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Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451

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The nexus between greenhouse gas emission, electricity production,

renewable energy and agriculture in Pakistan
Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan a, Qamar Ali b, *, Muhammad Ashfaq c
Department of Economics, Government Postgraduate College, Jaranwala, Faisalabad, 37200, Pakistan
Department of Economics, Virtual University of Pakistan, Faisalabad, 38000, Pakistan
Institute of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 38040, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present study explores the nexus between agriculture value added, coal electricity, hydroelectricity,
Received 9 May 2017 renewable energy, forest area, vegetable area and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in Pakistan using
Received in revised form annual data from 1981 to 2015. The Toda and Yamamoto approach explored that all the explanatory
22 October 2017
variables showed causality towards GHGs emission, agriculture value added, coal electricity, hydro-
Accepted 15 November 2017
Available online 15 November 2017
electricity, renewable energy and forest area. The unidirectional causality was observed from hydro-
electricity to GHGs emission, renewable energy to GHG emission, forest area to GHG emission, forest area
to coal electricity, hydroelectricity to forest area, and vegetable area to forest area. The bi-directional
Agriculture value added
causality was observed between agriculture value added and forest area. The VECM results confirmed
Electricity the long run causality of GHG emission, agriculture value added, and forest area. The annual convergence
Forest area from short to long-run equilibrium was 36.8%. The Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square (FMOLS) and
Renewable energy Canonical Cointegration Regression (CCR) showed the reduction in GHG emission due to increase in
Vegetables agriculture value added (0.124%), renewable energy (1.086%), vegetable area (0.153%) and forest area
Toda and Yamamoto (0.240%). The government should increase the agriculture value added, renewable energy, vegetable and
forest area because all these variables could off-set the GHG emission increase due to coal electricity and
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Environment, economy, and energy (EEEs) are three important

ingredients for the development in the world [5]. The role of energy
The adverse climate changes are considered as a major problem is essential for human, economic, and social improvements which
in the recent era due to the imbalance in the carbon cycle. The are required for the sustainable development [6]. The increase in
atmospheric carbon emission due to human activities is more than energy consumption will be 56% from 2010 to 2040 [5]. The in-
the capacity of the earth to absorb the carbon in oceans, forests, and crease in energy consumption is responsible for the increase in
living and dead biomass. There are two basic solutions to balance carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, the main component of total GHG
the world's carbon cycle which is a decrease in the carbon emission emission. About 61.4% of GHG comes from the energy sector [7].
and increase the capacity of carbon absorption or both [1]. The Due to excessive use of fossil energy, the share of agriculture sector
environmental deterioration is responsible for the loss in infra- was 14e30% in the total GHG emission in the world. However, the
structure, natural resources, agricultural productivity and human food and agriculture organization (FAO) admitted the potential of
life [2]. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate the agricultural sector for the reduction in GHG or removal of
Change (UNFCCC) was started in 1992 in order to control the GHG 80e88% of the CO2 [8].
emission [3] and industrialized countries were forced to control the Especially, forests are termed as carbon stocks because a forest
GHG emission under Kyoto Protocol agreement (1997) [4]. has the ability to accumulate atmospheric carbon after converting
CO2 into carbon and oxygen. This accumulated carbon is stored in
tree trunks, branches, leaves, soils and dead biomass. Approxi-
mately, 1 ton of carbon is stored in the dry biomass of a tree which
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.T.I. Khan), qamarali2402@gmail. is about 2 tons. It implies that about 430 ton of carbon per hectare is
com (Q. Ali), (M. Ashfaq). stored in a tropical wet forest [1].
0960-1481/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
438 M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451

The contribution of coal-fired power plants was 41% of total overgrazing, the need for agriculture land and the use of wood as
electricity generation in the world [9]. The share of coal was 5.4% in primary energy source in the rural area. The increasing deforesta-
total primary energy use and less than 1% in power sector during tion is responsible for the rise in temperature in the northern area,
2014 in Pakistan [10]. However, the deaths due to coal-fired power which is a reason behind quick melting of glaciers, and the outcome
plants were between 10,000 and 30,000 per year in the USA is a flood in the summer season [16]. The floods in 2010, 2011, 2013
because coal-fired power plants were responsible for nitrogen ox- and 2015 adversely affect the agriculture and infrastructure [17].
ides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM) in the The forest cover should be 6% of the total land area in order to
environment [9]. Due to serious health issues and concern about achieve the World Bank's Millennium Development Goals about
energy security, the importance of alternative energy resources is the environment. But the forest cover is only 2.5% of the total land
increasing in the world [6]. Renewable energy is considered as area in Pakistan [16].
clean energy and it is derived from solar, wind, geothermal and bio- The government is taking some adaptation strategies (Fig. 1) to
fuel hydropower. It is not only beneficial for the environment but it mitigate the adverse climatic change effects [17].
also improves the level of employment, output, and income by the A fine literature is available about the nexus between energy,
provision of 3.5 million jobs [6,11]. economy and the environment. It is also important to include the
The largest source of renewable electricity is hydropower but its agricultural sector in this nexus. There is a research gap about the
contribution to the environment and climate change was not yet causality of electricity production, renewable energy, agriculture
fully explored. The hydropower reservoirs are considered as a value added, forest area, vegetable area and GHG emission, espe-
source of biogenic GHGs and the emission rate of hydropower cially in Pakistan. The research studies are required to identify the
plants was sometimes higher than the emission rate of thermal factors for the improvement of environmental quality. The present
power plants [12]. The fastest growth rate was observed for non- research explores the relationship between electricity, renewable
hydro sources of renewable energy like solar, wind, geothermal, energy, forest area, agriculture value addition, vegetable produc-
bio-energy, tidal and wave in power generation. The contribution of tion and GHG emission in Pakistan. This study uses the total GHG
these non-hydro sources in total power production will increase emission as a proxy for environmental degradation instead of CO2
from 2.5% in 2007 to 8.6% in 2030 [13]. The renewable energy in- only. This study also reveals the short and long-run elasticity of
creases due to increase in economic growth and agricultural pro- GHG with respect to selected variables. The results offer new in-
duction [14]. The renewable energy has a potential of 50% decrease sights for the government, international agencies and research or-
in the CO2 emission by 2050 if the increase in temperature of the ganization about the nexus between energy, agriculture, and
world will be limited to 2e2.4  C in the long run [13]. environment.
The utilization of renewable energy resources is also beneficial
for the farmers with respect to social, economic and environmental
2. Literature review
advantages [14,15]. Jebli and Youssef [15] mentioned the use of
renewable energy in different agricultural activities like (a) the use
Table 1 showed that the energy consumption causes pollution,
of solar energy heating and cooling of the greenhouse, product
and causality was bi-directional between energy use and environ-
drying, lighting, and irrigation; (b) the use of modern biofuels such
mental pollutants [19]. The causality from electricity production to
as bioethanol and biogas in agricultural activities. The agricultural
CO2 emission was observed in India [20]. Akhmat et al. [21]
residues like wheat straw, hazelnut shells and grain dust are
mentioned the increase in GHG due to electricity generation from
termed as the biomass energy sources; (c) the geothermal energy
oil, gas, and coal sources in 35 developing countries. The relation-
can be used in barns, aquaculture, greenhouse, soil improvement,
ship was positive between hydroelectricity and CO2 emission in
drying of agricultural products, and heating soil in the open fields;
Malaysia [22], between CO2 emission and renewable energy in 19
(d) wind turbines are useful for irrigation, watering livestock, land
developing and developed countries [13] but the reduction in CO2
drainage and electricity generation; (e) the use of hydropower
due to rise in renewable energy was observed in Tunisia [15] and
supports the water services in agriculture like irrigation, drinking
Morocco [14]. The decrease in CO2 was also observed due to
water supplies, equitable water sharing and flood control.
combustible renewables and waste [23], and agriculture value
added [8,14,23]. The causality running from economic growth to
deforestation, and consumption of energy to deforestation was
1.1. The agriculture, renewable energy, electricity and GHG emission
observed in Pakistan [16]. The causality was bi-directional between
in Pakistan
agriculture value added and CO2 emission in Tunisia [15] and 5
North African countries [8], and from agriculture value added to
The environmental degradation was responsible for natural di-
CO2 emission in Brazil [23]. The causality was unidirectional from
sasters in Pakistan with an expectation to increase in the frequency
CO2 emission to renewable energy in Tunisia [15] and from
of natural calamity in the future [16]. The socioeconomic structure
renewable energy to CO2 in 5 North African countries [15]. The
of the country is affected due to extreme climatic changes. The
causality was bi-directional among agriculture value added and
major environment-related issues are water pollution, solid waste
renewable energy [8,14].
management, soil erosion, desertification, salinity and water-
logging, and deforestation [17]. Energy deficiency is another issue
for Pakistan due to the increasing energy demand. Nearly 54% of 3. Data, variables, descriptive and graphical analysis
total energy demand is fulfilled by using conventional energy
sources [18]. The enormous growth in the economy of Pakistan and The present study used annual data from 1981 to 2015 in the
the potential for future growth highlighted the increasing energy case of Pakistan, taken from different sources (Table 2). The present
demand. But the growth in the economy was associated with study was designed to establish the causality between agriculture
environmental degradation [16]. value added (AVA), electricity production from coal sources (COL),
Pakistan has the highest deforestation in Asia, which is 2.1% per electricity production from hydroelectric sources (HYD), renewable
annum. The reasons behind the deforestation were the urbaniza- energy supply (REN), forest area (FOR), vegetable area (VEG) and
tion, global warming, high population rate, farming method, greenhouse gas emission (GHG). Table 2 reveals the descriptive
M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451 439

Water conservation strategies

Water management
Capacity building

Resource management
and Livestock
Genetic modification

Monitoring and forecasting of outbreak

Human Plans and policies

Health Training and capacity building

Resource management

Forest management
Forestry &
Habitat conservation
Community participation

Forecasting and warning system

Disaster Preparedness

Preparedness Management

Recovery and rehabilitation

Fig. 1. Adaptation strategies by the government [17].

analysis and normality of selected variables while the graphical is essential to explore the normality in variable series by using
trend in each variable was revealed by Figs. 2e8. The average different indicators (skewness, kurtosis and Jarque-Bera statistics).
agriculture value addition was 1507.80 constant 2010 USD per The value of Jarque-Bera probability was greater than 5% in each
worker and it shows increasing trend from 1981 to 2015. The mean case which confirmed the normality in each variable series.
value of coal electricity production was 0.22% which was more in After the confirmation of normality (Table 2), it is important to
1995 and less in 2015. On average, electricity production from hy- estimate the pairwise correlation coefficients. A positive coefficient
droelectric was 38.97% with a maximum in 1984 and minimum in depicts the movement of variables in the same direction while the
2000. The trend of renewable energy supply was decreasing from direction is opposite for negative coefficient of correlation. Table 3
1981 but it shows increasing trend after 2007 (Fig. 5) while the reveals that the multicollinearity was not a problem for selected
mean of renewable energy supply was 43.81%. The role of forest variables.
area is important for the environment. But, Fig. 6 shows a contin-
uous decrease in forest area since 1981 which is an alarming situ-
ation with respect to environmental preservation. The vegetable 4. Econometric methodology
production is important with respect to food security. The average
vegetable area was 63074.62 ha with a maximum (75,064.00 ha) in The empirical analysis was undergone from four econometric
2001 and minimum (27,246.00 ha) in 1982. The GHG emission was steps. First step deal with the detection of a unit root in each var-
dependent variables in the econometric analysis and its average iable series. The second step explored the long-run co-integration
was 1.79 metric ton of CO2 equivalent per capita. The GHG emission between the selected variables. The third step revealed the esti-
was maximum (2.11 metric ton of CO2 equivalent per capita) in mation of Granger causality among selected variables. The last
2007 and minimum (1.52 metric ton of CO2 equivalent per capita) steps deal with the calculation of short and long-run elasticity of
in 1987. Fig. 8 shows the increase in GHG from 1981 to 2015 which GHG emission. The software(s) Microsoft Excel, Eviews 8, and
was not good for the environment. Before the empirical analysis, it STATA 12 were employed for the empirical analysis.
440 M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451

Table 1
An overview of selected literature.

Author(s) Variables Method Countries Time Period Causality Results

Apergis et al. CO2, renewable energy, VECM 19 developing and 1984e2007 1) Nuclear energy decreases CO2
[13] economic growth and developed countries 2) Renewable energy increases CO2
nuclear energy 3) Nuclear energy / CO2
Ahmed et al. Deforestation, trade ARDL, VECM Pakistan 1980e2013 1) The decreasing negative effect of growth in the economy
[16] openness, energy on deforestation.
consumption, growth 2) Growth in the economy / deforestation
in the economy, and 3) Consumption of energy / deforestation
population 4) Growth in the economy 4 consumption of energy
5) Trade openness / deforestation
Akhmat et al. energy consumption Engle and Granger Pakistan, Bangladesh, 1975e2011 1) Energy consumption increases pollutants
[19] and environmental Causality test Nepal, India, Sri Lanka 2) Energy consumption / environmental pollutants
pollutants 3) Energy consumption4 CO2 (Nepal)
4) CO2 exerts changes in electric power consumption
(Bangladesh and Nepal)
Akhmat et al. GHG emissions, FMOLS, DOLS 35 developing 1975e2012 1) Nuclear energy decreases GHGs
[21] agricultural CH4 countries 2) Electricity from oil, gas, and coal increases GHGs
emissions, industrial
N2O emission and
energy sources (coal,
gas, oil energy; fossil
fuel; nuclear)
Cowan et al. CO2, growth in the Panel bootstrap BRICS 1990e2010 1) GDP 4 CO2 (Russia)
[20] economy and causality approach 2) GDP / CO2 (South Africa)
consumption of 3) CO2 / GDP (Brazil)
electricity 4) Electricity consumption / CO2 (India)
Jebli and CO2, trade openness, VECM Tunisia 1980e2011 1) Agriculture value added 4 CO2
Youssef [15] GDP, renewable energy, 2) Agriculture value added 4 trade openness
nonrenewable energy, 3) Renewable energy / GDP
and agriculture value 4) CO2 / renewable energy
added 5) Agriculture value added, non-renewable energy, and
trade increases CO2
6) Renewable energy decreases CO2
Jebli and CO2, agricultural value VECM Brazil 1980e2011 1) Agriculture value added / CO2
Youssef [23] added, GDP, and 2) Agriculture value added / GDP
combustible 3) Combustible renewables and waste, and agriculture
renewables and waste value added increases growth in the economy
4) Agriculture value added and combustible renewables
and waste decreases CO2
Lau et al. [22] CO2, hydroelectricity VECM Malaysia 1965e2010 1) hydroelectricity consumption / CO2
consumption and 2) GDP / CO2
economic growth
Asumadu- CO2, biomass-burned VECM Ghana 1961e2012 1) Rice production increases CO2
Sarkodie and crop residues, 2) Cereal production increases CO2
Owusu [24] agriculture value 3) Agricultural machinery decreases CO2
added, agricultural 4) Cereal production 4 CO2
machinery, cereal 5) Biomass-burned crop residues 4 CO2
production, livestock,
and rice area
Jebli and CO2, renewable energy, VECM 5 North African 1980e2011 1) Agriculture value added 4 CO2
Youssef [8] agriculture value countries 2) Agriculture value added / GDP
added, GDP 3) GDP / renewable energy
4) Agriculture value added / renewable energy
5) Renewable energy / agriculture value added
6) Renewable energy / CO2
7) Increase in GDP and renewable energy increases CO2
8) Increase in agricultural value added decreases CO2
Jebli and CO2, renewable energy, VECM Morocco 1980e2013 1) Renewable energy increases due to increase in economic
Youssef [14] arable land, agriculture growth, arable land, and agricultural production.
value added and 2) Renewable energy decreases CO2
GDP 3) Agriculture value added 4 renewable energy
4) Arable land use / renewable energy
Khan et al. [25] GHG emission, VECM, FMOLS, GMM 34 upper middle 2001e2014 1) The decrease in GHG emission was observed due to
Financial development, income countries increase in renewable energy in Europe.
energy use, renewable
energy, trade and

4.1. Model specification

GHGt ¼ A0 AVAat 1 COLat 2 HYDat 3 RENta4 FORat 5 VEGat 6 εεit (1)
The econometric model for the empirical analysis was used for
selected variables (Table 2) in accordance with [29]: Eq. (1) was converted into double-log form by applying natural
logarithm on both sides because the probability of
M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451 441

Table 2
Descriptive statistics of variables (1981e2015).

Variables Measuring Unit Descriptive Analysis Normality Analysis (natural log-form) Data Source

Mean Max. Min. SD Skewness Kurtosis Jarque-Bera Probability

VAL Constant 2010 USD 1507.80 1764.13 1011.20 237.50 0.86 2.33 4.98 0.08 [26]
COL % of total 0.22 0.77 0.01 0.22 0.31 3.37 0.76 0.69 [26]
HYD % of total 38.97 58.64 25.24 10.26 0.39 1.78 3.05 0.22 [26]
REN % of primary energy supply 43.81 57.28 35.97 6.33 0.60 2.05 3.40 0.18 [27]
FOR % of land area 2.85 3.77 1.91 0.56 0.26 1.90 2.17 0.34 [26]
VEG Ha 63074.62 75064.00 27246.00 13090.54 0.05 1.60 2.87 0.24 [28]
GHG Metric ton of CO2 equiv. 1.79 2.11 1.52 0.21 0.16 1.55 3.20 0.20 [26]



Constant 2010 USD






1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 2. Trend of agriculture value added per worker (1981e2015).

heteroskedasticity was low in natural logarithmic form, as: 5. Econometric results and discussion

5.1. Unit root analysis

lnðGHGt Þ ¼ a0 þ a1 lnðAVAt Þ þ a2 lnðCOLt Þ þ a3 lnðHYDt Þ
The unit root analysis is the first step in panel data analysis
þ a4 lnðRENt Þ þ a5 lnðFORt Þ þ a6 lnðVEGt Þ þ εit (2)
because the result from regression analysis gives misleading
conclusion if the selected variables have stochastic trend [29,30].
The regression result was spurious if the stochastic trend was
observed in the dependent variable and minimum one explanatory
variable or these variables have no cointegration [29e31]. To avoid
a0 ¼ lnðA0 Þ
this problem, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) [32] and the
the subscript t represents the time period, GHG presents the Phillips-Perron (PP) [33] unit root test were adopted for selected
greenhouse gas emission in metric ton of CO2 equivalent per capita, variables. The econometric technique of these unit root tests is
AVA represents the agriculture value added per worker in constant expressed as [29]:
2010 USD, COL represents the percentage of electricity from coal
sources, HYD represents the percentage of electricity from hydro- DXt ¼ a0 þ a1 t þ qXt1 þ ∅i DXti þ ut (3)
electric sources, REN represents the percentage of renewable en- i¼1
ergy supply, FOR represents the forest area as a percentage of total
land area, VEG is the area under vegetable production in hectares. where, Xt represents the variable series, D represents the first dif-
Here a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 and a6 show the elasticity of GHG emission ference, and the lagged difference terms are included to correct for
with respect to AVA, COL, HYD, REN, FOR and VEG, respectively. serial correlations of the disturbance terms on the right side of the
442 M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451




% of total





1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 3. Trend of electricity production from coal sources (1981e2015).

equations. The Schwarz information criterion (SIC) was used for the When the selected variables showed stationarity at I(0), I(1) and
selection of lagged differences. When q ¼ 0, the Xt variable series I(2), then Toda and Yamamoto approach was used for Granger
has a unit root and an I(1) process governed by a stochastic trend causality analysis.
[27]. If the selected time series variable showed integrated of order
one, the investigation of 2nd order unit root is performed by using 5.2. VAR lag length selection
the equation expressed as [29]:
The determination of lag length is required before the applica-
tion of cointegration and causality tests. The results become biased
D2 Xt ¼ b0 þ lDXt1 þ gi D2 Xti þ εt (4) due to the selection of inappropriate lag length. The VAR lag length
i¼1 selection test was applied which give five different selection cri-
terions such as LR (sequential modified LR test statistic), FPE (final
where D2 represents the second-difference operator. The variable prediction error), AIC (Akaike information criterion), SC (Schwarz
series Xt have the integrated of order two or I(2) if l ¼ 0. Suppose information criterion), and HQ (Hannan-Quinn information crite-
d shows the number of times that the variable series Xt requires to rion). The AIC gives dynamic results and has exceptional features as
be differenced to become stationary than the variable series Xt has compared to Schwartz Bayesian criteria (SBC). Therefore, the AIC
integrated of order d or I(d). The tabulated values [34] were used was employed for appropriate lag length selection. Table 5 shows
because the usual asymptotic distribution was not observed in the appropriate lag length is 2 on the basis of LR, FPE, AIC, and HQ.
estimated q [29].
Table 4 demonstrates the results of these unit root tests. Both 5.3. Johansen cointegration test
unit root tests were performed at three different forms such as
level, first difference, and the second difference. Moreover, case 1 Johansen test of cointegration involves the estimation of vector
reveals the application of unit root tests with intercept while case 2 autoregressive (VAR) models including the levels as well as the
includes both intercept and trend. Only lnVEG shows the absence of difference of the nonstationary variables. The following equation is
unit root or presence of stationarity at the level form and had used for Johansen cointegration test [35]:
integration of order I(0). Therefore, the unit root analysis was
performed at first difference form for other variables. All the vari- DXt ¼ t1 DXt1 þ …… þ tk1 DXtkþ1 þ pXtk þ ε (5)
ables excluding lnFOR showed the presence of stationarity at first
difference form. It shows that lnVAL, lnCOL, lnHYD, lnREN and where, ε represents the Gaussian random variable, t1 and p shows
lnGHG had integrated of order I(1). The variable lnFOR become the matrices of OLS estimated parameter, pXt-k explores various
stationary at second difference form or integrated of order I(2). linear combinations of levels of the variable Xt and the matrix p
M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451 443

% of total

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 4. Trend of electricity production from hydroelectric sources (1981e2015).

have the information about the long run properties. When the causality among the selected variables but it does not describe the
matrix (p) rank is equal to 0, then no variable series can be direction this causal association. The following tests were used to
expressed as the linear combination of the remaining variables. explore the causality among the selected variables.
However, the long-run cointegration among the variables is
confirmed when the rank of the coefficient matrix (p) is equal or
5.4.1. The TodaeYamamoto approach to granger causality
more than 1. Johansen [36] and Engle and Granger [37] mentioned
Toda and Yamamoto [38] procedure is used in level VARs,
two statistics for the determination of the rank of the coefficient
whether the selected variables are integrated, cointegrated, or not.
matrix or the number of cointegration relationships among the
This test explored the invalidity of conventional Granger causality
selected variables. First statistics, the likelihood ratio test is used in
F-statistic because it does not have a standard distribution when
current research to explore the null hypothesis about the number of
the time series data is integrated or cointegrated [39]. This
cointegration relationships r versus the alternative rþ1. Here, H0
approach [38] is suitable when the selected variables show the
shows the zero number of co-integrating vectors [35]. The confir-
integrated of I(0), I(1) and I(2) like in the current research.
mation of long-run cointegration pointed out the presence of at
According to [38], cited in Ref. [40], the modified Wald test
least a unidirectional Granger causal association between the
(MWALD) test was applied to explore the causality among the
selected variables. The MWALD test is beneficial due to the avoid-
The presence of cointegration is not compulsory for the appli-
ance of problems related to ordinary Granger tests of causality by
cation of Toda and Yamamoto Granger causality analysis. However,
ignoring the chances nonstationarity or co-integration among the
the presence of cointegration is required to explore the long run
variables [41e43]. This causality test [38] uses a level VAR model for
elasticity coefficients by using FMOLS and CCR regressions. The
the selected variables, and thereby reduced the risks of misleading
Johansen cointegration test gives two indicators such as trace sta-
results due to incorrect identification of the order of integration for
tistics and max-eigenvalue statistics. The rejection of null hypoth-
the selected variables [44]. Wolde-Rufael [42] and Amiri and Ven-
esis is required as 5% significance level for the confirmation of long-
telou [40] reported the important idea of this method that the
run cointegration between the variables. Table 6 shows that both
artificial augmentation of the correct VAR order (k) by using the
trace and max-eigenvalue test indicate 4 and 3 cointegration(s)
maximum order of integration (dmax), then the VAR with the order
relationship, respectively between selected variables at 5% signifi-
(k þ dmax) is estimated by ignoring the coefficients of the last
cance level. The presence of long-run cointegration supports the
lagged dmax vector [40e43,45e47].
concept of Granger causality between the variables.
This test involves two steps. The first step deals with the
determination of the maximum order of integration (d) and
5.4. Granger causality optimal lag length (k) of the variables. The order of integration (d)
was determined by using the ADF and PP unit root tests while the
The test of co-integration only revealed the presence of Granger optimal lag length (k) was determined by using the level VAR
444 M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451


% of total primary energy






1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 5. Trend of renewable energy supply (1981e2015).

procedure. The second step describes the result of VAR (k) causality
test by using MWALD procedure [39]. For bivariate (Y, X) associa- H0 : f1i ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; …:; k (9)
tion, the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) causality test is expressed as A Wald test is used to test the hypothesis and the computed
[39,48]: Wald-statistic has an asymptotic chi-square distribution with k
degrees of freedom. Table 7 reveals the result of Toda and Yama-
k X
kþd max X
moto approach to identify the causality among the selected vari-
Yt ¼ a0 þ b1i :Yti þ b2i :Yti þ c1i :Xti
ables. This test was applied seven times by taking each variable as
i¼1 i¼kþ1 i¼1
dependent variable one by one. The result shows that GHG emis-
sion per capita, agriculture value added, electricity production from
þ c2i :Xti þ e1t (6)
coal, hydroelectric electricity production, renewable energy supply,
and forest area were affected by all other variables in Pakistan. This
test also explored the unidirectional causality running from hy-
k X
kþdmax X
droelectric electricity production to GHG emission, renewable en-
Xt ¼ d0 þ e1i :Xti þ e2i :Xti þ f1i :Yti
ergy supply to GHG emission, forest area to GHG emission,
i¼1 i¼kþ1 i¼1
hydroelectricity to coal electricity, forest area to coal electricity,
hydroelectricity to the forest area, and vegetable area to forest area.
þ f2i :Yti þ e1t (7)
The uni-directional causality was also running from renewable
energy to agriculture value added and CO2 in 5 North African
where, Yt represents the dependent variable while Xt represents countries [8]. The two-way causality association was detected be-
the independent variables, e1t and e1t are the residuals of the tween agriculture value added and forest area. The Toda and
models. The standard c2 statistics is used for the application of Yamamoto do not distinguish between short and long-run causal-
Wald tests to the first k coefficients matrices [49]. Suppose ity. For policy analysis, the present study also used VECM model to
c1 ¼ vecðc11 ; c12 ; ………:; c1k Þ represents the vector of the first k detect the long run causality between the variables. The VECM
VAR coefficients. The null hypothesis that X does not cause Y is approach can be applied in the presence of cointegration among
expressed as [39]: the variables but the suitable approach was Toda and Yamamoto
due to the integration of order I(2) for one variable.
H0 : c1i ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; …:; k (8)
Similarly, the second null hypothesis that Y does not cause X is 5.4.2. Vector error correction model (VECM)
expressed [39]: The Toda and Yamamoto [38] causality approach was used due
M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451 445



% of land area




1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 6. Trend of forest area (1981e2015).

to the presence of I(2) for one variable. However, Hossain [50] used Table 8 describes the result of VECM, only for the detection of
Engel and Granger [37] causality test in first difference instead of long-run causality among the selected variables. A negative and
Vector Autoregressive (VAR) because it shows misleading results in significant coefficient of ECM showed that the variable has a long
the presence of co-integration. Therefore, the inclusion of one run causal association with all other variables. The GHG emission
additional variable to the VAR system like error correction term has long run causality with all other variables which shows the all
(ECM) was used to explore the long run causality. The augmented the selected variables cause GHG emission in the long-run. Simi-
Granger causality test was employed after the addition of ECM in a larly, the long run causality was also observed for agriculture value
multivariate pth order VECM model for selected variables added and forest area in Pakistan. It implies that long-run causality
expressed as [50]: was bi-directional between GHG emission and forest area; GHG

2 2 3 3 2 32 2 3 3 2 3
DlnGHGt C1 b11k b12k b13k b14k b15k b16k b17k DlnGHGt l1 ε1it
6 DlnAVAt 7 6 C2 7 6 b21k b22k b23k b24k b25k b26k b27k 76 DlnAVAtk 7 6 l2 7 6 ε2it 7
6 7 6 7 6 76 7 6 7 6 7
6 DlnCOLt 7 6 C3 7 Xp 6 b31k b32k b33k b34k b35k b36k b37k 76 DlnCOL 7 6 l3 7 6 ε3it 7
6 7 6 76 tk 7
6 DlnHYDt 7 ¼ 6 7
þ 6 b 76 DlnHYD 7 þ6 7 6
6 l4 7ECMit1 þ 6
6 7 6 C4 7 6 41k b42k b43k b44k b45k b46k b47k 76 tk 7 ε4it 7 (10)
6 DlnRENt 7 6 7
k1 6 76 DlnREN 7 6 7 6
6 7 6 C5 7 6 b51k b52k b53k b54k b55k b56k b57k 76 tk 7 6 l 7
4 l5 5
6 7
4 DlnFORt 5 4 C 5 4 b b62k b63k b64k b65k b66k b67k 54 DlnFORtk 5 6
4 ε6it 5
6 61k
DlnVEGt C7 b71k b72k b73k b74k b75k b76k b77k DlnVEGtk l7 ε7it

where, i ¼ 1, 2, …, n; t ¼ pþ1, pþ2, …, T. Ci ; bi and li were estimated emission and agriculture value added, and agriculture value added
parameters. D showed the first difference, εit are serially indepen- and forest area. The bi-directional causality between agriculture
dent error terms with zero mean and finite covariance matrix, and value added and renewable energy was found in Morocco [14]. The
ECMit1 was the one period lagged error term and derived from co- bi-directional causality between agriculture value added and CO2
integration vector. F-test showed the direction of causality among was in line with [8].
the variables. The ECM coefficient showed how fast deviations from
the long-run equilibrium were eliminated. The significance of ECM
provides another way for causal analysis which is called as long-run 5.5. Short-run elasticity
causality test.
The short-run elasticity of GHG with respect to selected
446 M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451







1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 7. Trend of vegetable area (1981e2015).

variables was estimated by using the error correction model [28] significant (0.105%) increase in GHG emission due to 1% increase in
after variable modification: hydroelectricity. In the short-run, the GHG emission reduction was
1.001% due to 1% increase in renewable energy supply. The reduc-
p X
p tion in GHG emission was 0.227% due to 1% increase in forest area in
lnGHGt ¼ j0 þ j1i lnGHGti þ j2i lnAVAti the short run which shows the benefit of forest even in the short-
i¼1 i¼0 run. The vegetable area was also found beneficial for the environ-
p X
p X
p ment and the significant GHG emission reduction was 0.189% due to
þ j3i lnCOLti þ j4i lnHYDti þ j5i lnRENti 1% increase in vegetable area in the short run. The ECM reveals the
i¼0 i¼0 i¼0 percentage annual convergence from short-run to long-run equi-
Xp Xp
librium. The negative and significant ECM shows the 36.8% annual
þ j6i lnFORti þ j7i lnVEGti þ lECMt1 þ ut convergence from short to long-run equilibrium. It concludes that
i¼0 i¼0
the increase in GHG emission due to hydroelectricity could be easily
(11) offset by increasing forest area, renewable energy supply and the
vegetable area in the short run.
where, ECMt1 represents the error correction term which was
obtained by using the following cointegration equation:

p X
5.6. Long run elasticity
ECMt ¼ lnGHGt  d0  d1i GHGti  d2i AVAti
i¼1 i¼0
The long-run elasticity coefficient of GHG with respect to
p X
p X
selected variables was estimated by using two cointegration
 d3i HYDti  d4i RENti  d5i FORti
i¼0 i¼0 i¼0
 d6i VEGti (12)
5.6.1. Fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS)
where the parameter l shows the adjustment speed from short to The FMOLS controlled the problems of serial correlation and
long-run equilibrium, and j1 ; j2 ; j3 ; j4 ; j5 ; j6 represents the pa- endogeneity and used for the estimation of long-run elasticity co-
rameters to be estimated. efficients. The FMOLS is based on non-parametric approach and
Table 9 reveals the results of short-run elasticity of GHG emis- provides consistent parameters when the sample size is small. The
sion with respect to selected variables. The result shows a FMOLS estimator can be constructed as expressed below [51, 52]:
M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451 447

metric ton of CO2 equivalent







1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 8. Trend of greenhouse gas emission per capita (1981e2015).

Table 3 Table 5
Correlation matrix of selected variables. Lag length selection.

Variables lnVAL lnCOL lnHYD lnREN lnFOR lnVEG VAR lag order selection criteria

lnVAL 1.000 Lag LogL LR FPE AIC SC HQ

lnCOL 0.252 1.000
0 270.015 NA 0.000 15.940 15.623 15.833
lnHYD 0.186 0.039 1.000
1 604.840 507.311 0.000 33.263 30.72349a 32.409
lnREN 0.332 0.005 0.572 1.000
2 671.038 72.21670a 4.92e-24a 34.30536a 29.544 32.70322a
lnFOR 0.272 0.172 0.174 0.390 1.000
lnVEG 0.154 0.423 0.144 0.273 0.301 1.000 a
Indicates lag order selected by the criterion (each test at 5% level).

Table 4
Unit root tests results for Pakistan.

Unit Root Tests Form Variables


ADF Level 2.417 2.006 1.459 2.447 1.270 5.700* 0.497

Case 1: model with only intercept 1st difference 6.610* 9.933* 6.209* 5.401* 6.171 5.972* 5.669*
2nd difference 7.246* 7.271* 7.697* 7.572* 2.871*** 12.456* 7.454*
Phillips-Perron Level 3.929* 2.065 1.446 2.505 22.577 2.991** 0.494
Case 1: model with only intercept 1st difference 6.639* 8.941* 6.211* 5.414* 6.684 5.982* 5.669*
2nd difference 30.665* 18.786* 29.233* 21.608* 2.797*** 27.432* 19.209*
ADF Level 1.742 2.017 1.564 0.765 1.684 3.908** 2.635
Case 2: Model with intercept and trend 1st difference 7.296* 10.985* 6.222* 6.128* 0.353 3.702** 5.578*
2nd difference 7.105* 7.151* 7.586* 7.446* 5.619* 12.299* 7.406*
Phillips-Perron Level 1.549 1.999 1.541 0.702 12.264 1.742* 2.326
Case 2: Model with intercept and trend 1st difference 8.060* 10.027* 6.318* 6.298* 0.484 7.509* 5.579*
2nd difference 33.168* 18.298* 31.678* 20.715* 5.631* 49.149* 33.339*
significant at 1%.
significant at 5%.
significant 10%.
448 M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451

Table 6 Table 8
Results of the Johansen co-integration test. Long run VECM Granger causality test for Pakistan.

H0 Eigenvalue Trace Max-Eigenvalue Variables ECM

Statistics p-values Statistics p-values Coefficient P-value

None a
0.987 323.521 0.000 139.190 0.000 DlnGHG 1.758** 0.014
At most 1a 0.886 184.331 0.000 69.478 0.000 DlnVAL 1.199* 0.001
At most 2a 0.829 114.853 0.000 56.552 0.000 DlnCOL 0.014 0.960
At most 3a 0.597 58.301 0.004 29.049 0.032 DlnHYD 0.246 0.740
At most 4a 0.406 29.253 0.058 16.668 0.188 DlnREN 0.552 0.471
At most 5 0.306 12.585 0.131 11.696 0.123 DlnFOR 0.006*** 0.092
At most 6 0.027 0.889 0.346 0.889 0.346 DlnVEG 0.104 0.504
Denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level. *significant at 1%, **significant at 5%, ***significant at 10%; Lag length: 2.

Table 9
N  Short-run elasticity estimates of GHG emission in Pakistan.
b ¼N 1 b
b (13)
Variables Coefficient Standard Error t-statistics p-value
 DlnVAL 0.050 0.064 0.778 0.444
where b b DlnCOL
FM;i is the traditional FMOLS estimator. The associated t-
0.005 0.004 1.361 0.185
statistic is given as: DlnHYD 0.105* 0.037 2.814 0.009
DlnREN 1.001* 0.155 6.464 0.000
DlnFOR 0.227*** 0.123 1.851 0.076
DlnVEG 0.189* 5.932
tb ¼ N1=2 tb (14) 0.032 0.000
b GFM b FM;i ECMt-1 0.368*** 0.201 1.829 0.079
*significant at 1%, ***significant at 10%.

Table 10
5.6.2. Canonical Cointegration Regression (CCR) Long run elasticity estimates of GHG emission for Pakistan.
According to Han [53], The CCR procedure was initially used by
Variables Cointegration regression models
Park [54] which involves the transformation of data that used only
the stationary component of a cointegrating model. However, the FMOLS CCR

cointegrating relationship supported by the cointegrating model is Coef. Prob. Coef. Prob.
not changed due to data transformation. The CCR transformation DlnVAL 0.109** 0.011 0.124** 0.017
makes the error term of cointegrating model uncorrelated at the DlnCOL 0.006* 0.008 0.007** 0.014
zero frequency with regressors. Due to this, the CCR gives asymp- DlnHYD 0.147* 0.000 0.150* 0.000
totically efficient estimators and the asymptotic chi-square tests are DlnREN 1.079* 0.000 1.086* 0.000
DlnFOR 0.235* 0.000 0.240* 0.000
free from nuisance parameters. The detailed econometric proced- DlnVEG 0.153* 0.000 0.150* 0.000
ure of CCR is described by Han [53]. Diagnostic tests Test-statistics p-value
Table 10 demonstrates the long run elasticity coefficient of GHG LM test for Serial Correlation 0.168 0.920
emission with respect to selected variables in Pakistan. Results ARCH test 2.957 0.086
LM test for Heteroscedasticity 11.998 0.062
showed a significant 0.124% reduction in GHG emission due to 1%
Jarque-Bera Normality test 1.913 0.384
increase in agriculture value added. It implies that government Durbin-Watson stat 1.941
should enhance the agriculture value addition for the environ-
*significant at 1%, **significant at 5%.
mental protection. The reduction in CO2 due to agriculture value
added was also explored by Ref. [8]. The reduction in GHG emission
was also significant (1.086%) due to 1% increase in renewable en-
ergy supply which implies the increase in the future share of CO2 due to renewable energy was also mentioned by Jebli and
renewable energy for the GHG emission reduction. The decrease in Youssef [14]. The renewable energy has the ability to offset the

Table 7
Toda-Yamamoto granger causality test (Chi-Square) for Pakistan.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables


lnGHG 0.747 (0.688) 1.562 (0.458) 1.469 (0.480) 2.869 (0.238) 0.728 (0.695) 2.134 (0.344)
lnVAL 3.733 (0.155) 0.805 (0.669) 0.048 (0.976) 2.430 (0.297) 6.222** (0.045) 3.567 (0.168)
lnCOL 4.021 (0.134) 3.320 (0.190) 1.143 (0.565) 3.833 (0.147) 3.169 (0.205) 3.122 (0.210)
lnHYD 14.433* (0.001) 2.222 (0.329) 7.928** (0.019) 2.952 (0.229) 6.715** (0.035) 0.071 (0.965)
lnREN 9.974* (0.007) 0.386 (0.825) 0.767 (0.682) 1.410 (0.494) 2.346 (0.310) 0.681 (0.711)
lnFOR 9.942* (0.007) 12.223* (0.002) 11.861* (0.003) 3.704 (0.157) 3.702 (0.157) 0.609 (0.738)
lnVEG 2.722 (0.256) 1.558 (0.459) 1.163 (0.559) 1.717 (0.424) 0.344 (0.344) 4.890*** (0.087)
All 36.617* (0.000) 26.308* (0.010) 45.810* (0.000) 20.854*** (0.053) 21.782** (0.040) 22.914** (0.029) 8.431 (0.751)

*significant at 1%, **significant at 5%, ***significant at 10%, The values in parentheses are the p-values, Lag length: 2.
M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451 449







88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14

Recursive Residuals ± 2 S.E.

Fig. 9. Plot of recursive residual for long-run coefficients.






88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14

CUSUM 5% Significance

Fig. 10. Plot of CUSUM of residual for long-run coefficients.

significant increase in GHG emission due to 1% increase in elec- these problems. The test statistic of LM serial correlation test was
tricity production from coal (0.006%) and hydroelectric sources insignificant at 5% level which shows the absence of serial corre-
(0.147%). The GHG emission reduction was 0.227% and 0.189% due lation. The LM test for heteroscedasticity and ARCH test showed
to 1% increase in forest and vegetable area, respectively. The in- insignificant test-statistics at 5% level of significance. It implies that
crease in forest area is beneficial for the environmental preserva- the model is free from the heteroscedasticity. The normality in the
tion due to the existence of two-way causality with agriculture regression was confirmed by Jarque-Bera normality test because it
value addition. The value addition is a new concept in agriculture was insignificant at 5% significance level. The Durbin-Watson sta-
which may increase the income of farmers as well as employment tistics confirmed the absence of auto-correlation because the value
in the agro-based industry. of the Durbin-Watson statistics (1.941) was very close to the
The exists different problem in the estimation of regression optimal value of Durbin-Watson statistics (2.00).
equation such as serial or auto-correlation, heteroscedasticity, non- At the end, the stability of the long-run parameters was checked
normality and structural instability in the regression model. by using recursive residual, cumulative sum (CUSUM) and the cu-
Table 10 showed the result of different diagnostic tests to explore mulative sum of squares (CUSUMSQ) tests. Figs. 9e11 describes the
450 M.T.I. Khan et al. / Renewable Energy 118 (2018) 437e451










88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14

CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance

Fig. 11. Plot of CUSUMSQ residual for long-run coefficients.

graphical presentation of these tests. The recursive residual and Funding source
CUSUM tests results were within the critical bounds at 5% level of
significance (Figs. 9 and 10). However, the result of CUSUMSQ is This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
also within bound limits for most of the time at 5% level of signif- agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
icance. However, it should be within bound limit at 10% level of
significance. Therefore the proposed GHG emissions model can be References
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