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Sideway waltz

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Call of Duty (Video Games)
Relationships: John Price (Call of Duty)/Reader, John Price (Call of Duty) & Reader,
John Price (Call of Duty)/You
Character: John Price (Call of Duty)
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, mentions of canon related injury, Clothed Sex,
Dry Humping, Teasing, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Consensual
Somnophilia, Implied Age Gap
Language: English
Series: Part 13 of Sunshine universe
Stats: Published: 2024-03-08 Words: 3,465 Chapters: 1/1
Sideway waltz
by thegoddessofmischief


Price wakes up with a boner and with you sleeping right next to him he can't help himself.
It wasn't unusual for Price to wake up before you. If anything, it was the typical routine.

If he felt cheery enough and if it wasn't the typical British weather outside, he could fill the
time between his and your sleeping schedule with a run. Other times, if his body was sore
after deployment or the weather was far from perfect —because he dealt with enough piss-
poor climates while out in the field to willingly venture into one while at home— he would
stay inside, either right by your side or in an adjacent room.

With the hazardous melting of snow outside and his injury, Price was less willing to leave the
warmth of sharing a bed with you. The past month was proof, as he more or less found
himself right by your side as you woke up every day.

It settled a comfort in his body, one that eased his sharp wake-ups dwelling from deployment.
Rather than rousing quickly and clearly with a single opening of his eyes, it was a gradual
rising to consciousness, one where he felt his surroundings before observing them— the
warmth wrapped around him, the softness giving away beneath the weight of his body, the
dull discomfort that grew more tolerable each week beneath his skin.

What was neither as peaceful nor as common was that he woke up due to a raging boner.

It was the first thing Price felt as his consciousness slipped closer, and sleep gave way to his
senses. A prickling heat in his limbs. The throbbing between his legs. The uncomfortable
restrainment of his underwear. All sensations that made him irritably groan in his emerging

There were few times he woke with a hard-on. Long over and done with the near-everyday
occurrences during his teen years. And less, but still remarkably often, during his twenties.
He had grown out of it due to age and the military, or so he thought.

Since getting together with you, Price has found himself waking up with a morning wood
much more than he likes to admit. Sometimes, it happened when he'd spent the day with you
before deployment, and his mind didn't register that he was on duty again but expected you
nuzzled close within his frame. But most of the time, it happened when you were sleeping by
his side.

You never seemed to mind if you woke to find his cock rock hard against you. You would
only giggle in that newly woken-up fashion that made you seem even softer, somehow
finding a way to wiggle closer to him no matter how close you were and with a light, musing
voice comment on how 'someone seems excited for this early in the morning'.

Despite always considering it a nuisance, Price couldn't complain all too much about the soft
morning sex that always followed. Everything was unhurried, the both of you still waking

It was at the top of his ways to indulge in your sweet body, having you so pliant and
submissive as you allowed him to pull you close, gentle noises spilling from your lips as he
most often slid into you from behind.
In the rare instance you'd woken up facing each other, he got to meet your half-lidded eyes so
lovingly gazing at him while that little furrow between your brows and parted lips told him
how good it felt to start the day just like that.

And you never failed to mention just how much you loved waking up to him touching your
body with a spent smile and eyes still closed as you returned from your high.

As on cue, you were the second thing his gradually awakening mind registered.

Price felt your warmth much further away than he desired. When his eyes ultimately opened
with a heaved sigh, he found you in a similar side-ways position as him, facing away as the
covers reached your ribcage. You were still soundly asleep, even and deep breaths whispering
you were none the wiser of his situation.

It was never hard to lean over, loop his arm around your waist, and slide you over to him, like
it was the natural cause of action from how it settled a deep, sated feeling in his chest and
from how you always settled right against him as if your unconscious knew what was
happening, fidgeting until you settled with a heavy sigh and went still again.

God, Price loved how perfectly you fit against him, his thick bicep filling the dip of your
waist as he burrowed his face into your neck.

He inhaled deeply, your hair tickling his cheeks much softer than what his beard on the daily
must do to you. You smelled fresh —your body-wash from the night before still lingering—
and something inherently sweet that always lingered on your skin. Price could drown in your
scent that clouds his mind with pleasant thoughts and memories. All of which intensifies the
heat in his gut, the throbbing need making his cock twitch.

The first roll of his hips is unconscious, but the relief it brings makes the second a chase for

It's a dull pleasure, the worn-soft material of his underwear an unwanted barrier as Price rubs
himself against your backside. And yet, he finds himself unable to push any clothing aside,
still drowsy and desperate enough that he only shuffles his hips, angling himself to grind just
beneath the swell of your ass.

Price shudders at the sensation, expertly muffling his groan not to ring too loudly this close to
your ears. It's addicting. You are addicting, you and your soft, warm body with no choice but
to accept his lust-stricken action.

He shuffles impossibly closer, momentarily dropping his hand to shift himself in his pants so
his member slots between your thighs.

Price needs to bite his lip forcefully as his eyes press harshly shut, his sharp exhale disturbing
your hair when the head of his cock juts against your panty-covered core.

With the groan brewing in his throat, hand fisting the dark shirt covering your body, he
moves his lips to your nape, occupying himself by kissing you gently as he starts moving his
hips, thick cock twitching between your thighs.
More, he needs to feel more.

Price rucks up your, his, sleeping shirt to worm his way beneath it. Your smooth skin makes
him exhale gruffly, stomach clenching, hips jumping. So unbelievably soft.

He feels the flush heating your unconscious body as he trails his palm upwards until his big
hand settles over your breast. A warmth radiates off of your skin as he gently kneads the soft
flesh in his palm, tweaking your nipple into a stiff peak until paying equal attention to the

A soft sound escapes you, a low whine stuck in your chest. It doesn't deter Price. If anything,
it sends a shiver down his spine, causing his fingers to pinch your nipple just a tad bit harder.

He grinds more directly against you now, the tip of his cock knocking against your entrance
and sliding along the covered heat of your pussy, presumably knocking against your clit from
how your body twitches and legs clamp together.

The groan he's been holding off claws out of his chest, guttural and pleasured as your soft
flesh nearly traps him between your thighs so perfectly when he rocks his hips. However, his
action finally ceases when you continue to stir, your body squirming and breaths switching
from deep to stuttering.

"Mm... John?" Half a pitch deeper and much quieter as you rise from a dream state, your
voice made him curl his arm tighter around you, fingers digging into your breast still in his

"G'mornin'". Price knew you liked the roughness of his morning voice, now no different as he
catches your wordless, whine-like reply.

Coming to, you writhe in his arms, hands extending forward then upwards before your body
roll as you stretch like a cat.

When your hips rock backwards in your attempt to fend off the sleep in your limbs, the flex
of your ass —just an inch, a sweet, sweet inch— has you stilling suddenly, without a doubt
feeling the stiffness forced almost between your asscheeks by the angle of his hips and the
groan he releases into your hair.

Price feels you take a deep breath, now possibly also noticing his hand on your chest from the
added weight. If you'd been facing him, he reckons he would've seen the slow smile
spreading on your lips that he now hinted at in your voice as your hand dropped to trail along
the skin of his arm not hidden beneath your clothing.

"That's why you're still in bed?"

"Didn't feel like goin' on a run", he humours you lowly. Your chuckle is faint, but he feels it
vibrate against his hand.

"Because you wanted some help with that?" You grind backwards.
He answers by knocking his hips forward in return, cock prodding into your crotch from
behind once more. You inhale, a swift heave of your chest beneath his hand. Price feels how
your cunt throbs and your thighs squeeze, humming contently.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yeah", your voice is gentle, senses concentrating on his hand running down your body.

"Sorry", his apology is christened with a low 'fuck' as his hand slips beneath your panties,
feeling your heat radiate against his palm.

"Mm, know I don't -oh", a soft moan breaks your drawled sentence when his fingers find
your clit. "Yeah, mhm, don't mind", you finish the sentence breathily as Price starts circling
your bundle of nerves.

He coaxes the deep, airy breaths from your lungs along the gentle rocking of your hips as he
circles his middle finger over your clit. Your shifting working wonders to grind yourself on
his cock.

He sits hot and hard between your legs, wetness seeping through his underwear, a
combination of his precum and the slick already having soaked through your panties. The
damp fabrics convey the illusion he's got fewer layers between your dripping cunt and his
throbbing cock.

"John..." you moan, not continuing your sentence as your hands find his wrist, pushing his
hand further into your heat with just a fraction of your usual strength, hinting at your still
partly-woken state, all while swivelling your hips to have him push right against your
entrance repeatedly.

Your urge is all Price needs to pull his hand from your underwear —amusedly sushing your
whining complaint as he stops playing with your clit— to pull his pants down and kick them
off his legs. Without the confines of his underwear, he notices his tip is flushed a scarlet pink,
dribbling pre-cum.

Hooking your panties aside, he twitches in his fist as he guides himself down the curve of
your arse as you arch your spine so prettily for him.

Price grunts deeply as he rocks his hips, now without any of the layers between you keeping
him from your wet heat. You stutter out and exhale as he bumps your clit with his rocking
while coating himself in the wetness already covering your thighs.

The way the wet walls of your pussy give way to his girth when he finally notches himself
against your entrance and pushes in is heavenly. Your drooling heat a silk fist unbelievably
softer than his calloused fist ever could come close to.

He grunts something into your skin —praise, he reckons, for opening up to him so good
despite nothing more than the unconscious prepping of your body— but can't even dissect
precisely what he says himself. But the sound is enough for you as you fidget in return, walls
clenching around him in tandem with your already consumed whines as he fills you up.
As he hilts himself, he stays put for a moment, eyes closed, revelling in how tightly you're
squeezing him, how close your body presses against his, how your breaths are soft even if
they're shaky.

The first few rocks of his hips are slow, a grind more than anything. Deliciously making him
slide into your sweet spot on both the drag back and push forth. It has your face shoving into
the pillow, sounds muffled as you moan into the fabric.

"Let me hear you", he breathes against the back of your neck as his arm —which up until
now had been resting beneath the pillows, clutching the feathery cushioning— moves
beneath your neck, anchoring around your upper chest, making his forearm rests right along
your clavicle, as Price tugs you flush against his chest.

His strength overpowers yours any other day, but the difference shines even brighter in your
present state, as you can't resist him when he forces you out of your hiding.

Your soft breaths and moans fill the air as you let yourself be moved by him, head notching
backwards against his shoulder.

His hips move slowly still, pausing with a dirty grind when he bottoms out, the hair on his
arms standing up when you whine so wantonly when he hits your pleasurable spots. Yet, he
moves with purpose when your hands attempt to wrap around his forearm, fingers not even
brushing as your nails crest his skin.

Price slides the hand that has been lodged between your waist and the bed down your body,
groping his way over your hip down to your thigh, gripping the soft inner flesh as he directs
your leg up and backwards over his leg.

It opens you up, tilting your body backwards against his front, making him sink even deeper
into you.

He can't contain his growl of pleasure, mouth falling open, warm breath fanning over your
shoulder as his teeth gently dent your skin.

You're partly laying on top of him at this point, half your body elevated from the mattress,
cushioned instead by his body. His hips are more beneath you than aligned from behind, the
position helping him persistently fuck himself deep.

Price embraces your weight more steadily by once again curling an arm around your mid-
drift, elated when your arm curls backwards —tentatively to not knock against his still
healing shoulder— and somehow reaches around his neck, submitting yourself to the
weightlessness of him propping you up.

Digging his heels into the bed, he snaps his hips upwards. He groans in pleasure when you
squeeze him so tight, his head pressing backwards against the pillows. You're in no better
state. Sleep a memory as the same need that had woken him guides your hand down your
Price senses your fingers as they reach your cunt, a finger settling on either side of where he
spreads you open, a pitched moan deflating your lungs as you feel how he repeatedly enters
you. His thighs quiver, your much cooler fingers a stark, but not unpleasant, contrast
compared to your indulgingly warm cunt.

As you press against the sides of his shaft, feeling the way you clutch to him each time he
pulls out, Price knows you disturb the creamy ring that's gradually been developing at the
base of him. The messy mixture of fluids now coating your entrance, much like the slickness
seeping down the crack of your ass paints his abdomen.

And then your fingers shift upwards, playing with your clit. You grow louder, keening at the
added sensation, and Price groans at how the squelching sound of your wet pussy grows
when you clench around him.

His beard scratches your ear when he angles it towards you. Although feeling how you twitch
at the rough sensation, your body is lax enough that you can't escape it, having Price smiling
as he speaks.

"Yeah? That what you needed, love?" Your body attempts to arch, shivering in his hold as he
husks the words against the shell of our ear. He doesn't let up on his grip around your waist,
forcing you down against him, moulding your body to his as he speeds up his thrusts as if
punishing you. "Feels good, does it?" His groaned sentence fades at your moaned 'mhm' as
you flutter around him.

He puts more force behind his thrusts, rutting against harshly enough for a slapping sound to
fill the room, only muted by the covers still covering your lower bodies. You gasp,
clenching hard around him, hurtling his edge dangerously close as he feels you shiver with

And then everything grows too blindingly good that the muscles at the back of Price's neck
tense before going lax, making him angle his face into the side of your neck, grunting against
your skin. The centre point between his shoulder-blades tenses, and a warm shiver runs down
his back while his stomach clenches and something in his toes tingles.

Price releases a hoarse groan, his orgasm rolling through his body well before the last drive
forward of his hips as he continues rocking into you, barely pulling back, hitting that deepest
part inside you, messily coating himself with the cum filling you.

As he leaves his cock to settle inside you, twitching in the warm aftermath, you grind
backwards and continue to chase the high that he usually spoils you with reaching first. He
feels your desperation, the flexing of your ass, the twitch of your legs that can't close from
how he keeps you spread.

With a lazy smirk, his hand moves beneath yours, overtaking and matching the frantic speed
of your fingers with his own to let you concentrate solely on the pleasure, making you shiver,
and your hips squirm.

You release a broken moan before going silent as you come. If not for how your hand shoots
to his, attempting to still his movements, and Price's arm flexing to keep you grounded
against his front, you would've curled to your side from how violently you squirmed.

Your body blankets his in a comfortably added weight as you gasp for air, your body
twitching as he treats you to a dragged-out release by rolling your engorged clit between his

It's not until he lets up on his overstimulated teasing, which has your walls massaging his
gradually softening cock, that your high ebbs and your entire body seemingly loosens.

Your overstimulated chokes and whines fade, much like the weight of your body as you
slump to the side the same second Price straightens his leg, and yours slide down from his

His arm, still trapped beneath your head, is bathed with your warm breaths. Price rolls with
you, spooning you from behind by slotting his knees to the back of yours and enveloping you
with his arm, heavy over your waist.

His lips graze your clothed shoulder, pressing kisses until he nuzzles into your neck. You
don't speak, and neither does he.

Price catches your breathing, much more laboured and deep than the one fanning back into
his face. He can practically envision how your face presses into the mattress, eyes closed,
features blissfully relaxed as you try to wring your mind back in place and out of the messy
cloud of pleasure you're floating on.

When you finally catch your bearings, you push yourself against his chest, upper body no
longer slumped forward.

The slight shift makes Price slip out of you. Though spent, he immediately twitches against
your thigh upon feeling the warm aftermath that leeks from between your legs.

Your frame shakes against his seconds before you twist in his embrace to face him.

Your eyes are droopy, barely open as they flutter to meet his gaze through the stray strands of
hair covering your face. He brushes away the worst of your unruly curtain, uncloaking your
glowing skin, only softened further by the quirk at the edges of your lips.

"Can't be ready for another round that quickly?" Your voice is gritty, not entirely in your
power to make it even as pleasure is still evident in the edges.

"Gimme a minute, and we'll... see." His sentence becomes something muttered before the last
word, its entirety shorter than when correctly spoken.

His body is heavy, sleep closer now than previously, pleasured stained content making him
lazy. And he knows you see it, notices the mock behind his words as his hand doesn't travel
down your body but comfortably stays tracing shapes against the small of your back.

You chuckle softly, leaving the first of many kisses against his lips for the day. The peck is
soft, making him hum as you leave another against the tip of his nose before nuzzling
beneath his chin and into his chest. It is the perfect position for Price to press a kiss against
your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin as he can't bother pulling away when you
sigh blissfully against him.
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