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Total No. of Questions : 22] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8 B-152052-C Subject : English (General) Time : Three Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt all the questions. (PROSE) Q1 (A) Choose the correct answer : Ix5=5 When Brindaban’s wife became seriously ill, a ___ was called. (a) singer. iy, : (b) poet (© dancer (@) kabiraj ~ Gi) The guests ceased __ and became thoughtful. (@) crying © (b) laughing (c) weeping (@) smiling Gil) Farthing is of a penny. (a) one quarter (b) one-third () three-fourth (@) half (iv) ___ is a God to whom children were sacrificed to increase the fertility of soil. (a) Pewter (b) Satyr (©) Moloch (@) Palette (v) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was on (b) 10 December 1948 (a) 18 December 1948 (d) 10 December 1945 (c) 28 December 1945 P.T.O. 13-C (2) 1*5=5 Q(B) Match the following correctly : () @) @ ~~ Putney Hill ‘The Trust Proper) (i) Behrman Bling . (ii) Bashkir Silver Lining) (iv) Damodar Pal Sir Rona! Ross institute (D (%) Cuisine hermit miner (5) * estions i rentences. Note : Answer each of the following questions in about two or three 5 ia? 3 Q.2 Malaria means ‘bad air’! How did this disease get the name Malaria? 3 Q.3 What was Behrman’s masterpiece? Q4- Why did the hiding-place not prove very mysterious to Nitai? 3 3 Q.5 What work was offered to Elias and his wife? Q6 er ‘What were the disadvantages which Homo sapiens had as compared with othe - : . 3 animals? - : What was the plan for the betterment of Pramodini which was outlined by Bhandaris? 3 OR i How can we bring ‘Ram Rajya’ upon this carth? (POETRY) Q.8 — What is H.W. Longfellow’s message to us? 2 Q.9 — Why is bright coloured cloth being woven in the evening? + 2 Q.10 What often flashed upon the poet’s inward eye? 2 11 When ani to whom had the mother gen Vv: i © name o: Qu Wh id ‘hom had ther send an invitation in the name of OR Who serves God best? 13] (VOCABULARY) Q.12 Match the following correctly (any five) : Ix5-5 (A) @) Nawvies female sheep( @ Gi) Gi) (iv) ) (vi) (vii) Q13 (A) Q13 B) «trip made for pleasure Turban Attics unskilled workers @ Ewe given to somebody with the legal rights * Mortgage show something is righ(7 Excursion cloth for covering the head '!! Justify rooms on the roof » : Solve the following (any three) : bae3 en in the bracket : ‘1 in the blank with proper form of the word giv @ Fi im in life. (serve) “ before self” should be our ait (ii) Write down the base words of : < . @ beautiful (6) wisdom (iii) Make antonyms by using appropriate prefix = (@jjjstice (b) social (iv) Pick out the suffixes from the following ° (a) happinees (b) cheerful (v) Write the noun forms of : (a) repeatessp) declardisiy (vi) Find the odd man out : milk, bread, oil, water Give one word for the following group of words (any two) : {x2=2 (The practice of eating uncooked human flesh. (ii) One who studies about bacteria. (iii) A drink prepared by fermienting mare’s milk. : (iv) One who lacks courage. . P.T.O. 13-C [4] (GRAMMAR) \g sentences with the suitable words given Q.14 Fill in the blanks of the followin, as brackets (any five) + ' () — T___ am apple. (eat eats) per. (eh Either) ___ boy has to sign this pal is pocket. (somé/ any) di) (ii) He does not have ___ money in hi Gv) A___ water will clean your hands. (few/ ith (») An honest man speaks —— muth. (a/ 86) (vi) My fiiend reminded me —_- 0" appointment this evening. (iat) (vit) ___ you live lone (fay / Can) 1x55 Q.15 Do as directed (any five) (@) —_ My mother. toves Eo i _(Cirgle the non-finite- verb)” days are not equal. (Underline the determiner) rt height. Gi) He took the form of Vamana who was of very shor (Underline the 1 believe him to be an honourable man. tence with noun clause) ii) subordinate clause) (iv) (Change into complex sen! Kavita found the missing keys. (Expand the adjective to form relative clause) s Indira Gandhi’s son, succeeded her. defining relative clause) () (vi) Rajiv Gandhi, who wa: (Whether the above sentence has defining or non- , (vii) Nirman cannot go out as it (rain). (Put the verb in the bracket into present continuous tense) Cc. -— ,8087ohV—mWV— oor U5] 1x5=5 Q.16 Do as directed (any five) : @ Gi) Gi) Gv) w) wi) (wii) @ 17 Write an essay @ a) iil) (iv) Ww) National Handwashing Day . PTO. Children like playing football. (Add question tog) You take a taxi or you will miss the train- (Rewrite the sentence using ‘If") My father said to me, “May you get through in first division!” (Change into indirect speech) Shahnaz was feeding the sparrows. (Change the voice) (lock) the door. The master the servant using *cause’) (Make a causative sentence (a) North pole is very cold. db)" Waler is frozen ‘there. : o...that) (Combine these sentences using 5 No sooner does the sunrise than he leaves his bed. (Rewrite the sentence using “As soon 28 as” in place of “No sooner ... than”) (COMPOSITION) on any one of the following topics in about 250 words : Television — A Blessing of Science Save the Environment Boxing Star - Mary Kom Unemployrhent Problem 16] Q.18 You are Manjeet Singh / Manisha Sharma, residing at Ashiyana, Adarsh Colony, Kawarda, Write an application to the Manager, Zen Automobile Company, Lodhi Lane, Rewa for the job as a computer operator. 5 OR You are Pravecn /‘Parijat, residing at Pushpak Hostel, Pran Lane, Gunderdehi. Write a letter to your father describing about the preparation of your annual examination. (COMPREHENSION) _ : it: 5 Q.19 Write a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title to it : 0 2 seamni ii ilable Pomegranate is full of digestive juices and vitamins. It is vet snd throughout India. It is of two types : sweet and sour. Its fruit ao pronal juice of fresh soft leaves can be used as home remedies. Juice ofripe pee vale the functions as an appetizer. It regulates the digestion of food am a jeans the stomach worms, It provides energy to the body. Juice oF Pom or juice of digestive system. In case of loose motions, powder of the Bu oe of iron soft leaves is beneficial. It cures anaemia and improves the leye's Qh0" haemoglobin in. the-blood. OR eaves which it chews well The chimpanzee’s food includes fruit and I \ en chimpanzees sometimes before swallowing it. But in Tanzania scientists have set swallowing the leaves of a plant called Aspilia without chewing them. The plant . ‘ t, contains a red oil which acts strongly against certain bacteria and parasites and the scientists are of the view that swallowing the leaves without chewing ensures that the medicinal content of the Jeaves remains intact until it reaches the intestine where the parasites are lodged. Q.20 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it : A week later one of the sons of his old master came and told Velan, “you will have to go back to your village, old fellow”. The house is sold to a company. They are not going to have a garden. They are cutting down even the fruit trees, they are offering compensation to the lease holder, they are wiping out the garden sand pulling down even the building. They are going to build small houses by the score without leaving space even for a blade of grass. a (71 2x4=8 Questions (any four) : @ Name the lesson of the given passage and 4s author. Gi) ‘To whom was the house sold? Gil) Do they need a garden? (iv) What are they offering to the lease holder? (¥) Write the opposite of (a) sell, (b) small. How are they building the houses? Q.21 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it: India has been making considerable progress in space sciences an recent past. This has been made possible with the dream of DF Vikram Ambal a Sarabhai. He is considered as the founding father of the Indian Space Programm< _ Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was bom on August 12, 1919. Initially be thought o! .__continuing his family business. However his interest in “Maths and Physics drove him towards higher education: He received Ph.D. font ‘Britain and retired 9. India. He established the Physic Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad. Later his interest in space sciences grew and he continued his research in the field of space. India’s first artificial satellite caryabhatta’ was the result of the effort put in by tablishment of the greatest achievement was the est This great scientist passed away On wi) sal Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. His Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). December 31, 197i Questions (any. four): 2x4=8 ther of the Indian Space Programme? Who is considered as the founding fal @ di) When was he born? . (ii) What drove him towards higher education? (iv) From where did he receive Ph.D.? (v) Name India’s first artificial satellite. Write the full form of ISRO. (vi) [8] Q.22 Find out errors in the sentences and rewrite them correctly (any five) : 1xS=5 @ Gi) Gili) (i) vy) - wi) (vil) Ravi have a cricket bat. Where their is a will, there is a way. Dhamtari is small than Raipur. Renuka is a M.A. in English, joy which stood first in his class, It has been raining for yesterday. He died in malaria.

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