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This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.

1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-

reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.
Arseniy Ginnoir Niko Tackian
Author: Pyram King
Maps: DM Andy
Bernardo Pinho Gremoire Noel Lim
Edited by: Jesse Winter (Duo Storytelling) Drodinn Grise Obed Serrano
Tokens: Tixu Nija Nikolic Guardian3214 Omnic
Art: AI-generated by Pyram King
555222444 Hellborg Oskari Kurkela

Campaign Guides Aaron Henrik Lycke Thomsen Phil König

Campaign & Player Guides Alasdair Botting Hugo Dominguez pmurph89
Fey Quest
Albeor Jacob Sutter Raphael Verdier
Strahd von Zarovich
Andi Schipelbaum Jeffrey Reynolds Raz84952
Location Guides
Andrea M Chandler Jeramie Ritchie Roger Penny
#1 Count’s Manor (Alternative to Death House)
#2 Village of Barovia Andrew Martinez Jeremy Ruiz -Roleplay Legends-
#3 The Crossroads Anonymus Gourmet Jimbus340 Rune Christensen
#4 The Tser Pool
#5 Tser Falls Atomesque Joel bourdon Ryker
#6 The Old Windmill Balinaeri Josh Barker S41ph3r
#7 Village of Vallaki
#8 Blue Water Inn Barron Joshua Brown Sage Huseas
Bryan Casler JoyfulDemon01 SageRylander
CamronPagett Kateesh Samadhi Fugita
Carsten Köhr Kevin Rutherford Samhain
Chad Bounous Ko-fi Supporter schwobynature
Chris McCullough Ko-fi Supporter Skeletor
ChrisBlain Lionheart Sliverspell
Conor Madden Maka the Baka Smashskull
Cy M Passley Marth1921 SMBTD
Dean Logan Wood Martin Gales Smeeth
Derek Briscoe Marzipanic Steadychaos
Duke of Vandals Masemo1234 Syx
Dungeon of Terra Matthew Cox Trouqe
Energetic-Lunatic Matthew J Hartman Tuefel
garyarm9 MER_L1N Vinicius de Souza Rocha
Gerardo Zaragoza Mestre Misto Whelan
GharrethAdekyn Michael Gulla Wintersun
ghwatson Mr. Kroquettos Zan
GigawattWarlock Nick Zykes

Table of Contents
Credits....................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents ................................................................... 2
Overview .................................................................................. 3
Keepers of the Feather .................................................................. 4
Leaders ......................................................................................... 4
Kenku Spies ................................................................................ 4
Approaching the Inn ...................................................................... 5
Blue Water Inn (First Floor) ................................................. 6
Taproom ............................................................................................ 7
Rictavio’s Tales ......................................................................... 7
Wine Storage .................................................................................... 8
Quest for Wine ........................................................................... 8
Kitchen............................................................................................... 9
Secret Meetings ......................................................................... 9
Blue Water Inn (Second Floor) ........................................... 10
Ravens’ Loft .................................................................................... 11
Treasure ...................................................................................... 11
Rictavio’s Room ............................................................................ 12
Secret Attic.......................................................................................13
Special Event: Demonic Possession ................................... 14
Beginning the Encounter ............................................................ 14
Demonic Dream ............................................................................. 14
Characters Awake ......................................................................... 14
Arphaxat the Demon .................................................................... 15
Possession ...................................................................................... 15
Exorcism ......................................................................................... 15
Other Exorcisms ...................................................................... 15
Appendix ................................................................................ 15

The Blue Water Inn provides the only accommodations in
Vallaki for travelers. Vallaki rarely sees travelers, except
for the occasional trader or visitor from Krezk or the
village of Barovia.
Adventurers who wander into Barovia often find
themselves at the Blue Water Inn, perhaps the only place
in all Barovia that is welcoming to outsiders. The
proprietors are Urwin and Danika Martikov. They have two
young sons: Brom and Bray. Urwin is usually found in the
kitchen, while Danika serves the bar.
Locals and travelers alike gather and socialize at the
Blue Water, exchanging news, sharing stories, and even
conducting business. Musicians provide entertainment
occasionally as well. Use the Regular Patrons table to
determine who is present at the inn at any given time.
Some of the patrons appear in the “Vallaki Guide,” and
Danika is always present. Change the patrons present
based on the time of day to create the feeling of a busy, R OOM AND BOARD
thriving establishment.
Rooms Price
Prices for food and drink also appear on the Room and
Board table. Much to the owners’ chagrin, the inn is Private room (sleeps 2) plus a
10 sp per night
meal of soup and bread
currently out of Red Dragon and running low on purple
mash wine. See “Quest for Wine.” Bunk room (sleeps 4) plus a meal
5 sp per night per bunk
of soup and bread
Wolf steak 5 sp
Venison stew 3 sp
Rabbit stew 2 sp
Eggs and mash 1 sp
Bangers and mash 1 sp
Hard cheese and smoked meats 2 sp
Mug of ale 3 cp
Cup of purple mash 3 cp
Cup of Red Dragon Wine 1 sp

1d12 Patrons
1 Vallaki villagers (2–6)

2 Wereravens in human form (1–3)

3 Karl & Nikolai Wachter

4 Rictavio

5 Wayland & Horic (blacksmith & apprentice)

6 Szoldar & Yevgeni (wolf hunters)

7 Konic & Henrik (wainwright & coffin maker)

8 Freedric & Walpole (tailor & bookstore owner)

9 Ernst Larnak

10 Muriel Vinshaw

11 Izek

12 Lila (herbalist)

Keepers of the Feather
Formed during the Great War against the Terg centuries
ago, the Keepers of the Feather were a spy syndicate
reporting to Lord Argynvost. Now they are secret society of
wereravens that opposes Strahd. They do not trust
outsiders and rarely share their secrets. One must earn
their trust to be welcomed into the inner circle.
The Keepers of the Feather will first learn of the party
when they visit Old Bone Grinder (the windmill) and stay
updated on their actions after that by stalking them in
raven form. They are at first wary of the characters and
seek to determine their true intentions in Barovia.
The Keepers of the Feather currently have twenty to
thirty members. Even Urwin Martikov, who leads the
Keepers, doesn’t know their true number, as many
members were sent on special assignments and never
returned. At any given time, there are 1d4 wereravens in
raven form among the ravens in the Ravens’ Loft (N2h).
Additionally, at least one or more is in human form in the
taproom (N2c).

Urwin Martikov leads the Keepers and is their primary
decision maker. Master of Feather Muriel Vinshaw is his
second in command and oversees information gathering.
She is often found in the Blue Water Inn, sitting at the bar.
If the tavern is busy, she will help Danika and will not hide
that she is Danika’s close friend. Muriel Vinshaw’s stat
block is found in the “Old Bone Grinder Guide”. Kenku Spies
Centuries ago, many wereravens were captured by Strahd
for aiding the Fey. Rather than kill his captives, Strahd
cursed the wereravens to remain in their hybrid form. Not
exactly a raven and not exactly human, they were stuck
between two worlds, forever reminded they could not hide
from him. Strahd set them free, seeing them as defeated,
and so the cursed wereravens took refuge in the
abandoned abbey in Krezk.
Over the generations, the cursed wereravens have
become a unique variety of kenku. Their minds now more
bird-like, they speak Common only through mimicry.
Villagers find them both grotesque and dangerous, as the
fear reprisal from Strahd for offering them any aid. The
kenku, however, have peacefully lived in the abbey for
centuries. Clovin sees to them the best he can, and the
Abbot pays them no mind.
The kenku, however, still hold their old allegiance to the
Keepers of the Feather and keep them apprised on the
abbot and Strahd’s activities in Krezk. Muriel Vinshaw
visits them in raven form to comfort them and learn what
they have discovered.
If Muriel and Urwin trust the party, they may reveal this
secret about the kenku, and the kenku could offer them
safety should the characters find themselves in trouble in
Krezk, the Abbey, or the surrounding region.

Approaching the Inn
The Blue Water Inn is a solid and imposing two-story structure in
the center of Vallaki, with thick stone walls and a slate roof. The
main entrance is a sturdy wooden door that opens into a small
A couple of villagers stand outside the inn, huddled in whispered
conversation. They cast curious glances at anyone who passes by
but otherwise keep to themselves. The air is thick with the scent of
wood smoke, which billows from the chimney and hangs in the air
around the building. A raven calls out, before fluttering away.
The muffled sound of voices can be heard from inside the inn,
suggesting that it is bustling with activity. A wooden sign above the
entrance bears the image of a blue waterfall.

The patrons outside the bar could be villagers, Ernst, Horic

Ginch, or Izek watching the characters. The raven is a
wereraven and will inform Muriel the party has arrived in
Vallaki, if she does not already know.

Blue Water Inn (First Floor)

Rictavio’s Tales
When the party first arrives, or when you find it
appropriate to introduce Rictavio, read the following:

Your attention is drawn to a group of villagers gathered around a

young man dressed like a bard. He has a slightly handsome and
charismatic demeanor, with an easy smile and sparkling eyes that
immediately make you feel at ease.
The young bard is dressed in brightly colored clothing, with a
tunic of emerald green and deep-purple trousers. A burgundy cape
hangs loosely from his shoulders, swaying slightly as he gestures
animatedly while telling his tale.
The villagers around him are rapt, their eyes wide as they listen
intently to his words. He weaves a story of daring adventure, with
vivid descriptions of battles fought and dragons slain. His voice is
melodic and full of expression, drawing in his audience more and
more with each passing moment.
Despite his flamboyant clothing and animated gestures, there is
a sense of genuine warmth and sincerity in his voice, making it
clear that he truly loves what he does. As you listen to him spin his
Taproom tale, you can't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for the
young bard and his undeniable talent.
He concludes his tale, and the villagers cheer and clap. A few
Damp cloaks hang from pegs in the entrance, the smell the wet place some silver in the bard’s cap that lies on the table. The
wool and leather hitting you as you enter. The tavern is packed villagers slowly depart, and the flamboyant bard sits alone to enjoy
with tables and chairs, where a handful of patrons chat quietly, his ale and earnings.
eating and drinking.
A woman stands behind, serving drinks and cleaning glasses. If the characters
She greets you with a smile. The bar stretches along one wall, a engage Rictavio the
variety of bottles and barrels behind it, promising a wide selection bard, he shares that
of drinks to choose from. he, too, has become
Above the bar are two balconies to the east and west, which trapped in this land
look down over the taproom. A staircase to the north leads up to and is a traveling
entertainer. He asks
the east balcony, and you can see the gleam of light reflecting off
where the party is
the polished-wood banister.
from and shares,
The windows are fitted with thick shutters that can be barred
with sadness, that
shut, giving the place a secure feel. Lanterns hang from the ceiling his monkey was not
and cast a warm amber glow throughout the room. Candles sit on welcome at the inn.
the tables and bar, sending flickering shadows across the room. He’s given it to
The walls are decorated with mounted wolf heads and a symbol of Blinsky the toy
a raven hangs on the balcony, adding to the rustic charm of the maker, which
place. seemed fitting in
exchange for a small
The double doors to the taproom are barred shut from sum. He used the funds to have his beautiful ensemble
within each night when its taproom closes. Behind the bar, attire created by the talented tailor Freedric. He has been
the barrels of wine are running low. staying at the inn for almost a month.
The taproom provides an excellent place to introduce Rictavio, however, is not what he seems. He is Rudolph
NPCs who reveal information about Vallaki and Barovia. If van Richten in disguise and will not share his true identity
the party seeks guides, they will be directed to Szoldar and with the characters unless they earn his absolute trust. He
Yevgeni. Consult the Regular Patrons to see who is present. is hunting vampires and gathering information on various
If any villagers are present, one of them is a member of the people in the village, including the Keepers of the Feather
Keepers of the Feather in disguise. Danika, Urwin, and and those who may be aligned with Strahd or the Vistani,
Muriel know their identity. whom he does not trust. He keeps a journal hidden in his

Wine Storage
The air is cool in the stone hallway. The east walls are lined with
curtained alcoves, each holding several large barrels of wine to
serve guests in the taproom. Just a touch of light from the taproom
slips between parts in the curtains—the only light in the space. The
scent of oak and fermenting grapes fills the air.
A empty wine barrels are stacked two high in the north. They
look well crafted and sturdy, ready to be filled with wine once

Quest for Wine

If the party inquiries about the lack of wine or if Urwin or
Danika overhears the party discussing adventuring,
quests, or seem they could offer aid, Urwin will ask to
speak with them in private and escort them here (N2d).
Urwin shares the following, as he shows the characters
the empty barrels of wine.

“Our wine supply is nearly empty, and our next shipment is

overdue. I need someone to check on it. I’ll gladly pay you what I
can, and I may also have something that can aid you while
adventuring in Barovia. The vineyard and winery are southwest of
here. Follow the Old Svalich Road west, until you come to the
crossroads to the village of Krezk. Then head south. At the winery,
ask for Davian. He owns and runs the place.”

Urwin will gift the party the treasure in the Ravens’ Loft if
they manage to return with the wine or help the winery
restore their operations. In addition, they have earned his
trust, and he will share information about the Keepers of
the Feather and their history and role against Strahd.

Kitchen Secret Meetings
The kitchen serves as the secret meeting place for the
leaders of Keepers of the Feather. Urwin, the leader, meets
The inn’s kitchen is warm and filled with the comforting smells of
with Muriel Vinshaw, Master of Feathers, to discuss plans,
freshly baked bread and venison stew. The aroma is both share intelligence, and issue commands. Muriel will
tantalizing and homely, with a richness that instantly makes your usually exit the kitchen with a hot plate of food or return
mouth water. with dirtied plates to help, while also maintaining the
The kitchen is surprisingly spacious and well organized, with clandestine nature of her relationship.
large cast-iron pots simmering over open fires and a roaring Once and if Urwin or Muriel trusts the characters, this
hearth. The walls are lined with hooks, from which hang ladles, becomes one of the few locations where they will feel safe
skillets, and cleavers. to reveal any plans related to the Keepers of the Feather.

Urwin Martikov is here when the taproom is open for

business. He enjoys cooking, which brings him peace in
troubled times.
The door to the west leads outside and is barred from the
inside. The kitchen door to the wine storage is left
unlocked. A secret door, which can be noticed with a
successful DC 15 Perception check, leads to the secret stairs
and hall (N2i).

Blue Water Inn (Second Floor)

Ravens’ Loft
In the loft above the stalls, hay is stored in large mounds, filling the
space with its sweet, earthy aroma. However, the loft has also been
commandeered by a group of ravens, who have made it their
home. Dozens of them sit on the rafters, watching you with beady
eyes as you enter. Several others perch on the railings, their black
feathers ruffling in the breeze.

Buried beneath the hay is a locked treasure chest (DC 15

to unlock). If anyone other than Urwin or Muriel tampers
with the chest, four swarms of ravens will attack. If two
swarms are killed, the others flee. They will stop attacking
if the intruders leave the treasure chest alone.
If the characters become friendly with the Martikovs or
Muriel, the ravens will not attack but will alert Urwin
Martikov. Urwin Martikov arrives with two other
wereravens in human form to investigate. They will ask
the characters to leave the chest alone, as it belongs to
A secret door in the back of the loft leads to the master
bedroom (N2p). The light from the room beyond shines
through the cracks of the door, making the door obvious.

The chest contains 1d20+20 Strahd coins (worth 2 gp
each), two elixirs of health, three potions of healing, and a
gray bag of tricks. The treasure chest is rewarded to the
party if they succeed in the Quest for Wine.
As described in the “Guide to Strahd von Zarovich,” the
Strahd coins are used by Strahd to monitor the movement
of money and concentration of wealth in Barovia. He does
not know who has the coins, only their location. No one
knows that Strahd can scry with the coins.

Rictavio’s Room
The cozy room was designed to offer a comfortable stay for a
weary traveler. This one appears to be occupied.
The room features a sturdy wooden bed with wolf-fur covers to
keep a guest warm on cold nights. The bed is positioned against
the wall and faces the window. Cloves of garlic hang from twine
near the window.
A wooden footlocker at the foot of the bed is locked with a heavy
iron padlock, and the tall wardrobe is made of solid oak and
features intricate carvings of ravens on its doors. Inside hangs
some traveling clothes, a black cape with red lining, and a colorful
The writing table and chair are situated near the window,
providing ample light for reading and writing. A leather-bound
journal sits on the table.

Rictavio rents this room and has made it his temporary

home. His horse, Drusilla, is housed in the stable.
During the day, he can be found here or in the taproom,
delighting those with silver to one of his stories. In the
evening, he leaves the inn to tend to Drusilla, then goes for
a long walk through the village to the stockyard, where he
keeps his wagon. His tiger sleeps in the wagon, and he
feeds it steak, which he keeps hidden during his walk form
the inn. During his evening strolls, he takes careful mental
notes of those he meets or sees and records that
information in his journal. He usually is in bed after
midnight and rises in the morning.
There is nothing valuable or incriminating in his room.
The only odd item is the garlic handing in the window. His
footlocker (DC 12 to unlock) contains only clothes. The
journal reveals more about Rictavio and those he has taken
notes on in the village.

Secret Attic
The attic is a narrow space that measures 10 feet in width and 35
feet in length. The wooden beam ceiling is slanted towards the
west, starting at a height of 8 feet and gradually dropping down to
a height of 5 feet. The floor of the attic is covered with four straw
nests, and a dozen black raven feathers cover the floor. On the
north wall of the attic sits an iron strongbox. A small square
opening in the south wall of the attic leads outside, providing
ventilation and sending a stream of soft light that barely
illuminates the small attic. Finally, two trapdoors with iron hinges
are set into the floor.

The Martikov family (Urwin, Danika, Brom, and Bray)

sleeps here at night in raven form. Other wereravens sleep
in the Ravens’ Loft.
If characters enter when the Martikovs are in raven
form, they try to escape through the south opening. They
immediately transform back to human form after they
leave so they can confront the players.
The iron strong box can be opened with a successful DC
20 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools. It contains 1d100 +
100 gp, 1d4 + 1 potions of greater healing, one potion of
vitality, and a necklace (worth 500 gp) marked with the
initials L. W. The necklace belongs to Lovina Wachter, the
ancestor to Lady Wachter.

Special Event: Beginning the Encounter
Demonic Possession To determine the target of Arphaxat’s Possession ability,
have the characters make a Constitution saving throw. The
character with the lowest failed roll becomes the Possession
target. All other characters must succeed on a DC 15
At night, when the characters are taking a long rest in the
Blue Water Inn, the demon Arphaxat will try to possess one Charisma saving throw or suffer the effects of Demonic
Dream. Once these rolls are complete, roll initiative. If all
of the players.
Arphaxat (see “Appendix”) is a demon released from the characters succeed on the Charisma saving throw, they see
a demon hovering in the room, then it quickly vanishes. The
Amber Temple. A nun from the Abbey of St. Markovia
demon will be back in the future and attempt the possession
became obsessed with the dark powers. She visited the
Amber Temple and emerged possessed by the demon again when the party takes a long rest.
On its turn, the demon will attempt to possess the
Arphaxat. St. Markovia exorcised the demon from the nun
and saved her, but the demon was trapped in Barovia, possession target. It hovers over its victim, its mouth
opens, and a dark smoke flows from the demon into the
roaming in search of another victim to possess.
victim’s mouth.
One can learn about Arphaxat from the Abbot in Krezk or
Father Petrovich, who will attempt to speak with the demon The full possession process takes 4 rounds to complete.
The demon and the target must be connected by the black
before the exorcism.
smoke at the start of the demon’s turn to count as a
Arphaxat wants to return to the Amber Temple to release
possession turn. If the possession process is broken, the
other dark vestiges or, if possible, gain their dark gifts.
demon will need to reestablish a connection again as an
One character will be the target of the possession and may
attempt to wake up during the process. Other characters action.
The possession target must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma
may suffer Demonic Dream effects as the demon attempts
saving throw to wake up and stop the possession.
to keep them asleep. Characters who wake can fight the
Demonic Dream
The characters who failed the Demonic Dream saving throw
remain in a Demonic Dream state, in which they have
nightmares and are unable to wake up, believing their
nightmares to be real. They must make a DC 15 Charisma
saving throw at the start of their turn. On a failed saving
throw, they remain in the Demonic Dream state and must
make a Nightmare check, if they do not already suffer from
Nightmares (see “Campaign Guide”). They can attempt to
wake from the Demonic Dream on their next turn.
Characters in a Demonic Dream state cannot be wakened
by any means except as described above or if the demon is
killed, flees, or takes possession of its target.

Characters Awake
Awake characters can see the demon hovering over their
fellow party member as dark smoke flows from the demon
to its victim. Other characters still asleep with Demonic
Dreams are tossing and turning, their faces full of fear.
Although attempting to wake up their allies proves
unsuccessful, awake characters can attack the demon or
disrupt the possession process by breaking the connection
between the demon and the Possession target. This can be
done by moving the demon 5 feet away from the target or by
coming up with a creative solution that seems viable to you.
Just note that the demon is immune to being restrained,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, or prone.

Arphaxat the Demon Exorcism
The demon has Multiattack and will stay adjacent to the Any cleric with Turn Undead may attempt to exorcise the
target to use Possession as one of its attack options. If the demon. A cleric will know the process and that the demon
demon is forced away from the Possession target or the may become a wraith and attack when exorcised. The
connection is broken, it will move back and continue the exorcism itself takes 4 rounds.
possession process. During the exorcism, the possessed player must be
If the demon drops below 10 hit points, it will attempt to subdued, and cleric must succeed on a scaling Intelligence
escape using its Incorporeal Movement. It will come back (Religion) check each turn or suffer 1d8 psychic damage.
again on a different night to try to possess one of the The DC of the first is Intelligence (Religion) check is 3 plus
characters, making it a recurring problem for the party. the possessed character’s Charisma score. A success
reduces the DC of the next check by 1.

Possession After the fourth round, the demon leaves the body. Roll a
1d20. On a 1–5, the demon becomes a wraith and attacks.
If the demon succeeds at the possession, it disappears into Otherwise, the demon turns into black smoke and vanishes.
If exorcised and not destroyed as a wraith, the demon will
the possessed character. The character’s eyes turn black,
not return to the inn or bother the party, instead seeking out
and Arphaxat speaks through the character:
other victims in Barovia.

“I am now with you. Serve me and all will be well.”

Other Exorcisms
The character’s eyes go back to normal, and all seems well. If there is not a cleric in the party, Father Petrovich and
The demon will have seemed to have disappeared. The pos- Father Donavich can perform the exorcism and explain the
session has no effect on the character’s statistics or abili- risks.
The abbot at the Abbey of St. Markovia can perform the
exorcism as well, but he uses a spell that prevents the
However, Arphaxat will seek to influence the character.
previously possessed character from doing any harm to the
The demon wishes to return to the Amber Temple and gain abbot.
dark gifts from the dark vestiges. Introduce scenes where
the demon speaks through the character, suggesting the
party go to the temple in the snow, where great power lies.
Perhaps the demon tries to manipulate the party by telling
them of great powers that they can use to destroy Strahd.
The demon could speak through the character at times to
help direct the party closer to the temple. The demon will
never mention the temple by name (it doesn’t know the
name) but refers to it as the temple in the snow.
Suggest to the player of the possessed character that their
character is motivated to obey the demon in seeking out the
temple in the snow.
Possessed characters must make a Nightmare check
every long rest and react violently to contact with holy wa-
ter, taking 1d6 acid damage.

Demonic Visage. Each creature within 60 ft. of the demon that can see
Medium Fiend (Demon), Neutral Evil it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1
minute. If the creature rolls a natural 1 on the saving throw, they age
Armor Class 13 1d4 x 10 years, and their Constitution and Strength scores are reduced
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) by 1. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
Speed fly 30 ft. (hover) of its turns, ending the frightened condition on itself on a success. If a
target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA immune to this Demon's Demonic Visage for the next 24 hours. The
8 (-1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) creature can remove the aging effect and ability score loss with a
greater restoration spell, but only within 24 hours of being affected by
Saving Throws Con +4 Demonic Visage.
Skills Stealth +6 Telekinetic Power. The demon targets an object weighing up to 150
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison pounds or creature within 30 feet and attempts to move it up to 30 feet.
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, If the target is a creature, the creature may attempt a DC 14 Strength
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks saving throw, resisting the effect on a success. On a failure, the creature
Condition Immunities charmed, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If target (whether an object or creature)
poisoned, prone, restrained, exhaustion is hurled at a creature, the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity
Senses darkvision 60 ft. saving throw to avoid being struck by the object or take 1d6 bludgeoning
Languages Abyssal damage. Alternatively, the demon can use the Telekinetic Power to shut
Challenge 5 (1800 XP) and lock all windows, doors, and shutters within 30 feet.
Possession. All sleeping creatures of the demon’s choice within a
Incorporeal Movement. The demon can move through other creatures
dwelling must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. All creatures
and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force
that fail the Charisma saving throw are affected by Demonic Dream. The
damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
creature with the lowest failed Charisma saving throw, however, is not
Demonic Dream. Creatures affected by this ability have nightmares but affected by Demonic Dream and instead is linked to the demon by a trail
are unable to wake up, believing their nightmares to be real. An affected of black smoke, becoming the demon’s Possession target and cannot
creature may attempt a DC 15 Charisma saving throw at the start of their wake up except as described below or if the demon dies.
turn. On a failure, they remain in the Demonic Dream state and must While within 5 feet of the Possession target, the demon deepens its
make a Nightmare check if they do not already suffer from Nightmares connection to the Possession target, who must make a DC 20 Charisma
(see “Campaign Guide”). Characters in a Demonic Dream state cannot be saving throw at the start of their turn. If the Possession target fails this
wakened by any means except as described above or if the demon is saving throw four times, the demon enters the target’s body and cannot
killed, flees, or takes possession of its target. be harmed unless exorcised. On a successful save, the Possession target
wakes up, ending the possession.
If the demon is ever more than 5 feet away from the Possession
Multiattack. The demon takes two of the actions below. target, or if the trail black smoke connecting it to the Possession target is
Dark Force Slam. Black smoke hurls out from the demon’s hand broken, the demon must use an action while within 5 feet of the target to
toward a target within 15 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 14 trigger additional saving throws.
Dexterity saving throw or be pushed back 10 feet and take 12 (3d6)
force damage.
Demonic Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: one creature. Hit: (2d8 + 3)
necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal
to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long
rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
This attack cannot be used if the demon is attempting to possess a


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