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Method and Design in Life Science G1F
7.5 credits

Course code: BV311G

Version number: 6
Valid from: 1 July 2021
Ratified by: Curriculum Committee for Bioscience
Date of ratification: 28 January 2021

1. General information about the course

The course is provided by University of Skövde and is named Method and Design in Life Science G1F
(Biovetenskaplig metodik och design G1F). It comprises 7.5 credits and is a first-cycle course. The level
of progression is G1F.
The course is a part of the main field of study in Bioscience. It can also be a part of the main field of
study in Biomedicine. The disciplinary domain of the course is Natural Sciences.

2. Entry requirements
The prerequisites for this course are at least 30 higher educational credits passed within biomedicine,
bioinformatics, bioscience, chemistry or equivalent.

3. Course content
This course handles basic statistics such as spread of data and common parametric and non-parametric
tests. During the course, the theoretical parts will be illustrated with practical computer exercises using
statistical software. The course deals with ethical aspects in life science. The course also includes
individual projects where the student plan and perform a minor experiment with emphasis on analysis
of the results.
4. Objectives
After completed course the student should be able to:
describe the fundamentals in life science methodology,
understand and apply descriptive statistics,
understand how and when to use parametric and non-parametric tests,
apply the parametric and non-parametric tests included in the course, and
independently plan and perform an experimental trial and critically analyse the results, ethical
aspects as well as sex and gender perspectives.

5. Examination
The course is graded A (Excellent), B (Very good), C (Good), D (Satisfactory), E (Sufficient) or F (Fail).
The examinations of the course consist of the following modes of assessment:
Written examination in computer lab
5 credits, grades: A/B/C/D/E/F (determines the final grade)
Project presentation
2.5 credits, grades: G/U
Students with a permanent disability who have been approved for directed educational support may be
offered adapted or alternative modes of assessment.
6. Types of instruction and language of instruction
The teaching is comprised of presentations, lectures, supervision and project work.
Depending on the study period, the language of instruction may be Swedish or English. Even if the
teaching is conducted in Swedish, some English may still occur.
7. Course literature and other educational materials
McKillup, S. (2011). Statistics explained: an Introductory guide for life scientists (2nd). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052183550X.
Scientific articles and provided material.
8. Student influence
Student influence in the course is ensured by means of course evaluation. The students are informed
about the results of the evaluation and potential measures that have been taken or are planned, based
on the course evaluation.
9. Additional information
Further information about the course, as well as national and local governing documents for higher
education, is available on the website of the University of Skövde.


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