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To become the standard in global math education, The global standard of mathematics education
mathematics must be the study of uncovering

General Mathematics 144

the secrets of nature. A desirable approach to
mathematics education involves a series of exercises
aimed at uncovering nature’s secrets.
Therefore, mathematics textbooks should contain
content that allows for acquiring an understanding
of nature and insight into humanity and society.
Each child is born with at least one talent.
This talent is the seed of creativity, which is
a precious inheritance passed down from both parents.
An ideal mathematics education must be implemented
to bring the seeds of creativity to full fruition. 2024
Mathematics is the study of uncovering the secrets
of nature. By uncovering these secrets, we can create
something that brings people joy. Humans are part
of nature. Therefore, the secrets that can make people
happy are found in nature.

Soft General
To become the standard in global math education, The global standard of mathematics education
mathematics must
We are setting be the
the global study
standard of uncovering
of mathematics education.

General Mathematics 144

We are always making our best efforts to realize learner-centered education.
the secrets of nature. A desirable approach to
Please feel free to reach out to us with the contact information provided below
mathematics education
if you are interested in our involves
education. a series of exercises
at uncovering nature’s secrets.
© 2024 by David Ann
Therefore, mathematics textbooks should contain

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed,
content that allows for acquiring an understanding
or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission
of nature
of theand
author.insight into humanity and society.
Each child is born with at least one talent.
This book is published by General Onologic Soft Corp.
This talent is the seed of creativity, which is
General Onologic Soft Corp.
a precious inheritance passed down from both parents.
101 Metro Drive, Suite 365, San Jose, CA 95110
An ideal mathematics
E-Mail education must be implemented
: davidann819@gmail.com
to bring the seeds of creativity to full fruition.
Written by David Ann
Cover design is by
the study
LeeAn of uncovering the secrets
of nature. By uncovering these secrets, we can create
Printed in the United States of America
something that brings people joy. Humans are part
ISBN : 978-1-64260-308-8
of nature. Therefore, the secrets that can make people
happy are found in nature.
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

To become the standard in global math education, mathematics must be the study of
uncovering the secrets of nature. A desirable approach to mathematics education involves a
series of exercises aimed at uncovering nature’s secrets. Therefore, mathematics textbooks
should contain content that allows for acquiring an understanding of nature and insight into
humanity and society. Each child is born with at least one talent. This talent is the seed of
creativity, which is a precious inheritance passed down from both parents.
An ideal mathematics education must be implemented to bring the seeds of creativity to
full fruition. Mathematics is the study of uncovering the secrets of nature. By uncovering
these secrets, we can create something that brings people joy. Humans are part of nature.
Therefore, the secrets that can make people happy are found in nature.

Consider someone who has been diagnosed with cancer. It is a grave problem for them.
Since humans are components of nature, it can be said that a significant problem has
arisen in nature. Nature also possesses the solution to any problems that occur within
itself. Although cancer treatments may not be visible to our eyes, they exist in the form of
compounds within nature. Cancer treatments are not the subject of invention but rather of
discovery. Today, developers of new drugs in leading pharmaceutical companies worldwide
are not confined to their offices. They spend most of their time in the Amazon rainforest.
They uncover the secrets of nature by immersing themselves in various plants and animals.
Nature reveals its secrets only to those who are close to it.

People often view bacteria as dirty and dangerous. They believe bacteria can harm the human
body and even cause death. However, from the perspective of bacteria, this is truly unfair.
Of course, some bacteria, like E. coli , that cause diarrhea, or pathogens like tuberculosis and
cholera, can cause infectious diseases. However, bacteria are also critical to human survival
and reproduction.

A colony of beneficial bacteria lives inside our bodies. However, one day, the air, soil, and
streams where the bacteria colony resides became polluted. It was caused by the person
experiencing excessive stress and eating contaminated food. Sensing the threat, the bacteria
colony began to explore all possible means to maintain its survival. The struggle for survival
of the bacteria colony became increasingly evident. Unfortunately, for some individuals, this
manifested as a disease.

2 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 /3


Today's modern individuals often feel profoundly lonely, so they long for something that can
soothe their loneliness or consider their subtle emotions.

When people fall ill, they immediately seek medical attention. After receiving treatment, The smartphone is one of the leading technological devices that addresses people's
they take their prescriptions and purchase medicine from the pharmacy. However, the emotional needs. Additionally, people aspire to live long and healthy lives. They would
medicine the sick person takes is poison to the bacteria colony. consider themselves incredibly happy if there were something that could fulfill their dream of
extending their lifespan. This includes the development of new drugs that alleviate the pain
Even in normal circumstances, the colony of bacteria stations guards for their defense.
of diseases, preventive and predictive medicine that alerts individuals to diseases that are
If anything strange approaches where the bacteria reside, the guards will smell and taste it
likely to occur, and various medical diagnostics such as MRI, ultrasound, and CT scans that
without hesitation. They will meet their end without any regrets, but they will scream out
accurately diagnose diseases. Emotional and physical well-being are closely related to the
a warning to their colony, "It's poison! Everyone, close your mouths and do not smell or
happiness of modern individuals.
taste it!"
Everything, including machines and technological devices that can bring happiness to people,
If the illness does not improve despite taking medicine, the person will visit the hospital can be considered within the realm of advanced industries. Mathematics is the foundational
again and request stronger medication. While the person is preparing to take the stronger technology of all advanced industries. The mathematical prowess of a country indicates its
medicine, the bacteria colony increases vigilance due to the sacrifice of the guards who died national competitiveness. Today, all advanced countries possess excellent mathematical skills.
once before. The number of bacterial guards has increased, and everyone keeps their mouths
An ideal mathematics education consists of a series of exercises aimed at uncovering the
tightly shut. The vigilance has become extremely severe and rigorous. But what is happening?
secrets of nature. To uncover these secrets, we must first observe nature. Nature is composed
Despite all the bacterial guards keeping their mouths shut, they all collapse and die.
of plants and animals. By observing plants and animals closely, we can discover the motifs
The potent medicine the person consumed penetrated the bacteria's clothing, piercing their
they possess. Motifs are unique characteristics that plants and animals exhibit.
skin. Even as the bacterial guards face a grim death, they scream to their colony, "Closing our
An ideal mathematics education begins with finding the motifs that plants and animals
mouths is useless! The poison penetrates our bodies."
possess through observation of nature.
Finally, the moment of doom has arrived for the colony of bacteria. All bacterial families
Biologists are individuals who observe plants and animals to identify motifs. To become a
gather urgently in the emergency square, leaving their homes behind. The leader of the
field that can be addressed in mathematics, it should be possible to express it as an image.
bacterial colony solemnly declares to his people, "Everyone, don your armor! Raise your
The role of biologists is to identify motifs that represent the unique characteristics of plants
spears and attack." This situation has created super bacteria within the human body.
and animals, thus initiating a proper study of mathematics.
A serious situation has arisen. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as “superbacteria,”
Once motifs are identified, the next step is to identify patterns that encompass the collection
have become a new threat to humanity, evolving into a formidable disease.
of motifs. However, motifs do not always reveal patterns easily. But if we can assign numbers
It is a time for a new approach to superbacteria. These superbacteria have developed
or letters to each motif, identifying patterns becomes much easier. People generally consider
antibiotic resistance and cannot be treated with known antibiotics.
numbers as tools for counting and letters for constructing equations. However, numbers and
This aspect highlights the consequences of human actions, as excessive use of antibiotics
letters play a much larger role.
has led bacteria to find ways to survive.
Numbers and letters are core elements of the conceptual framework that mathematicians
Mathematics is the study of uncovering the secrets of nature. By uncovering these secrets, we
possess. Physicists often say, "Without the conceptual framework of mathematicians,
can create something that brings people joy. So, what can make people happy?
we physicists would not be able to design or decorate our thoughts in the slightest."

4 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 /5


To perceive patterns, pattern collapse, and the presence of other patterns within patterns,
individuals need to have a higher dimension of understanding. Dimensionality can increase
infinitely with a broad education in humanities.
In simple terms, the conceptual framework of a mathematician can be expressed as relational
Through reading, we can cultivate our knowledge in humanities, allowing us to understand
expressions. Multiple cases composed of numbers can be represented as a single character,
worlds and societies we have not lived in. With this understanding, we gain the ability to see
forming a relational expression. Even long sentences containing various concepts of numbers
the invisible, hear the inaudible, and perceive insights into the world we have never been to,
can be simplified into relational expressions using characters. It is important to understand
as if we have experienced it many times.
the meaning of the statement, "The use of characters made mathematics convenient."
The difference between arithmetic and mathematics stems from this very idea. Humanities tell the stories about people's lives. It explores the creative lives that people
led and how gracefully they passed away at their time of death. As people’s dimensions of
The motifs revealed through observing the components of nature, such as plants and
understanding increase through humanities, we can perceive life and death, creation and
animals, are so intricately intertwined that the patterns are not easily discernible. However,
extinction, time and space, present and past, as well as the future, all at a glance.
if we assign numbers or letters to each discovered motif and represent the pattern, which
Thus, through humanities, we can understand the world of rules that govern
is a collection of motifs, as relational expressions, the patterns of nature become evident.
the movement of patterns.
In this way, numbers and letters are secret tools used by mathematicians in the process of
uncovering the secrets of nature. Through observation, we identify motifs, and by assigning Discovering the rules of nature allows us to discern the secrets of life and death of plants and
numbers or letters to each motif, the patterns of nature vividly emerge before our eyes. animals and the creation and extinction of nature. Mathematicians create predictive programs
The motifs within plants and animals are often so small that they appear motionless to the to predict the future of living organisms, the components of nature, by uncovering the secrets
naked eye. However, once we discover patterns, the collection of various motifs, the structure of nature. An ideal mathematics education will allow us to cover all fields of natural sciences,
of nature begins to emerge. Unlike when it is a single motif, a unique movement is detected such as biology, chemistry, and physics.
in a group of motifs. Things that are visible to people and have a shape can also be touched. Biologists are people who discover patterns by observing nature and drawing them out.
Chemists can invariably give names to these things. They can express them through chemical Chemists play a role in assigning names to visible, tangible entities that can be seen and
formulas or draw them as chemical structures. Because chemists can draw patterns from touched. Physicists handle the world of invisible forces and laws that living organisms
these motifs, they can be considered individuals who handle the structure of nature. maintain to keep their unique forms. Mathematicians, on the other hand, create predictive
programs by uncovering the secrets of creation and extinction, and life and death.
Once patterns, the structures of nature, are identified from the collection of motifs, the
This is why mathematics is often referred to as the queen of the natural sciences.
next step is to find the rules. To uncover the secrets of nature, we must understand how
the structure of nature is created and destroyed. All living organisms, the components of To uncover the secrets of nature, we must first understand the worlds of chemistry, which
nature, contain certain patterns. Within one pattern lies another, and adjacent to one pattern, deals with self-similar structures of nature, and physics, which handles the world of invisible
there is an endless collapse of patterns, making it difficult to find rules of motion. Moreover, forces and laws. We must also understand the world of fractals (chemistry) and the world of
patterns are composed of three-dimensional structures, so there are parts that are not visible chaos (physics), composed of nonlinear structures. Within nature, the worlds of chemistry and
externally. Events occurring within patterns may seem to follow some rules, but it is often physics are always interconnected.
challenging to precisely determine what those rules are. Organisms strive to maintain their Mathematicians, while observing the worlds of chemistry and physics, predict the future of
original form, requiring invisible forces and laws. Physicists deal with the world of invisible a single organism—how it will grow larger, shrink, and eventually disappear. In doing so,
forces and laws within nature. they unravel the secrets of nature.

6 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 /7


To implement the most ideal mathematics education through mathematics textbooks, we

must thoroughly understand the areas that can be addressed in mathematics.
To become a subject that can be addressed in mathematics, it must be possible to represent
Setting the standard of global mathematics education starts with the composition of the
it as an image. To be able to draw it in an image, we must first identify motifs by observing
mathematics curriculum. There is a basic premise all mathematics educators and education
nature. Once we identify the motifs, we must assign numbers or letters to each motif to find
policymakers universally embrace when compiling mathematics textbooks.
the rules and ultimately be able to create prediction programs.
Education is not about teaching. It is about discovering and nurturing the talents and seeds
of creativity inherent in each child to their full potential, cultivating them into wholesome An ideal mathematics education must include four fields. These are fields of images,
fruits. The most important thing to realize an ideal mathematics education is humanism numbers and letters, rules, and prediction. The field of images consists of figures, patterns,
toward people. The cornerstone of an ideal mathematics education is the inherent humanity measurement, and dimensions (time and space). The field of numbers and letters includes
of individuals. numbers, operations, and equations.
The field of rules includes fractals, the structures of nature, and chaos, the world of invisible
Children are all born with unique talents that enable them to sustain themselves.
forces and laws. Finally, the field of prediction includes the number of cases, which is
These talents are inherited directly from their parents' genes. These talents, often called seeds
the foundation of probability, data analysis that forms the basis of statistics, and the
of creativity, are inherent from birth and do not require cultivation. An ideal mathematics
correspondence (relations) that is basis functions. Each chapter should include the objective
education is crucial to nurturing these seeds of creativity, strengthening their stems, and
of learning this chapter, the logical basis behind the mathematical theories, and specific
encouraging them to blossom into beautiful flowers that bear wholesome fruits.
examples demonstrating their application in advanced industrial technologies.
Then what is creativity? Creativity refers to the ability to see the invisible, hear the inaudible,
and perceive as if one has experienced without actually experiencing it. In essence, creativity
is both the ability to predict and survive. 2024. 1. 20
An ideal mathematics education requires children to see, hear a lot of things, and go to David Ann, Ph.D.
various places in nature. Experiencing nature is crucial in ideal mathematics education.
Additionally, through reading, we should expose children to people and societies from worlds
they have never been to.
Therefore, the two factors to keep in mind when compiling mathematics textbooks based on
the standards of ideal mathematics education are “experiencing nature” and “comprehensive
understanding of humanity and society.”

How will children's innate talents, their seeds of creativity, manifest once an ideal mathematics
education has been implemented?
At the national level, an ideal mathematics education aims to cultivate advanced industrial
technology engineers who will preserve the country's future. At an individual level, an ideal
mathematics education enables children to select jobs that align with their innate talents,
serving as a compass for future career choices.

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Elementary Courses
GM 0303 Understanding and Utilizing China's Chi-Gon System and England's 85
- Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects Yard-Pound System

GM 0403 The Birth and Understanding of the French Metric System That 89
1. Figures / The Field of Images 23 Becomes the Global Standard of Weights and Measures
GM 0101 Exploring the Diverse and Beautiful Forms in Nature 25 GM 0503 Exploring the World of Plane Figures through Weights and Measures 94

GM 0201 Touching, Unfolding, and Cutting Objects in Nature 30 GM 0603 Exploring the World of Solid Figures through Weights and Measures 97

GM 0301 Mutual Relationships of Points, Lines, and Planes in Nature 33

4. Dimensions / The Field of Images 101
GM 0401 Understanding and Utilizing Various Plane Figures 37

GM 0501 Understanding and Utilizing Platonic Solids That Make up the Universe 42 GM 0104 Time and Space in Nature 103

GM 0601 The Beautiful World of Planes within Solid Figures 45 GM 0204 Clocks and Time within the Movement of Celestial Bodies 108

GM 0304 The World of Reality, Where Concepts of Time and Space Converge 111
2. Patterns / The Field of Images 49 into the Present

GM 0404 The One-Dimensional World Where Time and Space Pair up 115
GM 0102 Various Motifs Found in Nature 51
GM 0504 The Secrets of Nature within the Two-Dimensional World and 120
GM 0202 Creating Different Motifs with Natural Materials 56
Plane Figures
GM 0302 Forming a Pattern with Different Shapes in Nature 59
GM 0604 The World of Nature and Universe in the Three-Dimensional Space 123
GM 0402 The Beauty of Patterns and Symmetry within Basic Figures 63

GM 0502 Various Ways of Utilizing Patterns within Plane Figures 68 5. Numbers / The Field of Numbers and Letters 127
GM 0602 Utilizing Patterns within Solid Figures That Make up Nature 71 GM 0105 The Natural Materials Used as Tools for Calculation before Numbers 129

GM 0205 The Appearance of Numbers with the Emergence of the Concept 134
3. Measurement / The Field of Images 75 of Ownership
GM 0103 T
 he Natural Materials and the Human Body as Standards of 77 GM 0305 Various Methods of Expressing Numbers Used by Ancient Civilizations 137
Weights and Measures
GM 0405 The Discrete World: Fibonacci Numbers and the Legend of the 141
GM 0203 T
 he Standards and Purposes of Weights and Measures in 82 Tower of Hanoi
Ancient Civilizations

10 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 11


GM 0505 T
 he Emergence of Fractions in Situations Unrepresentable by 146
Natural Numbers

GM 0605 The Role of Decimals and the Expanding World of Numbers 149
8. Fractals / The Field of Rules 205

GM 0108 The Similarities and Differences of Plants and Animals 207

6. Operations / The Field of Numbers and Letters 153
GM 0208 The World of Snowflakes Demonstrating Nature’s Creation and Extinction 212
GM 0106 T
 he Role of One-to-One Correspondence Serving as Tools for 155
Counting Instead of Numbers GM 0308 The Fractal Shapes Vividly Displaying the Structure of Nature 215

GM 0206 T
 he Secrets of Nature Revealed through Numbers and Four 160 GM 0408 Nature's Names for Visible and Tangible Things 219
Fundamental Arithmetic Operations
GM 0508 Methods for Drawing the Invisible World in Nature 224
GM 0306 V
 arious Counting Methods Used by Ancient Civilizations and the 163
GM 0608 The Mystery of the Human Body and the Universe Uncovered by 227
Efforts to Overcome Their Limitations
Fractal Structures
GM 0406 T
 he World of Numbers and Letters That Reveals Patterns in 167
Natural Motifs 9. Chaos / The Field of Rules 231
GM 0506 G
 od’s Consideration and Gift to Humanity: Fractions and the Four 172 GM 0109 The Vast Void and Gaping Space in Greek Mythology 233
Fundamental Arithmetic Operations
GM 0209 The Origin of All Things Envisioned by the Naturalistic Philosophers 238
GM 0606 T
 he Role of Decimals in Making Calculations Easier and the Four 175
Fundamental Arithmetic Operations GM 0309 The Formation of Fractals, the Structure of Nature, and the World of Chaos 241

GM 0409 The World of Invisible Forces and Laws within Living Organisms 245
7. Equations / The Field of Numbers and Letters 179 GM 0509 The Chaos Game, the Secret of Living Organisms, and Human Happiness 250
GM 0107 Images, Numbers, and Letters Are One Family in Nature 181 GM 0609 Nonlinear Structures and the Butterfly Effect beyond the Scope 253
of Mathematics
GM 0207 N
 ature’s Patterns Shown through Numbers and the Letter’s Love 186
for Numbers
10. Number of Cases / The Field of Prediction 257
GM 0307 The World Dreamt by Letters, Which Has Made Math Easier 189
GM 0110 Information on Various Cases for People in Pursuit of Happiness 259
GM 0407 U
 nderstanding Descartes’ Mathematical Thinking and Ways to 193
Express Relationships through Equations GM 0210 The Background of Probability Theory and the Intriguing World 264
of Gambling
 escartes’ Discourse on the Method Widely Uncovering the World
GM 0507 D 198
of Equations GM 0310 The Four Color Theorem and the Number of Cases That Form the 267
Basis of Probability
GM 0607 T
 he Order of Nature Found by the Naturalistic Philosophers: 201
The Proportional Expression by Thales GM 0410 The World of Probability Revealing Chance Events and an Uncertain World 271

12 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 13


GM 0510 A New World of Probability Showing Chance Events Numerically 276

GM 0610 T
 he Structure of Nature and the Secrets of Creation and Extinction 279
Revealed through Probability Theory
Secondary Courses
11. Data Analysis / The Field of Prediction 283
- Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects
GM 0111 T
 he Methods of Classifying the Elements of Nature According to 285
Specific Criteria
1. Basic Mathematics / Grade 7 337
GM 0211 T
 he Concepts of Probability and Statistics Necessary for Analyzing 290
Simple Data GM 0701 Crafting Codes and Decoding Programs: Exploring Prime Numbers 339
and Prime Factorization
GM 0311 U
 nderstanding Images, Charts, and Graphs Essential in the World 293
of Statistics GM 0702 Numeral Systems That Express Numbers and Number Theories 344
That Describe the Number System
GM 0411 T
 he World of Probability and Statistics Driven by Properties and 297
Characteristics of Data GM 0703 The Use of Letters and the Division of Arithmetic and Algebra 347

GM 0511 T
 he Importance of Small Data in Analyzing Large Data and the Role 302 GM 0704 The Concept of “Knot Theory”: Insights about Creatures on Earth 351
of Statistics and the Characteristics of Space

GM 0611 T
 he Use of Statistics as a Tool for Understanding Humans and 305 GM 0705 Functions and Graphs: Understanding the Real World Where 356
Society along with Its Various Types of Errors Phenomena Are Projected

GM 0706 How to Analyze and Interpret Given Information to Predict 359

12. Relations / The Field of Prediction 309 the Future

GM 0112 The Methods of Corresponding as Calculation Taught by Nature to Humans 311 GM 0707 The Marvels of Nature and the System of General Knowledge 363

GM 0212 T
 he Role of Mathematicians in Guiding Nature’s Motifs into the 316 GM 0708 The Secrets of Nature and Advanced Industrial Technologies in 368
World of Patterns Geometric Constructions

GM 0312 L etters That Make Mathematics Easier and Mathematicians’ Love 319 GM 0709 Euclid’s Elements of Geometry and the Concept of Plane Geometry 371
for Numbers GM 0710 The Importance of Humanities in Identifying Regularity within 375
GM 0412 C
 orrespondence as a Form of Expressing the Relationship between 323 Patterns
Numbers and Letters in Detail GM 0711 Plato’s Geometric Model: Understanding How Humanity and 380
GM 0512 T
 he Efforts to Visualize the Correspondence Relationship between 328 the Universe Operate
Letters and Numbers and the Coordinate Plane GM 0712 The Structure of Nature Is a Fractal World of Enlargement and 383
GM 0612 V
 arious Combinations of Numbers and Images That Form Graphs 331 Reduction of Figures
on the Coordinate Plane

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2. Basic Mathematics / Grade 8 387

GM 0801 Pythagoras’ Heavenly Garden and the World of Dense Rational Numbers 389

GM 0802 Ancient Mathematics: A Beautiful Language Created by Nature 394 GM 0905 Understanding Greek Philosophy Valuing Humans and Society and 456
GM 0803 T
 he Key Element in Designing Nature: Conceptual Frameworks 397 the Heavenly Garden
Created by Mathematicians GM 0906 The World of Circles and Lines That Plans and Designs Nature 459
GM 0804 Algebra: The Study of Mathematical Structures through Symbols 401 GM 0907 The Limits of Astronomy and the Principles of Waves and 463
GM 0805 Understanding and Utilizing Time and Space in Magnetic Resonance Imaging 406 Vibrations, the Secrets of Nature

GM 0806 U
 nderstanding the Magnitude of Real Numbers, Number Lines, 409 GM 0908 Three Impossible Construction Problems Proved through 468
and Inequalities Transcendental Functions

GM 0807 U
 tilizing the Linear Programming and Simultaneous Linear 413 GM 0909 Euclid’s Elements of Geometry, Humankind’s First Mathematics 471
Inequalities in the Modern Society Book, and Non-Euclidean Geometry

GM 0808 T
 he Principle of Scarcity and the Optimization Theory in Solving 418 GM 0910 Chaos Theory Explained by Probability and the World of Physics 475
the Problem of Choice GM 0911 The Essence of Mathematics Education: Experiencing Nature and 480
GM 0809 The Mystery of Nature in Triangles and Demonstrative Geometry 421 Understanding Humanity and Society

GM 0810 Probability: Representing Chance Events and Uncertainties Numerically 425 GM 0912 An Ideal Mathematics Education: Discovering the Mysterious World 483
of Nature
GM 0811 The Mathematical Nature of Probability and Human Happiness 430

GM 0812 H
 ow Humans and Nature Make Choices: Assigning Values and 433 4. Advanced Mathematics / Grade 10 487
Sustaining Species
GM 1001 Pivotal Theories of 21st-Century Science: Fuzzy Control and Chaos Theory 489

3. Advanced Mathematics / Grade 9 437 GM 1002 The New Cornerstone of Mathematics: Propositions That Develop 494
GM 0901 T
 he World of Irrational Numbers: Mysterious Arrays and Regularity 439
of Numbers in Nature GM 1003 Understanding Descartes' Mathematical Thinking and Gauss’ 497
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
GM 0902 C
 oordinate Planes and Analytical Geometry: Proving Geometry 444
Algebraically GM 1004 Equations without Algebraic Solutions and the Challenges of 501
Modern Algebra
GM 0903 G
 auss' Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and Various Methods for 447
Finding Roots GM 1005 The Real World Blooming Beautifully from the Virtual World 506

GM 0904 The Interaction of Humans and Nature Revealed through Statistics 451 GM 1006 Boolean Algebra: The Foundation for Implementing Artificial 509
Intelligence with Computers

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GM 1007 U
 nderstanding the Quadratic Formula and the Rational Roots 513
Which Make Algebra Great

GM 1008 T
 he Quaternion That Provided Inspiration for Complex Spaces and 518
Hamilton’s Intuition GM 1111 The World of Integrals: Traveling through Time on the Axis of Velocity 580
GM 1009 Algebraic Approach to Functions, the Basis of Analytics 521 GM 1112 The Concept of Calculus of Variations That Enriches Calculus 583
GM 1010 T
 he Mysterious Arrangement of Numbers in Nature and the 525
Creation and Extinction of Life 6. Applied Mathematics / Grade 12 587
GM 1011 P
 robabilistic Inference and Mathematical Induction Used to 530 GM 1201 The Concept of Velocity and the World of Quadratic Curves Which 589
Investigate the Discrete World Make Mathematics Great
GM 1012 The Virtual World Constructed from Time and Space by the Real World 533 GM 1202 Vectors: Interpreting the World of Invisible Forces and Laws 594
through Algebra
5. Applied Mathematics / Grade 11 537 GM 1203 Core Technologies of Information Society: The Big Data Theory and 597
Markov Chains
GM 1101 The Principle of Scarcity and Human Desire to Maximize Utility 539
GM 1204 A World Dreamed by Those Creating New Time and Space 601
GM 1102 U
 nderstanding the Discrete and Continuous Data and Its Various 544
Applications GM 1205 The Unknowns in Simultaneous Equations Determine Axes in the 606
World of Dimensions
GM 1103 T
 he Truths and Errors of Sample Surveys That Are Time and 547
Cost Efficient GM 1206 Various Applications of Linear Algebra and Graph Theory 609
GM 1104 The Matrix: Understanding the Unordered World of Noncommutativity 551 GM 1207 Polar Coordinates: Drawing the World Rectangular Coordinate 613
System beyond the Circle
GM 1105 L imits and Series: The Destination of Constants and Magnitudes 556
with Certain Rules GM 1208 Limits: An Unreachable World No Matter How Close We Get 618
GM 1106 The Linear World from a Caterpillar’s-Eye View 559 GM 1209 Infinitesimal Analysis and Differential Equations Expressing the 621
Changes in Nature
GM 1107 The Curved World from a Bird’s-Eye View 563
GM 1210 Proof of Existence: The Pigeonhole Principle and Fixed-Point Theorem 625
GM 1108 T
 he Napierian Logarithm Which Extended the Lifespan of 17th- 568
Century Astronomers GM 1211 The World of Integrals within the Principles of Levers and 630
Planetary Motion
GM 1109 T
 he World of Trigonometric Functions Moving on Circles and the 571
Foundational Technology of Wireless Communication GM 1212 T
 he World of Chemistry and Physics That Has Structural Relationships 633
with Mathematics, the Queen of Natural Sciences
GM 1110 T
 he World of Differentiation: Measuring Phenomena That Occur in 575
Short Periods of Time

18 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 19

We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
An ideal mathematics education must include four fields. Those Elementary Courses
are fields of images, numbers and letters, rules, and prediction.
Each field can be subdivided into 12 units as follows. 1. Figures / The Field of Images
The field of images consists of figures, patterns, measurement, 2. Patterns / The Field of Images
and dimensions (time and space). The field of numbers and 3. Measurement / The Field of Images
letters includes numbers, operations, and equations. 4. Dimensions / The Field of Images
The field of rules includes fractals, the structures of nature, 5. Numbers / The Field of Numbers and Letters
and chaos, the world of invisible forces and laws. Lastly, the field 6. Operations / The Field of Numbers and Letters
of prediction includes the number of cases that forms the basis
7. Equations / The Field of Numbers and Letters
of probability, data analysis that forms the basis of statistics,
8. Fractals / The Field of Rules
and relations that form the basis of functions.
9. Chaos / The Field of Rules
10. Number of Cases / The Field of Prediction
11. Data Analysis / The Field of Prediction
12. Relations / The Field of Prediction

20 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 21

We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Collectively, anything capable of making people happy is referred
Elementary Courses
to as advanced industrial technology. The advanced industrial
technology possessed by every country provides sustenance for
its future, so we can say that a country's mathematical proficiency
1. Figures / The Field of Images
indicates its national competitiveness. Therefore, to preserve
a nation's future, mathematics education is crucial. GM 0101 Exploring the Diverse and Beautiful Forms in Nature
The phrase, “Mathematics is the queen of the sciences, and
GM 0201 Touching, Unfolding, and Cutting Objects in Nature
number theory is the queen of mathematics” might be familiar.
To uncover the secrets of nature, observation of nature must GM 0301 Mutual Relationships of Points, Lines, and Planes in Nature

come first. Finding motifs through observation is the starting GM 0401 Understanding and Utilizing Various Plane Figures
point in the study of mathematics. Each component of nature
GM 0501 Understanding and Utilizing Platonic Solids That Make up
reveals its unique characteristics through motifs. To be a subject the Universe
of mathematical study, it must be drawable, and to draw it,
GM 0601 The Beautiful World of Planes within Solid Figures
we must first find its motifs through observation.

22 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 23

GM 0101 Exploring the Diverse and Beautiful Forms in Nature

2. What is the logical basis for the shapes found in nature?

The shape of a flying bird appears triangular. Birds adopt this triangular shape to cut
GM 0101 through the wind and fly faster in a straight line. Flying airplanes are also very similar
to birds. Like birds, airplanes have a pointed nose and two wings symmetrical from left
Exploring the Diverse and to right. Of course, airplanes cannot flap their wings to move forward. Instead, they
Beautiful Forms in Nature have a long, sleek, rounded body, allowing them to glide smoothly through the air.

Category: The Field of Images

Target: Grade 1
Unit: Figures

ISBN 978-1-64260-280-7

9 781642 602807

1. What is the purpose of observing the shapes in nature?

Mathematics is based on a broad range of humanities knowledge about

A bird with an injured wing would be unable to fly straight in the sky or hunt its prey
the stories of people who led creative lives and faced noble deaths.
on the ground. Similarly, an airplane with a malfunctioning wing cannot fly properly
Plants and animals, as components of nature, display their unique
and may even crash. Of course, modern airplanes are equipped with control devices
qualities through motifs. To uncover their unique motifs, first, we need
that allow them to fly straight for a while even if one engine fails, preventing
meticulous observation. A close observation of plants and animals will
an immediate crash.
reveal their inherent motifs.
Discovering motifs allows us to approach the secrets of plants and Fish living underwater with long, pointed fronts and rounded bodies share a similar
animals. Motifs hold traces of the past that plants and animals have shape to airplanes. The pointed front helps them cut through water efficiently, and the
lived through. They contain the secrets of the creation (life) and long, rounded body allows them to glide smoothly through the water. The shape of
extinction (death) of plants and animals. Motifs serve as a language a fish's body is also similar to that of a flying bird. Fish swimming in the sea and birds
through which plants and animals communicate with humans. flying in the sky can move straight because their bodies are symmetrical. Just as a bird
with two symmetrical wings can fly straight, a fish with two fins on either side of its
body can swim straight.

24 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 25

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0101 Exploring the Diverse and Beautiful Forms in Nature

3. Can humans find happiness by imitating nature?

Table of Contents
Nature is the best teacher for humans. Organisms have evolved for 3.8 billion years
and have developed incredible survival abilities. These abilities have become a source
of intellectual inspiration for humans. Understanding and imitating how nature works
1. Feel the whisper of nature
allows us to create superior technologies. 01. Nature is open to everyone
Biomimetics is the field of study that imitates the functions and mechanisms of living
organisms and merges them with scientific technology. 02. Nature and the tools of observation
It is a technology that reinterprets the optimal roles of living organisms with modern
2. Birds and airplanes can fly
science. Biomimetics technology is also known as blue technology because it is
derived from organisms living in harmony with nature. 03. What is in the sky?
Biomimetic engineering is a technology that applies the shape, structure, and
operating principles of living organisms to engineering. This technology can also be 04. The Wright brothers, inventors of the airplane
called natural mimicry technology because useful technologies can also be found in 3. Hunting using the wings and beak
non-living objects in nature.
05. Birds are skilled hunters

06. An arrow resembles a bird

4. Moving straight with a sharp front edge

07. Triangular tools used by cavemen

08. The world composed of triangles and squares

5. Ships and submarines resemble fish

09. What is under the water?

Since ancient times, people have imitated and applied the forms and principles found 10. People who made ships and submarines
in nature to technology. Initially, they utilized the natural forms as they were,
such as using animals' sharp teeth or bones to create knives or spears. They also split 6. Observing nature, the starting point of learning mathematics
or ground stones to make more durable tools. While there were cases where they used
11. How people observe nature
the natural forms as they were, there were many instances of utilizing principles
hidden within nature. They made rafts after observing wood floating on water and 12. Motifs are unique characteristics of plants and animals
made clothes by extracting silk threads from silkworms. In this way, humans have
developed new technologies using the forms or principles of nature.

26 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 27

GM 0201

Touching, Unfolding, and

Cutting Objects in Nature
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 2
Unit: Figures

ISBN 978-1-64260-281-4 GM 0301

Mutual Relationships of Points,

9 781642 602814
Lines, and Planes in Nature

Category: The Field of Images

1. Why is it important to fully
Target: Grade 3
experience nature?
Unit: Figures
The secret to human happiness is hidden
within nature. By uncovering the secrets of ISBN 978-1-64260-282-1
nature through mathematics, we can create
machines and technological devices that
make people happy. Advanced technology 9 781642 602821

provides happiness.
Mathematics is the fundamental technology
for all advanced industries. 1. How can we understand the structure
Therefore, today's developed countries all of beautiful nature?
excel in mathematical skills, as a country’s
We associate mathematics with combinations
mathematical proficiency determines
of numbers and letters needed to set up
national competitiveness.
equations and solve problems.
These stereotypes make it difficult to believe
that nature and mathematics are related.

28 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 29

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0201 Touching, Unfolding, and Cutting Objects in Nature

2. What logical basis underlies human senses? 3. How can we apply the ability to touch, unfold, and cut?
We can rapidly transmit signals through the nervous system to react immediately to Although biometric technology is in high demand due to its convenience and accuracy,
external stimuli. How can plants move without a brain? People who have cultivated it is difficult to assert that it is entirely secure. Faces can be altered through plastic
plants may know that plants turn towards the sun. However, this phenomenon is often surgery, fingerprints can be replicated by lifting latent prints, and voices can be
attributed to chemical processes rather than movement because it is so slow. mimicked through high-quality recordings. There have even been cases of gruesome
However, some plants move rapidly. The Venus flytrap is a notable example; when an crimes, such as cutting off a person's finger to steal cars equipped with fingerprint
insect enters the trap (leaf), it quickly detects the intrusion and closes as if possessing recognition. Additionally, the information stored in the biometric recognition systems
a sense of touch. cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure.
After its discovery, the Venus flytrap spread throughout Europe within a decade and Recently, incidents of large amounts of personal information leaked due to hacking
eventually became the subject of research by the renowned Charles Darwin. Darwin have occurred worldwide, including in South Korea. Even if biometric recognition were
was captivated by this plant and called it "the most beautiful plant in the world." introduced to replace resident registration numbers, unexpected serious incidents
like these could easily happen. Genetic scissors are a technology used for genome
editing in human and animal cells. By binding to the genes in organisms and cutting
specific DNA regions using artificial enzymes, genome editing removes the faulty parts
of a gene to address its issues. In simpler terms, the genetic scissors cut out only the
damaged part of a zipper (DNA) that is malfunctioning and replacing it with a new
zipper piece, a technique known as "gene splicing."

In Darwin's eyes, this plant embodied the miracle of evolution. Furthermore, it exhibited
a very rare trait of rapid movement and had the unique characteristic of being
carnivorous, preying on insects.
Today, CRISPR, a third-generation genetic scissors, also refers to the immune system
Earlier, we discussed the mimosa plant. The leaves of the mimosa fold up by touch.
that analyzes the related DNA sequences that bacteria use to fight off viruses and
Also, a gentle touch of the entire leaf causes it to bow its head. Why does this happen?
remembers them to fight off the viruses when they invade again.
While it has not been scientifically proven yet, it may be a survival strategy to scare
Utilizing this concept, CRISPR genetic scissors allow the cutting and replacement of
away insects or avoid being eaten by herbivores. If so, how did these traits develop?
genes in a matter of days, which used to take months to years. Additionally, genetic
scissors can be used to correct multiple genes simultaneously.

30 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 31

GM 0201 Touching, Unfolding, and Cutting Objects in Nature GM 0301 Mutual Relationships of Points, Lines, and Planes in Nature

2. How are points, lines, and planes created, and what message do they convey?
Table of Contents
Isaac Newton, credited with completing modern mechanics, wrote The Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy (Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica).
1. How does it feel? It is written in Latin and consists of three parts. Following the preface, it covers basic
concepts of mechanics, such as quantity of matter, motion, and force.
01. Soft, sharp, and smooth
It then explains absolute time and space and introduces the three fundamental laws of
02. Slippery, hard, and rough modern mechanics. In today’s terms, these laws are the law of inertia, the law of action
and reaction, and the law of acceleration, stating that the product of an object’s mass
2. How long and wide is it? and acceleration is proportional to its force.
03. Small when folded and big when unfolded

04. What happens when we fold and unfold?

3. What does it look like when it is cut?

05. Cutting reveals various shapes

06. The beautiful world made of small pieces

4. Even if we cannot touch it, we can feel it

07. We can identify a smell
Principia, the abbreviation of the book, holds great significance as it systematically
08. We can identify a sound summarizes the study of force and motion since ancient times, completing the
mathematical theories in mechanics. Among these, the third book of the Principia
5. Technology we learn from nature and provides clear solutions to many problems posed by Copernicus' heliocentric model,
the happiness of humankind especially Kepler’s discovery of the elliptical orbits of planets. The last sentence of
09. Five human senses to feel nature Ethics, "All noble things are as difficult as they are rare," summarizes Spinoza's unique
philosophy and outlook on life. Spinoza's long-stigmatized and rejected theory was
10. Technologies that help the disabled eventually embraced as a fundamental theory of understanding reality only after 300
6. People who understood nature and lived a creative life years after his death.

As an outcast, Spinoza enlightened what the privileged and powerful could not see
11. Scientific technology resembles nature
through his innovative insights. An endless pursuit of truth inspired his profound
12. The secrets of nature and the happiness of humankind isolation. Although Spinoza's philosophy had minimal influence in his contemporary
society, it gradually gained substantial practical power over time, demonstrating the
infinite ripple effects of truth.

32 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 33

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0301 Mutual Relationships of Points, Lines, and Planes in Nature

3. Where can we apply the natural language like motifs?

Table of Contents
The concept of figures is derived from the observations of motifs in nature. There is
a technique of drawing a picture using points called "pointillism.” Pointillism is an art
technique that originated to represent pure light, such as the rainbow created when 1. Beautiful points in nature and the beginning of life
sunlight is dispersed into various colors. Pointillism creates pictures using only points, 01. Points in nature
where small dots are applied to the canvas using a brush dipped in paint.
Typically, when mixing colors, artists first blend primary colors on a palette and then 02. What are the meanings of points in nature?
use the resulting color to paint. In contrast, pointillism involves dipping the brushes
2. Beautiful lines in nature
separately into different primary colors and then dotting the canvas to represent the
intermediate colors. 03. When the points of life gather, the lines of nature
When viewed up close, the dots may appear as different colors, but from a distance,
the distinctions between the dots disappear and collectively blend into one color. 04. Fascinating secrets of nature in a line
For example, mixing blue and yellow paint creates green.
3. Points and lines form the basis of artworks
In pointillism, blue and yellow paint are dotted separately, and when the dots are
blended, our eyes perceive the intermediate color, green. As such, exploring the world 05. Nature’s beauty starts from a point
of mathematics within art and music is an exciting endeavor.
06. The feeling evoked by beautiful lines

4. Diverse shapes of planes in nature

07. Lines gather to make a plane

08. Nature reveals itself through planes

5. A world of planes and the mathematical principles

in nature
09. The world of planes in nature

10. The conditions that create a plane

The door to this world and the door to uncovering the secrets of nature are one and
6. Points, lines, and planes as fundamental structures of basic science
the same. Upon closer inspection, transmission towers reveal numerous triangular
structures made of iron. These structures do not easily collapse despite being 11. Chemists uncover the structure of nature with points and lines
composed of thin metal sheets because of their application of “mathematics that
12. The future shown by the movements of points and lines
uncovers the secrets of nature.” These structures can maintain their sturdiness by
utilizing the secure nature of triangles, also found in the thorns of a rose.

34 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 35

GM 0401 Understanding and Utilizing Various Plane Figures

2. How did naturalistic philosophers create a mathematical foundation?

Plane geometry, which deals with figures such as triangles, squares, and circles, is
GM 0401 a branch of geometry that studies the properties related to the shapes, sizes, and
positional relationships of figures on a plane.
Understanding and Utilizing Today, almost all topics considered elementary geometry are included in this field.
Various Plane Figures In other words, plane geometry focuses on the geometric properties of plane figures,
such as lines, circles, and polygons that lie on a Euclidean plane.
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 4
Unit: Figures

ISBN 978-1-64260-283-8

9 781642 602838

1. What are the benefits of knowing the unique properties It is called plane geometry because the entire space containing the shapes studied
of figures? in plane geometry is a two-dimensional plane. Plane geometry is distinct from solid
geometry, which deals with solid figures in a three-dimensional space.
Humans instinctively depict the various situations encountered in
daily life through drawings. Therefore, it is essential to carefully For example, when studying lines, plane geometry deals with lines on a plane, and
observe plants and animals, which are components of nature, solid geometry studies lines in three-dimensional space. As mentioned earlier, plane
to uncover the secrets of nature. Plants and animals reveal their geometry refers to Euclidean geometry, which began with the book Elements of
unique properties through motifs. Thus, identifying motifs through Geometry written by the Greek mathematician Euclid around 300 BCE.
observation is crucial in studying mathematics. Once motifs are
identified through observation, it becomes possible to represent Euclid's Elements of Geometry consists of 13 books, with the first four covering plane
them with drawings. Drawings are another expression of figures geometry. In the 17th century, the French mathematician René Descartes devised the
and act as the starting point for uncovering the secrets of nature. coordinate plane. As a result, analytic geometry emerged, establishing equations to
Additionally, subjects that can be drawn enter the mathematical prove geometric properties or solve problems using analytical methods.
realm of figures. Figures are primarily studied to solve problems Analytic geometry uses the orthogonal coordinate system, where one coordinate axis
encountered in everyday life. Furthermore, the properties of figures
represents a line, two axes form a plane, and three axes represent space.
can also be extended into new mathematical theories and applied
Therefore, a pair of perpendicular coordinate axes can create a coordinate plane
to advanced industrial technologies.
(Cartesian plane), which can be used to study the properties of plane figures, such as
lines, circles, and polygons.

36 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 37

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0401 Understanding and Utilizing Various Plane Figures

3. Since when and where have the principles of triangles been used?
Table of Contents
The bottom of pots commonly seen in the kitchen is circular to transfer heat efficiently.
The distance from the center to the circumference of the circle remains constant.
Therefore, when the fire is placed at the center of a circular pot, the amount of heat 1. Motifs representing human cultures and arts
reaching the circumference is consistent, allowing the food to be cooked evenly.
01. The hopes of people and roles of motifs
So, why are manhole covers circular? Manholes are openings designed for human
access to maintain underground structures such as sewage pipes. 02. Motifs used for expressing beauty

Upon careful examination, it is evident that most manhole covers are circular. Why are 2. Motifs as images to reveal the unique
manhole covers circular rather than square or triangular? Let's explore the reasons by characteristics of animals and plants
creating a model of a manhole cover. Draw three figures using a ruler and a compass:
03. Animals and plants are nature’s best friends
a circle, a triangle, and a square. Cut them out carefully and observe that the circular
manhole cover can be placed in any direction without falling through. In contrast, 04. Different motifs in animals and plants
the triangular and square-shaped covers fall through when slightly rotated.
3. How to draw mathematical subjects as images
05. The function of geometry in Greek mathematics

06. The mathematics of Thales and Pythagoras

4. Triangles as basic figures composing the world

07. The most sturdy and stable figure in the world

08. Advanced scientific technology using triangular


The reason is the width of the figure. For instance, consider a square with side lengths 5. Quadrilaterals and polygons around us
of 10 cm. Whether vertical or horizontal, each side measures 10 cm, but the diagonal is
09. Quadrilaterals as the basic figures of the world
longer at approximately 14 cm. Similarly, the height of an equilateral triangle with side
lengths of 10 cm is about 8 cm, measuring shorter than the side lengths. 10. Beautiful laws in polygons
Thus, squares and triangles exhibit variations in lengths depending on the orientation
measured. Due to this width difference, the cover will fall through the opening easily if 6. Circles perfecting the world
we insert the shorter side into the longer side. Now, what about a circle with a diameter 11. Circles in our daily lives
of 10 cm? The diameter is always constant no matter which direction it is measured
from, so the cover will not fall in as long as it is not folded or cut out. This is why 12. Practical technologies using circles, the most perfect figures
manhole covers are made in a circular shape.

38 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 39

GM 0501

Understanding and Utilizing Platonic Solids

That Make up the Universe
GM 0601
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 5 The Beautiful World of Planes
Unit: Figures within Solid Figures
ISBN 978-1-64260-284-5

Category: The Field of Images

Target: Grade 6
9 781642 602845
Unit: Figures

ISBN 978-1-64260-285-2

1. What is the secret of solid figures that 12400>

can reveal the mysteries of the universe?

The practice of imagining solid figures based 9 781642 602852
on the given shadows can develop the ability to
visualize things that are not immediately visible.
Examining the shapes of cross-sections created 1. What shapes exist in the world of planes within solid figures?
by cutting solid figures allows us to understand
not only their external appearances but also their The human body is a solid figure. Uncovering the world of planes
internal structures. Everything in the universe is within solid figures means finding motifs that represent the unique
composed of solid figures. characteristics of our bodies and bringing them into the realm of
The purpose of studying solid figures is to
mathematics by drawing them as images. Mathematics is the study
understand the world of the universe through
of uncovering the secrets of nature.
them. Uncovering the secrets hidden in solid
figures allows us to understand the mysteries of If we discover the secrets of nature, we can create something
the universe and, at the same time, the wonders that brings people joy. Among these, the most crucial factor
of the human body. This is because both the that leads people to happiness is identifying what can concretely
structure of the human body and the universe are realize the dream of extending life.
composed of fractal structures.

40 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 41

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0501 Understanding and Utilizing Platonic Solids That Make up the Universe

2. W
 hat is the logical basis for the birth of the universe and its components? 3. What can we create by understanding solid figures?
A “solid of revolution” is a solid figure formed by rotating a plane figure around an axis. The Fourth Industrial Revolution refers to a new industrial era in which the digital and
Rotating a rectangle’s side, a right-angled triangle’s base, or a semicircle’s diameter biological worlds converge, impacting all aspects of the economy and society.
around an axis will create a cylinder, cone, and sphere, respectively. For example, if we The First Industrial Revolution introduced mechanization, the Second Industrial
attach a rectangular piece of paper on a stick and rotate it, a cylinder with two circular Revolution brought about mass production, and the Third Industrial Revolution
bases is created. Similarly, rotating a right-angled triangle creates a cone with a circular achieved the digitalization of information. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing
base and a curved side. our way of life through innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
These solid figures obtained by revolving plane figures, such as rectangles and right robotics, virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI).
triangles, around an axis are called solids of revolution. The straight line used as the
axis is called the "axis of rotation.” An unbalanced solid of revolution, with unevenly
distributed masses at equidistant points along the axis, vibrates during rotation.
Therefore, it is essential to use technology to reduce vibrations of the rotating body
to increase the lifespan and enhance the performance of machines.
The process of adjusting the imbalance of a solid of revolution is called "balancing."
Theoretical principles related to the volume of solid figures are applied in balancing. Just as computers and the internet pioneered the Third Industrial Revolution, 3D printing
Balancing is crucial to extending the lifespan of machines, as vibrations caused by the is one of the leading innovations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Then, what is a 3D
imbalance of the solids of revolution can lead to engine malfunctions in automobiles. printer? The term “3D,” an abbreviation of “three-dimensional,” refers to solid objects.
Accordingly, a 3D printer produces three-dimensional solid objects, unlike a 2D printer
that prints on paper. Although 3D printers were developed over 30 years ago, they
have only recently begun to be used for household purposes. During this time, there
have been significant changes in their application.
Moving beyond their role of creating prototypes or molds, 3D printers are now being
used as production equipment. We can create unique, customized products with only
a design blueprint. Moreover, eliminating the delivery process means there is no waste
of space and cost and that items can be obtained on time when needed.

Even today, 3D printers are still used to make prototypes for design evaluation before
When we rotate a circle about its diameter, it becomes a sphere. Just as the distance mass production. Developed countries such as the United States actively promote the
from the center to the circumference remains constant for a circle, the distance from 3D printing industry as part of industrial advancement.
the center to the surface of a sphere is also constant. For example, 3D printers were showcased as core products at the world's largest
The sphere has the largest surface area-to-volume ratio among solid figures. In other international electronics fair held in Las Vegas, USA, in 2014. The National Aeronautics
words, the sphere has the smallest surface area compared to other solid figures with and Space Administration (NASA) has shown interest in the tremendous potential of
the same volume. Spherical or sphere-like shapes are frequently found in nature due this technology for space exploration. The space industry is expected to take a giant
to nature's survival principle of achieving maximum efficiency with minimal cost. leap forward if various objects can be created through 3D printers.

42 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 43

GM 0501 Understanding and Utilizing Platonic Solids That Make up the Universe GM 0601 The Beautiful World of Planes within Solid Figures

2. What is the basis for the creation and extinction of nature?

Table of Contents
The Polish scholar Vitello, active during the 13th century, was the first scientist to explain
rainbows as a phenomenon of light refraction by water droplets.
1. Solid figures, a subject of philosophical study Francis Bacon, the father of experimental science, later adapted his theory. Bacon
01. Platonic solids with philosophical meanings believed that rainbows formed because the water droplets in clouds act as spherical
mirrors, causing the light to bend and creating a harmony of colors.
02. Four-dimensional figures can only be understood
through the mind’s eye

2. Various ways of examining solid figures

03. Perspective drawings representing solid figures
on a plane
04. Examining a solid figure with a perspective sketch
and a net

3. The cube, a basic unit composing our world

05. The cube is a basic solid figure
06. Soma Cube: a solid figure puzzle People usually think of rainbows as semicircles or arcs (part of a circle). In reality, rainbows
are circular. Some claim to have seen circular rainbows by chance while flying on an
4. Polyhedrons make the world beautiful airplane. So, what is the actual shape of a rainbow?
07. Prisms and pyramids are simple polyhedrons Explaining the answer to this question with logical evidence may be challenging as it
requires basic knowledge of physics. Firstly, water droplets have a three-dimensional
08. Pyramids with a prismoid shape
spherical shape. The light emanating through this three-dimensional volume should
5. Archimedes, who loved cylinders, and semiregular resemble a shape similar to a sphere.
Yet, the rainbow reflected in our eyes appears to be a two-dimensional semicircle.
09. Various solids of revolution formed by rotating planes The sunlight entering the water droplet's spherical surface undergoes refraction and
progresses differently depending on the color (wavelength).
10. Semiregular polyhedrons, the Archimedean solids
The light refracted and reflected from a three-dimensional water droplet will become
6. Solid figures that make life happy and convenient a three-dimensional, ring-shaped circle. When light refracts, red light creates a fan-
shaped sector with a central angle of 42°, and violet light becomes fan-shaped with
11. CT scanners which realize the dream of longevity
a central angle of 40°. When these combine, they create a circular ring-shaped
12. Advanced technology utilizing geometric nets and soap film rainbow. So, why do rainbows look like semicircles to our eyes? The reason is that the
ground hides the other half of the circle.

44 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 45

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0601 The Beautiful World of Planes within Solid Figures

3. How can we apply the secret of creation and extinction?

Table of Contents
The cylinder has the smallest surface area among containers in the shape of columns
with the same height that can hold the same amount of liquid. Therefore, creating this
shape minimizes the use of materials. This is why most containers for liquids, such as 1. The world of figures in our body
beverage cans, fuel tanks, and thermoses, are cylindrical. 01. The goal of studying plane figures in solid figures
Additionally, cutting a sphere in half results in a hemisphere. Making igloos, sports
02. Why chewing thoroughly helps digestion
arenas, and exhibition halls in a hemispherical shape requires less material while
providing more space than traditional buildings. 2. Humans and nature share the same structure
The reduced outer surface area also makes it highly economical for cooling and 03. Animals and plants value efficiency
heating. This is why hemispherical buildings are chosen when a large space is needed.
04. Beautiful nature exhibits fractals with self-similarity
Furthermore, because hemispherical structures distribute force evenly in all directions,
they can support the weight of the roof or the building itself without the need for 3. Mathematics of volume and surface area and
columns. All components of nature are three-dimensional. These solid shapes contain their logical basis
the beautiful world of planes. Mathematics is closely related to people's happiness.
05. Cubes are the basic figures for measuring volume

06. Volumes of complex polygonal figures and


4. Philosophers and scientists who actively studied

07. Polyhedrons, figures constructing the earth

08. The world of polyhedrons in the eyes of

philosophers and scientists

5. Figures as material for literature and arts

09. The world of plane figures in Flatland

10. Vivid installation art and new media art

Modern individuals facing high stress levels often experience severe indigestion.
What kind of digestive aid would be the most effective? Chemical digestion is more 6. Convenience brought by solid figures
crucial than mechanical digestion. 11. Face recognition technology for catching criminals
Chemical digestion is closely related to surface area. To maximize the surface area
12. 3D printing technology and human happiness
of food that comes into contact with digestive juices, the digestive aid should help
transform the food into snowflake shapes.

46 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 47

We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Agriculture was a primary way of life in ancient civilizations such
Elementary Courses
as Babylon and Egypt. Predicting changes in seasons and weather
was crucial for agriculture, leading to the development of
astronomy in ancient civilizations. These civilizations needed to
2. Patterns / The Field of Images
observe and analyze the movements of celestial bodies to make
predictions, making mathematics essential. Through mathematics, GM 0102 Various Motifs Found in Nature
they could uncover the secrets of time and weather hidden within
GM 0202 Creating Different Motifs with Natural Materials
the principles of celestial motion.
GM 0302 Forming a Pattern with Different Shapes in Nature
The calendar was created by uncovering the secrets of nature
embedded in celestial motion. In Babylon, they used the lunisolar GM 0402 The Beauty of Patterns and Symmetry within Basic Figures

calendar. A new month began when the moon completely GM 0502 Various Ways of Utilizing Patterns within Plane Figures
disappeared, and the new moon first appeared, and they defined
GM 0602 Utilizing Patterns within Solid Figures That Make up Nature
a day as the time from sunset to the next. The key aspect of
the lunisolar calendar was determining which months had 29
days and which had 30 days. Additionally, it was necessary to
synchronize the calendar with the solar seasons.

48 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 49

GM 0102 Various Motifs Found in Nature

2. What ripple effects did the completion of the human genome map
(image) bring about?
GM 0102 Why do biologists study the various motifs found in nature?
The motifs of living organisms emerge spontaneously but significantly impact our daily
Various Motifs lives. Unique motifs can be found in both Eastern and Western cultures. If the traces of
nature are called motifs, traces of society should be called symbols.
Found in Nature
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 1
Unit: Patterns

ISBN 978-1-64260-286-9

9 781642 602869

1. What is the purpose of studying motifs and patterns in nature?

Although we cannot explicitly compare motifs in nature to communities in human
To uncover the secrets of nature using mathematics, we need to consider societies, they do possess similar unique characteristics. The only difference is that
that motifs, numbers, and letters play the role of images. society members are familiar with the motifs they find in nature. People incorporate
Drawing the process of nature's creation as "Koch's snowflake" and natural motifs into various items they create, carve natural motifs into buildings,
illustrating the process of nature's extinction as "Sierpinski's gasket” and embed them in talismans for wishes. The unique motifs found in plants and
means using mathematics as a measuring stick to take a step closer animals play a crucial role in helping farmers cultivate crops. The distinctive markings
to the secrets of nature. We must decipher the language of plants and on the stems and leaves of plants and the spots on animal bodies provide detailed
animals to truly understand their secrets. information about their condition. The farmers can notice a plant or animal’s health
To do this, we first need to approach plants and animals to know what without verbal communication. The observation and study of motifs are highly significant
they are saying, and the key to this lies in the motifs they possess. as these motifs enable farmers to take appropriate measures for each symptom.
Motifs reveal unique characteristics of plants and animals. We need
to know about someone before striking up a conversation with them.
Biologists have been curious about why different animals have different motifs, and
Whether human or animal, the essence of the world does not change.
they have identified the reasons behind these variations. Motifs in non-living things
provide information about our natural environment. By studying rocks and layers,
geologists can learn the past conditions that led to the current environment and
predict future changes.

50 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 51

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0102 Various Motifs Found in Nature

3. What kind of happiness can humans achieve by imitating nature?

Table of Contents
Animals with motifs that act as protective coloration can harmonize with their surroundings
to hide from predators. The motifs of military uniforms utilize this concept.
Typical military uniforms combine green and brown to hide soldiers in grassy and 1. Let’s draw nature
forested areas. Soldiers wear white uniforms in snowy regions and yellow uniforms in 01. Preserving nature as an image
deserts to avoid being easily spotted by enemies.
02. Motifs and rules in nature
Chameleons can change their body color to match the environment. We can make
highly efficient camouflage clothing by using this mechanism to develop materials 2. Secrets in plant motifs
with changing colors. Certain plants have very fine surface motifs not visible to our
naked eye. For example, lotus leaves do not get wet. 03. Beautiful secrets in plant motifs
Water droplets on lotus leaves roll around like beads. Although no distinct motif 04. The life and death of a plant within motifs
is visible on lotus leaves, such phenomena occur right before our eyes. However,
observing lotus leaves under a microscope reveals the reason. When magnified, 3. Secrets in animal motifs
we can see that the smooth-looking surfaces have tiny regular bumps. These unique
05. Mystical fairy motifs of the Namib Desert in Africa
bump motifs allow lotus leaves to repel water.
06. Nature’s motif equations swallowed by cheetahs

4. Motifs exist even in non-living things

07. Unique motifs in each rock

08. Fossils and strata reveal the history of the Earth

5. Nature reveals many patterns

09. How are motifs formed?

10. Beautiful cultures and traditions in motifs

This phenomenon, called the "lotus effect," is already widely applied in our daily lives.
6. Developing advanced industrial technology through motifs
Self-cleaning fabrics, which quickly become clean with just a spray of water, and dirt-
repellent toilets that do not allow dirt to stick to their surfaces are examples of how 11. Camouflage: how to avoid danger using colors and motifs
the application of the lotus effect is expanding. Why do water droplets stick to the
12. Nanotechnology in motifs of nature
surface of other flower petals or leaves? Although other plants also have fine bumps
or hairs on the surface, unlike lotus leaves, they are not covered with nanometer-level
fine protrusions, so they cannot repel water droplets.

52 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 53

GM 0302

Forming a Pattern with

Different Shapes in Nature
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 3
Unit: Patterns

GM 0202 $124.00
ISBN 978-1-64260-288-3

Creating Different Motifs With

Natural Materials 9 781642 602883

Category: The Field of Images

1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying
Target: Grade 2
patterns in nature?
Unit: Patterns
When we discover the rules of patterns
ISBN 978-1-64260-287-6
inherent in nature, we can create helpful
12400> patterns in our daily lives, enabling us
to grasp the entire picture and predict
the future. For example, a week created
9 781642 602876 by humans repeats as Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday. We can determine what day
1. Will understanding motifs nurture a specific date will fall on in the coming
creativity? month, year, or even beyond the year 3,000.
Are patterns just collections of simple
We can find traces of the journey of life traces created by nature? We must consider
and death within the motifs of all living both patterns and pattern collapse to find
organisms. Understanding motifs allows us the rules within patterns. To do so, we must
to get closer to uncovering the profound consider dimensions such as time and
mysteries of nature. space.

54 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 55

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0202 Creating Different Motifs with Natural Materials

2. What is the logical basis for pattern recognition? 3. How can we apply patterns of waves and vibrations?
Mathematically, motifs are composed of points, lines, surfaces, and colors arranged in The ability to depict invisible motifs as images significantly expands the scope of their
an organized manner. Motifs are used in various fields, including architecture, painting, application. Converting sounds, which are audible but not visible, into images could
sculpture, and crafts. Motifs have also been used as a symbol of rituals, such as be beneficial to blind people. For instance, bats use sound to navigate and detect
talismans, and a symbol of power to demonstrate their existence. However, motifs that obstacles. They can create visual depictions of the sound reflected off obstacles,
fundamentally stem from humans' instinctive emotions to escape the emptiness and allowing them to fly quickly and safely in darkness. Today, researchers are actively
fear of spaces ultimately aim to pursue beauty endlessly. researching how to understand and convert sounds, composed of vibrations and
waves into motifs and depict them as images.

We understand that any two objects that exist, even with the smallest masses,
are subject to the unrelenting force of gravity that attracts them to each other.
In such cases, the mode of communication between them is through waves or
vibrations. Additionally, portraying sounds as an image enables us to distinguish
individuals by their voices.

Many natural organisms are excellent artists in creating and using motifs. Animals
make larger and more extravagant motifs to find suitable mates or use distinctive
motifs to build sturdier homes. Plants and animals develop motifs beyond human
imagination. It is necessary to emphasize that motifs contain traces of nature's
creation and extinction. The motifs in fossils provide us with insights into the natural
environment of the period when those animals lived. The traces of wind and wave
motifs carved into a rock help us understand the past climate of its region.
Humans can create numerous motifs from a single shape. When human imagination
combines with the mystical rules of nature, the variety of motifs becomes infinite.

Our vast universe is not filled with only one large pattern. Small motifs come together It is often challenging to determine whether a voice in an audio file belongs to the
to become bigger motifs, and these constantly gather and create new motifs. actual person or is an imitation by someone else. However, each person has a unique
Each star carries countless motifs. Stars gather to create constellations; numerous voice frequency. If we can visually represent the voice, it is easier to identify the actual
constellations make up the universe we know today. The saying, "A journey of owner of the voice. We should remember that motifs are not merely simple shapes but
a thousand miles begins with a single step," sounds convincing. that they also significantly impact our lives.

56 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 57

GM 0202 Creating Different Motifs with Natural Materials GM 0302 Forming a Pattern with Different Shapes in Nature

2. What is the mathematical basis for patterns found in nature?

Table of Contents
Ian Stewart, a popular British science writer often called the “mathematician of nature,”
describes mathematics as the language used to read the “patterns in the book
1. Natural motifs have rules of nature.” Mathematics, often called the “queen of natural sciences,” is majestic,
01. Beautiful motifs in nature charming, elegant, and tender. Ian Stewart used his mathematical eye to uncover
hidden images called patterns in the disorderly nature, ranging from the countless
02. Strategies and motifs of the Roman army that once
snowflakes falling irregularly in winter to the chaos and order of materials representing
dominated the world
the birth and evolution of the universe.
2. Unique motifs found in vibrant cultures
03. Natural motifs of the Eastern cultures

04. Western motifs evolved into geometric motifs

3. Unique characteristics of various motifs

05. Solid motifs and beautiful motifs

06. Wave motifs created by nature

4. Motifs as a channel for communication between

The irregularities of nature have become trapped within the net of “mathematical
humans and nature
patterns.” When we closely observe shapes that appear to have no rules, like snowflakes
07. Motifs involved in the mating process of animals or clouds, we find that the structure of the whole is contained within the structure of
08. Nature uses motifs to communicate with humankind the parts. These elements display an infinitely repeating pattern. The arrangement of
numbers like 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, …, which can be seen in the number of petals, represents
5. Motifs visible in the vast universe the patterns of nature, or patterns of numbers. Here, symmetry is another pattern of
09. Motifs in the moon nature. Most animals, including humans, exhibit “mirror symmetry.” Four-leaf clovers
apply “rotational symmetry,” where the shape repeats itself when rotated by 90º.
10. Motifs made by stars and human imagination
“Parallel translation,” repeating at regular intervals in time and space like tiles, is the
6. Motifs as the key to secrets of nature language of nature for understanding the universe and its components.
Ian Stewart says that the mirror symmetry that appears when we look into a mirror
11. Waves, and vibrations: the secrets of sound created by motifs
hides a secret of nature. Mathematics must remain humble no matter how many
12. How to apply motifs in advanced industrial technologies secrets of nature we uncover through mathematics. Why does nature have distinct
patterns? Patterns are prominent in our natural world due to the collapsed remains of
some universal symmetry during the universe's early stages.

58 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 59

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0302 Forming a Pattern with Different Shapes in Nature

3. Can patterns become the fundamental technology in advanced

industries related to human happiness? Table of Contents
Various technologies can be developed utilizing the interference patterns of quantum
mechanics. Understanding the interference patterns of lasers led to the invention of 1. Living animals and plants with patterns
a “high-resolution fluorescence microscope” that provides over three times better
01. Motifs of plants that make the world beautiful
image quality than traditional optical microscopes. In other words, this innovative
technology allows nanometer-scale imaging of patterns. While conventional 02. The human body resembles patterns of nature
microscopes typically ignore interference patterns as noise during image processing,
through a shift in perspective, scientists developed better-performing technologies 2. Nature is a meticulous artist
that take advantage of the information contained in these interference patterns. 03. Nature has the same patterns everywhere
Technologies that use patterns observed in surviving organisms in nature are also
04. Amazing patterns within the symmetry of nature
being developed. Fireflies can produce relatively bright light due to the delicate
patterns engraved on their abdomens. The delicate patterns on a moth’s eyes are also 3. Mathematics: discovering specific patterns
applied to develop materials that do not reflect light.
Nature has an abundance of geometric structures. Whether animals, humans, or 05. Patterns of human movement using minimal energy
water move from one point to another, movement occurs in a straight line as much as 06. Natural selection, the master of patterns
possible. Choosing the shortest path is an instinct driven by the desire to achieve the
maximum effect with minimal cost (energy). 4. The beauty of patterns found in literature and arts
07. Unique patterns and drawings of artists

08. Patterns in literature and music

5. Fun mathematics activities using patterns

09. Rubik’s cube solutions using patterns

10. Application of patterns in origami

6. Patterns and motifs used in advanced industrial technologies

However, when there are obstacles like rocks or trees along the way, slight detours can 11. The world of physics within patterns
occur, resulting in rough edges. Over time, these rough paths transform into smooth,
curved paths. While they may appear winding, the paths nature creates are the most 12. The happiness of people and patterns of nature
beautiful, efficient, and straightforward routes. The geometry we learn from nature
always contains the method of using the least amount of energy.

60 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 61

GM 0402 The Beauty of Patterns and Symmetry within Basic Figures

2. Why does nature create beautiful hexagons?

Hexagons are highly practical shapes from a mathematical perspective. When using
GM 0402 lines of equal length to create regular triangles, squares, and regular hexagons, the
regular hexagon has the largest area. While a circle has a larger area than a regular
The Beauty of Patterns hexagon, gaps are created when circles are joined together, whereas regular hexagons
fit perfectly without gaps. The beehive that bees guard with their lives is a natural
and Symmetry within creation that perfectly shows the characteristics of a regular hexagon. The beehive
Basic Figures structure comprises tightly fitted regular hexagons that do not allow gaps between
cells, ensuring bees store as much honey as possible.
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 4
Unit: Patterns

ISBN 978-1-64260-289-0

9 781642 602890

1. Why are symmetrical patterns beautiful?

Regular hexagons enhance spatial efficiency and prove highly useful when creating
If an airplane had different sizes of left and right wings, it could not beautiful patterns. Furthermore, they offer a wide range of patterns compared to other
fly straight. The collapse of symmetry could ultimately lead to shapes. The interconnected structure of regular hexagons creates patterns in various
a severe accident, potentially costing many lives. Thus, symmetry is vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions, creating a mysterious atmosphere.
a concept that is critically important in daily life because it is directly Regular hexagons have two types of symmetry: rotational symmetry, which results
related to the safety of humans. from the rotation of its six angles, and reflective symmetry, where the two sides are
Nature's patterns purposely incorporate symmetry as the most the same when cut along a line through the center. Snowflakes possess the beautiful
effective way to guarantee safety and efficiency. We will be able to symmetry of regular hexagons.
comprehend the purpose of studying this mathematical topic once
The intricate photographs of magnified snow crystals look like clean, transparent jewels.
we understand that mathematics is an elegant language for reading
American photographer Wilson Alwyn Bentley spent his lifetime photographing snow
patterns in nature. Understanding the symmetry in nature allows us
crystals. What is truly astonishing is that none of the snow crystal photographs he
to create advanced industrial technologies that make people more
took were identical. Just as fingerprints are unique to each person, nature exhibits
boundless diversity. A snowy landscape has no predetermined rules, yet a perfect
regular hexagon lies hidden in the tiny snowflakes.

62 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 63

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0402 The Beauty of Patterns and Symmetry within Basic Figures

3. Can the beauty of nature realize the dream of extending life?

Table of Contents
Humans developed civilization for the benefit of humanity. Humans are symmetrical
beings. Symmetry is readily apparent daily, especially in objects like cars. It exhibits
perfect symmetry from any angle. If a car's shape lacks symmetry, it changes 1. The universe in balance between creation and
aerodynamic resistance, which could lead to significant issues with structural strength extinction
and safety over time. Even the interior of a vehicle maintains a form of symmetry. 01. The cycles of creation and extinction in the universe
It is crucial to balance the weight on a vehicle's left and right sides. The circular shape
02. The universe of harmony and balance
is also prevalent in a car's design.

The circular shape is symmetrical and maintains comfort. The circular form of tires 2. The beautiful world full of symmetries
provides stability while minimizing contact area with the ground. The tire design, 03. Patterns of symmetry in nature
including the patterns carved in the grooves, also possesses symmetry.
04. Nature and humans love symmetry
Architecture also has symmetry. The Palace of Versailles in France exhibits a perfectly
symmetrical structure when viewed from the sky. India's Taj Mahal, with its stunning 3. Numerous symmetries in fascinating structures
white marble, showcases the beauty of symmetry, making it a meaningful heritage
of humanity. The main halls of traditional Korean temples and palaces are designed 05. The beauty of repetition in palace and castle walls
symmetrically. However, it is interesting to note that many homes of common people 06. Symmetry that disperses force and maintains
often lack symmetry. They are designed with asymmetric shapes to harmonize with balance
the surrounding natural environment.
4. Mathematics in décalcomanies and tessellations
07. Symmetry in décalcomanies and tessellations
08. The concept of parallelism in tessellations

5. Mathematics, an elegant language reading

natural patterns
09. Natural patterns in snowflakes
Ancient architectural structures, on the other hand, predominantly feature left-right
symmetry. The Egyptian pyramids, Aztec temples in Latin America, and other historical 10. The secrets of reflection and symmetry in kaleidoscopes
sites are prime examples of symmetric architectural structures. Why do most architectural
6. Patterns and symmetry realizing the dream of longevity
designs embrace symmetry? One reason is that symmetrical structures are visually
appealing, but more importantly, they are easier to design. 11. Patterns and symmetry in the genes of living organisms
In the times before computers, building complex architectural structures purely from 12. Bioengineering technology utilizing patterns and symmetry
human imagination was a challenging task. However, symmetrical structures offer the
advantage of creating a stable design with just half the effort.

64 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 65

GM 0502

Various Ways of Utilizing Patterns GM 0602

within Plane Figures
Utilizing Patterns within Solid
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 5
Figures That Make up Nature
Unit: Patterns
Category: The Field of Images
ISBN 978-1-64260-290-6 Target: Grade 6
Unit: Patterns

9 781642 602906 ISBN 978-1-64260-291-3

1. Why do we approach patterns through 9 781642 602913

the lens of biology?

If we can convert the motifs found in nature into

numbers or letters, it would be easier to find
1. What is the purpose of studying patterns in the cycle of nature?
regularities. The Fibonacci sequence, To uncover the secrets of nature, we must understand the world of chemistry,
an arrangement of numbers in nature, can be the structure of nature, and the world of physics, the invisible forces and laws.
observed in a pinecone. This number sequence Why are patterns existing in nature difficult for us to spot? This is because,
is characterized by the sum of the two previous like humans, nature constantly changes.
numbers becoming the following number. Even at this very moment, countless life forms birth and die simultaneously.
If we examine a pinecone closely, the number of Rivers flow into the sea, yet a tremendous amount of water evaporates from
spirals in one direction and the number of spirals the sea. Living and non-living components of nature are closely related and
in the opposite direction increase according to continually influence one another. If one component experiences a problem,
the Fibonacci sequence. When simplified into the entire natural system is affected. Discovering patterns can become even
figures of lines, these patterns create specific more challenging due to these unique properties of nature.
forms and bring order out of complexity.

66 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 67

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0502 Various Ways of Utilizing Patterns within Plane Figures

2. Can the whole world be drawn through translation, rotation, and reflection? 3. How can new technologies be created using patterns?
Imagine a clock. Can we move it to another place without rotating or flipping it? “Stealth” refers to the concealment function that prevents detection by an opponent's
Moving without changing the orientation is called "translation." When various figures radar system, mainly applied to combat aircraft, warships, and submarines.
are moved up, down, left, right, or diagonally, their shape and size do not change. Materials that conduct electricity are called conductors, and in flat conductors, energy
But what happens if we slightly rotate the clock? We must tilt our heads to read the is mainly reflected in the direction from which it entered the boundary surface,
clock because that is the only way to tell the time. resulting in the lowest stealth effect. However, surfaces with a single curvature, like
a cylinder, are highly effective in scattering the energy reaching from the outside.
In other words, they show the most pronounced stealth effect.

Nevertheless, combat aircraft and warships are primarily flat in shape. When energy
enters close to a right angle, it produces strong reflections, but at other angles, it does
not reflect energy in the direction it came from. It is similar to how a flat mirror reflects
light, and by adjusting the angle appropriately, we can make an object less visible.
For this reason, modern stealth combat aircraft and warships insist on incorporating
polyhedral shapes with facets in their design. Additionally, stealth aircraft use the
technology of the compound eyes of dragonflies.

Turning a figure to transform it is called "rotation.” Of course, the figure’s size and form
do not change, but the direction the figure faces will change. However, one complete
rotation will return it to its original shape. Figures that exhibit rotational symmetry
return to their original shape even if rotated less than a full rotation.
Nevertheless, all figures share the similarity that any figure will return to its original
shape by one full rotation (360°).

We look in the mirror every morning. In our reflection, the left hand becomes the
right hand, and our right foot becomes the left foot. This is like seeing another version
of ourselves in the mirror as if we have been inverted. Transforming a figure by it While hiding from an opponent using stealth technology is essential, detecting the
is called "symmetric transposition.” In addition to these examples, discovering and enemy's aircraft even a little earlier is equally important. Each object emits waves in
understanding how everyday figures move and change in size or shape can greatly aid different wavelength ranges at specific temperatures.
our study of the regularity of figures. The beauty of patterns is also embedded in the Infrared search-and-track systems can detect infrared emissions from objects, allowing
knots that embody the wisdom and values of the Korean people. them to track things undetected by radar. This function even allows night-time visibility
when the opponent's aircraft is not visible to the naked eye.

68 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 69

GM 0502 Various Ways of Utilizing Patterns within Plane Figures GM 0602 Utilizing Patterns within Solid Figures That Make up Nature

2. What is the logical basis for examining the cells of living organisms?
Table of Contents
Atoms, the basic unit of matter, are solid figures possessing thickness. Various patterns
can be found in three-dimensional structures created by combining atoms. Patterns
1. The philosophical meaning of patterns within can be found in animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like snowflakes and rocks.
plane figures Can we find patterns that cannot be seen with our eyes? Even if it is invisible to the
01. The fundamental philosophy of plane figures naked eye, we can uncover its hidden patterns if we can represent it in an image.

02. Patterns reflecting philosophical significance

2. The beautiful world crafted by mathematics

03. Beautiful patterns revealed on blades of grass
04. Mathematics weaves the fabric of the universe

3. The worlds of biology and physics within motifs

and patterns
05. Nature, art, and science expressed through
06. Equations demonstrate the formation of How has nature remained unchanged from its primitive state until now?
biological patterns This is because living and non-living components that make up nature have followed
specific rules, repeating the processes of creation and extinction. Patterns are the order
4. We cannot sell anything without storytelling
of nature. Finding patterns in a natural world of simultaneous creation and extinction is
07. Fabric patterns in our daily lives challenging. We must view the world with a higher perspective to discover the invisible
08. European design originating from Islamic palaces patterns of nature. We can only have a comprehensive view of the world when we
obtain humanistic knowledge through reading.
5. Patterns and happiness that comfort humans Humanities are stories about creative life and sacred death. Without light and color in
this world, would it be possible to see traces of motifs? Can life exist without light and
09. Human emotions evident in motifs and patterns
color? Color is a way of survival for living organisms. Living organisms must perceive
10. Tangrams and polyominoes soothing loneliness and generate light to sustain life and ensure the prosperity of their species. Living
organisms have developed unique colors to overcome competitors.
6. Mathematics uncovering the secrets of nature and human happiness
Why do objects have specific colors? Pigment molecules determine color. Depending
11. Era of bioengineering where genes change the world
on whether these molecules reflect, transmit, or refract specific wavelengths of visible
12. Will DNA semiconductors change our world? light, they appear as different colors to our eyes. Typically, the colors we perceive are
the hues of light reflected from objects.

70 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 71

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0602 Utilizing Patterns within Solid Figures That Make up Nature

3. How can we apply the unique patterns found in nature?

Table of Contents
Invention is creating something that makes people's lives more convenient using the
laws of nature. In other words, invention is closely related to human happiness.
Invention involves discovering things in nature that people have not yet recognized 1. Natural patterns made by wind and water
and developing machines or technologies that enhance the quality of life. 01. Elaborate works of art made by wind
Invention becomes relatively easy when we discover the patterns of three-dimensional 02. Traces of time in water and ice
structures that make nature.
2. Types of plants and animals shaped by climate change
03. Rainfall patterns affect the growth and
development of plants
04. Survival strategies and animal growth patterns
shaped by exposure

3. Avatar technology that understands subtle

human emotions
05. Reading people's thoughts by identifying brain
activity patterns
06. The age of bio-robotics connecting the brain
to computers
There are methods in neuroscience to understand human thoughts by analyzing the
patterns in the brain. Avatar technologies connecting the human brain to computers 4. Constellation motifs revealing the structure and
patterns of the universe
are also being profusely researched. The brain generates specific patterns of electrical
signals in response to particular thoughts or actions. If we can analyze the patterns 07. Interest in nature’s changes and survival culture
in these electrical signals, it will significantly enhance quality of life. We can create 08. The principles of the creation of the universe
wheelchairs that operate on thoughts and robots that can be deployed in wars and fire in regular polyhedrons
accidents instead of humans. We can even develop bio-robots that closely resemble 5. Next-generation technologies using natural
humans by using artificial muscles sensitive to electrical signals. movement patterns
Human genes also possess patterns. Humans have 22 pairs of regular chromosomes 09. Microrobots inspired by insects
and a pair of sex chromosomes. DNA, which is so small that it can only be seen with 10. Jet streams shorten flight time
a high-powered microscope, contains all the information from the beginning of life to
death. DNA is an organism’s blueprint. 6. Gene revolution and technological patterns of biometrics
Life scientists hope that if they can discover all the patterns of DNA, they will be able 11. The epidemic of ancient viruses and the secrets of artificial collagen
to unlock all the secrets of human life and death. Recently, small, high-performance 12. Biometrics that collects information from the human body
genetic engineering products have been developed using DNA.

72 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 73

We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
To draw a picture accurately, we must be able to precisely
Elementary Courses
measure what has been observed. Therefore, weights
and measures, which are the tools of measurement,
are necessary. The ability to measure using tools such as 3. Measurement / The Field of Images
a ruler, thermometer, or scale is essential for expressing
GM 0103 The Natural Materials and the Human Body as Standards of
the world we live in numerically.
Weights and Measures
The earliest measuring tools were parts of the human body.
GM 0203 The Standards and Purposes of Weights and Measures in
People used their fingers to measure lengths in spans and
Ancient Civilizations
steps to measure distances. However, because the sizes
GM 0303 Understanding and Utilizing China's Chi-Gon System and
of people's hands or feet and their strides vary, there was
England's Yard-Pound System
a problem where the same object could be measured in
GM 0403 The Birth and Understanding of the French Metric System That
different quantities. Standardized measuring units were
Becomes the Global Standard of Weights and Measures
adopted to address this issue, with the yard-pound system
and the metric system being representative examples. GM 0503 Exploring the World of Plane Figures through Weights and Measures

While the metric system has become the global standard, GM 0603 Exploring the World of Solid Figures through Weights and Measures
not long ago, each country used its own measurement units.

74 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 75

The Natural Materials and the Human Body as Standards of Weights
GM 0103 and Measures

2. Why are weights and measures the foundation of a country’s system?

The various units used for measurements did not exist from the beginning. The methods
GM 0103 for calculating size or quantity and their utilization have evolved with the development
of human civilization, resulting in the diverse forms of measurement seen today.
The Natural Materials and For example, the circumference that both arms can be wrapped around is called an
the Human Body as Standards “areum.” Long distances that are difficult to measure with hands or arms can be estimated
of Weights and Measures using steps, and depth can be indicated using a person's height. While precise
measurements were challenging due to differences in hand size, arm length, and stride
among individuals, they could be used for rough estimates of size and quantity.
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 1
Unit: Measurement
ISBN 978-1-64260-292-0

9 781642 602920

1. What is the purpose of learning units, the greatest

inventions created by science?
Humans have the advantage of using their hands freely compared to other animals.
When we see something new, our instinct is to measure it. The purpose
This ability allowed them to create and use various tools for measurement. Tree branches
of studying this subject is to understand the origins of the measurement
could be used to measure length easily, and rocks of similar size were used as tools
standards used in our daily lives and learn how to measure accurately.
for comparing weights. Flexible vines were used to measure the circumference of
Another reason for studying measurement is to determine quantities
round objects. People could conveniently handle various measurements as needed
that cannot be directly compared, even though they can be visually
by utilizing the human body and natural materials. However, mass or volume is not
observed. For example, items of the same size, such as cotton and
enough to accurately determine the true nature of a substance. Moreover, it is difficult
iron, have different weights. Placing cotton in one hand and iron in the
to claim two things are the same just because they look alike in appearance and size.
other instantly reveals that iron is heavier. However, measuring weight
by hand is not very precise. Similarly, comparing lengths accurately by For instance, what happens when we put plastic and glass beads that look identical
sight alone is not easy. Therefore, it is necessary to learn what tools into water? Plastic beads easily float, while glass beads quickly sink.
exist to compare size and quantity precisely. This phenomenon is explained by density. A material with high density tends to sink;
a material with low density tends to float. Between two materials of the same size,
the one with higher density is heavier.

76 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 77

General Mathematics Series 144 The Natural Materials and the Human Body as Standards of Weights
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0103 and Measures

3. How can we apply the various measurement units?

Table of Contents
Volume is the measurement of how much space a material occupies. Instruments for
measuring volume include beakers and graduated cylinders. Think of a measuring cup
commonly used in the kitchen. The cup has scales indicating volume that we can use 1. Measurement systems for length, size, and amount
to fill the cup to the desired level. While liquids like water or oil can be measured using 01. The need for measurements in everyday life
a measuring cup, we need a different method to measure the volume of solid objects.
02. Why did people invent measurement systems?
Let’s consider a method for measuring the volume of a stone. If we place the stone in
a container filled with water, the water will overflow. The volume of the overflowed 2. Measurement units based on the human body
water is equal to the volume of the stone. This principle is known as Archimedes'
03. Measuring using hands and feet
principle. Using this principle, also known as the principle of buoyancy, we can even
float heavy iron ships on water. 04. Units created based on the human body
Now, what exactly is buoyancy? Buoyancy is the force that allows an object to float
in water or air. Fish and heavy ships can float in the ocean because of buoyancy. 3. Measurement units inspired by nature
Buoyancy acts upward, in the opposite direction of gravity, and is equal to the weight 05. Natural materials as the measuring standard
of the water displaced by an object.
06. Methods for measuring natural phenomena

4. Does the same size equal the same weight?

07. Floating and sinking objects

08. How to make heavy items float

5. Different measurement systems for each country

09. Measurement systems used in many countries

10. The metric system, the most widely used

measurement system

6. Tools for accurate measurement

So, we can determine the magnitude of buoyancy by observing the amount of water 11. Tools for measuring length accurately
an object displaces. For example, when we put a piece of wood in a cylinder filled with
water, the water overflows. If we measure the weight of the overflowing water, we will 12. Various tools for measuring weight and volume
find that it equals the weight of the wood.

78 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 79

GM 0203

The Standards and Purposes

of Weights and Measures
in Ancient Civilizations
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 2
Unit: Measurement
ISBN 978-1-64260-293-7
GM 0303

Understanding and Utilizing

China's Chi-Gon System and
9 781642 602937
England's Yard-Pound System
1. What is the purpose of studying Category: The Field of Images
weights and measures that Target: Grade 3
influenced science and technology?
Unit: Measurement
Why do we study the standards and uses of
measurement units of ancient civilizations? $124.00
ISBN 978-1-64260-294-4
Examining the measurement units created by
ancient civilizations allows us to understand
the politics, economy, and culture of those
times at a glance. The "gon" is the basic 9 781642 602944

unit for measuring mass in the Chinese chi-

gon system. They created units of mass
1. What is the purpose of studying the
using the fact that the weight of a millet
evolution of measurement units?
grain was consistent. Establishing millet as
the standard for measuring mass indicates Understanding the evolution of measurement
that it was abundantly produced and widely
units reveals the flow of world history.
consumed by the people.
They used the distance from the tip of the Although the meter system has now become
thumb to the tip of the middle finger when the global standard, in the past, powerful
the hand is fully spread out as a unit of nations created and used their own units of
length. Additionally, they defined the space measurement.
in which one person could lie down with
arms and legs outstretched as a unit of area.

80 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 81

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0203 The Standard and Purpose of Weights and Measures in Ancient Civilizations

2. Why does the world need a universal system of measurement? 3. What are the benefits for humans if we can measure nature?
Ancient Egyptians had already adopted the solar calendar and used advanced With the advancement of science and technology, it has become possible to observe
measurement technology, such as constructing pyramids. They used the cubit as the invisible world, and units for measuring very small sizes have emerged. As a result,
a measurement for a unit of length, representing the distance from the middle finger nanoscience has developed rapidly. Furthermore, units for measuring large distances
to the elbow. Additionally, the Greeks depicted the shape of a human elbow in the vast universe have also been created. Representing distances such as the Earth
in hieroglyphs, a practice that originated from the Babylonian Sumerians. and the Moon or between stars in miles or kilometers would be difficult to understand.

However, using a new unit called "light-year" makes it convenient to measure and
study the vastness of the universe. A light-year is the distance light travels in a vacuum
in one year. Astronomical units (AU) and parsecs (pc) are also useful for measuring
distances between celestial bodies. An astronomical unit is the average distance from
the Earth to the Sun, while the parsec corresponds to a parallax angle of 1 arcsecond.
In other words, parsec is the inverse of the angular parallax value measured in seconds.
Thus, if the parallax angle (the difference in the direction of the celestial body as seen
from Earth and as seen from the Sun) is 1 second, it is 1 parsec; if it is 0.1 seconds, it is
Scholars suggest that the interior of the pyramids was measured using royal cubits,
10 parsecs.
the distance from the middle finger to the elbow of a king or priest, plus the palm's
width. On the other hand, the exterior used bricks cut based on the short cubit,
measured from the middle finger to the elbow of an average person.
The cubit later became the basis for the yard. Babylon, inheriting the Sumerian culture
that originated the cubit, possessed a measurement system using the base-60 number
system. And even today, we continue to use the units for time and angles established
during that time. In contrast, although ancient Greeks developed one of the most
advanced scientific systems of their time, they did not advance the measurement
system. With the widespread adoption of Rome’s base-12 system in Europe, various
measuring systems emerged, blending with traditional practices in each country.
However, the fundamental framework of these systems stayed rooted in Babylonian
measurement principles.
Distances can be measured up to about 300 light-years using parallax, and for stars
During the Elizabethan era, England unified its measurement units based on Babylon’s farther away, distance is measured indirectly through other methods. Light travels
base-60 system, establishing a new yard-pound system. While the Roman system approximately 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) in a vacuum in one second.
had previously influenced France, a demand for measurement reform grew during Therefore, light travels about 6 trillion miles (9.65 trillion kilometers) in one year, and
the French Revolution. As a result, the French Academy of Sciences implemented the this distance is called one light-year. Converting one light-year to other units results in
metric system on January 1, 1840. Later, Germany also adopted the metric system, approximately 63,241 astronomical units or 0.307 parsecs. Additionally, one parsec is
and gradually, most countries worldwide adopted it. about 3.26 light-years or about 206,166 astronomical units.

82 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 83

Understanding and Utilizing China's Chi-Gon System and England's
GM 0203 The Standard and Purpose of Weights and Measures in Ancient Civilizations GM 0303 Yard-Pound System

2. What was the reason for the appearance of the chi-gon system and the
Table of Contents yard-pound system?
The yard and pound are units of measurement originating from the United Kingdom.
1. Measurement systems for national governance They are mainly used in Anglo-Saxon countries and regions that were once British
colonies, including the United States. Fundamentally, the yard (yd) is used for length,
01. Why do we need to pay taxes?
the pound (lb) for mass, and seconds (s) for time. Industries use Fahrenheit (°F) as
02. Measurement systems emerged while unifying the temperature unit. Volume is measured in gallons (gal), although the sizes differ
countries significantly between the United Kingdom and the United States.
2. An oriental measurement system: the chi-gon system
03. The Chinese measurement system that inspired the
chi-gon system

04. The traditional Korean measurement system

3. The yard-pound system based on the human body

05. Western measurement systems based on the
human body The yard-pound system originated in the ancient Orient and evolved through Greek
and Roman times, merging with various units before settling in the United Kingdom.
06. The inconvenient yard-pound system
For this reason, the units in the yard-pound system did not have a unified system, and
4. The metric system is convenient it was only during the reign of Elizabeth I of the United Kingdom that standardization
was finally achieved. The Royal Society conducted standardization efforts in the United
07. The metric system’s unchanging standards
Kingdom from the late 17th century.
08. Various measurement units used in science In 1958, the United States and the Commonwealth nations reached an agreement,
determining that 1 yard equals 0.9144 meters and 1 pound equals 0.45359237 kilograms,
5. Various measurement tools establishing the international yard and pound. However, the gallon could not be
09. How to convert measurement units standardized due to significant differences across countries.

10. Everything people feel can be measured Currently, the UK defines one gallon as "the volume of water at 62 °F, weighing 10
pounds," while the US uses 231 cubic inches to define one gallon. When expressed in
6. Scientific technologies measuring the universe and the microscopic world liters, the British gallon is approximately 4.546 liters, and the U.S. gallon is about 3.785
11. The beautiful and amazing world of nanotechnology liters. In the yard-pound system, length units include the foot, which is one-third of
a yard; an inch, which is one-twelfth of a foot; and for longer distances, a mile, which
12. A new age of space exploration, including Earth is 1,760 yards, is used. In terms of weight, the unit ounce is one-sixteenth of a pound,
and the ton equals 2,240 pounds in the UK and 2,000 pounds in the US.

84 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 85

General Mathematics Series 144 Understanding and Utilizing China's Chi-Gon System and England's
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0303 Yard-Pound System

3. What are the benefits of understanding the physical quantities being

measured? Table of Contents
The term "horsepower" often appears in car advertisements boasting features like
"equipped with a powerful 280-horsepower engine." But what does "horsepower" 1. The Chinese historical figures: Qin Shi Huang
mean in this context? One horsepower is defined as the power of one horse. and Mao Zedong
The term originated in the UK when James Watt developed the concept to measure 01. Qin Shi Huang and the first unified nation
the performance of steam engines based on the work performance of a horse, the 02. Mao Zedong, who established the socialist China
primary means of transportation at that time.
2. The governing system of vast China
1 horsepower was defined as "the power of one horse from England in 1765."
03. Implementation of a centralized government system
However, the actual power of one horsepower in countries using the metric system
04. Qin Shi Huang's unification of writing and
and those using the yard-pound system differs slightly. Therefore, the "International
measurement systems
System of Units" employs the unit "watt (W)." In the UK, which uses the yard-pound
system, 1 horsepower (HP) is approximately 745.7W, while in countries using the 3. The yard-pound system, a Western metrology system
metric system, like France, 1 horsepower (PS) is 735.5W. Although using watts makes 05. The yard-pound system originating from ancient
comparisons more convenient, the automotive industry still widely uses the concept Rome and Greece
of horsepower. It is essential to note that stating a car with 280 horsepower does 06. The United Kingdom that established the principles
not imply it can engage in a tug-of-war with 280 horses. The term "horsepower" of the yard-pound system
represents the engine's power, and not 100% of this power is directly transmitted to 4. Measurement systems derived from natural materials
the wheels when the car is in motion.
07. Diamonds, the most expensive gem,
and the carat measurement unit
08. Different units used in everyday life

5. Introduction of the metric system as the global

measurement standard
09. The birth of the metric system after numerous sacrifices
10. Measurement units devised by the International
System of Units (SI)
This is why some people distinguish the force that the engine exerts on the wheel axis
6. Measurement units serve as indicators of a nation’s competitiveness
as "engine horsepower" and the force transmitted to the wheels as "wheel horsepower."
11. Conflict between the U.K. and the U.S. over standardizing the
In car specifications, the engine's power is often expressed as "maximum output: 280 yard-pound system
PS, 6500 rpm," indicating that it produces 280 horsepower when it rotates at 6500 rpm.
12. Golf measures distance in yards
Here, "rpm" stands for revolutions per minute, so this statement means that the car's
maximum power is achieved when the engine rotates 6500 times per minute.

86 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 87

The Birth and Understanding of the French Metric System That Becomes
GM 0403 the Global Standard of Weights and Measures

2. What is the basis for the reform of weights and measures to become
a scientific potential?
GM 0403 The metric system created by France, which was logical and consistent, had the advantages
needed to spread worldwide. However, the United States and the United Kingdom,
The Birth and Understanding of considered capitalist superpowers, have been unable to break free from the unique
units they use in everyday life. However, it is safe to say that the metric system and
the French Metric System That the International System of Units (SI) based on it are not lacking as the global standard
Becomes the Global Standard in the field of science and technology.
of Weights and Measures
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 4
Unit: Measurement

ISBN 978-1-64260-297-5

A weight is stored within three layers of glass containers in the underground facilities
9 781642 602975
of France's International Bureau of Weights and Measures. This weight, known as the
“kilogram prototype,” is made by combining platinum and iridium into a cylindrical
shape about the size of a golf ball, and its mass is precisely 1.000000 kg. However,
1. Why are weights and measures included in science and politics? despite faithfully fulfilling its duty over a long period, this weight is disappearing into
Korea and Japan, mainly influenced by ancient China, used the measurement the depths of history. Throughout its long existence, the prototype developed an error
unit “ja” or “chi,” representing the length from the tip of the thumb to the of about 0.0000001 kg (or 100 µg). The International Bureau of Weights and Measures
end of the middle finger when the hand is spread. Additionally, a tenth of has made various efforts to preserve the “kilogram prototype,” such as storing it in
a sealed container to prevent contact with air. Despite these efforts, microscopic
the length of "ja" was named “cun.”
changes at the atomic level could not be stopped. Eventually, it was acknowledged
Just as languages such as English, Spanish, French, and Chinese differ
that the reliability of the “prototype” had declined. A mass of 1/10,000,000 kg (100 µg)
between countries, measurement units also vary. However, as humanity
may seem tiny. However, it is not a small error in fields dealing with life and the
progressed and developed advanced civilizations over time, using different
microscopic world, such as pharmacology, biotechnology, and electronics.
units became inconvenient. It became necessary to standardize units,
naturally leading to the establishment of international standards for units. To address these changes, the International General Conference on Weights and
Measures, held in 2018, passed the "Redefined Kilogram" resolution to redefine
the kilogram unit in a new way. It was decided to redefine the kilogram unit using
the Planck constant, a constant of nature that remains constant, instead of relying on
the human-made “kilogram prototype.”

88 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 89

General Mathematics Series 144 The Birth and Understanding of the French Metric System That Becomes
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0403 the Global Standard of Weights and Measures

3. How will unification and standards of weights and measures affect

politics and economics? Table of Contents
Standardization refers to creating standards, criteria, and specifications to organize
rational activities. In today's society, where competition over units has intensified, 1. The French Revolution, which changed the world
the fierce efforts to dominate standardization are called "standardization war." 01. Social conditions and the beginning of a revolution
A prominent example of such a war is the competition between the Internet browsers in the late 18th century France
Navigator and Explorer. Netscape, the developer of the Navigator browser in 1995, 02. France as a modern civil society
had a market share exceeding 80%.
2. Birth of the metric system, the standard of
However, Microsoft gradually increased its market share by bundling Internet Explorer global measurement
with Windows. Despite attempts by the U.S. Department of Justice to act against 03. The quest for constant measurement standards
Microsoft for violating antitrust laws, Explorer had already become the standard in and the birth of the metric system
the global Internet market. Microsoft, promoting Explorer as the standard for internet 04. Relationship between the metric system and
browsers, managed to dominate the market by pushing aside its competitor Netscape, other measurement systems
still earning astronomical royalties today.
3. Emergence of new units with advancements
in science
05. A variety of independent units
06. Physical and chemical quantities represented
by combinations of units

4. Standardization war to promote national

07. Standard video formats and intense competition
between Sony and Matsushita
08. The advent of IoT and standardization wars

Using the metric system, the international standard, does not require separate payment. 5. Steps toward a new international system of units
However, everyone must pay royalties for standardization technology. Companies 09. Units used in the information society
and countries aiming to create international standards bear significant costs in time 10. Debate over the new definition of kilogram
and effort. Yet, once recognized as a global standard, they can receive royalties from
6. Various measuring tools applying the metric system
numerous companies, often resulting in profits thousands of times greater than the
initial costs. In addition, there are intangible benefits, such as promoting a company 11. Tools developed for accurate measurement
or a country's image. As a result, various countries and companies participate in the 12. How are sweetness and freshness measured?
standardization war.

90 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 91

GM 0503
GM 0603
Exploring the World of Plane Figures
through Weights and Measures Exploring the World of Solid
Figures through Weights
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 5
and Measures
Unit: Measurement Category: The Field of Images
ISBN 978-1-64260-296-8
Target: Grade 6
Unit: Measurement
ISBN 978-1-64260-297-5
9 781642 602968

9 781642 602975
1. What is the purpose of studying things
measured by observing nature?
The world of mathematics is filled with images 1. Why are the concepts of surface area and volume important
of figures. Studying the mathematical topic in daily life?
of measurement units is essential because
The concepts of surface area and volume are deeply embedded in our
mathematics plays an exceedingly important
daily lives. We study mathematical topics such as the surface area,
role in discovering and measuring these figures.
volume, and density of solid figures because our understanding of these
Measurement units go beyond being a simple
topics can make life more convenient. Figures are made up of points,
tool for measurement.
lines, and planes. A line is formed by connecting numerous points,
They carry the culture and history of a nation
and a plane is created by stacking numerous lines.
within it. It is widely recognized that using
Therefore, it is essential to first understand the components of figures,
measurement units to measure plane figures has
such as points, lines, and surfaces, to calculate the surface area and volume
been a foundation for prosperity throughout
of solid figures like cylinders. Additionally, an accurate understanding
human history. Many mathematical formulas
of mathematical terms is necessary. For instance, “volume” represents
we naturally accept and use are products of
the space occupied, while “capacity” indicates the amount a container
mathematicians' efforts to observe and measure
can hold. It is also essential to understand the units for measuring plane
figures and the various units for measuring solid figures.

92 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 93

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0503 Exploring the World of Plane Figures through Weights and Measures

2. Why did rational and logical geometry originate in Greece? 3. Why is standardization so important?
When the sun is at its peak during the summer solstice, the sunlight reaches the bottom Standard time is a measurement based on the sun's daily orbit. Therefore, solar time
of the well on the longest summer day, causing no shadows. Syene, known today as varies slightly according to the longitude of each region. Consequently, even within
Aswan, was called “Swenett” in ancient Egypt, meaning trade or market. the same country, standard time can differ based on longitude. To address this,
It was located about 880 km south of Cairo, and as indicated by its name, it was the a specific region is conventionally chosen as a reference, and the average time for that
center of politics, military activities, and trade in ancient Egypt. region is used nationwide for convenience. Typically, for every 15 degrees of longitude
difference, there is a one-hour difference in standard time.

Today, most countries have defined their unique standard time. However, there were
many challenges in setting the standard time. On October 13, 1884, the International
Meridian Conference held in Washington, USA, designated the location of the
Greenwich Observatory in England as the "Prime Meridian." In other words, this
conference established the reference for "Greenwich Mean Time." Initially, not all
European countries agreed to this decision. France, in particular, strongly opposed
conceding the "world standard" to the UK and insisted that Paris should be the
reference point. However, most European shipping companies already used maps
with the Greenwich Observatory as the Prime Meridian. The matter was put to a vote,
and out of the 25 participating countries, 22 supported designating the Greenwich
Observatory as the Prime Meridian, while France abstained.

Eratosthenes noticed sun rays in Alexandria, 5000 stadia north of Syene, made an
angle of about 7°. Using this information, he calculated the Earth's circumference and
radius. If we convert 5000 stadia to the modern metric system, it is about 925 km.
If we represent the Earth's radius as R, the Earth's circumference is 2 πR. Using the fact
that the length of the arc of the sector is proportional to the central angle, we can set
up the proportion “2 π R : 925 km=360° : 7.”

Using the value of πas 3.14 to solve the equation, we find that the Earth's circumference
is about 47,571 km, and the Earth's radius is approximately 7,575 km. Although there
In exchange for conceding the Prime Meridian to the UK, France proposed that the
is a significant difference compared to the actual values of 40,075 km and 6,371 km
international standard should be the "metric system," the unit system they used.
for the Earth's circumference and radius, respectively, these were relatively accurate
This proposal established a trade-off between the metric system and the prime
measurements for the time. However, the unit of measurement at that time, 1 stadium
meridian. From France's perspective, if its meter system for standardizing volume and
(plural: stadia), varied in length depending on the region, making it challenging to
weight were adopted as the global standard, France could easily concede the Prime
determine the exact length.
Meridian to the UK.

94 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 95

GM 0503 Exploring the World of Plane Figures through Weights and Measures GM 0603 Exploring the World of Solid Figures through Weights and Measures

2. What is the relationship between the volume and density of a substance?

Table of Contents
Density is the mass of a substance divided by its volume. Like specific heat, density is
a unique value for each substance, often measured in g/mL or g/cm³ units. Most solid
1. Exploring the world of plane figures through materials have a higher density because their molecules are densely packed. However,
geometrical construction the molecules are more spaced apart in the liquid state than in a solid with the same
01. The origin of geometrical construction dating back mass, leading to a larger volume and lower density than in the solid state.
to ancient Egypt
02. What plane figures can we draw with geometrical

2. Understanding the perimeter and area of plane figures

03. The perimeter and area of various plane figures
04. Rules within similar figures

3. Efforts to determine the circumference and area of circles

05. Pi, the constant that tormented mathematicians
06. Understanding the area of circles through Dido's problem Furthermore, in the gaseous state, where molecules are widely dispersed, the same
number of molecules occupy a much larger volume than in solids or liquids, resulting
4. Understanding angles in clocks in very low density. In summary, density generally decreases in the order of solid,
07. Hour and time constructed through observation liquid, and gas. However, in water, the volume of the solid form is greater than that of
and measurement the liquid due to the hydrogen bonds between water molecules. Therefore, the density
08. Relationships between interior and exterior angles of water decreases in the order of liquid, solid, and gas.
of various plane figures Typically, the density of solid or liquid substances does not change significantly with
changes in temperature or pressure. However, for gases, as temperature increases, the
5. Perimeters and areas revealed by cutting and
gas molecules move more excitedly, leading to an increase in volume and a decrease
connecting figures
in density. Conversely, when pressure increases, the volume decreases, causing an
09. Exploring perimeters and areas through tessellations increase in density.
10. Fractal figures with fascinating properties
Our bodies react in various ways to changes in temperature. When the temperature
6. The Cadastral survey method for measuring land rises, we sweat; when it drops, we shiver and hunch. Similarly, matter exhibits different
behaviors depending on temperature. Most materials expand in length and volume as
11. The triangulation method for measuring any distance
the temperature increases and contract back to their original state as the temperature
12. Survey technicians increase the accuracy of maps decreases. Thermal expansion is the phenomenon of a material changing its length
and volume in response to heat.

96 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 97

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0603 Exploring the World of Solid Figures through Weights and Measures

3. How can we apply the beautiful laws of nature?

Table of Contents
One of the most significant features of gases, when compared to solids or liquids, is
that they can fill a container of any size. Of course, if a large amount of gas is confined
to a small container, the pressure inside the container will increase. This principle led to 1. The three impossible construction problems
the invention of the steam engine. People have dreamed of machines that could work that troubled mathematicians
automatically instead of them. Some creative individuals believed they could achieve 01. The accomplishments and limits of ancient
this dream by harnessing the steam produced when water boils. Greek mathematics

Steam is generated when a closed container filled with water is heated, increasing the 02. Three impossible construction problems
pressure inside the container. The basic principle of a steam engine is to use the 2. Surface area and nets of solid figures
pressure difference created by this process to move objects. Steam pressure has been
used to move objects for quite some time. Although there are reports that Archimedes 03. Surface area of solid figures revealed through nets
created a cannon powered by steam pressure, such thoughts took over 1,500 years to 04. Methods for determining the surface area of
become a reality. The invention of the steam engine brought about a complete change solid figures
in people's lifestyles. Watt's steam engine, connected to multiple machines in a factory 3. The principle of volume and buoyancy for
production system, became widespread, allowing the rapid and cost-effective production solid figures
of many goods. Furthermore, with the advent of steam-powered trains, it became easy
05. Archimedes’ discovery of the principle of buoyancy
to travel long distances.
06. Relationships between various units representing

4. Density, an invisible property of matter

07. Proper understanding of mass and weight
08. Density as a unique characteristic of matter

5. The relationship between the state of matter

and volume
09. The three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas
10. Unique changes in states of water

6. Efficient technologies using volume and surface area

Steam is still widely utilized today. In thermal or nuclear power plants, turbines must
be rotated to generate electricity. Though coal is used to boil water in thermal power 11. The invention of the steam engine that brought industrialization
plants, and nuclear power plants use the heat generated during the nuclear fission 12. Various cylindrical containers
process to boil water, their operating principles are the same.

98 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 99

We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
The concept of dimensions is highly significant in the realm of
Elementary Courses
images. We inhabit a world where three-dimensional space and
one-dimensional time coexist. Before the universe's birth, the
concept of time may not have existed. Everything would have
4. Dimensions / The Field of Images
been in a state of stillness until the universe emerged with a Big
Bang, giving birth to time and space. GM 0104 Time and Space in Nature
Therefore, as space came into existence, time also emerged.
GM 0204 Clocks and Time within the Movement of Celestial Bodies
From this perspective, saying "There's a constellation up there"
GM 0304 The World of Reality, Where Concepts of Time and Space
and "The constellation is located there, so the sun will rise soon"
Converge into the Present
are entirely different. We must be able to perceive time and
GM 0404 The One-Dimensional World Where Time and Space Pair up
space simultaneously to observe patterns and pattern collapses
occurring in nature at a glance. GM 0504 The Secrets of Nature within the Two-Dimensional World
and Plane Figures

GM 0604 The World of Nature and Universe in the Three-Dimensional


100 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 101

GM 0104 Time and Space in Nature

2. Can we uncover the basis of the creation and extinction of nature within
time and space?

GM 0104 Strata refers to the layers of sediment, such as soil, sand, or rock, that accumulate
parallel to the Earth's surface on the bottom of seas, lakes, rivers, etc., and solidify over
time. A single rock, or an area without layers, does not qualify as strata. Sediments
Time and Space in Nature
harden into rocks over time, and new layers of sediment are added onto existing rock
formations, shaping the strata we see today. Therefore, these layers form over a long
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 1
Unit: Dimensions

ISBN 978-1-64260-298-2

9 781642 602982

1. What is the purpose of studying time and space in nature?

Each stratum has a boundary called the "bedding plane" that separates one layer from
The phrase "higher dimension" is used for those who can hear
the next. Although strata are usually deposited horizontally, they can also be curved
things that are not sounded or understand a place without
or broken. The shape of the stratum can vary due to the direction and magnitude of
ever having visited the place. It is beneficial to cultivate a broad
forces acting within the Earth. Additionally, each stratum can have different colors,
background in humanities through reading to unravel the principles
thicknesses, and grain sizes because they are composed of different types of rocks.
governing motifs and patterns in nature within the dimensions
of time and space. Traces of organisms commonly encountered when investigating strata. As time passes,
This emphasizes the significance of human creative life and sacred the upper layers of these strata erode, unveiling fossils on the surface. When ancient
death. When we acquire such high dimensionality, even the most organisms die abruptly in specific environments, their bodies accumulate.
trivial disruptions in the pursuit of understanding the laws of nature The remains that do not disappear and remain over time are referred to as “fossils.”
can disappear instantly. Depicting time and space within the natural Fossils preserved in the layers of the Earth play a crucial role in providing information
world as images follows a similar method. While anyone can easily about Earth's history.
draw short periods and narrow spaces, if we can unfold into the However, not all organisms become fossils. For an organism to become a fossil, it must
freedom of human imagination to encompass very long periods and have existed widely over a large area and in substantial numbers. The organism's body
wide spaces, we can come one step closer to the secrets of nature. must be buried quickly in sediment before decomposition. A fossil from an organism
that existed exclusively in a specific environment enables us to comprehend the
natural environment when each stratum was formed.

102 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 103
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0104 Time and Space in Nature

3. What dimensions of time and space do the analog and digital worlds travel?
Table of Contents
Before the advancement of science and technology, art served as a tool to depict the
dimensions of time and space in nature. However, in today's world, we can capture the
present moment using cameras. Photographic technology has continuously evolved 1. Nature coexists with space and time
since Louis Daguerre invented the daguerreotype in 1839. The widespread availability
01. Nature's transformations over time
of photography to the general public can be credited to George Eastman, an American
inventor and entrepreneur. 02. Nature's variations across space

He designed a roll film camera, which was essentially a miniature darkroom with 2. Nature's continuous flow and time travel
a handle to wind the film. He attached a small lens to the outside of the box, creating
the first Kodak camera. The era of film cameras led by Eastman passed, and digital 03. How did time come to exist?
cameras dominated the photography market. Film cameras had the drawback of
04. Exploring methods of time measurement
needing film development and inserting new film after each use. However, digital
cameras record photos using digital storage media, like memory cards, and use 3. Nature's appearance varies with perspective
specialized displays, allowing easy viewing of pictures anytime, anywhere.
05. Nature viewed from the ground and from the sky

06. Nature appears still while in motion

4. Time and space always coexist

07. What would happen if time stopped?

08. Is time travel possible with a time machine?

5. Numerous traces of time in space

09. Traces of time in nature

10. Nature reveals the past and future

The digital cameras first emerged in the early 1980s, reaching its peak in the mid-
1990s. However, the era of digital cameras did not last long. As technology rapidly 6. The world of art simultaneously records time and space
advanced, cameras became integrated into mobile phones.
11. The past depicted in art and literature
In the early 2000s, no one imagined that we could take a photo and instantly send it
to a friend or upload it to an internet page, as we do today. Nevertheless, the efforts 12. Advanced industrial technologies recording time and space
to depict time and space on a single surface, whether in art or through a camera lens,
have resulted in significant artistic, scientific, and technological advancements.

104 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 105
GM 0204

Clocks and Time

within the Movement
of Celestial Bodies
Category: The Field of Images GM 0304
Target: Grade 2
Unit: Dimensions The World of Reality, Where
Concepts of Time and Space
ISBN 978-1-64260-299-9
Converge into the Present
Category: The Field of Images
9 781642 602999 Target: Grade 3
Unit: Dimensions

1. What is the purpose of studying $124.00

ISBN 978-1-64260-300-2

pathways that connect time and 12400>

Ancient Egyptians believed that time 9 781642 603002
repeated itself even after death. Time for
them was an eternal entity, and anything
deviating from this idea was unimaginable.
1. W
 hy is information about time
The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus
and space necessary for making
viewed time as an entity neither created
the right choice?
nor destroyable, perceiving it as an eternal
continuum, much like his saying, “No man A calendar is essential in civilized societies
steps in the same river twice.” to establish a unified political system
The ancient Mayans regarded time as a with a strong sense of belonging among
burden carried by the gods, believing that its members. A calendar allows people
the passing of a day meant that the burden to predict natural phenomena as they
was passed onto another deity. navigate life and synchronize collective
time toward common goals.

106 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 107
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0204 Clocks and Time within the Movement of Celestial Bodies

2. What evidence supports the use of the concept of time? 3. Can using a biological clock bring happiness to humans?
Ancient philosophers and scientists were particularly fascinated with time. However, Circuits within the human brain function similarly to an internal clock, guiding when
since each had different interpretations, resulting in diverse perspectives on the to go to bed and how much sleep is needed. Scientists discovered through the study
concept, time did not have a singular definition. Whether time should be considered of fruit flies that an internal clock detects changes in external temperatures and
a unit to measure between events or an independent physical quantity remained integrates that information into the sleep-regulating processes of neural networks.
unanswered. The biological clock is a fundamental mechanism in almost all living organisms,
regulating sleep activity in response to environmental changes.

It is already known that the light-dark cycle and the onset of sleep are interrelated. Just
as people travel across time zones, the biological clock can readjust to new day-night
cycles. Bodies of fruit flies are translucent, allowing their clock neurons to respond to
light directly.

The Industrial Revolution brought about a significant shift in the concept of time.
Before this period, time was not perceived as mechanically measurable or objective.
It was observed loosely through the Earth's motions, the sun's rising and setting and
the changing of seasons due to the Earth's rotation and revolution.
Astronomy was primarily responsible for this study. However, with the advent of the
Industrial Revolution, scientists and engineers felt the necessity to measure time
accurately. In the case of fruit flies, temperature can be detected directly by neurons in the brain
or received as a nervous signal from the body's sensory organs. This suggests that
As factories were established and railways emerged, accurate time measurement
the biological clock interprets temperature signals from the body rather than directly
became intertwined with financial implications. Efficiency in utilizing time on individual,
sensing temperature changes.
social, and national levels became directly associated with competitiveness.
Human biological clocks are sensitive to temperature changes. Due to our relatively
In the historical journey of time and space, humans experience an eternal present,
larger size, our bodies require input information from external sensory organs.
which allows them to mature morally. Stories about creative life and sacred death have
The fact that the biological clock of fruit flies relies on external temperature sensors
played a role in elevating human dimensions as they create predictive programs from
outside the brain, despite their small size, offers valuable insights that can broaden our
nature through mathematics.
understanding of human sleep regulation.

108 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 109
The World of Reality, Where Concepts of Time and Space Converge
GM 0204 Clocks and Time within the Movement of Celestial Bodies GM 0304 into the Present

2. Can events occurring in space be arranged in a sequence of time?

Table of Contents
Regardless of era, solving food-related economic issues was a fundamental obligation
for rulers. Due to the importance of agriculture, the sun became an object of worship,
1. Natural phenomena that repeat every day leading to the emergence of sun gods and pharaohs.
However, as time passed and people settled in one place to cultivate crops and raise
01. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
livestock, they began to need a larger unit of time beyond just a day. People began
02. Constellations rotating around the North Star observing the portrayal of time within nature and discovered a consistent lunar cycle,
noticing that the moon appeared in the same shape once a month. They also learned
2. Natural events repeating every month or year
about the annual change in seasons.
03. The full moon appears every month

04. Earth is still revolving around the sun

3. How was the concept of time created?

05. The Babylonian concept of time

06. What is the difference between Dangun era and AD?

4. Changes in human lifestyles with the invention

of clocks

07. Efforts to create more accurate clocks

08. Time and clocks based on people’s needs

5. Various methods of measuring time and hours Anticipating seasonal change became crucial in agricultural practices. So, why do
seasons change? Seasons of the year are the periodic climatic changes occurring
09. Hour represents duration, while time measure moments
within a year, related to the Earth's orbit around the sun while tilted on an axis toward
10. Why one hour equals 60 minutes and one minute the sun. Nowadays, people perceive time as an independent entity. However, time and
equals 60 seconds space were considered a single entity in the past. In other words, time was seen as
6. Living organisms also have internal clocks a means of arranging events in a particular space.

Events in space would be chaotic without time, just as time would not exist without
11. Biological clocks follow the laws of nature
space. Time was generally considered an absolute concept, implying that time flows
12. Disruption of biological clocks lead to illness at the same rate throughout the universe. However, Einstein's theory of relativity
disproved this notion.

110 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 111
General Mathematics Series 144 The World of Reality, Where Concepts of Time and Space Converge
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0304 into the Present

3. How would humans be affected if space and time communicated with

each other? Table of Contents
In the late 15th century, Vasco da Gama pioneered the sea route to India, and in the
early 16th century, Magellan successfully completed the first circumnavigation of 1. Humans sense time and space through their senses
the globe. These remarkable voyages were possible due to tools like the compass,
01. Recognizing time and space through the five senses
altimeter, and books recording the positions of stars based on dates and times.
Particularly, the development of the chronometer in the 18th century as a navigational 02. Animals and plants have an exceptional sense
timepiece allowed precise calculations of celestial positions. of time and space

Migratory animals like birds and salmon have unique ways of finding their direction 2. Time and place originated with the birth of
of travel. However, humans lack an innate sense to perceive location. In ancient times, the universe
people determined their position by observing celestial bodies such as the North Star, 03. What is the beginning of time and space?
the Sun, or the Moon and comparing the observed time with precalculated tables.
04. Time and space rearranged around humans
However, this method had drawbacks as it was ineffective in bad weather or during
the day. 3. Time and location calculated using the sun,
moon, and stars
05. Time revealed by the regular motion of the universe

06. Current location revealed through observing stars

4. Changes in surroundings according to time

07. Day and night created by Earth's rotation

08. Earth's revolution brings changes in seasons

5. Irreversible time and the concept of the present

Today, we have GPS, which eliminates concerns about time and weather. GPS, a system 09. Time flows ceaselessly
utilizing artificial satellites, enables us to determine our location, speed, and time
anywhere in the world. It calculates a location by analyzing signals from the 4 satellites 10. The present, where time and space meet
orbiting the Earth. The system accurately determines the distance between the GPS 6. Navigation technology evolved from the intersection of time and space
satellites and the input location by analyzing the time information in the signal sent by
GPS satellites and calculating the distance light travels based on the time delay. 11. The desire to conquer the world and the advancement of navigation
Nowadays, GPS is widely used in vehicle navigation systems to guide through congested 12. GPS and navigation devices that guide unknown paths
or unfamiliar routes. It is also employed in control systems that immediately pinpoint
the location of the nearest police vehicle to a crime scene in case of criminal incidents.

112 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 113
GM 0404 The One-Dimensional World Where Time and Space Pair up

2. What is the logical basis for the infinite division of time and space?
Points, lines, planes, and solids constitute the basic figures that make up space.
We cannot understand Zeno’s “Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise" with only a spatial
GM 0404 perspective since it would lead to contradictions. Zeno set up a path where Achilles
ran, and the Tortoise crawled in a one-dimensional world —a straight line without
width. Despite Achilles running much faster than the Tortoise, he can never catch up.
The One-Dimensional Although in our minds, we might think Achilles could swiftly catch up with the tortoise,
World Where Time we dare not contradict Zeno's argument.
and Space Pair Up
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 4
Unit: Dimensions

ISBN 978-1-64260-301-9

9 781642 603019

The solution to this paradox lies in the concept of time transcending space. Zeno's
paradox only applied the spatial concept. What happens if we incorporate the
1. What is the purpose of studying colors connecting space
concept of time? The world created by the concepts of space and time becomes two-
and time?
dimensional. A momentary transition occurs when time enters the equation, unfolding
Light reveals colors that connect space and time, exerting a profound a world of planes rather than a straight line in front of Achilles and the tortoise.
influence on our minds. Yellow is close to light and attracts people Suddenly, a track where only Achilles can run and another where only the tortoise can
who desire brighter shades. Those drawn to the color yellow often
run emerges. Once we view this scenario from a higher dimension beyond the
seek the brightness and warmth of light.
one-dimensional world, we can imagine Achilles swiftly catching up with the tortoise
Choosing yellow clothing is a way for us to express many emotions,
such as hope, anticipation, cuteness, loneliness, yearning, happiness, and eventually overtaking it.
love, or the excitement and joy of various encounters. If Achilles and the tortoise were actually racing, Achilles would overtake the tortoise
Light illuminates the world and offers warmth and hope while
in about 11 seconds. The paradox here is that it takes a progressively shorter time
simultaneously unveiling a hidden darkness. As the light intensifies,
for Achilles to reach the tortoise. Ultimately, as the distance between Achilles and
the darkness deepens.
the tortoise diminishes and time almost halts, it contradicts the idea that Achilles can
never catch up to the tortoise “eternally.”

114 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 115
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0404 The One-Dimensional World Where Time and Space Pair up

3. What relationship does the one-dimensional world have with human

happiness? Table of Contents
Barcodes save time compared to manual data entry and reduce the potential of input
errors. Moreover, barcodes allow effortless user access to product information even if 1. The world viewed from a one-dimensional space
95% of the lines of equal lengths are damaged, as necessary data can still be input. composed of lines
The United States played a significant role in establishing an information system using 01. Straight lines and curves are one-dimensional spaces
barcodes through computers. 02. A single real number can represent the position of a point
The barcode originated from the U.S.'s Universal Product Code (UPC), used in groceries
and general merchandise. It was established in 1973, successfully reducing waiting 2. The meaning of one-dimension used by people
times at supermarket checkouts. The UPC consisted of 12 digits indicating the product and society
type, manufacturer code, item code, check digit, and other factors. 03. One-dimensional perspective interpreted by
simple senses
The first digit represents the product type. Specific codes are assigned to different
items. For instance, groceries are indicated by 0, irregularly weighted items like meat 04. Human efforts to overcome one-dimensional thinking
or produce by 2, and pharmaceuticals by 3. The subsequent five digits after the product
3. Time flows only in one direction
type signify the manufacturer code, and the following five digits indicate the item
05. Reversible and irreversible phenomena
code. The last digit serves as a check digit, ensuring the barcode's accuracy by checking
for errors. The check digit is determined by adding the UPC digits in even positions, 06. Irreversible time
tripling them in odd positions, and ensuring their sum becomes a multiple of 10.
4. Understanding how barcodes convey information
using lines
07. Beautiful lines and their meanings in art
08. Barcodes use lines to deliver information

5. Velocity, a result of the equation connecting

time and space
09. Zeno’s paradox and misconceptions about time
and space
10. Understanding time and space through velocity
Recently, a thin, one-dimensional semiconductor capable of sensitively measuring
electrical and light signals has been developed. Due to its fragile structure and material, 6. The day when nanoscience and the world of dimensions meet
this nanometer-thin semiconductor is called a one-dimensional semiconductor.
11. One-dimensional semiconductors that detect biometric information
One-dimensional semiconductors can be applied in various fields, such as transistors,
12. One-dimensional nanomaterials used in real life
LEDs, and solar cells, detecting minute electrical signals generated within the human

116 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 117
GM 0504
GM 0604
The Secrets of Nature within the Two-Dimensional
World and Plane Figures The World of Nature and
Universe in the Three-
Category: The Field of Images
Target: Grade 5
Dimensional Space
Unit: Dimensions Category: The Field of Images
$124.00 Target: Grade 6
ISBN 978-1-64260-302-6
12400> Unit: Dimensions

ISBN 978-1-64260-303-3
9 781642 603026

9 781642 603033
1. Can we understand dimensions through
Euler’s law of one-stroke drawing?
To better understand our three-dimensional world, 1. What is the purpose of studying the three-dimensional
it is necessary first to comprehend the two- world through our eyes and ears?
dimensional world. Even when contemplating
various physical quantities like length, area, What is the purpose of studying the three-dimensional world
time, speed, mass, and force, even if one only in mathematics? We cannot accurately discern precise forms or
considers the physical relationships, ignoring their situations of the three-dimensional world in mathematics through
magnitudes, it is important to recognize that they a two-dimensional perspective. For instance, during a solar eclipse,
each have their own dimensions. For instance, we can only determine that the moon passes between the Earth
the dimension of the area is (length dimension × and the Sun, but we cannot determine how close the moon is.
length dimension), and the dimension of speed is To illustrate further, we cannot explain the reasons for different
(length dimension ÷ time dimension). solar eclipses, like total and annular eclipses. As we study squares
Solid figures are extensions of plane figures. before understanding cubes, lowering the dimensions can make it
The purpose of studying the two-dimensional easier for mathematical beginners to comprehend various concepts.
world is to facilitate a better understanding of Nevertheless, it is still crucial to consider the actual dimensions to
three-dimensional solid figures. uncover the secrets of nature and the universe.

118 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 119
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0504 The Secrets of Nature within the Two-Dimensional World and Plane Figures

2. What is the reason why the space created by mathematicians is important? 3. Could we be more comfortable and happier if dimensions were altered?
Topology started from the concept of one-stroke drawing and is now applied in Olympic ski athletes showcase aerial maneuvers by soaring high and twisting their
various areas such as designing subway routes, semiconductor circuit design, memory bodies to perform flips. This skill is known as the Möbius Flip, where the skier moves
storage arrangements in computers, marketing sequences of salesmen, and finding along an imaginary Möbius strip. The Möbius strip is not just a simple amusement.
optimal travel routes for travelers. Topology also plays a crucial role in physics. It is widely utilized in industrial settings. Belts transferring rotational power from
A rectangular piece of paper has front and back sides. A point moving along one side engines to different axes use the principles of the Möbius strip. As mentioned earlier,
of the paper cannot move to the other side without crossing a boundary. Among the using just one side of a belt leads to easy wear and tear, but a belt twisted into a half-
bizarre and mysterious figures conceived by topologists that could be stretched and turn has no distinction between its front and back, allowing for even usage of both
manipulated like rubber bands, the most well-known is the “Möbius strip.” sides, doubling its lifespan. The Möbius strip structure is also often used in advanced
electronic circuit components.

We can easily observe the structure of the Möbius strip in nature. Electrically charged
particles traveling through space are captured by the Earth's magnetic field, executing
a Möbius flip while spinning. Protein structures are also twisted like Möbius strips.
There is a limit to the amount of information that can be contained in a one-dimensional
barcode made of black and white spaces. To overcome this limit, we have created
a two-dimensional grid-like code.

Devised by German astronomer and mathematician Möbius, the Möbius strip possesses
a peculiar property in which its front and back are indistinguishable. This strip is a two-
dimensional figure made up of only one surface. A Möbius strip is created by taking
a long, thin, rectangular piece of paper and twisting its ends before connecting them.
Drawing a line along the strip reveals intriguing properties. While drawing the line,
we will realize that we are drawing on the opposite side from where we began.
Traveling two full circuits along the strip brings us back to the starting point.
The QR code is a type of two-dimensional code. "QR" stands for "Quick Response."
The Möbius strip symbolizes infinite circulation. For this reason, the recycling symbol Initially developed in the mid-1990s by Denso Wave, a logistics management
distinctly resembles the shape of the Möbius strip. The most effective utilization of subsidiary of the Japanese car company Toyota, they decided not to enforce patents,
the Möbius strip is found in conveyor belts. Conveyor belt machinery employs this leading to the widespread use of QR codes across various fields today. While
property to transmit rotational motion. If we follow the belt, we will notice a twisted traditional one-dimensional barcodes can store only around 20 digits, QR codes can
section at some point. All its surfaces are evenly worn down by the machinery by hold a maximum of 7,089 numeric characters, 4,296 alphanumeric characters, and
twisting the belt once, significantly extending its lifespan. even up to 1,817 Chinese characters.

120 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 121
GM 0504 The Secrets of Nature within the Two-Dimensional World and Plane Figures GM 0604 The World of Nature and Universe in the Three-Dimensional Space

2. How were time, space, and energy created through the explosion of
Table of Contents the universe?
The universe is a vast, three-dimensional world. Among the hypotheses regarding
1. Ants live in a two-dimensional world the universe's origin, the most reliable is the theory of cosmic inflation, also known
01. Ants living in a two-dimensional world as the “Big Bang Theory.” Approximately 15 billion years ago, the universe, originally
02. The three-dimensional world from the perspective converged to a single point, exploded in a state of high temperature and density,
of two-dimensional organisms giving birth to time, space, and energy.

2. The double helix structure discovered through the One of the most intriguing discussions about the secrets of the three-dimensional
combination of creativity and two-dimensional images natural world and the universe is the “Olbers' Paradox.” A debate sparked between
03. Human efforts to discover genetic material astronomers after Newton established that gravity acts between all objects with mass.
If so, why do stars maintain their current state instead of merging? Newton proposed
04. DNA double helix structure discovered by
Watson and Crick the hypothesis that “an infinite number of stars are uniformly spread throughout the
infinite expanse of the universe, achieving gravitational equilibrium among themselves.”
3. The coordinate plane represents positions in
a two-dimensional world
05. The coordinate plane indicates positions with
pairs of numbers
06. Concept of distance on the coordinate plane
and taxicab geometry
4. The two-dimensional structure of the natural
world and graphene, a dream nanomaterial
07. Nanoscience revealing nature’s hidden structures
08. Graphene, a dream material discovered in graphite
5. Paintings and pictures represent the In 1823, German astronomer Heinrich Olbers proposed the Olbers Paradox, stating,
three-dimensional world in two dimensions “If the universe were infinite and stars uniformly distributed, the night sky should be
09. Representing the three-dimensional world in paintings bright due to starlight, which contradicts observation.”
10. Two-dimensional maps and how to interpret satellite images Ironically, American poet Edgar Allan Poe provided the key to understanding this
paradox. He suggested that since there cannot be separate regions in vast cosmic
6. Two-dimensional arrays used in computer science
space devoid of stars, the seeming emptiness is due to starlight not reaching us.
11. QR codes contain more information than barcodes
While his idea seems logical today, it was considered poetic nonsense during his time.
12. Two-dimensional arrays in excel programs Yet, later discoveries by Kelvin and Hubble confirmed that the universe is expanding,
explaining why starlight fails to reach us.

122 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 123
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0604 The World of Nature and Universe in the Three-Dimensional Space

3. How can we apply the understanding of the relative spacetime

dimension? Table of Contents
In the modern world, people's lifestyles have significantly changed due to the widespread
implementation of smartphones and tablet PCs. What we could only see in movies, 1. Time and place created by the birth of the universe
such as futuristic technology, has become a reality. One such example is the technology 01. The birth of the universe and the Big Bang theory
of augmented reality (AR). AR technology overlays three-dimensional virtual images
onto real-world images or backgrounds to present them as a single video. It is also 02. The structure of the universe conceived by
ancient philosophers
known as mixed reality.

One of the most notable devices utilizing AR technology is Google Glass. Through 2. The wisdom of organisms in using space effectively
this intelligent eyewear developed by Google, users can access services such as 03. The direction of vine growth and geodesic lines
searching the internet, taking pictures, and receiving navigation guidance. These smart
04. The Fibonacci sequence and fractal structures
glasses allow users to overlay a virtual screen to the real world they see to create an found in nature
augmented view.
3. The world of dimensions revealed through units
05. Dimensions revealed through units of length and time

06. Units used in physics and chemistry

4. Human imagination and glorious culture

filling space
07. Why the night sky is not full of stars

08. Interior technology using 3D space

5. Modern architecture resembling nature

However, AR also has its downsides. While it undoubtedly makes daily life more 09. Animals are great architects in nature
convenient, there is the risk of overly immersing in the virtual world, blurring the lines 10. Mike Pearce’s architecture inspired by termite nests
between virtual and reality. Over-reliance on technology might lead to individuals
not fully utilizing their inherent cognitive and perceptive abilities. Similar effects have 6. Predicting the future through three-dimensional world
been seen where people's memorization of lyrics decreased with the introduction of and spatial data
karaoke. Another example is how car navigation has dulled people's sense of spatial 11. Games and augmented reality using 3D spatial data
awareness, such as distance and direction. Long-term contemplation and discussions
12. National geographic information that requires security maintenance
are necessary to explore ways to advance AR, a double-edged sword, in a beneficial
direction for humans while minimizing potential side effects.

124 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Images / 125
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Despite being mystical and religious in other aspects, the
Elementary Courses
Pythagorean school was highly rational in natural philosophy.
They discovered that a single mathematical principle could
be applied to various natural phenomena and believed these 5. Numbers / The Field of Numbers and Letters
mathematical features constituted the essence of phenomena.
GM 0105 The Natural Materials Used as Tools for Calculation before
The Pythagorean school sought to find the essence of natural
phenomena in the relationships between numbers and quantities.
GM 0205 The Appearance of Numbers with the Emergence of the
Their belief that "all things are numbers" reflects their conviction Concept of Ownership
that numbers were the ultimate tool and principle for explaining
GM 0305 Various Methods of Expressing Numbers Used by Ancient
nature. Philolaus, a member of the Pythagorean school who Civilizations
flourished in the 5th century BC, spoke about the greatness of GM 0405 The Discrete World: Fibonacci Numbers and the Legend of
numbers in uncovering the secrets of nature as follows: the Tower of Hanoi
"If numbers do not possess characteristics, no object can have GM 0505 The Emergence of Fractions in Situations Unrepresentable
clarity. Not only the object itself but also the relationship by Natural Numbers
between that object and other things becomes unclear. GM 0605 The Role of Decimals and the Expanding World of Numbers
We often feel the power of numbers. We can find the power
of numbers everywhere, not only in the actions of demons
and gods, but also in all human thoughts and actions, in music,
art, and everything created by humans."

126 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 127

GM 0105 The Natural Materials Used as Tools for Calculation before Numbers

2. What is the logical basis for the statement that the sources of all things
are numbers?
Let’s examine the meaning of Pythagoras’ statement, “All things are numbers.”
Pythagoras' claim is complex because "things" are material, whereas "numbers" are
GM 0105 immaterial. How should we comprehend this? Pythagoras was born around 570 BCE
and estimated to have died around 490 BCE. His followers, Pythagoreans, are said to
The Natural Materials Used have been influential political forces in southern Italy in the 5th century BCE.
as Tools for Calculation
before Numbers
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
Target: Grade 1
Unit: Numbers

ISBN 978-1-64260-304-0

9 781642 603040

It is better to understand the statement "All things are numbers," as the view of
1. What is the purpose of studying numbers, a counting tool
Pythagoreans rather than just Pythagoras himself.
used by primitive people?
According to Aristotle, the Pythagoreans considered numbers "principles of the
People started exchanging their surplus resources with others, leading substance of things." Here, "substance" refers to the material from which, when given
to the natural development of the concept of "numbers." However, a form, something becomes a specific entity. This can be understood as the material
counting methods varied among different tribes. Some counted using
that takes on various forms during the generation and transformation of matter.
"one, two," and anything more was simply considered "many."
Others drew markings on wood to count the number of lambs using The Pythagoreans considered numbers to be material, not immaterial. To them,
one-to-one correspondence. Since counting methods differed among numbers were material, like air or water, and they believed that material numbers
tribes, it became very inconvenient when tribes needed to compare could naturally constitute the material world. Why did they think so? It is closely
or count their livestock using their respective methods, as they had no
related to their use of geometry to study figures.
common standard for numbers or counting. This brought about the
Pythagoreans believed that the material world is composed of points, lines, planes,
birth of modern numbers.
and solids. They corresponded these geometric elements to the numbers 1, 2, 3, and
4, respectively. From this view, they claimed that everything in the material world is
made of numbers.

128 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 129
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0105 The Natural Materials Used as Tools for Calculation before Numbers

3. Why was the abacus made and how was it used?

Table of Contents
The abacus is one of the oldest inventions created by humankind. It was first developed
around 3,000 BCE in Mesopotamia and is still used today.
At that time, an abacus was made by spreading sand thinly on a flat plate and marking 1. Humans, the masters of crafting and using tools
it with fingers or sticks. The most significant advantage of the abacus is its versatility, 01. Animals that can use tools found in nature
as it can be applied to various numeral systems and used for precise calculations of
02. Various tools utilized by primitive humans
large numbers. Abacuses were also widely used in ancient Egypt and Greece, with the
Romans even teaching how to use the abacus in schools. 2. The beginning of civilization and the emergence
of various counting methods
03. When and where did civilization begin?

04. Why were counting methods needed?

3. Primitive counting methods using tally marks

05. Draw a tally for each count

06. Various drawing techniques used in daily life

4. Counting methods using the human body,

a component of nature
While the abacus offers the advantage of conveniently representing and calculating 07. The human body is the best counting tool
numbers, it does have a few disadvantages. Abacuses require much practice to get
08. With rules set, even large numbers can be counted
used to, and if a mistake is made during calculations, we may need to start over
using the body
from the beginning. Nevertheless, the benefits of using an abacus outweigh the
disadvantages, which is why it has been in use for a long time. 5. Natural materials used for exchanging goods
People have always sought convenience. In the Western world, the development of 09. Exchanging goods for other goods is very
new mechanical calculators began in the 17th century. With these calculators, people inconvenient
could efficiently perform calculations without moving beads one by one, like with 10. Various currencies utilizing natural materials
an abacus. They only needed to understand the meanings of the buttons on the
calculator. While today, people typically think of computers as machines that process 6. Convenient counting tools created by humans
data using electronic circuits, in the past, the term "computer" referred to a calculator. 11. The abacus that helps us calculate everything easily
We can find this connection in the etymology of "computer," which derives from
12. Electronic calculators provide answers with the press of a button
"to compute." The modern computer is the result of continuous efforts to make
calculations easier, and it has become an essential part of daily life today.

130 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 131
GM 0205

The Appearance of Numbers

with the Emergence of
the Concept of Ownership
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
GM 0305
Target: Grade 2
Unit: Numbers Various Methods of
Expressing Numbers Used
by Ancient Civilizations
ISBN 978-1-64260-305-7

Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters

9 781642 603057 Target: Grade 3
Unit: Numbers

1. What is the purpose of studying ISBN 978-1-64260-306-4
the development of the concept
of numbers?
9 781642 603064
Since numbers are not visible or tangible,
people have long used natural tools
to count things. They would pair small
stones with livestock or carve notches into 1. Why do the shapes of ancient
tree branches to count and remember
Egyptian numerals resemble
the number of fruits they harvested.
Making new characters of hieroglyphs is
challenging since a new symbol has to
be created each time. This is why people
tried to find a new method to represent
numbers easily, resulting in the modern-day
numerical system where digits ascend by
powers of 10.

132 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 133
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0205 The Appearance of Numbers with the Emergence of the Concept of Ownership

2. Why did humans take such a long time to perceive numbers abstractly? 3. How can we apply various numeral systems?
It took a long time to figure out the seemingly simple numbers and how they Why did we end up using the base-10 system? Humans have ten fingers, which makes
correspond to each object. As humanity evolved, so did the methods of counting. the base-10 system convenient. If people had twelve fingers, we might be using
Initially, people paired things together to count them. They would line up individual a base-12 system. In ancient times, people counted using their fingers. When they
rocks and correspond them to each object or draw lines on a particular tree to needed to count larger numbers, they would place a stone or stick as a marker
represent the quantity of items. When storing the food obtained through hunting or every time ten fingers were filled. This counting method was repeated several times,
farming, they used stones or branches to mark and keep track of portions. eventually leading to the development of the base-10 system.

The base-10 system is a positional numeral system where the place value increases by
a factor of 10 as we move to the left. Influenced by the Indian system, it only uses ten
digits to represent many numbers. The base-10 system expresses numbers where each
place value to the left represents a value ten times greater than the one to its right.
We can better understand their composition by showing base-10 numbers in expanded
form using powers of 10. There are diverse numeral systems used to represent numbers.

As surplus food appeared, people began to distinguish between what was theirs and
what belonged to others. In this process, the concept of ownership naturally led to
recognizing the need for numbers. For example, people would put small rocks in a bag
to represent the number of fruits they had. As they ate each fruit, they would remove
a stone from the bag. They could determine how many fruits remained by looking
at the number of rocks left in the bag. They concluded that someone had stolen the
The binary system is a positional numeral system where the place value doubles as we
fruits if fewer rocks were in the bag than there should have been.
move to the left. In other words, the binary system represents numbers where each
The easiest way to count was by using the human body. People assigned numbers to place value to the left is worth twice as much as the one to its right. Since the binary
various parts of the body to count. The Papuans of Papua New Guinea, islands of the system uses only two digits, 0 and 1, it is a simple way to represent numbers. However,
southwest Pacific, assigned numbers from 1 to 41 to different body parts. For example, binary representation can become significantly longer than base-10 numbers. Still, due
the right pinky finger was 1, the right ring finger was 2, the mouth was 12, the left to its simplicity, computers use binary numbers.
pinky toe was 41, and so on. They used these body parts as reference points for Computers interpret and process numbers in a binary format, where base-10 numbers
counting. Although less convenient than the numbers we use today, using body parts are converted to sequences of 0s and 1s, making binary the foundation of computer
allowed them to count relatively large numbers. structures. The concept of dualism influenced the mathematical design of computers.

134 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 135
GM 0205 The Appearance of Numbers with the Emergence of the Concept of Ownership GM 0305 Various Methods of Expressing Numbers Used by Ancient Civilizations

2. Why do ancient numbers reflect the secrets of the sky?

Table of Contents
Astronomy is the study of the stars, moon, and universe. The Mayans, deeply interested
in astronomy, continued their studies beyond the stars in the sky. While Mayan temples
1. The desire of people to acquire more and towers outwardly displayed piety, they also served the practical purpose of
01. Animals hunt only what they need observation posts for exploring the stars and the universe. The Mayans knew how to
build based on mathematical logic. This heightened their interest in astronomy and
02. Endless greed and the world of humans
established observatories for more profound astronomical research.
2. How to count without numbers
03. Can animals count?
04. Stones were the first counting tool

3. Natural numbers that emerged in the process

of counting objects
05. We can compare quantities without numbers
06. Natural numbers that reveal size without
individual comparison

4. How to utilize natural materials as counting tools

07. Natural materials serving as counting tools
Furthermore, the Mayans also left remarkable achievements in the field of mathematics.
08. Seashells, once used as currency
Their understanding that the size of a number varies according to the position of digits
5. Numbers and their representations across is the same principle of numbers used today. As mentioned earlier, the concept of the
different countries number zero (0), credited to India, was actually first developed by Mayans. Their use
of “0” is astonishing, as neither Rome nor Egypt used it at the time. The Mayan record
09. Ways of expressing numbers vary from country
to country Dresden Codex notably documents the discovery of “0.”

10. The birth and spread of the Indo-Arabic numerals In this way, Mayans only used 20 symbols to represent all numbers, and different
positions of the symbols represented different numbers. This is similar to our modern
6. Various methods to verify ownership numbering system, where all numbers use just ten digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and
11. Numbers found in various contracts signify different values according to different positions.
What makes the Mayan system convenient is knowing just three symbols – one dot
12. Responsibilities of ownership and associated taxes
representing 1, one line representing 5, and a special symbol for 0 – it is easy to
understand all 20 symbols without learning the separate numbers.

136 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 137
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0305 Various Methods of Expressing Numbers Used by Ancient Civilizations

3. Why were the ancient Babylonians good at business?

Table of Contents
Around 4,000 years ago, Babylon was ruled by King Hammurabi. The numbers used
during this time are called Babylonian numerals. To successfully understand
Babylonian numerals, we must first look at Sumerian numerals. The Sumerians lived 1. Counting methods and number representations
around 5,000 years ago, farming and raising livestock. They used writing tools to in the prehistoric era
express numbers and symbols. The symbols used by Sumerians are called "cuneiform." 01. Life in the prehistoric era and the concept of numbers
Sumerian numerals expressed in cuneiform were passed on to the Babylonians, who 02. Markings and knots that represent numbers
developed them further. When Sumerians first created numerals, they did not receive 2. Numbers used in ancient Mayan and Egyptian
help from or imitate the ancient Egyptians. Sumerian numbers were much more civilizations
complex compared to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
03. Representation of numbers used in the mysterious
Mayan civilization
04. Numbers and letters used by ancient Egyptians

3. Numbers used in the Mesopotamian civilization

where commerce flourished
05. The Mesopotamian civilization utilized the open landscape
06. Mesopotamia’s use of cuneiform and the base-60 system

4. Philosophical numerical expressions in Ionia

and ancient Greece
07. Greek philosophy and culture spanning 1,000 years
08. Understanding Greek numbers derived from letters
The Sumerian numeral system used a base-60 system. A base-60 system represents
numbers by assembling them in groups of 60, increasing one digit at a time. 5. Numbers used in China, the center of Eastern
We still use the base-60 system in various contexts, such as measuring angles, telling civilization
time, and reading lunar calendars. In contrast, ancient Egyptian numerals used a base- 09. Chinese numerals are read in units of ten thousand
10 system, and the Mayans used a base-20 system. (10,000)
However, the issue with Sumerian numeral representation in a base-60 decimal system 10. Numbers preferred and disliked by the Chinese
is that expressing large numbers that are not multiples of 60 requires listing a tiresome
6. Indo-Arabic numbers that advanced science and technology
succession of numerous symbols. To solve this problem, the Sumerians created a symbol
( ) to represent “subtraction.” Using this symbol, 59 can be expressed as 60 subtract 11. Cipher messages containing meanings within numbers
1, as shown in the figure to the left. Representing 59 in the original Sumerian numeral 12. Numbers as tools to uncover hidden rules in nature
system would require 14 symbols, but this method expresses it with just three.

138 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 139
GM 0405 The Discrete World: Fibonacci Numbers and the Legend of the Tower of Hanoi

2. What is the logical basis of the Fibonacci sequence and the Tower of Hanoi?
GM 0405 The golden ratio, which provides people stability and comfort, is often used to create
attractive photograph compositions. Perceiving objects as beautiful falls into a subjective
The Discrete World: realm that cannot be precisely quantified. However, the golden ratio is generally
Fibonacci Numbers and the the proportion that appears most harmonious and pleasing to people's eyes.
Legend of the Tower of Hanoi The golden ratio is not merely an artificial, manmade concept; it is an inherently
beautiful natural proportion discovered within the world of nature.
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
This ratio is commonly found in faces considered to be well-proportioned or attractive.
Target: Grade 4 Closely examining the width and height of someone's face or the width of their nose
Unit: Numbers and the distance between their eyebrows, we notice that the golden ratio is primarily
found in naturally appealing and harmonious faces. In this way, the golden ratio, which
ISBN 978-1-64260-307-1
originated from a mathematical concept, is now deeply ingrained in our daily lives,
serving as a standard for beauty, harmony, and balance.

9 781642 603071

1. What is the purpose of studying the discrete world?

If various circles are drawn across a piece of paper, it is difficult to

accurately know the number of circles with a quick scan. It is confusing
even if we count using fingers to point out each circle. How can we
efficiently and accurately count the number of circles drawn on the
paper? The solution is to assign a number to each circle. If we number
each circle consecutively, starting from 1, we can avoid missing any
circles or double counting.
The Greeks preferred the "golden polygon" because they found it stable and harmonious.
Carefully observing the components of nature and assigning numbers
They discovered the golden ratio in a regular pentagon with five equal-length sides.
to them makes it very convenient to discover the mysterious regularities
They could draw five diagonals from each vertex of the pentagon. They noticed that
of nature. For instance, the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, where each
these five diagonals were in golden ratios with each other.
number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, is an example of a
This golden ratio segmentation creates a smaller regular pentagon in the center of
pattern that we can easily find in nature. When the regularities of nature
the original polygon. Drawing five diagonals from this small pentagon results in
are revealed, it becomes easier to understand why nature takes on such
another smaller pentagon. This process can be repeated infinitely, creating smaller
forms, enabling us to predict how nature will change in the future.
pentagons within the original pentagon. This self-replicating fractal structure
embodies the golden ratio.

140 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 141
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0405 The Discrete World: Fibonacci Numbers and the Legend of the Tower of Hanoi

3. How can we apply the secret of nature’s arrangement of numbers?

Table of Contents
Today, the ratio of books, television screens, and movie theater screens is often designed
close to the golden ratio as it is considered a visually pleasing and harmonious
proportion. Screens, or paper, are divided into sections of equal size for efficient use. 1. Rules can be found even among scattered things
This is called a grid system. Simply put, it is a proportion used for creating aesthetically 01. We can count easily by assigning numbers
pleasing photographs and artwork. 02. The relationship between numbers and figures
revealed through figurate numbers

2. Arabian mathematics transmitted to the West

03. Arabian mathematicians who steadily advanced
04. The dark ages of mathematics and Indo-Arabic
numerals transmitted to the West

3. The Fibonacci numbers that hold the secret

of nature's creation and extinction
05. A unique sequence of numbers in nature
06. Various rules in the sequence of Fibonacci numbers

4. The Hanoi tower problem that is easily solved

Consider a television screen, for example. When filming a person with a camera, when rules are identified
videographers leave some space above the person's head on the TV screen. 07. The legend of the Hanoi tower and the regularity
This is known as "headroom" and is commonly used to create a natural composition in of nature
most screen arrangements. 08. Problems solved in reverse by discovering rules
Viewers may feel uncomfortable if a screen is completely filled with a person's face
5. Theory of numbers and rules that form the basis
from top to bottom. Nowadays, there are many TV channels and a vast amount of of computer science
information. Therefore, subtitles for program descriptions and additional information
09. Computers evolved from calculators
about the content are placed at the bottom of the screen.
The screen's upper left and right corners often feature logos of the broadcasting 10. Computers can do anything with 0s and 1s
company, a clock, program names, and various other pieces of information. 6. The golden ratio in the Fibonacci number sequence and its applications
Viewers would likely find it frustrating if all these elements were randomly arranged on
11. Understanding the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio
the screen without any rules. Therefore, screens must be designed to allow viewers to
receive information comfortably. This practice is known as "grid design." 12. The grid system shapes the composition of modern art
The harmonious law of nature, the golden ratio, is also vividly present in this technique.

142 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 143
GM 0505

The Emergence of Fractions in Situations GM 0605

Unrepresentable by Natural Numbers
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
The Role of Decimals and the
Target: Grade 5 Expanding World of Numbers
Unit: Numbers Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
ISBN 978-1-64260-310-1
Target: Grade 6
Unit: Numbers

9 781642 603101 ISBN 978-1-64260-311-8

1. Why did fractions appear and what is

9 781642 603118
the purpose of studying them?
What is a fraction? What is the purpose of
learning fractions? A fraction is a way of 1. What is the purpose of studying decimals that beat fractions?
counting the parts of something. When
representing fractions, place one number over People started using the decimal point to represent decimal numbers
another, separated by a horizontal line. greater than 0 but less than 1 and discovered that mathematical
The number below the horizontal line is called operations became much easier by using decimals. Thus, introducing
the denominator and represents how many the decimal point is called a "revolution in number representation."
equal parts the whole has been divided into. While fractional representations are rare to come by in daily life,
The number above the horizontal line is called decimal numbers are everywhere.
the numerator and represents how many Decimal numbers carry more significance than just a new way of
equal parts the fraction occupies when the representing numbers. Decimal numbers were developed to simplify
whole is divided equally. Looking at human complex calculations that inevitably emerged with the advancement
history, fractions naturally developed with the of society and science. The purpose of studying decimal numbers
emergence of ownership, as humans began to goes beyond their historical context; it is also about understanding
need to count and distribute something fairly. how modern scientific civilization flourished.

144 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 145
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0505 The Emergence of Fractions in Situations Unrepresentable by Natural Numbers

2. What are the characteristics and the logical basis behind the various 3. How can we apply our understanding of the half-life containing the concept
fractions? of fractions?
The Egyptians were highly proficient in fractions and used addition methods in fractions. Just as we can determine a tree’s age by examining its growth rings, there are methods
Another noteworthy aspect of Egyptian mathematics is that they did not insist on to measure the age of fossils and rocks. This is possible through radiometric dating,
distinguishing between approximate and exact values but used them interchangeably. which relies on radioactive isotopes. Most carbon consists of six protons and six
This is truly ironic and astonishing, considering that their large-scale constructions neutrons. However, there are some carbon forms with six protons and eight neutrons.
were built with great precision. These carbons with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
are called isotopes.

Isotopes have a unique characteristic - they are highly unstable and stabilize by
undergoing atomic decay. Scientists discovered that the rate at which atoms decay
is constant. This discovery forms the basis of radiometric dating, with carbon dating
being the most common method. This method is primarily used to determine the age
of organic material artifacts.
When an animal or plant dies, the unstable substance 14C contained within it begins to
The ancient Egyptian mathematics we have understood through records such as the
disappear gradually. It is estimated to halve roughly every 5,730 years, and the time it
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus may seem very limited and rudimentary on the surface.
takes to halve is known as the half-life.
However, ancient Greeks regarded Egyptian mathematics as the source of their
mathematical knowledge. This is why ancient Greek mathematicians like Thales and
Pythagoras frequently traveled to Egypt to study basic mathematics.
They certainly learned much more than recorded in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.
The papyrus contained extensive details about a wide range of general knowledge
systems and would likely have been preserved in much greater numbers in the
Library of Alexandria. Unfortunately, with the destruction of the library, this valuable
knowledge is lost forever.

How did the ancient Egyptians obtain specific unit fractions when expressing fractions
as sums of multiple unit fractions? Why did they choose to represent fractions as the
sum of unit fractions? It is a known fact that there were multiple ways to combine
different unit fractions to form . Then how did the ancient Egyptians discover these
particular unit fractions, and why did they choose them?
Due to its characteristics, 14C decreases over time, but 12C is stable and remains constant.
As shown in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, it was unnecessary to calculate the unit
We can measure the age of an artifact by comparing the ratio of 14C and 12C. It is not
fractions required for addition. The Egyptians had already created a table representing
just carbon; various isotopes share this characteristic. Different isotopes are used in
the sum of different unit fractions for all the odd fractions with a numerator of 2 and
science to measure the age of ancient artifacts or fossil rocks.
denominators from 5 to 101.

146 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 147
GM 0505 The Emergence of Fractions in Situations Unrepresentable by Natural Numbers GM 0605 The Role of Decimals and Expansion of the World of Numbers

2. What is the background of the emergence of decimals and the basis for
Table of Contents using them?
Ancient Egyptians used fractions around 1800 BCE, but decimals took about 3,000 more
1. Fractions created to measure immeasurable quantities years to appear. In the 16th and 17th centuries, there was no established system for
01. The Eye of Horus and unit fractions used by decimals, making the work of accountants quite challenging. Accurately calculating the
ancient Egyptians interest on borrowed or lent money was a major concern for accountants.
02. Understanding the concept of fractions through pictures

2. Ancient fractions that used predetermined

03. Babylonians used powers of 60 as denominators
04. Fractions found in ancient Roman currency

3. Pythagorean followers who studied the world

of fractions
05. Pythagorean followers were interested in the
properties of numbers themselves
06. Discovery of new numbers that cannot be
expressed as fractions

4. Fractions in daily lives and various meanings of fractions In 1585, Stevin established a system for decimal calculations through his book De
07. The four meanings of fractions Thiende (On Tenths). Stevin realized that expressing the denominators in powers of 10,
such as 10, 100, and 1,000, would result in the same denominators. Therefore, he only
08. Interesting fractions found in paper sizes
needed to indicate the numerator without specifying the numerator and denominator.
5. Types of fractions and understanding the For instance, he represented 57th of 100 as 5①7②. In today's notation, this would be
reduction of a fraction 0.57, with ① and ② indicating the first and second decimal places.
09. Fractions with different names based on their 2735
shapes, like geometric figures He represented as 2①7②3③5④ to show the first, second, third, and fourth
10. How many fractions have the same size? decimal places, similar to 0.2735 represented today. Although this expression may
seem obvious now, it was a groundbreaking method for simplifying complex interest
6. Fractions that are essential for people's lives despite being inconvenient calculations in Stevin’s time. Stevin is often called the "father of decimals" for applying
11. Fractions in formulas expressed by letters the widely spread decimal system to represent numbers less than 1. Following Stevin,
12. The age of ancient artifacts can be determined through half-life in 1617, British mathematician Napier introduced the practice of using a single dot to
represent decimals, which we use today.

148 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 149
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0605 The Role of Decimals and Expansion of the World of Numbers

3. How can we apply our understanding of decimals?

Table of Contents
"Micro" is a prefix to refer to one-millionth of something. For example, 1 micrometer
represents one-millionth of a meter. Recently, due to advancements in science and
technology, a unit called "nano,” meaning one billionth of something, has been used 1. Various inventions created for convenience
often. Why do we study the invisible micro and nano worlds? The leading technologies 01. To invent is to make convenient products
of the 21st century are IT(Information Technology), BT(Bio-Technology), and NT(Nano 02. Various problems that arise when we only pursue
Technology). convenience
With the dawn of the IT age, we can easily access information anywhere and anytime 2. The birth of decimals eliminated the inconvenience
through the Internet. New biotechnologies are also developed and introduced every of fractions
year. While we hear the term nano-technology often, it is not easy to explain. This is
03. Stevin invented convenient decimals
because nanotechnology is used extensively and diversely across various fields, such as
04. The decimal number system expanded the
biology, physics, chemistry, and engineering.
representation of natural numbers

3. Comparing sizes of decimals and rounding up,

down or rounding off
05. Decimals make it easier to understand the relative
size than fractions
06. Proper understanding of rounding up or down
and rounding off

4. Mysterious rules of nature in decimals

07. Can all fractions be converted to decimals?
08. Regularity in infinite decimals

5. Decimals are units designed for easy reading

and comparison
People have very high expectations for nanotechnology. We can create ultra-compact
09. Units representing extremely large numbers
electronic devices with applications and produce new materials like carbon fibers
with DNA structures. Particularly in biotechnology, scientists can use nano-robots, so 10. From the micro-world to a nano-world
small that they are virtually invisible, to diagnose and treat human diseases. Recently, 6. Decimals are very important in computer engineering
nano-robots have been developed to navigate through blood vessels and remove
11. Fixed-point and floating-point number representation in computer programs
accumulated debris within the blood vessels. Nanotechnology offers convenience but
also poses serious potential side effects. We cannot completely predict how nano- 12. Inevitable errors in computer simulations
robots will behave in our bodies.

150 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 151
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Even if biologists and chemists depict nature through images,
Elementary Courses
it is extremely rare for patterns to be easily visible. It is risky
to conclude that patterns do not exist just because they are
not readily visible. Nature possesses a higher-dimensional 6. Operations / The Field of Numbers and Letters
mathematical structure that is difficult to discern through human GM 0106 The Role of One-to-One Correspondence Serving as Tools
senses and reasoning alone. If patterns are not easily visible, for Counting Instead of Numbers
we should examine the drawings by attaching numbers or GM 0206 The Secrets of Nature Revealed through Numbers and
symbols. Mathematics is the study of uncovering the secrets of Four Fundamental Arithmetic Operations
nature. Numbers and symbols are the tools of mathematicians GM 0306 Various Counting Methods Used by Ancient Civilizations
to uncover patterns and the secrets of nature. and the Efforts to Overcome Their Limitations

As the saying goes, "The use of symbols made mathematics GM 0406 The World of Numbers and Letters That Reveals Patterns
in Natural Motifs
comfortable, and the concept of speed made mathematics great."
GM 0506 God’s Consideration and Gift to Humanity: Fractions and
Numbers and letters serve as the conceptual framework for
the Four Fundamental Arithmetic Operations
mathematicians exploring the secrets of nature.
GM 0606 The Role of Decimals in Making Calculations Easier and
the Four Fundamental Arithmetic Operations

152 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 153

The Role of One-to-One Correspondence Serving as Tools for Counting
GM 0106 Instead of Numbers

2. What is the logical basis behind the one-to-one correspondence that

forms the basis of counting?
GM 0106
Primitive people would have needed to perform simple calculations as societies evolved.
The Role of One-to-One For instance, from the perspective of primitive tribes, it would have been essential to
know how many members were in their group. In these situations, they would have
Correspondence Serving
used the principle of one-to-one correspondence for counting.
as Tools for Counting Initially, they might have counted livestock or people by pointing their fingers.
Instead of Numbers Eventually, they probably expressed numbers using methods such as using stones and
branches, making markings on soil or rocks, or even drawing measurements on sticks.
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters The discovery of bones with engraved marks in ancient Czech ruins supports this idea.
Target: Grade 1 In the Incan Empire in Peru, South America, knots tied on a string were used to represent
Unit: Operations numbers.
ISBN 978-1-64260-312-5

9 781642 603125

1. What is the purpose of studying the topic of one-to-one


People in primitive societies did not use numbers as we do today,

but they understood the concept of one-to-one correspondence. The counting method using natural materials evolved into a counting system using
This method involved pairing items of two different groups one by one. sounds. It started with a child who, not knowing numbers, would express the concept
This method makes determining which group has more items easy, even of three by extending three fingers and eventually began saying, “Three.”
without knowing the numbers. Why do we study these mathematical topics? After words representing numbers appeared, symbols and numerals likely emerged
It is not merely to understand the concept of one-to-one correspondence, for a more convenient representation of quantities. While the concepts and counting
a counting method without using numbers. It is also to comprehend how methods used in primitive societies were largely theoretical, discoveries from various
one-to-one correspondence, which connects seemingly unrelated objects, excavations today confirm these theories.
is the basis for the useful mathematical tool called functions. The most It took a considerable amount of time for humans to develop the ability to think about
significant feature of one-to-one correspondence is that knowing one side and utilize numbers, but this ability is a remarkable talent unique to humans.
immediately reveals the other. The ability to identify common properties among various objects and use them as
tools played a crucial role in advancing human society.

154 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 155
General Mathematics Series 144 The Role of One-to-One Correspondence Serving as Tools for Counting
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0106 Instead of Numbers

3. How can we apply our understanding of one-to-one correspondence?

Table of Contents
Let’s explore how one-to-one correspondence is utilized in our daily lives. A vending
machine displays various drinks with corresponding buttons below each one.
After inserting money, pressing the button under the desired drink makes the exact 1. Females and males, natural components forming pairs
corresponding drink come out. In this case, the buttons and drinks establish a one- 01. How do plants and animals reproduce?
to-one correspondence. The concept of one-to-one correspondence is also evident
in computer keyboards. Pressing a key on the keyboard displays the corresponding 02. Can reproduction occur without forming pairs?
character on the monitor screen.
2. Various methods of counting without using numbers
The one-on-one correspondence method is commonly used in games as well.
03. Counting using rocks and sticks
The ghost leg game is often played to determine the order among multiple people
or to decide who gets a prize or punishment. To play, draw as many vertical lines as 04. Comparing quantities without knowing numbers
the number of players and randomly connect these lines with horizontal lines,
3. The principle of one-to-one correspondence,
forming “ladders.” Write the prizes, penalties, or order on one side of the vertical lines,
where knowing one side reveals the other
keeping them hidden from view. On the opposite side, the players write their names
on their chosen vertical line. 05. A number in one-to-one correspondence has
only one counterpart

06. Various counting tools that utilize the principle

of one-to-one correspondence

4. One-to-one correspondence in language

07. It is easier to call things with names

08. Having multiple names like nicknames

5. Simplifying counting through bundling

09. Grouping in sets of 10, like fingers

Once everyone has chosen their vertical lines, they follow these lines downwards. 10. Computers count in pairs
The rules are simple: if they encounter a horizontal line, they must move sideways
along it, and when they meet a vertical line again, they move downwards. Following 6. Fun math games using one-to-one correspondence
these rules, players continue moving until they reach the end of their vertical line, 11. The principle of correspondence in board games
determining their prize, penalty, or order. In the ghost leg game, players cannot start
12. One-to-one correspondence in the ghost leg game
from different points and end up at the same point because the starting and ending
points establish a one-to-one correspondence.

156 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 157
GM 0206

The Secrets of Nature

Revealed through Numbers
and Four Fundamental
Arithmetic Operations
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
GM 0306
Target: Grade 2 Various Counting Methods Used by
Unit: Operations Ancient Civilizations and the Efforts
$124.00 to Overcome Their Limitations
ISBN 978-1-64260-313-2
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
Target: Grade 3
9 781642 603132
Unit: Operations
ISBN 978-1-64260-314-9
1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying
the secrets of nature and the four
fundamental arithmetic operations?
9 781642 603149

There were no definite reasons to prioritize

multiplication and division over addition and
subtraction. People who studied or researched
1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying
mathematics since ancient times were the numerals in the ancient Maya
accustomed to calculating multiplication and and ancient Egypt?
division first while solving many mathematical
problems. They were familiar with using Merely memorizing formulas or practicing
parentheses for addition or subtraction only calculation methods is not a desirable
when necessary. Through experience, they approach to studying mathematics.
found it more convenient to follow this daily For the study of mathematics to inspire
habit rather than inserting parentheses for children’s dreams, they need to fully
multiplication or division only when needed, grasp nature and understand the world
leading to the establishment of the rules we and society they are not part of through
have today. reading.

158 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 159
General Mathematics Series 144 The Secrets of Nature Revealed through Numbers and Four Fundamental
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0206 Arithmetic Operations

2. What logical operation process is needed for the numerals to become 3. How can we apply what we have learned and understood about the four
the numbers? fundamental arithmetic operations?
To excel in addition and subtraction, it is important to understand the concepts of The four fundamental arithmetic operations should be used appropriately according
carrying and borrowing. Carrying, or "carry-over," refers to carrying over a 10 to the to the situation. The story of King Solomon's judgment might be familiar. One day,
next place value when the sum of the digits in the same place value is 10 or greater. two women came to Solomon with a child, each claiming to be the child’s mother.
On the other hand, borrowing is used in subtraction when it is impossible to subtract Solomon is said to have brought a sword and said,
the digits in the same place value, requiring 10 to be borrowed from the higher place "Let's settle this. I will use this sword to divide the child into two halves, and each of
value to carry out the calculation. When performing addition and subtraction involving you shall receive one half."
carrying and borrowing, it is convenient to start the calculation from the ones’ place Upon hearing this, one woman pleaded to spare the child and offered to give the baby
and proceed in ascending order. Once we grasp the principles behind addition and to the other woman. Solomon revealed that the woman willing to give up the child
subtraction, anyone can easily perform these calculations with a little practice. was the true mother. The moral of the story is that relying solely on division by
2 through simple arithmetic can be problematic when making judgments related to
the complexities of the world.

Now, let us consider a method for finding rules in the context of operations.
To solve somewhat complex problems in operations, it is often necessary to find and
infer rules. It is best to start with simple forms and gradually uncover more complex
ones. First, observe the changes in a few simple forms.

Multiplication and division can also be easily calculated using the multiplication table.
The multiplication table represents the product of numbers from 1 to 9 multiplied
by numbers from 1 to 9. Expressing repetitive addition, like 3+3+3+3+3, can be
simplified to 3x5 in multiplication. Of course, there are cases where multiplication and
division are unnecessary. Multiplying any number by 1 results in the original number,
and multiplying any number by 0 always yields 0. Similarly, dividing any number by 1
leaves the number unchanged, but division by 0 is not a valid mathematical operation.

Operation and calculation are different concepts. Operations involve the properties of
numbers, such as the commutative, associative, and distributive properties. However,
a calculation is simply finding the result of a given equation. Most calculation problems Every change affects the rules. Therefore, by carefully observing these changes, we
children learn in school follow standard algorithms. Children often mistakenly think can find the rules. Since we are trying to find rules from changes, it is a good idea to
they are learning operations while practicing calculations with study material. express them in a way that makes the differences clear. After observing a few simple
This leads them to find math boring and eventually give up on it. When teaching the cases and identifying the rules, we must find the precise reasons for these rules to
operations part to children, it is crucial to focus on operations rather than calculations. apply the rules to all cases.

160 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 161
The Secrets of Nature Revealed through Numbers and Four Fundamental Various Counting Methods Used by Ancient Civilizations and the Efforts
GM 0206 Arithmetic Operations GM 0306 to Overcome Their Limitations

2. What is the logical basis for various multiplication methods?

Table of Contents
Ancient Egyptians used a unique method for multiplication that is different from
today’s method. They used the powers of 2 and a table to perform multiplication.
1. Ways to represent the rules of nature using numbers Let’s calculate 28×31 using the ancient Egyptian multiplication method.
01. Let’s sketch the shapes of nature First, they would draw a table with two columns.
02. Assigning numbers to drawings reveals patterns On the left side of the table, they would write
consecutive multiples of 2, starting from 1.
2. The basics of operations: the relationship On the right side, they would write down the multiplier
between addition and subtraction (in this case, 31), doubling at each step.
03. More means addition, and less means subtraction Afterward, they would mark a "V" next to the numbers
on the left side that add up to the multiplicand (28 in
04. Knowing addition makes subtraction easier this case) in the left column. The sum of all the numbers
3. Multiplication is repeatedly adding the same on the right marked with “V” reveals the product of the
number two numbers as 124+248+496=868.

05. Multiplication simplifies addition In the past, Russian farmers also used a multiplication method similar to ancient Egypt.
The main difference is that the Russian farmer's method continually divided the
06. Learning the multiplication table through storytelling multiplicand by 2. However, complications arose when the division process by 2
4. Division is used for equal distribution sometimes resulted in remainders, which had to be separately recorded and added
later. Let’s calculate 31×29 using the Russian multiplication method.
07. How to divide things evenly First, write the multiplicand (31) on the left side of the table.
08. Understanding division using multiplication tables Then, continuously write the quotient when
divided by 2 below, ignoring the remainder. Stop
5. Mathematical expressions in the language we use when the quotient of dividing by 2 becomes 1.
09. Reading many books improves mathematical skills On the right side, write the multiplier (29) and
continually write the result of multiplying by 2
10. Numbers and letters are the language of mathematics below. Mark all the odd numbers on the left side.
6. Discovering nature's secrets with numbers and the four fundamental Then, sum the corresponding numbers on the
arithmetic operations right side to obtain the multiplication result.
For 31×29, the odd numbers on the left are 31,
11. We can find rules in nature using numbers and operations 15, 7, 3, 1, and summing the corresponding
12. We can design prediction programs by understanding the rules in nature numbers on the right gives 29+58+116+232+464=899.

162 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 163
General Mathematics Series 144 Various Counting Methods Used by Ancient Civilizations and the Efforts
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0306 to Overcome Their Limitations

3. Could understanding the principles of division assist in arithmetic

operations, including multiplication? Table of Contents
The result obtained from division is called the quotient. What mathematical meaning
does the quotient in division carry? Let's explore the mathematical significance of the 1. Political systems of different countries and the role
quotient using 15÷3 as an example. of mathematics
In the equation, 15÷3=5, “5” is the quotient. Here, the quotient signifies the number 01. Feudalism and absolute monarchy in the medieval era
of times we can take out equally grouped items. This becomes clear when drawn out. 02. Democracy and socialism, the foundation of
Imagine having 15 acorns and bundling them in groups of 3. modern society
How many bundles do we get?
2. Egyptian multiplication and division that uses the
We end up with 5 bundles. These 5 bundles signify that we can take away 1st, 2nd,
doubling method
3rd, 4th, and 5th bundles of 3 acorns from a total of 15. Therefore, in 15÷3=5,
03. Understanding ancient Egyptian numbers and hieroglyphs
the number 5 indicates the number of times we can take away bundles of 3 from 15.
04. The binary system in Egyptian multiplication
This concept is similar to stating that subtracting 3 from 15 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and
5th times results in a value of 0. The quotient in division indicates the number of times 3. Russian multiplication and division using the
the same value can be subtracted from another value to reach 0. Thus, the quotient in halving method
division carries the meaning of frequency. 05. Russia's mathematical education that produced
great mathematicians
06. Multiplication and division methods developed
by ancient Russian farmers

4. Ancient Indian multiplication methods that formed

the basis for modern multiplication
07. Vertical calculation makes multiplication easier
08. Indian lattice multiplication and the Asian grid
multiplication method

5. Division is the inverse process of multiplication

09. The history of the division symbol and its
Now, let's examine a scenario where the quotient in division represents a quantity. relationship with fractions
What meaning does division carry when expressing quantity? 10. Division is the inverse process of multiplication
In the previous division, we grouped acorns in sets of three and took them away five 6. How ways of using the four fundamental arithmetic operations opened
times. What happens if we consider division as the concept of distributing evenly? the door to the digital era
For instance, in the division 15÷3, imagine dividing 15 acorns equally among three 11. Understanding the analog and digital eras
people. If we label each acorn with numbers from 1 to 15 and distribute them 12. The digital world sparked by the discovery of 0 and 1
alternately among the three individuals, each person would receive 5 acorns.

164 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 165
GM 0406 The World of Numbers and Letters That Reveals Patterns in Natural Motifs

2. Can axioms and definitions serve as a logical basis for mathematical

GM 0406 In mixed operations, multiplication and division take precedence over addition and
subtraction. However, there are cases when addition or subtraction must come before
The World of Numbers multiplication or division. In this case, brackets are used to change the order of operations.
and Letters That Reveals Similar to other mathematical symbols, brackets were also created and developed into
their current form through the contributions of various mathematicians.
Patterns in Natural Motifs
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
Target: Grade 4
Unit: Operations
ISBN 978-1-64260-315-6

9 781642 603156

Though parentheses ( ) were occasionally used to group numbers as early as the

1. What is the purpose of studying numbers and letters that early 16th century, their widespread use is estimated to have started in the mid-18th
reveal patterns in nature? century. Several mathematicians are known to have used parentheses.
Why is practice necessary for performing mixed operations with addition, Italian mathematician Niccolò Tartaglia is known to be the first to use the parentheses
subtraction, multiplication, and division? The calculation of numbers in 1556. However, it is unclear if he was the first to use them for grouping numbers.
is the basis of mathematics. However, it is important to recognize that Additionally, German mathematician Stifel is noted to have used parentheses in notes
calculations are just a means to solve problems and cannot be the goal written in the margins of his printed manuscript. Considering Stifel's lifetime, he may
of mathematical education. However, sufficient practice in calculations have used parentheses earlier than Tartaglia. However, there is no clear indication that
significantly helps in cultivating mathematical learning abilities. he used parentheses to group numbers.
Arithmetic should not be neglected. In mathematics, where addition, There is also a record of the French mathematician Viète using parentheses in 1593.
subtraction, multiplication, and division are often combined for more Carl von Clausewitz is also known for consistently using parentheses. Using parentheses
complex calculations, it is important to have a good understanding to group several numbers does not appear to be any particular individual’s original
of the order of operations. Although mathematics is a study aimed at idea but rather a practice adopted individually by various mathematicians and
discovering the secrets of nature, it is crucial to understand that numbers integrated into the current form. Sometimes, there are cases where we need to re-
and characters play a key role as tools to unlock those secrets. group an expression that already contains parentheses. In this case, we use different
brackets to encompass the entire expression, which are curly braces { }.

166 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 167
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0406 The World of Numbers and Letters That Reveals Patterns in Natural Motifs

3. How can we utilize the patterns of nature translated into numbers and
letters? Table of Contents
Barcodes consist of multiple black and white bars, with numbers written beneath the
black bars. Barcodes following the European Article Number (EAN) standard have 1. Natural numbers that appeared in the process of
13 digits. The first three digits represent the country code. counting one at a time
The next 4 digits after the country code represent the manufacturer code of the 01. Primitive life where natural numbers were enough
company that produced the product, and the following 5 digits indicate the unique
02. Units used to represent large natural numbers
product code specifying the type of product. The last digit is the “check digit,” which
checks for errors in the barcode using the previous 12 numbers. 2. Characteristics of natural numbers are revealed
by separating them into odd and even
The check digit is determined through the following process. Starting from the first
03. Characteristics of odd and even numbers and
digit, add up the numbers in odd positions, and for the numbers in even positions,
their relationship with figures
sum them up and triple the result. Then, determine the check digit, which is the
04. Various problems solved using odd and even numbers
number that, when added to the sum of the two values, makes the total a multiple of
10. For example, let's assume the country code is 400, the manufacturer code is 1234, 3. Origins of various arithmetic symbols used in
and the unique product code is 56789. Now, let's calculate the check digit. mathematics
First, sum up the numbers in odd positions: 4+0+2+4+6+8=24. Next, sum up the 05. How were arithmetic symbols for the four
numbers in even positions and triple the result: (0+1+3+5+7+9)×3=75. fundamental operations developed?
Adding these two values gives 24+75=99. Therefore, to make the total a multiple of 10, 06. Defining various operations and performing calculations
the check digit should be 1.
4. Mixed arithmetic problems frequently encountered
in real-life
07. Rules to consider prioritizing in everyday life situations
08. Mixed calculations require careful attention to order

5. Mathematical puzzles using four fundamental

09. "Four-fours" and "four-nines" games
10. Number chains find rules in an array of numbers

During the process of transporting and distributing products, barcodes on the items 6. Various scientific and technological applications using mixed calculations
may get partially erased or damaged. This could result in incorrect barcode readings, 11. Using mixed calculations correctly in electronic calculators
causing inconvenience for many people. Therefore, the check digit was created to 12. Mixed calculations involved in barcodes and International Standard
verify whether the barcode scanner accurately read the unique numbers storing the Book Numbers (ISBNs)
product's information.

168 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 169
GM 0506 GM 0606

God’s Consideration and Gift to Humanity: The Role of Decimals in Making

Fractions and the Four Fundamental Calculations Easier and the Four
Arithmetic Operations Fundamental Arithmetic Operations
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
Target: Grade 5 Target: Grade 6
Unit: Operations Unit: Operations
$124.00 $124.00
ISBN 978-1-64260-316-3 ISBN 978-1-64260-317-0
12400> 12400>

9 781642 603163 9 781642 603170

1. What is the purpose of studying divisors and 1. What is the purpose of studying the role of decimals and
multiples of assembling and decomposing the four fundamental arithmetic operations?
Fractions are convenient for representing numbers that do not divide
The purpose of studying reduction and common evenly, while decimals are useful for comparing the relative sizes of
denominators is to excel in the operations involving numbers. The use of decimals originated from the need to measure
fractions. To understand reduction and common lengths or quantities. Fractions are convenient for representing
denominators well, one must be familiar with the continuous quantities, while decimals are advantageous for
concepts of common divisors and common multiples. representing precisely divisible quantities.
A divisor is a number that divides another number It is not just important to know how to perform calculations with
without leaving a remainder, and a multiple of a number decimals. Understanding the meaning within decimals and obtaining
is obtained by multiplying it by a natural number. answers that align with the purpose of the operation is crucial.
Furthermore, when considering multiple numbers, Although decimals address some inconveniences of fractions, it is
the common divisors shared among them are referred not always possible to represent every fraction precisely with a neatly
to as common divisors, while the multiples common divisible decimal. For example, calculating 1÷3 on a calculator might
to several numbers are known as common multiples. display 0.333333..., indicating that 3 keeps repeating infinitely below
Finding common denominators is the process of making the decimal point. However, due to the limitations of the calculator's
the denominators of several fractions the same. capacity, it eventually rounds off.

170 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 171
General Mathematics Series 144 God’s Consideration and Gift to Humanity: Fractions and the Four
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0506 Fundamental Arithmetic Operations

2. What is the logical basis for the need for reduction and finding common 3. How can we apply the study of fraction operations?
denominators in the operations on fractions?
Fractions are also used to reveal the secrets of the universe. Asteroids are small celestial
The survival cycles of cicadas, which spend most of their time under the ground, vary bodies orbiting the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, forming part of the
between 5, 7, 13, and 17 years. Prime numbers are natural numbers that have only 1 solar system. Due to their small size, asteroids in the asteroid belt are invisible to the
and themselves as divisors. Of course, the prime numbers discussed here are different human eye. In 1772, Bode, an astronomer at the Berlin Observatory, announced the
from decimals, which are relatives of fractions. existence of a certain mathematical regularity in the distances between various planets
There are two possible reasons why the cicada’s survival cycle is a prime number. in the solar system and the sun. He introduced a formula to calculate the radius of
One reason is that having a prime cycle makes it easier for cicadas to avoid predators, a planet's orbit, and in 1781, Herschel discovered Uranus using this law. As a result,
and the other reason is that cicadas may have adjusted their survival cycle to avoid astronomers at that time came to believe that there might be another planet between
competition with other cicadas. Predators of cicadas include spiders, mantises, mole Mars and Jupiter. Italian astronomer Piazzi discovered Ceres within the predicted range
crickets, and stinkbugs. If the cicada's survival cycle were 16 years instead of 17 years, of Bode's law.
it would have been caught and eaten by predators with a 4-year cycle. However, with There is a region in the asteroid belt where asteroids are absent, known as the
a 17-year cycle, they meet predators with a 4-year cycle only every 68 years, the least "Kirkwood Gap." The orbital periods of asteroids in this region are in fractions of
common multiple of 17 and 4, allowing them to significantly increase their population 1 1 1 2 3
Jupiter's orbital period, such as , , , , . These gaps have been identified as
during that time. 2 3 4 5 7
gravitational forces from Jupiter periodically pushing asteroids out of this region.

2 3 1
Conversely, the areas where the orbital period ratios are , , and represent
3 4 1
regions where asteroids are clustered. Based on Jupiter's roughly 11.9-year orbital
Knowing various patterns of placed Go stones can help us understand prime numbers.
period, there are groups of asteroids with orbital period ratios of the same duration,
How many ways can we place 4 Go stones in a rectangular shape? They can be placed 3 2
in a single line horizontally or in two rows of two stones each. But 11 Go stones groups with of the period, and groups with the period. These groups are
4 3
can only be placed in a single line, and numbers with this property are called prime respectively known as the Trojan, Thule, and Hilda asteroid groups.
numbers. Knowing prime numbers is essential when studying fractions to simplify and In this way, fractions are crucial in describing the motions between celestial bodies in
find common denominators, making fraction operations more convenient. the solar system.

172 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 173
God’s Consideration and Gift to Humanity: Fractions and the Four The Role of Decimals in Making Calculations Easier and the Four
GM 0506 Fundamental Arithmetic Operations GM 0606 Fundamental Arithmetic Operations

2. What is the mathematical significance of a decimal point in the operation

Table of Contents of decimals?
Since the process of creating decimals is similar to the process of creating natural
1. Pythagoras, who valued humanity and society numbers, operations with decimals follow the same rules as operations with natural
numbers. When adding or subtracting decimals, we add or subtract the numbers in
01. Pythagoras and his followers
the same place relative to the decimal point. When there is a carry-over or a borrow,
02. Pythagoras’ heavenly garden and the world of
irrational numbers the operation is done the same way as with natural numbers.

2. Multiples and factors as tools for assembling

and disassembling numbers
03. The bonding and separation of atoms composing matter
04. Assembling and disassembling numbers through
multiples and factors

3. The greatest common divisor and least common

multiple involved in reduction and finding
a common denominator It is convenient to use vertical multiplication, particularly in decimal multiplication.
05. Irreducible fractions made using greatest common divisors Align the numbers on the right without considering the position of the decimal point
06. How to find the smallest common denominator and perform the calculation using the same method as natural number multiplication.
using the least common multiple Then, count the number of digits below the decimal point for the two numbers being
multiplied. Place the decimal point in the result starting from the right according to
4. Mysterious rules within fractions
the count. Decimal division follows the same principles as natural number division.
07. Fractions do not change when the same number is However, aligning the decimal point can be tricky. In such cases, we can remove
multiplied to both the denominator and numerator
the decimal point from the number being divided before calculating. When dealing
08. Fractions, where the product equals the difference
with fractions with decimals in the numerator and denominator, we can think of it as
5. Understanding fraction multiplication and division multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 10 until the decimal point in the
through the concept of multiples numerator disappears.
09. Multiplying fractions involves multiplying Decimal operations follow the same rules as natural number operations, making
numerators with numerators and denominators with denominators
them easy to work with. Moreover, decimals are also useful in computer numerical
10. Reciprocals make fraction division easier calculations, where counting is done with only 0 and 1.
6. Fractions can be visually expressed People discovered that the decimal point allowed them to represent values similar
11. Images that fractions evoke in our minds to fractions. When they realized that numbers expressed with a decimal point could
be used in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, just like whole numbers,
12. Fractions help plan schedules
decimals were considered a “revolution in numerical representation.”

174 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 175
General Mathematics Series 144 The Role of Decimals in Making Calculations Easier and the Four
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0606 Fundamental Arithmetic Operations

3. Where can numbers with decimal points be utilized?

Table of Contents
Numbers like 23.17% or 15.35% are inconvenient to read, so why do we express
percentages to two decimal places? Expressing percentages with two decimal places
is not only inconvenient to read but also does not align with the original purpose of 1. Decimals are used in various economic indicators
using percentages. Therefore, it is usually better to round to the nearest whole number 01. Economic indicators reveal the current economic situation
when representing percentages.
02. Economic growth rate and the occurrence of
It is advisable to use percentages with several decimal places only in cases where one economic bubbles
decimal place below a decimal point is very significant, for example, 13.5% of the
national budget, 10.2% of total exports, unemployment rate, inflation rate, etc. 2. Calculation of decimal numbers becomes easier
It is unfortunate to see numbers with unnecessary decimal points in newspapers, using images
even when there is no need to express numbers with one decimal place. 03. Addition and subtraction become easier by aligning
decimal points
Sometimes, we see advertising slogans like “Special Sale for $0.99” or “Enjoy for less
04. Importance of decimal placement in multiplication
than $10, only $9.99!” People tend to prioritize and remember the most important and division
information to retain it longer. When it comes to numbers, we tend to remember only
the leftmost digit, especially when the numbers are long. For instance, despite the 3. Converting fractions to decimals and decimals to
mere 1-cent difference between $9.99 and $10, people only remember the leftmost fractions makes calculations more convenient
digit, thinking there is a $1 difference. 05. Addition and subtraction become easier when
fractions are converted to decimals
06. Multiplication and division become easier when
decimals are converted to fractions

4. Significant figures that indicate measurement accuracy

07. All measurements are approximate values
08. The meaning of significant figures and calculating errors

5. The concept of percentage utilized in various disciplines

09. Percentage involved in concentration and interest rates
10. Are percentages and percentage points the same?
Various industries, including fashion, retail, and dining, use the $0.99 pricing strategy 6. Traps within values expressed as decimals
to take advantage of people’s psychology. While the $0.99 pricing strategy slightly
11. The secret behind a $9.99 price tag
reduces profits for each item, it increases overall profit by selling more items.
Moreover, it can be used as a promotional tool to emphasize the reasonable price of 12. Misconceptions and truths regarding 0%
the item.

176 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 177
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Many people tend to think that arithmetic and mathematics are
Elementary Courses
the same thing. Before looking at the differences between the
two, we first need to look at what algebra is. Algebra is a branch
of mathematics that studies numbers and their relationships using 7. Equations / The Field of Numbers and Letters
letters instead of numbers.
GM 0107 Images, Numbers, and Letters Are One Family in Nature
At first glance, arithmetic does not seem much different from
algebra. However, in arithmetic, it is impossible to deal with GM 0207 Nature’s Patterns Shown through Numbers and the Letter’s
Love for Numbers
numbers generally because there are no symbols representing
“a certain number,” “a number whose exact amount is unknown,” GM 0307 The World Dreamt by Letters, Which Has Made Math Easier
or “a number that does not matter what it is.” In contrast, algebra GM 0407 Understanding Descartes’ Mathematical Thinking and Ways
has a higher degree of freedom than arithmetic because letters to Express Relationships through Equations
such as a, b, and c are used instead of numbers. GM 0507 Descartes’ Discourse on the Method Widely Uncovering the
For example, let’s look at “5+3=3+5.” Here, if we replace 5 with World of Equations
a and 3 with b, it becomes the expression “a+b=b+a.” Here, GM 0607 T
 he Order of Nature Found by the Naturalistic Philosophers:
a and b can represent any number, allowing algebra to express The Proportional Expression by Thales
all cases with a single equation.

178 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 179

GM 0107 Images, Numbers, and Letters Are One Family in Nature

2. How were the letters that made mathematics easier created?

The fundamental difference between arithmetic and mathematics is the use of letters.
GM 0107 While arithmetic focuses on calculations involving specific numbers and arithmetic
operation symbols, mathematics uses letters to systematically explore abstract concepts,
Images, Numbers, and Letters patterns, structures, and relationships across various fields, such as algebra, geometry,
Are One Family in Nature calculus, probability, and statistics. Letters serve various roles in mathematics. Firstly,
they represent unknown quantities or variables.
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters For example, in a problem where adding 8 to a certain number equals 20, we can
Target: Grade 1 define the unknown number as the variable x. We can then formulate the equation
Unit: Equations x+8=20, allowing us to deduce that x=20-8=12.

ISBN 978-1-64260-318-7

9 781642 603187

1. What is the purpose of studying images, numbers, and letters

found in nature?
Letters significantly simplify complex expressions.
When we closely examine nature, we can discover previously unknown
For example, let’s suppose a problem asks to multiply the number of strawberries Ji-an
rules. Mathematics is the study of uncovering the secrets in nature.
picked by 8, add 10, and then subtract the sum of Ji-an’s strawberries multiplied by
Typically, when we think of mathematics, we might associate it with
3 and 5 each. The problem is long and complex, making it difficult to understand at
using numbers for calculations or formulas to find the area or perimeter
a glance. However, if we represent the number of strawberries picked by Ji-an with
of figures. However, that is just a tiny tip of the vast iceberg called
the character “a,” the problem can be expressed simply as a×8+10-(a×3+a×5), making
mathematics. There are various plants and animals in nature, and we can
it easier to grasp.
find their unique motifs through observation. Representing these motifs
with simple images turns them into figures, and by attaching numbers Letters represent variables, which are quantities that can change or have different
or letters to these motifs, we can uncover the rules of nature. The figures, values. For instance, in subtraction expressions like 1=2-1, 2=3-1, 3=4-1, … if we
numbers, and letters we learn in mathematics serve as tools for uncovering designate the subtracted number and the result of subtraction as variables x and y,
the mysteries of nature. The purpose of studying this book is to assign respectively, we can express the relationship between the two numbers simply as
numbers and letters to images, discover patterns in nature, and understand y=x-1 in a single equation. Letters play a role in representing generality.
regularities so that we can uncover nature’s secrets. Mathematicians can express mathematical principles and formulas in a general form
applicable to various situations through letters.

180 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 181
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0107 Images, Numbers, and Letters Are One Family in Nature

3. Analog systems use signals, and digital systems use numbers

Table of Contents
Our modern society is called the digital age. Everything, including computers,
the internet, mobile phones, and television broadcasts, is digital. We record and
use many digital formats, from music, movies, games, and photos to videos and 1. There are rules in nature
conversations with friends. The term “digit” originates from the Latin word “digitus,”
01. Nature changes according to the seasons
meaning “finger” or “toe.”
02. Beautiful rules in the sky
Ancient people used fingers or toes as tools to count. People originally referred to
“digit” as counting discrete numbers like 1, 2, and 3 using their fingers or toes. 2. If you cannot see the rules, try drawing them
The term “digital” was coined from this practice, representing converting, processing,
03. Rules that are invisible to us
storing, and transmitting information in the form of numbers that can be counted.
Digital systems express everything using only two numbers, 0 and 1. We live in 04. How to find hidden rules in images
a digital age where these two digits can represent all the information in the world.
The digital era unfolded extensively in the mid-20th century with the invention of 3. When do we use letters in mathematics?
computers. 05. When and how did the letters emerge?

06. The role of letters, which make mathematics


4. Numbers and letters are tools to uncover

the secrets of nature
07. Let's attach numbers or letters to each image

08. Attaching numbers or letters reveals rules

5. Why do we look for rules in nature?

09. Discovering the secrets of nature through rules

10. Prediction programs that reveal the creation and

Computers can process and store vast amounts of information and retrieve and analyze extinction of nature
data. The advent of the internet connected the entire world, enabling real-time
communication, information sharing, and collaboration. 6. The digital world expressed as numbers and letters
The rapid spread of smartphones has brought the digital world into our hands, 11. The birth and roles of analog and digital
allowing us to access desired information and services even while moving. Innovations
in digital technologies such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and artificial 12. The letters of the digital world are 0 and 1
intelligence have led to rapid transformations across all aspects of human life today.

182 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 183
GM 0207

Nature’s Patterns Shown

through Numbers and the
Letter’s Love for Numbers
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
Target: Grade 2
Unit: Equations GM 0307
ISBN 978-1-64260-319-4
12400> The World Dreamt by Letters,
Which Has Made Math Easier
9 781642 603194
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
Target: Grade 3
1. What is the purpose of studying Unit: Equations
patterns of numbers found in nature?
ISBN 978-1-64260-320-0
If we look at a month's calendar, it shows the 12400>

days from Monday to Sunday, with numbers

starting from 1 listed consecutively beneath
9 781642 603200
each day. Looking at a calendar vertically,
we will find 8, 15, 22, and 29 in order below
the number 1. Each week increases by 7 1. What is the purpose of mathematically
days since there are seven days a week. representing and solving problems
By knowing the date and day of the week, expressed in sentences?
we can use these rules to determine the day
Since problems expressed in sentences are
of the week for other dates. For example,
closely related to daily life, it is essential not
if today is the 9th and it is a Tuesday, then
to underestimate everyday problems and
last week's Tuesday was 7 days ago, making
instead approach them with a mathematical
it the 2nd, and next week's Tuesday will be
7 days later, making it the 16th.

184 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 185
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0207 Nature’s Patterns Shown through Numbers and the Letter’s Love for Numbers

2. The logical basis behind the principle of creating letters and the sounds 3. Logical reasoning developed through math puzzles that combine and
of letters decompose numbers
Human civilizations sprouted in different regions, and each civilization used a unique Sudoku is a number puzzle where numbers from 1 to 9 must be arranged so that each
script. However, if we look at the development process of various characters, they number appears only once in each column and row. A game called Kakuro is similar
have a certain degree of universality. In other words, while the existing letters to sudoku. The original name of Kakuro is “cross sum,” combining the Chinese word
worldwide have evolved independently in distinct regions, the principles governing meaning “addition,” pronounced “ka,” and “kuro,” which is the Japanese pronunciation
the development of individual characters follow similar patterns throughout human of the English word “cross.” As the name suggests, Kakuro is a number puzzle that
history. The principles of the development of scripts are divided into two: creating adds numbers horizontally and vertically to make the sums equal.
characters based on their meanings and creating characters based on their sounds.
Introduced in the newspaper The Guardian in 2005, Kakuro became quickly popular,
earning the nickname "Sudoku Killer." Unlike Sudoku, Kakuro requires addition instead
of simply filling in the blanks. The numbers in the triangles at the bottom left and top
right corners of indicate the sum of the vertical and horizontal numbers.
Numbers from 1 to 9 should be filled in without repetition. Solving Kakuro can
be more challenging than Sudoku because we need to consider relationships within
a single line as well as within neighboring lines. The unique appeal of Kakuro lies in
Various approaches are used in the principle of creating letters based on meaning, the fact that it involves not just placing numbers but also performing operations.
such as the “pictorial principle,” where characters mimic the shapes of objects, It requires computational skills in addition to the logical thinking, intuition, and
the “simplification principle,” where character shapes are simplified; the “composition deduction skills used in Sudoku. Kakuro requires a lot of concentration because while
principle,” which combines the shapes and meanings of multiple characters to create addition is the primary operation, we need to consider both horizontal and vertical
new characters, the “abstraction principle” which expands and develops the meanings relationships between neighboring squares, and, like Sudoku, if a square is filled in
of characters, and the “semantic indicator principle,” which adds distinguishing incorrectly, we might need to restart from the beginning.
symbols representing meanings to differentiate between characters.
Characters created using these principles have symbolic and meaningful attributes.
The term “pictorial” refers to directly imitating the shapes of objects.

It refers to depicting an object as it is so that we can convey its appearance to others.

In the early stages, characters predominantly depicted the shapes of plants, animals,
natural formations, objects, or human body forms directly. Characters originated
from these drawings or pictographs. Therefore, the pictorial principle is the most
fundamental in the development of letters. Despite variations in the time and location
of its emergence, the pictorial principle is similar to how characters originated. Why do people enjoy mathematical puzzles? Most people enjoy mathematical puzzles
The earliest letters in human history, such as the Sumerian script, Egyptian script, to simply pass the time. However, solving mathematical puzzles enhances mathematical
Hittite script, and Chinese characters, appeared in different human civilizations and thinking skills, such as logical thinking and deductive reasoning, through combining
were all created based on the pictorial principle. and decomposing numbers.

186 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 187
GM 0207 Nature’s Patterns Shown through Numbers and the Letter’s Love for Numbers GM 0307 The World Dreamt by Letters, Which Has Made Math Easier

2. The birth of letters and the logical basis contained within them
Table of Contents
Egyptian hieroglyphs hold particular significance in the history of writing hieroglyphs,
which developed from primitive Sinai characters to primitive Canaanite characters
1. Beautiful rules in the arrangement of numbers and then into Phoenician characters. Phoenician characters were adopted into Greek
01. Let's find the rules in the calendar characters and spread throughout the Western world.
It further developed into Aramaic characters used in regions like India and Southeast
02. Hidden numbers appear when we discover the rules
Asia, becoming the foundation of various characters we use today. In this sense,
2. How did the letters that make mathematics easier Egyptian hieroglyphs can be considered the cradle of written language.
03. Letters that are inspired by nature
04. Hangul, the most scientific letters in the world

3. Numbers, images, and letters make up

mathematical language
05. Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian numbers
06. Ancient Greek numbers replaced numbers with letters
We can express natural or social phenomena that are difficult to express in numbers as
4. Using letters instead of numbers makes calculations easier a simple equation. A notable example is Newton's law of universal gravitation.
07. Calculating the cost of food easily Newton observed the orbital motion of planets around the sun, the lunar orbit around
the Earth, and the phenomenon of apples falling to the ground.
08. Establishing equations by changing the given
sentence into letters He discovered an invisible force common to these natural phenomena. He expressed
this force in a simple equation and proved it mathematically. This law of universal
5. Chemists express motifs in numbers and letters gravitation was published in the third volume of Newton's book Principia. The law of
to reveal patterns universal gravitation states that all objects in the universe attract each other, and the
09. What do chemists do? magnitude of this force is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them. This can be expressed as an
10. Chemical formulas reveal patterns
equation as follows:
6. Arithmetic only uses numbers and mathematics uses both letters Mm
F=G 2
and numbers. r
Here, M and m are the masses of each object, r is the distance between them, and G is
11. What is the difference between arithmetic and mathematics?
the gravitational constant. When Newton formulated the equation, G was an unknown
12. The process of uncovering patterns and the greatness of mathematics
constant and is now referred to as Newton's constant, named after Newton. Newton's
constant was measured by Cavendish 70 years after Newton's death.

188 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 189
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0307 The World Dreamt by Letters, Which Has Made Math Easier

3. Understanding of various mathematical symbols and general expression

methods Table of Contents
An artificial intelligence system is a system that can understand, infer, and solve problems
on its own. Until now, humans have created programs to instruct computers on how 1. The advancement of civilization through the use
to solve problems, and computers have followed those instructions to find solutions. of letters and symbols
Unlike traditional computers that solely perform calculations, artificial intelligence
01. The emergence and prosperity of ancient
systems are designed to think and act autonomously, similar to humans.
Humans continuously learn and accumulate knowledge from the moment they are 02. Various letters used in ancient civilizations
born. Constructing an artificial intelligence system follows a similar principle.
Humans organize, classify, and create rules for all knowledge, forming a database.
2. Numbers and letters formed by several principles
When someone poses a question to artificial intelligence, the system comprehends 03. Principles behind the creation of diverse numbers and letters
the meaning, searches for relevant knowledge in the database, and answers the given 04. Letters of various countries around the world
question through inference and judgment. Computers use only 0s and 1s, while requiring scientific principles
humans use thousands, even tens of thousands, of characters. 3. Equations with letters can overcome the limitations
Despite the difference in languages, it is possible to create artificial intelligence of numbers
systems because relational equations between numbers and characters can connect
05. Natural and social phenomena that are difficult
the two languages. In other words, just as using characters has made mathematics
to express with numbers alone
more convenient, numbers can effectively recognize characters.
06. Simplification of equations with the use of letters

4. Understanding of verbal arithmetic and Newton’s

arithmetic through problems
07. Verbal arithmetic reveals hidden numbers
08. Newton’s arithmetic calculates quantities that
simultaneously decrease and increase

5. Symbols and signals are unspoken agreements

Artificial intelligence applications cover various fields. Expert systems, which utilize the among people
knowledge of professionals such as doctors and lawyers to create databases, enable
09. Norms and signals maintain social order
computers to answer questions on behalf of experts. This type of system is known as
10. Birth and systematization of mathematical symbols
an expert system. Computers can also assist in responding to questions posted on the
internet, a task typically performed by many experts. 6. Natural and social structures revealed through the use of letters
Additionally, by creating a database of language-related knowledge, computers can 11. Structure of nature expressed through letters and equations
develop systems that understand the meaning of everyday language and translate it
12. Artificial intelligence processes letters by changing them into
into other languages. Although current capabilities primarily focus on text translation, mathematical expressions
developing systems that recognize and instantly translate spoken language into
different languages will not take long.

190 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 191
Understanding Descartes' Mathematical Thinking and Ways to Express
GM 0407 Relationships through Equations

2. Descartes' mathematical thinking in solving problems expressed in

GM 0407 sentences or words
Equations have specific properties. First, adding the same number to both sides maintains
Understanding Descartes' validity. If a=b, adding the same number c to both sides results in a+c=b+c, and the
Mathematical Thinking and equation remains valid. Second, subtracting the same number from both sides also
maintains validity. If a=b, subtracting the same number c from both sides leads to
Ways to Express Relationships a-c=b-c, and the equation remains valid. Third, multiplying both sides by the same
through Equations number maintains validity. If a=b, multiplying both sides by the same number c, results
in ac=bc, and the equation remains valid. Fourth, dividing both sides by a non-zero
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters number maintains validity. If a=b, dividing both sides by the non-zero number c results
Target: Grade 4 in a÷c=b÷c, and the equation remains valid.
Unit: Equations

ISBN 978-1-64260-321-7

9 781642 603217
Equations are categorized into conditional equations, identities (indeterminate equations),
and inconsistent equations. A conditional equation is an equation that holds true only
when specific values are substituted for the unknowns. A conditional equation that can
1. What is the purpose of studying algebra, which deals with the be true or false depending on the value of x is called an “equation in terms of x.”
relationships between symbols and variables? The specific values that satisfy an equation are called solutions or roots.
For example, the equation 3x+6=0 holds true only when x is -2. So, the solution to
Why do we study relational expressions, a mathematical way of representation?
this equation is -2. As such, the main concern in conditional equations is finding their
In mathematics, symbolic notation is not only highly practical but also
solutions, and we can find these solutions using the properties of equations.
inherently fascinating. This is because symbolic notation allows the analysis of
An identity is an equation that always holds true no matter what values are substituted
concepts related to a subject and visually represents the relationships between
for the unknowns. An identity is referred to as "an identity for a particular variable"
these concepts, similar to a diagram. Such examples can easily be found in to distinguish it from the identity with other variables. In an identity, all letters other
almost every mathematical term or symbol. than those classified as “variables” are treated as “constants.” Basically, an identity is
Without symbols, mathematical reasoning would involve highly complex any expression that can be transformed by using the basic properties of operations.
cognitive processes. However, thanks to mathematical symbols, even intricate For example, in the equation 3x+6=3(x+2), the equation is always true regardless of
reasoning that requires advanced mental activity can be performed almost the value of x. Identities focus on the expression itself or its transformations, with no
mechanically. The modern civilized world has advanced by increasing the specific interest in the variable. An inconsistent equation is an equation that never
number of operations that can be performed without considering the meaning holds true regardless of the values assigned to the unknowns. For instance, in 0×x=2,
of the operation itself through mathematical symbols. no matter what value is assigned to the variable x, the left side will always be 0, making
it impossible to equal 2 on the right side.

192 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 193
General Mathematics Series 144 Understanding Descartes' Mathematical Thinking and Ways to Express
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0407 Relationships through Equations

3. The greatness of equations that resolve the principle of scarcity and

the problem of choice Table of Contents
Structural equations generally refer to equations that make up a model. They often
involve multiple individual equations. Thus, it is useful to express the model for 1. The logical power underlying mathematical thinking
endogenous variables into equations where each equation contains only one
01. Why is logical reasoning important in mathematics?
endogenous variable. This is known as the “reduced form” and is commonly used
02. The relationship between philosophical and
for predictions. In this reduced form, endogenous and exogenous variables are
mathematical thinking
directly related to coefficients. Substituting predicted values for exogenous variables
immediately yields predicted values for endogenous variables. 2. Descartes, who presented the logical foundation
for relational equations
Structural equation modeling allows for various analyses such as path analysis, confirmatory
factor analysis, latent growth curve modeling, structural regression modeling, 03. Descartes, the father of modern philosophy
moderation analysis, and mediation analysis. Structural equation modeling is widely 04. A Problem solving method using Descartes'
used in almost every discipline related to human studies, including economics, mathematical thinking
social sciences, and education. In economics, structural equation modeling refers to 3. Understanding relational equations as
equations depicting relationships between variables in a summarized econometric model. a mathematical expression method
05. Equation problems that deal with equal quantities
06. Inequalities compare sizes

4. The history of symbols and letters used in mathematics

07. The meaning of symbols used in mathematics
08. Emergence and evolution of mathematical symbols

5. Mathematical problems solved by establishing

relational equations
09. Ancient "Aha!" problems and Diophantine equations
There are four types of structural equations. First, “behavioral equations” describe the 10. Caution is needed in mixed operations when
determination of actions taken by economic agents, such as household consumption establishing relational equations
and corporate capital investment. Second, “institutional equations” determine 6. Examples of various equations representing social phenomena
variables that vary according to laws or regulations, such as tax or subsidy systems.
11. The Black-Scholes equation analyzes social phenomena
Third, “technical equations” represent the relationship between inputs and outputs in
companies' production processes. Finally, “definitional equations” are directly created 12. Structural equations frequently used in economic theory
by defining variables.

194 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 195
GM 0507
GM 0607
Descartes' Discourse on the Method Widely
Uncovering the World of Equations The Order of Nature Found by
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
the Naturalistic Philosophers:
Target: Grade 5 The Proportional Expression
Unit: Equations by Thales
ISBN 978-1-64260-322-4
Category: The Field of Numbers and Letters
Target: Grade 6
Unit: Equations
9 781642 603224
ISBN 978-1-64260-323-1

1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying the
intricate mathematical language 9 781642 603231
of humans?

Algebra is a field in mathematics. Simply put,

algebra means “to substitute numbers.”
1. What is the purpose of studying fractals, the self-similar
If using letters makes the expression complex, structures of nature?
they are replaced by numbers, and if numbers
become complex, they are replaced by letters. We can determine the relationship between similar shapes through
Understanding this mathematical thinking makes proportional expressions. Proportional expressions allow us to study
it easier to grasp. As we study mathematics, the vast solar system by scaling it down to the size of a palm or to
it becomes clear that the starting point of algebra magnify and analyze the microscopic world of molecules.
is setting up and solving equations. Of course, In other words, proportional expressions are a powerful tool for
algebra today extends beyond this and has firmly magnifying or reducing the natural world. Studying this book allows
established itself as the foundation for various us to explore the secrets of nature and solve everyday problems
disciplines, not just mathematics. using proportional expressions that describe relationships between

196 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 197
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0507 Descartes' Discourse on the Method Widely Uncovering the World of Equations

2. Deductive approach to the existence of the self and the existence of 3. The necessity of new insights into mathematics, the foundational
God, the first principles of philosophy technology of all advanced industries
Newton’s arithmetic can be applied to phenomena where a certain amount increases It is not an exaggeration to say that the 21st-century scientific civilization achieved
and decreases simultaneously. Using Newton’s arithmetic, it is possible to calculate by humanity is based on the development of mathematics. In advanced countries
and predict the subsequent quantities or volumes when there is a consistent increase worldwide, the progress of cutting-edge industrial technologies has been supported
and decrease in quantity or volume. Newton’s arithmetic is a type of problem found by consistently high levels of mathematical proficiency. Mathematics is often referred
in the Universal Arithmetic written by the scientist Newton. It involves considering the to as the queen of engineering and natural sciences because it provides methods to
relationship between the change caused by the difference or sum of two quantities
abstract and solve complex problems accurately and efficiently.
that vary at a constant rate and the passage of time. Using Newton’s arithmetic, let’s
solve the problem of finding the amount of grass needed for cows in a pasture where Generally, abstract algebra within algebraic mathematics focuses on abstract concepts
a constant amount of grass grows. related to various operations, while linear algebra emphasizes the changes and
structures that appear after operations like addition and multiplication.
Linear algebra is fundamentally concerned with solving linear equations using tools
such as matrix theory and vector space theory. Matrices provide a more efficient
representation of phenomena within a given linear system, and vectors are particularly
useful for expressing linear maps within constrained spaces. The mathematical tool
of linear algebra has its roots in the methodology developed to solve geometric
problems more efficiently.
"The grass on a pasture grows at a constant rate every day. 20 cows eat all the grass in
the pasture in 10 days, while 15 cows eat it all in 15 days. If we denote the amount of
grass one cow eats daily as 1, what was the original amount of grass in the pasture?"
When solving Newtonian problems, it is crucial first to assume the increasing amount
per unit of time and then compare it with the quantity consumed in the same period.
First, we use the amount of grass one cow eats in a day as the reference to calculate
the total amount of grass the cows ate under each condition.
Assuming one cow eats 1 unit of grass daily, the total amount of grass eaten by 20
cows in 10 days is 20×10=200, and the total amount eaten by 15 cows in 15 days is
15×15=225. Therefore, the difference in the amount of grass cows consume in 15 days
and 10 days is 225-200=25, representing the amount of grass that grows in 5 days.
Therefore, the amount of grass grown in 1 day is 25÷5=5. Linear algebra is widely used not only in engineering and natural sciences but also in
social science. It is frequently applied in various engineering fields, such as electrical
The equation for the amount of grass is (Original amount of grass)+(Amount of grass
and electronic circuits, communication and network industries, and dynamics.
grown in 10 days)=(Total amount of grass eaten by 20 cows in 10 days). Therefore, to
It is also widely used in many industrial areas, such as linear programming, computer
find the original amount of grass, subtract the amount grown in 10 days from the total
graphics, weather forecasting, population migration, relativity theory, archaeology,
amount of grass eaten by 20 cows in 10 days. Thus, the original amount of grass is
physics, chemistry, economics, game theory, aerospace, and many other industries.

198 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 199
The Order of Nature Found by the Naturalistic Philosophers:
GM 0507 Descartes' Discourse on the Method Widely Uncovering the World of Equations GM 0607 The Proportional Expression by Thales

2. What is the logical basis of similarity and proportional expressions in nature?

Table of Contents
Two figures with the same form but different sizes are said to be "similar." When one
shape can be enlarged or reduced by a constant ratio to become congruent with the
1. Language is a tool for conveying thought other figures, these two figures are considered similar. Congruent figures are also
considered similar since congruence is also included within similarity.
01. How do animals and plants convey thought?
02. Characteristics in the languages of different countries

2. The world of algebra represented by equations

03. What is algebra that uses letters?
04. Understanding the letters used in equations

3. The relationship between philosophical and

mathematical thinking
Corresponding points, angles, and sides in similar figures are called corresponding
05. What is philosophy?
points, corresponding angles, and corresponding sides. Therefore, similar triangles
06. The inseparable relationship between philosophy have three corresponding points, corresponding angles, and corresponding sides,
and mathematics
while similar quadrilaterals have four each. When a straight line connecting the
4. Problem-solving through Descartes' mathematical corresponding points of two similar shapes meets at one point, they are said to be in
thinking a “similar position.” The point where the straight lines connecting the corresponding
07. Descartes' mathematical thinking as the logical points meet is called the “center of similarity.” The center of similarity may be outside
foundation of equations or inside the shapes, depending on the situation. Among plane figures, it is easy to
find figures that are always similar. All circles are similar since their figures are the
08. Various real-life problems involving equations
same, with only varying radius lengths. Similarly, all sectors with the same central
5. Survival equations in nature where creation and angle are always similar because, although the radius length may differ, the shapes are
extinction coexist identical. All right isosceles triangles with two angles of 45˚ and one right angle are
09. Creation and extinction occur simultaneously in nature always similar. All types of two regular polygons are similar, differing only in the size
of the figures while having all the same angles and side lengths. Of course, some solid
10. Newton’s arithmetic explains the phenomena of
appearing and disappearing figures are always similar, such as spheres or regular polyhedrons.

For two triangles to be similar, any of the following conditions must be satisfied.
6. The role of equations in connecting various fields of study
First, all three pairs of corresponding sides have the same ratio (SSS similarity).
11. Equations used in various fields of society Second, two pairs of corresponding sides must have the same ratio, and the included
12. Equations explaining social structures and solving problems angles must be equal (SAS similarity). Third, two pairs of corresponding angles are
equal (AA similarity).

200 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 201
General Mathematics Series 144 The Order of Nature Found by the Naturalistic Philosophers:
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0607 The Proportional Expression by Thales

3. Using proportional expressions makes daily life more convenient and

enhances communication between nations Table of Contents
Molar concentration refers to the amount of moles of solute contained in a solution
divided by the volume of the solution. The units of molar concentration are M or 1 1. A naturalistic philosopher who tried to explain
mol/L. To calculate the molar concentration of a solution, we need to determine the natural phenomena
moles of the solute, requiring knowledge of the solute's mass and chemical formula.
01. Religions were born out of fear of nature
A mole (mol) is a unit that represents atoms or molecules in groups of 6.02214076×1023.
02. Philosophers who observed nature to break away
For example, if 6 mol of sugar molecules are dissolved in water to create 2L of a sugar
from religion
solution, the molar concentration of the sugar solution is 3M. Molar concentration is
the most commonly used concentration calculation method in chemical experiments. 2. Nature, where many things are similar despite
their differences in size
Molal concentration refers to the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 kg of
03. Similar forms found in plants
solvent. It is denoted by the unit "m." It is important to note that molal concentration
is calculated using the solvent’s mass and not the solution’s mass. The advantage of 04. Similar and dissimilar animals
using molal concentration is that it is calculated based on mass, not volume, making it 3. Thales’ thinking, which applied the principle
unaffected by temperature or pressure changes. For example, if 0.08 mol of hydrogen of proportionality
chloride is added to 2kg of water, 0.04m of hydrochloric acid is formed.
05. Thales, who measured the height of a pyramid
using a stick
06. Proportional expressions can be understood
through ratios and proportions

4. Various proportional expressions in figures

07. Understanding similarities and measurements of figures
08. Properties of proportional expressions in figures

5. Continuous proportion and proportional

distribution compare multiple quantities
Since a solution is a substance in which two or more substances are uniformly mixed, 09. Methods for comparing multiple quantities simultaneously
gases such as air are also solutions. Therefore, the term concentration indicates the 10. Proportional distribution is based on proportions
amount of fine dust particles in the atmosphere. Fine dust, with a diameter of 2.5
6. Our lives are made convenient through the use of proportional expressions
micrometers (μm) or less, is referred to as PM2.5 (Particulate Matter). Furthermore,
particles smaller than fine dust, measuring 0.1 μm or less in diameter, are termed 11. Various tools utilizing the principle of levers
ultrafine particles and are denoted as PM0.1. These particles are mainly generated from 12. Proportional expressions in concentrations and exchange rates
exhaust gases from automobiles or gases emitted from factory chimneys.

202 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Numbers & Letters / 203
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
We live in a world surrounded by chemistry. The screen of
Elementary Courses
a mobile phone allows us to contact friends anytime and
anywhere, numerous medicines save people's lives, and
batteries go into pollution-free electric vehicles. These are
8. Fractals / The Field of Rules
all created by chemistry. But this is not the achievement of
chemistry alone. GM 0108 The Similarities and Differences of Plants and Animals
We cannot ignore the role of great mathematics that makes
GM 0208 The World of Snowflakes Demonstrating Nature’s Creation
chemistry used widely in our lives. Most objects dealt with and Extinction
in chemistry are too tiny to see with the naked eye.
GM 0308 The Fractal Shapes Vividly Displaying the Structure of Nature
Of course, particulate things such as atoms and molecules
combine to form enormous natural structures. In chemistry, GM 0408 Nature's Names for Visible and Tangible Things
we can create the models of chemical structures and GM 0508 Methods for Drawing the Invisible World in Nature
chemical formulas using mathematical tools such as images,
GM 0608 The Mysteries of the Human Body and the Universe
letters, and numbers.
Uncovered by Fractal Structures

204 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 205

GM 0108 The Similarities and Differences of Plants and Animals

2. Shall we explore the similarities and differences between plants and

GM 0108 Both plants and animals must breathe to survive. Furthermore, plants and animals
grow by consuming nutrients. In other words, plants and animals commonly undergo
the process of growth and development. They start as smaller and simpler entities and
The Similarities and Differences
follow specific developmental paths to grow in size and complexity over time.
of Plants and Animals
Category: The Field of Rules
Target: Grade 1
Unit: Fractals

ISBN 978-1-64260-324-8

9 781642 603248 One of the essential characteristics shared by plants and animals is the ability to
respond to external stimuli. When a mosquito bites us, we instinctively scratch the
itchy area, and when a ball flies toward us, we reflexively move to avoid it.
1.What is the purpose of studying the similarities and differences Plants, too, can respond to stimuli. For instance, a potted plant placed by a sunny
of plants and animals? window will bend and grow toward the sunlight. Similarly, if we tilt the flowerpot
sideways, the plant will adjust its growth direction towards the sky. Both plants and
We can categorize nature into living and non-living entities. Then, we can
animals can detect changes in light, temperature, gravity, external stimuli, and other
further classify living things into plants and animals. Through this book, we
factors, adjusting their behaviors or physiological processes accordingly.
will study what similarities and differences exist between plants and animals.
Why should we study the similarities and differences between plants and Both plants and animals possess a mechanism known as homeostasis to maintain
animals? People are not exploring the secrets of nature simply out of curiosity. internal stability and balance. Homeostasis is the tendency of organisms to minimize
Uncovering the secrets of nature can enable us to develop machines or changes that are different from optimal conditions and to remain stable. Plants and
technological devices that make people comfortable. animals use various regulatory mechanisms to maintain stability.
Nature knows how to solve problems that arise within itself. Humans are also When animals are exposed to excessively hot environments, receptors on the skin
a part of nature. When we fall ill or feel pain, it means there is a problem with detect it, prompting the brain to expand the capillaries in the skin. This increases blood
the human body. In other words, the solution also lies within nature since the circulation, maximizes sweating, and enhances respiration to lower body temperature.
problem has occurred in nature itself. The stomata in plants maintain homeostasis by regulating water movement. If there is
sufficient water in the soil, the stomata open to allow water to exit, and when the soil
lacks water, the stomata close to prevent water from leaving, maintaining a consistent
moisture level inside the plant.

206 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 207
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0108 The Similarities and Differences of Plants and Animals

3. How can we apply biomimetics and nanotechnology?

Table of Contents
There is a saying that nature is the best teacher. Advanced scientific knowledge was
present in nature long before humans could recognize it. Upon discovering them,
people were able to advance civilization and society. For instance, humans used the 1. Various forms of life in nature
sharp teeth of animals to create knives or arrowheads and used the buoyancy of wood
01. Living and non-living things in nature
in water to make rafts.
02. Visible and invisible organisms in nature

2. Plants, forming the roots of life

03. Trees give generously

04. Plants produce nutrients through photosynthesis

3. What kinds of animals are there in the world?

05. Animals living in the sky, on land, and in water

06. Favorite foods of different animals

4. The many differences between animals and plants

07. Cells of plants and animals are different

08. Animals cannot produce nutrients on their own

Biomimetics is the science of imitating nature. Combining the Greek words for life, 5. Similarities in plants and animals
"bios," and imitation, "mimesis," biomimetics is a study that investigates the forms and
characteristics of living organisms found in nature. Although biomimetics has existed 09. Both animals and plants breathe
in the past, it has gained renewed attention recently due to significant advancements 10. Reproduction through mating
in nanotechnology.
A prime example of biomimetics is Velcro, the hook-and-loop fastener. Velcro was 6. Observing plants and animals nurtures creativity
inspired by the burdock plant, which has hooks on its fruit's outer shell. Although now
11. Advanced industrial technologies inspired by plants
banned in international competitions, short-distance swimmers once wore full-body
swimsuits. These swimsuits were inspired by shark fins, which have small ridges that 12. Wisdom that can be learned from animals
reduce water resistance. These swimsuits could shorten lap times by approximately 0.2
seconds in a 100-meter record.

208 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 209
GM 0308

The Fractal Shapes

Vividly Displaying the
Structure of Nature
Category: The Field of Rules
Target: Grade 3
GM 0208 Unit: Fractals


The World of Snowflakes ISBN 978-1-64260-326-2


Demonstrating Nature’s
Creation and Extinction
9 781642 603262

Category: The Field of Rules

Target: Grade 2
1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying
Unit: Fractals fractals, the mysterious structure
of nature?
ISBN 978-1-64260-325-5
While studying fractals, we can naturally
sense the profoundness of mathematics.
Through the beautiful application of
9 781642 603255
mathematical methods or formulas, we can
feel not only the beauty of mathematics
itself but also the beauty of nature, which
1. What is the purpose of studying the
life and death of living organisms? is the subject of mathematics. Of course,
at the level of a student, it is somewhat
When something is created in the universe, difficult to feel that mathematical formulas
it implies that something has ceased to exist are beautiful, but you can feel the beauty
elsewhere. We can predict the future based just by looking at fractal shapes. If we look
on the current situation by understanding at fractal shapes that still maintain their
the laws of creation and extinction. overall shape no matter how much we
zoom in, we will feel the mystery of nature.

210 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 211
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0208 The World of Snowflakes Demonstrating Nature’s Creation and Extinction

2. What is the fundamental difference between Euclidean geometry and 3. How can we apply the study of fractals, the self-similar structures of nature?
non-Euclidean geometry?
Earlier computer graphics, which represented objects using small triangles or squares,
In Elements, the five axioms that support Euclid's geometry are as follows: resulted in an unnatural and disconnected appearance from the real background.
① A straight line segment may be drawn between any two points. It was challenging to realistically depict natural elements like mountains, uneven paths,
② Any terminated straight line may be extended indefinitely. trees, or forests using only triangles and squares. "Fractal geometry" became the
③ A circle may be drawn with any given points as center and any given radius. solution. Fractal geometry represents a consistent order discovered in shapes thought
④ All right angles are equal. to be disorderly and immeasurable.
⑤ If two straight lines in a plane are met by another line, and if the sum of the internal
For instance, the rough and uneven appearance of tree bark displays a consistent
angles on one side is less than two right angles, then the straight lines will meet if
pattern when observed through a magnifying glass or microscope despite differences
extended sufficiently on the side on which the sum of the angles is less than two
in scale. Similarly, if we investigate the moon's surface, coastlines, mountain ranges,
right angles (the parallel postulate).
and Saturn's rings, the rough surface observed from a distance continues even at very
small scales. The fractal theory provides a means to measure these uneven surfaces
appropriately, establishing objective laws that generate self-similarity.

An interesting fact is that Euclid was uncertain whether the fifth axiom, the parallel
postulate, was indeed an axiom or could be deduced from the previous four.
Consequently, mathematicians, including Euclid, attempted to prove geometric
Recently, many advanced products utilizing fractal structures have appeared. Fractal
problems without relying on the parallel postulate whenever possible. Using the proof-
structures are also used in antennas that capture airborne waves. The performance of
by-contradiction method, 19th-century mathematicians sought to prove the truth of
an antenna improves when its surface area in contact with the waves is larger.
the parallel postulate by assuming its falsehood would lead to a contradiction.
While larger antennas generally perform better, size is limited by production costs,
However, to their surprise, no contradiction was found when they created a new installation methods, and efficiency limit the size. How can we create a small yet high-
system where the parallel postulate was false. This led to geometric theories rejecting performing antenna? Consider a triangular antenna made of wire. To improve the
the parallel postulate pioneered by mathematicians like Lobachevsky and Bolyai. antenna's performance, we need to increase the length of each side of the triangle.
Geometry accepting the fifth postulate became known as Euclidean geometry, while However, this causes the antenna size to grow too large. To address this issue, we can
geometry rejecting it was termed non-Euclidean geometry. use the Koch snowflake model.

212 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 213
GM 0208 The World of Snowflakes Demonstrating Nature’s Creation and Extinction GM 0308 The Fractal Shapes Vividly Displaying the Structure of Nature

2. Shall we draw fractal structures depicting creation and extinction in nature?

Table of Contents
Rivers that we commonly observe exhibit a fractal structure. If we observe the tributaries
flowing into a larger river, it is easy to notice that the appearance of small rivers
1. The rugged appearance of nature upon closer resembles the large river branches. Although rivers generally take various shapes due
inspection to factors such as terrain, geology, and erosion, the branches of rivers within the same
watershed almost always exhibit similar fractal structures.
01. Nature is not made of smooth curves
02. Parts resembling the whole

2. Euclidean geometry that lost its naturalness

03. Euclid's Elements is written in natural language
04. Greek philosophers who defined nature based on
human standards

3. The amount of water on Earth remains constant

05. Water can exist in three states
06. Water is constantly circulating

4. Rules of creation and extinction of nature Most trees also have a fractal structure. As larger branches divide, multiple smaller
in snowflakes branches emerge, and these smaller branches further divide into even smaller twigs.
While trees structurally exhibit a fractal pattern like rivers, they differ in that the
07. How are snowflakes formed? thinner branches develop from the thicker, inversely to the rivers. Trees adopt a fractal
08. Creation and extinction in corals and sponges structure to distribute water and nutrients evenly throughout the organism.

5. Nature’s structure is filled with fractals Lightning, which flashes through the air and strikes the ground, has been a source of
mystery and fear since ancient times. In May 1752, Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) flew
09. Mandelbrot, the father of fractals a kite into a storm in the United States to prove that lightning is an electrical phenomenon.
10. Fractals in our bodies As research on lightning continued, Walter from Germany photographed lightning
with a rotating camera. He discovered that lightning does not strike just once but
6. Fractals utilized in advanced industries repeatedly follows the same path, forming a discharge similar to a staircase.
11. Smaller size, better performance The spread of lightning in the air is influenced by temperature, pressure, humidity,
and ionization tendencies. Due to these complex factors, the path of lightning is not
12. Fractals in computer graphics and art
linear; instead, it branches out, twisting and turning. Despite its irregular appearance,
lightning branches exhibit a structure similar to the whole-a self-similar, fractal structure.

214 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 215
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0308 The Fractal Shapes Vividly Displaying the Structure of Nature

3. Can knowing the structure of nature concretely realize the dream of

extending life? Table of Contents
Fractal art goes beyond traditional art forms and offers a new artistic expression.
It goes beyond stimulating people's interest with momentary fascination through 1. Familiar images in nature
mesmerizing patterns and designs. While fractal art may be considered unconventional
due to its separation from the conventions of traditional art forms, it is essential to 01. Landscapes familiar to us
recognize that even tools like brushes, pencils, ink, and etching were not initially 02. Familiar features in a person's face
conceived for artistic purposes but are now widely used as primary art tools.
Therefore, if we accept Jackson Pollock's statement that "Each age finds its technique," 2. Similarity in triangles and squares
we can understand the authenticity of fractal art. Fractal art brings forth the shapes 03. Commonalities in similar triangles
found in nature through creative inspiration and breathes life into them to collectively
express the essence of our era, nature, and the universe. 04. What are the conditions for similar squares?

3. Similarity in nature
05. Finding similarities in plants

06. Animals with similarities

4. Fractal shapes, in which the part resembles

the whole
07. What is a fractal?

08. Fractal shapes reveal the structure of nature

5. Natural subjects that are similar yet slightly

Is there a secret hidden in popular music? If the characteristics of popular music can different
be described based on data, it could serve as an objective sample for comparing the
09. Animals and plants are similar but different
differences between popular and forgotten music.
Dr. Richard F. Voss and Dr. John Clarke from the Department of Physics at California 10. Similarity in the evolutionary process of organisms
State University discovered an interesting fact about classical music. When a piece
of classical music starts, the pitch range is not significantly large, and most following 6. Understanding advanced industrial technology through fractal shapes
notes shift to nearby lower or higher notes. The fascinating aspect is that the 11. Creating small but efficient machines with fractals
frequency of these variations inversely correlates with the pitch. This means that
as the pitch variation increases, its occurrence in a piece decreases in frequency 12. Fractal shapes in computer graphics technology
proportionally. Music genres utilizing this concept are known as fractal music.

216 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 217
GM 0408 Nature's Names for Visible and Tangible Things

2. What is the relationship between definitions and terms in mathematics?

In mathematics, "definition" refers to the name of a mathematical subject. As we cannot
GM 0408 call scissors a knife, we cannot arbitrarily change the established mathematical
definitions. Communication would become impossible if each person used different
Nature’s Names for Visible names for the same object. Furthermore, if individuals referred to mathematical
and Tangible Things concepts differently, numerous disputes would arise, hindering the advancement of
mathematics rather than promoting it.
Category: The Field of Rules
Target: Grade 4
Unit: Fractals

ISBN 978-1-64260-327-9

9 781642 603279

1. Why do we give names to invisible things? Names play a crucial role in the field of science. It would be very confusing if scientists
from diverse linguistic, cultural, and national backgrounds referred to the same object
Each person's name is linked to their unique identity, reflecting
using different names. Typically, terms used in specialized fields are unified, and
their personal or family history, culture, and values. Names can
priority for naming is often given to the discoverer.
also indicate membership in a particular group, family, religion,
nationality, etc. Specific family names, regional names, or names It is essential to have unified names in the field of biology, where many new organisms
of lineages can denote association with particular social groups, are constantly discovered, and mutations frequently occur. The scientific name is the
which helps to build social connections and bonds. Names often globally recognized name for a species of animals and plants. The scientific name of a
convey social status or position. For example, noble family names species is composed of two words in Latin or Latinized form following the “binomial
or the names of leaders signify the individual’s social status. nomenclature” naming system.
The purpose of studying this book is to understand how to name The first word, always capitalized, indicates the genus to which the species belongs.
tangible components of nature with a form appropriately and to The second word is the species name unique to the species, always in lowercase. Thus,
use names to explain the subject's characteristics. Furthermore, the scientific name of a species is a combination of the genus name and species name.
the objective is to assign names to things without a physical form Scientific names should be italicized or underlined. Additionally, the scientific name
to develop mathematical abstraction skills. can be followed by the person who first officially published the scientific name and the
year of publication. In this case, the name of the author is not italicized. While binomial
nomenclature is essential for plants, it is not mandatory for animals.

218 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 219
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0408 Nature's Names for Visible and Tangible Things

3. The importance of branding and revolutionary advances in science and

technology Table of Contents
In modern society, we utilize names as a marketing tool. A “brand” refers to the name
or symbol used by a company providing products or services. Consumers often check 1. Components of nature with names
trademarks and choose products from companies they trust when faced with similar
products. Thus, they make the purchase decision based on their trust in the company, 01. Visible things with names
known as a brand. 02. Invisible things in nature with names
Today, brands are widely used for products and companies, events, cities, and even
2. The significance of names in our society
countries. Recently, in business and marketing, the term "brand" is used to signify
a "luxury" or "high-quality product" in itself. The exact origin of the term "brand" is 03. Names play an important role in society
unclear, but it is believed to have originated from the ancient European practice of 04. How are names created?
marking livestock with a stamp to indicate ownership. The word "brand" is speculated
to have derived from the Old Norse word "brandr," meaning to “burn.” 3. Names of various figures in mathematics
05. Names and characteristics of plane figures

06. Naming solid figures and their characteristics

4. Things in nature that do not have names

07. Undiscovered things without names

08. Discovered things without names

5. How to classify and name different organisms

09. Scientific names based on the characteristics
of organisms

10. Classifying animals and plants based on

Throughout history, humanity has marked possessions or creations to signify ownership. scientific names
This practice has a long history, dating back to ancient Egypt, where people marked
6. Names complete artworks
bricks with their names to guarantee quality. In addition, whiskey producers in the UK
stamped wooden barrels with an engraved stamp. 11. The importance of names attached to products
Recently, brands have not only played a role in distinguishing products from others
12. The value influenced by the title of a work
but have also become a crucial factor in influencing product sales by efficiently
conveying product features and elevating trust in quality.

220 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 221
GM 0608

The Mystery of the Human Body and the Universe

GM 0508 Uncovered by Fractal Structures
Category: The Field of Rules
Methods for Drawing the
Target: Grade 6
Invisible World in Nature Unit: Fractals
Category: The Field of Rules ISBN 978-1-64260-329-3
Target: Grade 5
Unit: Fractals
9 781642 603293
ISBN 978-1-64260-328-6

1. What is the purpose of studying the

9 781642 603286 secrets of the human body?

The human body is sometimes compared to

a small universe. The universe maintains balance
1. What is the purpose of studying the essence of
through invisible forces and laws, and its parts
resemble the whole. Similarly, the human body
What we observe from birth until now is only a tiny part of maintains life activities based on invisible forces
nature. It is difficult to deduce the entire picture from just and laws like the universe. A problem in one
a portion. Nevertheless, accurately drawing our observations body part can affect that area or other areas.
of nature is crucial. Even though it may be just a part, the The universe has a fractal structure where the
overall image will gradually emerge as data accumulates part resembles the whole. Since the human body
through continuous observation. is also a part of the universe, it can be described
Moreover, as nature exhibits a fractal structure, it is possible as having a fractal structure.
to infer the whole form by observing only a part.

222 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 223
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0508 Methods for Drawing the Invisible World in Nature

2. How did mathematics influence the development of chemistry and 3. How can we apply the uncovered secrets of genes?
"Artificial organs" are designed to substitute for certain parts or organs in the human
The Euclidean geometry we commonly learn is inadequate to represent the natural body. Artificial organs, such as the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, esophagus, and
world accurately. This is because lightning is not a straight line, clouds are not perfectly eardrums, have already been developed and are in practical use. Recently, researchers
round, and mountain ranges are not smooth. Why is nature not made up of smooth at Ohio University in the United States successfully created a brain in the laboratory
lines? It is because nature prioritizes efficiency within itself. that is nearly identical to an infant's brain.

The researchers manipulated specific genes in adult skin cells to transform them into
pluripotent stem cells, capable of developing into various cell types and forming signal
circuits similar to those in actual brains. This achievement was possible because the
human body has a fractal structure, where parts resemble the whole, allowing the
creation of a brain from small skin fragments. The likelihood of transplanting artificial
brains into humans is still low. However, the medical field expects the development of
various artificial organs that can replace aged and diseased bodily organs.

For example, because our bodies cannot infinitely increase in size, the organs inside
our bodies have evolved in the direction of increasing surface area. Blood vessels are
crucial in rapidly supplying oxygen and nutrients to each cell in every corner of our
body. The blood vessels must be distributed throughout the countless cells in the
body to achieve this. If our bodies were designed based on our general assumptions,
our bodies would be filled with blood vessels. However, the distribution of blood
vessels forms a fractal structure, allowing for the maximum surface area with minimal
In recent years, scientists have actively researched and developed artificial organs,
volume. The lungs, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged, also have a
with 3D printing technology playing a significant role in creating artificial organs.
similar fractal structure. The branching pattern of bronchi in the shape of broccoli
Organism-based artificial organ technology can be broadly categorized into
provides a large surface area compared to its volume.
xenotransplantation and cell-based organs based on the implementation method.
Life does not arise and develop through various complex principles but rather through Xenotransplantation involves the transplantation of organs from animals to humans
simple repeating principles. In other words, life does not undergo redesign at each and is currently the most actively researched field. In January 2022, the University of
growth stage but possesses a new system of replicating the original shape. Maryland Medical Center successfully performed the world's first surgery to transplant
Understanding fractal structures can uncover the rules behind seemingly irregular a pig's heart into a male patient in his 50s. Pigs are chosen as organ donors because
and confusing phenomena. Fractal theory is applied not only in mathematics but in they are the most biologically and anatomically similar animals to humans.
physics, biology, earth science, chemistry, and engineering. It finds applications in Despite these similarities, the genetic makeup of humans and pigs is distinctly different,
financial mathematics, management, and psychology theories that study complex requiring advanced biotechnology to edit the genes and create pigs suitable for
phenomena. transplantation that are as genetically similar to humans as possible.

224 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 225
The Mysteries of the Human Body and the Universe Uncovered by
GM 0508 Methods for Drawing the Invisible World in Nature GM 0608 Fractal Structures

2. What is the evidence for the origin of the universe and life?
Table of Contents
A fractal exhibits self-similarity, where its part closely resembles the whole, no matter
how much it is magnified. Fractals are efficient structures that can create complex and
1. Biologists discover patterns by observing nature systematic shapes by repeating a simple structure. We can easily find fractal structures
in various natural phenomena, such as lightning, tree branches, river networks,
01. Biologists depict the appearance of nature
mountain ranges, broccoli, ferns, snowflakes, and clouds.
02. The mysterious secrets of life discovered by

2. Chemists discover patterns in nature by assigning

numbers and letters to motifs
03. The small but powerful world of chemistry
04. Visualization using molecular models and molecular
structural formulas

3. The complete image of nature can be drawn by

knowing just one part
05. Fractal structures in nature, where parts resemble
the whole
06. Fractal shapes and relational equations found The human body, as part of nature, also exhibits fractal structures. The structure of the
in nature lungs, which supply the blood with oxygen, and the vascular tissue, which serves as
pathways for providing oxygen and nutrients to the cells composing our body, both
4. Various tools for observing nature
form self-similar structures. Even in seemingly unrelated objects in nature, like tree
07. Microscopes magnify small objects branches, lightning, and vascular tissues, we can find resemblances because fractal
08. Telescopes bring distant objects closer structures are highly efficient and natural. Therefore, fractals are often referred to as
the fundamental structures that make up nature.
5. Physicists deal with invisible forces and laws
Expanding our perspective beyond Earth, a fractal cosmology theory suggests the
09. Patterns within patterns and pattern collapse
entire universe has a fractal structure. Within physical cosmology, fractal cosmology
10. Humanities enhances our dimension of understanding asserts that the distribution of matter or the universe's structure exhibits geometric
6. Various remedies discovered in nature self-similarity on a broad scale. If the universe has a fractal structure, then magnifying
a part of it should reveal a self-similar structure resembling the whole.
11. Cancer treatments using Salmonella bacteria
In other words, as we magnify the universe, shapes similar to the universe should
12. Artificial organs utilize fractal structures emerge, and magnifying a part of it should produce universes with similar
appearances, only differing in size.

226 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 227
General Mathematics Series 144 The Mysteries of the Human Body and the Universe Uncovered by
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0608 Fractal Structures

3. How can we apply the knowledge gained from drawing nature in an image?
Table of Contents
In the long history of Earth's existence, spanning 3.5 billion years, organisms have
undergone differentiation and evolution to take on their present forms. The concept of
the "Tree of Life" metaphorically describes these processes, likening them to pruning 1. Chemical substances composing the human body
the branches of a tree composed of stems, branches, and leaves. The “Tree of Life”
01. Chemical substances in our bodies
illustrates the relationships among Earth’s organisms in a comprehensive manner.
02. Roles and importance of each part of our body
Attempts to gather information on Earth's diverse life forms in a single, easily
understandable format have been made since the 19th century. Recently, visualization 2. Our bodies exhibit fractal shapes, a structure of nature
projects inspired by Google Earth allow users to zoom in on continents, countries, and
cities. The Tree of Life was created by incorporating information about all living beings 03. Fractals in the lungs and capillaries
in a single drawing on one page, allowing for zooming in and out to explore detailed 04. Fractal structures maximize efficiency
information. The Tree of Life has two unique aspects.
Firstly, it applies the "Google Earth" approach, allowing users to navigate from the 3. The birth of the universe and its mysteries
entire Earth to small villages using just one picture. It aims to help viewers understand
05. The birth of the universe and Big Bang Theory
the patterns of distributions and relationships between different life forms by
representing the information in a single image. 06. Are there other planets with life?

4. Laws and fractals operating within the structure

of nature
07. Repetitive natural phenomena and fractals

08. DNA contains the genetic information of organisms

5. The mystery of the universe within the human body

09. The secret of the human body

10. The human body resembles a miniature universe

Another characteristic is using fractal shapes, where parts resemble the whole. Utilizing
a fractal structure with self-similarity allows for repeating the same structure as stems 6. Fractals in biotechnology
and branches continue to split in the Tree of Life. This enables the convenient storage 11. The process of biological evolution and the “Tree of Life” represented
and retrieval of vast amounts of information. by fractal structures
The Tree of Life depicts organisms that appeared earlier in the evolutionary process
12. Stem cells can realize the dream of extending life
closer to the bottom of the tree. At the same time, those that have recently emerged
are illustrated closer to the leaves.

228 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 229
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Observing nature, drawing images, and then adding
Elementary Courses
numbers and letters does not always lead to discovering
patterns. Furthermore, even if a pattern is identified, it is
often challenging to confidently assert that it represents
9. Chaos / The Field of Rules
the phenomenon's essence. In our natural world, patterns
and pattern collapses occur simultaneously. GM 0109 The Vast Void and Gaping Space in Greek Mythology
Therefore, understanding the essence of a phenomenon
GM 0209 The Origin of All Things Envisioned by the Naturalistic Philosophers
requires the ability to recognize both patterns and pattern
GM 0309 The Formation of Fractals, the Structure of Nature,
collapses at a glance. For example, when we gaze at the
and the World of Chaos
surface of a lake, we may notice gentle ripples forming
GM 0409 The World of Invisible Forces and Laws within Living Organisms
a consistent pattern. However, when a leaf suddenly falls
onto the water's surface, concentric ripples spread out GM 0509 The Chaos Game, the Secret of Living Organisms, and Human
from its location, disrupting the original ripple pattern.
If the wind also blows, further pattern collapses occur, GM 0609 Nonlinear Structures and the Butterfly Effect beyond the Scope
eventually making it extremely difficult to discern any of Mathematics

underlying rules.

230 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 231

GM 0109 The Vast Void and Gaping Space in Greek Mythology

2. How are disorder and order harmonized in the universe, music, and art?
Today, chaos describes a complex, disorderly, and unpredictable state, referring to
phenomena that cannot be forecasted. In this context, chaos does not imply
GM 0109 a shattered or broken state but rather denotes elements forming a “complex essence”
or “irregular occurrence” amidst harmony.
Chaos theory made it possible to predict complex phenomena by analyzing only 2 to
The Vast Void and Gaping 3 of the multiple causes that contribute to them. Chaos implies that an unseen order
Space in Greek Mythology exists even in phenomena that seem disorderly.

Category: The Field of Rules

Target: Grade 1
Unit: Chaos

ISBN 978-1-64260-300-2

9 781642 603002

1. What is the reason for the transition from a mythical framework Even in the vastness of the universe, we can find examples of chaos. Pluto, once
to a scientific worldview?
considered the ninth planet in our solar system and a subject of extensive research
Around 600 BCE in Greece, people who began to perceive nature from a new since its discovery in 1930, was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006. This was because
perspective emerged, stepping away from religion and mythology to view Pluto was revealed as one of the thousands of large icy bodies located in the “Kuiper
nature as a rational and scientific subject. The belief shifted from attributing Belt,” an asteroid belt outside Neptune.
natural phenomena to a divine will to understanding them as outcomes
Among Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos, and Styx, the five moons of Pluto, Charon is the
governed by rules and principles.
largest spherical moon, while the other four moons are smaller and irregular-shaped.
They believed that humans could understand how nature worked and that
While Charon and Pluto always face each other due to tidal locking, the remaining
future events could be predicted. The purpose of studying this book is to
moons do not. In 2015, using the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers observed
comprehend the reasons behind the shift in perspective from a religious to
unusual variations in the light reflected from Nix and Hydra.
a scientific and rational outlook on nature and how it eventually entered the
By applying mathematical models of rotating objects, they discovered that the
realm of mathematics in the modern era.
movement of these two moons occurred chaotically. Hubble also revealed that Styx
and Kerberos also rotated chaotically.

232 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 233
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0109 The Vast Void and Gaping Space in Greek Mythology

3. How can chaos theory become a solution for the irregular world?
Table of Contents
The complexity science represented by chaos theory has recently been actively applied
in the field of medicine. Through collaborative research, physicists and doctors have
used chaos analysis to measure brainwaves in epilepsy patients. 1. Gods of nature in Greek mythology
The results revealed that specific changes in brainwaves occur approximately 20
01. The universe depicted in Greek mythology
minutes before an epileptic seizure. Additionally, researchers successfully interpreted
signals obtained from 128 probes attached to the head, identifying the regions in the 02. Various gods governing nature
brain where epilepsy occurs.
2. Similar appearances in nature are fractals
Epilepsy occurs when brain tissue is damaged or has not grown properly. The intricate
circuits in the brain are maintained through the flow of numerous electrical signals. 03. Even unfamiliar shapes appear familiar
However, if temporary excessive discharges disrupt the electrical signals, the individual
04. Why do parts resemble the whole?
loses control over their body, leading to symptoms such as epilepsy. Scientists have
long studied brainwaves, but finding the precursor to seizures by analyzing traditional 3. Nature contains the rules of the world
visual analysis of waveform patterns was challenging. A new analytical tool was needed
to extract subtle changes in patterns within the seemingly chaotic flow of brainwaves, 05. We live regular lives
and this was successfully achieved through chaos theory, which finds order in chaos. 06. Animals and plants also have rules

4. Invisible forces and laws in nature

07. What is chaos in the world of physics?

08. Rules behind complicated events

5. Life becomes more convenient with fractals

What changes could occur if we could predict epilepsy seizures several minutes in
09. Beautiful artworks created using fractals
advance? Since medications to suppress epilepsy symptoms have already been
developed, epilepsy patients would just have to wear a brainwave-measuring device 10. Fractal technology makes life convenient
roughly the size of a hearing aid on their skulls and carry a wireless receiver on their
waist. When the signal goes off, they can quickly take the medication to prevent the 6. Advanced industrial technology utilizing chaos theory
progression of epilepsy symptoms. Another research team has used chaos analysis to 11. We want to know even a minute in advance
interpret fetal heart rate variability, allowing for the assessment of the baby's health.
When pregnant mothers send the data files obtained through portable heart rate 12. Chaos theory saves human lives
monitors to the remote clinic via the internet, abnormalities can be identified through
chaos analysis and then reported to the attending doctor.

234 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 235
GM 0209

The Origin of All Things

Envisioned by the Natural
Category: The Field of Rules
Target: Grade 2 GM 0309
Unit: Chaos

The Formation of Fractals,
the Structure of Nature,
ISBN 978-1-64260-331-6

and the World of Chaos

9 781642 603316
Category: The Field of Rules
Target: Grade 3
Unit: Chaos
1. What role did mathematics play
in ancient Greek philosophy? $124.00
ISBN 978-1-64260-332-3
To understand why the Greeks created
mathematical theories, it is necessary to
understand the ideal world they dreamed 9 781642 603323

of. Greeks strongly desired to understand

the real world, the world of matter.
Mathematics was a part of exploring 1. What is the purpose of studying
nature and a key to unlocking the the water cycle and the laws of
universe's secrets. Before Socrates, natural
philosophers in ancient Greece sought to Fractal structures represent the complexity
explore natural phenomena rationally. and diversity of life while simultaneously
Philosophers like Thales and Heraclitus illustrating the generation of new forms
attempted to find the fundamental and structures through the processes of
principle or origin called “arche .” death and extinction.

236 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 237
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0209 The Origin of All Things Envisioned by the Naturalistic Philosophers

2. What worldview were religion, reason, and diversity in the Middle Ages 3. How can we apply the sciences and philosophy for humans?
based on?
Science involves observing and experimenting with nature, collecting and analyzing
Since ancient times, philosophy has been a discipline seeking to understand nature, data, formulating theories, and undergoing the process of validation. However, the
the world, and human existence. Philosophy continually poses questions to uncover knowledge and theories derived from science are not always infallible or seamlessly
the hidden secrets behind various phenomena in nature and society. applicable in society. Scientific theories may fade over time as better ones emerge,
Ancient Greek philosophy provides clues for solving many of today's problems, and sometimes, they give rise to significant ethical issues within society.
offering valuable insights and solutions.
Ultimately, humans are the reason for the existence of science. Scientific knowledge
that benefits humanity continues to be used, but knowledge contradicting it is
occasionally socially discarded. This is where philosophy plays a crucial role.
As a discipline that explores the fundamental principles of humans and the world,
in addition to the essence of life, philosophy critically examines theories from science.
It also provides answers to ethical issues that have sparked societal interest.

Philosophy, as the pursuit of knowledge and understanding nature and humanity,

incessantly asks fundamental questions and silently progresses towards answering
them using logic and analysis. Philosophy aims to expand and deepen knowledge,
interacting with other disciplines to cultivate insight.
It nurtures critical thinking and autonomous judgment while presenting principles
For example, let's consider the once socially significant debate surrounding the issue
applicable across diverse fields of study. Philosophy influences the development of
of cloning. While embryonic cloning was a groundbreaking scientific technology,
culture and society, offering profound insights into human life.
legalizing it would inevitably lead to human cloning. Human cloning raises various
Advanced countries prioritize philosophy education more than other nations. practical issues, such as the instrumentalization of humans, infringement upon human
For example, philosophy is taught in France from elementary school, and the uniqueness and individuality, and the disruption of parent-child relationships.
university entrance exam, Baccalaureat, includes testing philosophical thinking. Many questioned the ethicality of the cloning of humans or other living beings.
Furthermore, philosophy is deemed significant to the extent that teachers are Philosophical criticisms emerged regarding the potential problems that arise when life
examined in philosophy to become qualified to educate children. Germany, known science combines with massive capital. Eventually, philosophical questioning led to
for producing eminent philosophers like Kant, Goethe, and Hegel, actively supports the regulation of indiscriminate life cloning, preventing unchecked development in
philosophy education at the university level through government funding. scientific technology.

238 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 239
GM 0209 The Origin of All Things Envisioned by the Naturalistic Philosophers GM 0309 The Formation of Fractals, the Structure of Nature, and the World of Chaos

2. What is the basis for the nonlinear structures in modern transportation

Table of Contents systems and the butterfly effect?
The butterfly effect metaphorically expresses that the flapping of a butterfly's wings
1. Naturalistic philosophy began from the observation in Brazil could potentially lead to the formation of a tornado in Texas, illustrating that
of nature a small change somewhere on Earth could create unpredictable and diverse weather
patterns. Lorenz's insight demonstrates “sensitive dependence on initial conditions,”
01. What was the first subject of philosophy?
a phenomenon where small changes can ultimately cause significant alterations,
02. Development of naturalist philosophy in ancient
challenging explanations within traditional physics.
and modern times

2. Philosophers found the origins of all things in nature

03. Thales, the father of science
04. The four-element theory that originated in ancient

3. Sophists who understood the world from

a relativistic perspective
05. The subject of philosophy has shifted from nature
to humans
06. Is humanity the measure of all things? Chaos theory explains phenomena that appear stable while being unpredictably dynamic
4. The medieval period, dominated by religion, and seemingly stable while being unstable. It also describes phenomena that appear
was a dark age for philosophy endlessly disorderly and irregular but have order and regularity. Chaotic patterns,
despite their appearance of disorder and randomness, differ significantly from
07. Medieval philosophy was centered around Christianity
randomly picking numbered balls from a basket. On the contrary, these patterns
08. Was the medieval period truly a dark age for philosophy?
are created by specific forms of equations. Therefore, although appearing random,
5. Advanced countries that prioritize philosophy chaotic phenomena are highly deterministic as they follow strict rules. In other words,
education specific laws, equations, or invariant processes precisely determine the outcomes.
09. The advanced philosophy education of France Furthermore, predictions of outcomes are possible based on given constants or initial
values, showcasing the deterministic nature of chaos. Due to these deterministic
10. Philosophy education for Jews starts at home
characteristics, people sometimes refer to chaos as deterministic chaos.
6. Solutions to scientific problems are found in philosophy
Surprisingly, the equations generating chaotic phenomena are often relatively simple.
11. Can science solve all problems? Thus, complex phenomena do not necessarily arise from complicated principles or
12. Philosophical thinking reveals the answers causes. Patterns possess a wholly self-generated nature, meaning they are unaffected
by any external influences except for the influence of constants.

240 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 241
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0309 The Formation of Fractals, the Structure of Nature, and the World of Chaos

3. What are innovative ideas in life sciences and medicine?

Table of Contents
Fractals are two sides of the same coin as the basic proposition of chaos theory, which
states that even extremely simple systems in nature can be entirely unpredictable in
some cases. In the 1960s, the pioneer of fractals, Mandelbrot, discovered that irregular 1. The rhythmic breath of creation and extinction in nature
shapes maintain consistent regularity regardless of the zooming-in or out ratio.
01. Understanding creation and extinction through
Mandelbrot, a mathematician and economist, astutely recognized that the prices of the water cycle
stocks or commodities at the time exhibited the properties of fractals.
02. Life and death coexist in nature
This revelation had two implications. Firstly, it meant that the ever-changing prices of
stocks or commodities were not entirely independent but influenced by the previous 2. Forms in nature are becoming increasingly similar
prices. Secondly, it implied that the daily price change patterns were similar to monthly
03. Components of nature with similar shapes
or yearly patterns. Although it may sound like a simple assertion at first glance,
it carries profound implications. It challenged the “efficient market hypothesis,” which 04. Animals with similar appearances between mothers
suggests that predicting the future with past data is impossible in an economically and offspring
efficient environment where information spreads effectively. 3. Fractal structures in the center of modern science
05. Fractal structures where parts resemble the whole

06. The world dreamt by Mandelbrot, the father of fractals

4. Are there rules even in complex phenomena?

07. Understanding the rules of nature through Koch's
snowflake model
08. Rules discovered in intersections with broken traffic lights

5. Chaos is not disorder but the hidden order of nature

Ultimately, factors such as exchange rates and stock prices can be analyzed for meaningful
data using appropriate nonlinear models. An American investment company, Pan Agora, 09. Chaos theory originated from weather forecasting
analyzed the New York Stock Exchange's price index from 1928 to 1989 and discovered 10. Discovering the hidden order of nature through chaos theory
a consistent trend.
Chaos theory is widely used in financial areas such as exchange rates, stock prices, 6. Fractals and chaos make our daily lives more convenient
and various economic analyses. Paul Ormerod, an innovative economic commentator 11. Drug development using fractals
in the UK, improved the accuracy of unemployment rate predictions using nonlinear
structures. He argued that applying nonlinear analysis even slightly could enhance the 12. Chaos theory and the dream of extending life
accuracy of various economic analyses.

242 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 243
GM 0409 The World of Invisible Forces and Laws within Living Organisms

2. Can we overcome the limits of prediction and response for tornadoes?

Tornadoes are more likely to form when warm air rapidly rises from the ground,
GM 0409 creating strong atmospheric instability where cold and dry air prevails in the upper
atmosphere. While meteorologists understand the general principles behind tornado
formation, how storms transform into tornadoes remains a mystery.
The World of Invisible
Forces and Laws within
Living Organisms
Category: The Field of Rules
Target: Grade 4
Unit: Chaos

ISBN 978-1-64260-333-0

9 781642 603330 Tornadoes, particularly those in the central and southern United States, are violent
weather phenomena caused by a powerful upward force that lifts and destroys
everything in its path due to internal pressure being lower than external pressure.
1. What is the purpose of studying patterns and order Scientists have classified tornadoes into six levels, starting from F0 and going up
within chaos? to F5, based on the strength of their winds. The initial F0 level indicates winds at
approximately 17m to 32m per second, capable of breaking tree branches.
For chaos to occur, the natural world must exhibit nonlinearity.
The disaster begins with the F3 level, where winds reach speeds between 90m and
Nonlinearity in a pendulum arises from gravity, while in fluid,
100m per second, and at the highest level, F5, winds blow at a staggering speed of
it emerges from pressure differences and viscosity.
130m per second, tearing apart homes, large trees, and even asphalt.
Due to chaos, natural phenomena become diverse and intricate.
Until recently, phenomena described as “chaos” were too How are these frightening tornadoes created? Tornadoes commonly occurring in
complex to explain scientifically. However, recent efforts have the central and midwestern United States are broadly categorized into two types.
been made to study and apply chaos theory in various fields, Depending on the thunderstorm that triggers them, they are classified into supercell
such as weather, finance, and medicine, as it has become evident tornadoes and non-supercell tornadoes. A supercell tornado is a tornado that occurs
that there is an underlying order even in phenomena that may in connection with a massively developed supercell. A supercell is a rotating thunderstorm
appear disorderly. with a persistent mesocyclone, a deep and continuously rotating updraft. Supercells,
often isolated from other storms, can dominate the weather in an area up to 32km
away for 2 to 4 hours, with tornadoes being the most problematic aspect.

244 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 245
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0409 The World of Invisible Forces and Laws within Living Organisms

3. How can we apply the hidden science behind hang gliding and baseball?
Table of Contents
The method of hang gliding is simple. We generate lift by running down a hill,
allowing us to take off from the ground. We can then control the direction by moving
our bodies left and right. Adjusting the speed is possible by moving our bodies 1. The world of invisible forces and laws in nature
forward and backward. Hang gliding competitions include long-distance flight,
01. Forces that act on moving objects
landing accuracy, and projection accuracy. Hang gliding, with speeds ranging from
40 to 100 km per hour, gives the sensation of becoming a bird in the sky. 02. Nature that appears constant but is always changing
However, hang gliding comes with a risk. Hang gliding is highly sensitive to the 2. Invisible forces that exist within humans and society
wind as it is a sport that involves moving through the air. It is impossible to fly if the
wind is too strong or too weak. Above all, the most dangerous thing is encountering 03. People I like, people I dislike
turbulence during flight. Turbulence refers to the irregular flow of liquid or gas. 04. The capitalist society where money attracts money
There are various reasons for the occurrence of turbulence. Turbulence occurs when
there are weak winds around clouds or mountainous terrain. If the wind blows over 3. The secret of organisms sustained by irregularity
mountains, trees, or buildings, it creates eddies or swirls.
05. Human hearts beat irregularly
On windy days, when the wind passes between buildings, people can imagine the
wind swirling upward from below. Turbulence also occurs when the surface is unevenly 06. Organisms in which symmetry and symmetry
heated. Air over surfaces that are hotter than its surroundings becomes warmer and collapse occur simultaneously
less stable, rising vertically and creating turbulence.
4. The universe maintains the balance of forces
07. The universe symbolizes order

08. Planets in the solar system maintain the balance

of forces

5. Beautiful laws of nature that are difficult to predict

09. The weather changes several times a day

10. Efforts to predict earthquakes and tornadoes

Therefore, specific weather conditions must be met to go hang gliding. For example, 6. Science has become more influential in the world of sports
a headwind is necessary during takeoff, and the wind speed should be below 20 km/h. 11. Sports that test the physical limits of humans
Also, if the wind picks up during the flight, it is advisable not to venture into areas
behind mountains or valleys, opting instead for open spaces. It is recommended to 12. Scientific principles hidden in sports
avoid hang gliding on days with intense sunlight and strong heat rising.

246 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 247
GM 0509

The Chaos Game, the Secret of Living

Organisms, and Human Happiness GM 0609

Category: The Field of Rules

Nonlinear Structures and
Target: Grade 5
Unit: Chaos
the Butterfly Effect beyond
the Scope of Mathematics
ISBN 978-1-64260-334-7
Category: The Field of Rules
Target: Grade 6
9 781642 603347 Unit: Chaos

ISBN 978-1-64260-335-4

1. What is the purpose of studying

the edge of chaos?
9 781642 603354

Science has traditionally strived to uncover

patterns and rules within complex natural
phenomena. However, chaos theory aims to
1. What is the purpose of studying the falling of
understand the diverse and intricate world
leaves and chaos?
starting from simple structures.
Our purpose in studying this book lies in this The chaos we study involves understanding how forms
goal. Chaos theory is gaining attention today or situations change over time. Time and change are the
because phenomena observed in nature fundamental themes in deciphering chaos.
and society share similar characteristics and For instance, weather, the Dow Jones Industrial Average,
structures. inflation, the size of insect societies, and many other
things change over time. In chaos terminology, we call
these things systems.

248 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 249
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0509 The Chaos Game, the Secret of Living Organisms, and Human Happiness

2. What is the logical basis of the Game of Life? 3. How can chaos theory be used in preventive medicine and targeted
The Game of Life is a cellular automaton, introduced to the public by British mathematician
therapy for cancer?
John Conway in the October issue of the American science magazine Scientific American Chaos theory is employed in biology to understand the complex interactions of
in 1970. At that time, the Game of Life gained much public interest due to its ability to biological systems. In medicine, it is used to model the dynamic characteristics of
generate complex patterns with just a few simple rules. The Game of Life is a cellular cancer cells. Targeted cancer therapy, specifically attacking cancer cells, has recently
automaton with computational power equivalent to a universal Turing machine, made significant advances in medicine and life sciences. This innovative treatment
making it significant in computer science. This is because anything computable by method precisely targets tumor cells, minimizing the impact on normal cells and
an algorithm can be computed using the Game of Life. maximizing the effectiveness of treatment.

Targeted cancer therapy utilizes drugs that selectively act on specific tumor parts,
taking advantage of the differences between cancer cells and surrounding normal
cells to maximize efficacy and minimize side effects. Chaos theory is primarily used to
explain the unpredictability of dynamic systems of tumors.
Cancer is a disease with challenging predictions of tumor size, variations, and growth
rates. Through chaos theory, we can understand the unpredictable nature of cancer.
This understanding forms the basis for designing targeted therapeutic strategies.

The Game of Life differs significantly from typical games where players decide the
game's progress at their discretion. The progression of the Game of Life is determined
solely by the initially inputted values. In other words, the Game of Life is a zero-player
game. The Game of Life operates on an infinitely large grid of squares or cells.
Each cell is surrounded by eight “neighbor cells.” Each cell is either “dead (off)” or
“live (on),” having two discrete states. Cancer can be viewed as a dynamic system, where the same tumor reacts differently
The states of the cells on the grid change discretely, meaning the current state of all and grows uniquely in each patient. Targeting specific proteins or genes in such
cells in one generation determines the state of all cells in the next generation. dynamic systems is a strategy that considers cancer's challenging and unpredictable
The state of each cell in the next generation is determined based on the current state nature. Targeted therapy focuses on the excessive targeting of specific proteins or
of the cell itself and the states of its eight neighboring cells-whether they are live or genes by cancer cells. This approach concentrates on the dynamic characteristics of
dead. The Game of Life determines the evolution of the grid based on which cells are cancer cells to maximize the effectiveness of treatment while minimizing the impact
selected as “alive” in the initial state of the cellular space. on surrounding healthy cells.

250 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 251
GM 0509 The Chaos Game, the Secret of Living Organisms, and Human Happiness GM 0609 Nonlinear Structures and the Butterfly Effect beyond the Scope of Mathematics

2. Why do we pay attention to the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in nature,

Table of Contents society, and art?
Chaos theory refers to the principles or mathematical operations underlying chaos.
1. Various rules in living organisms Nonlinearity refers to cases where the result does not change proportionally to the
input values or where the change in one variable does not lead to proportional
01. Organisms with parts resembling the whole changes in related variables. In other words, the measured values at one moment do
02. Looking at fractal structures mathematically not vary proportionally to values previously measured over time.

While there is a rigorous mathematical definition for nonlinearity, knowing it in detail

2. Natural phenomena that cannot be explained
is unnecessary. Nonlinearity can be easily grasped by drawing it as a graph.
If the graph of an equation with two variables, x and y, does not appear as a straight
03. Natural phenomena explainable by science line, we call it a nonlinear equation. People generally prefer linear equations, which
have the form y=ax+b. The graph of a linear equation in this form is a straight line.
04. Weather phenomena with less than 100% accuracy
One characteristic of linear equations is that variables are not represented by powers
3. Fractal shapes explored through the chaos game or multiplied by other variables. In 1989, Campbell mentioned three differences
between linear and nonlinear phenomena.
05. The chaos game generates fractal shapes

06. The Game of Life is a chaos game within living organisms

4. Distinctive features of life in plants and animals

07. Common features of plants

08. Similarities and differences between animals and plants

5. DNA contains the information of life

09. The discovery of DNA and understanding its double
helix structure

10. The secrets of living organisms that can be revealed through DNA - Linear processes are smooth and regular, whereas nonlinear processes may initially
appear regular but often exhibit unpredictable changes.
6. The chaos game is utilized in the treatment and prevention of diseases - Changes in linear processes are smooth and tend to be proportional to the stimulus.
In contrast, nonlinear structures lead to much larger changes than stimulus variation.
11. Prevention of disease is more important than treatment
- In linear structures, oscillations gradually diminish and eventually vanish. However,
12. The chaos game can predict the metastasis of cancer cells oscillations in nonlinear structures consistently appear and may persist long or

252 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 253
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0609 Nonlinear Structures and the Butterfly Effect beyond the Scope of Mathematics

3. How can we apply the analysis of non-linear structures and big data?
Table of Contents
The applications of nonlinear structures enable advancements in cutting-edge
industrial technologies, making essential contributions to many developments in
modern society. Nonlinear structures refer to a data structure where multiple pieces of 1. Understanding linear and nonlinear structures
data can be behind a single piece. Unlike linear structures, the relationships between
01. Linear structures change proportionally with time
data in nonlinear structures can take complex and diverse forms, such as a 1: n or n : n
relationship. Trees and graphs are representative examples of nonlinear structures. 02. Nonlinear structures cannot explain the present
and future with past data
Nonlinear structures have more advantages in data representation and processing
than linear structures, making them widely utilized in various fields. For instance, 2. Understanding turbulence, a nonlinear motion of air
the tree structure efficiently stores and retrieves hierarchical data, while the graph 03. Can we predict where leaves will fall?
structure efficiently models complex relationships like networks and maps. Models 04. Different types of turbulence we experience
applying nonlinear structures can find applications in advanced industrial technologies
across diverse fields. Nonlinear structures can be utilized in artificial intelligence, 3. The butterfly effect in nature and society
databases, computer graphics, cryptography, bioinformatics, web searches, and more. 05. Lorenz's butterfly effect originated from
meteorological observations
06. The US Prohibition Law that caused social chaos

4. The use of the butterfly effect in literature and art

07. Ray Bradbury's A Sound of Thunder
08. The butterfly effect in time travel movies

5. Mathematical analysis and prediction programs

for nonlinear structures
09. Nonlinear equations, where small changes lead
One prominent area harnessing nonlinear structures is artificial intelligence and to significant differences in outcomes
machine learning. Artificial intelligence algorithms can process complex nonlinear data
10. Fractal shapes formed by nonlinear equations
and learn from it. For example, in medical image analysis, artificial intelligence analyzes
various medical images to diagnose diseases. This technology enhances diagnostic 6. Spotlight on advanced industrial technologies applying nonlinear
accuracy, shortens the diagnostic process, and aids patient treatment. Another crucial structures
application of nonlinear structures is in materials science.
11. Nonlinear structures used in image encoding technology
Modern materials scientists understand nonlinear dynamics to develop new types of
materials. For instance, self-assembling nanostructures are formed through nonlinear 12. Interpretation of big data using nonlinear structures
interactions to create stronger and more efficient materials.

254 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Rules / 255
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
People tend to pursue their economic activities in a way
Elementary Courses
that maximizes utility. While individuals would achieve
maximum utility if they could have everything they
desire, economic issues are not as simple as they seem. 10. Number of Cases / The Field of Prediction
Not everyone can possess a desired goods just because
GM 0110 Information on Various Cases for People in Pursuit of Happiness
everyone wants it. This is due to the principle of scarcity,
which states that human desires are endless while GM 0210 The Background of Probability Theory and the Intriguing
World of Gambling
the quantity of goods that can satisfy them is limited.
Therefore, people are always faced with the problem of GM 0310 The Four Color Theorem and the Number of Cases That Form
the Basis of Probability
choice. It is not an exaggeration to say that everyday life is
a series of choices. Individuals tend to choose the one that GM 0410 The World of Probability Revealing Chance Events and
an Uncertain World
maximizes utility when deciding among various goods.
However, a problem arises: how do we determine which GM 0510 A New World of Probability Showing Chance Events Numerically
product provides greater utility? GM 0610 The Structure of Nature and the Secrets of Creation and
Extinction Revealed through Probability Theory

256 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 257

GM 0110 Information on Various Cases for People in Pursuit of Happiness

2. How does the number of cases help to make choices and decisions?
A situation where something can happen is called a case, and the different types
of such a case are called the number of cases. As the number of cases increases,
the number of possibilities also increases. For example, when tossing a coin, if we
disregard the case where the coin stands upright, there are only two possibilities:
GM 0110 heads or tails. The number of cases for the outcome of getting heads or tails when
tossing a coin is called the number of cases. Therefore, we can say that the number
Information on Various of cases when tossing one coin is 2.
Cases for People in
Pursuit of Happiness
Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 1
Unit: Number of Cases

ISBN 978-1-64260-336-1

We frequently come across the concept of the number of cases in our daily lives.
9 781642 603361 When rolling a dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, or playing the traditional Korean
game of Yut Nori, we predict various outcomes in advance and are prepared to act
differently based on the results. Let's explore the fundamental method of determining
1. What is the purpose of studying the principle of scarcity? the number of cases. For a single event, the number of possible outcomes directly
becomes the number of cases.
The purpose of studying this book is to understand how to arrange
things in order. We apply these skills for convenience in our daily lives. For two different events, some additional thinking is required. When we have 3 candies
For example, we should give water rather than bread to a thirsty person. and 5 cookies and choose only one of them, we need to add the number of possibilities
On the other hand, we should give bread before water to a hungry for each item to get the total number of cases. In this case, the number of ways to
person. When shopping at a supermarket, buying the first item that choose a candy or a cookie is 8. Similarly, when rolling a dice to get 1 or an even
catches your eye among the necessary items instead of purchasing number, we cannot have both outcomes simultaneously. The number of cases for
them in order is an example of this. getting a 1 is 1, and getting an even number (2, 4, 6) is 3.
Therefore, the number of cases for getting a 1 or an even number on the die is 1+3=4.
In this way, when two events cannot happen simultaneously, they are said to be in
a "mutually exclusive" relationship.

258 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 259
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0110 Information on Various Cases for People in Pursuit of Happiness

3. Where can we apply artificial intelligence, the core of the Fourth

Industrial Revolution? Table of Contents
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is an unstoppable force of change and evolution.
We must move beyond vague fears of new technologies and embrace the flow 1. People face problems of choice when choosing
of these changes to adapt well. To achieve this, it is essential to have a proper items
understanding and awareness of technology. Additionally, we must become agents
who can realize an upright society in the future. 01. We cannot buy everything we want
02. Which path is faster?
Early artificial intelligence models made choices from various possibilities in calculating
F(x) for the input x to derive the output y in the form of if → then (if XX then YY, if 2. Methods for arranging items in order
X' then Y', etc.). These initial models had limitations in solving complex and diverse
problems. Through supervised learning, they subsequently evolved into forms of 03. Various ways to line up
machine learning that could provide more accurate answers for various inputs. 04. How many ways are there to sit around a table?
In machine learning, by training various input x, x', x'', … values to corresponding
output y, y', y'', … values, F( ) continues to evolve. Therefore, when given any input 3. Consumer preferences change depending on
value, it produces the optimal result based on the learned information. However, as the order of selection
the complexity of learning increases, the computational requirements grow, reaching 05. Satisfaction varies depending on the order
the limits of computer hardware performance.
06. How do people maximize satisfaction?

4. Considering all possible cases regardless of order

07. The order does not matter, type does
08. How should we count if we have the same thing?

5. Knowing the number of cases makes games fun

09. Improving intelligence with games like Go and
However, with the advancement of technology, the performance of computer
10. AI computers that think like humans
hardware has improved, and the popularization of parallel computing environments
that can support the immense computational requirements for learning has allowed 6. How to make the best choice by considering all possibilities
artificial intelligence to achieve a more advanced form known as deep learning.
11. What is economic activity?
Through unsupervised learning, which means autonomous learning without direct
human intervention, deep learning assigns weights to results after each learning 12. Number of cases used in economic activities
session and validates them independently to produce optimal outcomes.

260 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 261
GM 0310

The Four Color Theorem and

the Number of Cases That
Form the Basis of Probability

Category: The Field of Prediction

Target: Grade 3
GM 0210 Unit: Number of Cases

The Background of Probability ISBN 978-1-64260-338-5
Theory and the Intriguing
World of Gambling
9 781642 603385

Category: The Field of Prediction

Target: Grade 2
Unit: Number of Cases 1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying
the aesthetics of probability and
ISBN 978-1-64260-337-8 choice?

When students receive an allowance of

10 dollars, they may think about how
9 781642 603378
to spend it.
Some might buy a book they want to
read, and others might spend it on food.
1. What is the purpose of studying
probability and Murphy's law? In these situations, we constantly make
judgments like, "Which option would be
The study of the number of cases and the best?" and plan accordingly.
probability is essential to understanding
various phenomena in everyday life where
“always” does not apply. The number of
cases is a crucial concept that forms the
foundation of probability.

262 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 263
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0210 The Background of Probability Theory and the Intriguing World of Gambling

2. What is the logical basis of probability hidden in the world of gaming? 3. What are the advantages of predicting the future through the window
of probability?
Dice games often involve rolling two dice and progressing based on the sum of the
numbers. The sum of two dice can range from 2 to 12, offering 11 possible cases. From ancient times, predicting the future has been a constant pursuit of humanity.
Among these cases, the probability of rolling a 7 is the highest. Today, probability theory plays a significant role in addressing this challenge.
The probability of getting a sum of 2 or 12 is 1/36, 3 or 11 is 2/36, 4 or 10 is 3/36, We can have clearer and more positive perspectives on the future through probability
5 or 9 is 4/36, 6 or 8 is 5/36, and 7 is 6/36. When throwing two dice, the probability theory. The essence of probability theory lies in quantifying the likelihood of events
of getting a sum from 2 to 12 has a characteristic where the probability symmetrically occurring. This can be applied to various situations, from a simple coin toss to
decreases as it moves away from 7. predictions of complex climate changes.

Probability theory predicts future events based on past data and current information,
allowing us to manage uncertainty and make better decisions. Today, economics and
finance, which attract much attention, utilize probability to predict various fluctuations
and devise corresponding alternatives. In the financial market, probability theory
forecasts price changes in stocks, bonds, and derivative products. Investors use
probability models to assess risks and formulate investment strategies. This approach
helps understand market volatility and mitigate potential losses.

The principle behind casinos making money from customers ultimately relies on
probability. Casinos can set the winning odds against customers for each game.
Typically, the winning odds are set slightly above 50%. In the case of blackjack, one
of the most favorable games for customers, the probability of a customer winning is
around 49.72% when the customer has made the best decisions possible. Moreover, probability theory is applied in medicine to predict the likelihood of disease
It is challenging for customers to grasp the probability of a game after just one or occurrence. Medical researchers analyze risk factors for specific diseases using
two rounds. Casinos subtly implant the perception in the customers' minds that the statistical methods. This provides crucial information for developing strategies for early
gaming system is fair. diagnosis and prevention of diseases. Thus, probability theory also plays a significant
However, the more customers play, the more they inevitably lose money. This involves role in offering personalized treatment to patients. In climate science, probability
leveraging the “law of large numbers,” which converges to a specific probability as theory predicts the likelihood of extreme weather phenomena. Using climate models,
the number of trials increases. Therefore, the more games customers play in a casino, scientists calculate the probability of rising sea levels, heat waves, and droughts.
the more likely they will lose money. This information is essential for formulating strategies to address climate change.

264 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 265
The Four Color Theorem and the Number of Cases That Form the Basis
GM 0210 The Background of Probability Theory and the Intriguing World of Gambling GM 0310 of Probability

2. What is the logical basis of topology and the four color map problem
Table of Contents exploring the world of mathematics?
In traditional Euclidean geometry, two figures are considered identical only if they
1. Uncertain phenomena in our daily lives share the same size and shape. However, in topological geometry, figures with
different sizes and shapes are treated as identical if their connectivity patterns match.
01. Let’s try to find irregular phenomena Here, having the same connectivity pattern means that two figures can be transformed
02. Events that happen unexpectedly into the same shape without cutting, pasting, stretching, or shrinking.

2. Exciting dice games with unpredictable outcomes

03. Mathematical principles behind dice
04. How to win at dice games

3. Understanding probability through the number

of cases
05. How many ways are there to get home?
06. Exploring ways for everyone to sit in a circle

4. Games involving the number of cases and In Euclidean geometry, shapes like triangles, rectangles, and circles are distinct figures.
However, they are considered the same in topology because it is possible to transform
07. Games are fun because they are random and a triangle or rectangle into a circle without cutting or pasting. Topology allows us to
unpredictable stretch or shrink lines freely to make them straight or curvy, but cutting and pasting
08. Probability in computer games are not allowed. That is why topology is sometimes called the geometry of rubber
5. The truth behind Murphy’s law
Topology does not only explore plane figures; it also deals with solid figures. For instance,
09. Bad things keep happening a cube, a sphere, and a triangular pyramid are considered the same in topology.
Imagine these solid figures as if they were made of clay. We can deform their shapes
10. Mathematical analysis of Murphy’s law
without cutting or pasting to make them look identical. However, we cannot turn
6. Probability used in everyday life a donut into a sphere in topology.
Therefore, a sphere and a donut are distinct three-dimensional topological figures
11. Probability used in weather forecasting
because their connectivity patterns are different. In contrast to Euclidean geometry,
12. Probability is a tool for predicting the future topology interprets figures based on the relationships between points connected by
lines. In topology, these new figures are called graphs.

266 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 267
General Mathematics Series 144 The Four Color Theorem and the Number of Cases That Form the Basis
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0310 of Probability

3. How can we apply our understanding of search technology and shortest

path algorithms? Table of Contents
Recently, with the explosive increase in Internet information, the overwhelming number
of results to sift through has become a problem. It now takes more time to choose the 1. Knowing the number of cases has made our lives
necessary information from the various results than it does to search for it. convenient
Therefore, the key to information retrieval is how accurately and concisely users can
01. People have to make choices
find the necessary information.
02. The number of cases changes depending on the
In response to these demands, research on the semantic web has begun. Current order of things
search programs rely on users directly viewing and judging the search results on the
2. The Königsberg Bridge problem and the four-color
screen. However, in the future, there will be a shift towards computers understanding
map problem
the meaning of the information and presenting only the essential details. In other
words, intelligent search programs will be capable of understanding user intent. 03. The Königsberg Bridge problem and one-stroke
04. The four-color map problem was proven by a computer

3. The world of ratio and proportion is essential for

understanding probability
05. Ratios and proportions require comparison to
a reference quantity
06. Mathematical properties within ratios and proportions

4. The world of probability perceivable through the

number of cases
07. What does "all possible cases" mean in mathematics?
08. Probability expresses the frequency of events

When search results appear, the computer assesses which information people are 5. Properties of probability and its meaning
more likely to click on and what they tend to ignore, leaving only useful information. 09. Probability of simultaneous events
For example, if we search for “virus,” results may include viruses that transfer diseases 10. Gambler's fallacy results from a misunderstanding of probability
to living organisms and computer viruses that can damage computers.
Adding the search term “antivirus program” helps the computer refine the search 6. Exploration programs utilizing the number of cases
more accurately. Because people frequently search for the term “program” and click 11. Algorithms for finding the shortest path
on results related to antivirus programs, the computer can discern that users are likely 12. The number of cases and probability within internet search programs
interested in computer antivirus programs rather than biological vaccines.

268 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 269
GM 0410 The World of Probability Revealing Chance Events and an Uncertain World

2. What is the logical basis of probability-based decision making?

The birth of probability theory was significantly influenced by a problem known as the
GM 0410 “Score Problem.”

Two gamblers, A and B, had an equal chance of scoring. They made a bet that
The World of Probability
whoever reached 3 points first would win. A and B each wagered 32 pistoles
Revealing Chance Events (ancient Spanish gold coins), and the winner would receive 64 pistoles.
and an Uncertain World Suppose the game stopped with A having 2 points and B having 1 point.
How should the winnings be divided between A and B?

Category: The Field of Prediction

Probability emerged through solving this problem, allowing us to express the degree
Target: Grade 4
of uncertainty with specific numerical values. Commissioned by De Méré, Pascal
Unit: Number of Cases
resolved the problem using the following method:
ISBN 978-1-64260-339-2 If A wins, the score will be A : B=3 : 1, so A will have 64 pistoles.
If B wins, the score will be A : B=2 : 2, and both A and B will have 32 pistoles each.
Considering these two scenarios, A has already secured 32 pistoles, and the probability
9 781642 603392 of gaining the remaining 32 pistoles is .
 1 
Therefore, A should take 48 = 32 + ×32  pistoles and B should take 16 pistoles.
 2 
1. What is the purpose of studying the world of uncertainty?
Pascal presented his solution to his rival mathematician Fermat, but Fermat solved
Probability theory is a science that calculates uncertainty in numerous the problem using a different method.
chance events and helps make the best choices.
When A scores 2 points and B scores 1 point, the outcome will be determined within
It is not an overstatement to say that our lives are full of gambling.
a maximum of two more games. In this case, there are four possible scenarios:
Many people enjoy gambling activities like horse racing, boat racing,
A wins both times, A wins the first and then B wins, B wins the first and then A wins,
and casinos. Even lotteries and raffles, which we may not consciously
and B wins both times. Among these four cases, A winning in the end occurs in the
think of as gambling, involve an element of chance.
first three, and B winning occurs only in the last one. Therefore, A will have 48 pistoles,
In a way, having insurance can also be seen as a form of gambling. 3
Signing up for insurance, paying for a long period, and expecting which is of 64, and B should take the remaining 16 pistoles.
coverage in case of an accident or illness is similar to buying a lottery
ticket. In the event of an accident, receiving support to cover the
damages one would otherwise have to bear is like winning a lottery.

270 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 271
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0410 The World of Probability Revealing Chance Events and an Uncertain World

3. How can we apply spam filters and DeepMind in the digital world?
Table of Contents
As spam mail causes harm to many people, recent efforts have been made to develop
technology to filter out spam. Spam filtering technology is rooted in advancements in
statistics and computer science. The key to this technology is developing probabilistic 1. The world of uncertainty in games and gambling
models that analyze email content to distinguish between spam and non-spam.
01. The uncertainty of board games makes us enjoyable
For example, “Nigerian Prince” spam emails exhibit patterns with specific words and
phrases that appear frequently. Spam filters learn these patterns and classify similar 02. Uncertainty in computer games
content as spam. This is based on Bayesian probability, which predicts the probability
of new data being spam based on past data. 2. Probability theory originated from gambling

Spam filtering technology greatly enhances our digital communication. For instance, 03. Probability theory emerged from gamblers taking interest
in an e-commerce company, the spam filter helps expedite the processing of customer 04. Galileo's dice and various scoring problems
service emails. With spam filtered out, responses to crucial customer inquiries can
be quicker and more effective. Another example is that individual email users are 3. Randomness in natural phenomena and daily life
protected from unwanted advertisements or phishing attempts thanks to spam filters.
05. Randomness seen in mutations
This increases safety in the digital environment and improves the efficiency of digital
communication. 06. Exploring randomness through random number

4. Modern society that cannot be explained without

07. Uncertainty stemming from human ignorance

08. Which is more dangerous, airplanes or cars?

5. Humans are probabilistic thinkers

09. Plants and animals act on instinct
By safeguarding users' email inboxes from unnecessary spam, this technology makes 10. Humans make optimal decisions based on the current situation
it easier to access important messages. Moreover, it reduces security risks associated
with spam and helps users save time and resources. For instance, without spam 6. The probability theory led to the advancement of artificial intelligence
filters, users must manually filter out dozens of unwanted emails daily, which is time- 11. Filtering spam emails using probability
consuming and inefficient. Understanding spam filtering technology is crucial for
digital security and personal information protection. When users comprehend the 12. DeepMind: a program that thinks like a human
principles of this technology, it helps establish a safer digital environment.

272 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 273
GM 0510

A New World of Probability Showing Chance GM 0610

Events Numerically The Structure of Nature and
Category: The Field of Prediction the Secrets of Creation and
Target: Grade 5 Extinction Revealed through
Unit: Number of Cases
Probability Theory
ISBN 978-1-64260-340-8
12400> Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 6
Unit: Number of Cases
9 781642 603408

ISBN 978-1-64260-341-5

1. What is the purpose of studying the

language that deciphers an uncertain
world? 9 781642 603415

Probability theory extends beyond mathematics;

it is applied in statistical and quantum mechanics 1. What is the purpose of studying the world of uncertainty?
in physics, and the principles are embedded in
biological genetics as well. Moreover, various The theory of probability, which studies uncertainty, has the
economic activities, including finance and following characteristics: First, it can explain the laws within
insurance, have applied probability theory. uncertain situations through probability theory.
We study this book to understand what laws have Second, it can reveal errors caused by our misconceptions or
uncertainty and how these laws are discovered in subjective thoughts using probability theory. Third, probability
various situations around us. This helps us realize theory can explain various phenomena and events in nature
how helpful probability is in our lives. and society with specific numbers. Fourth, probability theory
is continually evolving, even at this moment, to explain recent
societal phenomena.

274 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 275
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0510 A New World of Probability Showing Chance Events Numerically

2. What kind of academic attitude should we adopt to understand the 3. How can we solve infectious diseases and the Monty Hall problem?
psychology of probability?
Many studies assume that the spread of infectious diseases follows deterministic processes
In certain situations, individuals may choose options that go against maximizing their and develop models using ordinary differential equations. On the other hand, there is
benefits, even when those choices have a higher probability of success. The factors also research developing prediction models on the assumption that infectious diseases
that lead to behaviors contrary to probability include the following. spread probabilistically. Mathematical models for predicting infectious diseases involve
The first factor is emotion. Humans are emotional beings, and emotions like fear, equations that substitute appropriate numbers for variables such as the number of
desire, hope, anger, sadness, and despair can distort judgments about probability. infected individuals, the number of contacts, and the recovered group. The desired
For instance, consider two buttons: Button A has a 90% chance of winning 10 million outcome from these mathematical models is the reproductive number (R-value).
dollars, and Button B guarantees 1 million dollars. The expected value for Button A
The basic reproduction number (R0) represents the average number of patients the first
is 9 million dollars, while Button B's expected value is 1 million dollars. Considering
infected individual, originating from a non-infected group, can infect. If R0 is greater
probability and expected value, a rational decision would be to press Button A.
than 1, the number of patients increases, indicating the potential for an epidemic.
However, some may choose Button B due to the uncertainty and fear of a 10% chance
Conversely, if R0 is less than 1, the disease gradually disappears from the population.
of getting nothing when Button A is pressed.
In prolonged pandemics like COVID-19, a different approach is necessary. Instead of
R0, we must consider the effective reproduction number (Re).
Among the effective reproduction number, the average number of infected people in
the population that can be calculated over time is called the time-varying reproduction
number (Rt). Rt shows the average number of patients infected over time due to
infected individuals, considering situations with partial immunity or implemented
interventions. Rt is a practical indicator for determining the spread and can be used
to evaluate the effectiveness of control strategies. In other words, measures must be
taken to bring Rt below 1.

The second factor is bias. Everyone has biases, and people tend to have more favorable
thoughts about those similar to themselves. Therefore, information about success
probabilities from people similar to oneself or information obtained from them is
often highly trusted. This can lead to making irrational choices based on trusting the
words of close acquaintances, even when the actual probability of success is very low.

The third factor is cognitive bias. Humans have various perceptive biases that can The SIR model divides the population in an area with spreading infectious diseases
distort judgments about probability. For example, some people may have a recency into susceptible (S), infected (I), and recovered (R) groups. Equations representing the
bias, giving more weight to recent events. numbers in each group and their interactions are all made up of differential equations.

276 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 277
The Structure of Nature and the Secrets of Creation and Extinction
GM 0510 A New World of Probability Showing Chance Events Numerically GM 0610 Revealed through Probability Theory

2. Insights into the real world where the law of large numbers meets the
Table of Contents law of inevitability
Random events constantly occur in our lives, sometimes leading to phenomena that
1. A world filled with ambiguous expressions are hard to understand. The understanding and prediction of such randomness can be
examined from the law of large numbers and the law of inevitability. These two laws
01. Understanding objectivity and subjectivity provide deep insights into random events' occurrence, causes, and predictions.
02. Subjective expressions in language

2. Cardinal and ordinal numbers needed to express

probability numerically
03. Cardinal numbers derived from counting one by one

04. Ordinal numbers for determining the order of magnitude

3. Humans act contrary to probability

05. Humans think and judge rationally

06. The psychology of humans acting contrary to probability

4. Understanding language makes probability

calculations easier Firstly, the law of large numbers explains the patterns that random events may exhibit
over repeated trials. According to this law, regardless of the actual probability of an
07. Methods of mathematically representing language
event, if a sufficient number of trials occur, the probability converges to a predictable
08. Strange addition holds in probability calculation specific value. The law of large numbers can be confirmed through everyday activities
like flipping a coin or rolling dice.
5. Calculating probability in a world of continuous events
Next, the law of inevitability suggests that events considered random were predetermined
09. The continuous world we live in and will inevitably occur in the future. According to this law, every event is determined
by some cause and occurs due to a higher-dimensional plan we may not be aware
10. Probability calculations using mathematical probability and figures
of. While somewhat philosophical, this law can be understood in the context that the
6. Using probability to predict and prepare for the future initial conditions of the universe or the rules of nature determine unpredictable events
that precede our experiences.
11. Prediction through probability and the Monty Hall problem
The laws of large numbers and inevitability are important concepts that help us predict
12. Epidemic spread models created using probability and interpret random events we may experience in the future.

278 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 279
General Mathematics Series 144 The Structure of Nature and the Secrets of Creation and Extinction
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0610 Revealed through Probability Theory

3. How can we apply the prisoner's dilemma and Nash equilibrium theory?
Table of Contents
Game theory is a field that studies the choices individuals make when they are
interlinked in relationships of understanding, such as between individuals, countries,
and more. It explores what choices are most advantageous when responding to the 1. Probability enables the interpretation of uncertain
strategies of the other party. Game theory is applied daily in our lives and can be phenomena
found in economics and political science.
01. Weather forecasts are based on probability
A frequent everyday example is elections. Elections are a process where the collective 02. Experience-based mortality tables can calculate
will of individuals is reflected to produce a unified outcome within a group. Whether the probability of survival
it is choosing a school president, a national leader, or members of parliament, voting
2. Different number of cases with and without order
takes place. Let's examine various election methods and the issues associated with
each one. In a certain election where four candidates, A, B, C, D, are running, 37 voters 03. Calculating the number of cases considering
were asked to write down the names of their preferred candidates in order. the order of selection
The results are shown in the table below. 04. The number of cases considering only the selected outcomes

Number of Votes 14 10 8 4 1
3. Theoretical probability and statistical probability
used in science
1st A C D B C
05. Theoretical probability used for academic rigor
2nd B B C D D
06. Statistical probability is used when all of the cases
3rd C D B C B are unknown
4th D A A A A 4. The atomic world is explainable only probabilistically

The method where the candidate with the most votes becomes the winner is simple 07. Atomic theory originated in ancient Greece
and commonly used, but it can sometimes be unfair. In this election, A becomes the 08. Electron clouds express the probabilistic locations of electrons
winner even though only 14 people like A the most and the remaining 23 prefer other
5. The laws of chance governing the world
candidates. If the candidate with the most first-place votes does not surpass half of the
total votes, there is no winner. Even if there is a winner, it might not always be the most 09. Chance explained by law of large numbers and
rational choice. In another method, candidates receive points based on their rankings the law of inevitability
in each voting area (4 points for 1st place, 3 points for 2nd, 2 points for 3rd, and 1 10. God does not play dice
point for 4th). The candidate with the highest total points, in this case, B, becomes the
6. Game theory is based on the theory of probability
winner. Although this seems rational, it can lead to the candidate with the majority of
1st place votes losing. 11. The prisoner's dilemma and game theory
12. The theory of three-way duel and corporate survival strategies

280 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 281
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
To properly judge utility, we must have ample product information
Elementary Courses
beforehand. This includes knowing the types of products available
and expressing the utility of each product in specific numerical
terms. In other words, it requires understanding the possibilities 11. Data Analysis / The Field of Prediction
based on probability and data analysis, which forms the foundation GM 0111 The Methods of Classifying the Elements of Nature According
of statistics. to Specific Criteria
Just like humans, the natural world also prioritizes efficiency. GM 0211 The Concepts of Probability and Statistics Necessary for
Therefore, to discover the secrets of nature and make predictions, Analyzing Simple Data
the number of cases, probability, and presentation and analysis GM 0311 Understanding Images, Charts, and Graphs Essential in the
of data are crucial. Furthermore, it is important to understand the World of Statistics

relationships between various information obtained from nature. GM 0411 The World of Probability and Statistics Driven by Properties
and Characteristics of Data
However, simply identifying relationships is not enough. It is equally
GM 0511 The Importance of Small Data in Analyzing Large Data and
important to create prediction programs based on the discovered
the Role of Statistics
findings and present them in a way that is easily understandable to
GM 0611 The Use of Statistics as a Tool for Understanding Humans and
people. This involves expressing them in numerical and symbolic
Society along with Its Various Types of Errors
equations and providing visual representations through graphs.

282 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 283

The Methods of Classifying the Elements of Nature According to
GM 0111 Specific Criteria

2. Shall we take a look at the long process of evolution in the classification

There are two methods of classifying living things: artificial classification and natural
GM 0111
classification. Natural classification involves categorizing organisms based on the
evolutionary relationships among their ancestors. In ancient biology, there was
The Methods of Classifying a concept that the species of organisms did not change. However, with the spread of
the Elements of Nature the theory of evolution, the idea emerged that variations within a species accumulate
According to Specific Criteria over time, leading to the formation of new species. As a result of evolution, there
are significant relationships between species of various organisms, and organisms
Category: The Field of Prediction are classified based on these relationships. In this way, classification based on the
Target: Grade 1 relationships in which each taxonomic group appears is called natural classification.
Unit: Data Analysis

ISBN 978-1-64260-342-2

9 781642 603422

1. How can mathematics uncovering the secrets of nature

help us? Plants can be classified into edible or medicinal plants based on their intended use,
and this is called artificial classification. On the other hand, classifying plants based
People refer to everything that occurs spontaneously, without
on whether they produce flowers or not leads to distinctions such as seed plants and
human intervention, as "nature," such as mountains, rivers, seas,
non-seed plants, and whether the seeds are exposed or not results in distinctions
and anything that has a relationship with living beings. Nature
between gymnosperms and angiosperms. Additionally, the number of cotyledons can
has two main components. One is living organisms with life, and
lead to classifications like dicotyledons and monocotyledons.
the other is lifeless, inanimate objects. Living organisms can be
further classified into animals and plants. Why do we classify things Similarly, animals can be classified into vertebrates and invertebrates based on the
that exist in nature in this way? Biology covers many organisms, presence of a backbone or based on their reproductive methods, categorized into
from tiny bacteria to large mammals. Classification helps organize oviparous and viviparous, or based on body temperature changes, divided into warm-
this diversity into manageable categories, making studying and blooded and cold-blooded animals. Natural classification is based on the unique
understanding various life forms easier. characteristics of living organisms, such as their form, internal structure, developmental
processes, and genetic traits. Natural classification explains the relationships and
evolutionary processes among living organisms.

284 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 285
General Mathematics Series 144 The Methods of Classifying the Elements of Nature According to
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0111 Specific Criteria

3. What are the benefits of predicting the future through the analysis of
classified data? Table of Contents
Let's examine cases where the analysis of classified data has been used to predict the
future and solve problems. The first example is the eradication of typhus fever in the 1. Establishing criteria enables proper classification
UK. In 1854, a typhus fever outbreak occurred in London, UK.
Dr. John Snow investigated the residences of typhus patients and London's water 01. What is the reason for classification?
supply sources at that time. Based on his research, he revealed that typhus was caused
02. How can we set criteria?
by contaminated water. With Snow's findings, the London authorities could stop the
typhus epidemic by blocking the water supply from contaminated wells. 2. Classifying animals by setting criteria
The second example is the United States overcoming the Great Depression during the
03. How do we classify numerous animals?
1930s. At that time, economist Keynes analyzed the causes of the Great Depression
as unemployment and decreased consumption due to an economic downturn. 04. Classification of animals living on land, in the sea,
Keynes argued that the government should increase fiscal spending to stimulate and the sky
the economy. Following Keynes's argument, the U.S. government implemented the
New Deal policies, successfully overcoming the Great Depression. The third example 3. Classifying plants by setting criteria
involves predicting customer pathways in shopping malls. Shopping malls strive
05. Various criteria for classifying plants
to enhance customer convenience and increase sales by understanding customer
paths. Nowadays, malls install sensors throughout their premises to track customer 06. Classifying plants according to their edible parts
movements, analyzing this data to predict customer paths. By predicting these paths,
malls can strategically place products where customers frequently visit, guide them 4. Classifying non-living things
in finding desired items, and recommend products based on customer interests.
07. Classifying soil and water

08. Classification makes it easy to organize clothes

5. Classification reveals the secret of biological evolution

09. The invisible world of microorganisms

10. Where did organisms evolve from?

6. Analyzing classified data reveals future scenarios

The fourth example is predicting financial fraud at banks. Banks make efforts to reduce
losses from financial fraud. They analyze past data on financial fraud to identify 11. Rules emerge from classified data
patterns and predict the likelihood of future occurrences. By predicting the possibility
of financial fraud, banks can prevent it in advance, ensuring the safety of customers' 12. Methods for predicting the future based on past data
financial assets.

286 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 287
GM 0211

The Concepts of Probability

and Statistics Necessary
for Analyzing Simple Data
Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 2 GM 0311
Unit: Data Analysis

Understanding Images,
ISBN 978-1-64260-343-9
12400> Charts, and Graphs Essential
in the World of Statistics
9 781642 603439
Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 3
Unit: Data Analysis
1. Why should we cultivate essential
skills for the information society? $124.00
ISBN 978-1-64260-344-6
With the development of the internet,
we can easily access necessary information.
While utilizing this information may lead 9 781642 603446

to success, it also comes with various risks.

False information may be disseminated,
and excess information can make finding 1. How can the understanding and
what is truly needed challenging. analysis of statistical data benefit
our journey of life?
To navigate this information society,
knowledge of probability and statistics is Organizing data and representing it in graphs
essential. That is precisely the purpose of allows us to understand the content of
studying this book. the information quickly. To represent data
using graphs, we need quantitative data
representing specific values.

288 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 289
General Mathematics Series 144 The Concepts of Probability and Statistics Necessary for Analyzing
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0211 Simple Data

2. How can the utilization of statistics benefit the field of sports? 3. How can we harness the power of vast amounts of data?
Many people immediately think of baseball when discussing sports in terms of records, One example of explaining economic principles using probability and statistics is
probability, and statistics. Baseball is the only sport where every situation during the performance-based pay. Many companies in Japan started using performance-
game is recorded. Baseball is a sport filled with statistics to the extent that we can based compensation, but most of them failed. Upon examination, it was found that
reconstruct the game's content based on the records even without watching it. managers did not evaluate the performance of subordinates but assessed work
In baseball, fans make predictions about their favorite team or players based on the capabilities based solely on the number of days absent or working overtime, similar
abundant records pouring out after each game, eagerly anticipating new records. to the past.

Let's reconsider this social and economic phenomenon from a probabilistic perspective.
An interesting model in game theory is “Working Ants and Lazy Ants.” An ant colony
has a certain ratio of working ants to non-working ants. Surprisingly, when we
gather only the working ants to form a working group, a certain proportion of lazy
ants appear. Conversely, when we gather only the lazy ants to create a lazy group,
a certain proportion of ants start working magically. This story shows us that being
hard-working or lazy is not predetermined at birth. Rather, ants behave based on their
circumstances, and it does not depend on their individual motivation.

Before a baseball game, we can search for the winning percentages of the two teams
on the internet. The winning percentage is calculated by dividing the number of
games a team has won by the total number of games played. The winning percentage
allows us to understand the team's overall performance this year, and a higher winning
percentage indicates a higher rank and a successful team. When a batter approaches
the plate, the first information provided is their batting average. The first information
provided about the pitcher is the earned run average (ERA). The batting average is
calculated by dividing the number of hits by the total number of times the batter has
been at the plate. It measures the batter's hitting accuracy, indicating the percentage
of times the batter successfully hit the ball at the plate. When a batter with a high
batting average steps up to the plate, there is increased cheering from the stands as
there is a higher likelihood of the player getting a hit or a home run in that turn.
If a similar phenomenon operates in economics, the evaluation of employees should be
The earned run average (ERA) in baseball represents the average number of runs cautiously approached. Whether someone is hardworking or lazy is not predetermined
a pitcher gives up per game. The ERA is calculated as {(total earned runs)×9}÷(innings from the beginning and is not determined solely by their own thoughts. This is similar
pitched). A low ERA indicates that a pitcher has given up fewer runs in a game, making to the principle that the roles of working ants and lazy ants are not predetermined.
a lower ERA desirable. Therefore, a lower ERA suggests a better pitcher.

290 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 291
The Concepts of Probability and Statistics Necessary for Analyzing Understanding Images, Charts, and Graphs Essential in the World
GM 0211 Simple Data GM 0311 of Statistics

2. What is the great power of graphs in dealing with the information overload era?
Table of Contents
A bar graph represents numerical data using bars. It efficiently compares values across
multiple items by displaying data as bars. Our eyes are sensitive to differences in
1. Overflowing information in today's society height, allowing us to easily distinguish the highest and lowest values in the data
01. Searching for information in the online world by comparing the height of the bars.
However, as the number of items in a bar graph increases, the graph may become
02. Not all available information is accurate
complex, making it challenging to accurately represent the data's characteristics.
2. Methods for effectively classifying and organizing Bar graphs can be either vertical or horizontal, and in cases where one item consists
information of multiple elements, bars can be split to create a stacked bar graph.

03. Similar properties can be classified together

04. Classification becomes easier when boundaries
are defined

3. Identifying characteristics of data through

organized information
05. Visual representation reveals characteristics
06. Various criteria for describing the characteristics
of data

4. Calculation of probability using statistics

When expressing trends over time, it is advisable to draw a broken-line graph.
07. Grandmothers can guess the weather accurately A broken-line graph represents data as points on coordinate axes, connecting them
08. Probability increases with more data to visualize changes over time. While a broken-line graph helps observe the trend in
data, it may not provide specific values for individual items. Line graphs are particularly
5. Examples of statistics used in daily life useful for observing trends in data over time rather than pinpointing specific values.
09. Statistics in sports In a broken-line graph, the points should maintain equal intervals, and the more
points there are, the more accurately we can grasp the trend of the data. However,
10. Statistics in society and economics
if the data exhibits a disorderly pattern with no specific trend, a broken-line graph may
6. Statistics can predict the future not be the most appropriate choice.

11. Beautiful statistics that paint the future A pie chart is suitable for showing the proportion of each part to the whole. A pie
chart represents the proportion of each item in the entire dataset by dividing the
12. It is possible to know the whole by looking at its part
circle into sectors. In a pie chart, each item's size is indicated by the area of the
corresponding sector created by dividing the circle from the center to the radius.

292 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 293
General Mathematics Series 144 Understanding Images, Charts, and Graphs Essential in the World
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0311 of Statistics

3. H
 ow have computer innovation, statistics, and future prediction changed our
daily lives? Table of Contents
A population census is a statistical survey conducted on all individuals within a statistical
survey group at a specific time in a country. A population census differs from other 1. Inventory management systems for easier
population surveys that use sampling in that they aim to survey the entire target production and management
population. The history of population census dates back to ancient civilizations. 01. Companies prioritize profit
Records show that Babylon, Egypt, China, and others conducted population censuses
02. Inventory management systems reduce company
primarily for taxation, conscription, and forced labor. costs
In the 15th and 16th centuries, population censuses were conducted in Europe but
2. Discrete data and continuous data
were often limited to specific cities or regions. The first modern population census was
conducted nationwide for statistical purposes in the United States in 1790. 03. Discrete data can be classified individually
This practice spread across European countries in the 19th century. In the East, 04. Continuous data needs to be classified into sections
India conducted its first census in 1881, while South Korea carried out its first census
in 1921. Since the 1950s, almost every country in the world has conducted regular 3. Understanding tables allows classification and
comparison at once
population censuses for accurate demographic data.
05. Understanding how to draw and analyze tables
06. Finding rules in calendars and periodic tables

4. Graphs allow us to easily understand data at a glance

07. The importance of graphs: seeing is believing
08. Different graph shapes depending on the data

Population censuses in each country may vary slightly based on social and economic 5. Correct analysis of tables and graphs encountered
characteristics. However, common elements are addressed in each country's in daily life
population census to collect comprehensive information about the population. 09. Analysis of data classified over time
Basic items included in population censuses in each country cover population and 10. Analysis of data classified according to space
social characteristics, geographical and domestic migration, household and family-
related aspects, birth and death-related information, educational characteristics, 6. Statistics bring happiness to individuals and progress to society
and economic activity. In practice, most countries conduct a complete survey for 11. Understanding the past, present, and future through statistics
fundamental demographic attributes, considering the time and economic burden of
12. Population and housing censuses as data for policy decisions
survey responses. However, aspects like population mobility, childbirth, and economic
activities may be sampled to reduce the burden.

294 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 295
The World of Probability and Statistics Driven by Properties and
GM 0411 Characteristics of Data

2. T
 he birth of statistics and the series of events leading to the emergence of
the law of large numbers

GM 0411 When we toss a coin ten times, how often will it land on heads?
Tossing the coin might result in 4 times, 7 times, or 5 times, making it difficult to predict
The World of Probability and the exact number of times heads will appear. However, as we increase the number
of coin tosses, we can expect the frequency of heads to approach roughly half of the
Statistics Driven by Properties
total tosses. The law of large numbers mathematically expresses this. The law of large
and Characteristics of Data numbers illustrates the relationship between statistical and mathematical probability.

It states that as the size of the sample group increases, the sample average approaches
Category: The Field of Prediction
the population average. Therefore, statistical accuracy tends to improve with a larger
Target: Grade 4
number of collected samples.
Unit: Data Analysis

ISBN 978-1-64260-345-3

9 781642 603453

1. How is statistics utilized in various fields?

The word "statistics" comes from the Latin term “status,” meaning
country or condition. Therefore, statistics, derived from the root
“state,” involve collecting and using population and economic data
necessary for governing a nation. It might seem easy to think of
statistics as simply collecting and representing data in figures or In a certain experiment, the mathematical probability of event A happening is p.
calculating specific data properties. However, the statistics we learn When this experiment is repeated n times, and if event A occurs r times, the statistical
involve a scientific method of collecting, organizing, and analyzing probability is r/n. As n becomes infinitely large, the statistical probability approaches
data for a particular purpose, enabling us to make accurate r
the mathematical probability, represented as lim = p . This phenomenon is called the
n→∞ n
judgments based on the given information. Statistics, a scientific law of large numbers.
method of analyzing data, is conveniently useful in various fields Although it may initially seem obvious, this law is crucial in providing logical validity to
where obtaining meaningful information is crucial. inductive reasoning by connecting mathematical and statistical probability.
In other words, it is an important law that links statistics and probability theory.

296 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 297
General Mathematics Series 144 The World of Probability and Statistics Driven by Properties and
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0411 Characteristics of Data

3. U
 nderstanding the interpretation and utilization of information in the world of
big data Table of Contents
Big data is not just a simple compound word of “big” and “data.” If we perceive big
data as “a tremendous amount of data,” we may miss its essential meaning and value. 1. The origins and expanding influence of statistics
Big data has three main characteristics. 01. The emergence and history of statistics
The first is volume. Big data possesses a physical size of around a petabyte (PB). 02. Statistics covers a wide range of subjects
One petabyte equals 1,024 terabytes (TB). The second is variety. Big data includes
not only well-organized, structured data that computers can easily analyze through 2. Organizing data by tables or graphs
databases but also “semi-structured data” that hasn't been fully utilized, such as 03. Methods for organizing extensive data into a single table
metadata, sensor data, and process control data. Additionally, it encompasses
04. Graphs allow us to visualize data quickly
“unstructured data” like videos, photos, and natural language written by humans.
Data processing technologies like natural language processing, computer vision, and 3. Calculating probabilities based on the
machine learning are necessary to recognize unstructured data that computers cannot characteristics of the data
immediately comprehend. The third characteristic is velocity, which refers to the 05. Understanding the number of cases to calculate
capability to process data. Even if a computer can handle vast amounts of data that it probability
cannot immediately understand, it is useless if the analysis takes too much time.
06. Calculating probabilities for continuous events
Collecting, processing, and analyzing data must be done in real-time or at regular
intervals to be effective. 4. The increased accuracy of probability with larger
07. Understanding mathematical and statistical
08. The law of large numbers and gambler's fallacy

5. The mean and variance reveal data characteristics

09. The mean, mode, and median are used as
representative values
10. Significance of mean and variance

6. Prediction programs utilizing data organization and probability

Big data helps analyze everything happening in society to make optimal decisions.
11. Methods and importance of epidemiological surveys
When institutions or companies need to make significant decisions, instead of relying
on experience and intuition, they can make choices based on objective evidence for 12. Analysis and prediction programs using big data
a higher chance of success.

298 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 299
GM 0511

The Importance of Small Data in Analyzing GM 0611

Large Data and the Role of Statistics
The Use of Statistics as a Tool
Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 5
for Understanding Humans
Unit: Data Analysis
and Society along with Its
Various Types of Error
ISBN 978-1-64260-346-0
Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 6
9 781642 603460 Unit: Data Analysis

ISBN 978-1-64260-347-7
1. What is the purpose of studying
information and the internet in
the digital age? 9 781642 603477

In the past, when people engaged in barter like

exchanging animal hides for rice, our ancestors
1. What are the benefits of understanding information
would have likely first smelled and even tasted
in the midst of an information war?
a handful of rice to check its quality or freshness.
This is essentially a form of sampling. In statistics, the mean is the best way to represent the representative
Studying this book will help us learn how value of overall data. For example, the average daily temperature
to choose a sample that well represents the is the mean of the day's highest and lowest temperatures divided
characteristics of the entire population and how by 2. However, the mean may not accurately convey information in
to analyze it to obtain accurate results. cases with significant temperature differences. The median is the
value that falls in the middle when the data is arranged in ascending
order. While the median is easy to find, it does not provide detailed
information about specific relationships between data points.

300 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 301
General Mathematics Series 144 The Importance of Small Data in Analyzing Large Data and the Role
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0511 of Statistics

2. Understanding the uncomfortable truths hidden in statistics 3. Utilization of big data and artificial intelligence as a compass to navigate
the future
In a complete enumeration survey, there is no need to select a sample or consider
sampling errors, minimizing biases or errors related to sample selection. Additionally, The advancement of artificial intelligence technology is closely linked to the statistical
a complete enumeration survey avoids issues of partial or insufficient information analysis of user experience data. Contemporary artificial intelligence systems analyze
about specific groups. Complete enumeration surveys are particularly conducted when data such as user interactions, behaviors, and preferences to provide personalized
dealing with small populations or when detailed information is required. services, which is vital in enhancing user experiences. The core of these artificial
intelligence systems lies in collecting and analyzing user data, enabling them to offer
more accurate and valuable information and services.

The modern approach of utilizing artificial intelligence with user experience data is
grounded in data science, machine learning, and cognitive psychology advancements.
The development of these artificial intelligence systems focuses on analyzing vast
amounts of user data to understand user behaviors and preferences. This analysis is
executed through algorithms and models, where these models learn patterns and
relationships from user interaction data. The key to this process lies in the accuracy
and representativeness of the data, forming the foundation for reliable insights
provided by artificial intelligence systems.
However, a complete enumeration survey has several disadvantages. Firstly, it requires
a significant amount of time and money due to the need to examine the entire
population, and this burden can be particularly challenging when dealing with larger
populations. The data analysis and processing in a complete enumeration survey
can be complex. Handling the extensive amount of data in surveying the subject can
be burdensome and complicated, requiring appropriate techniques and tools for
managing large datasets.
Lastly, the accuracy of complete enumeration survey information may be questionable,
especially if the data is outdated, particularly when dealing with rapidly changing
environments. For subjects in rapidly changing environments, an extended duration
for a complete enumeration survey can lead to concerns regarding the validity and Statistical analysis of user experience data is essential for artificial intelligence systems
reliability of the information. to understand user behavior and responses. For example, online shopping platforms
A sample survey involves selecting and examining a portion of the population when analyze data such as users' purchase history, search patterns, and product reviews
the entire population is too large to observe comprehensively. A sample survey to provide personalized product recommendations. This analysis predicts user
significantly reduces the time and cost required for the investigation by examining preferences and behavior patterns, providing a personalized shopping experience
only a portion of the population instead of the entire population. Therefore, sample based on these insights. Moreover, user experience data is crucial for artificial
surveys are mainly used when dealing with vast amounts of data. intelligence to optimize user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX).

302 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 303
The Importance of Small Data in Analyzing Large Data and the Role The Use of Statistics as a Tool for Understanding Humans and Society
GM 0511 of Statistics GM 0611 along with Its Various Types of Errors

2. U
 nderstanding the relationships between correlations and causations within
Table of Contents statistical pitfalls
We often observe a phenomenon where one object moves in a certain direction when
1. Characteristics of today’s information society another object moves in a specific direction. A classic example is height and weight.
01. Easy access to information thanks to the internet Taller people generally tend to have higher weights. In this case, we can say that the
two variables, height and weight, correlate. Correlation is the functional relationship
02. Can we trust information on the internet?
where one variable changes in conjunction with another.
2. Complete enumeration surveys that analyze and
cover all subjects
03. Representative complete enumeration surveys
like the population and housing census
04. Complete enumeration surveys: targets, pros,
and cons

3. Saving time and cost through sample surveys

05. Opinion poll: a representative sample survey
06. Importance of efficiency in stochastics

4. Importance of collecting accurate data in statistics

If variable x increases, variable y also increases simultaneously, and when variable x
07. Questionnaires and experiments in quantitative
decreases, variable y also decreases simultaneously. In such cases, there is a correlation
between x and y. Conversely, we can still say there is a correlation even if variables
08. Interviews and philological methods used in x and y move in the opposite direction, such as x increasing while y decreases or x
qualitative research
decreasing while y increases.
5. Research design methods for analyzing large datasets When two variables move "in the same direction," it is called a positive (+) correlation;
when they move in the "opposite direction," it is called a negative (-) correlation.
09. Identifying problems and formulating hypotheses
This is because when we graph the correlation of two variables on a coordinate plane,
10. Collecting and analyzing data to prove hypotheses it creates a graph with a positive slope if the variables move in the same direction.
If they move in opposite directions, it creates a graph with a negative slope.
6. Big data technology is made possible thanks to advancements in technology
11. Big data technology analyzes overflowing information effectively We say there is no correlation if the two variables move independently without a clear
relationship between the increase or decrease of x and the corresponding change in y.
12. AI utilizes user experience statistics
If the two variables have a linear correlation, it can be expressed with the linear
function equation.

304 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 305
General Mathematics Series 144 The Use of Statistics as a Tool for Understanding Humans and Society
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0611 along with Its Various Types of Errors

3. How will our lives change if we interpret the world through statistics?
Table of Contents
International organizations collect and present information on global and international
economic matters. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) publishes the World
Economic Outlook twice a year, presenting forecasts for the global economy. 1. Humans are surrounded by statistics
This report includes forecasts for economic growth, inflation, and interest rates, 01. Many phenomena exhibit bell-shaped distributions
categorized by continent and country. Moreover, the IMF manages and releases
International Financial Statistics related to international trade, financial markets, 02. The power of statistics to summarize data with
simple numerical values
and international investments. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) also publishes economic forecast reports. 2. Information warfare to control information
These reports include forecasts for economic growth rates, providing information
03. Humanity's history: the history of wars
on how much each country is expected to grow quarterly or yearly. Furthermore,
the World Bank releases the World Development Indicators, a compilation of 04. Big brother with ambitions to control information
statistics covering various areas such as the economy, society, and the environment
3. A world where ignorance of statistics leads to
for countries worldwide. It offers comprehensive information about each country's
population, economic growth, education, health, climate change, and more.
05. Misconceptions about mean and variance

06. Statistics can be manipulated at will

4. Pitfalls of sampling in representing the whole

07. How are survey subjects determined?

08. People misunderstand correlation as causation

5. Statistics and empirical probabilities used by

09. Gamblers prioritize information over luck
The economic statistics released by international organizations not only show the 10. Predicting the future through empirical probabilities
current situation of a country but also indicate its potential for future growth.
In this way, government agencies of each country and international organizations 6. Statistical surveys reveal a nation's current status and future
announce and manage statistics containing information about the country.
11. Various statistics revealing a nation's situation
By studying these statistics and understanding their meanings, we can gain insights
into the current state of a country and make some predictions about how it might 12. Statistical values vary by age and gender
change in the coming years.

306 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 307
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Is the set of integers indeed larger than the set of natural numbers,
Elementary Courses
and is the set of rational numbers larger than the set of integers?
Surprisingly, the answer to this question is "no." Cantor pondered
over this question for a long time and finally found the solution. 12. Relations / The Field of Prediction
Along with the birth of humanity, the counting method known as GM 0112 The Methods of Corresponding as Calculation Taught by
"one-to-one correspondence" emerged. Nature to Humans
If two finite sets have the same number of elements, then there is GM 0212 The Role of Mathematicians in Guiding Nature’s Motifs into
always a one-to-one correspondence between them. Conversely, the World of Patterns
if a one-to-one correspondence exists, we can say that the two sets GM 0312 Letters That Make Mathematics Easier and Mathematicians’
have the same number of elements. Cantor chose the "one-to-one Love for Numbers

correspondence" method as a tool for counting infinity. GM 0412 Correspondence as a Form of Expressing the Relationship
between Numbers and Letters in Detail
He discovered a one-to-one correspondence between the set of
GM 0512 The Efforts to Visualize the Correspondence Relationship
all natural numbers and all rational numbers. At the same time,
between Letters and Numbers and the Coordinate Plane
he also found no one-to-one correspondence between real and
GM 0612 Various Combinations of Numbers and Images That Form
natural numbers. In other words, while the sets of all natural and Graphs on the Coordinate Plane
rational numbers have the same size, the set of real numbers is
larger than both the sets of natural and rational numbers. Thus,
Cantor discovered that there are different degrees of infinity.

308 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 309

GM 0112 The Methods of Corresponding as Calculation Taught by Nature to Humans

2. Understanding the diverse representations of numbers and core

principles through counting rods and Cuisenaire rods
GM 0112
A clear understanding of carrying over and borrowing is essential to be good at adding
and subtracting. When we add, carrying over is when the sum of digits in the same
The Methods of Corresponding
place exceeds 10. We calculate by raising 10 to the next place, causing the value in
as Calculation Taught by that place to increase by 1. When we subtract, borrowing is when the digit to be
Nature to Humans subtracted is greater than the digit being subtracted from. In such cases, we borrow
10 from the next place to calculate. Borrowing involves calculating by bringing down
Category: The Field of Prediction 10 from the next place and reducing the value in that place by 1.
Target: Grade 1
Unit: Relations

ISBN 978-1-64260-348-4

9 781642 603484

1. What is the purpose of studying the history of numbers

that formed civilizations and cultures?

Primitive people were nomads who used to hunt wild animals.

They then settled in one place and raised livestock. As livestock Understanding carrying over and borrowing is crucial for accurate calculations in
became part of an ownership concept, people needed to check addition and subtraction. Without carrying and borrowing, proper calculation is not
if the animals that went out in the morning returned safely by possible, and most mistakes often stem from these concepts. These concepts of
evening. The simplest method was to use tallies or collect stones carrying over and borrowing naturally emerge through the understanding of bundled
equivalent to the number of animals. Tallying is a primitive counting and individual units in the idea of place value. Practicing converting numbers, like
method by marking notches on tree branches or animal bones. changing 23 (with 2 bundles of 10 and 3 individual units) to 13 (with 1 bundle of 10
By pairing, we can know how many matching pairs are in a group and 13 individual units), helps grasp the concept of borrowing.
without counting individually. For example, when two students hold Similarly, understanding carrying over involves recognizing situations where bundling
hands to make a pair, the teacher can easily find which student does or unbundling units are needed. Becoming familiar with carrying over and borrowing
not have a partner. One-to-one correspondence is most likely the involves practicing identifying and adjusting bundles of 10 and individual units and
first mathematical concept we encounter since birth. raising or lowering them as necessary.

310 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 311
General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0112 The Methods of Corresponding as Calculation Taught by Nature to Humans

3. Understanding the evolution of arithmetic and approaches to utilizing

tools for calculations Table of Contents
The oldest known abacus is the Salamis Abacus, estimated to have been used from
around 300 BCE to 500 CE. Discovered on the island of Salamis in 1846, this abacus is 1. Natural materials used for calculations
a 150cm◊70cm◊4.5cm marble board currently preserved in the National Museum 01. Exploring tools for calculations in nature
of Athens.
02. Principles of calculation using natural materials
Although abacuses disappeared from the West around the 16th century, they survived
in the East. Even in the 1970s, occasional calculation contests were held between 2. Various numbers used as calculation tools
abacuses and electronic calculators. Surprisingly, people using abacuses sometimes 03. Unique number representation methods in different
calculate faster than those using electronic calculators. However, today, the abacus countries
is gradually fading due to the dominance of computers and electronic calculators. 04. Indo-Arabic numerals used worldwide
It is now used mainly as a tool to enhance mathematical skills. Calculations using the
abacus are called abacus calculations. Unlike writing numbers, a drawback of abacus 3. The significance of calculation in addition and
calculations is that they do not leave a record of the calculating process. We must start subtraction
over if we shake the abacus during a calculation or make a mistake. Therefore, using 05. Addition and subtraction in daily life
the abacus requires a lot of concentration and practice. 06. Importance of carrying and borrowing in addition
and subtraction

4. The inseparable relationship between addition

and subtraction
07. Addition can be reversed to subtraction, and vice versa
08. Order of operations in addition and subtraction

5. Tree branches are excellent calculation tools

09. Expressing numbers and calculation methods using
counting rods
In times when science was not as advanced, people solved calculations using paper 10. Cuisenaire rods were used to develop the concept of numbers
and pen. However, as astronomy, science, economics, and navigation advanced, there
was a need to handle vast numbers of calculations efficiently. In the 1640s, Blaise 6. Various tools for convenient calculations
Pascal began working on creating the first commercial calculator. He developed the 11. Principles of abacus, an ancient calculating tool
mechanical calculator Pascaline to assist his father, who managed taxes. The Pascaline,
12. Invention of calculators and modern electronic computers
shaped like a box with a series of toothed wheels, operated on the principle that when
a wheel completed a rotation, an adjacent wheel would rotate one-tenth of a turn.

312 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 313
GM 0312

Letters That Make

Mathematics Easier
and Mathematicians’
Love for Numbers
GM 0212
Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 3
The Role of Mathematicians
Unit: Relations
in Guiding Nature’s Motifs
into the World of Patterns $124.00
ISBN 978-1-64260-350-7

Category: The Field of Prediction

Target: Grade 2 9 781642 603507

Unit: Relations

ISBN 978-1-64260-349-1
12400> 1. What is the purpose of studying
the birth and development
process of letters?
9 781642 603491
Humans did not initially use letters for
mathematics, but letters are important
in today's mathematics. Letters emerged
1. What is the purpose of to record things related to plants, the
studying pattern recognition
necessities of life, and natural phenomena.
and mathematical strategies?
The purpose of studying this book is to
The purpose of studying this book is express nature through numbers, letters,
to understand how to numerically and images and to find rules within it.
express the shapes of nature revealed
through patterns.

314 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 315
General Mathematics Series 144 The Role of Mathematicians in Guiding Nature’s Motifs into the World
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0212 of Patterns

2. What is the basis for the mysterious secrets of mathematics hidden in motifs? 3. In what fields is biomimetics being diversely utilized?
Mathematical biology is the study of mathematically expressing various biological Biomimicry, a combination of the Greek words “bio,” meaning life, and “mimesis,”
systems to understand and predict them. The interest in mathematical biology meaning imitation, refers to a new technology that mimics various natural structures
increased after Watson and Crick discovered the DNA double helix structure in 1953, and functions that benefit humans. Biomimicry involves studying and mimicking design
marking the era of molecular biology. This shift was necessary to move beyond elements and characteristics seen in nature to address challenges faced by humanity.
analyzing data obtained through observation into mathematically expressing the Pioneers in biomimicry, like Janine Benyus, define it as “innovation that nature has
complexity of living organisms. Presenting mathematical models for areas requiring delivered.” With the significant development of nanotechnology in the 21st century,
simulations in various biological fields, such as drug testing and cancer treatment, interest in biomimicry has increased exponentially, allowing the creation of materials
has led to more efficient research. that mimic the structures and functions of living organisms. Biomimicry contributes
significantly by creating new biomaterials, designing intelligent systems, mimicking
biological structures to develop new devices, and designing new optical systems.
The development process of biomimicry consists of five stages:

Morphogenesis is the process where a living organism develops complex shapes during
its formation through the differentiation and growth of new tissues and organs.
For instance, this process in humans signifies how individual cells form structures like the
eyes, nose, mouth, brain, and heart through cell division after the fusion of sperm and
egg. The interaction of morphogens or substances inducing morphological formation Stage 1 / D iscovery: identify living organisms' unique external or structural features
dictates the shapes and sizes of organs. When these factors do not function properly, and distinctive composition materials.
the organs are unable to properly form, which can lead to the development of cancer. Stage 2 / A bstract Thinking: formulate hypotheses about the reasons for the existence
of discovered features, considering the organism's habitat.
Turing contributed to the field of biology by using reaction-diffusion equations to
Stage 3 / B rainstorming: explore various angles to anticipate how the features can be
explain changes in animal patterns. Through mathematical biology, Turing provided
applied in real life if the hypothesis holds.
insights into why animal patterns vary during morphogenesis. Morphogens determine
Stage 4 / Imitation: prove the hypothesis about the features of living organisms and
animal patterns, and these substances have both activators that stimulate pattern
simplify it into a form applicable in real life by mimicking.
formation and inhibitors that suppress it. The reaction-diffusion equation, or Turing
Stage 5 / E valuation: evaluate the effects achievable through biomimicry, constructing
equation, illustrates how diverse patterns emerge when activators and inhibitors react
systems that surpass imitating biological functions.
and spread in their surroundings.

316 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 317
The Role of Mathematicians in Guiding Nature’s Motifs into the World Letters That Make Mathematics Easier and Mathematicians’ Love
GM 0212 of Patterns GM 0312 for Numbers

2. Understanding the essence of the universe within Pythagorean numbers

Table of Contents and the use of variables
A variable in mathematics is a letter representing an unknown value. Variables express
1. Nature has countless patterns changeable values in equations, typically represented by letters like x, y, and z.
For instance, if we say, "Adding 5 to a number results in 10," we can define the
01. Finding patterns in animals and plants
unknown value as the variable x. Representing unknowns with variables allows us to
02. Patterns found in mountains, rivers, and seas create simple equations like x+5=10, and by solving this equation, we find that x=5.
Similarly, if we state, "A number divided by 2 is 8," we can use the variable x to
2. Shall we attach numbers to each picture?
represent the unknown number, creating the equation x÷2=8.
03. Attaching numbers makes counting easy Solving this equation gives us x=16. Introducing letters and variables in mathematics
04. Solving picture puzzles using properties of odd helps express problems simply and effectively through equations and formulas.
and even numbers

3. Understanding patterns through ordinal and

cardinal numbers
05. Even the numbers have different properties
06. Discovering patterns using ordinal and cardinal

4. Biologists depict the forms of nature

07. Biologists are skilled observers
08. Beautiful forms of nature drawn by biologists

5. Mathematicians uncover the secrets of nature

The late 16th-century French mathematician Viète, known for his work Introduction to
09. Mathematicians uncover rules that are not visible the Analytical Art, is the first person to use variables in documents.
in pictures
Viète employed vowel characters like A, E, I, O, and U to represent unknowns and
10. Mathematics is the foundation technology of all advanced industries
consonants for coefficients. Later, in 1637, Descartes introduced the notation we still
6. Utilizing patterns discovered in nature use today, representing unknowns with the last letters of the alphabet (x, y, z) and
coefficients with the first letters (a, b, c). Descartes' notation became widely adopted
11. Patterns that make life convenient and beautiful
in modern mathematics, unifying mathematical expressions and setting a standard for
12. Biomimetics uses patterns in nature representing variables with alphabet letters.

318 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 319
General Mathematics Series 144 Letters That Make Mathematics Easier and Mathematicians’ Love
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0312 for Numbers

3. How has the digital revolution changed our daily lives?

Table of Contents
"Digital" is the technology of storing all information using a binary system of 0s and
1s. The term is derived from the word "digit," which refers to human or animal fingers
or toes. In the digital world, everything is composed of either 0 or 1. As the volume of 1. Numbers and letters originating from motifs
information increased dramatically, the shift to digital processing became necessary. and pictures
01. Cave paintings reveal the lives of prehistoric societies
Documents, statistical data, and audio and video data are processed as discrete values.
Digital data offers easy replication, deletion, and editing, and there is no distinction 02. Systems of numbers and letters in ancient civilizations
between copies and originals. For instance, humans originally hear sounds through
2. Pictures can be represented with numbers
their ears, sensing air vibrations. These sounds are not made up of 0s and 1s; instead,
they consist of a continuous wave energy, a form of physical data known as analog 03. Pictures reveal nature’s secrets
data. 04. Rules within Pythagoras’ figurate numbers
However, mp3 files store these airwaves as 0s and 1s. Digital audio data represents the
amplitude and intensity of sound through 0s and 1s. To create an mp3 file, the data 3. When numbering is difficult, use letters
beyond the audible frequency is cut off and compressed. Therefore, digital audio may 05. Create equations by attaching letters to unknown values
be different compared to actual analog music. 06. Descartes' mathematical thinking in formulating
equations based on conditions

4. Using letters makes mathematics more convenient

07. Substitution of complex expressions or calculations
with letters
08. Understanding given operations and correctly
substituting numbers

5. Creative problem-solving using pictures, letters,

and numbers
09. Revealing rules and problem-solving through drawing
10. Expressing rules with letters and solving by substituting numbers

6. Numbers and letters shaping the digital age

We cannot directly see or hear data composed of 0s and 1s. It needs interpreters to 11. The analog era where humanity was felt
display pixels on the screen or vibrate the air through earphones or speakers for us to
12. The digital era is represented by 0s and 1s
see or hear.

320 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 321
Correspondence as a Form of Expressing the Relationship between
GM 0412 Numbers and Letters in Detail

2. Why has the meeting of science and mathematics brought greatness?

In the 17th century, James Gregory most clearly defined the concept of a function.
GM 0412 He defined a function as values obtained from quantities through a series of algebraic
or other imaginable operations. The operations he referred to include the concept of
Correspondence as a Form of limits and the five operations used in algebra. However, his definition of a function
Expressing the Relationship gradually faded from people’s memories as it was too confined.

between Numbers and

Letters in Detail
Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 4
Unit: Relations

ISBN 978-1-64260-351-4

9 781642 603514

Newton used the term “fluent” in his calculus research to denote the relationship
between variables. In 1673, Leibniz used the term “function” in his manuscript to refer
1. What is the purpose of studying correspondence and functions? to a quantity that changes according to points on a curve. He believed that the curve
Correspondence is always happening in our daily lives without our conscious itself could also be expressed as an equation.
knowledge. Whether deciding on penalties through the ghost leg game or Leibniz introduced constants and variables, using the term “parameter” to connect
crossing the road when the traffic light turns green, these choices involve variables. The notation f(x) to represent a function was introduced by Euler in 1734.
some form of correspondence in one way or another. The dictionary defines The concept of a function, born during the study of celestial and object motion, is now
“correspondence” as “an event where two given objects are paired off based a core element in modern calculus research.
on a specific relationship.” In mathematics, a sequence refers to a series of numbers arranged according to
In mathematics, we use “function” to describe a correspondence relationship. a specific rule. Unlike sets, sequences require consideration of the order and an
If we can correlate an object lacking apparent rules with something with rules, allowance for the repetition of numbers. For example, the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, … is
we could say that we have discovered the hidden rules. The effective use of an example of a sequence where odd numbers are arranged in order.
correspondence allows us to simplify complex phenomena for study. Each number listed in the sequence is a “term.” The terms of a sequence are named
based on their position. The first term, also known as the initial term, is the term that
comes first. The second, third, fourth terms, and so on follow suit.

322 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 323
General Mathematics Series 144 Correspondence as a Form of Expressing the Relationship between
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0412 Numbers and Letters in Detail

3. How can we apply cryptography and security in today's information society?

Table of Contents
Today, we are rapidly evolving into an information society, driven by the technological
advancements in internet and wireless communication. As the ability to accumulate,
process, and transmit information increases, the value of information becomes as 1. Rules to follow in our daily lives
crucial as material goods or energy. In other words, information is the source of wealth. 01. Traffic rules that protect valuable lives

The shift to an information society has led to various social changes as traditionally 02. Consideration for others is more important than rules
offline activities and services move online. The transition to an information society was 2. Understanding correspondence to establish
accelerated even more through the COVID-19 pandemic. In this information society, relational expressions
the value and accuracy of information increases as fewer people know. The worth
03. The ghost leg game and various corresponding
of information in the digital age is directly linked to money. This is why innovative
startups in the security industry with expertise in related technologies and ideas are
04. One-to-one correspondences utilized in daily life
emerging. In an information society, information is ultimately the source of capital.
Therefore, this information must be guarded. 3. Discovering and expressing relationships between
two numbers
05. Rules within arrays of numbers
06. Expressing relationships between numbers as equations

4. One-to-one correspondence, a tool for counting infinity

07. Understanding infinitely many natural numbers
08. Which is more numerous, odd or even numbers?

5. Numbers are as important as letters in human history

09. Characteristics and graphonomy of characters
Through the globally expanding internet communication network, hackers can illegally
used by humans
invade the systems of specific companies or governments, leaking, altering, or
10. Hangul has the most scientific correspondence
damaging information. We often hear about large-scale hacking incidents where
the personal information of members who signed up on certain websites has been
exposed. Nowadays, it is common for individuals to share their personal information 6. Correspondence relationships are the core principle of
online, from financial transactions like online banking and e-commerce to private the information society
communications. If a security breach occurs, people may suffer significant losses, like 11. Importance of information security in modern information society
financial loss, reputation damage, and mental distress. Companies may face the risk of
12. Various encryption systems utilizing correspondence
their core technologies being leaked, and nations may be threatened. Therefore, the
need for perfect information security is increasingly recognized today.

324 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 325
GM 0512

The Efforts to Visualize the Correspondence

Relationship Between Letters and Numbers GM 0612
and the Coordinate Plane
Various Combinations of
Category: The Field of Prediction Numbers and Images
Target: Grade 5
That Form Graphs on the
Unit: Relations
Coordinate Plane
ISBN 978-1-64260-352-1
12400> Category: The Field of Prediction
Target: Grade 6
Unit: Relations
9 781642 603521

ISBN 978-1-64260-353-8

1. What is the purpose of studying

coordinate geometry and relations
of magnitude? 9 781642 603538

Coordinate geometry was developed by

Descartes to apply geometric methods to 1. What is the essence of mathematics and physics
algebraic studies, achieving much more understood in the language of change?
than he anticipated.
Correspondence is the pairing of two objects based on
Placing figures on the coordinate plane
a specific relationship. For example, each button on
easily proves various properties and allows
a vending machine corresponds to a specific drink.
almost mechanical problem-solving. The
In this case, a special correspondence between one group
introduction of coordinate geometry has
and another is called a function. People created functions
greatly expanded the practical applications
to clarify the relationships between things or events we
of mathematics.
see in our surroundings.

326 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 327
General Mathematics Series 144 The Efforts to Visualize the Correspondence Relationship between
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0512 Letters and Numbers and the Coordinate Plane

2. Shall we explore the series of processes that created Descartes' 3. How does the interaction between Google Earth and economic entities
coordinate plane? impact us?
Geometry and algebra were integrated through Descartes’ invention of the coordinate Google Earth is a satellite image program provided by Google. We can virtually travel
plane. The coordinate plane introduced a new language in mathematics by expressing the world with just a few clicks through Google Earth, the world's first satellite image
geometric shapes as equations and providing methods to find solutions. A linear mapping service. The development of satellite image and aerial photography
equation with x and y variables can represent a single line in this plane. If you draw technology played a crucial role in creating Google Earth. Aerial photographs taken
two straight lines on the coordinate plane and find the values of x and y, which from very high ground provide information about a specific area from different angles.
indicate the location of the intersection, you can see that it is the same as the solution
Most buildings are symmetrical, making it easy to distinguish them even when
to a simultaneous linear equation consisting of two linear equations.
photographed from different locations. However, for structures with unique shapes,
obtaining accurate information becomes challenging. Judging whether these images
reveal the same structure at identical locations is difficult because each photo is
significantly different. Adjusting the magnification well, developing aerial photographs
on transparent film, and then overlaying the photos based on easily distinguishable
structures' positions might seem rational. Unfortunately, this method consistently fails,
even with meticulous adjustments and repeated experiments.

Various geometric shapes such as curves, parabolas, ellipses, and circles can be placed
on the coordinate plane using x and y variables. Lines on the coordinate plane can be
expressed with linear equations like y=x, parabolas with quadratic equations like y=x2,
and circles with equations like x2+y2=1.
Using the two variables, x and y, various geometric shapes can be represented on the
coordinate plane. Additionally, a three-dimensional space is formed by adding another
Why did people fail to obtain accurate aerial photographs, and what is the appropriate
variable, z, and creating a coordinate space with the x, y, and z axes.
solution? The fundamental solution lies in using the concept of coordinates in functions,
In this three-dimensional space, almost all objects in geometry can be represented,
meaning mathematically examining the points on the photos. Attempting to overlay
including points, lines, planes, and solids.
photos by adjusting the magnification will never succeed unless the correspondence
The coordinate plane can express various geometric shapes as equations. Problems relationship of the relative positions of the structures is a linear function. In achieving
involving two geometric shapes can be interpreted as solving simultaneous equations accurate correspondence, repeatedly aligning one figure with another through a
by expressing each geometric shape as an equation. The coordinate plane played a transformation is called projective transformation. The study of geometric properties
crucial role in truly integrating geometry and algebra, giving rise to analytic geometry. that remain unchanged under projective transformations is known as projective geometry.

328 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 329
The Efforts to Visualize the Correspondence Relationship between Various Combinations of Numbers and Images That Form Graphs on
GM 0512 Letters and Numbers and the Coordinate Plane GM 0612 the Coordinate Plane

2. What process has the evolution of differentiation and functions undergone?

Table of Contents
In the X and Y sets, when each element of X corresponds to exactly one element of Y,
this correspondence is called a function from X to Y,
1. Number lines visually represent relationships represented as f : X→Y. Here, X is the domain of the X
f Y
between numbers function f, and Y is the codomain. Particularly, when an
01. Methods of comparing the magnitude of numbers element y in Y corresponds to element x in X through
02. A number line allows visual comparison of numbers the function f, it is symbolized as y=f(x). In this case, x f(x)
f(x) is the function value of x under the function f.
2. Expressing equations using letters instead of numbers
Also, the set of all function values {f(x) | x∈X} is called
domain codomain
03. Using letters to generalize relationships between numbers the range of the function f. The right figure shows that
04. Descartes' mathematical thinking uses letters to the range is generally a subset of the codomain.
create equations

3. Connecting figures and numbers through

Descartes' coordinate plane
05. Using the coordinate plane to solve figures as
relational equations
06. Methods of representing relational equations on
the coordinate plane

4. Direct proportions and inverse proportions

represent relationships between numbers
07. The relationship between input and output values In the world of functions, there are concepts known as one-to-one correspondence
08. Predicting the future through proportional relationships and one-to-one function. First, a one-to-one function satisfies the proposition: for any
two elements x1 and x2 in the domain, if x1≠x2 , then f(x1)≠f(x2). This proposition can also
5. A proper understanding of correspondence and
be explained by its contrapositive: f(x1)=f(x2), then x1=x2. In other words, a one-to-one
correlation relationships
function ensures that different elements in the domain have different function values,
09. Scatter plots represent a large amount of data
points on the coordinate plane and if the function values are the same, the elements in the domain are also the same.

10. Misconceptions arising from correlation relationships A one-to-one function does not need to have a matching range and codomain.
However, one-to-one correspondence has stricter conditions. The condition of a one-
6. Various relational equations effectively explaining economic phenomena
to-one function is augmented by the requirement that the range and codomain are
11. Subjects of economic activities: households, businesses, and governments the same. This means that every value in the codomain becomes a function value.
12. Characteristics of economic activities revealed through the coordinate plane Representing the correspondence relationship with arrows indicates that no value in
the codomain is left without an arrow.

330 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 331
General Mathematics Series 144 Various Combinations of Numbers and Images That Form Graphs on
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0612 the Coordinate Plane

3. What kind of future can we open up by predicting the future through

past data? Table of Contents

In social network analysis, functions indicating the degree of connections among

individuals help analyze communication patterns and the distribution of influence
1. Graphs show the relationship between numbers
at a glance
within groups. Functions in economics range from demand and supply models to
production and cost functions. The demand curve, representing the relationship 01. Investigating fractions of the same size through graphs
between price and quantity in demand, shows how price changes affect consumer 02. Geometric interpretation of proportional equations
purchases. The production function indicates the capital and labor needed to achieve explained by graphs
a specific production level, aiding companies in formulating production plans and
2. Speed is calculated through a combination of
minimizing costs.
time and distance
Applying these functions is essential in connecting theoretical models to real-world 03. The relationship between time, distance, and speed
data. Through modeling and analysis based on actual data, researchers in sociology
04. The geometric significance of time, distance, and speed
and economics can apply theory to real-life issues, providing more accurate
predictions and outcomes. Additionally, such analyses offer policymakers and 3. Definitions and properties of various functions
entrepreneurs valuable insights during decision-making. In our daily lives, we often
05. Understanding one-to-one correspondence
encounter situations where specific outcomes occur due to certain variables. functions and identity functions
We can make our daily lives more convenient by using functions to formulate and
06. Properties and differences between increasing
analyze these phenomena.
and decreasing functions

4. Graphs frequently seen in news and newspapers

07. Representing different quantities in space using graphs
08. Graphs depicting quantity change over time

5. Functions utilized in sociology and economics

09. Sociologists and economists model social and
economic phenomena

The application of functions in this way demonstrates their significant contribution to 10. Number of functions satisfying given conditions
practical problem-solving and interpreting real-life issues beyond the abstract theories 6. Predicting the future using past data
of sociology and economics. Through this, we can better understand the complexity
11. Linear regression represents data characteristics with lines
of social interactions, effectively respond to economic changes, and develop
strategies for a better future. Sociologists and economists have fundamental tasks of 12. Will the population continue to increase exponentially?
understanding and modeling the complexities of modern society and economics.

332 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 The Field of Prediction / 333
We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Secondary Courses
What is the best way to cultivate the seeds of creativity, the innate
talents that every child is born with, so they can grow well and
bear full fruit? An ideal mathematics education provides the
solution, and here is how it can be specifically implemented.
First, children need to be exposed to many things. A child who 1. Basic Mathematics / Grade 7
has seen much can see what is invisible even better. Children
2. Basic Mathematics / Grade 8
should also be told about many things. A child who has heard
about many things can hear even better, even when things are 3. Advanced Mathematics / Grade 9
not audible. Children should be allowed to go to many places.
A child who has been to many places develops the ability to 4. Advanced Mathematics / Grade 10
perceive the world as if they have been there, even without
5. Applied Mathematics / Grade 11
physically going. In essence, an ideal mathematics education
involves showing and telling children about many things and 6. Applied Mathematics / Grade 12
letting them visit many places. Furthermore, the focus should be
on nature, ultimately enabling children to fully grasp the natural

334 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 335

We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Secondary Courses
Mathematics is the study of uncovering the secrets of nature.
To uncover these secrets, we must first observe nature to identify
motifs (the realm of biology), then understand the structure 1. Basic Mathematics / Grade 7
of nature, which involves fractals (the realm of chemistry),
GM 0701 Crafting Codes and Decoding Programs: Exploring Prime
and finally explore the world of unseen forces and laws, known
Numbers and Prime Factorization
as chaos (the realm of physics). What role does mathematics,
GM 0702 Numeral Systems That Express Numbers and Number
the queen of natural science, play between biology, chemistry,
Theories That Describe the Number System
and physics? Nature exhibits a structural relationship between GM 0703 The Use of Letters and the Division of Arithmetic and Algebra
the chemical world of fractals and the physical world of chaos. GM 0704 The Concept of “Knot Theory”: Insights about Creatures on
All natural organisms maintain such relationships, and Earth and the Characteristics of Space
mathematics predicts how all natural components will be GM 0705 Functions and Graphs: Understanding the Real World Where
generated and how they will eventually vanish. Creating predictive Phenomena Are Projected
programs through mathematics implies uncovering the secrets GM 0706 How to Analyze and Interpret Given Information to Predict
the Future
of life and death for living organisms. This means that identifying
GM 0707 The Marvels of Nature and the System of General Knowledge
rules within nature enables predictions. If we can uncover the
GM 0708 The Secrets of Nature and Advanced Industrial Technologies
secrets of nature, we can create something that makes people
in Geometric Constructions
GM 0709 Euclid’s Elements of Geometry and the Concept of Plane Geometry
GM 0710 The Importance of Humanities in Identifying Regularity within Patterns
GM 0711 Plato’s Geometric Model: Understanding How Humanity and
the Universe Operate
GM 0712 The Structure of Nature Is a Fractal World of Enlargement and
Reduction of Figures

336 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 337

Crafting Codes and Decoding Programs: Exploring Prime Numbers
GM 0701 and Prime Factorization

2. What is the logical basis behind creating decryption programs?

In modern times, cryptographic systems are created using the properties of numbers.
GM 0701 Particularly, in the widely used RSA encryption system, the properties of prime
numbers play a crucial role. Before examining how prime numbers are used in
Crafting Codes and Decoding cryptographic theory, we must understand what they are. Prime numbers are natural
Programs: Exploring Prime numbers greater than 2 that are only divisible by 1 and themselves.

Numbers and Prime

Category: Number Theory
Target: Grade 7
Math Theory: Prime Factorization

ISBN 978-1-64260-354-5
One method for identifying prime numbers among natural numbers is known as
the “Sieve of Eratosthenes.” The Sieve of Eratosthenes involves starting from 1 and
9 781642 603545 systematically checking whether each natural number has divisors smaller than itself,
gradually eliminating non-prime numbers. In other words, since 1 is not a prime
number, it is removed. 2, being a prime number is retained, and all multiples of 2 are
1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying the minimum numbers eliminated. Similarly, 3 is a prime number kept, while all multiples of 3 are removed.
that create natural numbers?
If a number, like 4, is already eliminated as a multiple of 2, the process moves on to the
In mathematics, prime numbers are the basic composing units of following prime number, such as 5. This method of identifying prime numbers is called
integers, much like how points, lines, and planes are the composing the Sieve of Eratosthenes. The prime factors of a number refer to prime numbers that
units of objects. Therefore, we must know the prime factors of are also divisors of that number. Looking at ancient Egyptian papyri, where prime numbers
a number to understand its properties. and composite numbers are already distinguished and represented in different forms,
This is similar to determining the composition of a compound to it is evident that the concept of prime numbers has been established from long ago.
be used for a specific purpose by understanding the proportions Problems related to prime numbers fall within the realm of pure mathematics,
of present atoms and the arrangement of their bonds. but in today's context, the boundaries between pure and applied mathematics are
often ambiguous. In electronic commerce, there is a crucial security technology known
as public-key cryptography, where prime numbers play a decisive role. This involves
revealing the number, which serves as the key to creating the encryption while keeping
the prime factors of that number undisclosed.

338 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 339

General Mathematics Series 144 Crafting Codes and Decoding Programs: Exploring Prime Numbers
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0701 and Prime Factorization

3. How can we apply the study of number theory?

Table of Contents
Cryptocurrencies use “asymmetric encryption algorithms” for secure transactions.
As the term suggests, asymmetric encryption algorithms involve encrypting and
decrypting messages with two asymmetric keys. These keys are the private key and 1. Information we can learn from ants and bees and
the public key. the industrial society
01. The hierarchical society of ants and bees that
The private key, like personal identification numbers or email account passwords, transmit information efficiently
should not be disclosed to anyone. On the other hand, the public key can be openly
02. The ants’ dream world reflects the human world
shared, similar to an account number or email address.
It is worth noting that while the private key can generate the public key, the public key 2. Codes utilize the unique properties of prime numbers
cannot generate the private key. Another feature is that encryption and decryption are 03. Understanding number representation and number systems
done with different keys. Encryption with the private key can only be decrypted with 04. Prime numbers that act like atoms in natural
the corresponding public key and vice versa. numbers

3. The origin of codes and the development of

ancient codes
05. Caesar cipher: the first systematic code in human history
06. Vigenère cipher: the birth of complex code systems

4. The world of prime numbers mathematicians

sought to conquer
07. Common multiples and common divisors assemble
and disassemble numbers
08. The uniqueness of prime factorization reveals
the structure of numbers

5. The essence of numbers and prime numbers as

These characteristics of asymmetric encryption algorithms provide two functions: units composing the mathematical world
personal signatures and message integrity. Users can sign in using the private key. 09. Codes based on number theories and modular arithmetic
Only the owner can do this since only the owner knows the private key. 10. The advent of Enigma and the modern RSA system
For transaction participants, the signature function can be used to indicate approval of 6. Various applications of codes in the information society and genetic codes
the transaction. Message integrity can also be ensured. In cryptocurrency, it is utilized 11. Code technologies for securely storing information
in the payment process. The sender encrypts the transaction with the recipient's public
12. DNA decoding technologies can help people live longer
key to send it securely. The recipient, in turn, can decrypt it with their private key.

340 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 341

GM 0702

Numeral Systems That Express

Numbers and Number Theories
That Describe the Number
Category: Number Theory
Target: Grade 7
Math Theory: Binary Notation GM 0703
ISBN 978-1-64260-355-2
The Use of Letters and
the Division of Arithmetic
9 781642 603552
and Algebra
Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 7
1. What is the purpose of studying
the representation and system of Math Theory: Diophantine Equation
ISBN 978-1-64260-356-9
The base-10 (decimal) system developed 14200>

because humans have 10 fingers. Using

fingers for counting might seem natural
9 781642 603569
today, but finger-based counting has
evolved through various cultural regions.
Fingers can be folded or extended to
1. What is the purpose of studying
represent numbers, and counting can also arithmetic and algebra?
be done by touching the joints of fingers.
Even children who do not know numbers The ability to interpret problem situations
can count using their fingers. Counting using symbolic notation is considered
using parts of the body has developed the most significant characteristic of
since ancient times. algebraic thinking.

342 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 343

General Mathematics Series 144 Numeral Systems That Express Numbers and Number Theories That
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0702 Describe the Number System

2. What is the logical basis for researching numbers and their properties 3. How can we apply measurement science widely used in physics,
in numeral systems and number theory? chemistry, and biology?
The advent of zero in the history of mathematics holds significant meaning, as it Our computers operate with binary system signals, represented by 0 and 1.
allowed for the mathematical representation of the previously abstract concept of When a switch is turned on to allow electricity flow, it means 1; when it is turned off,
“nothing.” Furthermore, the discovery of zero sparked interest in the idea of infinity. it represents 0. This binary signaling is used for computations and storing and
Studying zero led to exploring concepts like infinitely small and infinitely large retrieving information. 0 and 1 form the basic unit of data called a “bit.” As the quantity
numbers, expanding the scope of mathematical understanding. of bits increases, the performance improves proportionally. Fitting more bits into
smaller semiconductors is the sole goal of semiconductor manufacturing companies
today. A binary code also encodes characters and other symbols into 0s and 1s.

Assigning each character to a binary number or a sequence of bits is simple.

According to the standard ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange) computer code, each symbol has an 8-bit code (8 bits = 1 byte).
Therefore, 256 8-bit codes encompass 52 uppercase and lowercase English alphabet
letters, digits 0 through 9, punctuation marks, mathematical symbols, control
codes, and miscellaneous symbols. For example, P is represented as 01010000, V as
01010110, b as 01100010, t as 01110100, and so on. Special characters like double
quotation marks (") are represented as 00100010 and “&” as 00100110.
These code symbols are primarily used in word processors and other applications
The introduction of zero addressed challenges that civilizations like Egypt or Rome
where they are recorded as text rather than being operated on as regular numbers.
faced, where creating new symbols for large numbers was cumbersome.
In Babylonian numerical notations, dealing with vacant places in numerical
representation was simplified using zero. The emergence of the Indo-Arabic numeral
system addressed issues that ancient Babylonians faced with number representation
and resolved inconveniences experienced by Egyptians and Romans.
Initially employed in India, the decimal system spread to Arabia and eventually
returned to Europe. This is why they are referred to as Arabic numerals today, although
more accurately, they should be called Indo-Arabic numerals.

The numeral system we currently use is the “Indo-Arabic base-10 (decimal) system.” The computer, an essential part of our lives, is utilized in countless ways. When we go
While initially regarded lightly at its creation, its significant advantages led to to the supermarket, barcode readers are installed at the checkout point, and banking
widespread adoption. Today, it has become the most universally used numerical transactions, such as deposits and withdrawals, are processed by computers.
notation worldwide. People often perceive numbers and numerals as synonymous. Computers play a significant role in advanced scientific endeavors, such as orbit
However, they are slightly different concepts. Numbers represent an abstract concept, calculations for artificial satellites or planetary probes and the automatic navigation of
and even animals possess a sense of numbers. jets or X-ray devices.

344 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 345

Numeral Systems That Express Numbers and Number Theories That
GM 0702 Describe the Number System GM 0703 The Use of Letters and the Division of Arithmetic and Algebra

2. Diophantus' algebra, which solved indefinite equations using a symbol system

Table of Contents
Algebra during the Alexandrian Period in Greece reached its peak with Diophantus.
His achievements in algebra eclipsed those of his contemporaries. Unfortunately,
1. Numeral systems for efficiently representing numbers because he appeared too late, he had little influence on mathematical research.
01. Hindu–Arabic numeral system as a universal language His main work, Arithmetica, consists of 13 volumes, of which only six still survive.
02. Numeral systems for representing quantities with numbers Like the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, his work Arithmetica is a collection of individual
problems. In his dedication, Diophantus explains that he wrote the book to help
2. Numbers possess significance beyond the means
students study. One of Diophantus' major contributions was the introduction of
of counting
symbols into algebra, but it is unclear exactly what symbols he used.
03. The meaning of numbers as perceived by Greek
and Eastern philosophers
04. Various superstitions and biases related to numbers

3. Numbers are used to measure uncountable quantities

05. Extension from natural numbers to integers and
from integers to rational numbers
06. Fractions and decimals as tools for understanding
wholes and parts

4. The emergence of set theory as the OS of

mathematics makes number theory systematic
07. The birth of set theory and the great mathematician Cantor
08. Various arithmetic operations used in number theory This is because the original text written by Diophantus has disappeared, and only the
copies written by later mathematicians have survived. Diophantus called the unknowns
5. Understanding number theory as the queen of
"problem numbers" and used special symbols to represent the powers of unknowns,
mathematics, and the density of rational numbers
each with its own name. For example, x was called a number, x² a square, x³ a cube,
09. The history and significance of number theory as
the system of numbers x⁴ a biquadrate, x⁵ a square cube, x⁶ a cube cube, and so forth.

10. The density property of rational numbers and the density The emergence of such a symbol system is noteworthy, but the use of powers higher
of natural numbers and rational numbers than the fourth is particularly remarkable. People in classical Greece could not even
conceive of multiplying more than four factors because such multiplication lacked
6. Numeral systems and number theory in our daily lives and scientific technology
geometric significance. Diophantus's approach to handling numbers demonstrates his
11. Weights and measures: the measurement system used in daily life
focus on pure arithmetic. Diophantus writes the solutions to his equations in elegant
12. Number theory in computer science and cryptography handwriting, just as we would write prose. His calculation method is purely arithmetic,
meaning he does not rely on geometry to illustrate or prove his claims.

346 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 347

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0703 The Use of Letters and the Division of Arithmetic and Algebra

3. Can the study of algebra explain the world of invisible forces and laws?
Table of Contents
Algebra played a crucial role in enabling the expression of invisible thermal energy in
equations. The amount of thermal energy in chemical terms is a “calorie.”
It is measured in cal and kcal, where 1 calorie is the heat required to raise 1 gram of 1. The Alexandrian era: the golden age of Greek
water by 1°C. The prefix “k” means 1000 times, so 1 kcal is the heat needed to raise mathematics
1 kg of water by 1°C. 01. Alexandria, the center of economy and scholarship

Imagine that a substance absorbs thermal energy and increases in temperature. 02. Characteristics of Greek mathematics during the
Alexandrian era
Can we calculate the amount of heat it received, which is its calorific value?
First, we need to know the specific heat of the substance. The specific heat is the 2. Arithmetic symbols and operations used in Greece
amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of substance by 1°C. It takes 03. Diophantus, the first mathematician to use
1 calorie to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1°C, so the specific heat of water unknown numbers
is 1. However, different substances have different specific heats. The amount of heat 04. Greek operations using doubling and halving
required to raise the temperature of 1g of oil by 1°C is different from the amount
of heat required for 1g of water by 1°C. The amount of heat required to raise the 3. Arithmetic and algebra began to be studied as
temperature of 1g of iron by 1°C is different from the amount of heat required for independent fields
1g of water by 1°C. In other words, the specific heat is an inherent property of a 05. Arithmetic and algebra are separated by the use
substance. Therefore, we can tell what a substance is by knowing its specific heat. of letters
06. Arithmetic is the tip of the huge iceberg called

4. Advanced arithmetic and algebra in the Arab world

07. The arithmetic of Arabs who excelled in commerce
08. Arabian mathematics bridging the East and the West

5. The use of letters made math more accessible

09. Indian mathematics passed down and recorded as stories
High specific heat means raising the temperature, which takes a lot of energy. 10. The use of letters has made mathematics infinitely easier
A substance with a high specific heat does not heat up or cool down easily.
6. Algebra, the link connecting different disciplines
For example, water has a specific heat of 1, soybean oil has a specific heat of 0.5, and
11. Nature, humans, and society represented by letters and mathematical
iron has a specific heat of 0.1. If we apply the same amount of thermal energy, the
temperature of iron will increase the most, followed by soybean oil. Measuring the
quantity of a substance and how much it increases in temperature, then multiplying 12. The world of humanities within the principles of algebra
by its specific heat, gives us the amount of heat required.

348 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 349

The Concept of “Knot Theory”: Insights about Creatures on Earth and
GM 0704 the Characteristics of Space

2. The logical basis for knot theory that unravels the secrets of the universe

We commonly represent the knot of a three-dimensional structure as a two-dimensional

GM 0704 closed curve that indicates the under and over crossings at the intersections. However,
this can sometimes complicate the analysis of the knot.
The Concept of “Knot Theory”: How can we determine if two knots are identical in such a two-dimensional projection?
Insights about Creatures on An important topic in knot theory is discerning whether intricately entwined knots are
Earth and the Characteristics identical. German mathematician Kurt Reidemeister discovered that a knot changing
into another of the same kind undergoes three distinct transformations.
of Space The first transformation is when a single strand becomes tangled. The second change
is when one strand moves above or below another. The third is when three strands
Category: Geometry
are transformed, as depicted in the diagram below. Two identical knots are obtained
Target: Grade 7
through these three types of transformations, as illustrated in the following diagram.
Math Theory: Knot Theory

ISBN 978-1-64260-357-6

9 781642 603576

First Second Third

transformation transformation transformation
1. What is the purpose of studying knot theory?

Knot theory stands out as a highly distinctive area in mathematics. Today, knots are not only crucial in researching DNA structures or understanding virus
It focuses on closed curves (where a point on a curve moves in behavior but are used as tools to aid the intellectual development of young children as
one direction and returns to its starting point) commonly found they can be perceived as magical forms.
in three-dimensional space. This specific phenomenon starkly Over the past 30 years, knot theory has made significant strides in advanced nations.
contrasts with other areas of mathematics that pursue abstraction. Many mathematicians studying knots have been honored with the Fields Medal,
In this way, knot theory is frequently utilized in assessing and a prestigious award in mathematics.
nurturing talent because it can demonstrate a mathematical In mathematics, a knot with three crossings has one unique form. Removing one of
approach to specific objects. these crossings in a three-dimensional space can transform the knot into one with
zero crossings. The variety of knots increases exponentially as the number of crossing
points rises. For instance, while there is only one knot with three crossings, there are
a staggering 1,388,705 different knots with 16 crossings.

350 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 351

General Mathematics Series 144 The Concept of “Knot Theory”: Insights about Creatures on Earth and
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0704 the Characteristics of Space

3. Advancing one step closer to extending life with knot theory

Table of Contents
While doctors use X-rays to study the human body and physicists shoot X-rays at
crystals like salt (NaCl) or diamonds to advance their field, those interested in biology
use X-rays to decipher the structure of large molecules like proteins. 1. Knots applied in real life
William Astbury of the United Kingdom played a pioneering role in this field. Until 01. Beautiful knots formed from simple lines
the 1930s, the finest protein photographs using X-ray diffraction came from Astbury. 02. Gordian Knots and the parasitic Gordian worm,
However, revealing molecular structures using this method is an entirely different task. Gordius aquaticus
It is difficult to identify an object solely by observing the shadows created when light
is cast upon it. 2. Emergence of string theory as a tool to reveal
the secrets of the universe
In this regard, Linus Pauling of the United States made significant contributions.
03. String theory as the key to the secrets of the universe
Applying the principles of quantum mechanics, Pauling can be considered the greatest
chemist of the 20th century, unraveling the secrets of chemical bonding. In 1951, 04. Describing worlds beyond four dimensions with
string theory
Pauling, along with Robert Corey and others, discovered the alpha-helical structure
and beta-pleated sheet structure of proteins. Proteins are chains (polypeptides) 3. Topology: studying properties of space regarding
composed of numerous amino acids linked by peptide bonds. What was discovered position and shape
was the helical or sheet-like structure of these chains. 05. Topological equivalence between a donut and
a coffee mug
06. Topology merging with algebra, analysis, and geometry

4. Unraveling intricate structures with knot theory

07. Knot theory originating from the study of vortices
08. Classifying knots through Reidemeister moves

5. Topological equivalence between a donut and

a coffee mug
If the representative structure of proteins is naturally coiled like a helix, it is reasonable 09. Research on the identity of genetic material in organisms
to deduce that other crucial biological molecules would also assume a spiral form.
10. Discovery of the double helix structure of DNA
Among these, the structure of DNA, identified as the essence of genetic material,
was undoubtedly the most trending topic among scientists. In January 1953, Pauling 6. Knot theory as the key to deciphering codes
published a paper with Kory claiming that DNA had a triple helical structure. 11. Quipu: the Inca civilization's knot cipher
Pauling sent a copy of the paper to Bragg, then the director of the Cavendish
12. Genetic modification technology utilizing genetic codes
Laboratory, and another copy to his son, Peter Pauling, who was in Cambridge then.
However, the structure proposed by Pauling was chemically very unstable.

352 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 353

GM 0705

Functions and Graphs: Understanding the

Real World Where Phenomena Are Projected GM 0706
Category: Analysis
How to Analyze and Interpret
Target: Grade 7
Math Theory: Inverse Function
Given Information to Predict
the Future
ISBN 978-1-64260-358-3
Category: Probability and Statistics
Target: Grade 7
9 781642 603583 Math Theory: Big Data

ISBN 978-1-64260-359-0
1. The importance of functional thinking
in understanding natural and social
phenomena 9 781642 603590

Mathematics is the study that explores

relationships; in this regard, functions play
1. Statistics enable a profound understanding of humans
a crucial role. Recognizing changes within
and society
the natural world's physical, social, and mental
phenomena, predicting relationships among Statistics is the discipline that organizes the outcomes derived from
entities, and concretely describing, analyzing, a large amount of data or prolonged observations, revealing patterns
and organizing them all require a functional that may not be apparent in individual data. Simultaneously,
mode of thinking. it systematically uncovers the inherent meaning embedded within.
The focus of statistics on empirical application differentiates it from
pure mathematics.

354 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 355

General Mathematics Series 144 Functions and Graphs: Understanding the Real World Where Phenomena
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0705 Are Projected

2. The history of functions: from Galileo to Euler 3. Functions illustrating economic phenomena: discomfort index, Gini
coefficient, and Engel coefficient
We can easily understand functions by considering proportional relationships.
Explaining that x and y are in direct proportion means that when the value of x Income inequality has become a global issue since the late 2000s. As the concentration
increases, the value of y also increases. Conversely, if x is increasing and y is decreasing, of income in the higher class intensifies, the lower class finds it increasingly
x and y are in inverse proportion. In proportional relationships, the statement challenging to make ends meet. One of the most representative indicators of income
"increases” or “decreases" does not indicate the same quantity has changed but inequality is the Gini coefficient. The Gini coefficient is expressed as a numerical value
instead signifies that the rates of change are equal. between 0 and 1, where 0 signifies complete income equality and 1 denotes absolute
inequality in income distribution. The Gini coefficient is calculated using the Lorenz
curve. To draw the Lorenz curve, start by arranging the entire population from low to
high income, setting the total population as 100. Then, on the horizontal axis, set the
cumulative population ratio, and on the vertical axis, set the income cumulative ratio
of these individuals as 100. The Lorenz curve is defined as the line connecting the total
population percentile and the corresponding income percentile.

Galileo used the term "proportional" to understand the concept of a function.

The distance an object travels in uniformly accelerated motion, increasing over
time from the moment of departure. In this case, distance and time change into a
dynamic physical phenomenon. In contemporary mathematics, these are referred
to as variables. To formalize the concept of functions, Galileo endeavored to find Examining the graph, the diagonal line in the 100
Total income
a mathematical relationship among these variables by assigning numerical values rectangle signifies a situation where the total percentile(%)
to them. However, to formalize the concept of a function, it was necessary to be income percentile matches the total population
physically measurable. For this reason, Galileo endeavored to separate measurable percentile. In other words, everyone possesses 50
Lorenz curve B

elements from natural phenomena. an equal income, indicating a completely 30

Lorenz curve A

Total population
In pursuit of this goal, he focused on objects moving in time and space. As a result, equal income distribution. However, in reality, percentile(%)

Galileo selected characteristics of objects, such as time, weight, velocity, force, and Lorenz curves such as A or B emerge due to the 0 25 50 75 100

momentum, that could be expressed mathematically through measurement. absence of a perfectly equal income distribution. Let’s compare the Lorenz curves A
Based on this, Galileo discovered that the time it takes for an object to descend along and B. If we consider 50% of the total population, in the case of curve A, they hold
a slope with the same height but different slopes is proportional to the length of the 30% of the total income, while in the case of curve B, they hold 25% of the total
slope. Additionally, he revealed that the distance traveled by an object undergoing income. This reveals that the degree of income inequality is more pronounced in curve
uniformly accelerated motion is proportional to the square of the time it takes to travel B than in A as one moves away from the diagonal line. In essence, the farther away
that distance. from the diagonal, the more severe the inequality in income distribution becomes.

356 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 357

Functions and Graphs: Understanding the Real World Where Phenomena
GM 0705 Are Projected GM 0706 How to Analyze and Interpret Given Information to Predict the Future

2. Gaining insights to see the truth without falling into the pitfalls of statistics
Table of Contents
In statistics, normal distribution is the most important. This is because normal
distribution is widely utilized in practice and theoretically emphasized due to the
1. Correspondence and correlation central limit theorem. The central limit theorem states simply that the average of
01. Human nature to try to correlate everything with samples with the same distribution converges to a normal distribution as the sample
numbers size increases. This theorem is of great significance as it provides a methodological
02. Proper understanding of correlation and causation foundation for making inferences about the population based on samples.

2. The world of infinity revealed through one-to-one

03. One-to-one correspondence as a tool of counting
and Cantor's infinity
04. Understanding functions that project phenomena

3. Functions visualized on the coordinate plane

05. Graphs of functions visually representing correspondences
06. The geometric significance of linear and quadratic
functions The fact that the central limit theorem holds regardless of the distributional form of
the population variable is significant. Even if variable X follows a distribution entirely
4. Linear and quadratic functions enabled the different from the normal distribution, the distribution of the sample mean of variable
mathematization of science X still follows a normal distribution. For instance, income is typically heavily skewed
07. Functions enabled the mathematical modeling of time towards the lower end, deviating significantly from a normal distribution. However,
08. Decline of humanities due to the mathematization imagine that we took a sample of 20,000 individuals to estimate the average income
of science of Americans. If we took only one sample, we could observe the " income distribution
for 20,000 people.” Still, we cannot observe the average income distribution since
5. Applications of function composition, inverse
the average income is a single value. However, with 20,000 samples taken repeatedly
functions, and floor functions
from a population of 300 million Americans, we can generate a histogram of the 7,000
09. Properties of inverse functions explored through
function composition sample means obtained from 7,000 repetitions. According to the central limit theorem,
this resembles a normal distribution.
10. Understanding floor functions in fee systems
Statistics do not lie. However, a lack of understanding of statistics can lead to a failure
6. Functions visually illustrate economic phenomena to accurately grasp the information hidden within the data. Conversely, individuals
11. Principles determining prices in market economies well-versed in statistics sometimes distort results with malicious intent. Instead of
12. Factors of price fluctuations and the Gini coefficient unquestioningly trusting a claim solely based on the word "statistics," it is essential to
approach statistical results with skepticism from various perspectives.

358 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 359

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0706 How to Analyze and Interpret Given Information to Predict the Future

3. Big data: a new language creating the future

Table of Contents
IT companies that once served as hubs for gathering information have begun researching
systematic methods to refine vast accumulated data. In other words, they are
preparing to evolve into DT (Digital Transformation) companies. What matters now is 1. Statistics originated from the analysis of death tolls
not just the quantity of information but how statistically well the data is interpreted. 01. The beginnings of statistics and the origin of the term
In essence, alongside the quantity of data, the quality of data has also become crucial.
02. Applications of statistics in every field
With the improvement of statistical techniques in processing data, artificial intelligence
has entered the realm of “composition,” which was once exclusively human. Everything 2. Various statistics that represent given data
alive and breathing has now become data. The frequent use of “big data” today aligns
03. Understanding key statistics such as mean and variance
with this context. When scattered, information that may seem meaningless becomes
significant when combined, revealing patterns and laws within. 04. Various representative values that tell us about
The greatness of big data lies in developing technologies that predict the future or the properties of data
bring happiness to humans by utilizing these laws. While computers analyze big data,
3. Statistics help us understand people and societies
finding meaning within it remains the realm of statisticians and data scientists.
05. Population and housing censuses reveal the current
situation of a country

06. Gender differences shown by statistical results

4. Various statistics announced by governments

07. Statistics for addressing international environmental
08. Economic activity census becoming a social issue

5. Statistical pitfalls within averages and variances

09. Statistics of blatant lies and plausible lies
Therefore, the emphasis on the importance of statistics cannot be overstated. Big data
refers to vast amounts of data generated in the digital environment, characterized 10. Meanings hidden within averages and variances
by its extensive scale, short generation cycles, and inclusion of numerical, textual,
and visual data. In the big data environment, where the quantity and variety of data 6. The power of statistics dominating the era of big data
have surged compared to the past, people's behaviors, as well as their thoughts, can 11. The information society constantly produces data
be analyzed and predicted through location information and social media. Presently,
12. Big data to manage cities and prepare for possible natural disasters
diverse and extensive data can be used to determine future national competitiveness.

360 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 361

GM 0707 The Marvels of Nature and the System of General Knowledge

2. Equations turning towards nature to humanity and society

To easily manipulate equations that have become a part of our daily lives, it is crucial
GM 0707 to have a precise understanding of the concept of variables. A variable is a letter
representing an unchanging relationship between changing numbers (mathematical
The Marvels of Nature entities) to convey a seemingly unchanging relationship.
and the System of
General Knowledge
Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 7
Math Theory: Information Theory

ISBN 978-1-64260-360-6
It is important to recognize the flexibility of variable names. In many mathematical
books, variable names are often arbitrarily assigned. Let's consider the following
9 781642 603606 example. "When there are two numbers, a and b, the average is .
Then, what is the average of two numbers, c and d?"
If a student writes as the answer to this problem, substituting c and d for a and b
1. The language of mathematics: the power of expressing 2
thoughts concisely in letters in the calculation, the student correctly understands the arbitrariness of variables.
On the other hand, a student who does not understand this may think there is another
Another example is ocean currents, influenced by the gravitational formula to find the average for the variables c and d. It is crucial to remember that
forces of the Moon and the Sun. The height of tides varies based on variables encompass a range of values. Students often tend to limit the possible values
the positions and distances of the Moon and the Sun, a phenomenon of variables to integers or natural numbers, thinking a is positive and -a is negative.
using the principles of physics dynamics. Nature conceals countless Moreover, due to familiarity with linear equations, some students may mistakenly
secrets, whether discovered or yet to be discovered. assume that a symbol can only take on a single value.
The advancements in mathematics and science from ancient Egypt Such misconceptions can be stumbling blocks in the study of mathematics and should
and Mesopotamia to the present have allowed us to discover and be carefully addressed. In today's society, the ideology of production, consumption,
explain the laws of nature. Numerals and letters have been crucial and competition dominates over human thought, emotions, and imaginative
elements in developing mathematics and science. A numeral is sensibility. In the past, traditional societies emphasized universal values and cultural
a symbol used to represent a number in a notation system. knowledge. Modern society imposes "practical values" and "specialized knowledge"
Notation systems associate one character with one abstract concept. dominated by the laws of science and technology. Even in such a societal atmosphere,
there is something we should never overlook–a rigorous reflection on the humanities
and humanities education.

362 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 363

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0707 The Marvels of Nature and the System of General Knowledge

3. Enriching human life through the application of equations

Table of Contents
26 participants were asked to make decisions in various situations, such as situations
where they could safely earn money and situations with significant risks but potential
rewards. During this process, the researchers observed changes in participants' brain 1. Uncovering the secrets hidden in nature through letters
activity through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and assessed the 01. An ideal mathematics education begins with
degree of happiness experienced at each stage. observing nature
02. Revealing patterns by attaching numbers and
Based on the collected data, the research team from University College London (UCL) letters to images
expressed the relationship between expectations, rewards, and happiness in an
equation. The team found that participants experienced the greatest happiness when 2. Greeks who viewed nature through the eyes of reason
successfully dealing with high-risk situations. This can be likened to feeling significant 03. Greek philosophy, shifting from nature to people
joy when unexpectedly enjoying a meal at a restaurant with low expectations. and society
The happiness equation can be defined using multiple variables as follows: 04. Belief in mathematical design and its development
t t t
w0 + w1 ∑ ãt− j CR j + w2 ∑
Happiness(t) = t− j
EVj + w3 ∑ t− j
RPE j 3. The world of “mathematics,” meaning a system
=j 1 =j 1 =j 1
of general knowledge
05. Mathematikoi, regular members of the Pythagorean school
06. The differentiation of disciplines leading to the
decline of humanities

4. Equations and inequalities that have made modern

society comfortable
07. The power of equations that have changed the world
08. Linear programming maximizes efficiency under
limited conditions

5. The digital age blossomed with the development

of computers and linear algebra
Here, t represents the number of trials, w0, w1, w2, w3 are weights, and γ is a value
between 0 and 1, quantifying the extent to which past trials influence the current 09. The essence of the digital age represented by 0 and 1
one. In this equation, CR stands for Certain Reward, representing the actual amount 10. Matrices forming the foundation of linear algebra
of reward received, such as money or points; EV is the Expected Value of the reward,
6. Algebra is the principle that defines nature, which governs the world
and RPE signifies the difference between CR and EV. Dr. Robb Rutledge, who led the
11. Algebra began alongside human history
research team, stated, "Happiness depends not on how well things are going but
whether things are going better or worse than expected." 12. The power of algebra to generalize special situations

364 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 365

GM 0709

Euclid’s Elements of
Geometry and the Concept
of Plane Geometry
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 7
Math Theory: Pictogram

GM 0708 $142.00
ISBN 978-1-64260-362-0

The Secrets of Nature and

Advanced Industrial Technologies 9 781642 603620

in Geometric Constructions

Category: Geometry 1. The development of geometry

along with human civilization
Target: Grade 7
Math Theory: Snell’s Law The Greeks played a central role in
developing ancient mathematics, mainly
ISBN 978-1-64260-361-3 through their tradition of logical systems
and reasoning, which still form the basis
of mathematical thinking today.
9 781642 603613

1. Development of mythical philosophy into

naturalistic philosophy in ancient geometry

Ancient mathematicians discovered the properties of

figures through construction, enabling them to uncover
the secrets of nature relatively accurately.

366 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 367

General Mathematics Series 144 The Secrets of Nature and Advanced Industrial Technologies in Geometric
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0708 Constructions

2. The drawing techniques of ancient Greece reborn through origami 3. Application of geometric construction in regulations and industrial design
When people hear "construction” in geometry today, they often think of compasses Regardless of the purpose of construction, the primary goal should always be to create
and rulers. However, the original concept of construction includes three rules: a sturdy structure using safe and appropriate materials. Generating precise design
First, we can draw a circle with any given point as the center and any given line drawings based on accurate structural calculations and meticulous construction
segment as the radius. To do this, open the compass to the length of the given planning and process management is essential. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately
segment, fix the needle at the given point, and rotate it a full circle. convey the designer's requirements to the constructors.
Second, we can connect two given points with a line segment. Creating blueprints, following specific rules, and using lines, letters, and symbols to
Third, w  e can extend a given line segment as much as we want. accurately depict a product's shape, structure, size, material, and processing methods
It is astonishing how we can draw numerous figures with just a few simple basic rules. by specifications is called "drafting." Drafting aims to convey the drafter's intentions
to the user clearly and easily. If the drafter lacks knowledge of construction methods
while creating drawings, it can lead to serious safety issues by not accurately reflecting
their intentions. Therefore, the drafter should pay careful attention to meeting the
basic requirements of the drafting, including the following.

Basic Requirements for Drafting

① The drawing must include information about the size, shape, orientation, and
position and additional details such as materials and processing methods as
② The information should be expressed in a clear and easily understandable
③ The representation should carry a clear meaning, avoiding any ambiguous
Let’s explore the aesthetic approach to drawing various motifs and patterns, moving interpretations.
beyond mathematical methods. What kind of figure is formed following these steps? ④ Commonly used symbols across various fields should be employed to maintain
Draw a line segment AB and find the 4 equally spaced points from top to bottom, consistency and universality.
denoting them as C, D, and E. Draw a circle with center D, passing through point A.
Draw an upper semicircle with center C and radius AC.
Draw a lower semicircle with center E and radius EB. Even without directly drawing it,
we can recognize the appearance of a Taeguk pattern.

We can construct complex figures by repeating simple rules. First, draw an equilateral
triangle and mark the midpoints of each side. Connecting the midpoints creates four
congruent equilateral triangles. Repeat the process for the remaining equilateral In the past, architecture and industrial design focused on functional and aesthetic
triangles, excluding the central one, to create congruent triangles. aspects. Recently, humanistic elements have also been strongly reflected in design.
Continuing this process results in a fractal figure known as the Sierpinski gasket. A representative example is Universal Design (UD). Universal Design advocates for
Constructed figures carry mathematical principles and rules, adding to their beauty. "design for all."

368 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 369

The Secrets of Nature and Advanced Industrial Technologies in Geometric
GM 0708 Constructions GM 0709 Euclid’s Elements of Geometry and the Concept of Plane Geometry

2. The importance of Euclidean geometry and the emergence of

Table of Contents non-Euclidean geometry
In mathematics, there are definitions, axioms, and theorems. Let's delve more into the
1. Naturalistic philosophers beyond religions celebrated work Elements of Geometry, often revered as a model of mathematical
01. Greek and Roman myths are still alive textbooks. Euclid first defines points, lines, planes, and circles. He then presents
02. Naturalistic philosophers of Ionia five postulates and five axioms. Then, he proves propositions individually, carefully
arranging them in a sequence that allows proving each proposition solely based on
2. Modern naturalistic philosophers are biologists previously proven ones. It is astonishing that such a book was written around 2300
03. Biology is the study of observing nature years ago.
04. Geometry originates from observing and
measuring nature

3. Numerous experiences contained in geometric

05. How to draw figures with only a compass and
a straightedge
06. Various properties of figures revealed through
geometric construction

4. Fascinating construction principles involved

in origami
07. Geometric constructions found in origami Since the release of Elements, anyone studying mathematics has followed Euclid's
08. Origami utilizing from leisure to the advanced approach. This approach extended to the writing of mathematical books. The process
industrial technologies involves establishing definitions, setting axioms, and deducing theorems.
A set of axioms should be non-contradictory and capable of deducing all other
5. Beautiful motifs and patterns revealed through
geometric construction theorems. The fewer axioms, the better. This process is known as formulating an axiom
system, and Euclid was the first to establish the axiom system for geometry.
09. Geometric motifs created through construction
10. Nature's rules embedded in motifs and patterns Later, Hilbert discovered hidden flaws in the logic presented by Euclid in Elements. He
identified propositions that were neither postulates nor proven truths and definitions
6. Computer graphics and geometric construction, that were unnecessary. To eliminate these shortcomings, Hilbert introduced undefined
the basis of all designs terms (point, line, plane) and undefined relations (lie on, between, congruence).
11. Technical drawing using geometric construction Undefined terms, or primitive notions, refer to terms used without explicit definitions.
12. Computer graphics born from a combination of art and technology When defining one term in terms of others and creating a chain of definitions, the
term used without definition becomes an undefined term.

370 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 371

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0709 Euclid’s Elements of Geometry and the Concept of Plane Geometry

3. Figures: nature's language transcending time and space

Table of Contents
A “map,” which allows us to grasp geographical information at a glance, can be
considered a synthesis of geometry. Various methods have been developed to
represent the spherical shape of the Earth, which lacks a net diagram on a plane. 1. Egyptian empirical mathematics and Greek logical
One of the most commonly seen maps around us is created using the Mercator mathematics
projection, a type of cylindrical projection. Imagine a transparent globe with a light 01. The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus and practical
bulb inside, surrounded by a cylindrical piece of paper. When the light bulb is turned mathematics of Egypt
on, a shadow of the Earth's land shapes is cast onto the cylindrical paper. 02. Greek mathematics valued logical systems
By connecting these shadows with lines, the three-dimensional shape of the Earth's 2. Euclid’s Elements , the second bestseller after the Bible
land can be transferred onto the flat surface of the paper. 03. Euclid’s Elements is the Bible of mathematics
Various maps with different appearances can be drawn based on different projection 04. Greek mathematicians who proved through
methods, such as the conic and planar projections. However, Mercator's projection has drawings rather than letters
drawbacks, one of the most significant being that the areas on the map do not reflect 3. Points, lines, and planes in nature, and their mutual
the actual sizes. Maps drawn using the Mercator projection depict polar regions much positional relations
larger than their actual size because, as latitude increases, the longitude intervals are 05. Points, lines, and planes observable in nature
drawn wider than in reality. To address this issue, people developed methods such as 06. A line formed by gathering points and a plane
the sinusoidal projection, Mollweide projection, and homolosine projection, which formed by gathering lines
accurately represent the land's appearance in proportion to the actual area.
4. New natural phenomena emerging through
various transformations
07. Natural movements involve translation, reflection,
and rotation
08. Beautiful patterns revealed through various
5. How to measure the circumference of the Earth
using properties of plane figures
09. Eratosthenes who estimated the circumference of
Drawing a gigantic Earth on a single sheet of paper is possible using the principle of the Earth, and the metric system
similarity of figures. However, it is entirely useless in a picture where only the size and
10. The miscalculated size of the Earth and Magellan’s circumnavigation
positions of the land masses are indicated. Once the background is drawn, essential
information such as compass directions, symbols and legends, scale, contour lines, and 6. Figures: a natural language easily understood by everyone
more must be added. Only when these elements are present can it be called a map. 11. Chemists who have discovered the structure of nature using points and lines
In one corner of a map is a symbol shaped like the number 4, indicating the cardinal 12. Figures in maps and pictograms easily understood by everyone
directions of east, west, south, and north. This symbol is called a compass rose.

372 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 373

GM 0710 The Importance of Humanities in Identifying Regularity within Patterns

2. Humanistic insight: competitiveness in the digital age

Understanding behavioral patterns helps in better comprehending the actions of
GM 0710 others and contributes to improving relationships.
Conflicts can diminish when we understand aspects like someone's personality and
The Importance of Humanities interpersonal relationship style, making effective communication possible. Whether
in Identifying Regularity researching natural phenomena or conducting social science investigations, we may
encounter limitations in our research without a foundation in the humanities.
within Patterns

Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 7
Math Theory: Olbers’ Paradox

ISBN 978-1-64260-363-7

9 781642 603637
It is repeatedly emphasized in this book that we must observe nature to uncover the
secrets embedded in nature. Considering that humans are also part of nature, the
ways in which people address different aspects can be regarded as solutions
presented by nature. The humanities reveal how humans have dealt with problems
1. The era when scientists also need humanities
and lived their lives as integral members of nature. Therefore, the humanities, a field
It is necessary to uncover hidden rules to understand and utilize that explores human experiences, cultures, arts, languages, and more from various
patterns in nature. Understanding patterns in nature does not perspectives, play a crucial role in today’s society.
merely involve memorizing and applying mathematical formulas. The humanities, encompassing disciplines such as literature, history, and philosophy,
It requires recognizing the humanistic meaning embedded within allow us to comprehend diverse viewpoints and perspectives. Understanding
patterns, taking us one step closer to the secrets of nature. perspectives from different eras, cultures, and regions expands the dimensions of
Ideal mathematical study involves identifying motifs through thought, enhancing creativity and flexibility in problem-solving.
observing nature, assigning numbers or symbols to each motif, Moreover, enhancing emotional intelligence through poetry, art, philosophy, and
and revealing the hidden patterns within nature. the like enriches our sensibilities and emotions. Cultivating sensibility provides new
interpretations of life, enabling a higher level of emotional intelligence in human
relationships and communication. Exploring various aspects of language through
literature, linguistics, and linguistic philosophy can enhance language proficiency
and expressive skills. High-level language proficiency enables clear communication
and helps convey complex ideas and emotions. It also plays a role in ensuring logical
accuracy when developing mathematical theories.

374 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 375

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0710 The Importance of Humanities in Identifying Regularity within Patterns

3. Enriching our lives through biomimicry technology

Table of Contents
The technological advancement of humanity has originated from the interaction with
nature. Nature constantly provides rich inspiration, and humans have innovatively
developed technologies by imitating nature's mysterious designs and principles. 1. Patterns and motifs within animals and plants
Nature offers aesthetic pleasure and enables contemplation of the efficient functions 01. Unique motifs of animals and plants
of living organisms. Countless organisms have evolved over millions of years,
02. Motifs are a language through which nature and
undergoing trial and error to optimize their functions for survival on Earth.
humans communicate
These characteristics of organisms are ideal models for technological creations.

Features like bird wings, tree branches, and the biological structures of animals 2. Patterns in the rules that govern the vast universe
stimulate technological imagination. Technology also strives for sustainable 03. The solar system, where both rotation and
development. As concerns about environmental issues rise, technology looks to revolution coexist
nature's principles for eco-friendly solutions. Solar energy, wind power generation, 04. Mesmerizing patterns within galaxies
and biodiversity conservation are examples of the results of these efforts.
Understanding the relationship between nature and technology is crucial as their 3. Understanding patterns in human behavior
interaction continues to bring about remarkable innovations and sustainable 05. Movement patterns depending on body types
development. Biomimetics is a discipline and field of technology that utilizes biological
models to solve technical problems and design innovative solutions. 06. Behavioral patterns reflecting crowd psychology

4. Patterns where time and space exist in harmony

07. Regularity of space and the history of time

08. Biological clocks of organisms traveling through time

5. Broad knowledge of humanities elevates our

dimension of understanding
09. Humanities, the hot topic of discussion in
modern society
The goal is to mimic various natural organisms' structures, functions, and processes
10. "Olbers' paradox": the reason why the night sky is not full of stars
to discover innovative and efficient technological solutions. Biomimetics involves
designing products or systems by imitating the structures and forms of various 6. Biomimetics utilizes patterns in nature
organisms, including animals, plants, and microorganisms.
11. Nature: guidebook for developing new technologies
For example, airplanes have wing designs inspired by the wings of birds. Another
crucial characteristic of biomimetics is the imitation of the functions or characteristics 12. Impact of biomimetics on our lives
of nature to address specific technical problems.

376 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 377

GM 0711

Plato’s Geometric Model: Understanding

How Humanity and the Universe Operate GM 0712
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 7 The Structure of Nature Is a
Math Theory: Perspective Fractal World of Enlargement
and Reduction of Figures
ISBN 978-1-64260-364-4
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 7
9 781642 603644 Math Theory: Biomimicry

ISBN 978-1-64260-365-1
1. The study of Plato's philosophy on
education and polyhedrons
9 781642 603651
The purpose of studying this book, much like
Plato intended, is to comprehend solid figures
accurately and unveil the vivid operational
1. Similarity and fractals revealed through
principles of nature.
ratios and rates
Meticulous observation and the ability to
depict objects through drawings are essential Even a brief observation of nature reveals similarities
to comprehend the secrets of the universe, among its components. For instance, a vertical
including the Earth and the universe. cross-section of broccoli exposes larger and
smaller branches that resemble each other as they
diverge. Upon closer examination, we can observe
a resemblance between the overall shape and the
patterns formed by the smaller branches.

378 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 379

General Mathematics Series 144 Plato’s Geometric Model: Understanding How Humanity and the
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0711 Universe Operate

2. The exploration of regular polyhedrons initiated by the study of the 3. How do we apply the solid figures emerging through a plane?
composition of the universe
Certain quantities of protons and neutrons make a nucleus relatively more stable,
If it is possible to create a polyhedron using only one type of regular polygon, it also leading to the designation of these numbers as “magic numbers.” Nanoparticles also
naturally leads to the idea that polyhedrons can be constructed using two or exhibit “magic numbers.” In some alkali metal nano-clusters like lithium or sodium,
more types of polygons. Such polyhedrons are called semi-regular polyhedrons the outermost electrons of each atom come together to form a new electron shell.
or Archimedean solids, initially discovered by the ancient Greek mathematician The electron shell becomes completely filled when the number of electrons is 2, 8, 18,
Archimedes. However, while Archimedes is credited with the discovery, the specific and so on. In such cases, the cluster adopts a stable structure, and the quantity of
shapes were unknown until Kepler revealed all 13 shapes in 1619. synthesized clusters with these “magic numbers” tends to be relatively higher.
“Magic numbers” also appear in nanoparticles shaped like polyhedrons. An example
is the regular icosahedron composed of 20 equilateral triangles. Nano-clusters with
a single shell in the shape of a regular icosahedron consist of a total of 13 atoms,
including the central atom. Nanoparticles composed of inert gases like argon, krypton,
and xenon form stable regular icosahedral shapes. These numbers are referred to as
“geometric magic numbers.” In the past, the official FIFA soccer balls used in World
Cup matches resembled a "truncated icosahedron.” It was crafted by joining together
12 regular pentagons and 20 regular hexagons of leather pieces. As a result, the C60
nanocluster is sometimes compared to the shape of a soccer ball.
When mathematically defining Archimedean solids, they can be described as convex
polyhedrons where all faces are composed of either two or three different regular
polygons, and all vertices are identical in their arrangement of faces. Note that
prisms and antiprisms also fit this definition but are excluded. There are a total of 13
Archimedean solids, which can be categorized into three types. First, five solids are
created by truncating each regular polyhedron: truncated tetrahedron, truncated
hexahedron (cube), truncated octahedron, truncated dodecahedron, and truncated
icosahedron. Additionally, there are three solids composed of squares and triangles:
cuboctahedron, expanded cuboctahedron, truncated cuboctahedron, and snub What does a regular polyhedron look like in the nanoparticle world?
cube. A cuboctahedron can be considered an intermediate shape between a regular A regular tetrahedron made up of four equilateral triangles is a common structure
hexahedron and a regular octahedron. Furthermore, the icosidodecahedron can be in the "tetra-atomic molecule," consisting of four atoms. However, this shape is not
formed by combining triangles and pentagons. Three variations can be created using commonly observed in nanoparticles of more than four atoms.
it. From this, three more figures can be derived, resulting in the icosidodecahedron, An example of such a rarely seen nanocluster with a regular tetrahedral shape is the
truncated icosidodecahedron, expanded pentagonal icosidodecahedron, and snub gold nano-particle. A paper published in the scientific journal Science revealed that
dodecahedron. Notably, icosidodecahedrons can be considered intermediate figures a nanoparticle of 20 gold atoms (Au20) forms a regular tetrahedral shape, representing
between regular dodecahedrons and icosahedrons. a "magic number" nanocluster. The number 20 corresponds to the "magic number"
that fills the electron shell.

380 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 381

Plato’s Geometric Model: Understanding How Humanity and the The Structure of Nature Is a Fractal World of Enlargement and Reduction
GM 0711 Universe Operate GM 0712 of Figures

2. Principles of creation and destruction in fractals

Table of Contents
Let's explain fractal dimensions mathematically. When we think of dimensions, we
1. Plato's philosophy and the first European university, typically consider integer dimensions like 1D, 2D, 3D, etc. In other words, we perceive
the "Academia " lines as 1D, surfaces as 2D, and solids as 3D. We might assume that shapes with non-
integer dimensions don't exist.
01. Philosopher king of Plato, who founded the "Academia"
02. Plato's masterpiece, The Apology of Socrates

2. Platonic solids, which constitute the universe, and

the cycle of regular polyhedrons
03. The five regular polyhedrons that compose the universe
04. Understanding Euler’s polyhedral formula through
regular polyhedrons

3. Surface areas and volumes of solid figures and

Archimedean solids
However, fractal shapes defy this notion. For instance, consider repeatedly dividing
05. Understanding semi-regular polyhedrons within a given line segment into three parts and removing the middle portion. Even without
a soccer ball
a mathematical explanation, we intuitively anticipate that the sum of the lengths of
06. How to find surface areas and volumes of various solids
the remaining segments will gradually decrease towards 0. However, not all segments
4. Cubist painters, who wanted to describe the disappear; instead, an infinite number of segments closer to points remain.
essence of objects In other words, a shape emerges with a dimension higher than a point but lower than
07. Realist painters depict reality as it is a line. Such cases with non-integer dimensions are referred to as fractal dimensions.
08. Cubism objectively expresses the essence of form As a side note, the shape generated in this manner is called the Cantor set, and its
dimension is 0.6309.
5. Methods for representing three-dimensional
shapes on a two-dimensional plane Dimension can be calculated as follows: Consider that each segment of a shape is
magnified by a factor of n, and this process generates m identical shapes. In other
09. Examining the properties of polyhedrons through nets
and cross-section views words, if we think that, for a line segment, the length is magnified by “n” times, for
a surface, the length of each side is magnified by “n” times, and for a solid, the length
10. Perspective drawings: draw what you see
of each edge is magnified by “n” times, then the original shape results in “m" copies.
6. Utilization of virtual reality technology with solid figures protruding Then, the dimension D that satisfies nD=m is considered the dimension of the shape.
from the screen For example, let's take a square.
11. Advancement of three-dimensional imaging technology If we double each side, we end up with four identical squares. If we triple each side,
12. The world of virtual reality that makes you feel like you are actually there we obtain nine identical squares. Therefore, to satisfy 2D=4 and 3D=9, the value for D
becomes 2, indicating that the dimension of a plane shape is 2D.

382 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 383

General Mathematics Series 144 The Structure of Nature Is a Fractal World of Enlargement and Reduction
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0712 of Figures

3. Fractal technology enhancing efficiency and realism

Table of Contents
Recent electronic products have improved in performance while becoming smaller
in size. As electronic devices become smaller, there is a growing need to efficiently
manage the heat generated by these products. The accumulation of internal heat can 1. Ratios and proportions compare different sizes
and quantities
reduce the product's functionality and, in the worst case, lead to damage requiring
replacement. This issue is more common in smaller electronic devices. Engineers at 01. Ratios and proportions compare relative differences
in quantity
Oregon State University developed a fractal pattern to cool silicon chips, utilizing the
property that cooling fluids flow uniformly across the chip surface. They created such 02. Continued ratio and proportional distribution in the
proportional representation
a fractal pattern by mimicking the structure of blood vessels designed to maintain
body temperature by circulating throughout every corner. 2. Properties of figures when enlarged or reduced
The development of fractals would not be possible without the progress of computers. 03. Congruence and similarity of figures
Positively stated, it can be expressed as "Various technologies utilizing fractals can 04. Similarity of figures involving the golden ratio
be developed with the help of computers.” Fractals embody the coexistence of the
concepts of time and space. Coastal lines have evolved into their current forms over 3. The secret of nature involving repetition of creation
thousands of years, while ferns that emerged in the Mesozoic era have survived with and extinction
minimal external changes. 05. Nature maintaining balance amidst creation and extinction
06. Human greed disrupts the balance of nature

4. Nature and fractals that could not be explained

by Euclidean geometry
07. Nature, which reveals its whole form, even when
parts are magnified
08. The world perceived by Mandelbrot, the "father of

5. Fractals of history, the repeating wheel of time

09. Structure of nature in Elliott wave theory
If we can unravel the secrets within fractals, we might understand past events and
anticipate future changes. In geology, computer simulations based on fractal theory 10. Coup d’états and wars repeat throughout history
are widely utilized, significantly assisting earthquake prediction and petroleum 6. Understanding fractal structures and maximizing utility
extraction. Research on creating stratification in the ground with two types of fractal
11. Computer graphics technology and fractals
structures is expected to enhance the accuracy of earthquake predictions. Moreover,
petroleum companies are employing fractal theory to locate oil reservoirs and 12. Fractals create smaller and more efficient structures
developing techniques to extract oil from wells efficiently.

384 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 385

We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Secondary Courses
In ancient civilizations predating Greece, nature was perceived
as chaotic and incomprehensible. People regarded nature with
fear, believing that natural phenomena were merely whims of the 2. Basic Mathematics / Grade 8
gods. Consequently, during drought, they would perform rituals,
GM 0801 Pythagoras’ Heavenly Garden and the World of Dense
and during disease outbreaks, they would appease angry deities
Rational Numbers
through prayer. People relied heavily on the existence of gods,
GM 0802 Ancient Mathematics: A Beautiful Language Created by Nature
as they performed rituals until rain came or prayed until diseases
GM 0803 The Key Element in Designing Nature: Conceptual
Frameworks Created by Mathematicians
As Greece entered the scene, there was a growing presence GM 0804 Algebra: The Study of Mathematical Structures through Symbols
of intellectuals who viewed nature from a rational perspective. GM 0805 Understanding and Utilizing Time and Space in Magnetic
Greeks began questioning the belief that gods controlled human Resonance Imaging
affairs and nature, striving to understand nature through rational GM 0806 Understanding the Magnitude of Real Numbers, Number
Lines, and Inequalities
and analytical methods. As a result, mythology and religion were
rejected. A new belief emerged that hidden laws governed nature GM 0807 Utilizing the Linear Programming and Simultaneous Linear
Inequalities in the Modern Society
and that there was order within it.
GM 0808 The Principle of Scarcity and the Optimization Theory in
Solving the Problem of Choice
GM 0809 The Mystery of Nature in Triangles and Demonstrative Geometry
GM 0810 Probability: Representing Chance Events and Uncertainties Numerically
GM 0811 The Mathematical Nature of Probability and Human Happiness
GM 0812 How Humans and Nature Make Choices: Assigning Values
and Sustaining Species

386 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 387

GM 0801 Pythagoras’ Heavenly Garden and the World of Dense Rational Numbers

2. Understanding fractions, decimals, and rational numbers that revolutionized

advances in mathematics and science
GM 0801 What are the characteristics of fractions represented by finite decimals?
The emergence of fractions and decimals in mathematics can be attributed to the
Pythagoras’ Heavenly Garden efforts of mathematicians who sought to extend numbers beyond the realm of natural
and the World of Dense numbers, enabling measurement of even smaller quantities. Typically, fractions are
calculated using line segments, while decimals use the base-10 (decimal) system.
Rational Numbers Between these subtle distinctions lies an interesting perspective.

Category: Number Theory

Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Half-Life Formula

ISBN 978-1-64260-366-8

9 781642 603668

Firstly, decimals can be represented in the form of fractions. For instance, 0.3 or 0.5
involves dividing a segment of length 1, with endpoints 0 and 1, into 10 equal parts,
1. What is the purpose of studying density in mathematics
representing the 3rd and 5th points, respectively. In fractional notation, these are
and science? 3 5
expressed as and . Decimals can always be expressed as fractions with
While rational numbers spread densely along the number line, some 10 10
denominators as powers of 10. Moreover, in reduced fractions, when the denominator's
points on the number line are not rational. There is a difference
prime factors are only 2 and 5, it can always be represented as a finite decimal.
between mathematical density and scientific density. The meaning
of the word implies being so closely packed that no gaps exist. So, what happens when reduced fractions have prime factors other than 2 and 5 in the
In science, atoms or molecules have a size, and if we break down denominator? For example, expressing as a decimal results in a recurring decimal
a substance finely enough, we reach a point where it can no longer like 0.714285714285..., where 7, 1, 4, 2, 8, 5 repeat infinitely. When a number is divided
be broken down further. Consequently, no other atoms can exist by 7, the remainder is one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Therefore, by continuously dividing by 7,
between two different atoms. However, in mathematics, points have the same remainder will eventually occur, creating a recurring decimal as the previous
no size. Mathematical density takes on a different meaning since operations repeat. The quotient obtained in the recurring calculations becomes the
there are infinite points between two points on a line, no matter how recurring block. In the example given above, dividing 5 by 7 results in remainders of 1,
much we divide and subdivide a line. 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, ..., and after the sixth iteration, the initial 5 recurs. From that point
onward, the calculations repeat in the same manner as before.

388 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 389

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0801 Pythagoras’ Heavenly Garden and the World of Dense Rational Numbers

3. How do we apply approximate values very close to rational values?

Table of Contents
When expressing the amount of water in a cup, approximations using rational
 1   80 
numbers such as one-half   or 80 percent 80%  are commonly used.
 2  100  1. Mathematics within the philosophy and aesthetics
However, at this point, the exact amount of water was not measured but estimated of the Pythagorean school
visually. In news or visual media, approximations like this are commonly employed. 01. The Greek philosopher who developed art into
For instance, statements such as “The number of residents affected by the flood so far a field of study
is around 1,000” or “The distance from the Earth to the Moon is approximately 380,000 02. The Pythagorean school’s ideas and proportional
km” often express rounded values. However, these are not precise figures; they are relationships
estimations or, in other words, approximate values.
2. Natural numbers and fractions that came to be
People tend to round off numbers as they increase. Additionally, even if we were to used naturally
accurately state a large number down to the units, it is unlikely that anyone would 03. The emergence of natural numbers and Peano axioms
remember the entire number from beginning to end. People value the sense that 04. Various fractions and their operations used in
a number conveys more than its precise value. Saying “about 50,000” is more ancient civilizations
comfortable than stating “48,792.”
3. Decimals resolved the inconveniences of fractions
05. The concept of numbers born out of necessity
06. The birth of decimals and its important role in
modern society

4. The world of rational numbers expressed as decimals

07. The logical basis of recurring decimals and
representation of fractions
08. The Heavenly Garden, rational numbers and polygons

5. The fall of the Pythagorean school and the role of

When approximating numbers in our daily lives, we use rounding off, rounding up, and
irrational numbers
rounding down. Rounding up can be applied in situations like this: when selling 100cm
09. Ancient Greek education, in which philosophy was developed
kite strings at a stationery store, if the required length is 245 cm, buying a 200cm
string will be 45cm short, so rounding up to the nearest hundred and purchasing 10. Religious lifestyle and downfall of the Pythagorean school
a 300cm string is necessary. Secondly, rounding down can be applied in situations like 6. Advanced industrial technology represented by rational numbers
this: when packing 456 apples for sale in boxes of 100, if 400 apples are packed in four and approximations
boxes, the remaining 56 apples cannot be sold. Therefore, rounding down and selling 11. Estimate the world using approximations
only the 400 apples is possible. Lastly, rounding can be applied in situations like this: 12. Errors that indicate the accuracy of approximations
data such as "the population is approximately tens of thousands" is often rounded.

390 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 391

GM 0802

Ancient Mathematics:
A Beautiful Language
Created by Nature GM 0803
Category: Algebra
The Key Element in
Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Abstraction Theory
Designing Nature:
Conceptual Frameworks
ISBN 978-1-64260-367-5
Created by Mathematicians
Category: Algebra
9 781642 603675 Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Factorization

1. What is the purpose of studying ISBN 978-1-64260-368-2
the language that uncovers the
secrets of beautiful nature?
9 781642 603682
Mathematics is a beautiful language
crafted by nature. It is the discipline
of creating programs that predict how
1. What is the purpose of studying
nature will be generated and become
written language, a system of
extinct by observing patterns and rules
visual symbols?
in the seemingly chaotic realm of nature.
Symbolization was inevitable to make
mathematical statements clearer and
more concise, and the use of symbols
and letters was a crucial step in the
development of algebra.

392 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 393

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0802 Ancient Mathematics: A Beautiful Language Created by Nature

2. How can mathematics serve as the basis for educational methods? 3. How do we apply fractals, nature’s similarity structures?
When reading historical accounts, it is essential to critically analyze what is subjective Traditionally, in the East, when meeting someone new, it is customary to inquire about
and factual. If multiple historians record an event, it is advisable to read various their age, and the older person often takes on the responsibility of covering the cost of
perspectives to approach it from different angles. the meal. However, in the West, asking about age when meeting someone for the first
Historians’ interpretations of the same historical events vary depending on their time is considered impolite. Additionally, individuals typically handle their own meal
perspective. If viewed from the victim's standpoint, emphasis is placed on the injustice expenses. Understanding such cultural differences is essential for fully mastering the
of the incident and the brutality of the perpetrator. Conversely, from the perpetrator's language of a particular country.
perspective, efforts are made to attribute legitimacy to the event.
Mathematics is the common language nature and humans share, but it is difficult
to understand nature solely through mathematical knowledge. To comprehend and
explain nature, it is necessary to understand its culture. What can be considered as the
culture of nature? Perhaps it is not very different from the culture of human society.
Common behaviors of living organisms and all entities created and disappearing in
nature can be considered as the culture of nature. Understanding the culture of nature
will reveal the rules embedded within it. Mathematics expresses these rules in a way
that people can understand them.

However, mathematical documents recording factual information remain free from

such subjective views. The statement 1+1=2 has remained an unchanging truth from
ancient times to the present, consistently documented across different eras and
nations. What makes Pythagoras and Euclid influential to this day?
While there could be various reasons, perhaps it is because they left a legacy of results
concerning mathematical theories that can be considered immutable truths.

The educational role of Euclid's Elements can be summarized into three aspects. Let's explain with a few examples. The weather is hot. The weather is cold. I am hungry.
Firstly, through this book, we can become acquainted with the typical method of Mom is upset. Why so? Even if we do not know exactly, each phenomenon must have
dialectical analysis, known as the hypothesis-deductive method. a reason. Another example is filling a swimming pool with water. If 500L of water is
Secondly, mathematical truths become eternal if the foundational concepts and poured from the tap every hour, how much water will be filled after 6 hours?
axioms derived through knowledge organization are self-evident. Furthermore, these If the amount of water increases over time, and a constant amount of water is poured
truths become independent of sensory experience. at regular intervals, we can calculate the past and future amounts of water. In cases
Thirdly, insight into mathematical theories prepares the mind for understanding where a certain result occurs due to a specific cause, we say there is a dependency
the ultimate goal of education – the immutable truth. To analyze recorded history relationship between the cause and the effect. The mathematical expression of such
accurately, objective data revealing the societal conditions of the time is necessary. situations is called a function. A function is a concept created to understand the
In this context, mathematical books can serve as criteria for assessing objectivity. relationship between the observed phenomena and their causes.

394 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 395

The Key Element in Designing Nature: Conceptual Frameworks Created
GM 0802 Ancient Mathematics: A Beautiful Language Created by Nature GM 0803 by Mathematicians

2. Letter symbols that became the foundation for algebra

Table of Contents
The equation will always be true no matter what number we put in a letter in
a multiplication or factorization formula. For example, x2–1=(x+1)(x–1) is an equation
1. Letters: the standard for distinguishing between true for all x values. Like this, an equation that always holds no matter what value is
prehistoric and historic eras substituted for the character included in the expression is called the character’s “identity.”
01. Sounds and gestures: the languages of animals An equation is an identity for x if it contains one of the following meanings:
and plants • It holds true regardless of x.
02. Human history recorded through letters • It holds true for any x.
• This holds true for all x.
2. Characteristics of languages used around the world
• This holds true no matter what value x is.
03. Language as a means to understand a country's
culture and society
04. Hangul: the most scientific language in the world

3. The beginning of deciphering ancient languages

lies in the analysis of numbers and characters
05. Hieroglyphics and cuneiform: records of ancient
06. Deciphering ancient languages through
mathematics, an immutable truth

4. Mathematics in ancient East Asian societies,

exclusive to rulers
Identities with this property become the logical basis for multiplication formulas and
07. Rulers who were afraid of enlightening the people
factorization. When studying multiplication formulas and factoring in algebra, it is
08. Anecdotes related to multiplication tables and important to distinguish between the procedural and structural aspects of algebra.
ancient East Asian math books
The procedural aspect involves arithmetic operations carried out to obtain numerical
5. Ancient Western mathematics is open to everyone values. For example, in the expression 2x+y, simply substituting 3 for x and 6 for y to
09. Ancient Western society and culture emphasizing equality get 12 is an arithmetic operation, which is part of the procedural aspect of algebra.
10. Ancient Western mathematics recorded in the natural language Similarly, trying different values to find the value of the variables in an equation like
2x+y=9 is also an example of the procedural aspect.
6. Language and mathematics connecting nature to humanity and society On the other hand, the structural aspect of algebra involves a diverse set of operations
11. Language connecting individuals to societies, and societies to societies performed on algebraic expressions rather than specific numerical values. Simplifying
12. The connection between nature and humanity through mathematics expressions like 2x+y+6x to 8x+y or subtracting 3x from both sides of an equation like
3x+4=5x-2 to get 4=2x-2 demonstrate the structural aspect of algebra.

396 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 397

General Mathematics Series 144 The Key Element in Designing Nature: Conceptual Frameworks Created
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0803 by Mathematicians

3. The practicality of computer science leading to rapid advancements in

science and technology Table of Contents

Machine learning largely consists of algorithms, data, and hardware infrastructure.

Algorithms related to machine learning emerged decades ago, and many related 1. The conceptual framework of mathematicians and
technologies are also open-source. The essence of machine learning lies in the the use of letters
quantity of data. The greater the amount of data, the higher the quality. 01. The origins of humanity and the history of writing
Therefore, building an infrastructure that can process a large amount of data is 02. Numerical substitution and components of an expression
necessary. Although machine learning methods were known in the past, machine
learning experiments could not be conducted because the infrastructure could not 2. Advancement of scientific civilization achieved
through exponentiation and letters
keep up. However, now that the level of technology and hardware has improved,
a sufficient foundation for experiments has been laid. 03. Various counting methods in an era without numbers
04. Exponentiation as a method of expressing
In 2023, seven years after AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol, a new artificial intelligence service
astronomical numbers
called ChatGPT caught the world's attention. Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer
(ChatGPT) is a language model that uses natural language processing techniques to 3. Multiplication formulas contain the concept of identities
converse, predicting the next word in an input sentence. It was created by learning 05. Identities, the logical basis for multiplication formulas
on large datasets, allowing it to carry out natural conversations. It is exciting that
06. Visual understanding of multiplication formulas
machines understand human language and find answers independently.
4. Identities represent the structure and phenomena
of society
07. Identities embedded in a company's success strategies
08. Cognitive psychology seeking identities in human behavior

5. Prime factorization to decompose natural numbers

and factorization to decompose expressions
09. The purpose of learning multiplication formulas
and factorization
For a machine to process natural language, all data must be recorded and manipulated 10. Prime factorization as a process of generalization
numerically. This task is possible by converting words or sentences (letters) into
6. Implementation of artificial intelligence using multiplication formulas
numbers and storing them. In other words, we can see that algebra plays a vital role in
and factorization
natural language processing technology. Experts say that as much as 90% of the data
people generate is unstructured data. Almost all data obtained from web crawling, 11. Artificial intelligence at the forefront of modern scientific technology
voice recording files, content on social media, etc., is unstructured. The process of 12. Natural language processing technology as a method of factoring language
turning unstructured data into meaningful data is called natural language processing.

398 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 399

GM 0804 Algebra: The Study of Mathematical Structures through Symbols

2. The logical basis for the mathematical structure revealed through signs?

After the 15th century, symbols for addition and subtraction were represented with
GM 0804 p and m, respectively. It is easy to understand that p stands for “plus,” and m stands
for “minus.” In the 15th century, Germans used the symbols + and - to indicate
Algebra: The Study of surplus and shortage in box weights; mathematicians began incorporating these into
Mathematical Structures mathematical expressions.
through Symbols
Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Signal Theory

ISBN 978-1-64260-369-9

9 781642 603699
One of the most renowned French mathematicians of the 16th century was François
Viète. Also known by his Latin name Vieta, he played a significant role in developing
1. What is the purpose of studying pictures and characters? symbolic algebra. In his book, Introduction to the Analytical Art (In Artem Analyticem
Isagoge), Viète introduced a method of representing unknown quantities with vowels
When advancing mathematical theories, conveying precise, logical and known quantities with consonants.
information is crucial. However, when explained in sentences, meanings
In 1637, Descartes introduced the convention of representing unknowns as letters at
can become ambiguous or misinterpreted. However, by using agreed-
the end of the alphabet, like x, y, z, and known constants as letters at the beginning of
upon symbols, potential misunderstandings can be prevented in
the alphabet like a, b, c, which remains in use today. The English astronomer, surveyor,
advance. Even complex concepts that require lengthy explanations can
and mathematician Thomas Harriet followed Viète's method of using vowels for
be expressed simply using symbols.
unknowns and consonants for constants, but the difference was that he primarily
Thanks to the conciseness and expressiveness of symbols, it is possible
used lowercase letters. He improved Viète's exponent notation, creating the modern
to condense intricate mathematical theories into a single equation.
exponential form, and introduced the inequality symbols > and < for “greater than”
Using symbols and characters in mathematics is not intended to
and “less than.” However, these symbols were not immediately accepted by other
confuse people; rather, it facilitates an easier and more intuitive grasp
mathematicians. Alongside Harriet, William Oughtred played a significant role in
of mathematics.
disseminating mathematical knowledge in Britain, presenting over 150 mathematical
symbols and emphasizing their significance. Oughtred also introduced the symbol ×
for multiplication.

400 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 401

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0804 Algebra: The Study of Mathematical Structures through Symbols

3. How can we apply the use of symbols and characters in the advancement
of science? Table of Contents
Present-day astronomers estimate the number of stars within our galaxy to be around
one trillion. Among these stars, it is suggested that several hundred billion are similar 1. Symbols and signals for daily convenience
in size to the Sun. Approximately 200 billion are estimated to be planets within the 01. Symbols and signals are social agreements
“habitable zone.” However, it is challenging to claim that life exists on all 200 billion
02. Pictograms conveying information through images
planets similar to Earth. For life to emerge, evolve, and achieve technological and characters
capabilities akin to humanity, it must meet several complex conditions. Considering
these conditions, an equation used to calculate the number (N) of civilizations existing 2. The emergence and limitations of algebra in prose form
within our galaxy is known as the Drake Equation: 03. The mathematics of India deeply intertwined with
N=N ×f1×n×f2×f3×f4×f5
* religious character
04. Limitations of algebra in prose form where general
demonstration is impossible

3. Inception of symbolic algebra and formalization

of mathematics
05. Robert Recorde announced the beginning of
symbolic algebra
06. Symbolic algebra eliminated the limitations of
arithmetic algebra

4. History of symbols and characters used in mathematics

Here, N represents the “number of stars,” which is 200 billion in the case of our galaxy.
Let's designate f1 as the “ratio of stars with planets,” conveniently assumed to be 50%. 07. The significance of characters used in mathematics
n is the “number of planets suitable for life.” 08. Emergence and evolution of various mathematical symbols

Let's assume each star has one such planet. Set f2 as the “likelihood of life emergence,” 5. Mathematical structures revealed through symbols
assuming 100% if the planet is similar to Earth. Set f3 as the “likelihood of intelligent
09. Identity of mathematical structures and the invariant principle
life evolution,” also assumed to be 100%. Assume f4 as the “likelihood of possessing
communication technology” at 10~20% and f5 as the “probability of civilizations 10. Abstract algebra extending beyond conventional algebraic structures
appearing simultaneously with a lifespan of 1000 years” at 10~9%. Using the assumed
6. Representation of humanity and the universe through structural formulas
values for calculation, our galaxy's estimated number of communicative civilizations
11. Chemical formulas represent the structure of nature
is approximately 3000. Simply looking at the numbers, what could be the reason for
the lack of contact despite the potential for contact at least once? It is because of the 12. Liberation of algebra and the revelation of the universe's structure
immense scale of our galaxy.

402 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 403

GM 0805

Understanding and Utilizing Time and Space

in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
GM 0806
Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 8
Understanding the Magnitude
Math Theory: Structural Equation
of Real Numbers, Number
ISBN 978-1-64260-370-5
14200> Lines, and Inequalities
Category: Algebra
9 781642 603705 Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Gauss’ Function

1. The equation responsible for human $142.00

ISBN 978-1-64260-371-2

Equations have evolved alongside humanity

for over 5000 years. In the 16th century, they 9 781642 603712

served as a kind of play; in the 19th century,

they became a pure academic pursuit. Entering
1. The role of inequalities beyond comparing
the 20th century, equations firmly established
their position as an essential component the size of numbers

applied in all branches of science. Suppose we have 50 dollars; we must choose

items within that limit. In planning experiments,
inequalities ensure that the results do not
exceed a certain margin of error.
The study of inequalities aims to find optimal
solutions under diverse constraints.

404 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 405

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0805 Understanding and Utilizing Time and Space in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

2. Diophantine equations and their impact on number theory and algebra 3. The mysterious world revealed through equations
An anthology is a collection of excellent poems written by various authors. The term When X-rays encounter different substances, some are absorbed, and some are
comes from the Greek word "anthologia," meaning “a collection of flowers.” scattered. Depending on which part of the body the X-rays pass through, there is a
The Greek Anthology includes poems, songs, epitaphs, and more from various difference in the intensity of the measured X-rays. When representing a cross-section
authors from the 5th century BCE to the 6th century CE. Among them is the system of of the body as an image composed of 512 horizontal and 512 vertical points (pixels),
equations attributed to Euclid. one can calculate the extent of X-ray absorption at each pixel. This involves solving
thousands to tens of thousands of equations. It is a problem addressed in numerical
A mule and a donkey are walking along carrying sacks. The donkey laments analysis within applied mathematics.
its heavy burden. The mule then says to the donkey:
In electronic engineering, efforts are made to develop computers that can increase
“Why do you complain as if you were a frail girl?” I am carrying more racks than
the computational speed of these algorithms. Thanks to their work, values measured
you. In fact. If you give me one of your racks, I would have twice as many.
during CT scans can now be calculated in just a few seconds, allowing us to view
If I give you a rack, our loads would be equal.”
the images within minutes after the examination. Finally, the grayscale of each pixel,
How many sacks are the mule and the donkey each carrying?
determined by the computed X-ray absorption rate, contributes to creating a single
image showing the shades of black and white in a cross-section of the body, with each
To solve this problem, draw a table as follows:
pixel forming a white, black, or intermediate gray point.
Category Mule’s load Donkey’s load Explanation
Initial x y
First sentence x+1 y-1 The mule’s load is twice the donkey’s
Second sentence x-1 y+1 The mule and donkey carry equal loads

The following equations can represent the table :

x+1=2(y–1) … ①, x–1=y+1 … ②
This system of equations can be solved using the substitution and elimination
On Earth, animals with as much curiosity as humans are rare. Questions such as why
Method of Substitution Method of Elimination things look the way they do, how certain events occurred, and what lies beyond have
Transpose ② to get x=y+2 Subtract ② from ① to get the following driven humanity to reach higher levels of civilization. The field of medical imaging is no
exception. The desire to observe the human body's interior has led to the development
And substitute into ① sequence:
of various imaging devices. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine
y+2+1=2(y-1) 2=2(y-1)-(y+1) technique that uses radioactive pharmaceuticals emitting positrons to represent
y+3=2y-2 2=2y-2-y-1 physiological, chemical, and functional images of the human body in three dimensions.
-y+3=2 2=y-3 Currently, PET is primarily employed in diagnosing various cancers, and it can also
y=5, x=7 y=5, x=7
obtain three-dimensional images evaluating heart and brain diseases and different
bodily functions.

406 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 407

GM 0805 Understanding and Utilizing Time and Space in Magnetic Resonance Imaging GM 0806 Understanding the Magnitude of Real Numbers, Number Lines, and Inequalities

2. Algebraic and geometric meanings in inequalities

Table of Contents
When we seek to prove something, progressively approaching the fundamental aspects,
asking questions such as “What is the essence of that proof?” or “What constitutes
1. The world of humanities reflects the lives of its foundation?” we reach what is deemed the most basic truth and call it an axiom.
modern individuals and the order of nature Everything else is systematically deduced from these axioms through rigorous
01. Modern individuals feel lonely despite being reasoning. This method is the fundamental approach to mathematical proofs used
surrounded by others across various domains.
02. Well-dying is as important as well-being

2. Understanding variables in equations revealed

through conditions
03. Constraints of various phenomena are variables in equations
04. Natural phenomena that are difficult to express
with equations

3. Understanding and solving Diophantine equations,

which are indeterminate equations
05. Indeterminate equations with more unknowns than
the number of equations
Then, what axioms exist for inequalities? In inequalities, the following four properties
06. Solutions to Diophantine equations and various are acknowledged without proof:
other indeterminate equations
① For any two real numbers, a and b, at least one among the three relations must hold
4. Solving simultaneous equations to calculate true: a > b, a = b, a < b.
efficiency with a combination of time and space ② a > b, b > c ⇒ a > c ③a>b⇒a+c>b+c
07. Algebraic solutions and significance of simultaneous equations ④ a > b, c > 0 ⇒ ac > bc
08. Understanding simultaneous equations through graphs We can deduce various other properties of inequalities by adopting these fundamental
5. Advanced industrial technologies realize the dream properties as axioms for inequalities.
of life extension The properties of inequalities commonly used are all derived from the abovementioned
09. Outstanding mathematicians worthy of the Nobel Prize basic properties. For example, we can show that a > b + c is equivalent to
10. Magnetic resonance imaging devices incorporate simultaneous equations a – b > c. According to property ③, subtracting b from both sides results in a – b > c,
and conversely, adding b to both sides of a – b > c leads to a > b + c. Therefore, the
6. Utilization of simultaneous equations in modeling social phenomena two expressions are equivalent. Inequalities also allow us to change the sign of a term
11. Equations used in explaining economic models and move it to the other side, just like in the case of equations. Setting c = 0 in the
12. Structural equation modeling initiated in the field of behavioral science given case, we can confirm that a > b is equivalent to a – b > 0, and by using property ③,
we can demonstrate that a < 0 is equal to -a > 0.

408 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 409

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0806 Understanding the Magnitude of Real Numbers, Number Lines, and Inequalities

3. Finding survival solutions through inequalities

Table of Contents
Innovation is not about creating something that does not exist but instead developing
more valuable products and services than before, seeking better things through
specific business actions that increase customer satisfaction. 1. Weights and measures for comparing size and quantity
Communication with customers is crucial in this process. 01. Weights and measures introduced for effective taxation
It is necessary to understand who the customers are and their needs to obtain
02. Understanding the yard-pound system and metric system
customers, then create a product that satisfies those needs.
For a product to sell itself, the value that customers perceive in the product should be 2. Order axioms for real numbers, the logical basis
greater than the value of the price they pay when purchasing the product. of inequalities
This can be expressed as an inequality. 03. A real number that is slightly different from a dense
V(Product Value) > P(Product Price) rational number
To maximize profit, improving productivity is essential for a company. A company can 04. Locating points and absolute values on the number line
increase its profit by eliminating inefficient factors in producing goods.
In other words, the more profit increases, the more revenue is generated from selling 3. Inequalities revealed at a glance through graphs
products compared to the production costs. 05. Operations and algebraic solutions of inequalities
P(Product Price) > C(Production Cost)
06. Inequalities understood easily by using the
Combining the two inequalities above creates the "inequality for survival": coordinate plane

4. Understanding of absolute inequalities where

finding solutions is unnecessary
07. Representative absolute inequalities: arithmetic and
geometric means
08. Importance of absolute inequalities in mathematical
proof processes

5. Inequalities presenting solutions to unsolved problems

V(Product Value) > P(Product Price) > C(Production Cost) 09. Reflections on famous unsolved problems
To maximize profit, a company can raise the price of its product. 10. Inequalities emerging during the quest for solutions
However, if the price exceeds customers' perceived value, their consumption may
6. Survival inequalities sustaining society
decrease. On the other hand, lowering the price to increase product sales has
limitations due to the production cost. 11. Survival inequalities for the continuous development of businesses
Therefore, the company's primary goal should be finding the optimal price. 12. Unusual inequality within the law of long tail

410 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 411

Utilizing the Linear Programming and Simultaneous Linear Inequalities
GM 0807 in the Modern Society

2. Algebraic and geometric meanings of systems of inequalities

Ancient mathematicians attempted to solve equations by observing the balance of
GM 0807 a scale and applying it to mathematical equations. For example, to find the value of
x in the equation x+3=7, ancient mathematicians might have placed 7 fruits on one
Utilizing the Linear side and 3 on the other side of a balance scale. Then, to determine the solution to the
Programming and Simultaneous equation, they would have counted how many fruits needed to be added to the
Linear Inequalities in lighter side to achieve balance.
the Modern Society

Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Simplex Method

ISBN 978-1-64260-372-9

Operations with inequalities can also be explained using the principle of a balance
scale. However, one important point to note is that while multiplying both sides of an
9 781642 603729
equation by a negative number does not affect the equation, multiplying both sides of
an inequality by a negative number reverses the direction of the inequality.
The solution to a linear inequality with one variable can be represented on a number
1. Efforts to use limited resources efficiently
line. Generally, the number line is drawn with 0 (the origin) as the reference point, with
We face numerous problems of choice in our lives, always the right side as positive and the left as negative. The solution can be depicted on the
hindered by constraints. We must make optimal choices coordinate plane for a linear inequality with two variables. A system of linear equations
under these constraints. with two variables forms a line on the coordinate plane. How will the solution be
Sometimes, these constraints can be singular, but in most represented if we transform an equation to an inequality? For example, let's consider
cases, they appear in various complex forms. When faced the solution to y>ax+b on the coordinate plane. When x is 0, the inequality holds for
with problems of choice, we can visually see the clear all real numbers y greater than b. Similarly, when x is 1, the inequality holds for all real
limits of our choices by expressing numerous constraints numbers y greater than a+b. In other words, all points above the line y=ax+b on the
as systems of inequalities. coordinate plane satisfy the inequality. Conversely, the solution to y<ax+b represents
all points below the line y=ax+b on the coordinate plane. Now, let's visualize the
solution to a system of linear inequalities with two variables.
We can represent the solution set for each inequality on the coordinate plane, and the
overlapping region is the solution to the system of inequalities.

412 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 413

General Mathematics Series 144 Utilizing the Linear Programming and Simultaneous Linear Inequalities
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0807 in the Modern Society

3. Linear programming as a tool for analyzing the present and predicting the future
Table of Contents
Linear programming can be applied to problems aiming to maximize or minimize
a certain objective under the constraints of linear inequalities. Of course, linear
programming has a constraint that the model must always take the form of linear 1. The market economy assesses various constraints
equations. Therefore, various attempts are being made to enable analysis in cases 01. A market economy society based on capitalism
where the model is not a general linear equation, which is referred to as “nonlinear 02. Distributive justice and fair exchange in a market
programming.” “Linear economics,” based on linearity as its fundamental premise, economy
utilizes systems of linear equations and inequalities as analytical tools. 2. Operations of equations and inequalities, which
The objective function is an equation expressing the relationship between variables are similar but different
that serve as an evaluation measure for achieving the goal. When solving problems 03. Operations of equations that can be understood by
using linear programming, it is advisable to follow the following steps: the principle of balance
① Define variables based on various constraints. 04. Direction of the inequality sign and operations of inequalities
② Mathematically express the constraints to formulate systems of linear inequalities.
3. Range of simultaneous linear inequality revealed
③ Determine the feasible region that satisfies the system of inequalities.
through the coordinate plane
④ Define the objective function, which is the function to be maximized or minimized.
05. Understanding the division of the coordinate
⑤ Use vertices or translations of the objective function to find the optimal solution.
plane and ranges
06. Solutions of simultaneous linear inequalities lie in
the common area of ranges
4. Solutions and geometric meanings of higher
degree simultaneous inequalities
07. Representation of regions inside and outside shapes
through inequality
08. The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality that is easy to
Let's explore the field of regional science related to linear programming, known as
understand geometrically
regional science. "Regional science" refers to a new academic discipline integrating
theories, methods, and technologies from various traditional sciences. According to 5. A linear programming that was created to
Walter Isard, the founder of regional science, it is an intermediate field encompassing effectively utilize resources
various social sciences, with its research focused on the spatial dimensions of human 09. Linear programming that originated from operations research
activities. Regional science relies heavily on mathematical models in its theoretical 10. Management science that operates companies through mathematical foundations
framework. In constructing its theoretical models, regional science primarily establishes 6. Maximization of efficiency and profit through linear programming
abstract theories based on assumptions. Moreover, it follows a methodology that 11. Price index theory measures the purchasing power of currency
involves testing and modifying these models based on statistical data, making it similar
12. Prediction of market prices through linear programming
to linear programming and mathematical statistical techniques.

414 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 415

GM 0809

The Mystery of Nature

in Triangles and
Demonstrative Geometry
Category: Geometry
GM 0808 Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Sierpinski Gasket
The Principle of Scarcity and $142.00
the Optimization Theory in ISBN 978-1-64260-374-3

Solving the Problem of Choice

9 781642 603743
Category: Probability and Statistics
Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Mean-Variance Theory 1.What is the purpose of studying
demonstrative geometry, proven
ISBN 978-1-64260-373-6
14200> solely through axioms?

The purpose of studying this book is to

9 781642 603736
understand how important logical systems
are in geometry and to discover the
properties of various triangles.
1. The purpose of studying
Additionally, we will explore how triangles
optimization theory that originated
from sparsity are utilized in the world of science.

Not only nature but also humans within

it are destined to act according to the
principle of sparsity. In situations where
not everyone can obtain what they desire,
it is necessary to recognize the given
constraints and employ statistical thinking
to make optimal decisions.

416 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 417

General Mathematics Series 144 The Principle of Scarcity and the Optimization Theory in Solving
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0808 the Problem of Choice

2. The logical basis of optimization theory for maximizing utility 3. Utilizing optimization theory to address challenges in the new normal era
There is a saying, "Humans are economic animals,” but do all people act rationally Investment is a prominent subject in the financial markets, with various theories and
according to economic principles? Richard H. Thaler, the behavioral economist who strategies existing to help investors efficiently manage assets and maximize returns.
won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2017, revealed that humans are not as rational as Effective investment decisions require consideration of market trends, risks, and
we might think. Let's examine the following two situations that he proposed. returns, leading to the development of diverse investment theories. One representative
example is the mean-variance theory.
[Scenario 1] There is a disease that results in death within a week. The probability of you
getting this disease is 0.001%, and there is a vaccine that can prevent this disease with The mean-variance theory is one of the traditional investment theories that focuses
a 100% probability. How much would you pay for this vaccine? on balancing expected returns and risks when constructing portfolios. Introduced
[Scenario 2] You, in a healthy state, can participate in a medical experiment with a 0.001% by Harry Markowitz in 1952, it has since become a crucial foundation in the field of
chance of dying. If you were to participate in this experiment, how much compensation investment. The mean-variance theory suggests a method for investors to determine
should you receive? the optimal asset allocation by considering each asset's expected returns and risk
(variance or standard deviation) when forming a portfolio with multiple assets.
Experimental results showed that people demanded $200 in [Scenario 1] and over
The core idea of the theory is for investors to select a portfolio with minimized risk
$10,000 in [Scenario 2]. Despite the equal level of risk, individuals responded differently
among various portfolios that offer the same expected returns.
based on whether the risk influenced gains or losses. Through this, we can observe
This is defined as maximizing expected returns while minimizing risk through efficient
that humans are more sensitive to losses than gains.
investment combinations.
However, such behavior is considered irrational in traditional economics.

In reality, people instinctively avoid failure and losses, tending to act in a way that
The mean-variance theory is based on the following assumptions. Firstly, it assumes
maintains their current state. This tendency in human behavior is known as “loss
rational investors who prefer risk aversion participate, aiming to maximize the expected
aversion.” When investing in stocks, many individuals quickly sell their holdings if the
utility. Second, it assumes investors share evaluations of the same expected returns
stock price increases even slightly, fearing that the price will soon drop.
and risks, meaning they possess equal information. Third, it considers expected returns
Conversely, when the stock price plummets, some hold onto their losses, expecting
based on the average of each asset's expected returns and risk based on variance.
the price to rise again. This demonstrates how real-life human behavior differs from
Fourth, it considers expected returns and risks over a specified period.
the theories of traditional economics.

418 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 419

The Principle of Scarcity and the Optimization Theory in Solving
GM 0808 the Problem of Choice GM 0809 The Mystery of Nature in Triangles and Demonstrative Geometry

2. What is the logical basis of demonstrative geometry unveiling the

Table of Contents wonders of nature?
The robust foundation of mathematical philosophy that laid the groundwork for
1. Darwin's evolution and natural selection European civilization began with Thales' theorem and its proof. Of course, before
01. The conflict between evolution and creationism of Thales, methods such as land surveying were known empirically. However, the
living organisms significance of Thales' theorem in academic terms can be understood from the fact
02. The modern society dominated by the principle of that he argued the truth of propositions through the method of proof.
natural selection and survival of the fittest A brief overview of Thales' theorem is as follows:
① Vertical angles are equal.
2. Wars caused by human greed ② Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.
03. War is the collision of those who want to have more ③ Two triangles are congruent if two sides and the included angle are equal.
04. Respect and consideration for diversity in nurturing ④ Corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional.
creative talents ⑤ A circle is bisected by its diameter.
⑥ An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.
3. Bentham's utilitarianism, which gave birth to the Let's prove theorems ① and ⑥ above. Consider the case where two lines intersect,
concept of utility
as shown in [Figure 1]. In this case, we already know that a+b=180˚ and a+d=180˚.
05. Pursuit of "the greatest good for the greatest Calculating the difference between these two equations, we get b-d=0˚, or b=d, which
number" in utilitarianism
leads to the conclusion that the vertical angles are equal. Theorem ⑥ can be easily
06. Disregard for human dignity in the pursuit of utility proven if we know the properties of an isosceles triangle. Draw a line connecting one
vertex of a triangle not on the diameter to the circle's center, as shown in [Figure 2].
4. Optimization theory applied to areas across various fields
Then, triangles OAB and OBC become isosceles triangles.
07. Statistics utilized in search engine optimization Since the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal, the sum of angles in triangle
08. Optimization technologies through fuzzy theory ABC is 180˚, which is equal to 2α+2β. Angle B measures α + β, so it becomes 90˚.
incorporating probability theory

5. The mean-variance theory reduces investment risk B

09. Investment always carries inherent risks a
10. Mean-variance theory, which determines the most rational investment l α β
d A C
c O
6. Welfare and growth issues in the new normal era
11. Dilemma between welfare and growth m
12. New normal, the new standard that emerged in response to societal changes
[Figure 1] [Figure 2]

420 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 421

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0809 The Mystery of Nature in Triangles and Demonstrative Geometry

3. How can we apply the axiomatic method in demonstrative geometry?

Table of Contents
Economics and mathematics are widely recognized to have an inseparable relationship.
However, many might raise their eyebrows if one suggests a connection between
mathematics and disciplines like sociology or psychology. While mathematics is 1. Greek mathematics, which started to have a logical system
crucial in fields like social or psychological statistics, it may not seem to have a place in 01. Inductive reasoning based on empirical evidence
general theories. The greatest advantage of mathematics lies in its abstract nature.
02. Deductive reasoning valued by Greek mathematicians
It can explain entirely different situations using a single mathematical principle.

Mathematical principles do not necessarily require numbers or formulas.

2. The mysterious world of nature within triangles
The axiomatic method, which has brought about the development of mathematics, 03. Triangles creating stable structures
serves as the basis for logical reasoning in other disciplines. Additionally, geometric 04. Triangular structures remain sturdy without changes
figures, as mathematical entities, are frequently used as visualization tools in specific in shape
3. Quadrilaterals combine practicality with beauty
05. Quadrilaterals, which are commonly seen around us
06. Quadrilaterals, which are not uniquely determined
despite fixed side lengths

4. Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals explored

through circles
07. Understanding the five well-known triangle centers
08. Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals
circumscribed and inscribed in circles

Robert Sternberg's “triangular theory of love” consists of three main axioms. 5. Nature's fractal structure hidden within similarities
and congruences
The first axiom, passion, refers to strong emotions and desires in love.
This includes not only physical attraction and desire but also emotionally intense 09. Nature exhibits similarity even when magnified or reduced
aspects. When passion is intense, love is characterized by vitality, intensity, and 10. Representative fractal structures: the Koch snowflake and the Sierpinski gasket
romantic features. The second is intimacy, representing understanding, trust, closeness,
and emotional connections between individuals. This axiom is crucial in forming 6. Similar structures of nature and society are represented by triangles
relationships where emotional support is mutual. When intimacy is high, love is 11. Triangles in the Weber's theory of industrial location
considered deeper and more meaningful. The last final axiom, commitment, signifies
12. Oedipus's triangle and the triangular theory of love
dedication and promises in a relationship. It includes the willingness to maintain the
relationship, as well as plans and commitments for the future.

422 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 423

GM 0810 Probability: Representing Chance Events and Uncertainties Numerically

2. What is the logical basis of probability representing possibility with

concrete numerical values?
GM 0810 When studying probability, precise understanding of causal relationships and using
clear terminology are as crucial as mathematical calculations. The sample space is a set
Probability: Representing that includes all possible outcomes of an experiment or trial, where an experiment or
Chance Events and trial in probability refers to something with unpredictable outcomes.
Uncertainties Numerically For example, when we toss a coin until it is actually tossed, we do not know whether
it will land on heads or tails, indicating an element of randomness in the outcome.
Category: Probability and Statistics
Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Bayes’ Theorem

ISBN 978-1-64260-375-0

9 781642 603750

1. What is the purpose of studying probability which possesses


If we know the physical laws, given the initial conditions, we can predict
how a moving object will behave and what outcomes it will bring. When a coin is tossed once, the possible outcomes are heads and tails, and when a die
However, many things around us are governed by chance, and their is rolled once, the possible outcomes are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
outcomes cannot be predicted. For instance, it is said that only God The set containing all possible outcomes of an experiment is called the sample space.
knows the outcome of a dice roll or the winning numbers in a lottery. In this context, the experiment's outcomes become elements of the sample space,
So, does that mean we are helpless victims to the whims of chance? also known as sample points or elementary events.
Not quite. We have a powerful weapon called “probability.” Probability Let's briefly discuss sets since the sample space is a set. Sets can be categorized into
is closely related to statistics, which involves investigating and analyzing “finite sets” with a limited number of elements and “infinite sets” with an infinite
data. It also plays an active role in various aspects of our lives, such as number of elements. Additionally, sets can be classified as “countable” or “uncountable.”
TV ratings surveys, insurance, weather forecasts, elections, cryptography, Finite sets are included in countable sets. Since the sample space is also a set, it can be
as well as lotteries, poker, horse racing, and more. divided into countable (discrete) and uncountable sample spaces (continuous sample

424 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 425

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0810 Probability: Representing Chance Events and Uncertainties Numerically

3. How can we apply probability in the uncertain world?

Table of Contents
Bayes’ theorem is gaining renewed attention due to its advantages that can be used in
business today. For instance, if we want to know the probability of a machine breaking
down after a single operation in a factory, we can check how many breakdowns 1. Visual representations can be easily understood by anyone
occurred during about 100 operations of the machine. If the machine stopped working 01. Pictures are a language everyone can understand
10 times, we can estimate the probability of a breakdown is 10%. 02. Numbers and letters are mathematicians’ visual
However, this estimation method is highly inefficient as it requires repeating representation tools
the experiment many times. In the rapidly changing business world, it seems even
2. Probability calculations in everyday life and
more impractical. To address these drawbacks, Bayesian estimation using Bayes’
mathematical representation of probability
theorem has emerged.
03. Understanding empirical and mathematical probabilities
Let's consider a simple example to understand Bayesian estimation. Suppose there are
machine types A, which have frequent breakdowns, and B, which have relatively fewer 04. Characteristics of probability and simple probability
breakdowns. Let's assume that the probability of machine type A breaking down is 0.2,
and for machine type B, it is 0.1. How can we determine whether the machine in front 3. Independent events, dependent events, and
of us is type A or type B without operating it? Since there is no prior information, conditional probability
one could think arbitrarily, but for now, let's assume it is “0.5:0.5.” 05. Understanding independent events and dependent
This is called the prior distribution. events
06. Conditional probability, which creates a new probability space

4. Various paradoxes in probability

07. The birthday paradox and Peto's paradox explore
the loopholes in common sense
08. Bertrand’s paradox, a probability that changes
depending on the perspective

5. Visual representation of probabilities using ratio

If the machine suddenly breaks down after one operation, it becomes new data. and probability graphs
The “probability of a breakdown if the machine in front of us is type A” is 0.5×0.2, 09. Relationship between frequency distribution graphs and probability graphs
and the “probability of a breakdown if it is type B” is 0.5×0.1. Obtaining data that
10. Probability distribution graphs and probability calculations
a breakdown occurred after one operation, we can consider the likelihood in a ratio of
2:1. That is, at the point where we obtain data that a breakdown occurred once, 6. Bayes' theorem is used in risk estimation
2 11. Application of Bayes' theorem in preventive medicine and spam filtering
we view the estimate “it is type A” with a probability of , and the estimate
1 3
“it is type B” with a probability of .Deriving such a posterior distribution is the 12. Bayes’ theorem, the immortal theory governing the uncertain world
essence of Bayesian estimation.

426 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 427

GM 0811

The Mathematical Nature of Probability and

Human Happiness GM 0812
Category: Probability and Statistics
Target: Grade 8
How Humans and Nature
Math Theory: Tree Diagram
Make Choices:
Assigning Values and
Sustaining Species
ISBN 978-1-64260-376-7

Category: Probability and Statistics

9 781642 603767 Target: Grade 8
Math Theory: Syntax Theory

1. What is the purpose of studying ISBN 978-1-64260-377-4
probability responsible for human
9 781642 603774
Numerous phenomena in the natural environment
or human society are governed by uncertainty.
Perfect prediction is impossible due to the
1. What is the purpose of studying how organisms assign
inherent uncertainty in outcomes. Many daily
problems are difficult to predict, making our lives
far from predetermined. While plants may not make rational judgments like humans,
We study this book to discover any laws hidden they instinctively grow and evolve in a direction that maximizes
within uncertainty and predict the future more utility. For example, the arrangement of leaves in plants,
accurately, even if only slightly. known as phyllotaxis, is a method plants choose to receive
sunlight efficiently.

428 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 429

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0811 The Mathematical Nature of Probability and Human Happiness

2. What is the logical basis of probability through combinatorial analysis? 3. How can we apply probability to scientifically address psychological aspects?
Let's examine Pascal's triangle, which is encountered when studying combinations Probability theory is also applied in the study of biological evolution. Evolution occurs
and probabilities. The principle behind Pascal's triangle is simple. Each row's first and through random mutations in DNA. For example, humans and chimpanzees share a
last terms are 1, and the terms in between are the sum of the adjacent terms directly common ancestor, and it is said that they were the same species about 6 million years
above them. Pascal's triangle is formed by listing numbers based on this construction ago. However, they have now evolved into entirely different species. Random changes
principle. In Pascal's triangle, various rules can be observed. happen in the DNA of living organisms with a certain probability. Most of these
changes have no significant impact, but some may have harmful effects.

Individuals with such changes may be eliminated. On the other hand, some DNA
changes have positive effects, such as acquiring certain abilities or a slight increase in
brain size, leading to higher intelligence. These traits may spread across the population
and become fixed characteristics of the species. Therefore, randomness plays a
crucial role in biological evolution. Studying random changes in DNA sequences is
also relevant to understanding the development of cancer. Cancer occurs when there
are multiple overlapping genetic mutations within cells. By introducing probabilistic
models, it may be possible to evaluate the risk of cancer development before cancer
cells manifest.
In the direction of the first diagonal (1),
natural numbers like 1, 2, 3, and 4 appear. (1)
Similarly, in the direction of the second Row 1 1 1
diagonal (2), numbers like 1, 3, 6, and Row 2 1 2 1
10 appear. These are called triangular
numbers because they represent the Row 3 1 3 3 1
number of stones needed to arrange Row 4 1 4 6 4 1
them in the shape of an equilateral
Row 5 1 5 10 10 5 1
triangle. Likewise, the numbers in the
Probability theory is still evolving and will continue to evolve in the future. Researchers
direction of the third diagonal (3) are
in probability theory are tackling scientific problems in various fields. They analyze
called tetrahedral numbers because they
real data obtained from complex networks or seemingly simple but difficult-to-study
represent the number of stones needed to arrange them in the shape of a regular
networks such as gene interactions and more. Some researchers develop new models
tetrahedron. Consider the significance of the numbers 1, 3, 3, and 1 in the third row.
and study how well these models reflect reality. Throughout history, many problems
They represent the number of ways to choose 0, 1, 2, or 3 items out of 3 items.
in fields like chemistry, economics, and business have persisted as motivations for
All the numbers in each row carry similar meanings. For example, to find the number
studying probability theory. Probability cannot precisely predict the future, but
of ways to choose 2 out of 3 people, we can check the third term in the third row,
profound laws govern even the randomness of future events. If we can uncover these
which indicates three possible combinations.
laws and discover even a 1% chance, we can prepare for the future.

430 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 431

How Humans and Nature Make Choices: Assigning Values and
GM 0811 The Mathematical Nature of Probability and Human Happiness GM 0812 Sustaining Species

2. What is the logical basis for how animals and plants make choices?
Table of Contents
Humans are social and economic beings with insatiable desires, while the resources
to satisfy these desires are limited. This principle of scarcity leads humans to face the
1. Our lives consist of a series of random events problem of choice. It is necessary to choose goods that provide greater utility rather
01. Expressing random events or uncertainties numerically than those with lesser utility. To do this, one must know about the goods,
and determining the variety of goods is the most important.
02. The collapse of the deterministic worldview that
dominated science However, choosing a variety of goods can increase utility more than choosing just one.

2. The theory of probability originating from gambling

03. The problem of points, the logical basis for probability
04. Various games using probability

3. Counting the number of cases to calculate probability

05. Understanding the four color theorem and
complete permutations
06. The addition rule and the multiplication rule for
counting the number of cases

4. Psychological probability: Murphy’s law and Sally’s law The problem of permutations and combinations and the four-color theorem problem
07. Objective values that people perceive differently provide mathematical ideas for combining and selecting goods.
The laws of diminishing marginal utility and the law of equal marginal utility are also
08. Mathematical understanding of Murphy’s Law and
Sally's Law important considerations in the process of selecting goods. The quantity of goods
consumed by humans does not increase total utility in proportion to the quantity
5. Uncovering the secret of expected value hidden consumed. While increasing the consumption of goods increases total utility,
in lottery tickets the rate of increase decreases. Let's consider the scenario of quenching thirst with an
09. Social role and harmful effect of lottery iced coffee after a two-hour hike on a hot summer day. The first cup of iced coffee
10. Lottery tickets: knowing the expected value makes will quench the thirst and revitalize the body, providing satisfaction that cannot be
not buying lottery tickets advantageous compared to anything else. However, the satisfaction from the second cup of iced
coffee will not match that of the first, although it will still relieve thirst.
6. Weather forecasts that can only be explained by probability The third cup of iced coffee can still provide satisfaction, but it will be significantly
11. Nature where the modifier “for certain” cannot be attached lower than before. The additional satisfaction gained from each subsequent cup of
12. Mathematical meaning behind the probability of raining iced coffee decreases as we consume more iced coffee.
This is known as the law of diminishing marginal utility.

432 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 433

General Mathematics Series 144 How Humans and Nature Make Choices: Assigning Values and
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0812 Sustaining Species

3. How can we apply organisms’ methods to sustain their species?

Table of Contents
Does satisfaction increase when we have a wider range of choices? Let's examine an
experiment conducted at a university in the United States. In a grocery store,
jam-tasting events were held twice every Saturday. 6 jams were offered during the first 1. Modern society is dominated by those with more
event, and 24 jams were provided during the second. After tasting, customers could information
not immediately purchase the jam. 01. An industrialized society dominated by capital
To buy the jam, they had to go to a shelf away from the tasting corner, select it 02. Big Brother, the absolute authority in the information society
themselves, and then pay at the checkout counter. The experiment revealed that the
2. Tree diagram, the most basic way of counting the
jam-tasting event with 24 types attracted more customers than the event with 6 types,
number of cases
which was not particularly surprising. However, what happened next was noteworthy.
03. Understanding the tree diagram, the most basic graph
The reactions of customers when choosing jams varied depending on the tasting
event. Customers who had gone through the jam-tasting event with 24 types had 04. Tree diagram, which shows the overall structure of events
difficulty making decisions and were confused. They spent a long time hesitating,
3. The four color map problem solved with the help
examining bottle after bottle on the jam shelf. Customers with companions even
of computers
discussed and compared the pros and cons. Many left empty-handed after lingering
for about 10 minutes. 05. The four color map problem that even mathematical
geniuses struggled with
06. Controversy over the scope of mathematical proofs

4. Probability and statistics used to decipher codes

07. Syntax, which studies sequences of characters
according to rules
08. Basic codes decrypted through frequency analysis

5. Criteria for selection by animals and plants are the

reproduction of offspring
09. Understanding the reproduction process in animals and plants
However, customers who tasted the 6 types of jam exhibited a completely different 10. Animals seek flashier and healthier mates
behavior. They confidently walked to the shelf as if they knew exactly which jam they
6. Humans make choices by granting value to nature
liked, chose their preferred type, and headed to the checkout counter.
This was also confirmed numerically. Among the customers who went through 11. "Smith's paradox," where water and air are cheaper than diamonds
the jam-tasting event with 6 types, 30% made a purchase, while among those who 12. Sustainable development and eco-friendly values in modern society
went through the event with 24 types, only 3% made a purchase.

434 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Basic Mathematics / 435

We are setting the global standard of mathematics education.

General Mathematics
Secondary Courses
Modern number theory, classified as pure mathematics, not only
traces its roots back to the arithmetic theories of the Pythagorean 3. Advanced Mathematics / Grade 9
school but also follows the emphasis on numbers in Pythagorean
thought, which has become much more sophisticated in modern GM 0901 The World of Irrational Numbers: Mysterious Arrays and
Regularity of Numbers in Nature
science compared to the Pythagorean era.
GM 0902 Coordinate Planes and Analytical Geometry:
Plato is known for instilling the firm belief that we can understand Proving Geometry Algebraically
natural phenomena and grasp the material world we inhabit GM 0903 Gauss' Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and Various
through mathematics. He argued that the material world is an Methods for Finding Roots
imperfect realm modeled after the ideal world, so mathematicians GM 0904 The Interaction of Humans and Nature Revealed through Statistics
and philosophers should deal with the ideal world. Plato went GM 0905 Understanding Greek Philosophy Valuing Humans and
a step further than the Pythagorean school's philosophy of Society and the Heavenly Garden

understanding nature through mathematics, believing that GM 0906 The World of Circles and Lines That Plans and Designs Nature
mathematics could replace nature itself. He was confident that GM 0907 The Limits of Astronomy and the Principles of Waves and
Vibrations, the Secrets of Nature
once we roughly grasp basic truths through observing nature,
we can proceed toward truth solely through rational action. GM 0908 Three Impossible Construction Problems Proved through
Transcendental Functions
For Plato, this rational action was essentially mathematics.
GM 0909 Euclid’s Elements of Geometry, Mankind’s First Mathematics
Book, and Non-Euclidean Geometry
GM 0910 Chaos Theory Explained by Probability and the World of Physics
GM 0911 The Essence of Mathematics Education: Experiencing Nature
and Understanding Humanity and Society
GM 0912 An Ideal Mathematics Education: Discovering the Mysterious
World of Nature

436 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 437

The World of Irrational Numbers: Mysterious Arrays and Regularity of
GM 0901 Numbers in Nature

2. What is the logical basis of irrational numbers holding the secrets of nature?
Consider two bars of different lengths. Pythagoras believed that by dividing the two
bars into appropriate lengths, both bars could be integer multiples of a unit length.
GM 0901 When the lengths of two bars are both integer multiples of a length, Pythagoras
called them commensurable.
The World of Irrational
Numbers: Mysterious Arrays
and Regularity of Numbers
in Nature
Category: Number Theory
Target: Grade 9
Math Theory: Kepler’s Law

ISBN 978-1-64260-378-1

If all numbers are commensurable with each other, then for any two chosen numbers
9 781642 603781 representing lengths, one must be a rational multiple of the other. The idea that all
numbers are rational did not start from arbitrarily defining rational numbers; instead,
it resulted from mathematical reasoning. However, the diagonal length 2 of a square
1. What is the purpose of studying irrational numbers that with a side length of 1 cannot be expressed as a rational multiple of an integer.
cannot be represented as ratios? In other words, the side length and diagonal length of a square are incommensurable.
Hippasus, Pythagoras’ disciple, is credited with this discovery.
Everyone knows that a moving car does not suddenly disappear
and reappear in a different space; it moves gradually along the Other disciples supposedly threw Hippasus into the sea, fearing that his discovery
road. Properties like weight, length, volume, and temperature have would undermine the fundamental principle of the Pythagorean school, which claimed
continuous values. The real number system could not have been that nature can be explained by integers or their ratios.
established without discovering irrational numbers, and it would have The irony is that the Pythagorean school’s claim that 1 and 2 are commensurable
been impossible to explain phenomena in our time and space. proved the incommensurability of these numbers. However, the discovery of an
Science developed by expanding the number system from natural "unspeakable number" and the ability to prove it held significant mathematical
to rational numbers to real numbers. importance. It marked the initial step towards pure mathematics while serving as the
starting point for developing the theory of irrational numbers, formally established in
the 19th century over 2,000 years later. In modern mathematics, incommensurability is
expressed using irrational numbers.

438 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 439

General Mathematics Series 144 The World of Irrational Numbers: Mysterious Arrays and Regularity of
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0901 Numbers in Nature

3. How can we apply the golden ratio, the guardian of nature's beautiful secrets?
Table of Contents
The competitive efforts of the United States and Russia in space development have
led to the convenient use of artificial satellites today. Currently, artificial satellites are
utilized for various purposes. In the early days, satellites were primarily used to uncover
1. The birth of irrational numbers and how to find
other countries' military secrets. The success of Russia in placing Sputnik 1 into Earth's a square root
orbit meant that extracting information about the United States from space was 01. The nature of irrational numbers and their impact
on mathematics
possible, causing tension in the United States.
02. The ancient Greeks who chose geometric figures
When making weather forecasts in the news, they show the changing appearance of over algebraic expressions
clouds over time. These pictures are taken at regular intervals from meteorological
satellites and transmitted. Weather satellites predict meteorological information such 2. Nature's secrets revealed through the scientific
as the typhoon's trajectory, amount of rainfall, and wind, which protects property investigation
and preserves human lives. The satellite most closely related to everyday life is the 03. Aristotle's logic and the revolution of science
communication satellite. As relay stations for space radio waves, communication 04. Scientists who chose beautiful nature as their research subject
satellites play a crucial role in transmitting TV signals, voice communications, and many 3. The irrational number that exists on the beautiful
other signals from one location to another. When sending radio waves from the Earth's figure of a circle, π
surface, interference may occur due to mountains or buildings. However, radio waves
05. Archimedes, the first to record a solution for square roots
are transmitted from space using communication satellites, reducing the likelihood of
06. The most beautiful figure and the most difficult figure
interference. The ability to watch Olympic games happening on the opposite side of
the Earth in real-time is also made possible thanks to communication satellites. 4. The world where rational and irrational numbers
coexist, the continuity of real numbers
07. The real number system that became perfect with
the introduction of irrational numbers
08. Dedekind and Cantor expanded rational numbers
to real numbers

5. The regularity of irrational numbers which hold

the secrets of nature
09. Understanding the regularity of irrational numbers
and the significance of complex fractions
Sir Isaac Newton's discovery of the law of universal gravitation explains why artificial
10. The golden ratio within the beautiful forms of nature
satellites do not fall to the ground or fly away into space. The gravitational force
between a planet and the sun is inversely proportional to the square of the distance 6. The advancement in scientific technology brought about by the
between them and directly proportional to the planet's masses and the Sun. continuity of real numbers and irrational numbers
This law applies to the Earth, the Moon, and artificial satellites. Without understanding 11. Irrational numbers used to analyze minerals
irrational numbers, this law might not have been discovered, and the conveniences we 12. Trigonometry perfected by the use of irrational numbers
enjoy would not exist.

440 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 441

GM 0902

Coordinate Planes and

Analytical Geometry:
Proving Geometry Algebraically
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 9
Math Theory: Trigonometry GM 0903
ISBN 978-1-64260-379-8
14200> Gauss' Fundamental Theorem
of Algebra and Various
9 781642 603798
Methods for Finding Roots
Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 9
1. What is the purpose of studying
the algebraic interpretation of Math Theory: Bisection Method
ISBN 978-1-64260-380-4
Thanks to the development of analytical 14200>

geometry, which applied geometric

methods to algebraic research, equations
9 781642 603804
that were previously incomprehensible
algebraically could now be intuitively
interpreted through diagrams. 1. Why is it necessary to solve figures
Conversely, geometric problems that using equations?
were challenging to explain through
Equations are essential for modeling
images alone could also be approached
phenomena observed in disciplines other
than mathematics. Without the theory
of the roots of equations, we could not
quantitatively analyze the results of
experiments or observations.

442 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 443

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0902 Coordinate Planes and Analytical Geometry: Proving Geometry Algebraically

2. Properties of curves that can be easily demonstrated through algebra 3. Where can we apply Cartesian coordinates?
What led Descartes to devise the rectangular coordinate system? During his time, The shortest line connecting two points on a plane is a line segment with the two
scientists confronted many practical problems. They actively studied curves by points as its ends. However, does connecting two points on a map with a line segment
examining ancient Greek mathematical books translated into Latin. Descartes openly result in the shortest distance? No. Since the map represents the Earth's curved surface
complained that Greek geometry was insufficient for solving emerging practical issues. on a flat plane, connecting two points with a line segment would create a path that
penetrates through the Earth. Therefore, it is necessary to find the shortest route along
the circumference of the Earth. This path would naturally be a part of the circumference
of a circle passing through the two points. In this case, countless circles are passing
through the two points, but as the radius of the circle increases, the distance between
the two points becomes shorter. Hence, drawing a circle passing through the center of
the Earth creates the shortest path.

He argued that a new approach was needed to truly understand curved lines.
Specifically, Descartes pointed out the following problems with Greek geometry:
First, Greek geometry was too abstract and focused too much on form, requiring
numerous proofs and intense effort even to understand simple figures like circles.
He could not understand why simple things were explained in such a difficult way.
Descartes' second criticism was an issue of practicality.
Greek geometry was not very helpful when determining a cannonball's trajectory.
Geometry could describe the shape and characteristics of the trajectory formed by This is precisely why airplanes fly in curves rather than straight lines. Without Cartesian
a cannonball but did not provide information about how high or far the cannonball coordinates, maps would have been mere pictures with no information. As society
would travel. People of that time wanted to know real numerical results, such as “How becomes more digitized, maps have become increasingly intelligent. In particular, with
many meters can this cannon shoot?” But geometry could not provide an answer. the boom in industries related to location information, location-based services using
smartphones are becoming part of daily life. Location-based services involve attaching
Although algebra, dealing with polynomials and equations, had developed significantly
chips that connect to base stations or GPS on mobile devices like smartphones to
at the time, no one had thought to apply it to geometry.
provide location tracking, public safety services, and location information.
For this reason, Descartes criticized algebra, saying, “People get excessively caught up
As a result, we can now find our current location and get information about nearby
in formulas and rules, often performing calculations without a clear understanding of
restaurants, gas stations, accommodation facilities, and more. The advent of
what they are doing.” However, Descartes did not just criticize; he solved the problem
location-based services is also thanks to Descartes' invention of coordinates.
himself, giving birth to analytical geometry.

444 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 445

Gauss' Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and Various Methods for
GM 0902 Coordinate Planes and Analytical Geometry: Proving Geometry Algebraically GM 0903 Finding Roots

2. What is the logical basis for the fundamental theorem of Gaussian algebra?
Table of Contents
Gauss set a fundamental algebra theorem that put him in the ranks of great mathematicians.
It was that "the number of roots of an nth-degree polynomial equation with complex
1. The foundation of analytic geometry laid by coefficients is exactly n if we count two double roots, three triple roots, etc."
Cartesian coordinates For example, an equation with natural numbers as coefficients may not have natural
01. Analytic geometry born from the fusion of algebra roots, even as a linear equation. In other words, the roots of 3x+4=0 are neither natural
and geometry numbers nor integers.
02. Understanding Cartesian coordinates and the
coordinate plane

2. The world of figures changed to equations with

the introduction of the coordinate system
03. Figures on the coordinate plane become subjects
of algebra
04. Equations representing lines, curves, and circles

3. Coordinates of thoughts: viewing the world

through mathematics But what about equations with rational numbers as coefficients?
05. Humans view the world based on their own positions The root of x2–2=0 is not a rational number, and the root of x2+1=0 is not a real
06. Understanding reflection and translation of figures number. After all, it is a fundamental theorem of algebra that a polynomial equation
with real numbers as coefficients does not necessarily have a real root, but if we
4. Coordinates evolved from geometric tools to
expand the range to complex numbers, a polynomial equation with complex numbers
analytical tools
as coefficients will always have a complex root and always have several roots equal to
07. An overview of analysis represented by functions the degree. To better understand the fundamental theorems of algebra, we must look
08. Functions and graphs on the coordinate plane at the expansion process of the number system. The number system expands in this
5. Analytic geometry handles physical phenomena order: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers,
mathematically and quaternions. As the saying goes, "Natural numbers were created by God, and the
rest were created by man." When mathematicians found describing the world with
09. Equations revealed when the motion of an object is expressed in coordinates
only natural numbers challenging, they tried to expand the number system.
10. Understanding various physics equations and their graphs
Mathematicians devised equations to describe the laws of nature, but they had
6. The importance and utilization of maps as images with assigned coordinates difficulty finding the values of the unknowns that satisfied the equations.
11. The history of maps as tools of communication Sometimes, when they solved equations with integer coefficients, the solution was
a rational or irrational number. In this process, they naturally felt the need to expand
12. The national pride embedded in a country's coordinate system on maps
the number system.

446 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 447

General Mathematics Series 144 Gauss' Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and Various Methods for
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0903 Finding Roots

3. Where can we apply the study of algebra that makes mathematics easier?
Table of Contents
When a home run is hit in a baseball game, the replay shows the ball's trajectory while
informing us of the distance traveled. If the ball hits the scoreboard, is the distance of
the ball measured from the batter to the scoreboard? No. 1. Cartesian coordinates that solve figures using
We must calculate how far the ball would have traveled without hitting the board. equations
We can write a quadratic equation with only two points. If we plot the coordinates of 01. The limitations of ancient Greek geometry
the batter's and scoreboard's positions and plot the ball's trajectory, we can create 02. Descartes transformed geometric problems into
a quadratic equation. This allows us to calculate the ball's distance. algebraic problems
Quadratic equations are also closely related to safety. A car traveling on a highway 2. The emergence of complex numbers and Gauss's
must maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of it in case of an accident. fundamental theorem of algebra
The distance the car travels before the driver realizes the danger and presses the brake
03. An era where only positive numbers or real numbers
pedal is the free running distance. The distance from when the brakes start working were acknowledged as solutions to equations
to when the car stops is called the stopping distance. The sum of the free running and 04. Complex numbers and Fundamental theorem of algebra
braking distance is the stopping distance.
3. Different equations describing natural phenomena
05. Quadratic equations observed in moving objects
06. Trigonometric equations found in periodic phenomena

4. The world of algebra with the concept of time

07. Time, a variable that constitutes equations along with space
08. Calculations of speed and power involving the
concept of time

5. Analytical solutions that are more practical than

algebraic solutions
09. Solutions of equations obtained through the bisection
The free running distance depends on the driver's attention and reaction speed, method and the false position method for equations
and the braking distance depends on the car's speed, weight, and road conditions. 10. Understanding the fixed-point iteration method
The safety distance is slightly longer than the stopping distance, which allows us to and the Newton-Raphson method
react to unexpected situations relaxedly. The stopping distance is proportional to the 6. Numerical analysis developed through the combination of algebra
car's speed, so it can be calculated using a linear equation. The braking distance is and analysis
proportional to the square of the car's speed, so it can be found using a quadratic
11. Advancement of numerical analysis with the development of computers
equation. Considering this, we can conclude that a safe distance of 45 meters should
12. Various applications of numerical analysis
be maintained at 60 km/h and 100 meters at 100 km/h.

448 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 449

GM 0904 The Interaction of Humans and Nature Revealed through Statistics

2. What is the logical basis of analyzing given data?

The mean, median, and mode measures represent data in single values. The mean,
GM 0904 a statistic familiar to us, has various forms. The most commonly used mean in daily
life is the arithmetic mean, calculated by summing all data values and dividing by the
The Interaction of Humans number of data points (also known as finding the average). Other types of means
and Nature Revealed through include geometric mean, harmonic mean, and weighted mean.
Statistics The advantage of the mean is its widespread practical application as a trusted
measure. However, its downside becomes apparent when it is influenced by extreme
Category: Probability and Statistics
or outlier values. For instance, if one data point is significantly larger than others, it can
Target: Grade 9
distort the mean. In contrast, the median is not affected by extreme or outlier values.
Math Theory: Time Series Analysis
It represents the value of the middle rank when arranging data in ascending order.
ISBN 978-1-64260-381-1

9 781642 603811

1. What is the purpose of studying natural and social phenomena?

Let’s explore the relationship between two variables A and B. While variable A
may cause variable B, it is possible that variable B does not cause variable A.
Therefore, it is crucial to identify which variable is the cause and which is the
effect, as it influences the appropriate measures to be taken.
For example, when examining the relationship between height and weight, For example, in a class of 100 students, the score of the 50th-ranked student, when
as height increases, weight also tends to increase, indicating that an increase arranged from highest to lowest, is the median. As the median is determined by rank
in height is a potential cause of weight gain. Hence, there is a positive regardless of extreme values, it helps identify distortions in the mean.
correlation and causation between height and weight. However, weight gain
The mode represents the most frequently occurring data point in a dataset. Typically,
does not cause an increase in height. So, while there is a correlation, there is
the mode is used as a representative value for categorical, non-numerical data.
no causation between weight and height.
For instance, popularity votes in school or election results, like presidential elections,
often use the mode. In the case of a presidential election, the candidate who receives
the most votes (mode) becomes the president (representative value) of the country.

450 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 451

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0904 The Interaction of Humans and Nature Revealed through Statistics

3. What choices can we have through data analysis and predictions?

Table of Contents
During the height of the Crimean War in the mid-1800s, hygiene was nonexistent.
Consequently, many injured soldiers in field hospitals died, not from their wounds,
but due to secondary infections. Moreover, the management of incoming patients was 1. A sociologist's perspective of the world
chaotic, lacking records of whether patients were admitted due to injuries or illnesses. 01. Natural phenomena dominated by causes and effects
Information regarding admissions, discharges, and deaths was also poorly maintained. 02. Social phenomena where analysis is complicated
due to human values
Nightingale recognized the need for accurate record-keeping to improve patients'
survival rates. She began systematically organizing and managing mandatory records. 2. Data collection: the first step in establishing
She started by improving hygiene in the field hospital and moved on to collecting theoretical foundations
data to present specific mortality statistics, effectively proving the impact of hygiene 03. Data collection through surveys and experiments
reforms. While people at the time were unaware of the exact cause of diseases or 04. Participant observation by Margaret Mead,
why improved hygiene prevented illnesses, Nightingale's mortality-related statistics the mother of anthropology
undeniably demonstrated the significance of hygiene reforms. The evidence was so 3. Analytical methods vary according to the nature
clear that no one dared to refute it. of the data
05. Understanding of categorical data analysis and time series analysis
06. Quantitative research seeking patterns and qualitative
research seeking meanings
4. Management analysis techniques to uncover the
past and future of companies
07. Management analysis initiated from reflections on
the IMF foreign exchange crisis
08. Predicting future management performance
through financial soundness evaluation
5. Epidemiological surveillance: tracing causes from outcomes
09. Epidemiological surveillance of a disease from
across the desert, MERS
After the Crimean War, Nightingale was hailed as an unsung war hero. Nightingale
10. Objective of epidemiological surveillance: preventing disease spread
addressed the given problem through quantitative statistical analysis.
and recurrence
Quantitative statistical analysis involves problem recognition, relevant research, variable
selection, measurement, data analysis, and presenting results to analyze causes and 6. Human-computer interaction (HCI) utilizing statistics
propose solutions. Nightingale wanted her analysis results to be easily understandable 11. HCI: the interface between science and humanities
even for the average person, so she devised the pie chart. 12. The most human-centric computing and user experience statistics

452 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 453

GM 0905

Understanding Greek Philosophy Valuing Humans

and Society and the Heavenly Garden GM 0906
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 9 The World of Circles and
Math Theory: Concentric Zone Theory Lines That Plans and
Designs Nature
ISBN 978-1-64260-382-8
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 9
9 781642 603828
Math Theory: Concentric Zone Theory

ISBN 978-1-64260-383-5
1. What is the purpose of studying
Greek philosophy, which became
the foundation of Western
9 781642 603835

Pythagoras and his followers achieved so

much due to their effort to view nature 1. What is the purpose of studying circles that have
through reason. They saw nature not as rotation and circulation?
an incomprehensible entity but as an orderly The reason why symmetry in circles is often sought after can
and well-designed system governed by be considered from a practical standpoint. When formed into
a plan. a cylindrical shape, it requires fewer materials, can roll easily,
and is convenient to hold by hand.
The wheel is one of humanity's greatest inventions. It utilizes
the properties that circles and straight lines intersect and that
the distance from the center to the circumference remains

454 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 455

General Mathematics Series 144 Understanding Greek Philosophy Valuing Humans and Society and
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0905 the Heavenly Garden

2. What is the logical basis of irrational numbers that puzzled Greek 3. Where can we apply polygons containing irrational numbers?
Le Corbusier devised the standard modular theory while designing high-rise residential
Rational numbers can be represented geometrically as follows: when representing the buildings. This modular theory is based on the scale and proportions of the human
unit length on a vertical line, fractions with a denominator of q are positioned at one body, identifying the golden ratio and quantifying it architecturally. Le Corbusier
of the q subdivisions of the unit interval. In other words, each rational number can exist believed buildings should be constructed so people could move comfortably with
as a unique point on this line. Greek mathematicians believed that by employing this their arms stretched out. His fundamental belief was, "Excellent proportions provide
method, they could fill the entire number line with rational numbers. However, it was comfort, and bad proportions create discomfort." Applying this golden ratio to the
revealed that it could not correspond to any rational number when representing the modular system, he used various combinations as benchmark metrics for architectural
length of the diagonal in a unit square on the vertical line. Through this, the existence materials.
of numbers beyond rational ones became evident, leading to the invention of new
The Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp exemplifies the essence of this modular theory.
numbers known as irrational numbers. This discovery occurred within the Pythagorean
Of course, when this building was constructed, people had diverse reactions. Some
school around the 5th or 6th century BCE.
criticized Le Corbusier, a representative of rationalist architecture, for creating the
most irrational structure. However, others praised it as a new attempt to transcend
traditional standards and rationality.

The Pythagorean theorem demonstrates that the diagonal length of a unit square
cannot be represented on the vertical line. This shows that the diagonal length,
denoted as 2 , is irrational. In other words, the goal is to prove that 2 cannot be
expressed as the ratio of two numbers or as a fraction, like a rational number.
Let's assume that all lengths can be measured using the same standard. Then, every
In any field, there are individuals who leave remarkable achievements. They possess
length can be expressed as an integer multiple of a segment, denoted as e. We can
discernment not only for their time but also for the future. Despite facing considerable
express one side, s, and the diagonal, d, as s = be and d = ae. However, according to the criticism from conservative architects of his time, Le Corbusier never wavered in his
Pythagorean theorem, d = s 2 is equal to ae = be 2 . Therefore, a = b 2 , or = 2 , convictions. He left a significant mark on architectural history through innovative and
rational designs and theories ahead of his time. His most significant achievement lies
becomes identical, leading to a contradiction. The contradiction arises from assuming
in creating architecture “for humanity.” To him, a "house is a machine for living."
that all lengths can be measured using the same standard. We might intuitively think
In other words, a home should be a meticulously considerate machine, devoid of gaps,
that for any given pair of segments, no matter how small, there is a common length
to provide comfort to humans. To achieve this, he believed they should be constructed
that can measure them. However, the introduction of irrational numbers overturned
efficiently for human habitation.
this intuitive belief of the ancient Greeks.

456 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 457

Understanding Greek Philosophy Valuing Humans and Society and
GM 0905 the Heavenly Garden GM 0906 The World of Circles and Lines That Plans and Designs Nature

2. What is the logical basis for the appearance of circles and the concept of π?
Table of Contents
The circle is a geometrically fascinating figure. All points on the circumference of a
circle are symmetrical about its center, and it is rotationally symmetrical around any
1. Limitations and collapse of the brilliant Greek civilization diameter. This symmetry is found in everyday objects like wheels, maintenance hole
01. Great achievements of the Greeks covers, coins, and tables. Alongside triangles and squares, the circle faithfully performs
02. Limitations of Greek mathematics and the collapse as a fundamental figure shaping our world.
of Greek civilization

2. Ideological structure and characteristics of the

Pythagorean school
03. The Pythagorean school as an intellectual, religious,
and political community
04. Pythagoras' belief in numbers as the origin of all things

3. Mathematics without borders: the Pythagorean

theorem and Gou Go theorem
05. The Pythagorean theorem: the relationship between
the sides of a right triangle The chord of a circle is a straight line segment that connects two points on the
06. The Gou Go theorem: the Pythagorean theorem in circumference. The two curved parts of a circle divided by a chord about the central
The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art angle are called arcs, and the shape formed by the chord and arcs is a sector.
4. The discovery of irrational numbers and the golden ratio A circle divided by a diameter is a semicircle, and the four shapes resulting from
dividing a circle by two diameters perpendicular to each other are each called
07. Irrational numbers preserve the secrets of nature
a quadrant. An angle formed by two radii (line segments that connect the center of
08. The golden ratio in the pentagon, a symbol of the
Pythagorean school the circle to any point on its circumference) originating from the center of the circle is
the central angle for that arc. The shape formed by two radii and the arc is referred to
5. Properties of various polygons and the as a sector. Naming the parts that are revealed when dividing a shape is very rare.
isoperimetric problem
The new shape is not named when a triangle or square is cut. Humans do not bother
09. Polygons crafted to resemble the shapes of nature
to name things unless necessary. The many names related to circles are evidence of
10. Dido’s problem: the famous isoperimetric problem how often circles are used. Circles design and construct nature. To apply circles in real
6. Figures as mathematical tools depicting nature's patterns life, we must understand the relationship between circles and other figures.
A plane divided by a circumference separates the interior and exterior of a circle.
11. Tessellations fill space seamlessly
A point on a line connecting two points inside the circle remains inside the circle.
12. Natural patterns within snowflake models
Furthermore, a line connecting a circle's interior and exterior points will inevitably
intersect with the circumference.

458 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 459

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0906 The World of Circles and Lines That Plans and Designs Nature

3. How can we apply circles to maximize efficiency?

Table of Contents
As we walk along pavements, we can see many maintenance hole covers. These covers
are access points for technicians to inspect vital equipment installed underground,
such as telephone lines. Maintenance hole covers prevent people from accidentally 1. The beautiful symmetry and cycles in nature
falling inside. 01. Beautiful symmetry in nature
So why do maintenance hole covers have a circular shape? While most maintenance 02. The water cycle is essential for living organisms
hole covers are indeed circular, we can sometimes find rectangular ones. However,
rectangular covers pose safety issues because the diagonal length is longer than the 2. Beautiful lines make up the atmosphere and images
sides. However, instead of mindlessly pointing out flaws, let’s consider whether there 03. Images and expressions created by straight lines and curves
might be a shape other than a circular disk that is structurally sound and free from
04. Fascinating lines that unleash the power of design
defects. Such thoughtful consideration is a commendable approach to mathematical
study. 3. The world of the circle, the most perfect and
beautiful figure
05. The circle, the most perfect figure in the world
06. The curve of constant width with similar properties
to the circle

4. The circumference and area of a circle revealed

through pi
07. Mathematicians’ efforts to calculate pi
08. Circular designs use the least amount of materials

5. Relationships between circles and circles, as well as

circles and straight lines
Can we find a shape suitable for a maintenance hole cover among plane figures with 09. Relationships between circles and other figures
a constant width in any direction other than the circle? 10. Understanding of central angles, chords, and sectors
A shape where the gap remains consistent regardless of the measurement direction is
called a “curve of constant width.” 6. Properties of circles used in urban planning
When rolled on the ground, the height of such a shape remains constant. There are 11. Urban planning considers temporal and spatial efficiency
curves of constant width in triangular, pentagonal, and asymmetric forms. While the
12. Burgess' "concentric zone model" explains urban evolution
height remains constant when rolling a curve of constant width, the position of its
center continually shifts, making it impractical for use as a wheel.

460 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 461

The Limits of Astronomy and the Principles of Waves and Vibrations,
GM 0907 the Secrets of Nature

2. What is the logical basis of trigonometric rations in analyzing vibrations

and waves
GM 0907 The trigonometric functions mentioned earlier are concepts developed to handle waves
mathematically. Let's consider a simple example. Imagine a spring bouncing up and
The Limits of Astronomy down. If we hang a ball from the ceiling and pull it down with our hand, the ball
and the Principles of Waves oscillates at the same spot periodically. We can graph the motion of the spring by
setting the time on the horizontal axis and the height of the ball on the vertical axis.
and Vibrations, the Secrets This graph resembles the graph of a trigonometric function, with the motion of the
of Nature spring repeating in one wavelength.

Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 9
Math Theory: Wave Function

ISBN 978-1-64260-384-2

9 781642 603842

A wavelength is the distance between two crests (the highest points) of a wave, and
1. What is the purpose of studying trigonometric ratios, the time it takes for the medium to oscillate once during the wave's progression is
the relationships between angles and sides? the period. The number of oscillations per second is the frequency, which is inversely
Trigonometry has played a crucial role in advancing human related to the period. When we graph the sound waves, they appear in complex
technology and civilization. Without it, progress in astronomy, forms. But thinking about them from the perspective of wavelengths makes it easier to
architecture, civil engineering, and navigation would have been understand. What do wavelengths represent in sound? Drums produce lower pitches
impossible. when larger, and xylophone keys have lower pitches when they are longer.
Trigonometry began as a field of simple surveying and calculation While the size of an instrument does not determine the wavelength of sound, it is
techniques. The origin of trigonometric functions hints at their commonly understood that longer wavelengths produce lower pitches, and shorter
connection to land surveying: “tri” means “triangle,” and wavelengths produce higher pitches. Since wavelength is related to frequency,
“gonometry” refers to “geometry.” Geometry originates from we can think of it as "higher sounds have more oscillations per second, while lower
“geo,” meaning “earth,” and “metry,” meaning “measure.” sounds have fewer oscillations per second." Even a single sound often combines
various pitches, from high to low. This happens because different waves merge with
varying lengths, resulting in complex waveforms.

462 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 463

General Mathematics Series 144 The Limits of Astronomy and the Principles of Waves and Vibrations,
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0907 the Secrets of Nature

3. How can we apply waves which help us broaden our perspective?

Table of Contents
When navigating familiar areas, we can easily determine our location based on the
relative positions of surrounding buildings. However, determining our location can be
challenging in unfamiliar environments such as new cities, mountains, or oceans. 1. The concept of time and angles originated in Babylonia
In such situations, GPS (Global Positioning System) comes in handy. 01. The Babylonians who discovered the rules of the sun and stars
The basic principle of GPS operation is similar to triangulation. GPS determines the
02. The Babylonian base-60 system is still in use today
user's location by comparing the arrival times of signals reaching a point on the
ground from satellites at different positions. GPS is being used as a substitute for 2. Exploring the mysteries of the vast universe
traditional maps and compasses. through astronomy
Participants in sports such as desert car racing, hang-gliding, hot air ballooning, and 03. The evolution of astronomy: from astrology to science
yacht racing require real-time precision navigation data for preparation before races 04. The space age opened up by advances in science
and maintaining competitiveness. GPS is utilized for this purpose. With the spread and technology
of recreational culture and the availability of GPS to many people, the GPS market is
3. The use of trigonometry in mapping the sky
expected to grow even further.
through angles
05. Exploring trigonometric ratios through circles and triangles
06. Using cosmic distance ladders to measure the distances to stars

4. Expressing circular measure using dimensionless

unit, radian
07. Understanding of angle measurement:
the sexagesimal system and the circular system
08. Calculation of arc length and sector area using
the circular system

5. The world of vibrations and waves in sound and light

Additionally, GPS devices for the blind have been developed. When the user's GPS
09. Understanding the essence of sound and light
receiver is connected to a base station, it transmits location and direction data to the
base station, retrieving map information from a computer and verbally informing the 10. Trigonometric functions moving along circles over time
user of their current location. GPS is also used to determine the navigation routes of 6. Triangulation is used when direct measurement is impractical
ships. Each vessel belonging to a country must operate within the designated waters.
11. Triangulation divides vast areas into triangles for measurement
Political and military issues may arise if a vessel strays from these boundaries. GPS
plays a significant role in preventing such occurrences. 12. GPS locates the exact location of a point

464 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 465

GM 0909

Euclid’s Elements of
Geometry, Mankind’s First
Mathematics Book, and
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 9
GM 0908
Math Theory: Equivalence Principle

Three Impossible Construction $142.00

ISBN 978-1-64260-386-6
Problems Proved through
Transcendental Functions
9 781642 603866
Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 9
Math Theory: Cycloid 1. What is the purpose of studying
$142.00 Euclidean and non-Euclidean
ISBN 978-1-64260-385-9
14200> geometry?
One of the most significant misunderstandings
9 781642 603859
about truth is that “all truths remain
unchanged regardless of time, place, or
person.” While truths beyond time may exist,
1. What is the purpose of studying most of what people believe to be true are
the unsolved puzzles of the results of human intellectual activities.
mathematics? What was thought to be true, influenced
The continual efforts to solve the three by ways of thinking or ideologies, may not
impossible construction problems have always be true, and vice versa.
created and advanced new mathematics.
These demonstrate the developmental value
of unsolved problems in mathematics.

466 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 467

General Mathematics Series 144 Three Impossible Construction Problems Proved through Transcendental
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0908 Functions

2. What is the logical basis for distinguishing algebraic numbers and 3. How can we apply mathematical theories that have not been formally proven?
transcendental numbers?
While the general public does not mind using information based on rough approximations
Construction involves the repetitive process of finding the intersection of two straight for certain problems, mathematicians are uncomfortable when unproven theories are
lines, the intersection of a line and a circle, or the intersection of two circles. applied in real life. One such example is the Navier-Stokes equation. It is a fundamental
Algebraically explaining this entails solving a system of equations involving linear and fluid dynamics equation describing the motion of viscous fluids through nonlinear
quadratic equations. Substituting a linear equation into a quadratic equation results in partial differential equations. Knowing the solutions to this equation would enable us
a quadratic equation, and replacing a quadratic equation with another one leads to to describe fluid flow over time perfectly.
a quartic equation.
However, it is considered one of the most challenging partial differential equations
Considering this perspective, the values obtainable through construction the roots of discovered. While solutions exist for a few exceptional cases, a general method for
equations such as linear, quadratic, quartic, octic, hexadecic, and so forth. However, finding solutions in most cases has not yet been discovered. Recently, advanced
in the case of doubling the volume of a cube, a cubic root 3 2 is required. computer technology has allowed us to obtain precise approximations of solutions to
Since such a value cannot be derived through construction, it is impossible to construct the Navier-Stokes equation, and we have begun to use them in computer simulations.
a plot for a cube with twice the volume of a given cube.

Turbulent flows explain many phenomena in nature. These are the abnormal and
Among the three impossible construction problems, the trisection of an angle problem irregular flows of fluids. Turbulence is unstable in density, velocity, pressure, and
is the most widely known and somewhat controversial. Since bisecting an angle with temperature, making it theoretically tricky to predict and creating challenges in
only an unmarked ruler and compass is very easy, people thought trisecting an angle developing numerical analysis models. Richard Feynman, a brilliant physicist from
would be easy, too. For example, dividing 90° into three equal parts seemed simple the 20th century, emphasized the importance of complex system phenomena by
3 stating that "turbulence is the most important unsolved problem in classical physics."
because we can construct 30°. Since we know cos30°= can be constructed, we can
2 To accurately interpret turbulence fluctuating irregularly at high frequencies in
trisect 90°. Angles obtained by continually bisecting 90°, such as 45°, 22.5°, 11.25°, can
spacetime, we must divide time infinitely to observe and calculate that changes occur
also be trisected. However, trisecting 60° is impossible. cos 20° is a root of the cubic
briefly. However, this process increases the memory burden and results in excessive
equation 8x3-6x-1=0, which cannot be factored into linear and quadratic equations.
computation time. Approximating average values, excluding detailed information,
This makes it impossible to trisect 60° through construction.
mitigates the disparity between theory and application.

468 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 469

Three Impossible Construction Problems Proved through Transcendental Euclid’s Elements of Geometry, Mankind’s First Mathematics Book,
GM 0908 Functions GM 0909 and Non-Euclidean Geometry

2. What is the logical basis for the birth of non-Euclidean geometry?

Table of Contents
Nikolai Lobachevsky and János Bolyai are the founders of non-Euclidean geometry.
Although Gauss had ideas about non-Euclidean geometry, his research was not
1. The concerns of the sophist school and the three systematic, and many propositions remained unproven. Russian mathematician
classical impossible constructions Lobachevsky is commonly known as the “Copernicus of Geometry.”
01. Conflict and confrontation between sophists and Socrates Just as Copernicus's heliocentric theory overturned Ptolemy's geocentric model
02. Emergence of the three classical impossible constructions and established a new cosmology, Lobachevsky's geometry demolished Euclidean
and limitations of geometrical construction geometry and created a new concept of space.
2. The emergence of transcendental numbers solved
the three classical impossible constructions
03. U
 nderstanding complex numbers and the
construction of regular polygons
04. The concept of transcendental numbers and the proof
of the three classical impossible constructions

3. Hermite’s solution to the fifth-degree equations

and the theory of elliptic functions
05. Hermite’s derivation of the quadratic formula using
transcendental functions
06. Elliptic functions developed from advances in
the theory of complex functions Euclidean geometry assumes there is only one line through a point outside a line
4. Various properties and theorems concerning that does not intersect it. It is commonly known as the "parallel postulate," the fifth
the limits of transcendental functions postulate of the Elements of Geometry . However, Lobachevsky proposed a new
07. Definitions and limits of various transcendental functions geometry based on the assumption that on a plane, countless lines are passing
through a point outside a line without intersecting it. This led to the development of
08. Understanding the composition and continuity of
transcendental functions Lobachevsky-Bolyai geometry on surfaces with a negative curvature resembling
a saddle. Bolyai is a mathematician who independently explored the geometry of
5. The cycloid: an “apple of discord” curved spaces. Bolyai was a Hungarian mathematician who independently explored
09. The cycloid, the center of controversy among mathematicians the geometry of curved spaces, separate from Lobachevsky.
10. Cycloid and Aristotle's wheel paradox
On the other hand, on surfaces with a positive curvature, like Earth, there are no lines
6. Physical phenomena explained by the emergence of transcendental functions passing through a point outside a line without intersecting it. For example, all lines of
11. Edison's direct current system and Tesla's alternating current system longitude on Earth meet at the poles, and two lines will always intersect at two points.
12. The significance of the laws of motion and the cyclic nature of vibrations in physics Therefore, there are no parallel lines. This geometry is known as Riemannian geometry.

470 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 471

General Mathematics Series 144 Euclid’s Elements of Geometry, Mankind’s First Mathematics Book,
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0909 and Non-Euclidean Geometry

3. How can we apply non-Euclidean geometry that unravels the mysteries

of the universe? Table of Contents

The general theory of relativity is based on the equivalence principle, which states
that gravitational and inertial mass are equal. This theory formalizes the expression of 1. Humanity’s endless quest for absolute truth
physical laws in a coordinate system with a constant acceleration, ensuring that the 01.Contemplation on absolute and relative truth
laws take the same form. 02. Is scientific truth always absolute?
Einstein's ability to envision a new coordinate system was greatly influenced by
2. Euclidean geometry, which was unable to break
Riemannian geometry. In 1912, while teaching at his alma mater, the Swiss Federal
the framework of human thought
Institute of Technology in Zurich, he reunited with his closest friend, Marcel Grossmann.
03. E
 uclidean geometry confined to lines and planes
During their university days, Grossmann lent Einstein notes when he missed lectures
and later helped him secure a job at the patent office after graduation. 04. The architect Gaudí's love for the curves and
Einstein needed assistance providing mathematical support for his physics theory and surfaces of nature
entrusted Grossmann with this task. 3. Various attempts to prove the parallel postulate
05. The parallel postulate accepted as truth by consensus
06. Saccheri and Lambert's attempts to prove the
parallel postulate

4. The black swan in the history of mathematics,

non-Euclidean geometry
07. The black swan, which threw people into confusion
08. The birth of new geometry and understanding of
modern mathematics

5. Representative non-Euclidean geometries:

hyperbolic and elliptic geometry
Spending a day in the library, Grossmann introduced Einstein to Riemannian geometry, 09. Lobachevsky and Bolyai's hyperbolic geometry
a type of non-Euclidean geometry that deals with multi-dimensional spaces, the
10. German mathematician Riemann, the founder of elliptic geometry
perfect tool for Einstein's quest to describe space in new ways.
With Riemannian geometry as a reference, the two created a new theory. Reflecting 6. Theory of relativity: the greatest outcome of non-Euclidean geometry
on this period, Einstein said, "I have never worked so hard in my life. I have come to 11. Einstein's theory of relativity, the greatest theory of the 20th century
admire mathematics more and more, and the marvel of mathematics being accessible
12. Theory of relativity combined with culture evolving at the speed of light
to one who thought as simply as I did has always seemed to me a great luxury."

472 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 473

GM 0910 Chaos Theory Explained by Probability and the World of Physics

2. What is the logical basis of chaos theory, which seeks order in chaos?
The problem of unpredictability in microscopic phenomena has been explained
GM 0910 through probability theory, but unpredictability in macroscopic phenomena remains
an area of difficulty to explain. However, predictability in microscopic phenomena
Chaos Theory Explained by became explicable through the probability theory.
Probability and the World In the early 1960s, American meteorologist Edward N. Lorenz discovered that slight
errors in initial conditions while simulating atmospheric convection on a computer
of Physics
could lead to significantly different outcomes. When outcomes do not change
Category: Probability and Statistics proportionally to input values or when the response of related variables does not occur
Target: Grade 9 in proportion to the change in one variable, it is called nonlinearity.
Math Theory: Linearization

ISBN 978-1-64260-387-3

9 781642 603873

1. What is the purpose of studying symmetry and symmetry

collapse in nature?
The difference between linearity and nonlinearity can be summarized into three points.
In nature and society, we often observe phenomena where the cause is
They were mentioned earlier but reiterated due to their importance. First, regarding
unknown and the future unpredictable. However, can we say there are
changes over time, linear processes are smooth and regular. Nonlinear processes
no rules at all? Could it be that what appears chaotic is simply due to
may initially appear regular but often exhibit irregular changes. Second, examining
our limited experience and knowledge? Albert Einstein famously stated,
responses to small changes in the environment or stimuli, changes in linear processes
"God does not play dice."
tend to be proportional to the stimulus. In contrast, nonlinear structures often result
He also believed that the word "randomness" is not suitable for the
in much larger changes than the stimulus. Lastly, considering the persistence of local
universe, where people operate according to precise laws. From
oscillations in linear structures, oscillations gradually diminish and eventually disappear.
this perspective, we might think that even in phenomena occurring
However, oscillations maintain coherence in nonlinear structures and sometimes
seemingly randomly or chaotically, there must be laws. Nowadays,
persist for extended periods or indefinitely.
the existence of laws within chaos is gradually revealed through chaos
When discussing chaos theory, there is often a tendency to emphasize aspects related
theory. Chaos is a rapidly growing field in contemporary mathematics.
to physics, such as Lorenz's meteorological research and the butterfly effect.
However, chaos theory can be widely applied beyond physics.

474 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 475

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0910 Chaos Theory Explained by Probability and the World of Physics

3. How can we apply chaos theory to solve issues related to the survival of
humanity? Table of Contents

The field that responds most sensitively to uncertain situations is probably economics.
When social events occur, stock prices fluctuate to an unpredictable extent, and with 1. Symmetry and the collapse of symmetry in nature
the enactment of new laws, businesses promptly adjust their management strategies. 01.Symmetry is the most beautiful aspect of nature
Probability theory is used to analyze all these phenomena. A newly emerging field 02. The birth of the universe through the collapse of
in economics today is climate economics. Climate economics is the study of the symmetry
economic impact of climate change.
It gained attention when Nick Stern, former chief economist of the World Bank in the 2. The appearance of black swans and the age
of unpredictability
UK, published a report titled “Economics of Climate Change.” According to this report,
climate change is closely related to various fields of economics, such as innovation 03. The black swan: the occurrence of situations
and technological change, institutions, international economics, financial markets, perceived as impossible
information, and uncertainty. Of course, the primary cause of the emergence of 04. An era of unpredictability due to rapid change
climate economics is global warming. Since the natural world can be considered
3. Chaos was born from mythology and transformed
a representative chaos system, even slight environmental changes due to global
into science
warming are difficult to predict. Weather disasters are becoming stronger every year,
and the damage they cause is rapidly increasing. In addition, as global warming 05. Chaos representing the gaping space and vast void
intensifies, ecosystems are rapidly changing, and sea levels are rising rapidly. 06. The world of chaos uncovers order within disorder

4. Fractals: orderly complexity within chaos

07. Complex systems are known as the “edge of chaos”
08. Social structures and fractals revealed through
network science

5. The cosmos: an orderly universe contrasting

with chaos
09. A universe where everything moves according to order
Global warming is causing tropical diseases to spread to temperate regions, and
organisms sensitive to temperature face extinction. 10. The issue of global warming caused by the collapse of order on earth
International environmental regulations have been established to minimize these
6. The convergence of probability and statistics created by chaos theory
damages, leading to changes in the global economic system. For example, with the
signing of international agreements (such as the Kyoto Protocol) to combat global 11. Chaos theory represented by nonlinear models
warming, carbon emission trading markets have emerged, and economic systems are 12. Climate economics is used to formulate optimal industrial policies
adapting to various environmental regulations.

476 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 477

GM 0911

The Essence of Mathematics Education: GM 0912

Experiencing Nature and Understanding
Humanity and Society An Ideal Mathematics
Category: Geometry Education: Discovering
Target: Grade 9 the Mysterious World
Math Theory: Equation of Equilibrium of Nature
ISBN 978-1-64260-388-0
Category: Number Theory
Target: Grade 9
Math Theory: Logarithmic Spiral
9 781642 603880
ISBN 978-1-64260-389-7

1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying the
various perspectives of nature? 9 781642 603897

Many scholars are trapped in the dogma that

the scientific method is essential for acquiring
knowledge. Furthermore, they firmly believe
1. What is the purpose of desirable mathematics education?
that only the results of scientific methods are The traditional approach to mathematics education presented
worthy of being recognized as knowledge. students with problems where the answers were predefined,
Even the general public disparages other and the solution process was standardized.
forms of inquiry and analysis, such as literature While developing problem-solving skills is essential, mathematics
or journalism. However, if people know the cannot achieve its grand goal solely through problem-solving.
true value of humanities, they would not rush The ability to discover problems, comprehend the principles within
to such premature judgments. them, and solve them using existing knowledge is necessary.
Moreover, finding creative solutions when faced with problems
that cannot be solved using past methods is also essential.

478 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 479

General Mathematics Series 144 The Essence of Mathematics Education: Experiencing Nature and
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0911 Understanding Humanity and Society

2. What is the logical basis for humanities being necessary to study 3. How can we apply the network theory, which utilizes the understanding
mathematics? of humans and society?
Natural science also aims to discover the truth. However, the difference between the Capital already knows no borders; labor flows without restrictions across boundaries,
two lies in that science exclusively employs scientific methods to pursue truth. and capital and labor from different nations often form collaborative combinations.
Through the triumphs of science, we come to recognize that truth can be both A society where people, information, and capital flow is often called the “Flow Society.”
grand and yield practical and worldly benefits. By considering this, we can infer that The advantages of the network society, such as horizontal structures and diversity,
philosophical truth may also benefit us. It is just that we may not be aware of it. sometimes become disadvantages. In a network, the organization of a systematic
structure is challenging, revealing a lack of leadership and identity.
Nevertheless, the undeniable shift of modern society into a network society requires
us to prepare for the implications ahead.

A concept related to the characteristics of the network society is the Six Degrees of
Separation. In simple terms, it is the theory that anyone in the world can be a friend
through just six connections. As mentioned, in 1967, psychologist Stanley Milgram
validated the laws of Six Degrees of Separation through the Small World Experiment.

Linguistics and literature play crucial roles in comprehending humanity and society.
Language serves as the means of communication, propelling the human culture
forward. Our lives and cultures are embedded within language formed over extensive
periods. Literature vividly reveals the writer's lifetime, the social setting, and the
individual and social struggles. Mastering language and reading literary works not only
broadens our perspective of the world but also provides answers to how humans can
achieve happiness. For an effective mathematics education, math textbooks should
encompass content that introduces the acquisition of nature and acquaints children
with people and societies beyond their immediate surroundings.
Cultivating a foundation in the humanities requires a focus on reading. However, with the development of social media, the Six Pixels of Separation emerged
To elevate our perspectives, transforming patterns into natural language is essential as a threat to this theory. Pixels, which refer to the smallest digital unit, have given way
for studying humanities. As we transcend dimensions, we can discern rules even to business structures connected at the level of online or digital channels.
within the intricate patterns of nature. Revealing the rules of nature allows the creation Mitch Joel, an online marketing expert, coined the term "Six Pixels of Separation,"
of predictive programs for the generation and demise of life forms, unlocking the arguing that while past businesses were formed by connections or pre-existing
secrets of nature. Unveiling the mysteries of nature through mathematics empowers relationships, modern businesses are formed through pixels. We can easily understand
individuals to create something that can bring happiness to people. this through the rise of the one-person media.

480 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 481

The Essence of Mathematics Education: Experiencing Nature and
GM 0911 Understanding Humanity and Society GM 0912 An Ideal Mathematics Education: Discovering the Mysterious World of Nature

2. What is the logical basis for unraveling the secrets of nature through
Table of Contents mathematics?
We live in an era that emphasizes interdisciplinary studies. Engineers seek the help
1. Mathematics of observing nature, finding motifs, of mathematicians, economists collaborate with physicists, and medical professionals
and identifying patterns engage with psychologists, illustrating the active exchange between academic
01. Nature, once a subject of reverence, is now disciplines. Let's explore the fascinating example of the Erdős number.
a subject of study The Erdős number originated from the name of Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős.
02. Geometric figures represent forms of nature created
through human reason

2. Artists and mathematicians depicting nature

03. The complete grasp of nature's essence and the role
of musicians and artists
04. Mathematicians depicting nature through figures
and equations
Erdős passionately collaborated with over 500 researchers, co-authoring over 1,500
3. Philosophy, a mirror reflecting the era papers throughout his lifetime. He extended his collaborations beyond mathematics,
05. The Greek era, when humans and society were engaging with individuals from various fields, resulting in diverse publications spanning
the subjects of philosophy mathematics, physics, medicine, engineering, and social sciences. The Erdős number
06. Renaissance era when the objects of philosophy numerically represents the connection distance to Paul Erdős. If someone co-authored
returned from God to humans a paper with Erdős, their Erdős number is 1. If they did not collaborate directly with
Erdős but co-authored a paper with someone who did, their Erdős number is 2.
4. H
 umanities exploring human values and social structure
For instance, Einstein has an Erdős number of 2, having written a paper with someone
07. Revival of the humanities in crisis
who collaborated with Erdős. The American Mathematical Society operates a tool
08. Mathematics is a discipline based on humanities on its website that extensively explores collaboration distances originating from
Erdős numbers. By entering the names of any two mathematicians, it calculates their
5. Understanding nature thoroughly through fractals
collaboration distance. To be included in this database, a mathematician must have
and chaos
written a mathematical paper at some point and engaged in collaborative research
09. Fractals as the outcome of nature seeking efficiency with other mathematicians. However, we can find a surprising phenomenon.
10. Chaos theory discovers order within nature's irregularities Physicists like Einstein, Feynman, and Maxwell, biologists like John Holdren, linguists
like Noam Chomsky, and psychologists like Jean Piaget have Erdős numbers.
6. Understanding humans and society through graph theory
Nowadays, scholars realize that staying in one field alone no longer leads to further
11. Network society, where connections exist without in-person meeting advancement. They have begun to think that a higher level can be reached by
12. Understanding the structure of humans and society through graph theory integrating various disciplines such as humanities, social sciences, engineering, and
natural sciences. And mathematics lies at the core of this convergence.

482 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 483

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 0912 An Ideal Mathematics Education: Discovering the Mysterious World of Nature

3. How can we apply mathematics to enhance national competitiveness?

Table of Contents
The development of artificial intelligence has made our lives easier without a doubt.
Among the technologies that we can experience in our daily lives is natural language
processing (NLP). Without the development of mathematical logic, technologies such 1. Numbers express the reality in the universe and nature
as internet search engines and speech recognition, which rely on natural language 01.Mysterious arrangements of numbers found in nature
processing, may not have emerged. We do not often think much about the complexity 02. The continuous world is perfectly described through
of language. Language intuitively conveys information and meaning using semantic real numbers
clues such as words, symbols, or images.
2. Imaginary numbers, though invisible, govern nature
While there are rules governing the order of subjects, verbs, and objects in language, 03. A background in humanities allows us to see the invisible
we rarely speak according to these rules in everyday life. We can understand the 04. Imaginary numbers describing nature's fractal structures
meaning in everyday language without strictly adhering to these rules.
However, the language that is natural for humans is complicated for computers 3. Set theory and topology in establishing the system
to implement. This is mainly due to the characteristics of natural language, such of mathematics and logic
as unstructured data, the absence of strict rules, and the omission of context or 05. Cantor, who demonstrated that there are different
intention. As humans increasingly rely on computing systems for communication and degrees of infinity
task execution, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) gain attention and 06. Logic that explores the laws of reasoning and
momentum precisely for these reasons. mathematical logic

4. The theory of numbers propels the modern

scientific society
07. Prime numbers at the heart of the information society
08. Transcendental numbers revealing nature's secrets
and advanced industrial technologies

5. An ideal mathematics education begins with

experiencing nature
09. The study of nature began with the birth of humanity
As artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated, natural language processing (NLP) 10. Learning mathematical principles through experiencing nature
also becomes more refined. While it is easy to associate AI and NLP with futuristic
6. An ideal mathematics education completed through understanding
images of robots, NLP has already found its place in our daily lives. Take a look at humans and society
a few examples. Email filters are one of the most fundamental applications of NLP
11. Creativity, the power to see the invisible
online. It began as spam filters, which detect specific words or phrases indicating spam
12. An ideal mathematics education as a compass that guides future career choices
messages. The technology for email filtering has advanced, and one widely applied
case of NLP can be found in Gmail's email categorization.

484 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 485

General Mathematics
Secondary Courses
Fuzzy theory deals with uncertainties that cannot be clearly
determined, particularly those based on subjective ambiguity. 4. Advanced Mathematics / Grade 10
Among the various forms of ambiguity, the ambiguity addressed
GM 1001 Pivotal Theories of 21st-Century Science: Fuzzy Control and
in fuzzy theory encompasses various forms, particularly those
Chaos Theory
related to human language, cognition, and emotions. Criteria for
GM 1002 The New Cornerstone of Mathematics: Propositions That
judgments like “beauty,” “youthful,” and “cute,” vary from person Develop Judgment
to person, and it is impossible to establish precise criteria even GM 1003 Understanding Descartes' Mathematical Thinking and Gauss’
through repeated experiments and trials. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Fuzzy theory aims to mathematically handle highly subjective and GM 1004 Equations without Algebraic Solutions and the Challenges of
fluid human thinking and emotions. When combined with neural Modern Algebra
networks, fuzzy theory enables the implementation of effective GM 1005 The Real World Blooming Beautifully from the Virtual World
artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The difficulty in constructing AI GM 1006 Boolean Algebra: The Foundation for Implementing Artificial
systems lies in the challenge of expressing terms like “moderately” Intelligence with Computers

using computers. However, with the introduction of fuzzy theory, GM 1007 Understanding the Quadratic Formula and the Rational Roots
Which Make Algebra Great
it has become possible to develop AI systems capable of learning,
GM 1008 The Quaternion That Provided Inspiration for Complex Spaces
and to implement technology that specifically responds to changes
and Hamilton’s Intuition
in human emotions.
GM 1009 Algebraic Approach to Functions, the Basis of Analytics
GM 1010 The Mysterious Arrangement of Numbers in Nature and the
Creation and Extinction of Life
GM 1011 Probabilistic Inference and Mathematical Induction Used to
Investigate the Discrete World
GM 1012 The Virtual World Constructed from Time and Space by the Real World

486 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 487

GM 1001 Pivotal Theory of 21st Century’s Science : Fuzzy Control and Chaos Theory

2. What is the logical basis of set theory?

In the case of finite sets, every subset excluding itself is smaller in size than the original
GM 1001
set. In other words, a part is smaller than the whole. Extending this to infinite sets, can
we still say that a subset is always smaller than the whole?
Pivotal Theories of Is the set of integers larger than the set of natural numbers, and is the set of rational
21st-Century Science: numbers larger than the set of integers? Surprisingly, the answer is “no.” Cantor
Fuzzy Control and Chaos Theory pondered over this question for a long time and eventually found the solution.

Category: Number Theory

Target: Grade 10
Math Theory: Membership Function

ISBN 978-1-64260-390-3

9 781642 603903

1.What is the purpose of studying sets, the operating system The method of counting that emerged alongside the birth of humanity was one-to-
of mathematics? one correspondence. If two finite sets have the same number of elements, they always
have a one-to-one correspondence. The converse of this relationship is also true.
Why are sets so important? The foundation of modern mathematics,
Therefore, if a one-to-one correspondence exists between two finite sets, it can be said
including algebra, geometry, analysis, and all other branches, is
that these two sets have the same number of elements. Cantor utilized the method of
built on sets. All applications run on an operating system (OS)
one-to-one correspondence in counting infinity.
in computers, and modern mathematics, such as differentiation,
integration, and probability, operate on sets. For example, consider Cantor referred to sets for which one can establish a one-to-one correspondence with
the set of real numbers, which are in the realm of our understanding. the set of natural numbers as countable sets. In Chinese characters, it is referred to as
If we examine real numbers only from the perspective of arithmetic, “enumerable sets, or “countable sets.” However, not all infinite sets have a one-to-one
such as “operations,” they fall under the domain of algebra. However, correspondence with natural numbers. There are sets larger than the set of natural
let's think of real numbers as points on a number line and define numbers. For example, while natural and rational numbers can be paired one-to-one,
the distance between points as the absolute value of their numerical natural and real numbers cannot establish a one-to-one correspondence.
difference. Then, we can adequately discuss concepts like continuity A one-to-one correspondence is a mathematical concept representing a relationship
and differentiability, bringing real numbers into the domain of analysis. where each element in one set corresponds to exactly one element in another set. This
relationship indicates that one element in a set is matched to one element in another
set. By using one-to-one correspondence, we can perform mathematical counting.

488 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 489

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1001 Pivotal Theory of 21st Century’s Science : Fuzzy Control and Chaos Theory

3. What are the applications of fuzzy control and chaos theory?

Table of Contents
With the integration of probability into sets, fuzzy sets have emerged as a powerful
tool for expressing “vagueness” more concretely. The introduction of fuzzy sets led to
the development of fuzzy theory, which can take into account subtle human emotions. 1. One-to-one correspondence: a tool for counting nature
Fuzzy theory provides an effective method to deal with ambiguous expressions in 01. Counting objects using one-to-one correspondence
human language. and perception of numbers
In the traditional set theory based on Boolean logic, a specific object belongs (1, true) 02. Sets, the operating system of mathematics,
or does not belong (0, false) to a certain set A. However, in fuzzy set theory, based on and the exploration of infinity
fuzzy logic, the question becomes, “To what extent does this object belong to the set 2. Sets: unraveling the world of infinity
A?” and is represented by a numerical value between 0 (completely does not belong)
03. Cantor, who founded set theory to count infinity
and 1 (completely belongs). For example, the conventional set theory struggled to
properly process a sentence like “The azalea flower (R) is beautiful (A).” It could only 04. Subsets, the logical basis of set theory
express it as either “true” or “false.”
3. Fuzzy theory expressing subtle human emotions
Fuzzy logic, on the other hand, represents the degree to which R belongs to the set
A with a numerical value between 0 and 1, hence being able to express the degree 05. Understanding fuzzy sets by introducing probability
theory into sets
of beauty the azalea flower has. Today, fuzzy control, based on fuzzy sets, forms the
basis for the Internet of Things (IoT). Fuzzy control is deeply embedded in our daily 06. Fuzzy control considering subtle human emotions
lives, influencing appliances such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners, rice cookers, 4. Fractal figures explaining similarities between
digital cameras, cars, air conditioners, refrigerators, and more. structures in nature
07. The world of fractals: the structure of humans and the universe
08. Cantor ternary set and understanding the
dimensions of fractals

5. Chaos theory: finding regularity in irregular phenomena

09. Linear structures interpreted mathematically
10. Chaos theory explained through the butterfly effect
and nonlinear structures

Moreover, fuzzy theory finds extensive applications in various academic disciplines, 6. The world of fractals and chaos operating in financial markets
including economics, psychology, medicine, and more. 11. Financial markets that can only be explained probabilistically
Considering and reflecting subtle human emotions is a key goal of technological
12. Stock price curves that do not simplify no matter how they are analyzed
advancement. Fuzzy control theory is crucial in achieving this goal by mathematically
modeling and processing uncertain and ambiguous states of human emotions.

490 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 491

GM 1002

The New Cornerstone of

Mathematics: Propositions
That Develop Judgment
Category: Number Theory
GM 1003
Target: Grade 10
Math Theory: Pigeonhole Principle Understanding Descartes'
Mathematical Thinking and Gauss’
ISBN 978-1-64260-391-0
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 10
9 781642 603910
Math Theory: Error Correcting Codes

1.What is the purpose of studying ISBN 978-1-64260-392-7


Logic is the discipline that analyzes and 9 781642 603927

systematizes principles related to human

cognitive activities. One of the values of
logic is its applicability in various applied 1. What is the purpose of studying
scientific fields. Applied sciences aim to equations?
utilize existing knowledge in multiple
We study this subject to discover and solve
aspects of social life.
the equations that govern the world in
unseen places. We can explain observed
phenomena by finding the solutions to
these equations. For example, the real
roots of equations are tools for explaining
observable phenomena.

492 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 493

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1002 The New Cornerstone of Mathematics: Propositions That Develop Judgment

2.What is logic that distinguishes between correct and incorrect inferences 3. What are the applications of logical reasoning?
and evaluates them?
In economics, hypotheses are often formulated and verified through logical reasoning.
There is a form of inference that involves deducing general rules or tendencies based Hypotheses represent theoretical explanations or predictions for specific economic
on detailed information. For example, given that “Student A always ranks first in phenomena, and they should have a logical flow connecting theoretical explanations
exams,” one can deduce general rules such as, “Student A is an excellent student,” or to empirical data. Logical thinking plays a crucial role in analyzing causal relationships.
“Student A studies well.” If applied appropriately, these deductions can be used in For instance, when examining macroeconomic statistical changes such as inflation
various situations. or increases in unemployment rates, logical thinking is essential for analyzing the
causes. One prominent field within economics, known as game theory, extensively
utilizes propositions and logic. In game theory, which emphasizes the interactions
among participants, it is necessary to logically analyze strategic decision-making and
its consequences. When the other person takes action, we must devise strategies
accordingly by carefully considering which action would be most desirable for us.

Inferring logical problems through sentence relationships is known as propositional

or sentential logic. Sentences are often represented with symbols. Propositional
logic is deterministic and can determine whether any propositional logic formula is
valid. When propositions are replaced with symbols, truth tables can be created for
mechanical judgment. In computer programming, logic and propositions play a vital role. Propositions
In the case of propositions A and B, "~A” represents the negation of A. Additionally, and logic are directly related to control structures through conditional statements
“A and B” is symbolized as A ∧ B, and “A or B” is denoted by A ∨ B. in programming. Statements like “If A, then execute B; otherwise, execute C” rely
In a simple truth table, when A is true, "~A" becomes false. For example, the negation on propositions and logical judgments. Computers listen to these commands and
of “A∧B” can be written as ~(A ∧ B), which is equivalent to ~A ∨~B. Conversely, the execute them accordingly, so it is essential to input accurate propositions for desirable
negation of “A∧B” can be written as ~(A ∨ B), which is equal to ~A ∧~B. programming outcomes.
The truth table confirms that A ∧ B is true only when A and B are both true, while A ∨ B Logical thinking enhances cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. It helps in
is true when at least one of A or B is true. In logic and the foundations of mathematics, analyzing problems, selecting appropriate approaches, and finding optimal solutions.
sentence logics are symbolized to understand their relationships. Logical thinking also aids decision-making by enabling individuals to explore diverse
If we can symbolize the relationships between propositions used in daily life, it will options, make rational decisions based on sound reasoning, and arrive at practical and
help us solve more complex problems logically. wise conclusions.

494 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 495

Understanding Descartes' Mathematical Thinking and Gauss’ Fundamental
GM 1002 The New Cornerstone of Mathematics: Propositions That Develop Judgment GM 1003 Theorem of Algebra

2. What is the logical basis of Gauss' fundamental theorem of algebra?

Table of Contents
Descartes invented the coordinate plane, unifying geometry and algebra. The coordinate
plane provided a language to express geometric entities as solutions to equations.
1. The role of logic that enables appropriate reasoning Finding solutions to equations ultimately means solving them. Equations with a single
01.Logic studying the reason and the rules of thought variable, like x+5=8 or x2=4, represent solutions as points. However, as the number of
variables increases, a more diverse range of geometric figures can be created.
02. Contemplation on inductive and deductive reasoning

2. Logic dealing with types of societies and the

phenomena of its members
03. The similarities and differences between Western
and Eastern logic
04. Formal logic and epistemic logic

3. The purpose of learning propositions is to cultivate

05. Mathematical propositions that cultivate judgment
For example, consider the equation y=x. There are not one but two variables, x and y.
06. Aristotle, who created the theoretical basis for propositions This equation has solutions represented as pairs (0, 0), (1, 1), (-1, -1), and so on,
4. Solving various real-world problems with forming an infinite set of points that ultimately create a line passing through the origin.
propositions and logic In other words, the solution to y=x represents a line.
On a two-dimensional coordinate plane, we can create specific figures by finding
07. Logical problems inferred through sentence relationships
solutions to equations such as the line equation y=ax+b, the parabola equation
08. Various proving skills using numbers and propositions y=ax2+bx+c (a ≠ 0), and the circle equation x2+y2+z2=r2 (r ≠ 0).
In this way, equations are connected to lines, parabolas, and circles, integrating
5. The study of logic to view the world properly
geometry and algebra seamlessly.
09. Logic disappearing from modern society As the number of variables increases, complex shapes are formed. Like the Cartesian
10. Critical thinking and argument analysis necessary for rational judgment coordinate plane with the x-axis and y-axis in two dimensions, there is no law against
increasing variables. For instance, the equation x2+y2+z2=r2 (r ≠ 0) can represent a
6. A modern society made more convenient through propositions three-dimensional figure called a sphere. By expanding the variables this way, we can
(logical inferences) think of dimensions such as 4D, 5D, 100D, or even 10,000D.
11. The pigeonhole principle, which assumes the worst situation The coordinate plane does not merely combine geometry and algebra; it advances
these fields. When contemplating a 4D sphere, although we cannot draw it, we can
12. Understanding and applying game theory and the prisoner's dilemma
conceptualize equations with four variables.

496 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 497

General Mathematics Series 144 Understanding Descartes' Mathematical Thinking and Gauss’ Fundamental
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1003 Theorem of Algebra

3. What are the applications of equations?

Table of Contents
Equations play a crucial role in various fields behind the scenes. In engineering,
equations are utilized in circuit design, automatic control systems, signal processing,
and more. Additionally, physics relies on motion equations and Maxwell's equations 1. Logic necessary for mathematical thinking
to express physical laws. Thus, equations are vital in explaining and controlling diverse 01. The relationship between mathematical and logical
phenomena around. Today, equations are applied in a wide range of fields. thinking
Let's consider a few examples of how equations are used in real life. 02. Understanding deductive and inductive logic
(1) Economics - Supply and demand: 2. Euclid, who presented solutions to equations using
Equations are used to find the market equilibrium price, representing the balance geometry
between supply and demand. Supply and demand are generally expressed as price
03. Euclid's Elements , an encyclopedia of ancient Greek
functions, and equilibrium can be illustrated as the point where these two functions
intersect. Mathematically, this is represented as an equation.
04. Equations proven through images instead of letters
Demand Function =Supply Function
We can determine the price and quantity at market equilibrium by solving this 3. Descartes' mathematical thinking, the logical basis
equation. of equations
(2) Physics - Motion Equations: 05. Various kinds of equations arising in everyday life
Equations describe the motion of objects. Newton's equation of motion depicts the 06. Descartes' Discourse on the Method and
relationship between an object's mass, acceleration, and the force acting upon it. understanding mathematical thinking
4. Different forms of linear equations and their solution
Here, F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. This equation allows the prediction
and explanation of an object's motion using formal calculations. 07. Solutions of linear equations and the number of roots
08. Phenomena expressed by linear equations
(3) Engineering - Electrical Circuits:
Equations like Ohm's Law are essential in explaining the operation of electrical circuits. 5. The fundamental theorem of algebra by Gauss,
Equations relating to voltage, current, and resistance are used to analyze circuit the king of mathematics
09. Gauss' contributions to the history of mathematics
10. The twin pillars of algebra: mathematical thinking and
V is voltage, I is current, and R is resistance.
the fundamental theorem of algebra
(4) Biology - Growth Models:
6. Equations governing the world behind the scenes
Equations are employed in biology to model population growth, cell division rates, etc.
For example, the logistic growth model considers resource limitations, providing an 11. Equations hidden in barcodes and resident registration numbers
equation for understanding how growth progresses. 12. Problems of time and speed solved through equations

498 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 499

GM 1004 Equations without Algebraic Solutions and the Challenges of Modern Algebra

2. What is the logical basis of the existence of normal roots of equations?

Binary operations are defined for two operands, and the result is an element of a set.
GM 1004 If a binary operation (∗) is valid in (a∗b)∗c=a∗(b∗c) for all elements a, b, and c, it satisfies
the associative law. This principle indicates that the result remains the same regardless
Equations without Algebraic of how the operations are grouped. Suppose there is an element e in the set S such
Solutions and the Challenges that a∗e=e∗a=a for all elements a, e is the identity element of the binary operation.
of Modern Algebra The identity element is an element that remains unchanged regardless of the operation
performed and serves as the result of the operation.
Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 10
Math Theory: Group Theory

ISBN 978-1-64260-393-4

9 781642 603934

1. What is the purpose of studying algebra?

If for some element a, a∗a′=a′∗a=e holds, where e is the identity element, then a′ is
Equations are valuable tools for discovering unknown or desired
called the inverse element of a. The inverse element reverses the effect of the
information from known facts. We use equations to solve complex
operation on a specific element. A group (G, ∗) is formed when a binary operation
problems in our lives. It is important always to contemplate how
∗ is defined on set G,∗ satisfying the associative law. G possesses an identity element,
to solve and apply challenging higher-degree equations.
and every element in G has an inverse element. A group represents the fundamental
When studying higher-degree equations, we must inevitably learn
structure of operations. If a∗b=b∗a holds for all elements a and b in group (G, ∗), it is
about Évariste Galois.
an Abelian group.
Galois researched solutions for 5th-degree or quintic equations,
An Abelian group is where the commutative law for operations is satisfied. If another
which later became the foundation for group theory. For centuries,
binary operation ∗ is defined for (G, +) and this operation ⋅ satisfies the distributive
many mathematicians endeavored to find solutions to quintic
law, (G, +, ⋅) it is a ring. A ring is an algebraic structure that deals with addition and
equations, but without significant success.
multiplication simultaneously. In a ring (F, +, ⋅), if every element excluding 0 has
a multiplicative inverse, (F, +, ⋅) is called a field. If the multiplication does not satisfy
the commutative law of a field, it is called a skew field. A skew field, unlike a typical
field, does not satisfy the commutative property for multiplication.

500 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 501

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1004 Equations without Algebraic Solutions and the Challenges of Modern Algebra

3. What are the applications of group theory studied in algebra?

Table of Contents
Through his book The Elementary Structures of Kinship , published in 1949, Lévi-Strauss
became a leading figure in structuralist anthropology. He viewed kinship relations
not as independent elements but as relationships forming pairs. In other words, 1. Mathematicians' dilemma on the algebraic solutions
relationships such as husband and wife, parent and child, siblings, etc., are constructed of equations
within the contrasting relationships of two elements. This approach drew inspiration 01. Equations: eyes foreseeing the future
from Ferdinand de Saussure's structuralist linguistics. Saussure argued that the 02. An impregnable fortress: algebraic solutions of
meaning of symbols used in language is determined not by their inherent content but quintic equations
by the “difference” arising within relationships with other words. 2. Solutions of polynomial equations of degree 5 or
His theory, defining language as a structure of values based on the differences higher and Galois' group theory
between specific units, was revolutionary in the linguistic field at the time.
03. Solving higher degree polynomial equations
Lévi-Strauss believed he could uncover the depth of kinship by uncovering such
04. The two unfortunate genius mathematicians:
differences or contrasting relationships. In kinship organizations, three family relations Abel and Galois
emerge. Firstly, there are relationships sharing a common father, namely between
siblings. Secondly, there is the marital relationship between husband and wife. Thirdly, 3. Understanding number systems and algebraic structures
there is the relationship between parents and children. This is possible because of 05. Understanding sets, number systems, and binary
women's exchange rules. In the receiving party, the exchange of women occurs when operations
they give away their women. 06. Algebraic structures revealed through the use of letters

4. Theory on groups and rings marking the beginning

of abstract algebra
07. Understanding groups and rings and their various
08. Group theory: describing entities with similar properties

5. Isomorphisms preserving algebraic structures

between groups
Lévi-Strauss attempted to address the issue of incest through this perspective. He 09. Defining functions and understanding inverse functions
explained such social structures using the group theory of abstract algebra. Group 10. Utilizing functions to grasp the identity of algebraic structures
theory, focusing on operational structures rather than qualitative numbers, proved
suitable for describing social structures. Group theory has become an essential 6. Anthropology explained through group theory, the mathematics of symmetry
mathematical concept in the study of modern particle physics. 11. Anthropology investigating the uniqueness of humanity and culture
When studying the motion of particles, group theory is commonly used in simulating 12. The Klein four-group in Levi-Strauss' The Elementary Structures of Kinship
molecular models on computers.

502 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 503

GM 1005

The Real World Blooming Beautifully from

the Virtual World GM 1006
Category: Number Theory
Target: Grade 10
Boolean Algebra:
Math Theory: Euler’s Formula The Foundation for
Implementing Artificial
ISBN 978-1-64260-394-1
14200> Intelligence with Computers
Category: Number Theory
9 781642 603941 Target: Grade 10
Math Theory: V
 on Neumann Architecture

1. What is the purpose of studying the $142.00

ISBN 978-1-64260-395-8
extension of number systems?

A ten-year school curriculum teaches us

9 781642 603958
concepts from natural numbers to real
and complex numbers. Considering that we
study specific mathematical theories from
1. What is the purpose of studying Boolean algebra,
as short as a few days to as long as a year,
the foundation of logic circuits?
it is easy to imagine the significant role numbers
have played in the history of mathematics. The central processing unit (CPU), often called the brain of
computers, is responsible for arithmetic and logical operations,
data processing, and control.
Through this book, we will learn the concpet of Boolean algebra,
which forms the basis of digital logic circuits, and broaden our
understanding of artificial intelligence, which has become
a hot topic in modern society.

504 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 505

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1005 The Real World Blooming Beautifully from the Virtual World

2. Why are complex numbers necessary, and how were they devised? 3. Where can we apply the knowledge gained from studying this book?
The term "complex number" was first introduced and utilized by Gauss. He regarded Until the 19th century, most developed physics theories
a+bi as an ordered pair (a, b) and conceived the complex plane, also known as the could be explained and proven using real numbers.
Gaussian plane. Gauss demonstrated that one could construct a regular 17-sided However, with the emergence of 20th-century quantum
polygon using the complex plane. Since ancient Greek times, it was believed that mechanics, there was a need to expand the scope
among polygons that can be drawn using only a compass and straightedge, only of numbers to include complex numbers. Quantum
regular triangles and regular pentagons have a prime number of sides. mechanics deals with laws governing extremely subtle
However, more than 2,000 years later, Gauss overturned this belief with his discovery. phenomena, such as the movement of atoms or
electrons, which are invisible to the naked eye.
In the quantum world, matter exhibits properties of both particles and waves.
Seemingly inexplicable occurrences like the phenomenon of a single substance
existing in multiple places simultaneously or the tunneling effect, where a substance
passes through a barrier, are not uncommon in quantum mechanics, despite going
against our common sense.

In quantum mechanics, calculations determine the likelihood of finding a single

electron in different locations. At the foundation of quantum mechanics lies the
Schrödinger equation, which includes imaginary numbers. We can obtain the
probability distribution of an electron's position using this equation. The quantum
The points 1, -1, i, and -i each become 1 when raised to the fourth power. Hence, these
world would have remained an unknown realm if imaginary numbers had not been
four numbers are the fourth roots of 1. Connecting these points on the Gaussian plane
forms a square. Placing the center at the origin on the Gaussian plane and drawing
The revolutionary advent of quantum mechanics in the 1920s continues to impact the
a regular n-sided polygon with one vertex coinciding with 1 makes each vertex an “n th
field of physics. Without quantum mechanics, inventions like semiconductors, crucial
root of 1". Gauss utilized this property to prove that it is possible to construct a regular
components of modern computers and smartphones, would not have been possible.
17-sided polygon using only a compass and straightedge. Moreover, he discovered
Moreover, nanotechnology, often regarded as the cutting-edge technology of the 21st
that even regular polygons with 257 and 65,537 sides could be constructed.
century, is built upon the innovative theories of quantum mechanics. Furthermore,
We might wonder why mathematicians would try to prove things using complex efforts to implement quantum computers are underway based on concepts and
numbers when they could be proven using real numbers alone. theoretical discussions in quantum computation.
We do not typically consider dimensions higher than the third dimension in the Thus, quantum mechanics not only forms the core of modern science and engineering
physical world. However, theories are often expanded into higher dimensions in but has also brought about significant changes in people's worldviews. While classical
disciplines such as mathematics and physics. For instance, the superstring theory mechanics viewed energy as flowing continuously like water, the emergence of
in physics is defined in a 10-dimensional spacetime. In mathematics, theories are quantum concepts, where the energy of electromagnetic waves, including light, has
generalized and abstracted to develop them in dimensions higher than the third discrete values, has led to a change in our perception of the world, recognizing it as
dimension. a realm governed by chance and probability.

506 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 507

Boolean Algebra: The Foundation for Implementing Artificial Intelligence
GM 1005 The Real World Blooming Beautifully from the Virtual World GM 1006 with Computers

2. What is the logical basis of Boolean algebra and von Neumann

Table of Contents architecture?
Let's delve into the fundamental operating principle of computers known as the von
1. Understanding the glorious civilized society and Neumann architecture. The von Neumann architecture is a crucial concept underlying
the role of numbers modern computer architecture, proposed by mathematician and physicist John von
01.The rise of ancient civilizations and the birth of numbers Neumann. It is a framework describing the design of electronic digital computers.
02. Peano axioms describing the natural number system The von Neumann architecture includes the following key components.

2. The real world of rational and irrational numbers

03. The meeting of the rational digital and emotional analog
04. The world of real numbers we can see and feel

3. The introduction of complex numbers for

mathematical validity
05. Exploring numbers that become negative numbers
when squared
06. The meaning of complex numbers revealed by operational rules (1) Central Processing Unit (CPU):
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) within the CPU processes calculations and performs
4. The Gauss plane: the addition of the imaginary axis numerical and logical operations. Processor registers are small memory units used for
to the real axis fast reading and writing within the central processing unit.
07. Visualizing imaginary numbers on the Gauss plane (2) Control Unit:
08. Geometrical significance revealed by the The Instruction Register (IR) in the control unit stores the instructions currently being
multiplication of complex numbers executed. The Program Counter (PC) points to the address of the next instruction to
be completed. The Instruction Decoder interprets the meaning of instructions and
5. The imaginary world represented by imaginary numbers, controls other parts accordingly.
laying the foundation for quantum mechanics (3) Memory:
09. Classical physics that did not need imaginary numbers Data memory is used to store, read, and write data. Program memory stores the
10. Quantum mechanics forming the basis of contemporary civilization instruction set (program) sequentially read and executed by the CPU.
(4) External Storage:
6. Fractal graphics and modern communication technology formed by complex numbers Hard disk drives, SSDs, etc., are external storage devices that permanently store large
11. Mandelbrot sets and fractal art amounts of data.
12. Technology transmitting clear voices even in noisy environments (5) Input/Output Mechanism:
Input/output devices and interfaces facilitate interaction between users and computers.

508 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 509

General Mathematics Series 144 Boolean Algebra: The Foundation for Implementing Artificial Intelligence
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1006 with Computers

3. What are the applications of Boolean algebra that connects humans and
machines? Table of Contents
Humanity has devoted efforts to understanding how humans think for thousands
of years. At the same time, research on artificial intelligence began to seek answers 1. Transition from the analog age to the digital age
on how to create machines that can think and act like humans. Artificial intelligence 01. Analog sensibilities that evoke humanity
aims to enable machines to perceive, understand, predict, and judge the world as
02. Advancements in computers and the dawn of the digital age
we do. The term "artificial intelligence" was first used by Professor John McCarthy
of Dartmouth College in the United States during a discussion on the potential 2. Artificial intelligence that soothes human loneliness
development of computer programs capable of intelligent thinking like humans.
03. Modern people experiencing loneliness despite being together
For machines to possess human intelligence, the development of devices capable of 04. Fuzzy theory considering subtle human emotions
sensing the five senses—touch, hearing, vision, taste, and smell—is required to gather
and understand information. This includes devices such as cameras to replace vision, 3. Boolean algebra: the foundation for designing logic circuits
microphones for voice recognition, and tactile sensors to replace touch. Technologies 05. Laws and operations of Boolean algebra for
to process acquired information into a form understandable by machines are also discerning truth and falsehood
essential. Boolean algebra plays an important role in the process of bridging humans 06. Designing logic circuit using Boolean algebra
and machines.
4. Von Neumann architecture: the fundamental
operating principle of computers
07. Von Neumann, the proposer of the modern computer model
08. Overcoming the limitations of von Neumann
architecture with Harvard architecture

5. D
 isadvantages of Boolean algebra and
introduction of fuzzy algebra
09. Limitations of Boolean algebra representing the digital age
10. Emergence of fuzzy algebra expressing the concept
of “moderation"

With the rapid advancement of technology, robots are seamlessly integrating into 6. The world brought by artificial intelligence, content leading the DT age
our daily lives. Robots play many roles, from industrial settings to everyday tasks like 11. Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics
cooking and delivery. While the emergence of robots has increased productivity and
12. Artificial intelligence advancing into games, art, and literature
reduced human labor, concerns about the side effects of robots are also growing.
Many worry that the increasing role of robots may someday threaten humanity.

510 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 511

Understanding the Quadratic Formula and the Rational Roots Which
GM 1007 Make Algebra Great

2. What is the logical basis of mathematical theories in algebra?

One of the innovations introduced by Cardano was the technique of
GM 1007 transforming cubic equations into ones without a quadratic term.

Understanding the Quadratic x3+ax2+bx+c=0

After substituting x= y − , the equation obtained is:
Formula and the Rational 3
Roots Which Make Algebra 
a   a 
 a 
0 = y −  + a  y −  + b y −  + c
Great  3   3   3 

Category: Algebra  3
 2 a 
2 3
 a   a    2 2
 a   a    a 
=  y − 3 y   + 3 y   −    + a  y − 2 y   +    + b y − +c
Target: Grade 10 
  3   3   3     3   3    3 
Math Theory: Black-Scholes Model
 a 2   2a 3 ab 
=y 3 +  b −  y + − +c 
$142.00  3   27 3 
ISBN 978-1-64260-396-5
the following values were obtained:
a2  2a 3 ab 
b− , q=
− − +c 
9 781642 603965
3  27 3 
and the final equation could be expressed as follows:
1. What is the purpose of studying algebra, which makes
mathematics comfortable? This is the reduced form of the cubic equation. It lacks terms involving , but
the coefficients are arbitrary. As mentioned earlier, Cardano did not accept
Equations in The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art were used to solve negative coefficients, leading to the following form:
real-life problems. Since ancient times, many mathematicians have utilized
equations to understand nature's secrets. x3+px=q (p>0, q>0)
Not only ancient Greek mathematicians who believed that nature moves Then, the following geometric method was employed to correspond to this
according to mathematical laws but also medieval mathematicians who the following equation:
constantly strived to discover the laws of astronomy and physics understood (a+b)3=a3+b3+3ab(a+b)
the importance of equations. Equations have contributed significantly
Eventually, the following solutions were obtained:
to the expansion of the field of mathematics. The quadratic equations of
ancient Babylonian times hold a very important position in the history of
q q 2 p3 3 q q 2 p3
mathematics. Methods for solving quadratic equations already existed by x= 3 + − + − −
2 4 27 2 4 27
around 2,000 BCE. This demonstrates the early form of algebra, which is
q 2 p3
one of the fundamental pillars of modern mathematics, and showcases the Of course, the difficulty here arises from − becoming an imaginary
4 27
mathematical insights and abilities of the ancient Babylonians. number.

512 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 513

General Mathematics Series 144 Understanding the Quadratic Formula and the Rational Roots Which
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1007 Make Algebra Great

3. Where can we apply the knowledge gained from studying algebra?

Table of Contents
It is well known that equations are efficient tools for explaining natural phenomena.
Nowadays, equations have advanced to the point where they can explain not only
social phenomena but also psychological phenomena. It can be said to be a natural 1. The human instinct endlessly pursues convenience
result. This is because humans are also part of nature, and societies formed by people 01.Humans create and use tools for convenience
can also be seen as components of nature. Therefore, all behaviors and phenomena 02. Convenience and inconvenience resulting from
occurring among people are, in essence, natural phenomena. As this understanding the Industrial Revolution
spreads among scholars, equations have begun to be utilized in the financial markets.
When we talk about the pinnacle of the financial market, we can mention securities.
2. The history of mathematics and the quadratic
formula for solving quadratic equations
When did securities emerge? In the 15th century, as navigation and shipbuilding
technologies advanced, the Age of Discovery began. 03. Quadratic equations of ancient Babylonia
In 1488, the Portuguese explorer Dias reached the Cape of Good Hope in southern 04. The quadratic formula and applications
Africa. In 1492, Columbus was the first of his people to reach the Americas, and in
3. Algebraic and geometric meanings of solutions
1498, Vasco da Gama opened the sea route to India. It was the era when Europe
to quadratic equations
and Asia could trade directly without relying on Arab merchants. As maritime trade
05. Algebraic meanings of solutions to quadratic equations
flourished by carrying precious goods from the East to be sold in Europe, immense
profits were generated. However, along with these profits, there were also concerns 06. Examining solutions to quadratic equations through graphs
about significant losses. They could face bankruptcy or even lose their lives due to
4. Solutions to cubic and quartic equations discovered
natural disasters like typhoons and pillaging by pirate ships. Therefore, merchants
by Italian mathematicians
started speculative trading by issuing stock-like certificates to raise necessary funds.
07. The cubic formula that tormented mathematicians
08. Discovery of the cubic formula and the dispute
between Tartaglia and Cardano

5. Understanding the relationship between roots and

coefficients, and double roots and integer roots
09. The relationship between roots and coefficients
in polynomial equations
In the 1970s, mathematics began to be used to analyze stocks in the financial 10. Algebraic and geometric meanings of double roots and integer roots
market. During this time, a new type of financial product, derivatives, was developed.
Derivatives are financial products that combine various financial products tailored to 6. Equations as excellent tools for predicting the future
the specific conditions of traders to minimize the risk of losses due to fluctuations in 11. Financial analysts pursue maximum profit
commodities such as agricultural products, foreign exchange, and stocks and secure 12. Climate economics born from the intersection of weather and economics
appropriate profits.

514 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 515

GM 1009

Algebraic Approach
to Functions,
the Basis of Analytics
Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 10
GM 1008 Math Theory: Generating Function

The Quaternion That Provided ISBN 978-1-64260-398-9

Inspiration for Complex Spaces

and Hamilton’s Intuition 9 781642 603989

Category: Number Theory

Target: Grade 10
Math Theory: Maxwell’s Equations 1. What is the purpose of studying the
$142.00 shapes of graphs, the foundation
ISBN 978-1-64260-397-2
14200> of analytic functions in analysis?
An equation occurs when the value of
function f(x) is fixed at a single value. This
9 781642 603972
gateway allows us to traverse the boundaries
between analysis and algebra. The purpose
of studying the topic of this book is to
1. W
 hat is the purpose of studying
understand the differences and similarities
the properties of quaternions? between functions and equations, thereby
In electrical engineering, imaginary broadening our mathematical thinking skills.
numbers are used to represent current and
voltage, while in physics, they depict wave
phenomena. Imaginary numbers are also
widely employed in quantum mechanics.

516 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 517

General Mathematics Series 144 The Quaternion That Provided Inspiration for Complex Spaces and
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1008 Hamilton’s Intuition

2. What is the logical basis of Hamilton's quaternions? 3. What are the applications of Hamilton's quaternions?
Hamilton soon realized that to solve the problem at hand, he had to give up two Maxwell's equations describe how the electromagnetic field acts on space in the form
things. First, the new numbers had to have four components, and second, he had to of waves. By examining the electromagnetic field closely, we can understand how light
abandon the commutative property for multiplication. The fact that the commutative waves are generated and propagated. Moreover, we can understand that light waves
property did not hold was revolutionary in algebra. represent a particular form of electromagnetic waves that were previously invisible
to the naked eye. Although electromagnetic waves exist in reality, our visual system
cannot perceive them. Electromagnetic waves vibrating at a frequency of 3 trillion to
400 trillion times per second are called infrared, beyond the red light. Infrared cameras
have been created using this phenomenon, allowing us to see the infrared rays that
leave even the human body at night. Electromagnetic waves with frequencies lower
than infrared are called radio waves.

Everyday electronic devices such as microwave ovens, mobile phones, televisions, and
radios utilize electromagnetic waves in this range. For example, mobile phones use
radio waves vibrating at about 800 million to 1.8 billion times per second (0.8~1.8GHz).
If it were not for Hamilton's quaternions, Maxwell's equations, utilized in products
that make our lives more convenient, might not have been developed. Today, the
importance of quaternions is increasing. They control the orientation of artificial
satellites and enable the free rotational movement of robotic arms. Born out of pure
Eventually, Hamilton called the newly discovered numbers quaternions. Quaternions
mathematical curiosity, quaternions are now leading advanced science. Mathematics
are expressed in the form “a+bi+cj+dk,” where a, b, c, and d are real numbers, and i,
has an unseen potential to endlessly name and label the unseen.
j, and k play the same role as the imaginary unit i in complex numbers. Equality and
addition of two quaternions a1+b1i+c1j+d1k and a2+b2i+c2j+d2k are defined as follows.
∙ Equality: a1+b1i+c1j+d1k=a2+b2i+c2j+d2k ⇔ a1=a2, b1=b2, c1=c2, d1=d2
∙ Addition: (a1+b1i+c1j+d1k)+(a2+b2i+c2j+d2k)=(a1+a2)+(b1+b2)i+(c1+c2)j+(d1+d2)k

The multiplication of quaternions is similar to the multiplication of complex numbers,

but it follows the following rule:
ij=k, jk=i, ki=j, ji=-k, kj=-i, ik=-j, i2=j2=k2=ijk=-1
Examining the properties above, we can see that quaternion multiplication does not
satisfy the commutative law. For example, let's multiply “3+2i+6j+7k” and “4+6i+8j+9k.”
(3+2i+6j+7k)(4+6i+8j+9k)=-111+24i+72j+35k Let's explore how quaternions are being rediscovered in robotics and computer
(4+6i+8j+9k)(3+2i+6j+7k)=-111+28i+24j+75k graphics. Quaternions have gained attention in recent years, especially in computer
Hamilton proved the associativity property in quaternion multiplication, coining animation (graphics), as they offer more efficiency and help resolve issues like gimbal
"associativity" for the first time. locks that could occur in the Euler angle system.

518 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 519

The Quaternion That Provided Inspiration for Complex Spaces and
GM 1008 Hamilton’s Intuition GM 1009 Algebraic Approach to Functions, the Basis of Analytics

2. What is the logical basis of geometric and algebraic functions?

Table of Contents
A generating function is a specific function associated
with a sequence used in mathematical fields such
1. Real and imaginary numbers that penetrate nature as combinatorics. Generating functions transfers
and society information about a sequence into an algebraic space,
01. The expansion of numbers from natural numbers allowing us to extract information about the sequence
to real numbers by expanding the function. The generating function
02. Imaginary numbers created to solve the laws of takes the form of a function where the coefficients
nature and the universe correspond to the numbers in the sequence, essentially
2. The idea of quaternions and Hamilton’s intuition turning the sequence into a power series.

03. Hamilton, a linguistic gifted child who became There is a close relationship between the general term
a mathematical genius of a sequence and the coefficients of its generating function. In the case of a typical
04. The discovery of numbers corresponding to the world of space generating function, the sequence's general term becomes the generating function's
coefficient. The generating function is a polynomial in the form of xn, where each
3. Quaternions describing rotations in three- number in the sequence serves as a coefficient. For example, if the general term of
dimensional space
a given sequence is an=2n, the generating function of the sequence is as follows.
05. The representation of space vectors derived from quaternions
06. Transformations using quaternions, where the
commutative law does not apply Thus, it can be seen that a geometric series representing the sum of a geometric
sequence emerges. The coefficient of the nth term in G(x) matches the nth term of the
4. The relationship between quaternions and group theory
sequence. Thus, generating functions are convenient for dealing with infinite terms.
07. A
 belian groups describing the world of commutativity Understanding the characteristics of infinite sequences intuitively can be challenging.
08. Matrix representation of quaternions and the However, we can have a more accessible approach to infinite equations. For instance,
quaternion group
in the case of an infinite geometric series, as its values can be easily calculated,
5. L aws of physics proven with the help of quaternions generating functions prove to be useful for addressing the analytical properties of
infinite terms. Considering another infinite sequence, for instance, where an=1, the
09. Completion of electromagnetism and Maxwell's equations
following generating function can be obtained.
10. Hamilton's vectors and Grassman's inner and outer products
6. Quaternions re-examined in robotics and computer graphics
Since it is an infinite geometric series with a common ratio of x and a first term of 1,
11. Attitude control of artificial satellites using quaternions
12. Quaternions solved the gimbal lock problem in rotational motion G( x) = .
1− x

520 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 521

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1009 Algebraic Approach to Functions, the Basis of Analytics

3. What are the applications of interpolation that predict values of functions?

Table of Contents
One of the most common interpolation methods is linear interpolation. Linear
interpolation estimates values between two data points by connecting them with a
straight line. While this method is simple and intuitive, it may not always adequately 1. Concepts of functions founded on algebraic definitions
reflect complex variations in the data. More advanced techniques, such as polynomial 01. Concepts of functions developed from polynomials
or spline interpolation, are used to model more complex data patterns. and equations
Polynomial interpolation generates curves passing through data points using 02. Evolution from geometric functions to algebraic functions
polynomials of higher degrees. Although this method can capture more complex 2. Shapes of graphs revealed through factorization
patterns, polynomials of higher degrees can lead to overfitting issues.
03. Factorization of polynomials and graphs of higher
Spline interpolation was developed to address this problem. It smoothly connects degree polynomial functions
data points using multiple low-degree polynomials. This method has the advantage 04. Graph shapes revealed through the relationship
of creating curves that naturally pass through data points, effectively representing between roots and coefficients
complex data patterns while minimizing overfitting issues. 3. Finding solutions to equations through
combinations of sequences and functions
05. Valid solutions of equations and approximations
06. Solving equations using the bisection method and
fixed-point theory
4. Generating functions that transform algebraic
problems to functions
07. The definition and characteristics of generating functions
08. The relationship between the general term of a sequence
and the coefficients of the generating function
Interpolation is widely applied across various fields. In meteorology, it can be used 5. Rational and irrational functions explaining
to predict weather conditions over a wide area based on limited weather data from phenomena in physics
specific points. For instance, weather data is often measured only at discrete points. 09. Situations inversely proportional to time and distance,
Interpolation is needed to visualize this data across the entire region. By connecting and rational functions
data points from each observation station, one can predict the temperature or 10. The motion of objects represented by irrational functions
precipitation distribution for the entire area. This provides crucial information for
6. Numerical analysis: seeking solutions through algebraic methods
weather forecasting and climate research. Another example is in medical imaging,
11. Computers and errors that led to the development of numerical analysis
where MRI or CT scans provide discrete data points for specific sections of the body.
Interpolation is used when generating 3D models from this data. This allows physicians 12. Interpolation smoothly connecting discrete data points
to examine specific areas of the body in more detail and make more accurate diagnoses.

522 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 523

The Mysterious Arrangement of Numbers in Nature and the Creation
GM 1010 and Extinction of Life

2. What is the mathematical basis of the Fibonacci sequence?

GM 1010 Some recurrence formulas have delighted pure mathematicians. One of the most
famous examples is, initially, choosing any integer as the first term.
The Mysterious Arrangement Then, following a certain rule, numbers are listed. If the previous number is even, it is
divided by 2; if odd, it is multiplied by 3 and added by 1. If we choose the number 7,
of Numbers in Nature and the following numbers are arranged as follows:
the Creation and Extinction 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, …
of Life Examining the arrangement of these numbers, it can be observed that after several
iterations, it eventually reaches the number 1, and thereafter, the sequence of 3
Category: Analysis numbers repeats.
Target: Grade 10
Math Theory: Pseudo Random Number
ISBN 978-1-64260-399-6

9 781642 603996

Why does this phenomenon occur regardless of the initially chosen number? Why do
1. What is the purpose of studying the principles of the creation and
these sequences always end up reaching 1? According to the "Collatz conjecture," the
extinction of organisms?
answer is "yes." Whether this conjecture is true remains unknown.
The Fibonacci sequence, found in nature which prioritizes efficiency as its primary If a solution is discovered, it will contain entirely new ideas that can be widely applied
task, contains the laws of generation and extinction of living organisms. in other fields. Additionally, the general formula for the Fibonacci sequence can also
In other words, by expressing nature in numbers, we can discover patterns and be expressed by the following equation.
 n n

get one step closer to the secrets of nature. Sequences are also utilized in various 1   1+ 5   1− 5  
=Fn   −   
fields such as society, economics, and science. Sequences are also widely used to 5   2   2  

describe rules in various aspects of society and predict the future, such as solving The Fibonacci sequence is expressed only as integers, but the fact that irrational
problems related to accumulating savings with interest, analyzing population 1+ 5 1− 5
numbers, such as and , are used in the formula to calculate the value of
growth and food production, and more. For example, Thomas Malthus predicted 2 2
in "An Essay on the Principle of Population" that while food production increases each term in the Fibonacci sequence catches our interest. Of course, there are several
linearly, population increases exponentially, leading to a food crisis. Fortunately, methods to derive such a formula. One method is to find the solution to the quadratic
the situation Malthus feared did not occur, but we can clearly feel the power of equation x2=x+1, which is similar in form to the recurrence formula Fn+2=Fn+1+Fn.
geometric progression, namely a geometric sequence, in his theory. The Fibonacci sequence is a mysterious arrangement of numbers that embodies the
beauty and harmony of nature. By studying the Fibonacci sequence, we can
simultaneously generate new mathematical ideas.

524 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 525

General Mathematics Series 144 The Mysterious Arrangement of Numbers in Nature and the Creation
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1010 and Extinction of Life

3. What are the applications of sequences that describe the laws of nature?
Table of Contents
Regular arrays of numbers are important not only in various academic fields but also
in our daily lives. However, there are times when arrays of numbers without rules are
needed. For example, if there were rules for the winning numbers of a lottery, it would 1. Pythagoras, who sought to express the rules of
be obvious to everyone who buys a ticket that they will win, rendering the lottery nature in numbers
ineffective. A simpler example would be if there were rules for the numbers on a dice, 01. Pythagoras, who viewed nature through the eyes of reason
then all games in the world that use dice would disappear. 02. A philosopher who applied meaning to numbers
and figurate numbers
To create situations where rules should not be apparent, “random numbers” are used.
2. The Fibonacci sequence: the mysterious rule of
Random numbers refer to numbers arranged randomly without specific rules to make
numbers in nature
predictions unpredictable. A simple situation where random numbers are used is in
03. Nature thinks and behaves efficiently
quality inspections at factories. It is impossible to inspect every single product in
04. The Fibonacci sequence: the mysterious array of
a factory that produces a million items a day. Instead, a few hundred are randomly numbers of nature
selected for inspection, and random numbers are used in this process.
3. The rigorous definition of sequences and their
relation to functions
05. Understanding the concept of functions through
06. Sequences and functions expressing regularities in
the discrete world
4. Sequences as processes unveiling the patterns in nature
07. Gauss, a genius mathematician considered the king
of mathematics
08. Understanding arithmetic and harmonic sequences
5. The importance of geometric sequences in
economics and sociology
09. Natural and social phenomena increasing and
The simplest way to create a random number table is to write numbers from 0 to 9 decreasing in a constant ratio
as desired and then arrange them in groups. Selecting one number from the random
10. Calculation of annuities and final payments using geometric sequences
number table and reading the numbers horizontally, vertically, or diagonally creates
6. Generating and utilizing secure random numbers for which no rule
consecutive numbers without rules. However, generating random numbers using
can be found
a random number table makes it very vulnerable in terms of security.
11. The necessity of random numbers that cannot be reasonably predicted
Anyone with access to the random number table can, with some effort, find the
12. Pseudo-random numbers employed in identity authentication
pattern. Nowadays, with the advancement of computers, it is possible to automatically
generate highly secure random numbers.

526 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 527

GM 1011

Probabilistic Inference and Mathematical Induction

Used to Investigate the Discrete World GM 1012
Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 10 The Virtual World Constructed
Math Theory: Catalan Number from Time and Space by the
ISBN 978-1-64260-400-9
Real World
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 10
9 781642 604009
Math Theory: Minkowski Space

ISBN 978-1-64260-401-6
1. What is the purpose of studying axioms,
theorems, and proofs?

The strength of mathematical induction lies 9 781642 604016

in the fact that there is no need to examine

every case. Just considering how the idea
1. What is the purpose of studying projective geometry?
of mathematical induction is actively used
in developing programs today clarifies the How would we respond to the question, "Are things we consider
purpose of studying the topic of this book. scientific truths really absolute, objective, and immutable truths?"
Mathematical induction can be likened to the We perceive the three-dimensional world in a two-dimensional way
linkage effect in economics. The economic through photographs, landscapes, still-life paintings, and the like.
effect that one industry's development has on However, everything that unfolds before our eyes exists majestically
other industries is called the linkage effect. in three-dimensional space. Many of the things we believe to be
absolute truths are actually subjective, reconstructed beliefs within
the limited senses and perceptions of humans.

528 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 529

General Mathematics Series 144 Probabilistic Inference and Mathematical Induction Used to Investigate
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1011 the Discrete World

2. W
 hat is the logical basis of argumentative and probabilistic inference, which are 3. What are the applications of enhanced reasoning and problem-solving abilities?
the basis of proofs?
The procedure or method for solving a given problem is called an algorithm. The term
Plausible reasoning is reasoning that derives general conclusions from specific premises. "algorithm" originated from the name of the Islamic mathematician Al-Khwarizmi,
That is, it is an inference where the truth of the premises does not guarantee the truth whose book Arithmetics was translated into Latin, and came to be known as “algorithm”
of the conclusion, but the conclusion is likely to be true. Probabilistic inference is because it represented a concise and straightforward calculation technique.
mainly used in everyday life and serves as the basis for speculation or prediction. With the advent of computers in the 20th century, algorithmic thinking became
For instance, the statement "The weather is clear and there is no wind today. Therefore,
essential in computer programming.
I should dress lightly today." is an inductive inference.
The ease and speed of internet searches and the ability to play games on mobile
Here, "The weather is clear and there is no wind today" is the premise, and "Therefore,
phones are all thanks to algorithms. In computer programs, the quality of algorithms
I should dress lightly today" is the conclusion. If the premise is true, there is a high
significantly impacts the time and efficiency of solving the same problem.
likelihood that the conclusion is also true. Therefore, this argument can be considered
an inductive argument. The difference between argumentative inference and In computer programming, algorithms must satisfy the following conditions: first,
probabilistic inference can be summarized as follows: there must be data provided internally or externally. Second, it must produce at least
Characteristic Argumentative inference Probabilistic inference one or more results. In other words, if there is input, there should be corresponding
Relation between output. Third, the commands executed by the computer must be clear.
The truth of the premises guarantees The truth of the premises does not
premise and Fourth, the algorithm must terminate after processing a finite number of steps.
conclusion the truth of the conclusion. guarantee the truth of the conclusion.
Finally, all commands must be executable.
Field of use Mathematics, logic, science, etc. Everyday life, etc.
Role Basis for proofs, arguments Basis for speculation, prediction

Although argumentative inference and probabilistic inference are both types of inference,
it is important to understand their respective characteristics and roles. The logical basis
of argumentative inference lies in the fact that the truth of the premises ensures the There are basic algorithms essential we need to know in computer programming.
truth of the conclusion. In other words, in argumentative inference, if the premises are These include sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, and recursive algorithms.
true, the conclusion must also be true. Sorting algorithms refer to the process of rearranging input data according to certain
A typical example of argumentative inference is deductive argument. A deductive rules, including ascending or descending order. Searching algorithms involve finding
argument is a type of inference that derives a conclusion from premises, characterized data satisfying specific conditions within a set of stored or input data. The efficiency
by the fact that the truth of the premises ensures the truth of the conclusion. and accuracy of information retrieval determine the quality of the algorithm.

530 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 531

Probabilistic Inference and Mathematical Induction Used to Investigate
GM 1011 the Discrete World GM 1012 The Virtual World Constructed from Time and Space by the Real World

2. What is the logical basis of dimensions and spacetime?

Table of Contents
Typically, a straight line is called a one-dimensional Euclidean space, and a plane is
called a two-dimensional Euclidean space. Insects or animals that cannot fly live in a
1. Reflections on plausible reasoning for perceiving two-dimensional Euclidean space. Similarly, without the aid of airplanes or helicopters,
phenomena humans also live in a two-dimensional Euclidean space.
01. The meanings of deductive and plausible reasoning Insects and birds flying in the sky live in three-dimensional Euclidean space and are
02. Mathematical creativity nurtured through plausible much freer than organisms living in two-dimensional space. When considering this,
reasonings the world in four dimensions is much freer than the three-dimensional world.

2. Understanding the tower of Hanoi and recurrence

03. The recurrence relation: the inductive definition of sequences
04. Various forms of recurrence relations and their solutions

3. Recurrence relations in combinatorics

05. Catalan numbers: the number of ways to dissect
a polygon into triangles
Although the four-dimensional world cannot be drawn, it includes the addition of
06. Counting the number of complete permutations
using recurrence relations the direction of "time." Then, why can we not see objects existing in the fourth
dimension? By examining the relationship between the second and third
4. Mathematical induction based on the well-ordering dimensions, we can infer the reason. Suppose there is a fly in the two-dimensional
principle of natural numbers world. Of course, the inhabitants of the two-dimensional world can see this fly.
07. Understanding inductive reasoning and What would happen if the fly in the two-dimensional world suddenly flew into the
mathematical induction three-dimensional world of space? The inhabitants of the two-dimensional world
08. Proof problems easily solved through mathematical would think that the fly suddenly disappeared without a trace. Similarly, even though
induction an object in the three-dimensional world enters the four-dimensional world, it
5. Mathematical induction may be harmful if misused becomes invisible to the eye despite not disappearing. The world we live in exists
with space and time together, and the three-dimensional objects we perceive can be
09. Errors arising from logic closely connected to mathematics
thought of as cross-sections of the four-dimensional world. In mathematics, it is
10. Common mistakes made in mathematical induction
possible to define worlds with more than four dimensions, consisting only of space.
6. Programmers: writers who use computer languages The strength of mathematics lies in the abstraction of concepts. Although we cannot
11. The role of programmers in connecting machines and humans see them in reality, through abstraction, we can create and utilize concepts without
logical errors. For example, string theory assumes that the world we live in is a 10-
12. The efficient handling of repetitive tasks through loops and recursive programs
dimensional world composed of one-dimensional time and nine-dimensional space.

532 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 533

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1012 The Virtual World Constructed from Time and Space by the Real World

3. What are the applications of projective geometry?

Table of Contents
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that integrates virtual elements into the real
world, creating a fusion of the actual and virtual worlds. It is implemented through
various devices, primarily familiar smartphones. Smart glasses are also being 1. The rediscovery of Greek and Roman culture and
developed by incorporating new technologies. These glasses provide an experience of the Renaissance
interaction by providing virtual information and images along with real-world objects. 01. The stagnation of mathematics in medieval
European society
As the English name suggests, “augment" means to “enlarge or increase.” It allows
02. Characteristics of art and academics in the Renaissance
users to interact with augmented virtual information in real space in real time.
Augmented Reality is sometimes used interchangeably with "virtual reality (VR)," but 2. Desargues’ insights and the beginning of
they are entirely different concepts. "Virtual reality" transports users to a completely projective geometry
virtual world rather than a real one. However, augmented reality is somewhat 03. Problems raised in the study of perspective
connected to reality. VR and AR are sometimes combined and referred to as XR. 04. From Pappus to Desargues: the systematization of
projective geometry
3. Adding realism to images through perspective and
descriptive geometry
05. Expressive techniques used to portray perspective
06. Application of descriptive geometry in art and
engineering design
4. Understanding mathematical principles of spatial
shapes and orthogonal projections
07. Characteristics of figures drawn using orthographic
and perspective methods
08. Correct understanding of orthogonal projection
and dihedral angles

Augmented reality is being applied in various fields, not only in the information and
5. Time-space distanciation and Minkowski space
communication sectors but also in entertainment, broadcasting, tourism, aviation, 09. Anthony Giddens’ concept of time-space distanciation
logistics, education, and shopping. As can be seen from the game "Pokémon GO," 10. The Minkowski space: a combination of 3-dimensional space and 1-dimensional time
which best demonstrates Augmented Reality, it is being utilized in 'games' as 6. The world of computer graphics, more realistic than reality
well. "Pokémon GO" introduced AR to the public by utilizing the familiar content
11. Motion graphics created from the development of digital images
of Pokémon. Through algorithms, it determines where the ground is and displays
12. Augmented reality that paints a virtual world over reality
Pokémon standing there. When the user's movement is detected via compass and
GPS, the Pokémon also moves accordingly.

534 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Advanced Mathematics / 535

General Mathematics
Secondary Courses
In the case of humans, it is known that the function of
pheromones has almost deteriorated due to the development of
5. Applied Mathematics / Grade 11
various other senses. Nevertheless, what was the reason for the
success of pheromone perfumes? In fact, even the company that GM 1101 The Principle of Scarcity and Human Desire to Maximize Utility
first developed this product, Kanebo, was somewhat skeptical GM 1102 Understanding the Discrete and Continuous Data and Its
about its success. However, their new product was a brilliant Various Applications
idea that penetrated the core instincts hidden within humans. GM 1103 The Truths and Errors of Sample Surveys That Are Time and
It perfectly aligned with the human nature of seeking comfort Cost Efficient

and pleasure, along with the animal instinct of longing for the GM 1104 The Matrix: Understanding the Unordered World of
opposite sex. While it has not been proven whether pheromone
GM 1105 Limits and Series: The Destination of Constants and
perfume actually attracts the opposite sex, the success of this
Magnitudes with Certain Rules
product suggests something significant.
GM 1106 The Linear World from a Caterpillar’s-Eye View
To create something that makes humans happy, we must
GM 1107 The Curved World from a Bird’s-Eye View
accurately understand humans' common interests.
GM 1108 The Napierian Logarithm Which Extended the Lifespan of
17th-Century Astronomers
GM 1109 The World of Trigonometric Functions Moving on Circles and
the Foundational Technology of Wireless Communication
GM 1110 The World of Differentiation: Measuring Phenomena That
Occur in Short Periods of Time
GM 1111 The World of Integrals: Traveling through Time on the Axis
of Velocity
GM 1112 The Concept of Calculus of Variations That Enriches Calculus

536 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 537

GM 1101 The Principle of Scarcity and Human Desire to Maximize Utility

2. What is the logical basis for understanding opportunity cost and expected value?
A standard deck of playing cards consists of 52 cards with four suits: clubs, hearts, spades,
GM 1101 and diamonds, each numbered from 1 to 13. For example, let's consider drawing cards
with 2 of clubs, 2 of hearts, 2 of spades, 2 of diamonds, and 10 of spades.
The Principle of Scarcity and This combination is called a "four of a kind” or “quad” since it consists of four cards
Human Desire to Maximize with the same number. When calculating the number of possibilities in permutations,
Utility the order in which items are selected is crucial. However, in combinations, order does
not matter. “Combination” refers to the number of ways to arrange r elements chosen
Category: Probability and Statistics from a total of n elements without repetition, regardless of the order.
Target: Grade 11
Math Theory: Huffman Code

ISBN 978-1-64260-402-3

9 781642 604023

1. What is the purpose of studying the principle of scarcity and

the problem of choice?

The concepts of scarcity and rarity are utilized economically and applied Let's assume we have cards numbered 1, 2, and 3, and we want to select 2 of them.
in various fields of modern society. In environmental protection, these If we consider the order and calculate permutations, it would be 3P2, resulting in
concepts can aid efforts to protect endangered animals or preserve 6 possibilities: (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 1), (1, 3). However, if there is no specific
ecosystems in specific regions. Furthermore, efficiently managing scarce order, (1, 2) and (2, 1), (2, 3) and (3, 2), (3, 1) and (1, 3) are considered the same
resources contributes to achieving economic efficiency and fairness. combination. In mathematical notation, the abbreviation C from Combinations is used,
For instance, the fair and efficient distribution of water resources and it is denoted as 3C2. The difference between permutations and combinations lies
becomes crucial in areas where water is scarce. This influences in the presence of order. In the case of combinations, we consider those duplicates
policy decisions regarding water usage in agriculture, industry, and deemed different in permutations as identical. When selecting two elements, if (1, 2) is
households. Economists and policymakers continuously research and chosen, the duplicate would be only (2, 1). If we choose three elements and (1, 2, 3) is
develop efficient and fair resource allocation strategies considering selected, the duplicates would be (3, 2, 1), (3, 1, 2), (2, 1, 3), (2, 3, 1), (1, 3, 2), amounting
the scarcity of resources. This contributes to economic growth, poverty to 5 cases. Ultimately, when choosing r elements, r! duplicates occur. Dividing by r! in
reduction, and social welfare improvement. permutations allows us to calculate nCr:
Pr n!
C r n=
r! r!(n − r )!

538 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 539

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1101 The Principle of Scarcity and Human Desire to Maximize Utility

3. What are the applications of game theory, a mathematical model of decision-making?

Table of Contents
In economics, a situation where various economic entities come together to make
decisions is called a game situation. The essence of a game situation lies in
interdependence, where each economic entity's decision-making affects itself and the 1. The inevitable emergence of economics from the
interests of other economic entities. Game theory is a field in economics that explores scarcity of resources
the decisions made when rational economic agents strategically consider their choices 01. Understanding scarcity and rarity of resources
interdependently. 02. T he Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, the father
While game theory is fundamentally a branch of economics, game situations occur of economics
in countless contexts, leading to its widespread application. Game theory has firmly
established itself as a field of applied mathematics. Since its its theoretical birth has 2. Opportunity cost as the criterion for rational choice
significantly impacted various disciplines, including political science, economics, 03. One-sided sacrifice and the opportunity cost in economics
sociology, psychology, biology, military science, computer science, and more. Game 04. Nature aimed at maximizing utility
theory is broadly divided into cooperative game theory and non-cooperative game
theory. The criterion that distinguishes them is the presence of binding contracts. 3. Number of cases necessary to solve the problem of choice
A binding contract refers to a situation where an economic agent that violates the 05. Understanding permutations and combinations to
contract can be penalized by an authoritative external force, such as the law. find the number of cases
06. Number of cases when overlapping choices are
possible and the binomial theorem

4. The four color theorem finally proven with the help

of computers
07. Using computers to verify new mathematical hypotheses
08. Emergence of the four color theorem and
controversy over its proof

5. The problem of choice embedded in graph theory

Cooperative game theory refers to situations where all or some economic agents in
09. Graph theory initiated by the Seven Bridges of Königsberg
the game can voluntarily enter into binding contracts through alliances.
In non-cooperative game theory, binding contracts allowed within the game are 10. The problem of selection in the pigeonhole principle and Ramsey theory
possible. All other contracts are considered ineffective. Ineffective contracts cannot 6. Game theory: a mathematical model of decision-making
be enforced even if violated. In non-cooperative game theory, it is assumed that all
11. The importance of information for correct decision-making
economic agents act in a self-binding manner. This expression stems from the idea
that individuals give weight to actions that are beneficial to themselves, even without 12. Utilization of the prisoner's dilemma and the two-person zero-sum games
external enforcement.

540 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 541

GM 1102

Understanding the Discrete

and Continuous Data and Its
Various Applications
Category: Probability and Statistics
Target: Grade 11
Math Theory: Central Limit Theorem GM 1103
ISBN 978-1-64260-403-0
14200> The Truths and Errors of Sample
Surveys That Are Time and Cost
9 781642 604030 Efficient
Category: Probability and Statistics
1. What is the purpose of studying Target: Grade 11
statistics, which analyzes given data Math Theory: Regression Analysis
to make predictions?
ISBN 978-1-64260-404-7
The role of statistics goes beyond
extracting information from data; it also
involves predicting the future based on 9 781642 604047
the derived information. Utilizing statistics
means extracting crucial information from
the data to predict the future. There are
1. What is the purpose of studying sample
distinct characteristics and various surveys that can save time and cost?
phenomena or laws in economics, science,
and society. To handle what appears to be While statistics can be beneficial when
natural phenomena, converting them into understood and used correctly,
numbers or letters is necessary. misinterpretation and misuse can lead to
irreversible substantial losses.

542 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 543

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1102 Understanding the Discrete and Continuous Data and Its Various Applications

2. What is the logical basis of statistical theory? 3. Where can we apply our understanding of statistics?
The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution representing the number In September 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)
of events occurring in a fixed time or space. This distribution is associated with the made history by observing the first black hole merger. This event involved two black
intervals between events during a specific time and events in a particular area. holes merging as they rotated around each other, generating gravitational waves.
It is mainly used to model situations where rare events occur frequently. Since then, various gravitational waves have been detected, contributing significantly
For example, the number of highway traffic accidents in a day, phone calls received to the study of high-energy cosmic events such as black hole mergers and neutron
in an hour at the office, emails arriving during a specified time, potholes per kilometer star collisions.What does the detection of gravitational waves mean for humanity?
on a national highway, and the typos on a single page of a book are instances that It has monumental significance. It provides humanity with an entirely new window
fall under this distribution. through which to explore the universe. The ability to directly detect gravitational
waves can be likened to a deaf person suddenly being able to hear. It introduces a
completely new realm of information that was previously beyond human perception.
Researchers at LIGO have likened it to "Galileo's first observations of the cosmos
through a telescope."

We must first grasp the concept of the “population parameter” to understand the
Poisson distribution more thoroughly. In probability and statistics, a population
parameter is “a numerical characteristic that represents the features of a population.” The observation of gravitational waves signifies the initial confirmation of the
It can seem vague due to its lack of a clear definition. When describing parameters general theory of relativity. The masses of the black holes after their merger matched
specifically in the context of the Poisson distribution, it refers to a "number" the masses of the two black holes before the merger, confirming Einstein's predictions.
representing characteristics such as the number of emails received in one hour or The discovery of gravitational waves allowed the study of mysterious celestial bodies
potholes in a 1 km stretch of highway. In the case of the Poisson distribution, the known as neutron stars and black holes. Furthermore, it brought humanity closer to
parameter refers to the “average occurrence rate per unit time or space.” unraveling the secrets of the birth of the universe. Detecting gravitational waves
The symbol commonly used to represent the population parameter in the Poisson generated during the cosmic upheaval of the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago can
distribution is λ(lambda). Therefore, the Poisson distribution expresses a discrete provide valuable insights into the early universe. Gravitational waves offer a
probability distribution that models how many times an event will occur in a unit time powerful scientific tool, surpassing the limitations of traditional optical or radio
or unit space. Simply put, it can be understood that the probability changes over time. telescopes, as they pass through all matter without distortion, preserving information
Similarly, Poisson processes can also be understood as having probabilities that from their emission. Consequently, they can provide information about dark matter,
change over time. which occupies most cosmic space yet remains invisible.

544 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 545

GM 1102 Understanding the Discrete and Continuous Data and Its Various Applications GM 1103 The Truths and Errors of Sample Surveys That Are Time and Cost Efficient

2. What is the logical basis of the mathematical theory of statistical estimation?

Table of Contents
A comprehensive examination of all available data is referred to as a "complete
survey." A representative example of a complete survey is the population census.
1. Understanding continuity in mathematics The advantage of a complete survey is that it eliminates errors since it does not rely
01. Dense and gapped rational numbers and continuous on estimates through sampling. However, a drawback arises with the increase in the
real numbers population, as it incurs significant time and cost. In some cases, conducting a
complete survey may be impractical.
02. Distinguishing between discrete and continuous data
For instance, it is not feasible to administer a drug to every individual to assess its
2. Presentation methods of discrete and continuous data potential side effects. Instead, the safety of newly developed medications is typically
assessed through animal experiments. Once deemed safe based on animal
03. Probability mass functions representing the
experimentation, volunteers are recruited for clinical trials.
distribution of discrete data
04. Understanding continuous data through probability
density functions

3. Revealing the beautiful laws of nature through

normal distribution
05. World phenomena that show normal distribution
06. The central limit theorem as the logical basis of
normal distribution
Sampling is used to predict election results or inspect the quality of products
4. Errors and pitfalls in statistics produced in a factory. It is a method where only a portion of the target data is
07. Statistics susceptible to manipulation examined to estimate the whole. In statistical surveys, the entire set of data being
08. Research ethics – a crucial value for researchers targeted is called the “population.” When conducting a sample survey, the subset of
data drawn from the population is the “sample.” The process of drawing samples from
5. Interpreting chance events with the Poisson distribution the population is called “sampling,” and the data included in the population and the
09. Analyzing rare events with the Poisson distribution sample are known as the “population size” and the “sample size,” respectively.
A sample survey is conducted when a complete survey of the entire population is
10. The mathematical interpretation of the Poisson challenging or impractical. The purpose is to extract a sample from the population,
investigate the characteristics of the sample data, and estimate the characteristics of
6. The history of human society and the universe revealed through statistics the entire population through the obtained results. Therefore, when selecting a
sample, it is important to ensure that the characteristics of the population are well
11. Statistics numerically expressing the general characteristics of society
reflected in the sample. In other words, when extracting a sample from the population,
12. The detection of gravitational waves announcing the birth of the universe we should not select based on specific criteria but rather randomly, assuming that
each data point is independent and has an equal probability of being chosen.

546 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 547

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1103 The Truths and Errors of Sample Surveys That Are Time and Cost Efficient

3. Why is statistical illiteracy more frightening than illiteracy?

Table of Contents
Recent statistics aim not only to organize simple data but also to extract and utilize
useful information. Insurance mathematics is a representative example.
Insurance companies calculate insurance premiums by analyzing the policyholders' 1. Fractal structures: examining the whole through parts
life expectancy and risks. An insurance actuary is a person who investigates insurance- 01. Unveiling the secrets of the universe through the
related systems, analyzes factors affecting consumer psychology and insurance secrets of the human body
premiums, and develops insurance and financial products. Actuaries utilize knowledge 02. Fractals within the unpredictable phenomena of chaos
in mathematics, statistics, accounting, and more, not only to develop insurance
products but also to calculate appropriate insurance premiums and reserve funds. 2. Time and cost-effective sample surveys
The fact that actuaries rank among the top-paying professions in the United States 03. The pros and cons of descriptive statistics through
illustrates the prominence of insurance mathematics. complete enumeration
Profilers involved in investigations such as serial murder cases that are difficult to solve 04. Efficiency-driven inferential statistics and sample surveys
using conventional investigative techniques also require statistical knowledge. They
3. Various methods of sample surveys
analyze a suspect's personality and behavior patterns and estimate escape routes
and hiding places. In 1956, the infamous “Mad Bomber” who terrorized Americans, 05. Various methods of survey sampling
was apprehended by the police. Psychiatrist James A. Brussel played a crucial role 06. Various concepts used in sample surveys
in solving this nearly unsolvable case. He argued that profilers should be able to
diagnose the mental disorder of criminals based on behavioral evidence at the crime 4. A proper understanding of confidence intervals
scene. Since then, investigative techniques developed through profiling, and profilers and reliability
became significant figures in criminal investigations. 07. Reliability representing accuracy of sample surveys
08. Understanding T-distribution and chi-squared

5. Reviewing the validity of hypotheses through

regression analysis
09. A proper understanding of correlation and causation
10. Optimizing scattered data through regression analysis

6. Bayesian estimation reflecting everyday decision-making

With the advancement of computers, we can now process massive amounts of data in 11. The Monty Hall problem and Bayes’ theorem
an instant. Alongside this development, data mining technology has emerged. Data
12. Ignorance in statistics more dangerous than illiteracy
mining involves discovering useful correlations hidden within vast amounts of data
and extracting actionable insights for future decision-making.

548 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 549

GM 1104 The Matrix: Understanding the Unordered World of Noncommutativity

2. What is the logical basis for understanding the world of non-commutativity?

Like the inverse of a number, a matrix also possesses an identity element for
GM 1104 multiplication. For any n-dimensional square matrix A, if AB=I and BA=I, we refer to B
as the inverse of A. Here, we denote this as B=A-1 and read it as the inverse of A.
The Matrix: Understanding The inverse matrix is also an n-dimensional square matrix.
the Unordered World of
Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 11
Math Theory: Cayley-Hamilton Theorem

ISBN 978-1-64260-405-4

When the inverse of matrix A exists, it is unique, and the proof is as follows. Firstly,
assuming that there are multiple inverses for A, let's denote two of them as B and
9 781642 604054
C. Associativity must hold in matrix multiplication, so B(AC)=(BA)C. Since AC=I and
BA=I, we have B=BI=B(AC)=(BA)C=IC=C. Therefore, B=C, and the inverse is unique.
Associativity can also be demonstrated using C(AB)=(CA)B, where C=CI=C(AB)=(CA)
1. What is the purpose of studying the world of non-commutativity?
Matrices are a useful mathematical tool when representing relationships The method for finding the inverse matrix is as follows. The inverse matrix for the
where two or more factors influence an outcome in a complex manner. commonly known 2×2 matrix is:
They provide a concise representation of relationships between two sets,  a11 a12 
 a22 − a12 
−1 1
allowing all relationships to be captured in a single matrix, regardless of = A =   
 a21 a22  a11a22 − a12 a21  − a21 a11 
the number of elements involved. The purpose of studying this topic lies
Here, a11a22-a12a21 is the determinant, and it is expressed as det(A). If the value of this
in this function.
determinant is 0, the inverse matrix does not exist. The inverse matrix for a 3×3 matrix
Matrices and determinants were created for algebraic purposes to
is as follows:
solve equations. However, as with many mathematical theories, they are −1
diversely applied in everyday life and various scientific fields. Matrices  a11 a12 a13   a22 a33 − a23 a32 a13 a32 − a12 a33 a12 a23 − a13 a22 
  1 
are one such example. Recently, matrices have been extensively used in  a21 a22 a23  = a a −a a
K  23 31 21 33
a11a33 − a13 a31 a13 a21 − a11a23 
various areas involving mathematics.  a31 a32 a33   a21a32 − a22 a31 a12 a31 − a11a32 a11a22 − a12 a21 
Similar to a 2×2 square matrix, if K becomes 0, the inverse matrix does not exist.

550 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 551

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1104 The Matrix: Understanding the Unordered World of Noncommutativity

3. In what fields can studying matrices be applied?

Table of Contents
One of the advantages of the Vigenère cipher is that it is nearly impossible to decipher
using the frequency analysis method. Additionally, a significant advantage is the
infinite number of available keys. The Vigenère cipher belongs to the category of 1. The worlds of commutativity and noncommutativity
polyalphabetic ciphers. Due to these advantages, it earned the nickname in nature
“the impregnable cipher.” 01. The world of commutativity where order does not matter

The Vigenère cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher that uses a keyword. 02. Noncommutative phenomena in disarray when the
order is reversed
In contrast to classical ciphers that could be easily deciphered through classical
frequency analysis, the Vigenère cipher encrypts each alphabet with a different one, 2. Determinants: the logical basis of matrices
making it challenging to solve without knowing the keyword. However, once the 03. Matrix determinants derived from the solution of
keyword is revealed, decryption becomes significantly easier. simultaneous equations

Let's encrypt the text “ATTACKATDAWN” using the Vigenère Cipher. 04. The various properties of determinants
First, choose a keyword. Let's say we choose the keyword “LEMON.” Repeat the 3. Cauchy and Cayley, mathematicians who contributed
keyword to match the length of the plaintext we want to encrypt. to the advancement of matrices
05. Cauchy's intuition in analysis
06. The Cayley-Hamilton theorem for finding the
A T T A C K A T D A W N minimal polynomial of a matrix

It is crucial to note that each alphabet corresponds to a numerical value. A is 0, B is 1, 4. Understanding operations defined in a matrix and
…, and Z is 25. To encode, we add the values of the corresponding upper and lower matrix multiplication
alphabets (for example, L and A in the first column). 07. Addition and multiplication of matrices defined
differently from real numbers
For the first column, L+A=0+8=8=L. If the value exceeds 26, take the modulo of the
08. Regularities arising in matrix exponentiation
result (i.e., the remainder when divided by 26. For example, taking modulo 26, we get
Y+Z=24+25=49≡23 (mod 26), so the corresponding letter is X. 5. Principles of cryptography revealed through the
understanding of inverse matrices
09. The definition and various properties of inverse matrices
+ A T T A C K A T D A W N
10. Creating and deciphering Vigenère ciphers using matrices
6. Matrices for calculating social structures and patterns of change
Therefore, the encrypted sentence is LXFOPVEFRNHR. For decryption, we just need to
11. Matrices used in traffic flow analysis
subtract the keyword from the ciphertext.
12. Matrix organizations where hierarchical and flat organizational structures coexist

552 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 553

GM 1105

Limits and Series: The Destination of Constants

and Magnitudes with Certain Rules GM 1106

Category: Analysis
The Linear World from
Target: Grade 11
Math Theory: Golden Ratio
a Caterpillar’s-Eye View
ISBN 978-1-64260-406-1 Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 11
Math Theory: Navier-Stokes Equation
9 781642 604061
ISBN 978-1-64260-407-8

1. Why did Euler study mathematics from

a theological perspective? 9 781642 604078

Limits can be mathematically described as the

result that arises when approaching something
1. What is the purpose of studying differential calculus, the world
infinitely. The concept of limits expands our from the perspective of how a caterpillar perceives the world?
understanding of functions and elevates
mathematical thinking about infinity to a higher In management science, many changes and phenomena, including
level. The idea of limits is fundamental in calculus, problems related to maximizing profits, minimizing cost, determining
one of humanity's notable achievements. marginal cost or potential prices, seasonal variations, tides, velocity
and acceleration of falling objects, speed of cars, fluctuations in
the economy or prices, changes in production costs, fluctuations in
interest rates, population changes, are governed by orders and rules.
Calculus serves as a mathematical tool to handle these orders and
rules systematically.

554 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 555

General Mathematics Series 144 Limits and Series: The Destination of Constants and Magnitudes with
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1105 Certain Rules

2. What is the logical basis of the mathematical theory of infinite series? 3. What are the applications of fractal structures resembling infinite series?
In 1676, the German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz derived the following An essential characteristic of a fractal figure is "self-similarity." Self-similarity refers to
formula for calculating pi by substituting 1 for the variable x in the arctangent series: the property where a portion of the shape, when enlarged or reduced, resembles the
πð 1 1 1 (−1)n−1 entire shape again. In other words, identical figures continually combine to form the
=1− + − ++
4 3 5 7 2n −1 same figures. As the scale increases, the parts of the figure become increasingly similar
The right-hand side of this equation involves repeating infinitely the process of adding to the whole. This concept is similar to what we refer to as similarity in mathematics.
and subtracting fractions where the denominator is odd and the numerator is 1, such However, fractals observed in nature are not necessarily mathematically identical but
1 1
as 1 and , . However, using this method, the accuracy of pi only extends to the rather approximately similar. Exact self-similarity is termed automorphism, while statistical
3 5
second decimal place, even when calculating up to the 300th term. The arctangent similarity is termed statistical self-similarity, collectively known as self-similarity.
series is now referred to as "Gregory's series" or "Leibniz's series," not "Madhava's
When closely examined, both nature and the human body exhibit noticeable
series." This is because series named after the former two mathematicians have
features determined by fractal geometry, despite their irregular and intricate shapes.
become more widely known.
Representative examples of fractal geometry include ① the undulating terrain of
mountains and valleys, ② lightning bolts, which branch out in a jagged pattern rather
than following a straight line, ③ river networks and their tributaries, ④ the shapes of
clouds, ⑤ the wrinkles of the brain, ⑥ the fluctuating graphs of daily or monthly stock
prices, ⑦ the seemingly infinite stars in the night sky, ⑧ the yellowish-green vegetable
broccoli, ⑨ ferns, ⑩ trees efficiently distributing water and nutrients throughout their
structure, and ⑪ forests comprised of interwoven trees.

Some scholars used Archimedes' polygon method throughout their lives to calculate
pi without knowing about this series. One such scholar was the Dutch mathematician
Ludolph van Ceulen. In 1596, he published his book On the Circle, which calculated pi
up to the 20th decimal place using the polygon method. Then, 25 years later, in 1621,
he succeeded in calculating pi up to the 35th decimal place using a polygon with over
461 quintillion sides.
With the advent of using infinite series to find the accurate value of pi, Ceulen's
achievements quickly faded. The appearance of "Newton's series," obtained by Isaac
Newton, a British mathematician and physicist, by substituting 1 for the variable x in
the arcsine series in the late 1600s, had marked a new age.
πð 1 2 3 The self-similarity of fractals bears resemblance to an infinite geometric series.
=1+  1+  1+ (1+)   Consider an infinite geometric series with a first term a and a common ratio of r,
2 3 5  7 
Even when only computed up to the 22nd term, Newton's series provided accurate represented as a+ar+ar2+ar3+…. If we group the terms without the first term a, we
results up to the 16th decimal place of pi. This surpassed the accuracy of Leibniz's can express it as a+r(a+ar+ar2+ar3+…). Therefore, if we denote the infinite geometric
series in an instant. series as S, then S=a+rS holds, leading to S = .
1− r

556 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 557

Limits and Series: The Destination of Constants and Magnitudes with
GM 1105 Certain Rules GM 1106 The Matrix: Understanding the Unordered World of Noncommutativity

2. What is the academic and logical basis of calculus?

Table of Contents
A polynomial function consists of one or more terms, where each term is a product of
a constant, a variable, or the natural exponentiation of the variable. The general form
1. Understanding the infinity, essential for grasping of a polynomial function is expressed as anxn+an-1xn-1+…+a2x2+a1x+a0 where an, an-1,
the limit a0 are coefficients and n is an integer.
01. The world of infinity at the core of Eastern and For example, f(x)=x3-4x2+5x-2 is an example of a cubic function. These polynomial
Western philosophies functions are applied in calculus, engineering, physics, and various other fields, the
02. The concept of infinity perfected by Cantor shape of their graphs reflecting each function's characteristics.

2. Unlocking the secret of the golden ratio in the

Fibonacci sequence
03. The golden ratio: the most natural proportion in the world
04. Contemporary debates on the beauty of the golden ratio

3. Understanding limits in the discrete world

05. Understanding convergence and divergence in The fundamental principle of differentiation is a method for calculating a function's
instantaneous rate of change or slope. Differentiation represents the slope at a
06. Convergence and divergence phenomena in nature given point or the instantaneous rate of change of that point for the given function
4. Utilizing infinite geometric series in assessing f(x). Essentially, differentiation measures how much the value of a function changes
investment value with a small change in the variable. The basic rules of differentiation include the chain
rule, product rule, and sum rule, which are used when differentiating functions.
07. Infinite geometric series in recurring decimals
For example, the differentiation of a constant function is 0, and the differentiation of
08. Assessing the current value of companies and a power function xn is nxn-1.
pricing of permanent assets The process of differentiating polynomial functions is done using the exponents of each
5. Euler's number, e, created through theological research term. For instance, when differentiating a polynomial function f(x)=axn, it becomes
f’(x)=anxn-1 according to the differentiation formula. Complex polynomial functions
09. Euler's study of mathematics from a theological
perspective are also differentiated term by term based on this principle, and the final derivative
result is represented as the sum of these individual differentiations. When understanding
10. Various representations of π using series
the graph changes of a polynomial function through differentiation, the derivative
6. Enthalpy, entropy, and fractals in nature represents the slope and rate of change of the function. Points where the derivative is
11. Enthalpy and entropy maintaining the equilibrium of nature 0 indicate the function's critical points (maximum or minimum values), allowing us to
identify intervals where the function increases or decreases. Moreover, inflection points
12. Fractal structures identified through infinite series
can be found by analyzing changes in the slope of the derivative.

558 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 559

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1106 The Matrix: Understanding the Unordered World of Noncommutativity

3. What are the applications of calculus?

Table of Contents
Analyzing and understanding a particular phenomenon generally boils down to
solving problems related to the functional relationships among the variables
associated with that phenomenon. Known variables in a particular phenomenon 1. A narrow perspective leads to a linear view of the world
become independent variables, while variables to be understood later become 01. Edwin A. Abbott’s Flatland
dependent variables. The process of creating a mathematical model to explain a 02. The flat earth of ancient times and the spherical
specific phenomenon is as follows: First, identify the variables inherent in the given earth of today
phenomenon. Then, classify each variable as independent or dependent and derive 2. Exploring continuity and differentiability through
the relationship (often expressed as a differential equation) between the dependent rates of change
and independent variables through appropriate laws and hypotheses. 03. Understanding the average rate of change and
instantaneous rate of change
For example, let's create a model representing the short-term trends in a country's
04. The significance of rate of change over quantity
population. Key variables related to population trends include the time variable t, of change in economics
measured monthly or annually, and the population or population density variable y.
Here, t is considered the independent variable, and y is regarded as the dependent
3. Newton and Leibniz's conflict on the discovery
of differential calculus
variable, a function of t. Assuming that the population growth rate r is constant, the
d 05. The background of the birth of calculus,
change in population in year t is y(t) . This can be represented as the product of the
dt a cornerstone of mathematics
growth rate and the population size, ry(t). Hence, we obtain the simple differential
d 06. The controversy of two mathematicians who
equation of y = ry . discovered differential calculus
4. Revealing the graphs of polynomial functions
through differentiation
07. Differentiation drawing the graphs of polynomial functions
08. The geometric significance of tangents and
differential thinking
5. Understanding the local maximum and minimum,
the maximum and minimum values of functions
Scientists and engineers utilize mathematical equations to explain natural phenomena. 09. Proving inequalities using Rolle's theorem and the average value
Equations such as the Navier-Stokes equation for describing fluid flow, the
Schrödinger equation, which forms the basis of quantum mechanics, the Boltzmann 10. Solving real-life maximum and minimum problems through differentiation
equation for describing particle motion, and the Maxwell equations for describing 6. The art of differentiation: mathematics utilized in design
electric fields successfully depict natural phenomena using concise formulas. These 11. Creating safe and beautiful designs through differentiation
equations are often called the governing equations of natural phenomena, and most 12. Predicting fluid motion with the Navier-Stokes equations
involve differentiation.

560 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 561

GM 1107 The Curved World from a Bird’s-Eye View

2. What is the logical basis of various mathematical theorems arising in integration?

When we cut a sphere in three-dimensional space with a plane, the cross-sectional
GM 1107 area is a "circle." If we slice it parallel to the plane, all the cross-sectional areas will also
be "circles." By summing the areas of these circles, we obtain the volume of the sphere.
The Curved World from Imagine a sphere with a radius r located in three-dimensional coordinates x, y, z.
a Bird’s-Eye View If we cut it parallel to the xy-plane, we will get circles with equations like x2+y2=k2.
The area of each circle will then be πk2. Integrating this over all possible z-values will
Category: Analysis yield the volume of the sphere. Thus, the formula for the volume obtained through
4 33
Target: Grade 11 integration is ðπk r . However, this assumes uniform density throughout the object.
Math Theory: Cavalieri’s Principle Integration does not hold if the density is not constant.
ISBN 978-1-64260-408-5

9 781642 604085

1. What is the purpose of studying differentiation and integration?

When we study differentiation and integration, we first learn about

differentiation and then move on to integration. However, historically, This approach is not limited to spheres but can also be applied to other rotationally
it is intriguing to note that the concept of integration predates that symmetric objects. For instance, if we know the general formula for the cross-sectional
of differentiation. The idea of integration originated from calculating area of a cylinder or a cone, we can integrate similarly to find their volumes. Through
the area or volume of figures, and was modernized by Riemann. integration, we can determine the relationships between the volumes of various
Integration was initially aimed at finding the area of plane figures but symmetrical solids of revolution, such as cylinders, spheres, and cones. When these
it has gradually expanded to solve problems involving the volume objects have the same width, depth, and height, their volumes follow a ratio of 3:2:1.
of solid figures, the length of curves, work, and force. Integration is This concept is related to Cavalieri's principle, a method for finding the volume of a
a powerful tool for calculating various phenomena where applying solid. It states that when two objects are cut by a plane parallel to a fixed plane, if the
geometric formulas is difficult. areas of the corresponding sections have a ratio of m : n, then the volumes of the
objects also have a ratio of m : n. This can also be explained by the principle of
integration, where if each cross-sectional area has a specific ratio, the sum of the areas,
which gives the volume, will also follow the same ratio. Thus, integration is a valuable
concept for calculating both "area" of a region in two dimensions and "volume" of a
solid in three dimensions.

562 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 563

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1107 The Curved World from a Bird’s-Eye View

3. What are the applications of integration?

Table of Contents
The motors of the 3D printer are set to the precise positions for operation through
differentiation and integration. Differentiation is used to calculate speed, and
integration calculates distance based on this speed. In physics, when the distance 1. Two perspectives on economic phenomena:
traveled is differentiated with respect to time, it becomes velocity, and when this microeconomics and macroeconomics
velocity is differentiated once more with respect to time, it becomes acceleration. 01. Microeconomics: seeking the equilibrium points of
In other words, the distance traveled per unit time is “velocity,” and the rate of change individual economic agents
of speed per unit time is “acceleration.” 02. Macroeconomics: analyzing the overall economic
Concepts of differentiation and integration are utilized in controlling the movement phenomena of a country
of the motor, enabling precise control of the printing process.Furthermore, the 2. The history of integrals is as ancient as the history
concepts of differentiation and integration come into play when gradually building up of mathematics
materials layer by layer based on the design blueprint of a three-dimensional object. 03. The method of exhaustion: invented by Eudoxus
When conducting 3D printing, the process involves slicing the blueprint into thin and perfected by Archimedes
layers and stacking each section. This concept entails printing layer by layer with finely
04. Understanding antiderivatives of functions and
differentiated materials. Utilizing differentiation, thin layers are created and stacked the fundamental theorem of calculus
from the bottom to the top of the object. The thickness of these thin layers is typically
3. Measuration by parts and limits, which became
less than 0.1mm. The reason for such thin layers is that objects produced by 3D
the basis for calculating area
printing often exhibit a stepwise shape when viewed under a microscope.
05. Rationalizing calculus through the history of infinitesimals
06. Understanding definite integrals through
measuration by parts
4. Areas surrounded by graphs difficult to express in equations
07. Understanding the geometric relationship between
integrals and area
08. The measurement of the area enclosed by straight
lines and curves
Thinner layers allow for more precise object creation. The concept parallels the
principles used in mathematics to measure “volume” using calculus. Measuring an 5. Easily calculating volume with the Pappus-Guldinus theorem
object's volume involves slicing the object thinly and summing the areas of these 09. Volume of solids with a constant density and integrals
planes. Similarly, in 3D printing, the sum of each thin layer's areas would constitute the 10. The Pappus-Guldinus theorem and the volumes of solids of revolution
object's volume. This technology is not only applied in 3D printing but also in medical
6. Integrals are used in the reconstruction of sinograms
technologies such as CT scans. As such, concepts of differentiation and integration are
not only mathematical theories but are also applied in various medical technologies 11. Applications of differentiation and integrals in 3D printing
and fields. Thus, differentiation and integration enhance efficiency and precision 12. Sinograms: the core of CT image reconstruction technology
in 3D printing technology.

564 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 565

GM 1109

The World of Trigonometric

Functions Moving on Circles
and the Foundational
Technology of Wireless
GM 1108 Communication
Category: Analysis
The Napierian Logarithm Which Target: Grade 11
Extended the Lifespan of Math Theory: Fourier Series
17th-Century Astronomers
ISBN 978-1-64260-410-8
Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 11
Math Theory: Newton’s Law of Cooling 9 781642 604108

ISBN 978-1-64260-409-2
1. What is the purpose of studying
trigonometric functions that
9 781642 604092
originated from astronomical

Phenomena that occur periodically in

1. What is the purpose of studying
logarithms, which are used to calculate natural sciences, such as the vibration
the vast world of the universe? of a spring or the oscillatory motion of
a pendulum, are all important because
The emergence of logarithms signifies the they can be described using
ability to calculate the intricate phenomena trigonometric functions.
of nature and the vastness of the universe
in a concrete manner. Studying logarithms
will provide us with a new perspective on
viewing the world.

566 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 567

General Mathematics Series 144 The Napierian Logarithm Which Extended the Lifespan of 17th-Century
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1108 Astronomers

2. What is the logical basis of logarithms, tools for computation? 3. What are the applications of logarithms?
Napier's construction of logarithms before the birth of the concept of exponents Since intensity represents the strength of an earthquake at each location, earthquakes
truly remarkable in the history of mathematics. Napier introduced logarithms by of the same magnitude may be classified differently depending on the region.
introducing the concept of velocity as follows. Therefore, it is necessary to quantitatively express the size of an earthquake according
to a certain scale. The total amount of energy generated by earthquakes can be
Consider line segments AB and DE. Points C y suitable for such a scale, but it is very difficult to measure it.
and F simultaneously depart from points A Therefore, in many cases, quantities related to energy that can be easily measured are
and D, respectively, and their initial velocities used as a scale to represent the size of earthquakes.
are equal. x Today's universally adopted method is the "magnitude" scale, invented by Charles
Assuming point C moves at a velocity equal
D F E Francis Richter in 1935. The magnitude of an earthquake is determined based on the
to the length of segment CB, and point F
maximum amplitude of seismic waves measured by a seismograph at a point 100
moves at a constant velocity, Napier defined km from the epicenter. The amplitude of seismic waves can vary greatly depending
segment DF as the logarithm of segment CB. In other words, if the length of segment on the earthquake, so these differences are compressed logarithmically for easier
DF is represented as x and the length of segment CB as y, then x=Log y holds true. representation.
Here, “Log” refers to Napier's first logarithm, which differs from the modern “log.”
To avoid complex decimals in the calculation process, Napier chose the length of
segment AB as 107. This was because the best sine table available to him extended
only up to the seventh decimal place. Expressing Napier's logarithm in today's
definition would be: Logy =107 log 1 7 .
Sometimes, people mistakenly think of Napier's logarithm as the natural logarithm,
that is, the logarithm with a base of e, but this is not the case. While the natural
logarithm exhibits increasing behavior, Napier's logarithm shows the opposite
The magnitude M of an earthquake with a maximum amplitude of A micrometers is
phenomenon. However, there are reasons why Napier's logarithm is sometimes
determined by the following formula using the common logarithm:
emphasized as the natural logarithm: M=log10A=logA
2x x
Log2 x = 107 log 1 7 =107 log 1 7 +107 log 1 2 =
Logx −107 log e 2 Therefore, when the maximum amplitude of an earthquake increases by a factor of 10,
10 10
e e e the magnitude of the earthquake increases by 1. Additionally, there is
The following statement suggests that Napier might have been aware of the natural a relationship between the magnitude (M) of an earthquake and the energy(E)
logarithm: "When x doubles, the difference in logarithms becomes 6,931,471.81, and released by the earthquake.
when x increases tenfold, the difference in logarithms becomes 22,025,850.93." logE=11.4+1.5M
This clearly implies loge2=0.693147181, loge10=2.302585093. Using this equation, we can understand that for each increase of 1 in earthquake magnitude,
For these reasons, Napier's logarithm is sometimes called the natural logarithm. the energy increases by approximately 32 times. In other words, a magnitude 6 earthquake
has about 32 times the energy of a magnitude 5 earthquake and a magnitude 7
earthquake has about 1000 times the energy of a magnitude 5 earthquake.

568 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 569

The Napierian Logarithm Which Extended the Lifespan of 17th-Century The World of Trigonometric Functions Moving on Circles and the
GM 1108 Astronomers GM 1109 Foundational Technology of Wireless Communication

2. What is the logical basis of trigonometric functions moving on circles?

Table of Contents
Let's consider the mathematical expression of periodicity. In a function f(x)where p is
a nonzero constant, any function satisfying the equation for any x is called a periodic
1. The limitations of astronomy in the representation function with a period of p. Here, 2p, 3p, 4p, …, can also be periods, but typically, when
of numbers we refer to the period, we mean the smallest positive value among them.
01. The limitations of astronomy initiated by insufficient
observation technology
02. The absence of numbers representing the vast and
minute universe
2. Examples of exponential growth
03. Understanding arithmetic and exponential growth
04. Understanding compound interest and simple interest
3. The introduction of logarithms extending the
lifespan of astronomers
05. The logarithmic perspective on observing minute
natural phenomena and the vast universe
06. The birth of logarithm by Napier and its logical basis
4. Common logarithms that are practical, and natural
logarithms suitable for theoretical research When graphing a periodic function, since the same shape repeats for each period,
07. The power of a slide rule as a computational tool knowing the period and the shape of one period's graph allows us to draw the entire
utilizing logarithmic properties graph. For example, in the graphs of trigonometric functions,
08. Logarithmic operations and the common sin(x+2nπ)=sinx, cos(x+2nπ)=cosx, tan(x+nπ)=tanx
logarithm's characteristic and mantissa Therefore, sinx and cosx are periodic functions with a period of 2π, and tanx is a
5. Inverse relationship between exponentiations and periodic function with a period of π.
logarithms Trigonometric functions are also utilized as useful tools for visualizing the unseen.
09. Exponential functions involved in half-lives and catenaries Let's take sound as an example. Why does the sound vary when hitting a drum hard
10. Understanding the characteristics of logarithmic versus softly? Why do men's voices sound deeper while women's voices sound higher?
functions as inverse functions of exponential functions
If we can represent sound graphically, we can explain all these phenomena.
6. Modeling the vast and intricate natural phenomena with Sound, which arises from the vibration of air, can be represented using trigonometric
exponentiations and logarithms functions. The intensity of sound is related to the amplitude of the trigonometric
11. The law of cooling tracks time of death using exponential decay function graph. The amplitude is the maximum distance moved from the center of
12. Understanding logarithmic growth through Weber's Law vibration, and the greater the amplitude, the louder the sound. The pitch of sound is
related to the frequency of vibration, or the period.

570 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 571

General Mathematics Series 144 The World of Trigonometric Functions Moving on Circles and the
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1109 Foundational Technology of Wireless Communication

3. W
 hat are the applications of trigonometric functions used to mathematically
describe natural phenomena? Table of Contents
The waves observed in nature are not perfect and neat like sine or cosine waves.
They are likely to be expressed as combinations of multiple trigonometric
1. Circularity and periodicity in the universe and nature
functions, either by addition or multiplication. Joseph Fourier (1768-1830), a French 01. The Christian concept of eternal life and the
Buddhist concept of samsara
mathematician of the 18th century, was the one who explained periodic phenomena
02. Rotation and revolution: periodic movements of the
by combining various trigonometric functions. Fourier represented functions with
solar system
periodicity by replacing them with a series of trigonometric functions. The mathematical
significance lies in the fact that even highly complex functions can be transformed 2. Trigonometric functions that effectively represent
motion on a circle
into combinations of sine and cosine functions, which are trigonometric functions.
In practice, Fourier series are used in various fields, such as frequency analysis. 03. Trigonometric ratios calculating distances that cannot
be measured directly
Trigonometric functions can be applied to any natural phenomenon that exhibits 04. Basic relationships and the geometric significance
periodicity. Examples include the Earth revolving around the Sun, the Earth's of trigonometric functions
rotation, and the beating of our hearts, all of which exhibit periodicity. Trigonometric 3. Understanding the curved world with trigonometric
functions are also used in wireless communication because all frequencies in wireless functions and polar coordinates
communication are in the form of "waves." 05. Graphs of trigonometric functions with periodicity
and symmetry
06. Polar coordinates expressing positions with length and angle
4. Theorems and formulas for understanding
trigonometric functions
07. Understanding the sine law and cosine law
08. Composition of trigonometric functions and various formulas
5. Algebraic solutions of trigonometric equations and
Trigonometric functions are also used to modulate and demodulate frequencies. 09. Understanding the general and special solutions of
trigonometric equations and inequalities
In modulation, trigonometric functions are used to change the frequency of a signal,
transmitting information. "Demodulation" is then utilized to recover the original signal. 10. Solving trigonometric equations and inequalities using graph
Modulation converts electrical signals into electromagnetic waves, while demodulation 6. The foundational technology of wireless communication and
converts these electromagnetic waves back into electrical signals. trigonometric functions in circular motion
This principle enables wireless communication, allowing for the transmission of 11. Wireless communication replacing postal services
information through the manipulation of light vibrations, making the transmission of 12. Trigonometric functions in wireless communication and sound technology
information stable and easy.

572 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 573

The World of Differentiation: Measuring Phenomena That Occur in Short
GM 1110 Periods of Time

2. What is the logical basis of differentiation, which measures instantaneous rates of change?
The differentiation of composite functions and implicit functions are closely related.
GM 1110 Understanding the former facilitates the comprehension of the latter.
The differentiation of composite functions is carried out through the chain rule,
The World of Differentiation: whichinvolves multiplying the differentials of the outer and inner functions. Applying
Measuring Phenomena That this principle to implicit functions allows for easier interpretation of their complex
Occur in Short Periods of Time relationships. In implicit functions, variables are not explicitly given in the form of
functions but are presented in the form of equations that the variables must satisfy.
Category: Analysis To differentiate them, the chain rule is used to find the differential of one variable with
Target: Grade 11 respect to another variable.
Math Theory: Taylor Series

ISBN 978-1-64260-411-5

9 781642 604115

In the differentiation of composite functions, the chain rule operates by multiplying

the differentials of the outer and inner functions. For example, if there are g(x) and
1. What is the purpose of studying differentiation?
f(g(x)), the differential of f(g(x)) is expressed as the product of f'(g(x))and g'(x).
In physics, phenomena such as velocity, density, current, force, and This aids in simplifying the relationships of complex functions and is applicable to
temperature change are described, and in chemistry, calculating implicit function differentials as well. In implicit function differentiation, the given
reaction rates and compression ratios also requires understanding function does not explicitly express the relationship between y and x but rather
of instantaneous rate of change. Likewise, in biology, the growth presents them as equations that must be satisfied. In this case, y is considered a
rate of biological populations and the speed of blood flow utilize function of x, and its differentiation represents the rate of change of y with respect to
instantaneous rate of change. Geologists are interested in determining x. By applying the principles of composite function differentiation, the differentiation
the rate at which rocks, which initially existed in a dissolved state, of implicit functions can be effectively performed. For example, when considering the
cool due to heat conduction, while engineers seek to know the equation of a circle x2+y2=r2 and treating y as a function of x, its differentiation yields
dy dy
quantity and velocity of water flowing through dam sluices. the form 2 x + 2 y = 0 . Here, determining Here, determining is the ultimate
dx dx
Geographers are keen on the rate of change in population density objective of implicit function differentiation.
within different cities as the radius of a city expands from its center. The concept of implicit function differentiation plays a crucial role in problem-solving
Ratios and rates of change, like these, are all expressed as derivatives, across various fields, such as engineering, physics, and mathematics. In engineering,
which are functions in terms of derivatives, or differentials. differentiation of implicit functions describing the operation of complex mechanical
systems allows for the analysis and optimization of system behavior.

574 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 575

General Mathematics Series 144 The World of Differentiation: Measuring Phenomena That Occur in Short
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1110 Periods of Time

3. What are the applications of the laws of creation and extinction in nature?
Table of Contents
In the 1st century, Heron, who lived in ancient Alexandria, Egypt, claimed that light
passing between two points travels through the shortest distance but failed to explain
1. Understanding the velocity and acceleration of moving objects
the law of refraction. However, Fermat used the principle of least time to prove the
01. Examining uniform and accelerated motion through
law of refraction of light.
Snell's Law is a law of refraction, a physical law concerning the refraction of light. 02. Clarifying object motion through vectors differentiation
It is named after the Dutch mathematician Willebrord Snellius, and is also known in 2. Analyzing physics and chemical phenomena
France as la loi de Descartes (the Law of Descartes') or la loi de Snell-Descartes (Snell- through derivatives of implicit functions
Descartes' Law). When two media with different refractive indices n1 and n2 are in
03. Useful representations of implicit functions for
contact, the path of light passing through the media bends because the speed of light modeling natural phenomena
differs in each medium. The degree of this bending, represented as angles on the 04. Simplifying the implicit differentiations through an
plane of incidence of light, becomes θ1 and θ2. Snell's Law is defined as follows: understanding of derivatives of composite functions
sin èëθ11 v1 λ 1 n2 3. Exploring the rules of nature through the
= = =
sin èëθ22 v2 λ 2 n1 differentiation of transcendental functions
Thus, it can be defined as n1sinθ1=n2sinθ2. This law of refraction can be derived from 05. Differentiation and derivatives of various
Fermat's principle of least time. transcendental functions
Medium 1 06. Chemical reaction rates modeling natural reaction
Angle of
incidence 4. Approximating complicated functions into
polynomial functions with series expansion
07. Taylor series: obtaining the polynomial closest to a curve
Angle of
08. The Newton-Raphson method for finding the
Ɵ2 refraction
approximate solutions of transcendental equations
Medium 2 5. Fourier series as a powerful tool to reveal the
periodicity of phenomena
We can find Fermat’s point by using Fermat's principle of least time, which is the point 09. Fourier series using the orthogonality of trigonometric functions
where the sum of distances is minimized at a given point. Moreover, refraction can also 10. Fourier series as the core of active noise control technology
be used to develop optical fibers, which are materials that can transmit light over long
6. Application of differentiations invigorated by Fermat’s theorem on
distances by surrounding a core with a higher refractive index with cladding of lower
critical points
refractive index, thus creating a path for light to undergo total internal reflection and
11. Saddle points: neither local maxima nor local minima
propagate artificially. Transmitting light through optical fibers enables the transmission
12. Fermat's principle of least time and Snell's law
of a much larger amount of information faster than carrying electrons in copper wires.

576 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 577

GM 1111

The World of Integrals: Traveling through Time

on the Axis of Velocity GM 1112
Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 11 The Concept of Calculus
Math Theory: Fubini Theorem of Variations That
Enriches Calculus
ISBN 978-1-64260-412-2
Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 11
9 781642 604122 Math Theory: Tautochrone Curve

ISBN 978-1-64260-413-9
1. What is the purpose of studying integration?

Calculus is essential to explain the motion of

9 781642 604139
stars in astronomy. The purpose of studying
integration, the subject of this book, is to depict
the overall picture of the constantly changing
1. What is the purpose of studying the calculus of variations?
nature. If differentiation explains instantaneous
changes, integration can be seen as a field “Optimization theory,” found within the laws of nature, pertains to
determining what changes occur when combining finding optimal solutions under various constraints and is widely
various instances. Integration, created to explain applicable across diverse academic disciplines. In economics,
motion or phenomena involving the concept of a typical example of optimization theory involves maximizing utility
velocity, is utilized in mathematics and various subject to constraints on the economic agent's physical resources.
other fields. This concept is also inherent in the laws of nature.

578 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 579

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1111 The World of Integrals: Traveling through Time on the Axis of Velocity

2. What is the logical basis of integration, which travels through time on the axis of velocity? 3. What are the applications of integration?
The probability density function of the normal distribution is derived using Gaussian In physics, work is defined as the product of the force applied to an object and the
integration.The probability density function of the normal distribution must satisfy the displacement caused by that force. For example, we can consider the force
following two conditions: exerted when pushing or pulling a book horizontally on a desk or when a ball falls to
(1) The total integral value over the entire real number range must be 1. the ground due to the Earth's gravity.
(2) It should be perfectly symmetrical around the mean and form a bell-shaped curve.
In other words, the mode and median should also equal the mean. The derivation of Let's assume that an object moves d units along a straight line while experiencing a
the probability density function of the normal distribution can usually be divided into constant force F in the direction of motion. In this case, the work done in moving the
two methods: using polar coordinates and Gaussian integration by target shooting or object can be defined as follows:
deriving the normal distribution from the Stirling series using the binomial distribution. W=F∙d (Work =Force × Total Distance moved)
In physics, mass is measured in kilograms (kg), displacement in meters (m), time in
seconds (s), and force is measured in newtons N(=kg∙m/s2). Therefore, the unit of
work is N ∙m , equivalent to joules (J).
The definition of work, as described above, is insufficient to explain phenomena
occurring around us, as it is rare for a constant force to act in nature. Therefore, a new
perspective on calculating work becomes necessary. Here is where the role of
integration is significant. For example, let's calculate the amount of work done when
lifting a 1.2kg book from the ground to a height of 0.7m.
The process of deriving the probability density function of the normal distribution
using target shooting can be broadly divided into three steps: In this case, considering the acceleration due to gravity g as 9.8m/s2, the force
(1) T
 he process of deriving the similarity of the overall shape of the function to the exerted is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the force of gravity, so
Gaussian function. the force F is F=m∙g=1.2×9.8=11.76(N), and the amount of work done W is
(2) T
 he process of expressing the coefficients of the Gaussian function. W=F∙d=11.76×0.7=8.232(J).
(3) T
 he process of expressing the part that plays an exponential role.
The process of deriving the normal distribution from the binomial distribution using the Another example is when an object is subjected to a force of x2+2x(N) while located
Stirling series is more straightforward. It involves expressing the binomial distribution at the point x meters from the origin. In this case, if the object moves from x=1 a x=3,
as combinations, representing factorials from combinations, and then using Stirling's the amount of work done during this movement can be calculated as follows.
approximation. Afterward, the probability density function can be derived using integration. 3  x 3 2  50
W =∫ ( x + 2 x)dx = + x  = (J)

In reality, as the population increases, the probability distribution tends to approximate  3 1 3


a normal distribution. Therefore, the normal distribution is utilized in various fields such
If integration were not available, it would have been impossible to determine the
as demography, which conducts research on multiple characteristics of the population
amount of work done accurately.
by normalizing factors like average height or weight; quality management methods in
businesses to ensure consistent product quality; and in formulating business strategies
based on consumer purchasing power, preferences, brand awareness, etc., which often
exhibit a normal distribution.

580 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 581

GM 1111 The World of Integrals: Traveling through Time on the Axis of Velocity GM 1112 The Concept of Calculus of Variations That Enriches Calculus

2. W
 hat is the logical basis of the calculus of variations, which originated from the
Table of Contents shortest path problem?
Unlike his brother Jacob, Johann Bernoulli was even more passionately devoted to
1. Understanding velocity, displacement, and distance mathematical research. He continuously published papers on various topics,
traveled involving the concept of time including optical phenomena related to reflection and refraction, determining the
01. Distance traveled emphasizes the process and length of curves by series, analytic trigonometry, calculus of exponential functions,
displacement emphasizes the result and more. Among his achievements, the most notable was the solution to the
02. Calculating the length of curves through integrals brachistochrone problem mentioned earlier. This problem involves determining the
2. Integrals involving transcendental functions and curve along which an object moves most rapidly under gravity between two given
the integration by substitution points. Johann Bernoulli discovered that this curve is a portion of the cycloid.
03. Simplifying integration of transcendental functions
through the inverse process of differentiation
04. Utilizing the trigonometric substitution when direct
integration is challenging
3. Kepler’s laws revealing the characteristics of planetary motion
05. Kepler, who believed that celestial bodies should be
governed by geometry
06. Kepler's laws of planetary motion revealed through integrals While Jacob Bernoulli also researched this problem, their approaches differed. The cycloid
4. Understanding the center of mass through double also serves as a solution to the tautochrone problem, where it represents the curve
integrals along which an object reaches a given point in the same amount of time, regardless
07. Understanding Fubini’s theorem and double integrals of the starting point on the curve. The Bernoulli brothers advanced research in the
08. Considering the center of mass from the design calculus of variations, helping us understand various aspects of nature through calculus.
stage of airplanes and skyscrapers
To understand the cycloid, let's consider an example of a bicycle wheel with a light
5. Improper integrals cannot be calculated with bulb attached. As the wheel rolls, the light bulb traces out a curve called a
mathematical formulas cycloid. Looking at the mathematical expression of the cycloid, suppose we have a
09. Computing improper integrals using the theory of wheel with a radius of length r rolling along a straight line. Let's define the path of the
the definite integral
center of the wheel as C(t)=(rt, r), where t represents the angle measured clockwise
10. Gaussian integrals and the probability density function of normal distribution
from the point where the wheel touches the ground to point P. Then, the path of point
6. Utilizing differentiation and integration from probability theory to P can be expressed as follows:
financial engineering   3   3 
11. Calculating marginal costs and marginal production using differentiation
X(t) = r cos ð − t , r sin  2 − t   + C(t) =(r (t − sin t), r (1− cost))
  2   
12. Analyzing the Gini coefficient and Engel coefficient, which reflect standards of living As the equation shows, the cycloid is a periodic function with a period of 2π. The length
of one arc of the cycloid is 8r, and the area enclosed by one arc and its base is 3πr2.

582 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 583

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1112 The Concept of Calculus of Variations That Enriches Calculus

3. What are the applications of the calculus of variation?

Table of Contents
Numerical weather prediction is a scientific approach presented to the conventional
forecasting method, which relies on forecasters' experience, knowledge, and subjective
1. The achievements of the Bernoulli family that
judgment. It utilizes numerical weather prediction models using high-performance
marked a milestone in the history of mathematics
computers to predict the current atmospheric conditions and future weather. Of course,
01. The Bernoulli family: the remarkable mathematician
to predict the weather more accurately, data collection must precede. Weather
family from Switzerland
observations are conducted not only on the ground, in the air, at sea, but also in space.
02. Jacob and Johann Bernoulli: brothers who enriched calculus
Weather satellites help observe Earth's meteorological changes from outer space and
help examine actual weather conditions from a macroscopic perspective. 2. The chaos phenomenon which makes predictions
The idea of numerical weather prediction began with the belief that if equations
03. Chaos phenomenon can be observed but
governing the motion of the atmosphere were well understood, the weather could be challenging to explain
predicted through numerical calculations based on observational data. A numerical
04. Understanding the butterfly effect and nonlinear structures
forecast model is one that models the state and movement of the Earth's atmosphere
using dynamical and physical equations. Because there are limits to mathematically
3. Optimization problems to find maximum and
minimum values of given functions
handling weather phenomena that occur in continuous time and space, the finite
element method (FEM) is mainly used in numerical forecast models. The finite element 05. Optimization theory in laws of nature
method divides the Earth into numerous grids, similar to a chessboard, and calculates 06. Quadratic programming, an advanced form of
equations for the state and motion of the atmosphere at each grid point. linear programming
4. The idea of variational calculus originating from
the isoperimetric problem
07. Variational calculus initiated from Jacob Bernoulli’s
brachistochrone problem
08. Exploring heat transfer through the isochoric process
5. Finite Element Method (FEM): a discretization
technique for continuous entities
However, since the equations for atmospheric conditions and changes are not
09. Three-dimensional modeling techniques more
completely known, errors are bound to occur no matter how accurately the realistic than reality
calculations are made. Moreover, errors occur in the process of discretizing continuous 10. Finite Element Method as a discrete analysis approach for the continuum
entities into discrete ones for calculation. To address these errors, numerical weather
6. Variational calculus utilized in the modeling of weather forecasts
prediction models utilize variational methods to improve the accuracy of predictions.
However, even if numerical weather prediction models are perfect and calculations 11. Forecast technology originating from weather map analysis
and predictions are accurate, weather phenomena exhibit the characteristics of chaos, 12. Proper understanding of the accuracy of weather forecasts
making it challenging to predict them accurately through precise data collection.

584 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 585

General Mathematics
Secondary Courses
Nature is filled with intricate and irregular shapes. Clouds floating
in the sky vary in shape and size, and the patterns and numbers
6. Applied Mathematics / Grade 12
of branches differ for each tree. Even lightning striking through
the cloudy sky does not have a specific shape. It is not easy to GM 1201 The Concept of Velocity and the World of Quadratic Curves
find commonalities among these diverse appearances. However, Which Make Mathematics Great
amid this seemingly irregular nature, remarkable patterns GM 1202 Vectors: Interpreting the World of Invisible Forces and Laws
exist, with fractals being a prime example. Fractals exhibit self- through Algebra

similarity, where parts resemble the whole. They are found not GM 1203 Core Technologies of Information Society: The Big Data
Theory and Markov Chains
only in plants such as fern leaves, broccoli, and cauliflower but
GM 1204 A World Dreamed by Those Creating New Time and Space
also in our body's vascular, nervous, and digestive systems.
GM 1205 The Unknowns in Simultaneous Equations Determine Axes
Upon careful examination of a fern leaf, we can observe how the
in the World of Dimensions
overall shape of the leaf is mirrored in smaller leaflets, and this
GM 1206 Various Applications of Linear Algebra and Graph Theory
pattern repeats at even smaller scales. Once we understand the
GM 1207 Polar Coordinates: Drawing the World Rectangular Coordinate
structure of nature, fractals, it is important to explore chaos, which
System beyond the Circle
encompasses invisible forces and causal relationships.
GM 1208 Limits: An Unreachable World No Matter How Close We Get
GM 1209 Infinitesimal Analysis and Differential Equations Expressing
the Changes in Nature
GM 1210 Proof of Existence: The Pigeonhole Principle and Fixed-Point Theorem
GM 1211 The World of Integrals within the Principles of Levers and
Planetary Motion
GM 1212 The World of Chemistry and Physics That Has Structural
Relationships with Mathematics, the Queen of Natural Sciences

586 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 / 587

The Concept of Velocity and the World of Quadratic Curves Which Make
GM 1201 Mathematics Great

2. What is the mathematical basis of quadratic curves and celestial motion?

GM 1201 Geometry, which studies the shapes, sizes, and relative positions of figures and algebra,
which investigates the properties of mathematical structures such as numbers and
The Concept of Velocity operations, may seem like distinct fields. However, they are intricately connected
and the World of Quadratic through quadratic curves. Quadratic curves, such as ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas,
exemplify a perfect harmony between geometric forms and algebraic equations.
Curves Which Make
Mathematics Great
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Huygens’s Principle
ISBN 978-1-64260-414-6

9 781642 604146

Algebraically, quadratic curves are expressed by general quadratic equations like

1. What is the purpose of studying velocity, which connects time and
space? Ax2+Bxy+Cy2+Dx+Ey+F=0. In this equation, the coefficients determine the shape
and position of the curve. Ellipses satisfy the condition B2-4AC<0, parabolas satisfy
By folding a sheet of paper to create an ellipse, we can intuitively grasp B2-4AC=0. As such, algebra plays a crucial role in mathematically expressing the
its geometric property where the distance between the two foci remains forms of quadratic curves and understanding their mathematical properties.
constant. Using a compass and ruler to draw a parabola allows us to
Geometrically, quadratic curves are points in a plane with specific positional
experience the mathematical principle that defines a parabola as a set
relationships. An ellipse consists of points where the sum of the distances from two
of points where the distance between the focus and the directrix is
fixed points (foci) is constant; this property explains the importance of ellipses in
constant. Quadratic curves are applied across many disciplines.
optics and astronomy. A parabola is a set of points where the distance from a fixed
Art and architecture use them as harmonious and aesthetic design
point (focus) is equal to the distance from a fixed line (directrix); this property is used
elements. At the same time, in science and engineering, they are
to explain the reflection of light or waves. A hyperbola is a set of points where the
essential in describing celestial orbits, object motion, and the design of
difference in distances between two foci is constant, which aids in solving various
optical devices. Additionally, in economics, they appear in the form of
scientific and engineering problems. The properties of quadratic curves, such as
supply and demand curves, serving as crucial tools to understand market
ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas, show how geometric forms and algebraic
trends in market economies.
representations are closely related. Understanding this principle helps grasp the
mathematical complexity of quadratic curves.

588 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 589

General Mathematics Series 144 The Concept of Velocity and the World of Quadratic Curves Which Make
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1201 Mathematics Great

3. What are the applications of quadratic curves (conic sections)?

Table of Contents
The headlights of a car use a parabolic reflector, with the bulb positioned at the focal
point, directing light parallel to the axis for long-distance illumination. This is referred
to as the high beam. However, to avoid causing glare to oncoming drivers at night, 1. Understanding the various perspectives of
low beams are primarily used. By slightly moving the bulb away from the focus, the observing nature
light is directed upwards and downwards, blocking the upward light to illuminate only 01. Biologists and chemists depicting nature
the lower area for short distances. Recently, technology has been developed to adjust 02. Physicists exploring unseen forces and laws
both low and high beams by fixing the bulb at the focus of the parabolic reflector
and tilting the reflecting surface. This innovation ensures that even a low beam can 2. Various conic sections called quadratic curves
illuminate the lower area without scattering light. Similar parabolic surfaces can be 03. Quadratic curves concealed within cones
found in commonly seen parabolic antennas and are utilized in the collectors of solar
04. The birth of quadratic curves and projective geometry
thermal power plants.
3. The construction and interpretation of quadratic
Ellipses have a property that a straight line originating from one focus and reflected
curves inside cones
off the ellipse passes through the other focus. This property is utilized in a medical
device for removing kidney stones. By using X-rays to determine the position and size 05. Exploring quadratic curves through paper folding
and construction
of stones within the kidney, shock waves are directed towards the stone by reflecting
them off the inner surface of a tube shaped like an ellipse. In essence, shock waves are 06. Properties of quadratic curves and their algebraic
generated at one focus of the ellipse, and the kidney stone is positioned at the other and geometric interpretations
focus to break it apart. This method ensures that no damage is caused to other parts 4. The concept of velocity which made mathematics great
of the body.
07. Velocity as a tool connecting time and space
08. Einstein's theory of relativity and the concept of velocity

5. Quadratic curves as tools for explaining physical

09. Free fall and projectile motion
10. Ellipses and hyperbolas embedding the secret of planetary motion

6. Advanced industrial technologies using the properties of quadratic curves

Gears based on the properties of ellipses have the advantage of automatically varying
rotational speeds, making them widely used in automated machinery such as printing 11. The orbit of an artificial satellite that varies with velocity
and textile machines. Additionally, hyperboloid gears can transmit power along inclined 12. Methods of using the properties of parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas
and intersecting axes, resulting in higher strength, reduced noise, and improved
transmission efficiency compared to other types of gears.

590 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 591

GM 1202

Vectors: Interpreting the World

of Invisible Forces and Laws
through Algebra
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Maxwell’s Equation
GM 1203
ISBN 978-1-64260-415-3
Core Technologies of Information
Society: The Big Data Theory and
9 781642 604153
Markov Chains
Category: Probability and Statistics
1. What is the purpose of studying
Target: Grade 12
vectors at the boundary between
physics and mathematics? Math Theory: Martingale Model

The birth of vectors was motivated by $142.00

ISBN 978-1-64260-416-0
dynamics, but their application is distinctly
mathematical. In mathematics, there is a
bold preference for removing unnecessary 9 781642 604160
parts and leaving only what is essential.
By discarding everything but magnitude
1. What is the purpose of utilizing vast
and direction, vectors epitomize the bold
data in big data?
simplifications inherent in mathematics.
Ultimately, such mathematical approaches Big data uses vast amounts of data to
significantly broaden the scope of create rules or new forms of value that
applications across different disciplines. are not seen in small-scale data.
Mathematics is not merely about omission
or abstraction. The essence of mathematics
is about expanding the range of integration
with other disciplines.

592 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 593

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1202 Vectors: Interpreting the World of Invisible Forces and Laws through Algebra

2. What is the logical basis of the mathematical theory of vectors? 3. What are the applications of vectors?
The analysis and comprehension of object motion in physics are closely associated Vector graphics or object-oriented graphic use mathematical equations to form the
with mathematical tools like vector dots and cross products. Vector dots and cross basis for representing objects like points, lines, curves, and polygons when displaying
products are vital in analyzing and calculating various physical quantities related to pictures in computer science. Vector graphics have gained popularity as an alternative
object motion. These concepts naturally emerged in the development of classical to raster graphics, which are composed of pixels commonly used in photographs.
physics and mathematics. The dot product was developed as a mathematical tool for
Let’s compare the results of vector graphics and raster graphics. Raster graphics are
understanding the relationship between two vectors, providing a method for
pixel-based, leading to a loss of clarity when scaled, whereas vector-based images
measuring how the directions and magnitudes of two vectors interact. The cross
maintain clarity even when their size is changed. Vector graphics create digital images
product, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in understanding rotation and
by placing lines or shapes in a given 2D or 3D space through a series of commands or
orientation in space by generating a new vector perpendicular to two given vectors. mathematical representations.

The dot product of scalars is obtained by multiplying the magnitudes of two vectors
with the cosine of the angle between them. This results in a single scalar value.
This indicates how much the two vectors are aligned. In physics, it is used to calculate
work, energy, power, and more. For instance, computing the dot product of the force In vector graphics, graphic files created by artists are saved in the form of a series of
vector and displacement vector allows for determining the work done on an object. vector descriptions. For example, instead of storing individual bits for drawing lines,
This provides crucial information for understanding the path and forces acting on the a vector graphic file contains information about the positions of a series of points
object during its movement. to be connected. Unlike bitmap images, where graphic information for each pixel is
stored, vector graphic files store information about the positions of points forming
On the contrary, the cross product creates a new vector perpendicular to the two
lines, shapes, and other attributes. Vector image files are easier to edit and modify
original vectors. This is particularly useful in physical situations related to rotation.
compared to bitmap image files because they are managed as geometric shapes
For instance, torque can be expressed as the cross product of force vectors acting
rather than pixel-based information. Therefore, they are much more efficient in terms
perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Such calculations assist in precisely
of storage. Due to these reasons, recent animations displaying multiple images in
understanding the magnitude and direction of rotation when an object undergoes
consecutive frames are also created using vector image files.
rotational motion.

594 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 595

Core Technologies of Information Society: The Big Data Theory and
GM 1202 Vectors: Interpreting the World of Invisible Forces and Laws through Algebra GM 1203 Markov Chains

2. What is the logical basis of Markov chains in big data analysis?

Table of Contents
The Markov property refers to the concept that, given past states and the current state,
future states are independent of the past and are determined by the current state.
1. Physicists who explore the world of unseen forces Therefore, the probability of transitioning from the current state to the next depends
and laws solely on the present state, with no influence from previous states.
01. The unseen forces and laws that govern the universe Assuming the current time is denoted as t, the probability of an event occurring at t+1
02. Physicists dealing with the microscopic world to is independent of the probabilities at t-1, t-2, …, t-k.
the vast universe This concept is commonly used in probability theory and represents a stochastic
process where the present is conditionally independent of both the past and the
2. Vectors: physical quantities interpreting shapes future. It is also known as a “memoryless” stochastic process.
03. Physical quantities and units explaining natural phenomena
04. Understanding the operations of vectors and scalars

3. Understanding the motion of objects through

vectors and coordinate systems
05. The motion of objects expressed through vectors
06. Coordinate systems created to express the motion of objects This phenomenon manifests in the form of a probability process known as a Markov
chain. It is readily applied in modeling real-world phenomena. For example, consider
4. The meaning of physical quantities expressed as vectors rolling a die. The outcome of the previous roll does not influence the result of the
07. Understanding the motion of objects and the inner following rolls. Therefore, throwing a die can be viewed as a stochastic process
and outer products of vectors with Markovian properties. This is also related to the distinction between empirical
08. Understanding the n-dimensional space and vector space probability and theoretical probability.

5. The algebraic interpretation methods of lines and Empirical probability and theoretical probability refer to two distinct approaches to
planes in a space probability. Empirical probability, rooted in past experiences and observations, involves
estimating probabilities based on historical data. It entails calculating the occurrence
09. Shapes and areas depicted by vector equations
frequency of a specific event divided by the total number of trials. For instance, when
10. The algebraic solutions and geometric meanings of vector equations determining the probability of getting heads in a coin toss, after conducting 100 trials,
count the number of times that heads occurred. If heads appeared 60 times, the empirical
6. Understanding virtual reality, which is more realistic than reality 60
probability of getting heads is = 0.6 . On the other hand, theoretical probability
11. The success of Pokémon GO and augmented reality 100
12. 3D computer graphic technology using vectors is a method of calculating the probability of an event occurring based on theoretical
principles. It could be done by calculating the probability of each possible outcome.

596 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 597

General Mathematics Series 144 Core Technologies of Information Society: The Big Data Theory and
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1203 Markov Chains

3. What are the applications of game theory?

Table of Contents
Surrounded by a circle of mathematicians with a keen interest in economics, Nash
revealed his studies in his twenties through Equilibrium Points in Games with Many
Players and Non-cooperative Games. In contrast to von Neumann, Nash proposed 1. The transition from a primitive society to
a universal solution for an arbitrary number (n) of players with arbitrary preferences. a contemporary information society
He demonstrated the existence of at least one equilibrium point in non-cooperative 01. The development of the internet and the
games that are not two-player zero-sum games. Later termed “Nash equilibrium,” advancement of the information society
this concept refers to the balance when there is no incentive to alter one's strategy, 02. Human dignity overlooked in the information society
which is considered the optimal state by all players. The result of the prisoner's
2. Big data as a new resource in the information age
dilemma is a representative example. The rapid development of game theory in
economics from the 1940s to the 1960s stemmed from the recognition that the 03. Interest in information, an invisible resource
assumptions of perfect competition, posited by classical economics, were not realistic. 04. Big data technology: a trending topic in today’s
information society
As Adam Smith suggested, the notion that everyone pursuing self-interest in
economic activities ultimately benefits everyone is a concept mostly confined to the 3. Big Brother: uncomfortable truths hidden behind
minds of classical economists. In reality, scenarios where large corporations exploit big data
small businesses' technology, withhold proper subcontracting payments, or when
05. Big Brother in the movie The Matrix has become a reality
oligopolistic firms, such as oil companies, overcharge consumers when oil prices rise
06. Disregard for human dignity in today’s information society
and inadequately reflect the reduction when prices fall occur frequently.
4. The Markov chain as a tool for analyzing the
rapidly changing environments
07. Markov properties determined irrespective of past history
08. Probability calculations using matrices and Markov chains

5. Analysis of consumer decision-making for rational

Nash's non-cooperative game model, being much closer to real-world scenarios than choices
von Neumann's theory, finds practical applications across various fields of society. 09. Decision-making influencing business success and failure
This model is utilized not only in the analysis of the behavior of dominant firms and 10. Probabilistic risk analysis and decision analysis theory
research on competition among companies in industrial organization theory, but also
in abnormal economic situations like currency crises and deposit withdrawal crises.
6. The development of information and game theory through the
intersection of communication theory and probability
It extends beyond economic theory to encompass interactions between governments
and the public in tax policy design, environmental and resource economics, and 11. The two masters of game theory: von Neumann and John Nash
information economics. Moreover, this model is frequently used in diverse fields such 12. Game theory analyzing political situations between nations
as auctions, sports, evolutionary biology, military science, and international politics.

598 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 599

GM 1204 A World Dreamed by Those Creating New Time and Space

2. What is the logical basis for explaining social or economic phenomena using linear models?

GM 1204 Linear models are represented as linear equations or functions, with one cause
corresponding to one result. Linear models, mainly when expressed as matrices,
A World Dreamed by Those allow the simulation of various situations using only matrix operations.

Creating New Time and Space

Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Affine Transformation

ISBN 978-1-64260-417-7

Let's explore the basis of a matrix that determines the dimension of space. When we
9 781642 604177
transform a matrix into row-echelon form, the number of rows not entirely composed
of zeros has mathematical significance. This number is the “rank” of the matrix.
If a row can be expressed as a linear combination of other rows, this relationship is
1. What is the purpose of transferring real-world objects to virtual spaces
called “linear dependence” or “first-order dependence.” Conversely, if a row cannot
for analysis?
be described as a linear combination of other rows, the row is considered “linearly
Mathematical theories such as vectors and matrices contributed significantly independent.” In a 2-dimensional space, a vector v can be represented as a linear
to creating new space and time. In contemporary mathematics, matrices are combination of other vectors. To define a vector in 2-dimensional space, at least two
often employed as an expanded concept of vectors. linearly independent vectors are required. If v and one linearly dependent vector are
Many students may think of matrices merely as tools for solving equations used, the representation will be in 1-dimensional space.
or as simple instruments to navigate the world of non-commutativity. To represent vector v, unit vectors x and y with a size of 1 must be defined. For
However, the power of matrices extends far beyond what we might envision. example, vector v can be expressed as 2x+3y.
The use of matrices in encoding and compressing images exemplifies this v=2x+3y
strength. Particularly, the compression technique utilizing singular value The vector v is expressed as a combination of linearly independent vectors x and y.
decomposition (SVD) from matrix theory has the advantage of representing However, what if vectors x and y are linearly dependent? If vector x = 2y, then x and y
numerous colors while effectively adjusting an image's quality and file size. become linearly dependent. Consequently, utilizing linearly dependent vectors x and
Discarding some singular values during the transformation of images into y renders it impossible to represent vector v in a 2-dimensional space. The method
matrices can enhance the compression effect and reduce distortion in the for determining the basis for the row space of matrix A is as follows: First, obtain the
images. reduced row echelon from matrix R of matrix A. The set of non-zero row vectors of
matrix R forms the basis for matrix A.

600 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 601

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1204 A World Dreamed by Those Creating New Time and Space

3. Let’s explore Hans Holbein’s art, which utilizes linear transformations

Table of Contents
Nowadays, computer graphics have advanced to the extent that they can depict
scenes more realistically than ever before. Matrices are extensively used as tools for
convenient calculations in computer graphics. For instance, the 3D positional data of 1. Naturalistic philosophers exploring the truths of
animals or humans is stored in matrices, and transforming them to alter the positions nature
of points requires redrawing them. 01. Religions originating from the fear of nature
However, if this transformation is a linear transformation, the data manipulation can be 02. Naturalistic philosophers who viewed nature objectively
efficiently executed through matrix multiplication. Linear transformations commonly
2. Sophists who pursued human-centered relativistic truth
used in computer graphics include similarity transformations, rotation transformations,
reflection transformations, and orthogonal projections. 03. Sophists: self-proclaimed masters of wisdom
Recently, we have often heard about the advent of the “Paperless Era,” where paper is 04. Humanism emphasizing the dignity and values of
not used, and documents are created, transmitted, and viewed through computers. human society
The advancement of computer technology and document writing programs, such as
3. Vectors: a geometric name of the matrix
Microsoft Word, played a significant role in making this possible. transcending disciplinary boundaries
05. The matrix: an idea originating from the solution of
simultaneous equations
06. The structural relationship between matrices and vectors

4. The bases of matrices generating planes and spaces

07. The basis of a matrix determines the dimension of space
08. Algebraic and geometric characteristics of various matrix bases

5. Linear transformations using matrices and

Using document writing programs allows the versatile transformation of text. determinants
We can freely adjust the size of the text and create bold, light, or italicized fonts.
09. Linear transformations in Hans Holbein’s work,
The convenience of these features is harnessed through the application of matrix
The Ambassadors
transformations. For example, a linear transformation called “shearing” is used when
1 a  10. Matrix representations and compositions of various linear transformations
creating text in an italicized form. Represented in matrix form as   , this
0 1  6. Affine transformations in image and video processing
transformation turns a rectangle into a parallelogram. The degree of inclination varies
11. Affine transformations as extensions of linear transformations
depending on the size of a. When enlarging or reducing the characters, multiply the
unit matrix by an appropriate number. 12. Affine transformations used to restore distorted videos

602 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 603

GM 1205

The Unknowns in Simultaneous Equations

Determine Axes in the World of Dimensions GM 1206
Category: Algebra
Various Applications of Linear
Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Gaussian Elimination
Algebra and Graph Theory
ISBN 978-1-64260-418-4 Category: Algebra
Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Prim’s Algorithm
9 781642 604184
ISBN 978-1-64260-419-1

1. What is the purpose of studying the

utility of matrices? 9 781642 604191

Understanding the usefulness of matrics

that can be solved by converting the 1. What is the purpose of studying linear algebra and graph theory?
problem of algebra into the problem of
geometry, and vice versa. A graph is an effective mathematical model representing relationships
Abstracting this knowledge will easily between two elements in a discrete set.
explain the various phenomena occurring Graphs find practical applications in various fields, from electrical
around us. circuits in engineering to molecular structure models in organic
chemistry and even transportation networks worldwide. Graph theory
serves as a theoretical foundation for solving transportation problems,
organizational issues, social structure problems, and shortest distance
problems. It significantly contributes to the advancement of information
and communication technology, especially in areas such as data
structures, search algorithms, and networks.

604 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 605

General Mathematics Series 144 The Unknowns in Simultaneous Equations Determine Axes in the World
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1205 of Dimensions

2. W
 hat is the logical basis of the relationship between Markov chains, probability, 3. Where can we apply the study of graph theory?
and matrices?
A computer program that reproduces or predicts atmospheric motion and conditions
Matrix decomposition is the expression of a matrix as the product of matrices with based on observational data is referred to as a numerical model. The series of processes
specific structures. It is used primarily to solve linear equations or to reveal specific involving the analysis and prediction of meteorological phenomena based on the
properties of matrices. The term is used to signify decomposing a matrix similar to simulation results of a numerical model is known as numerical weather prediction (NWP).
factoring natural numbers, but there are some differences.
In 1922, British meteorologist Richardson claimed that atmospheric movement could
Since matrices have much more complex operations compared to natural numbers,
be predicted through numerical analysis, thus marking the beginning of NWP. Despite
there are various methods for decomposing matrices. Thus, the correct method for
Richardson detailing weather forecasting methods in a published book, he deemed
decomposing matrices must be used depending on the purpose.
numerical forecasting impractical due to the extensive computational requirements.
However, with the advancement of numerical analysis theory in the latter half of the 20th
century and the advent of digital computers, numerical forecasting became a reality.
The principle of numerical weather forecasting involves dividing the virtual space into
multiple layers like the layers of an onion, and further subdividing each layer into small
squares like a checkerboard.
These virtual layers represent the atmosphere, and within each layer, grid points are
established at regular intervals. The observed values from weather stations at locations
corresponding to each grid point are input into numerical models to calculate the
future atmospheric conditions. The numerical values assigned to each grid point
correspond to the elements of a matrix, enabling numerical analysis using computers.
For example, when given simultaneous equations, if the number of variables or unknowns
we want to know is equal to the number of equations, we can consider a square
matrix composed of the coefficients of the equations. Let's designate this matrix as A.
We can then attempt to decompose matrix A. Representing the equations in matrix
form, we have AX=B. Multiplying both sides of the matrix equation by matrix T, we
get TAX=TB. Although the equation may seem more complex at first glance, we
can see that it has become more straightforward when viewed in terms of matrices.
One of the areas where NWP plays a significant role is “industrial meteorology.”
This is because by selecting a suitable matrix T, TA and TB can be simplified into a
Industrial meteorology is a field that investigates the relationship between weather
more straightforward form. In other words, we can decompose these matrices into
and production, design, sales, etc., in various sectors such as agriculture, industry, and
“triangular matrices.”
construction. Agriculture and fisheries are closely connected to meteorology.
We decompose matrix A into a lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix
Weather information is not just important for figuring out when to plant crops but
U. Consequently, we have LUX=B, which simplifies to L(UX)=B, then to UX=L-1B. This
also for deciding when to use pesticides to prevent diseases and pests. In the fisheries
transformation reducing the number of operations required, thus making problem-
sector, predicting waves for safe operations and analyzing temperature distribution for
solving more efficient. This approach also is widely used in computer calculations as well.
efficient fishing ground exploration is crucial.

606 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 607

The Unknowns in Simultaneous Equations Determine Axes in the World
GM 1205 of Dimensions GM 1206 Various Applications of Linear Algebra and Graph Theory

2. What is the logical basis for optimization in network flow?

Table of Contents
Graph theory has been applied to numerous mathematical problems and real-world
scenarios. The adjacency matrix is a crucial tool in graph theory, allowing for the
1. Paradigm shifts and innovative products leading mathematical analysis of complex network properties and behaviors. Graph theory
the market models networks using graphs connecting nodes (vertices) and edges (lines). This
01. Apple’s iPhone: an icon of innovation theory assumes a substantial role in dissecting network structures and connectivity
02. Innovation is initiated from a shift in perspective across various disciplines, including computer engineering, sociology, and biology.
Using matrices allows for a clearer understanding and more efficient computation of
2. Unknown numbers in equations expressed as vectors
the complex relationships in such graphs.
03. Understanding vectors, a geometric tool
04. Matrices that move algebraic equations into the
realm of geometry

3. Solving a simultaneous equation using a matrix

05. Matrix row operation and Gaussian elimination
06. Easily obtaining the solution of an equation using
an inverse matrix

4. Matrix decomposition simplifying matrix operations

07. Matrix decomposition expressing a matrix with
specific structures as a product of matrices In graph theory, a graph is employed as a mathematical structure to model relationships
08. Matrix multiplication easily calculated through among objects. This structure comprises nodes (or vertices) and edges (or edges)
matrix decomposition that connect these nodes. Graphs are utilized to represent the form and connectivity
of networks, proving suitable for mathematically expressing various forms of data
5. Determining the uniqueness of a solution with
structures and systems. In contrast, nodes serve as the fundamental units of the graph,
the rank and the determinant
representing specific objects or locations. For instance, in a transportation network,
09. The rank of a matrix and the uniqueness of the nodes may represent points such as intersections or stations. Edges are the lines
solution to an equation
connecting two nodes, indicating relationships or paths between the nodes. Edges can
10. Exploring the rank of a matrix through the determinant have directionality and may incorporate weights (e.g., distance, cost, time, etc.).
6. Matrix theory playing an important role in numerical analysis In a directed graph or digraph, edges have a specific direction. This implies that the
11. Numerical analysis considering both accuracy and efficiency edge allows the flow in only one direction, making it suitable for modeling scenarios
12. Numerical weather prediction initiated by the development of like hyperlinks on web pages or one-way roads. In contrast, in an undirected graph,
meteorology and numerical analysis edges have no direction. This is employed when the relationship between nodes is
bidirectional or when the direction is not crucial.

608 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 609

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1206 Various Applications of Linear Algebra and Graph Theory

3. What are the applications of graph theory?

Table of Contents
Opting for air travel when transporting petroleum can significantly reduce both distance
and time, but it introduces cost-related challenges. On the other hand, using a ship
may involve sacrifices in terms of distance and time, but the overall cost-benefit is 1. Euler’s ideas behind graph theory
more substantial. In such scenarios, the optimal path is not route by air transport but 01. The Seven Bridges of Königsberg and the Eulerian path
the route by ship.
02. Understanding the Eulerian path and Hamiltonian path
The shortest path algorithm is also integrated into navigation systems. When we enter
our destination, the system provides us with various route options to consider. It presents 2. Various problems in graph theory
choices like the shortest path, the least congested route for minimal travel time, and 03. Topology centering research on connectedness
routes without toll fees. The system thoroughly searches and displays paths that align
04. Calculating algorithm complexity and the P-NP problem
with individual preferences. Drivers then make informed decisions based on their specific
circumstances. The influence of the shortest path algorithm extends significantly into 3. The advancement of computer engineering and
our daily lives through these navigation systems. Now, what are effective methods for the importance of linear algebra
identifying the shortest path? It is clear that exhaustively examining every possibility to
05. Understanding linearity and non-linearity in our surroundings
determine the shortest path is inefficient and practically impossible.
06. Linear algebra which easily approaches natural or
social phenomena

4. The method for finding the number of paths and

matrix multiplication
07. The adjacency matrix representing connectivity as a matrix
One of the most representative shortest path algorithms is Dijkstra's algorithm.
Dijkstra's algorithm aims to identify the most efficient route from the initial point to all 08. Applications of graph theory using matrices
other points within the graph. The steps involved in this algorithm are as follows:
5. Markov chains: a combination of graphs, matrices,
① Create a table illustrating the shortest distances between all points and every pair
and probabilities
of points within the graph.
② Record the shortest distances from the initial point to directly linked points, 09. Markov chains influenced only by the immediate past
marking the remaining points with the infinity symbol (∞). 10. Applications of Markov processes in genetics and sociology
③P  rogress systematically from the point with the shortest distance to the farthest
one, differentiating the traversed paths and points by applying distinct colors.
6. Graph theory utilized by advanced industrial technology and human
④U  pon reaching a new point, update the distances to the connected points. If the
shortest distance has been previously calculated, compare the values and update 11. Graph theory utilized in network modeling
them to the smaller of the two. 12. Using graph theory to calculate the shortest distance and minimum cost
⑤ Repeat steps ③ and ④ until all points in the graph have been visited.

610 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 611

Polar Coordinates: Drawing the World Rectangular Coordinate System
GM 1207 beyond the Circle

2. W
 hat is the mathematical basis for the relationship between rectangular and
polar coordinates?
GM 1207 Polar coordinates refer to a coordinate system that expresses the position of a point
in terms of distance (r) from the origin and direction (θ). By defining the half-line
Polar Coordinates: Drawing OX starting from the origin O, the position of another point P on the plane can
the World Rectangular be expressed in terms of the length of OP (r) and the angle formed between the
Coordinate System beyond segments OX and OP, denoted by θ. Here, θ is measured in radians. This coordinate
system, representing a point's position as (r, θ), is called the polar coordinate system.
the Circle
Category: Geometry
Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Euler’s Formula

ISBN 978-1-64260-420-7 Let's also examine the relationship between Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates.
Suppose a point P on the plane is represented as (x, y) in Cartesian coordinates and as
(r, θ) in polar coordinates. Then, the following relationship holds between them:
 yy 
9 781642 604207
= cosèθè,, yy=
rrcos = = xx222++yy222,,θ =
sinθ,, rr=
rrsin =tan−−−111 
 xx 
The most crucial aspect here is to choose an appropriate coordinate system based
1. What is the purpose of studying coordinate systems and the on the quantities being dealt with. The Cartesian coordinate system is suitable when
complex plane? analyzing figures composed solely of line segments, while the polar coordinate system
Both electric and magnetic forces act in circular or spherical figures helps study circular motion. Now, let's expand the coordinate system from a plane to
centered at a point. Analyzing such phenomena is greatly facilitated three-dimensional space.
by polar and spherical coordinates, which express distance from the The simplest way to extend from two dimensions to three dimensions is by adding
origin and angle (direction) from the reference line. Polar and spherical height to the plane. By adding a z-axis representing height to the two-dimensional
coordinates are widely used in mathematics and physics, chemistry, Cartesian coordinate system, points in three-dimensional space can be expressed as
engineering, and other fields. Studying various coordinate systems in coordinates (x, y, z). Similarly, adding a z-axis to the polar coordinate system in the
this book is not limited to representing figures in diagrams. plane yields coordinates (rcosθ, rsinθ, z) for points in space. The spherical coordinate
By utilizing coordinate systems effectively, we can analyze natural system is useful in describing positions or motions in space. In the spherical coordinate
motions more easily and inch closer to unraveling the mysteries of system, points in space are represented as (r, θ, Ф), where r is defined as the distance
nature. Furthermore, we can develop theories and technologies, from the origin and ranges from 0 to infinity. The angle θ represents the angle with the
such as Schrödinger's equation, that make our lives more convenient. positive direction of the z-axis, ranging from 0 to π. Lastly, Ф, the angle formed with
the positive direction of the x-axis about the z-axis ranges from 0 to 2π.

612 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 613

General Mathematics Series 144 Polar Coordinates: Drawing the World Rectangular Coordinate System
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1207 beyond the Circle

3. W
 hat are the applications of polar coordinates that reveal the secrets of the
human body? Table of Contents
As machines, the main purpose of robots is to control movement. Therefore, robot
1. Coordinate systems: tools for recording spatial information
design is focused on controlling precise and intelligent movements of robots to
perform desired tasks. For example, let's look at the manipulator of an industrial robot. 01. Understanding coordinate systems allows us to create maps
A manipulator is a mechanical device that provides movements like a human arm. 02. The practical applications of coordinate systems
Since we live in a three-dimensional world, a typical robot should be able to move in civil engineering and surveying
forward and backward, left and right, and up and down to reach any point in space. 2. The Cartesian coordinate system efficiently
There are several methods to achieve this. representing the position of stationary objects
The most basic form, Cartesian-coordinated robots, operates with three linear motions. 03. The Cartesian coordinate system, the most familiar
system to us
The first axis performs left-right movements, the second axis performs forward-backward
movements, and the last axis performs up-down movements. We can easily understand 04. Limitations of the Cartesian coordinate system
focusing only on real numbers
by imagining moving along the coordinate axes of a Cartesian coordinated system.
Cartesian-coordinated robots can control linear movements with simple controls and 3. Emergence of complex numbers and utility of
are capable of precise operations. However, they can only move in one direction at a polar coordinates
time and occupy an ample space. 05. Solutions to equations graphed as regular polygons
in the complex plane
06. Operations of complex numbers and their
geometrical interpretations
4. The spherical coordinate system representing
motion in the round world
07. Understanding cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems
08. Using the spherical coordinate system to determine
the position of stars in the celestial coordinate system
5. The mysteries of nature revealed through polar
Cylindrical-coordinated robots have two linear motions and one rotational motion. coordinates
Think of a tower crane with adjustable height. Cylindrical-coordinated robots are
09. Kepler's laws of planetary motion easily explained through polar coordinates
useful for long-range tasks due to their wide horizontal range of motion. However,
10. Utilizing polar coordinates in Coriolis force and navigation research
due to low repeatability and accuracy, they are mainly used for general logistics
transportation and attaching and detaching parts. 6. Uncovering and utilizing the secrets of the human body using polar coordinates
Polar-coordinated robots are designed to have one linear motion and two rotational 11. Electrocardiogram analysis and iris recognition through polar coordinate transformation
motions. Polar-coordinated robots generally have a wider work area than Cartesian- 12. Utilizing polar coordinates in robot motion trajectory and velocity control
coordinated or cylindrical-coordinated robots.

614 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 615

GM 1209

Infinitesimal Analysis and

Differential Equations
Expressing the Changes
in Nature
Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 12
GM 1208 Math Theory: Kirchhoff’s Law

Limits: An Unreachable World $142.00

ISBN 978-1-64260-422-1
No Matter How Close We Get
Category: Analysis 9 781642 604221

Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Big-O Function
1. What is the purpose of studying
$142.00 differential equations to uncover
ISBN 978-1-64260-421-4
14200> the secrets of nature?

A profound understanding of complex

9 781642 604214 mathematical concepts is required to
explain the motion of a simple visible
object. It is impossible to describe the
1. What is the purpose of studying Zeno's motion of stars using simple arithmetic
paradoxes and the concept of infinity? operations. Differential equations are
The rigorous and precise approximate the mathematical tools that enable
inference required in the analysis process calculations related to the motion of
can be obtained through limits. celestial bodies.

616 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 617

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1208 Limits: An Unreachable World No Matter How Close We Get

2. W
 hat is the logical basis of mathematical analysis and the completeness of real 3. Where can our understanding of the concept of limits be applied?
Countless examples of natural phenomena can be expressed through the characteristics
The error term between the limit value and the partial sum in an infinite series of continuous functions. Changes in temperature or the velocity of objects continuously
an+1+an+2+an+3+…(L → ···) has been considered useless so far. Still, in a convergent vary with time, allowing these phenomena to be represented by continuous functions
series, if n is made sufficiently large, the absolute value of the error term can be made over closed intervals. For example, the variation in temperature over a day can be
arbitrarily small, so it can be used in judging convergence. For example, if there exists represented by a continuous function with respect to time, and this function can
a very small positive number k such that for all m the following be analyzed using the intermediate value theorem. This theorem is a crucial tool in
-k≤an+1+an+2+…+an+m≤k understanding such continuous functions.
is true, the absolute value of the difference between the partial sum and the limit value
Consider the temperature changes at different points on Earth. The temperatures at
is also very small, and its magnitude does not exceed k.
the North and South Poles generally remain below freezing, while temperatures near
the equator represent higher temperatures. If we hypothetically travel from the northern
part of Alaska, along the Pacific coast, towards the southern part of Chile, temperatures
would gradually transition from sub-zero to warm and then back to sub-zero, displaying
a continuous change. Such changes can be better understood through the intermediate
value theorem. According to this theorem, while traversing along the North and South
American coastlines, there must be points where the temperature is the same.
In other words, while transitioning from sub-zero to warm and back to sub-zero, there
must be points with the same temperature, lying between points with temperatures
lower and higher than that particular temperature.

To summarize this, we can say the following: When a1+a2+…+an+… converges,

no matter how small a positive number k is chosen, if n is made sufficiently large,
|an+1+an+2+…+an+m|≤k holds for all m. Conversely, making the error arbitrarily small is
also possible so that the original series will converge. The usefulness of this concept
lies in the fact that it can be used even without including infinity or knowing the limit
value. The completeness of real numbers guarantees the existence of the limit value.
Completeness means precisely what it sounds like; being fully equipped.

We call the property that another rational number exists between any two distinct
rational numbers, the density of rational numbers. It is difficult to be sure about the We can find continuous characteristics not only in temperature changes but also in the
existence of the limit value with this alone. Since there are irrational numbers between growth process of plants. When observing the growth process of plants, they do not
rational numbers in the set of rational numbers, the limit value may not exist. noticeably grow day by day. Instead, their growth occurs very subtly and continuously.
However, since irrational numbers fill the space between rational numbers, the limit This growth process can be represented by a continuous function, showing how the
value must exist in the set of real numbers. height of the plant changes over time.

618 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 619

Infinitesimal Analysis and Differential Equations Expressing the Changes
GM 1208 Limits: An Unreachable World No Matter How Close We Get GM 1209 in Nature

2. W
 hat is the logical basis of differential equations that perform mathematical
Table of Contents modeling?
Assuming the function of displacement as x(t), velocity as v(t), and acceleration as
1. The concept of limits in ancient times and Zeno's dx(t) dv(t) d 2 x(t)
paradoxes = v=
a(t), we can obtain the differential equation (t), a(t=
), 2
a(t) .
dt dt dt
01. The concepts of infinity and infinitesimal, which Using integration, we can find the solution to this differential equation. The reason
conflict with reality why physical phenomena can be described by differential equations, using the
02. Black holes: infinity found in nature concept of derivatives or rates of change, is because Newton discovered calculus.
Physical and chemical phenomena are challenging to model mathematically because
2. Understanding limits of functions through the
limits of sequences what we observe is not the entire phenomenon but rather the rate of change at any
given moment. In other words, since we can only know the rate of change over time,
03. Examining limits of functions through
understanding infinity and sequences it inevitably leads to the emergence of differential equations.
04. Understanding of limits of functions and limit values

3. The continuity of functions and the intermediate

value theorem
05. Completeness of real numbers to understand
continuity of functions Even though modeling phenomena using differential equations is possible, we face the
06. Conditions for continuity of functions and the fundamental problem of finding the solutions to these equations. Solving a differential
intermediate value theorem dy
equation, = f ( x) , means finding a function y that satisfies this equation, and the
4. Every phenomena in nature as continuous functions solution to this differential equation is y = ∫ f ( x) dx . If f(x) is already a known function,
07. Nature is constantly changing we can use integration to solve this problem. If f(x) is already a known function, we
08. Phenomena that no longer change after reaching a limit can use integration to solve this problem. However, in reality, f(x) is often unknown.
Furthermore, most physical or chemical phenomena are represented by systems of
5. The study of function spaces: the foundation of coupled or partial differential equations, involving multiple variables and functions.
functional analysis For example, the volume V of a gas is determined by temperature T and pressure P.
09. Definition and properties of various metric spaces In other words, if we denote V as a function V=F(T, P), when the temperature is constant,
10. Understanding uniform convergence and pointwise convergence of the volume depends only on pressure so we can consider V as a function of P, and
functional sequences ∂F
express its rate of change as . Similarly, when the pressure is constant, the volume
6. The Big-O notation: a way to express the efficiency of an algorithm ∂P ∂F
becomes a function of temperature, and its rate of change is expressed as .
11. Evaluating algorithm efficiency through time complexity ∂T
In functions where multiple variables influence each other, the derivative with respect
12. The Big-O notation represents time and space complexity to one variable is called a partial derivative, and the relationships among them are
described by partial differential equations.

620 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 621

General Mathematics Series 144 Infinitesimal Analysis and Differential Equations Expressing the Changes
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1209 in Nature

3. What are the applications of differential equations?

Table of Contents
Scientists recognized the existence of biological clocks in the mid-1950s, but the
mechanism by which biological clocks operate remained veiled. It was not until today,
sixty years later, that mathematical modeling of biological clocks was achieved using 1. Mathematical contemplations on infinity and infinitesimal
differential equations. Researchers at KAIST in Korea have revealed the involvement of 01. Leibniz’s perspective on infinity and infinitesimal
a protein called “Period2” in biological clocks. Normally, when the temperature rises,
02. Contemplation of the infinitesimal analysis
the degradation rate of proteins accelerates.
However, when human body temperature increases, the “phosphorylation switch” in 2. Differential equations as tools for studying the
the Period2 protein delays the degradation rate of this protein, helping the biological changing nature
clock to progress at a constant pace. Therefore, developing drugs that regulate the
03. What we observe are momentary phenomena of nature
Period2 protein will allow artificial manipulation of the biological clock. For example,
drugs prescribed to insomnia patients may contain anesthetic components that can 04. Natural phenomena described by rates of change over time
lead to side effects such as unconsciousness and paralysis, but newly developed drugs 3. Various differential equations and their solutions
will reduce such risks. In this way, differential equations are useful mathematical tools
05. Examining differential equations through indefinite integrals
for solving challenging problems in various fields.
06. Understanding and solutions of various
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which transforms the physical world of atoms into simultaneous differential equations
a virtual world of bits, is rapidly unfolding. In the field of life sciences, a revolution is
underway to virtually implement biological systems in digital space, enabling the analysis 4. Kirchhoff’s laws and the evolution of electrical circuits
of complex data and virtual experiments. This field is called mathematical biology. 07. Circuit theory explained through voltage, current, and resistance
08. Kirchhoff’s laws and analysis of circuits using
differential equations

5. Differential equations for calculating reaction rates

and half-life in chemical reactions
09. The law of mass action and chemical reaction rate equations
10. Radiometric dating using half-life periods

6. Mathematical biology: intersection of computer development and

As the name suggests, mathematical biology is the study of life phenomena through cutting-edge mathematical theories
mathematical analysis. It applies new tools such as computers, mathematical techniques,
11. Mathematical biology: a new field combining mathematics and biology
or mathematical insights to various fields of biology.
For example, Alan Turing discovered the reason why animals have different patterns, 12. Differential equations uncovered the mystery of biological clocks
such as stripes in zebras or spots in leopards.

622 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 623

GM 1210 Proof of Existence: The Pigeonhole Principle and Fixed-Point Theorem

2. What is the logical basis for the pigeonhole principle and Ramsey theory?
GM 1210 After stirring the coffee in a cup, the fact that particles are placed in the same position
as before stirring can be probed through the fixed-point theorem.
Proof of Existence: The fixed-point theorem is applied in optimization problems. In optimization, the
The Pigeonhole Principle method of finding fixed points can assist in solving problems to find the minimum
and Fixed-Point Theorem or maximum values of a function. In differential equations, particularly in initial value
problems, applying the fixed-point theorem can demonstrate the existence of at least
Category: Analysis
one solution when certain conditions are met by a function.
Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Ramsey Theory

ISBN 978-1-64260-423-8

9 781642 604238

1. What is the purpose of studying the pigeonhole principle,

which is used to prove existence?
In economics and game theory, the fixed-point theorem is utilized to prove the
During the era when Christianity was at the forefront of scholarship, existence of equilibrium states. For example, in economics, fixed points represent
proving the existence of God was an important topic, much like in equilibrium prices or the balance between supply and demand. The fixed-point
mathematics, where proof of existence and uniqueness are crucial. theorem also finds applications in signal processing and control systems.
For example, when given an equation, it is important to ascertain It can be used to analyze stability and convergence in control systems. By applying
whether solutions exist and, if they do, whether they are unique. the theorem in economics and control systems, the development of automated and
Of course, if all solutions of the equation can be directly obtained, optimized systems becomes possible, leading to more efficient utilization of human
existence and uniqueness are naturally proven. However, there are labor and enhancing economic stability, thereby contributing to happiness.
many problems where even proving the existence of solutions is
Let's prove that a fixed-point c exists such that f(c)=c for a continuous function f(x)
challenging. Proving uniqueness is relatively easier than proving
defined on the closed interval [0,1]. Define a new function g(x)=f(x)-x. This function
existence. Once a function satisfying certain conditions is found,
is also continuous. Substituting x=0, we have g(0)=f(0)-0=f(0), so g(0)≥0.
to confirm its uniqueness, assuming another function satisfying the
Substituting x=1, we have g(1)=f(1)-1, so g(1)≤0 will always hold. Now, applying
same conditions and manipulating it to match the original function
the intermediate value theorem, since g(x) satisfies g(0)≤0≤g(1) for x in the closed
reveals a contradiction, thereby proving uniqueness.
interval [0,1], there exists a point c within the interval [0,1] such that g(c)=0. Therefore,
f(c)-c=0, which implies f(c)=c. Thus, a fixed-point c satisfying f(c)=c must exist.

624 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 625

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1210 Proof of Existence: The Pigeonhole Principle and Fixed-Point Theorem

3. What are the applications of fixed points and dynamic equilibrium?

Table of Contents
John von Neumann was born in Hungary in 1903 and was a brilliant scientist who made
significant contributions to various fields, including mathematics, physics, computer
science, and economics. One of his notable achievements was the development of the 1. The pigeonhole principle and the birthday paradox
von Neumann architecture, which laid the foundation for modern computers. He also 01. A simple yet powerful tool for demonstrating existence
made significant contributions to quantum mechanics and game theory.
02. Ramsey theory proven by the pigeonhole principle
Von Neumann left a lasting impact on economics by introducing game theory to
the field. He proposed the applicability of game theory in mathematically modeling 2. The simple yet powerful force of fixed-point
economic decision-making and strategic interactions. His approach helped economists theorems
gain deeper insights into economic situations and human behavior, enabling them 03. Understanding distance functions and metric spaces
to analyze and predict complex economic scenarios more effectively. Game theory is
used in economics to analyze strategic decision-making. Von Neumann's theory plays 04. Proofs of Banach fixed-point theorem and Brouwer
fixed-point theorem
a crucial role in modeling interactions among economic agents, such as competition
among firms, negotiations, and price setting in competitive markets. This theory is 3. Solving equations using fixed-point theorems
essential for economists to analyze and predict various economic situations.
05. Fixed points of functions and roots of equations

06. Differentiation to locate fixed points in a given function

4. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for finding fixed

points of matrices
07. Understanding characteristic equations of matrices

08. Eigenvectors serving as axes in transformed mappings

5. The flow of capital and information in society today

09. Nature and society in dynamic equilibrium

The fixed-point theorem is fundamental in finding equilibrium points in game theory. 10. Capital and information subject to the law of gravity
This is important when each participant in a non-cooperative game selects their 6. The fixed-point theorem used to explain equilibrium theory in economics
optimal strategy interdependently. Theoretically, the fixed-point theorem ensures that
11. Fixed-point theorem in economics and John von Neumann
no participant can independently change their strategy to achieve a better outcome
once all participants have chosen their optimal strategies. This enables economists to 12. Proof of the existence of Nash equilibrium
analyze strategic interactions in various economic situations, such as market
competition, price determination, and resource allocation.

626 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 627

GM 1211
GM 1212
The World of Integrals within the Principles
of Levers and Planetary Motion The World of Chemistry and
Category: Analysis Physics That Has Structural
Target: Grade 12 Relationships with Mathematics,
Math Theory: Poincare Conjecture
the Queen of Natural Sciences
ISBN 978-1-64260-424-5 Category: Analysis
Target: Grade 12
Math Theory: Schrodinger Equation
9 781642 604245
ISBN 978-1-64260-425-2

1. What is the purpose of studying the laws

governing various phenomena?
9 781642 604252

If we know the initial positions and velocity

functions of objects, we can use integration to
predict their future positions or motion. 1. What is the purpose of studying mathematics, the queen of
natural sciences?
However, all objects in nature, whether visible
or not, interact with each other. The strength In the realm of sciences such as physics and chemistry,
of these interactions varies depending on time we study the relationships between physical entities involved
and position. Without integrals, it would be in natural phenomena and uncover the laws governing them.
impossible to mathematically express the laws These laws are all revealed through mathematical equations.
governing various phenomena, and future For example, Newtonian equations in classical physics,
events would be impossible to predict. Maxwell’s equations in electromagnetism, and Schrödinger’s
equation in quantum physics all describe the universe's order
in mathematical terms. In essence, mathematics serves as the
language of science.

628 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 629

General Mathematics Series 144
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1211 The World of Integrals within the Principles of Levers and Planetary Motion

2. What is the logical basis of the three-body problem with chaotic elements? 3. What are the applications of the center of mass and integrals?
However, the chaotic nature of planetary motion requires a three-body approach to The center of mass can be calculated by adding the position vectors of each particle
calculate more accurate orbital paths. For instance, calculating the orbital paths of the making up the object, multiplied by their respective masses, and dividing by the total
Sun, Earth, and Moon or the Sun, Jupiter, and asteroids can be simplified as a simple mass of the object. If the particles constituting the object are evenly distributed, the
three-body problem. center of mass can be easily determined. However, for objects with complex shapes
and uneven distribution of particles, the center of mass can be calculated using
integration. At the center of mass, the total momentum of the particles composing the
object always equals zero, meaning the object is stationary relative to the center of mass.

Calculating the center of mass is very important when designing machines utilizing
rotational motion. If the center of mass of a rotating body is offset from the axis
of rotation or if there is uneven mass distribution, the rotating body will be in an
unbalanced state. As the rotational speed of such a body increases, larger unbalanced
centrifugal forces generated by the mass eccentricity occur, which are transmitted to
While there are no general solutions to the three-body problem, special solutions can structures such as bearings and rotating shafts, causing structural vibration.
be found under special circumstances. If all three bodies are assumed to be in orbital Particularly, as the diameter of the shaft decreases and the rotational speed increases,
motion in the same plane, this constitutes the planar three-body problem, and if one the impact of vibration caused by uneven mass becomes more pronounced. Therefore,
of the three bodies has a mass small enough not to affect the other two, it is called reducing the vibration of rotating bodies is necessary to increase the lifespan of
the restricted three-body problem. machinery and enhance its performance. Simultaneously, methods ensuring worker
The restricted three-body problem can be solved by transforming it into a two-body safety and improving work environments are required. “Balancing,” the process of
problem. Additionally, when three bodies move along elliptical orbits, it is referred to correcting the imbalance mass of a rotating body, helps achieve this goal.
as the circular restricted three-body problem. Let’s explore the role and importance of
the center of mass in aerospace engineering and human body mechanics.
The center of mass is the point where the weight of an object is uniformly distributed.
It is a crucial element in the design and flight stability of aircraft and spacecraft in
aerospace engineering. In human biomechanics, it plays a vital role in understanding
human movement and optimizing posture accordingly, which has applications in
fields such as sports science and physical therapy. The center of mass is a virtual point
where all the mass of an object is uniformly distributed within the object, indicating Balancing rotating bodies is an essential element in the manufacturing process.
the point where the mass balances out. This point plays a crucial role in determining It is important to realize that engine wear and damage are caused by periodic forces
the object's response to external forces acting upon it. For example, when an object (vibrations) due to the imbalance of rotating bodies, which have a much greater impact
rotates, it rotates around the center of mass, which determines the equilibrium state of than static loads. Understanding that vibration is the cause of fatigue in structural
the object. The center of mass is an essential concept in physics for understanding the materials, the balance of rotating bodies is indispensable for safe operation and extended
motion, stability, and the way forces act on objects. lifespan of mechanical devices.

630 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 631

The World of Chemistry and Physics That Has Structural Relationships
GM 1211 The World of Integrals within the Principles of Levers and Planetary Motion GM 1212 with Mathematics, the Queen of Natural Sciences

2. What is the relationship between chemistry, physics, and mathematics?

Table of Contents
Electromagnetic force is the second strongest among the four fundamental interactions
existing in nature. Its range extends through the creation of electric and magnetic
1. Two types of motion in nature: translational and fields, which converge to form electromagnetic waves, of which light is a part.
rotational motion The study of the four formalized equations for electric and magnetic fields is known
01. Types of motion observed in nature as electromagnetism. Although it can be approximately described by Maxwell's
02. Mathematical expressions and equations of equations, nowadays it can be explained by quantum electrodynamics. Something
translational and rotational motion small like insects are more influenced by these electromagnetic forces than gravity,
2. Understanding moments and principles of the lever as demonstrated by phenomena such as surface tension.
03. Principles of levers and calculation of the center of mass
04. Moment of inertia: energy that maintains rotational motion
3. Description of solids of revolution using polar and
spherical coordinates
05. Extension of polar coordinates to cylindrical and
spherical coordinates in space
06. Triple integrals in spherical coordinates to calculate
moments of inertia
4. Mechanism and mechanical elements of rotational “Gravity” is caused by the mass of particles, while “electromagnetism” is caused by
motion charge. We may have experienced a shock of static electricity when touching a
07. Mechanical devices where components are doorknob during winter. This is also a phenomenon caused by electromagnetic force.
organically combined It is not easy to sense electric charges in everyday life. Charges come in two types,
08. The crank, transforming rotational and linear positive (+) and negative (-), which are usually present in equal amounts, resulting
motion interchangeably
in a neutral charge. However, negative (-) mass does not exist, so there is no way
5. Principles of planetary motion revealed through to cancel out mass, meaning there is no way to hide gravity. Forces act between two
the center of mass particles; there is no force when a particle is alone. Thus, forces are relational.
09. Understanding planetary revolution and rotation The distance between particles is important in forces. Surprisingly, both gravity and
10. The three-body problem originating from questions electromagnetic force are inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
about the orbits of the Sun, Earth, and Moon
Which force is stronger, gravity or electromagnetic force? Many people think that
6. Utilization of the center of mass in aerospace engineering and biomechanics gravity is stronger, but this is incorrect. When comparing the forces acting between
11. The core of space launch vehicles relies on precise calculation of the center of mass two charges and two electrons, it can be seen that the electromagnetic force is much
12. Forensic gait analysis: deducing culprits from their walking patterns stronger. In fact, the adverb “much” is inappropriate because electromagnetic force is
so much larger than gravity that it cannot be expressed in words.

632 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 633

General Mathematics Series 144 The World of Chemistry and Physics That Has Structural Relationships
Cultivating learner creativity across all subjects GM 1212 with Mathematics, the Queen of Natural Sciences

3. In which advanced industries does mathematics play a fundamental role?

Table of Contents
Mathematics is used for modeling and predicting phenomena. Scientific theories
are based on mathematical models, which succinctly represent phenomena and
1. The world explored in mathematics, the queen of
are utilized in research. From Newton's laws of motion to quantum mechanics and
natural sciences
relativity theory, various scientific theories are based on mathematical concepts.
01. Geometry depicting the forms of nature as figures
Furthermore, future scientific discoveries and technological innovations emphasize
02. Algebra and analysis: modeling the mysterious rules of nature
the importance of mathematics. Mathematical understanding and modeling are
essential in the advancement of modern science and technology. 2. Physics: from the microscopic world of atoms to
the vast universe
In physics, mathematical models play a crucial role in accurately modeling phenomena,
03. Classical physics founded on Newtonian mechanics
interpreting experimental results, and developing theories. Physics utilizes mathematical
and electromagnetism
models to study and explain natural phenomena. Various physics theories, such as
04. The twin pillars of modern physics: quantum
Newton's laws of motion, Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, and quantum mechanics, mechanics and theory of relativity
are expressed mathematically. These models enable accurate modeling and prediction
of physical phenomena. Mathematics is also necessary for analyzing and interpreting
3. The four fundamental forces of nature: gravity,
electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and
experimental results in physics. It is utilized to process experimental data mathematically,
weak nuclear force
identify patterns, and derive physical laws.
05. Gravity and electromagnetic force acting at the level of objects
06. Unifying nature’s four forces through superstring theory
4. The world of unseen laws and forces depicted
through mathematics
07. Functions and equations modeling the invisible world
08. The world unfolding before our eyes through graphs
5. The forest of mathematics formed by the gathering
Statistics and probability theory play important roles in statistically analyzing experimental of scientific branches
results. Physics uses mathematics in the development and validation of theories.
09. Mathematics: the link between biology, physics, and chemistry
Theoretical models are mathematically formulated and compared with experimental
10. Mathematics: the study of uncovering the secrets of nature
results to verify the accuracy of theories. Theory development involves mathematical
reasoning and computation. 6. The convergence of mathematics and quantum theory as the key
Mathematics serves as a vital tool in physics and greatly influences the advancement to future scientific and technological development
and understanding of phenomena. Physics and mathematics have a complementary 11. Quantum computers with infinite potential
relationship, where mathematical models are the core of physics and contribute 12. Schrödinger equation: the essential theory behind semiconductors
significantly to the progress of science. Without the help of mathematics, designing or and nuclear power generation
decorating even a single physical theory in physics would not be possible.

634 / General Mathematics Book Series 144 Applied Mathematics / 635



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