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Conversational American English Expressions



1 Simple greetings

Hello there!
Yo! (slang)

2 General greetings

How are you?

How’s it going?
How’s it been?
How is everything?
How’s everything?
How have you been?
How have you been?
How’ve you been?
How you been? (informal)
How’s tricks? (informal)
What have you been up to?
What’s new? (informal)
What’s up? (informal)
Wusup? / Wassup? (slang)
What’s happening? (slang) What’s going on? (slang)

3 Greetings for various times of the day

Good morning.
Mornin’. (informal)
How are you this bright morning?
Good afternoon.
Good evening.

4 Greeting a person you haven’t seen in a long time

I haven’t seen you in years!

Long time no see! (informal) I haven’t seen you in an age!
I haven’t seen you in a month
of Sundays!
a month of Sundays = a long time

5 Welcoming someone who has returned

Welcome back!
Welcome back, stranger!
Long time no see! (cliché) Where were you?
Where have you been?
Where did you go?

6 Expressing surprise at meeting someone

What a surprise to meet you here!

Imagine meeting you here! (cliché) Fancy meeting you here. (cliché) Never
thought I’d see you here!
What are you doing in this neck of the woods?
neck of the woods = part of town, location
What are you doing in this part of town?
What are you doing out of the office?
What are you doing out of the office?
Where’ve you been hiding yourself?
What have you been up to?
Shouldn’t you be in school?
Shouldn’t you be at work?
Have you been keeping busy?
You been keeping busy?
Been keeping busy?

7 After you have greeted someone

We seem to keep running into each other.

Haven’t we met before?
We have to stop meeting like this. (cliché) Didn’t we meet at that party last
I’m sorry; I’ve forgotten your name.
I’ve been meaning to call you.

8 Concerning a journey or vacation

How was it?

How did it go?
Did everything go OK?

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