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Principled BSDF
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The Principled BSDF that combines mul ple layers into

Ge ng Started a single easy to use node. It is based on the Disney
Interfaz de Usuario principled model also known as the «PBR» shader,
making it compa ble with other so ware such as
Pixar’s Renderman® and Unreal Engine®. Image
Escenas y Objetos textures painted or baked from so ware like Substance
Modeling Painter® may be directly linked to the corresponding
Escultura y Pintado parameters in this shader.

Grease Pencil
This «Uber» shader includes mul ple layers to create a
Animación y Rigging wide variety of materials. The base layer is a user
Físicas controlled mix between diffuse, metal, subsurface
 Rendering sca ering and transmission. On top of that there is a
specular layer, sheen layer and clearcoat layer.



3.0  Español 

Principled BSDF.

 Nota

The emphasis on compa bility with other so ware means that it interprets certain input
parameters differently from older Blender nodes.

Base Color
Diffuse or metal surface color.

Mix between diffuse and subsurface sca ering. Rather than being a simple mix between Diffuse
and Subsurface Sca ering, it acts as a mul plier for the Subsurface Radius.

Subsurface Radius
Average distance that light sca ers below the surface. Higher radius gives a so er appearance,
as light bleeds into shadows and through the object. The sca ering distance is specified
separately for the RGB channels, to render materials such as skin where red light sca ers
deeper. The X, Y and Z values are mapped to the R, G and B values, respec vely.

Subsurface Color
Subsurface sca ering base color.

Subsurface IOR Cycles Only

Index of refrac on for Subsurface Sca ering.

Subsurface Anisotropy Cycles Only

Controls the direc onality of subsurface sca ering.

Blends between a non-metallic and metallic material model. A value of 1.0 gives a fully specular
reflec on nted with the base color, without diffuse reflec on or transmission. At 0.0 the
material consists of a diffuse or transmissive base layer, with a specular reflec on layer on top.

Amount of dielectric specular reflec on. Specifies facing (along normal) reflec vity in the most
common 0 - 8% range.

 Consejo

To compute this value for a realis c material with a known index of refrac on, you may use
this special case of the Fresnel formula: specular = ((ior − 1)/(ior + 1))2/0.08

Por ejemplo:

water: ior = 1.33, specular = 0.25

glass: ior = 1.5, specular = 0.5
diamond: ior = 2.417, specular = 2.15

Since materials with reflec vity above 8% do exist, the field allows values above 1.

Specular Tint
Tints the facing specular reflec on using the base color, while glancing reflec on remains white.

Normal dielectrics have colorless reflec on, so this parameter is not technically physically
correct and is provided for faking the appearance of materials with complex surface structure.

Roughness (Rugosidad)
Specifies microfacet roughness of the surface for diffuse and specular reflec on.

 Consejo

When conver ng from the older Glossy BSDF node, use the square root of the original value.

Anisotropic Cycles Only

Amount of anisotropy for specular reflec on. Higher values give elongated highlights along the
tangent direc on; nega ve values give highlights shaped perpendicular to the tangent direc on.

Anisotropic Rota on Cycles Only

Rotates the direc on of anisotropy, with 1.0 going full circle.

 Consejo

Compared to the Anisotropic BSDF node, the direc on of highlight elonga on is rotated by
90°. Add 0.25 to the value to correct.

Amount of so velvet like reflec on near edges, for simula ng materials such as cloth.

Sheen Tint
Mix between white and using base color for sheen reflec on.

Extra white specular layer on top of others. This is useful for materials like car paint and the like.

Clearcoat Roughness:
Roughness of clearcoat specular.

Index of refrac on for transmission.

Mix between fully opaque surface at zero and fully glass like transmission at one.

Transmission Roughness Cycles Only

With GGX distribu on controls roughness used for transmi ed light.

Light emission from the surface, like the Emission shader.

Emission Strength
Strength of the emi ed light. A value of 1.0 will ensure that the object in the image has the
exact same color as the Emission Color, i.e. make it “shadeless”.

Controls the transparency of the surface, with 1.0 fully opaque. Usually linked to the Alpha
output of an Image Texture node.

Controls the normals of the base layers.

Clearcoat Normal
Controls the normals of the Clearcoat layer.

Controls the tangent for the Anisotropic layer.

Distribu on
Microfacet distribu on to use.

GGX: A method that is faster than Mul ple-sca ering GGX but is less
physically accurate. Selec ng it enables the Transmission Roughness
Mul ple-sca ering GGX: Takes mul ple bounce (sca ering) events between microfacets into
account. This gives a more energy conserving results, which would
otherwise be visible as excessive darkening.

Subsurface Method
Rendering method to simulate subsurface sca ering.

 Nota

Eevee does use not support the Random Walk methods.

Christensen-Burley: An approxima on to physically-based volume sca ering. This

method is less accurate than Random Walk however, in some
situa ons this method will resolve noise faster.
Random Walk (Fixed Radius): Provides accurate results for thin and curved objects. Random
Walk uses true volumetric sca ering inside the mesh, which
means that it works best for closed meshes. Overlapping faces
and holes in the mesh can cause problems.
Random Walk: Behaves similarly to Random Walk (Fixed Radius) but modulates
the Subsurface Radius based on the Color, Subsurface Anisotropy,
and Subsurface IOR. This method thereby a empts to retain
greater surface detail and color than Random Walk (Fixed

Salida estándar de shader.


Below are some examples of how all the Principled BSDF’s parameters interact with each other.

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