given, the activities that will be developed, the objectives that he intends to achieve, and
the forms of evaluation.

1.8. The teacher

It guides the teaching and learning process, it must be a source of stimuli that leads the student to
react so that learning can take place. According to Nercy (1988. 125)

1.8.1. Good vs. Bad teacher

In the context of teaching practice, we had to know which characteristics makes a teacher to be
good or bad. A good teacher is the one who loves his job and works with interest. The good
teacher knows his students, knows how to manage the class, dominates the content, entertains the
students, is dynamic, finds good ways of correcting the students errors and mistakes, helps the
students, motivates, provides feedback, watches the students, among others. In other case, if the
teacher doesn’t have the previous characteristics, he can be taken has a bad teacher.

1.9. Student

This is the individual who receives training from one or more teachers to acquire or expand their

1.10. Method

For Nérici – The teaching or didactic method is the set of logically and psychologically ordered
procedures, which the teacher uses, to lead the student to develop knowledge, acquire techniques
or skills and incorporate attitudes and ideals.

1.11. Learning

Learning is the process by which skills, abilities, knowledge, behavior or values are acquired or
modified, as a result of study, experience, training, reasoning and observation. This process can
be analyzed from different perspectives, so there are different learning theories.

2. Observation of classes
2.1. Observation

It is the act of looking at someone or something carefully, based on negotiated criteria, with the
purpose of understanding and substantiating the observed aspects, in order to enable factual,
conceptual, procedural and attitudinal changes for those involved.

The class observation process took place in class simulations held at the university one week
after the students went to practical schools. These observations took place in the afternoon in one
of the university rooms and the participants were the students taking the subject and the subject
teacher. Each student went in turn, simulated their class in less than 20 minutes and then the
other students, together with the teacher, gave their observations, doubts, additions and

2.2. Lesson plans

As the teaching practice deals with real teaching, it is important to have knowledge about the
lesson plan once this is an indispensable component for a lesson to happen. There are many
things to be said about the lesson plan, but it is important to underline that it is not static but
dynamic. The property of dynamism of the lesson plan rises from the fact that the circumstances
for a lesson may vary according to many factors and the teacher has to accommodate himself
into the new reality and be flexible in order to overcome the challenges.

In the teaching-learning process, lesson planning is fundamental because it is the most important
phase of teaching and learning process, as it is at this stage that goals are linked to strategies and
both must be adjusted to real possibilities”. When planning, we must define:

 What are we going to teach?

 How will we teach?

 When will we teach?
 What, when and how to evaluate?

The following are the components to include in a lesson plan.

1. Subject
2. Grade
3. Unit number
4. Topic
5. Number of students
6. Name of the teacher
7. Number of students:
8. Language skill
9. Language focus
10. Grammar focus
11. Duration of the lesson
12. Time for each stage
13. Date
14. Objectives
15. Materials
16. Vocabulary
17. Activities
18. Stages
19. Assessment
20. Anticipated problems
21. Possible solutions
22. Interaction
23. Shift

3. Meetings about lesson plans

3.1. First meeting about lesson planning

After some lessons of acquaintance of the subject, we started learning about the lesson plan for
further planification and practice.

In the first class we had on lesson planning, we learned the basics of lesson plans and highlighted
that they are not static but are dynamic and can be adjusted to different contexts. In this class we
learn the preliminaries in which we find the name of the school, teacher, class, theme, unit,
among others, and we also learned about the stages of the class. We also learned the right way to

formulate class topics, selecting the materials and defining the objectives of the class, both
general and specific.

We also learned that the lesson plans may differ according to its focus. Here we can find Reading
Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Speaking.

3.2. Second session about planification

In the second session we had around planning, we learned about the evaluation plan. Basically,
we talked about the components of an assessment such as: questions, quotation and answer
guide. The teacher explained that each question must have its appropriate rating in accordance
with the maximum possible score.

After learning about the lesson plan and the evaluation plan, we started planning our lessons for
the practicing schools and the micro teaching at university

4. Micro teaching
Micro-teaching is a teacher (trainee) practice performed in the classroom before going to the
field (to the integrated school) where he or she is meant to practice the teaching in the presence
of his or her colleagues as well as the lecturer responsible for the subject, in order to have
feedback from them; the aim of this practice is to identify the negative parts to improve their
teaching technique, as well as to highlight the good aspects.

Under this circumstance, this Final Teaching Practice had in like manner microteachings,
through which trainees could practice the teaching before going to the field. The sessions
consisted of presentations of (teachings), whereby after a given lesson, a space was open for the
presenter's self-evaluation and later on the whole class discussions focusing on the presented
lesson's techniques, strategies and methodologies according to the level of students which the
teaching was meant for, as each trainee had selected a certain grade as well as a topic belonging
to it in order to present as a lesson looking at such boundaries. Its aim was to later obtain
feedback (remarks) from colleagues as well from the lecturer regarding the weaknesses and the
strengths of the methodologies used for that specific grade.

4.1. The first presenter

We started with the micro teaching on 15 th April 2024. For the start, the lecturer asked for
volunteers and the first one was the mate Jacinto Geraldo Colaço.

The first presenter was teaching about Countable and uncountable nouns and, as the first
presenter, he faced many challenges from managing the time till passing throughout all the
stages. After finishing his micro teaching, the class was invited to present their views, comments,
criticism and other aspects linked to the micro teaching.

The first presenter faced problems on managing the time, writing clearly on the board,
interacting with the students and passing through the lesson stages.

4.2. The following presenters

The following presenters also had many problems on their performance and the lesson plans. As
the time went on, new observations were raised. The presenters started improving little by little
taking into account other’s difficulties and trying to improve on them in order to get better
results, but the difficulties were not totally overcame as each individual has its properties and its
way of teaching. There remained some difficulties concerned with designing the lessons plans,
the objectives, the anticipated problems and the possible solutions, the linkage between the topic
and the content or the exercises, among others.

5. In the Field – Patrice Lumumba Secondary School

5.1. The day of acquaintance

The first day we went to Patrice Lumumba Secondary School was just to present our credentials
for further steps. That they we left our credentials there and we were asked to return on the
following day. On the following day we were distributed in shifts and I stayed with the afternoon
shift by that day, on afternoon I was presented to my host teacher and he introduced me to the
class where I would be practicing.

5.2. The first lesson
The first lesson I gave was so good. I felt acquainted fast with the students and knew how to
control them and get their respect and attention. Sometimes it was a strange environment because
I was teaching students elder than me but I kept me calm and I gave the lesson as I was playing
with them.

5.3. The day when the Supervisor observed the lesson

The supervisor came to observe my lesson on 19 June 2024

That day was settled for a test as the host teacher had recommended me to do that. That was
Thursday and I had 5th and 6th time's lesson. As the lecturer was there to observe me and as I
knew in advance that the lecturer would be there, I had to use the first 45' minutes to give a
lesson to accomplish with the observation.

The lesson was about adjectives. I had chosen this topic in order to refresh the students' memory
for the test. I taught it within 45' and when the time got over I told the lecturer that I had finished.
Then the lecturer allowed me start with the test. I started distributing the tests when supervisor
called me and asked me to sign the observation guide. After that the supervisor went away and I
stayed there giving the test.

During the observation I was so calm and gave the lesson as any other. Unfortunately I didn't get
any feedback from the supervisor but I felt satisfied once I was confident on what I was doing.

Being part of the Final Teaching Practice helped me to learn many things and feel what a real
teacher feels in the classroom. It helped me to realize that there is a big difference between the
ideal and the real once I saw that many theoretical things that we learn at university are different
in the field. As example I can take the fact of time management which is somehow difficult when
it is about teaching the first time. I noticed that the students come late and they used to take much
time sweeping the classroom when that was already the time for the lesson.

I also realized that in some cases it is crucial to use the L1 during the L2 lessons in order to make
the students feel acquainted on the lesson. Nevertheless, I also saw that there is a lack of quality
of education once the majority of the students from the grade 11 and 12 face many difficulties
using English language, this can be evidenced from the fact that they don’t even know how to
ask to get in and get out the classroom.

I didn’t have much assistance from my host teacher as he was much time absent and our contact
was much on WhatsApp, but I tried to do my best even with the challenges. I used to plan all the
lessons and find strategies of being dynamic for each lesson. The journey was not easy and the
difficulties helped me to grow professionally.

Looking for the good aspects, it’s evident that I improved a lot in many aspects. I improved my
time management, my handwriting on the board, my interaction with the students, my voice, and
my vocabulary, among others.


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