Beneos Battlemaps_ The Magnificent Mansion

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The Mad Mage’s Magnificent Mansion

A DnD5E - One-Shot Module

- Table of Content -
Narrative 11 - Kitchen (1F) 26 - Medicinal Bathroom (2F)
The Setting 12 - Hallway (1F) 27 - Attic (2F)
The Hook 13 - Bathroom (1F) 28 - Chess Board (3F)
The Antagonist 14 - Barred Room (1F) 29 - Stuffed Spider (3F)
Alternative Stories 15 - Dining Hall (1F) 31 - Puppets (3F)
1 - Veranda (1F) 16 - Western Staircase (1F) 32 - Provisions (B1)
2 - Foyer (1F) 17 - Garden 33 - Wine Cellar (B1)
3 - Main Hall (1F) 18 - Servant’s Staircase (2F) 34 - Storage Room (B1)
4 - Central Staircase (1F) 19 - Servant’s Quarters (2F) 35 - Grand Laboratory (B1)
5 - Parlor (1F) 20 - Guest Room (2F) 36 - Portal Chamber (B1)
6 - Dining Room (1F) 21 - Upper Main Hall (2F) 37 - Training Room (B1)
7 - Grand Library (1F) 22 - Upper Library Floor (2F) 38 - Basement Fireplace (B1)
8 - Library Desk (1F) 23 - Grand Balcony (2F) 39 - Cell Block (B1)
9 - Western Hallway (1F) 24 - Master Bedroom (2F) 40 - Alchemical Workstation (B1)
10 - Inner Courtyard (1F) 25 - Balcony Hallway (2F) 41 - Ritual Chamber (B1)

This Module can be played with any group and has no level limitation. Through the
module many encounter ideas are provided DMs can fill with fair but challenging

Release by Beneos Battlemaps

● Written by: Leon Conor Jiriki Thöle
● Proofread: MattKDND | Ebonhawk

This module is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not
approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of
Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Narrative | back
This mansion is haunted by a fragment of the wizard's past, a traumatic event has lured a
dark presence forth, twisting this once homely abode into a haunted mansion.
It has fallen into disrepair, the whole estate being a dark mirror of the wizard's inner struggle.
Clear the mansion of the parasite infesting it to restore it to its former glory - or at least
prevent it turning into an utterly hostile place. Free the wizard of his tormentor and possibly
gain both an ally and a key to the mansion in one fell swoop.

The intent of this quest is to lead the player’s on a journey through the mysterious run-down
mansion, exploring it’s little secrets and culminating in the lower levels, where the wizard has
locked away an Amygdalyan, a nefarious aberration feeding on the wizard’s guilt and fear,
corrupting the mansion and poisoning the wizard’s mind. Once the creature is slain, the
wizard can return to this place, gifting the player’s the magical Key to the Mansion, offering
refuge from the horrors of Barovia.

You can play this one shot on any level with any group.

In order to solve this one shot, your players will need to:

1. Explore the house

2. Find their way to the attic [28] to find the stone scroll
3. Place the stone scroll on the statue in the inner courtyard [10] to open the secret
4. Enter the Grand Laboratory [35] through the secret passage.
5. Fight the Amygdalyan caged in the Ritual Chamber [41] to free the Wizard.

Beside this path, there are many things to find and fight. Every room has something to offer.

The Setting | back

The whole adventure can be completed within the confines of the mansion. It has the feeling
of a place lost in time, hints of the creeping corruption visible at times. The central motive is
the wizards' loss and grief - this place has served as a safe haven for the wizard and his
group, and many of the memories still linger. Distant laughter can be heard, the smell of
fresh food sometimes appears, ghostly apparitions of dead comrades may still linger at their
former favorite places.
The influence of the Amygdalyan turns the estate into a hostile place and can be used to test
and probe the group's might, allowing the Amygdalyan to weaken the group before their final
confrontation. Both the wizards and his tormentor's presence can be felt throughout the
entire mansion, hinting at the struggle tearing at the place.
The constant rain emphasizes the gloomy atmosphere, with the outside world shrouded in
darkness, only to be randomly lit up by flashing lightning.
Some locations bear additional notes on how to utilize them to challenge, support or guide
your players on their way through the Magnificent Mansion.

The Hook | back

A wizard in distress is the starting point to this adventure, seeking the help of adventurers
either himself or by proxy. Something lurks within his Magnificent Mansion, barring him from
use of the eponymous spell and infecting his mind with madness.
The man is visibly distraught, he suffers horrible nightmares all centering around the
mansion and finds himself powerless to face whatever is lurking within his own mind.

The Antagonist | back

The cause for the wizard’s suffering is the Amygdalyan contained in the Mansion’s
basement. It has infected the wizard’s mind due to the traumatic loss of his companions,
materializing within the Mansion due to the connection of the estate to the wizard's slain
party. The wizard subconsciously contains it within the barrier of the magic circle, drawing
strength from the memories of the Mansion.
Both the wizard and the Amygdalyan are locked in a constant power struggle, as the
parasite seeks to consume the wizard’s mind from within and the wizard struggles to contain
his tormentor. This is reflected by the Amygdalyan slowly gaining influence over the Mansion
and using this control to pit the building against the players. The Amygdalyan may use its
influence to lure the players into traps, animate weapons, suits of armor or even the
taxidermied monsters in the attic. It won’t kill the party or injure them enough to risk them
aborting the mission - it wants to weaken them, to ultimately overcome them after being
freed by them.
Note: This adventure's antagonist and the evil forces haunting the estate can be any
creature strong enough to wage this kind of metaphysical war - be it demon, devil, undead or
aberration. Maybe a pact was forged here, with the wizard foregoing his obligations or
skimping on his debt, trapping the entity in the circle and going on with his life.

Alternative Stories | back

- The Escape. The players awake shackled in the basement cells, their
equipment nowhere to be found, their memories hazy. Can they escape the
enchanted mansion of their captor?
- The Heist. The players are hired to receive an item of utmost importance from
the mansion. A proven classic!
- The Rescue. A VIP is held hostage within the mansion, maybe for more
nefarious reasons than to collect a ransom? Get them out of there!
- The Siege. The Mansion is overrun by enemies, but the portal needs to
power up to make an escape possible. Fortify the mansion and stem the tide!
- The Malfunction. A wizard seeks help, because his own magic mansion has
turned against him - including an attic filled with stuffed monstrosities.
- The Inheritance. A dying wizard bequeathed the key to his mansion to
anyone who can brave the challenges he hid within.

The Adventure begins with the Wizard gathering the last of his strength to summon the
Magnificent Mansion once more. His casting of he spell is harrowing to witness, something
clearly pains him and the spell takes both a physical and mental toll on him. As the players
step forth towards the Mansion, they hear the Wizard collapse, faintly sobbing. The sky
bursts open and heavy rain begins to fall as the players make their way towards the heavy

1 - Veranda (1F) | back

“Stone lions flank a wrought-iron gate, guarding the entrance to the site. White
wooden stairs, slick from the pouring rain, lead up to a spacious porch. Dim light
shines from within the mansion through glass double wing doors, making the foyer
visible from the outside.”

Note: A shadowy figure looming inside, watching through the windows only to
be gone after a flash of lightning, is an early and easy way to let your players
know what to expect from this place.
2 - Foyer (1F) | back

“The black and white tile floor is illuminated by cold light and two hooded statues
keep a watchful eye over the foyer and heavy metal door leading into the mansion’s
main hall.”

3 - Main Hall (1F) | back

“The sharp sound of steps on the cold stone floor echo through the ostentatious
main hall upon entering. Gaudy carpeting guides one’s steps through the room and
onto the stairs branching towards the upper floor. Two suits of armor flank the
staircase, silent sentinels, expressing the sentiment that your presence is merely
tolerated. Uneasy light illuminates the room, with flickering candles lining the stairs
and a great chandelier gently swinging from the ceiling. Their warm flames are
contrasted by the pale moonlight flooding through large windows. Potted plant life is
scattered through the room, but a patina of dust dulls their green. This room has felt
ancient from the moment it was constructed.”

4 - Central Staircase (1F) | back

“These authentic suits of armor seem able to come to life at a moment's notice, an
effect undoubtedly intended by their owner. But for now, they remain unmoving. “

Note: These suits of armor are obviously very suspicious and could be used in
two ways - either to support the players (being animated by the wizard) or to
fight them at the Amygdalyans' behest. Maybe even one of each, to establish
the motive of the split nature of the mansion and the battle of influence within
early on.
5 - Parlor (1F) | back

Bookcases, exotic tableware and antique furniture are arranged tastefully, eager to
impress and intimidate. The faint sound of a songbird can be heard, but the cage is
empty. The exquisite wood paneling on the walls dampens any noise emanating
within or without this room. A room perfect for receiving guests, be it wanted or

6 - Dining Room (1F) | back

The dining room, situated on the right-hand side of the great hall. The candles are
ever-burning, the windows draped with thick velvet curtains, their color of old wine
long faded. Not a comfortable place to eat, as it seems ill-advised to sit with one’s
back turned to either the great hall or the sullen outsides.

Note: This place is perfect to give a glimpse into the past - maybe the specters
of the slain party having dinner together, their count slowly depleting, before a
lone figure remains?

7 - 1F Grand Library | back

The smell of leather, parchment and glue weighs heavily on the air of this room, dust
particles dance slowly in the gentle light of diligently caged flames. Venturing into the
depths of the library feels akin to delving into a forest, with rows upon rows of mighty
bookshelves resembling ancient trees and the creaking of wood and rustling of
paper completing the image. What is a library if not a forest long dead and dried?

Note: A perfect place for a trap, with giant bookshelves ready to crush your
party or bury them under an avalanche of books.
8 - Library Desk (1F) | back

Hastily drawn notes and sketches lie scattered about on a desk tucked away in an
alcove of the library. A large globe depicting unfamiliar lands is nearby, a prime spot
for keeping a secret close , but well hidden.

Note: This place can be used to place some hints about what is going on -
maybe the wizard’s journal can be found within the globe, sealed by a magic
password, spell or hidden mechanism.

Finding the key to opening the globe can be a great way to open up the rest of
the mansion for exploring - it could be one of the chess pieces in the attic (3F
28) or password written down in the journal within the Servant’s Quarters (2F

The Wizard's Journal:

Detailed within the journal could be the loss of the party members, spelling out
the reason for the dour atmosphere throughout the mansion. It can illustrate
the wizards' decline into grief and desperation, followed by paranoia and the
wizard realizing something has infected his mind. The last page, detailing the
confrontation with whatever is haunting him is gone, leaving the group to
search for more information.
9 - Western Hallway (1F) | back

A disheveled corridor connecting the inner courtyard, garden and cellar of the estate.
The carpet has long-lost its splendor, books and bottles are strewn about the floor.
No great care has been put into keeping this part of the mansion presentable for a
long time. A staircase leads towards the upper floors, each step provoking the
creaking lamentations of aged wood.

10 - Inner Courtyard (1F) | back

Three statues dominate the inner courtyard, depicting two angelic figures bearing
demonic horns and a bearded mage between. His staff is tipped with a glowing orb,
shedding light on the curious scene. One angel’s hand is outstretched, as to collect
a toll perhaps?

Note: A passage under the central statue depicting a Mage leads into the
Laboratory, from where the players can reach the final confrontation. To
telegraph this, tracks could lead to the statue. The outstretched hand of the
angel is movable, indicating a mechanism, but the passage only opens when
the scroll is placed into its hand. The scroll can be found in the attic, held by a
taxidermied vampire spawn.

11 - Kitchen (1F) | back

A well-stocked kitchen containing a large fireplace and enough cooking utensils to

feed an army. A metal door conceals a service lift, but no counterpart can be found
either above or below. Instead, fine wine and strong spirits can be found within.

Note: The most interesting part of the kitchen is the access to the secret cold
storage room via a hidden back panel in the food elevator shaft. You should
make your players feel a drop in temperature when approaching the shaft, to
indicate something is up. The cold storage can be useful to supply a wounded
party with some much needed potions. There are three ways to learn about the
secret storage:
The Benevolent Force locked up in the Barred Room (14 1F), the journal in the
Servant’s Room (19 2F) or by noticing the colder temperature from either the
kitchen, or from above or below the secret room and deducing the presence
of something hidden.

12 - Hallway (1F) | back

The mage’s orb from the inner courtyard sheds light onto this corridor connecting the
kitchen and the lavatory. At the end of the hallway beckons a door barred from
entrance by a makeshift barrier of wooden planks.

Note: The room is barred from the outside as if to keep something inside. This
is the Amygdalyans doing, as that room has a strong emotional connection to
the wizard's past. If the players remove the wooden barrier, they set free what
will be referred to as ‘The Benevolent Force’. The wizard regains some
strength, manifesting in a rush of wind bursting forth from the room. The
Benevolent Force: The Benevolent Force consists of the treasured memories
and positive emotions linked to this place. It may manifest as the spectral
shapes of the wizard’s deceased group members, becoming more and more
discernible as the players figure out what's going on.

This Benevolent Force may assist the players in any way you wish - maybe it
opens the door to a particularly important room (like the Servant’s Quarters 19
2F), spins the globe in the library or marks the door to the elevator shaft in the
Kitchen (11 1F) with an eye to prompt a closer look! It is a way for you to
directly guide and support the players, as opposed to the influence of the
Amygdalyan sabotaging their efforts.
13 - Bathroom (1F) | back

A bathroom, comparatively austere. A rug fashioned from walrus skin keeps the floor
from getting soaked by excess water, but this tub has been dry for ages. Jars
contain various bath additives and skin ointments, all dried up and flaky.

Note: This room could serve as the staging ground for a surprise encounter -
black fluid starts pooling from the faucet, bubbling from the drain and rising
from the tub, the door slams shut and a black pudding or ooze attacks!
14 - Barred Room (1F) | back

The room is in disarray, maps, journals and other memorabilia of better days long
gone are strewn about.

Note: This room contains maps, journals, wanted posters and other
memorabilia of the time spent adventuring together. Maybe this was once the
war room, where many nights were spent planning adventures, dividing riches
and sharing stories. Drop some clues about potential adventures here, like a
treasure map or a poem describing the resting place of an ancient hero -
something to do after getting out of this place! The Amygdalyan will not be
pleased with the group discovering this room, so maybe have it attack the
party after leaving the room - perhaps with animated cutlery from the kitchen
(11 1F) or a black pudding emerging from the nearby bathroom (see 13 1F),
bursting forth in a flood of black fluid from behind the closed door?
15 - Dining Hall (1F) | back

A great dining hall, fit to serve dozens or more. The soft echoes of past
conversations, clinking glassware and cheerful laughter still linger. Much joy was
had in this place, but dust now clings to everything, washing all color from the room.
Eight large windows grant a view into the gardens and the inner courtyard.

Note: Another great room for a glimpse of the past - faint music, laughter in
the air, glasses clinking together. These are the spaces where the Amgydalyan
is strongest, where despair, grief and solitude manifest and take on harrowing
forms. Have a gust of wind kill the lights in the room only to illuminate it with a
flash of lightning - only for Shadows to be seated at the tables and attack the
group for another surprise encounter!
16 - Western Staircase (1F) | back

Two armchairs, a rug and some plant life. Maybe someone's favorite place, a remote
spot nestled between the stairs?

17 Garden | back

Note: The garden holds two points of interest - the statue and the grave
stones. The statue resembles a statesman or general holding a scroll. This
scroll is affixed to the hand and cannot be removed, but serves as a clue
regarding the riddle obscuring the entrance to the lab in the inner courtyard.
To really drive that point home, place a note by the wizard on one of his many
desks, describing how he chose the angel statue over this one for the actual
mechanism, but still liked this one well enough to display it in the garden.
The grave stones are another symbol of the wizard’s loss and can either be left
barren and unspeaking, or described in great detail, giving the players names
and impressions of the wizard’s group - if you want to emphasize this narrative

18 - Servant’s Staircase (2F) | back

Another flight of stairs, intersected by a hallway. The stairs lead towards the attic at
the upper floor and back to the first floor. Behind the doors lie the servant’s quarters
and a master bedroom.
19 - Servant’s Quarters (2F) | back

Servants quarters, also useful as a guest room. It has been left untouched for quite
some time. A leatherbound notebook has been left by an occupant of the room, filled
with notes and scribbles, describing the mansion in great detail, looking back on
fond memories within the walls of this estate.

Note: One of the key rooms for the quest. This is one of the rooms that the
wizards party members occupied when using the mansion. Here the players
can find a journal written by one party member who used to get lost in the
mansion, capturing some of the details and secrets of the house.
For example: Describe how the author discovered the cold storage behind the
hidden panel while searching for expensive booze or how they used to prank a
particularly anxious party member by hiding the scroll serving as the key to
the cellar up in the attic, guarded by the creepy stuffed monsters. Have the
journal wonder about the contents of the globe in the library or lovingly
describe the care that went into growing the medicinal herbs on the balcony.
Have the author comment on the creepy doll servants that can be found in the
attic. You can convey as much or as little information as you want. The
Amygdalyan wants the party to find this, as well - after all he wants to be found
and freed from the magic circle.
20 - Guest Room (2F) | back

Another guest room, a burned down candle, a book and a glass on the bedside table
indicate the former presence of an avid reader. A faint draft wafts through the room,
billowing the drape covering the large cupboard.
Curious belongings have been left behind in the space behind the cupboard, a small
cabinet filled with books, trinkets and baubles.

Note: The second guest room used by former party members of the wizard.
This one comes with another hidden room, noticeable by the draft and the
billowing sheets.

You can stash as many magic items or potions as you want for your players to
find back there. Maybe pull on the heart strings of your players a bit, by having
them find something humanizing the deceased friends of the wizard. A note of
someone apologizing for a stupid fight and the promise to make it up by
sneaking some of the good booze from the secret/ not so secret cold storage?
Maybe even a love letter, implying some inner party romance? An empty
potion with an ‘I O U’ note next to it?
21 - Upper Main Hall (2F) | back

The second floor of the great hall. Paintings line the walls, expensive ones at that.
They mostly show groups of people, capturing their expressions with great skill. The
rug before the paintings has been worn down, many a stroll was had on this floor,
lost in thought and time.

Note: A subtle way of giving some exposition - have the paintings depict
various scenes throughout the adventuring career of the wizard. The worn
down carpet serves as an indicator of the countless hours the wizard spent
here, reminiscing. Maybe some of the paintings are scratched up, defiled by
the Amygdalyan in a petty attempt to goad the wizard. Maybe all of the
paintings have a black silhouette in the background that disappears after a
while - the Amygdalyan watching the party.
22 - Upper Library Floor (2F) | back

The second floor of the library. The room seems smaller when looked down on from

23 - Grand Balcony (2F) | back

The grand balcony would normally allow for a view of the surroundings, but darkness
shrouds the manor. The stone floor is slick with water and flashes of lightning reflect
from its surface. Two doors lead back into the manor, one leads into the great hall,
while the other leads to the master bedroom.

24 - Master Bedroom (2F) | back

Massive bedposts frame a mighty canopy bed. A folding screen obscures a corner of
the room, light flooding through a window behind it. Two armchairs and an elegant
side table occupy the other side of the room, they seem to have seen more use than
the bed.

Note: The folding screen in the back of the room is perfect for a classic horror
scenario. Lightning flashes, revealing a shadow behind the screen, humanoid
at first, but quickly growing and changing its shape! Lower level parties might
be assailed by shadows here, whereas experienced parties would have to fight
a fully fledged shadow demon!
25 - Balcony Hallway (2F) | back

A simple hallway, connecting bedroom and lavatory. A glass door leads out to the
small balcony overlooking the inner courtyard. Someone planted some herbs there,
they seem more alive than the dust covered specimen inside.

Note: The herbs on the balcony could provide another great way to provide
healing for the party.

This effect could be boosted by combining the green herbs with red ones to
increase their healing capabilities for a neat little Resident Evil reference.
Have the herbs emit a signature smell, enabling your players to sniff out some
hidden stashes throughout the mansion for additional healing,
26 - Medicinal Bathroom (2F) | back

A bathroom with an apothecary cabinet and a tub. It seems almost clinical,

designated for healing baths and regenerating ointments.

Note: Successful medicine checks could reveal the properties of some of the
ingredients left behind, maybe add a handbook detailing some combinations
for a quick alchemy session in the bathroom. Maybe someone in the old party
lost lab privileges after some messy experiments and had to make due with
the bathtub? Also: another bathtub, another opportunity for a creepy fluid-
based encounter!
27 - Attic (2F) | back

The attic, a nightmarish realm only populated by various stuffed creatures, marvels
of taxidermy. Great care went into these displays, they almost feel alive.

Note: Here is a fun thought. Upon entering the attic, have your players roll a
Wisdom saving throw. Those who fail see the stuffed creatures come alive and
attack at a point of your choosing, dealing real (psychic) damage and
seemingly receiving damage upon being attacked. Let them repeat the save at
the end of their respective turns to end the effect, only to realize that they were
the victim of an illusion. A faint laugh can be heard - that was the Amygdalyan
rehearsing for later.

Here your players need to find the stone scroll, held by a taxidermied vampire
spawn, in order to open the secret passage in the inner courtyard.
28 - Chess Board (3F) | back

A game of chess has been played here, with the lifeless creatures as a silent

Note: Maybe the chess game is a symbol for the ongoing struggle between the
parasite and the host? Have them shift and reset to signify the changes
happening within the mansion due to your players' involvement! The scroll
needed to activate the angel statue and access the laboratory is held by the
vampire spawn. The players will expect an attack, so maybe subvert their
expectations a bit.
29 - Stuffed Spider (3F) | back

Like a queen in court, this giant spider dominates its part of the attic. Another of the
wizards' ghastly trophies, perhaps even the most harrowing.

Note: Upon entering this part of the attic, the players will immediately notice
the giant spider. They will be on high alert the whole time, suspecting the
many creatures of the attic to come alive and attack. After distracting your
players with the Amygdalyans psychic assault on the party (see 27 3F Attic),
have the spider disappear, only to attack the party from the above once they
let their guard down! Imagine the giant spider body, animated like an oversized
marionette by faint black strings, barely noticeable to the unskilled eye.
31 - Puppets (3F) | back

Ghastly puppets are stashed away in this corner of the attic, seemingly moving
slightly when they feel unnoticed. Are they the staff of this manor?

Note: These unsettling puppets are the servants of the mansion, our wizard
seemed to have a crude sense of humor. They huddle up here in the attic to
get as far away as possible from the Amygdalyan in the basement, but could
be questioned for hints if your players feel brave enough to approach them.

The figures stand still as if they too were stuffed, but when the players come
back their position has changed, and they stand somewhere else. Sometimes
you can also hear their small soft steps scurrying in the dark.
32 - Provisions (B1) | back

A well-stocked storage room, filled to the brim with ever-fresh provisions.

33 - Wine Cellar (B1) | back

Racks on racks of bottled wine can be found in this cellar, as well as towering stacks
of mighty barrels. The tangy scents of different wines overlap, creating a powerful
perfume that might overwhelm delicate senses.

Note: Another great opportunity for a trap. Lock the doors and have the bottles
and barrels burst open in an attempt to drown the players in wine! Splintering
bottles and tumbling barrels can chip away at your players health, getting
them nice and weak for their encounter with the Amygdalyan.

34 - Storage Room (B1) | back

Provisions, equipment and small treasures can be found sitting next to useless junk,
arranged in no particular order. A storage room, if there ever was one.

Note: Another opportunity to provide players with some background

information via scattered notes or journals, or with some items or healing
potions (or a stash of herbs) hidden between the junk.
35 - Grand Laboratory (B1) | back

A grand laboratory with state of the art equipment, kept in peak condition. Vitreous
instruments and alchemical substances cover every inch and one can easily imagine
the beakers bubbling with various brews, the soft dripping of distilling liquids and
billowing, multi-coloured smoke gathering under the low hanging ceiling. Scribbled
notes are strewn about, scrolls and journals filled with alchemical formulae and
recipes for different potions, poisons and concoctions. Great care went into
arranging different work spaces, allowing one to efficiently work on differing projects
at the same time.

The chamber containing the Amygdalyan might prove a bit cramped to fight
effectively, so feel free to guide the fight into the lab. Here you can spread out
the fight - have the Amygdalyan embrace it’s mastery over the place by
animating the lab instruments to spew fire, acid or boiling water at your party
or flood the whole room with darkness as a lair action! If the party took great
care to interact with the spectral echoes within the mansion or took it upon
themselves to find ways to bolster the wizards spirit, they might get some
support by animated suits of armor, spectral shields or even ghostly
apparitions of the wizards former party members!
36 - Portal Chamber (B1) | back

A portal nexus, meant to connect this place with far-reaching destinations all over
the world by arcane means.

Note: The active portal provides means for escape if the party gets
overwhelmed by the final opponent in the next room. Also a great way to
teleport around once the house is successfully cleared!

If the players trying to leave this place through the portal before the
Amygdalyan was fought, let them get pushed back by magical force (DC 13
Con Save for 2D8 Force Damage).
37 - Training Room (B1) | back

Training grounds for those with a martial disposition. Well stacked weapon racks and
lovingly crafted training dummies stand at the ready.

38 - Basement Fireplace (B1) | back

A cozy fireplace is ever-crackling with fire, casting out the moist chill of the
underground. This small passage connects the laboratory, the training chamber and
the dungeon.
39 - Cell Block (B1) | back

A small dungeon with three cells, well equipped to keep a few unwanted visitors
locked away.

40 - Alchemical Workstation (B1) | back

Another alchemical work station, perhaps for more intricate experiments? This place
has an atmosphere of contemplative study, in contrast to the industrious halls of the
main laboratory.

Feel free to place any book here giving some backstory of your campaign
setting, as well as hidden spell scrolls or alchemical supplies.

41 - Ritual Chamber (B1) | back

An arcane circle meant to imprison those who cannot be stopped by cells from stone
and iron.

Note: Once the players enter the room, the creature trapped within the circle
begins to telepathically communicate with them. It will goad and tease them,
but also truthfully state the fact that they have to release it to be able to
destroy it - the wizard has reached his breaking point and won't be able to
contain the parasite much longer. But it will gladly offer another option:
Deactivate the circle and leave the mansion via the portal and leave the wizard
to his fate.

Activating the wheel to the side will dispel the circle, causing the Amygdalyan
to be released and attack the party.

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