gardner2019 - Changes in vascular and inflammatory biomarkers after exercise rehabilitation in patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease

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Changes in vascular and inflammatory biomarkers after

exercise rehabilitation in patients with symptomatic

peripheral artery disease
Andrew W. Gardner, PhD,a Donald E. Parker, PhD,b and Polly S. Montgomery, MS,a Hershey, Pa;
and Oklahoma City, Okla

Objective: Home-based exercise is an alternative exercise mode to a structured supervised program to improve symp-
toms in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD), but little is known about whether the slow-paced and less intense
home program also elicits changes in vascular and inflammatory biomarkers. In an exploratory analysis from a ran-
domized controlled trial, we compared changes in vascular and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with symptomatic
PAD (typical and atypical of claudication) after home-based exercise and supervised exercise programs and in an
attention-control group.
Methods: A total of 114 patients were randomized into one of the three groups (n ¼ 38 per group). Two groups performed
exercise interventions, consisting of home-based and supervised programs of intermittent walking to mild to moderate
claudication pain for 12 weeks; a third group performed light resistance training as a nonwalking attention-control group.
Before and after intervention, patients were characterized on treadmill performance and endothelial effects of circu-
lating factors present in sera by a cell culture-based bioassay on primary human arterial endothelial cells, and they were
further evaluated on circulating vascular and inflammatory biomarkers.
Results: Treadmill peak walking time increased (P ¼ .008) in the two exercise groups but not in the control group
(P > .05). Cultured endothelial cell apoptosis decreased after home-based exercise (P < .001) and supervised exercise
(P ¼ .007), and the change in the exercise groups combined was different from that in the control group (P ¼ .005). For
circulating biomarkers, increases were found in hydroxyl radical antioxidant capacity (P ¼ .003) and vascular endothelial
growth factor A (P ¼ .037), and decreases were observed in E-selectin (P ¼ .007) and blood glucose concentration
(P ¼ .012) after home-based exercise only. The changes in hydroxyl radical antioxidant capacity (P ¼ .005), vascular
endothelial growth factor A (P ¼ .008), and E-selectin (P ¼ .034) in the exercise groups combined were different from
those in the control group.
Conclusions: This exploratory analysis found that both home-based and supervised exercise programs are efficacious to
decrease cultured endothelial cell apoptosis in patients with symptomatic PAD. Furthermore, a monitored home-based
exercise program elicits additional vascular benefits by improving circulating markers of endogenous antioxidant
capacity, angiogenesis, endothelium-derived inflammation, and blood glucose concentration in patients with symp-
tomatic PAD. The novel clinical significance is that important trends were found in this exploratory analysis that a
contemporary home-based exercise program and a traditional supervised exercise program may favorably improve
vascular and inflammatory biomarkers in addition to the well-described ambulatory improvements in symptomatic
patients with PAD. (J Vasc Surg 2019;-:1-11.)
Keywords: Angiogenesis; Antioxidant capacity; Claudication; Endothelial cell apoptosis; Exercise; Inflammation

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is highly prevalent,1 is Inflammation and oxidative stress lead to accelerated
costly,2 leads to poor quality of life,3 and is associated myopathy by damaging mitochondrial electron trans-
with a high rate of mortality.4 Between 40% and 75% port chain function, thereby reducing energy production
of those with PAD experience symptomatic leg pain dur- and increasing apoptosis and sarcopenia.10,11 Thus,
ing ambulation that is either typical or atypical of classic biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress are
claudication,5 resulting in disability. Patients with PAD associated with walking dysfunction measured during a
also have greater cardiovascular burden, inflammation, maximal treadmill test,12 a 6-minute walk test,6,7 and a
and oxidative stress than healthy older adults.6-9 short gait test in symptomatic patients with PAD.13

From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Penn State University Dr, PO Box 850, Mail Code HP28, Hershey, PA 17033 (e-mail:
College of Medicine, Hersheya; and the Department of Biostatistics and Epide-
miology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City.b The editors and reviewers of this article have no relevant financial relationships to
Supported by grants from the National Institute on Aging (R01-AG-24296) and disclose per the JVS policy that requires reviewers to decline review of any
General Clinical Research Center (M01-RR-14467). manuscript for which they may have a conflict of interest. identifier: NCT00618670. 0741-5214
Author conflict of interest: none. Copyright Ó 2019 by the Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Correspondence: Andrew W. Gardner, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair of
Research, Department of PM&R, Penn State College of Medicine, 500

2 Gardner et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
--- 2019

Physical activity reduces oxidative stress and increases

the ability to respond to oxidative challenges in older ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS
adults,14 suggesting that ischemic preconditioning may d
Type of Research: Single-center, prospective, ran-
occur with repeated episodes of exercise.15 We previously domized controlled trial
found that higher levels of community-based daily d
Key Findings: In 114 patients, a monitored home-
ambulatory activity are associated with higher levels of based walking program and a supervised walking
circulating antioxidant capacity,16 lower levels of inflam- program both decreased cultured endothelial cell
mation determined by high-sensitivity C-reactive pro- apoptosis in patients with symptomatic peripheral
tein,8 and no increase in oxidative stress markers8 in artery disease. The home-based program further
symptomatic patients with PAD. These data suggest improved circulating markers of endogenous antiox-
that chronic exercise may improve antioxidant capacity idant capacity, angiogenesis, endothelium-derived
and inflammation without negatively influencing oxida- inflammation, and blood glucose concentration.
tive stress in symptomatic patients with PAD. d
Take Home Message: Participating in 3 months of a
Previous exercise training studies reported that super- monitored home-based walking program, typically
vised exercise lowers circulating vascular and inflamma- done at lower exercise intensity than a traditional
tory biomarkers, such as E-selectin,17 intercellular supervised treadmill walking program, may favorably
adhesion molecule 1,17 and interleukin-6,18 and may19 or improve vascular and inflammatory biomarkers in
may not20 lower high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels. addition to the well-described ambulatory improve-
Home-based exercise has recently been found to be an ments in symptomatic patients with peripheral
alternative mode of exercise to improve symptoms in artery disease.
patients with PAD.21-24 A monitored home-based exer-
cise program has numerous advantages to a supervised
program for both patients and clinical staff as less time, Medical screening through history and physical
effort, and resources are required to implement home- examination
based exercise. However, minimal work has examined Patients were evaluated in the morning at the Clinical
whether home-based exercise, which is done at a slower Research Center.22 Patients arrived fasted but were
pace and lower exercise intensity than supervised exer- permitted to take their usual medications. Patients
cise,21,22 elicits changes in both vascular and inflamma- were evaluated with a medical history and physical
tory biomarkers and whether these changes are examination in which demographic information, height,
different from those of supervised exercise programs. A weight, waist circumference, cardiovascular risk factors,
direct assessment of home-based and supervised exer- comorbid conditions, claudication history, ankle-
cise programs compared with a control group has not brachial index, and list of current medications were
been done on their effects on circulating antioxidant ca- obtained. Blood samples were drawn by venipuncture
pacity, inflammation, and oxidative stress biomarkers from an antecubital vein and were analyzed on routine
and on endothelial cell biomarkers. clinical panels. Additional samples were obtained, and
Therefore, in an exploratory analysis from our random- the serum was stored at 80 C for subsequent batched
ized controlled trial, we compared changes in vascular analyses in duplicate of circulating and cultured endo-
and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with symptom- thelial cell biomarkers. In the event of an acute illness
atic PAD after home-based exercise and supervised on days of baseline and post-testing evaluation, patients
exercise programs and in an attention-control group had their study visit rescheduled because of the possible
who performed light resistance training exercise. influence that illness could have on study results, partic-
ularly with the blood biomarker analyses.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria. According to inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria previously listed and
Patients described in detail for this trial,22 patients with symp-
Approval and informed consent. The procedures of tomatic PAD were examined and randomized into this
this study were approved by the Institutional Review study. A total of 180 patients were randomized in this
Board at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences clinical trial, in which 60 patients were assigned into
Center. Written informed consent was obtained from each of the three groups, as detailed in our original
each patient at the beginning of investigation. report22 and shown in the Fig. Because of initial
Recruitment. Patients who were not currently exer- budgetary constraints, the additional biomarker samples
cising were recruited from vascular laboratories and included in the current investigation were obtained from
vascular clinics from the university for possible enroll- only the final 114 randomized patients, consisting of the
ment into exercise rehabilitation programs to treat leg final 38 patients randomized into each group (Fig). All
pain secondary to PAD.21,22 biomarkers were selected during study design and were
Journal of Vascular Surgery Gardner et al 3
Volume -, Number -

Assessed for eligibility


Enrollment Excluded (n=88)

Screen Failure
Non-Compliant During Baseline
Run-In (n=27)

Allocated to Attention Control Allocated to Supervised Allocated to Home-Based

(n=60) Exercise intervention Exercise intervention
(n= 60) (n= 60)
Biomarker Samples (n=38) Biomarker Samples (n=38) Biomarker Samples (n=38)

Lost to follow-up (n= 5) Lost to follow-up (n= 5) Lost to follow-up (n= 4)

Reasons Reasons Reasons

Personal Decision (n=4) Personal Decision (n=4) Personal Decision (n=3)
Myocardial Infarction (n=1) Stroke (n=1) Leg Revascularization (n=1)

Completed Patients (n= 33) Completed Patients (n= 33) Completed Patients (n= 34)
ITT Analysis (n=38) ITT Analysis (n=38) ITT Analysis (n=38)

Fig. Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials flow diagram of patients through the trial. ITT, Intention to treat.

planned for exploratory analyses after the primary Intervention and control groups
outcome analyses. A computer-generated random allo- Home-based exercise rehabilitation program. The
cation sequence was created by the biostatistician at the home-based exercise program consisted of 3 months of
beginning of the study using the NCSS statistical pack- intermittent walking to mild to moderate claudication
age (Kaysville, Utah). The allocation sequence was con- pain at least 3 days per week at a self-selected pace, in
cealed from the research staff enrolling and assessing which exercise session duration was progressively
patients. At completion of baseline testing, patients were increased with the aid of a step activity monitor.21,22
randomized to one of three groups within blocks to Patients wore the step activity monitor during each
ensure that no more than two sequential participants exercise session and returned the monitor and a logbook
were assigned to the same group. to the research staff at the end of week 1, 4, 8, and 12.22
4 Gardner et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
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During these brief 15-minute meetings, monitor data Cellular oxidative stress production. To assess cellular
were downloaded, results were reviewed and sessions oxidative stress induced by factors present in the sera,
were recorded, and feedback was provided for the sub- hydrogen peroxide production in detector endothelial
sequent month of training. cells was measured fluorometrically using the Amplex
Supervised exercise rehabilitation program. Exercise red/horseradish peroxidase assay.28
sessions in our supervised, on-site, treadmill exercise pro- Transient transfection, nuclear factor k-light-chain-
gram were also performed with wearing of a step activity enhancer of activated B (NF-kB) cultured endothelial
monitor.21,22 The supervised program consisted of cells reporter gene assay. To assess cellular proinflam-
3 months of intermittent treadmill walking to mild to matory effects induced by factors in the sera, transcrip-
moderate claudication pain 3 days per week in which tional activity of NF-kB was tested in serum-treated
exercise session duration was progressively increased detector endothelial cells by a reporter gene assay.28
under the direct on-site supervision of the research staff.21,22 Circulating biomarkers of antioxidant capacity and
Attention-control, light resistance program. Light inflammation.
resistance training was performed three times per week, Serum antioxidant capacity. Hydroxyl radical antioxi-
without any walking exercise, using a Pro-Form Fusion dant capacity (HORAC) was measured using the OxiSe-
6.0 LX weight system (ICON Health and Fitness, Inc, Logan, lect HORAC Activity Assay (Cell Biolabs Inc, San Diego,
Utah).22 Resistance training consisted of performing both Calif) to determine the capacity of antioxidant enzymes
upper and lower extremity exercises. One set of 15 repe- and other redox molecules to counterbalance the dele-
titions was performed for each exercise. If the resistance terious effects of oxidative stress.28
from the exercise machine could not be lifted, resistance Circulating inflammatory and vascular biomarkers.28
bands were used instead. Each light resistance exercise A Milliplex Human Adipokine Magnetic Bead Kit was
session was performed under the direct on-site supervi- used for determining tumor necrosis factor a,
sion of the research staff (ie, attention). interleukin-1B, and interleukin-6. A Milliplex Human
Cardiovascular Disease Panel 1 Kit was used for E-selec-
Tests and outcome measurements tin. A Milliplex Human Apolipoprotein Kit was used for
Graded maximal treadmill test. Patients performed a apolipoprotein B. The Millipore kits were purchased from
graded treadmill protocol to determine study eligibility EMD Millipore (Billerica, Mass). Affymetrix Procarta
as well as to obtain outcome measures related to exer- Immunoassay was used to detect vascular endothelial
cise performance.25 The claudication onset time (COT), growth factor A (VEGF-A). These assays were performed
defined as the walking time at which the patients first according to the manufacturer’s protocols by a Bio-Plex
experienced pain, and the peak walking time (PWT), 200 System (Bio-Rad, Hercules, Calif). Sample protein
defined as the walking time at which ambulation could content was determined for normalization purposes by a
not continue because of maximal pain, were both spectrophotometric quantification method using BCA
recorded to quantify the severity of claudication. Calf reagent (Pierce Chemical Co, Rockford, Ill).
muscle hemoglobin oxygen saturation (StO2) was also Oxidized low-density lipoprotein. Plasma oxidized
measured during the treadmill test using a continuous- low-density lipoprotein was measured by immunoassay
wave, near-infrared spectroscopy unit.26 The time taken (Mercodia, Uppsala, Sweden) according to the manu-
to reach the minimum calf StO2 value during exercise facturer’s protocol.8
was assessed.
Six-minute walk test. On a separate day, typically Statistical analyses
within 1 week from the treadmill test, patients performed Measurement variables in Table I were summarized as
an overground, 6-minute walk test in which two cones means and standard deviations, and groups were
were placed 100 feet apart in a marked corridor, as pre- compared with a one-way analysis of variance. Dichoto-
viously described.27 The total distance walked was mized variables were summarized as percentage with
recorded. characteristic. Groups were compared using a 2  3 c2
Endothelial cell culture bioassay. We used a cell test. Only the prevalence of cerebrovascular accident
culture-based bioassay approach. Cultured primary and chronic kidney disease variables indicated a signifi-
human arterial endothelial cells were used to charac- cant difference among groups, whereas none of the
terize the endothelial effects of circulating factors pre- remaining variables were different. These were used as
sent in the sera, as previously described.28 covariates in group comparisons in subsequent analyses.
Apoptosis assay. Cultured endothelial cells were Changes from baseline (deltas) were computed as post-
treated for 24 hours with sera of patients to determine test value minus pre-test value for all variables. The
whether circulating factors in the sera exerted proapo- missing values routine of NCSS Computer Package was
ptotic effects. Apoptotic cell death was assessed by cas- used to impute missing values to produce complete
pase activities using Caspase-Glo 3/7 assay kit (Promega, delta sets for intention-to-treat (ITT) comparison. For
Madison, Wisc).28 statistical purposes, the study is viewed as a one-way
Journal of Vascular Surgery Gardner et al 5
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Table I. Baseline clinical characteristics

Control group Supervised exercise Home-based exercise
Variables (n ¼ 38) group (n ¼ 38) group (n ¼ 38)
Age, years 63 (8) 64 (10) 67 (11)
Weight, kg 84.5 (17.3) 81.8 (21.0) 82.7 (22.0)
Body mass index, kg/m2 29.4 (5.5) 29.3 (6.8) 28.7 (6.4)
Ankle-brachial index 0.76 (0.21) 0.69 (0.24) 0.68 (0.28)
Sex, male 58 50 55
Race, white 50 45 58
Current smoking 45 40 34
Hypertension 89 92 87
Medication use 87 87 84
Dyslipidemia 92 92 97
Medication use 68 76 84
Diabetes 42 55 34
Medication use 42 45 26
Abdominal obesity 58 55 55
Metabolic syndrome 84 84 84
Obesity 45 37 42
Lower extremity revascularization 39 39 39
Coronary artery disease 29 32 34
Myocardial infarction 18 24 18
Cerebrovascular disease 11 18 32
Cerebrovascular accidenta 5 18 32
Chronic kidney diseaseb 19 16 45
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 21 32 18
Dyspnea 58 58 53
Arthritis 66 63 63
Values are presented as means (standard deviation) or percentage of patients.
Different between groups, P < .05.
Different between groups, P < .01.

design with three groups and with change scores as test. For each variable, an ITT analysis among groups
the response variables. Changes were selected as the was examined for the group main effect using Kruskal-
response variable because this metric addresses the Wallis procedure. Note that no nonparametric analogue
research questions. of analysis of covariance is available. Therefore, the
The variables in Table II were summarized as means main effect P values were not adjusted for covariates.
and standard deviations. Within each group, delta However, because the Wilcoxon two-sample test and
means were examined for difference from 0 with one- Spearman correlations of variable with a dichotomous
sample t-test as changes in variables did not reveal any variable yield the same P values, partial Spearman corre-
extreme departures from normal distribution. Compari- lations controlled for two covariates were used as a
sons of delta means among groups were made by an nonparametric analogue for Contrast 1 comparison of
analysis of covariance followed by two orthogonal con- the two exercise groups. A similar procedure was used
trasts. For each variable, an ITT analysis among groups for analogue of Contrast 2 with the two exercise groups
was examined for the group main effect. Contrast 1 combined compared with controls. For the ITT main
compared the two exercise groups. Contrast 2 effect of this analysis, the range of difference for a one-
compared the two exercise groups combined with the way design for three groups with 38 patients available
control group. Variables in Tables III and IV exhibited sig- per group was, for 80% power, between 0.62 and 0.72
nificant departures from normal distribution. Therefore, standard deviation of within-cell variation. Because of
these were summarized as medians and interquartile the exploratory nature of this investigation, these ana-
ranges. Within each group, delta medians were exam- lyses are designed as hypothesis generating more than
ined for difference from 0 with one-sample Wilcoxon hypothesis confirming.
6 Gardner et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
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Table II. Lipids and glucose metabolism measurements in patients in the control, supervised exercise, and home-based
exercise groups
Variables Pre-test value Post-test value Mean change score Main effect P values
Cholesterol, mg/dL
Control group 176 (44) 178 (51) 1 (28)
Supervised exercise group 166 (41) 166 (46) 0 (24)
Home-based exercise group 162 (41) 160 (56) 2 (44) .607
HDL-C, mg/dL
Control group 45 (13) 45 (14) 0 (6)
Supervised exercise group 39 (9) 39 (10) 1 (6)
Home-based exercise group 46 (17) 46 (19) 0 (8) .793
LDL-C, mg/dL
Control group 104 (41) 99 (49) 4 (38)
Supervised exercise group 99 (35) 94 (47) 5 (32)
Home-based exercise group 85 (31) 78 (26) 7 (33) .592
Control group 2.4 (1.0) 2.3 (1.3) 0.1 (1.1)
Supervised exercise group 2.7 (1.3) 2.6 (1.6) 0.1 (1.0)
Home-based exercise group 2.2 (1.3) 2.0 (1.0) 0.2 (0.9) .370
Non-HDL-C, mg/dL
Control group 132 (41) 134 (56) 2 (31)
Supervised exercise group 127 (41) 128 (46) 0 (21)
Home-based exercise group 118 (46) 116 (60) 2 (42) .510
Triglycerides, mg/dL
Control group 138 (152) 154 (206) 16 (68)
Supervised exercise group 145 (104) 153 (105) 8 (41)
Home-based exercise group 171 (199) 229 (564) 58 (376) .803
Glucose, mg/L
Control group 111 (51) 115 (44) 4 (36)
Supervised exercise group 105 (32) 110 (37) 5 (38)
Home-based exercise group 100 (36) 90 (35) 10 (26)a,b .041
Insulin, mg/L
Control group 12.7 (13.6) 12.1 (8.9) 0.6 (11.7)
Supervised exercise group 17.6 (19.9) 18.7 (19.5) 1.2 (10.7)
Home-based exercise group 15.5 (21.6) 19.7 (35.2) 4.2 (17.6) .155
Control group 3.98 (6.07) 3.84 (3.87) 0.15 (5.78)
Supervised exercise group 5.40 (6.88) 5.64 (5.73) 0.24 (4.86)
Home-based exercise group 3.94 (5.24) 5.05 (9.12) 1.10 (5.57) .341
HDL-C, High-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Values are presented as means (standard deviation).
Change from pre-test value, P < .05.
Different from supervised exercise group, P < .05.

RESULTS prevalence. Of the 114 patients, 14 did not complete the

Baseline clinical characteristics and patient flow. In study, consisting of 5 from the control group, 5 from the
Table I, none of the baseline characteristics, including supervised exercise group, and 4 from the home-based
cardiovascular risk factors and treatment with medica- exercise group (Fig). Of these 14 patients, 11 dis-
tions, were significantly different among the groups, continued because of personal decisions, and only 3
except for chronic kidney disease (P ¼ .004) and a discontinued because of an adverse event in which all
history of cerebrovascular accident (P ¼ .018), in which were deemed unrelated to the 3-month exercise
the home-based exercise group had the highest intervention.
Journal of Vascular Surgery Gardner et al 7
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Table III. Measurements from cultured endothelial cells treated with sera in patients in the control, supervised exercise, and
home-based exercise groups
Variables Pre-test value Post-test value Median change score Main effect P values
Apoptosis, AU
Control group 1.11 (0.32) 1.20 (0.48) 0.15 (0.52)a
Supervised exercise group 1.05 (0.37) 0.98 (0.70) 0.20 (0.38)b
Home-based exercise group 1.11 (0.29) 0.77 (0.57) 0.26 (0.63)c .016
Cellular oxidative stress, AU
Control group 27.63 (6.63) 23.74 (7.67) 0.96 (6.97)
Supervised exercise group 27.50 (5.26) 23.92 (6.29) 2.63 (5.74)b
Home-based exercise group 26.15 (9.51) 24.65 (5.65) 2.26 (6.38)b .971
NF-kB activity, AU
Control group 1.18 (0.71) 1.43 (0.94) 0.37 (0.62)b,d
Supervised exercise group 1.61 (1.08) 1.29 (0.69) 0.15 (0.51)
Home-based exercise group 1.11 (0.89) 1.26 (1.19) 0.29 (0.84) <.001
NF-kB, Nuclear factor k-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells.
Values are presented as medians (interquartile ranges).
Different from exercise groups, P < .01.
Change from pre-test value, P < .01.
Change from pre-test value, P < .001.
Different from exercise groups, P < .001.

Exercise measures. During the interventions, the Outcome measures. In Table II, the change score for
attention-control group completed 71% of the light glucose was significantly different among the three
resistance training sessions, the supervised exercise groups. Glucose concentration decreased in the home-
group completed 86% of their walking sessions, and based exercise group (P ¼ .012), and this change was
the home-based exercise group completed 70% of different from the change in the supervised exercise
their walking sessions (data not shown). Significant group (P ¼ .020). None of the change scores for the
differences were found in the adjusted change scores remaining variables in Table II were significantly different
(mean 6 standard error of the mean) for COT in the among the three groups. In addition, the change scores
attention-control, supervised exercise, and home- were not significantly different among groups for fibri-
based exercise groups (47 6 34 seconds, 213 6 33 sec- nolytic variables consisting of tissue plasminogen acti-
onds, and 106 6 35 seconds, respectively; P ¼ .003), the vator activity, tissue plasminogen activator antigen,
adjusted change scores for PWT (28 6 34 seconds, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 activity, and fibrinogen
208 6 34 seconds, and 52 6 36 seconds; P < .001), and (data not shown).
the adjusted change scores for 6-minute walk distance In Table III, the change score for endothelial cell apoptosis
(12 6 10 m, 22 6 10 m, and 72 6 10 m; P < .001). All was significantly different among the three groups as the
change scores were significant in the two exercise median decreased in the home-based exercise group
groups (P ¼ .009, P ¼ .008, and P ¼ .016 for COT, PWT, (P < .001) and in the supervised exercise group (P ¼ .007),
and 6-minute walk distance, respectively) but not in and these changes in apoptosis were different from the
the control group. The increases in COT (P ¼ .029) and change score in the control group (P ¼ .005). The change
PWT (P ¼ .002) were greater in the supervised exercise score for NF-kB activity was significantly different among
group than in the home-based exercise group, whereas the three groups (P < .001) as the median increased in
the increase in 6-minute walk distance was greater in the control group (P ¼ .003), and this change score was
the home-based exercise group than in the supervised significantly different from that of the two exercise groups
exercise group (P < .001). A significant difference was (P < .001), both of which did not experience a significant
found in the adjusted change scores for the time to change. The change score for cellular oxidative stress was
minimum calf StO2 during the treadmill test in the not significantly different among the three groups
attention-control, supervised exercise, and home- (P ¼ .971); however, the within-group median decreased
based exercise groups (10 6 55 seconds, 169 6 53 sec- in both exercise groups (P ¼ .008).
onds, and 125 6 46 seconds, respectively; P ¼ .002). The In Table IV, the median change scores were significantly
change scores were significant in the two exercise different among the three groups for HORAC, E-selectin,
groups (P ¼ .044) but not in the control group, and and VEGF-A. In the home-based exercise group, the
there was no difference between the two exercise median values increased for HORAC (P ¼ .003) and
groups. VEGF-A (P ¼ .037) and decreased for E-selectin
8 Gardner et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
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Table IV. Circulating inflammatory, antioxidant capacity, and vascular biomarkers in patients in the control, supervised
exercise, and home-based exercise groups
Variables Pre-test value Post-test value Median change score Main effect P values
TNF-a, pg/mL
Control group 56.0 (31.0) 51.0 (22.5) 5.0 (30.5)
Supervised exercise group 56.5 (27.0) 50.0 (21.5) 12.5 (21.5)a
Home-based exercise group 46.5 (25.0) 49.0 (35.0) 7.5 (26.0) .269
Interleukin-1B, pg/mL
Control group 15.0 (5.5) 16.0 (5.0) 1.0 (4.0)
Supervised exercise group 16.0 (4.0) 14.0 (4.0) 2.0 (4.0)
Home-based exercise group 15.0 (4.5) 15.0 (5.0) 1.0 (6.0) .325
Interleukin-6, pg/mL
Control group 23.0 (11.5) 23.5 (13.5) 3.0 (11.0)
Supervised exercise group 25.0 (17.0) 21.5 (14.0) 2.0 (13.5)
Home-based exercise group 23.0 (13.0) 22.0 (9.5) 2.0 (15.0) .754
Oxidized LDL, U/L
Control group 70.8 (22.5) 71.0 (39.3) 2.2 (14.4)
Supervised exercise group 71.3 (42.2) 66.3 (36.3) 1.0 (13.5)
Home-based exercise group 63.0 (30.0) 61.8 (27.3) 0.9 (18.2) .108
Control group 0.98 (0.35) 0.94 (0.20) 0.06 (0.30)b
Supervised exercise group 0.92 (0.17) 0.95 (0.41) 0.03 (0.40)
Home-based exercise group 0.95 (0.25) 1.19 (0.40) 0.15 (0.32)a .005
E-selectin, pg/mL
Control group 43.0 (52.0) 35.0 (67.0) 1.5 (40.0)c
Supervised exercise group 40.0 (40.5) 45.0 (30.0) 4.5 (20.5)
Home-based exercise group 36.0 (26.5) 36.5 (23.0) 8.0 (26.0)a .040
VEGF-A, pg/mL
Control group 28.0 (24.0) 24.0 (21.5) 6.0 (18.0)b
Supervised exercise group 25.5 (19.5) 31.0 (28.5) 2.0 (29.0)
Home-based exercise group 26.0 (34.0) 35.0 (59.5) 9.0 (45.5)d .003
Apolipoprotein B, ng/mL
Control group 67.0 (55.0) 50.5 (51.0) 15.5 (34.5)
Supervised exercise group 71.0 (51.0) 47.0 (33.5) 10.5 (28.0)d
Home-based exercise group 63.0 (69.0) 41.0 (46.0) 16.0 (49.5)d .965
HORAC, Hydroxyl radical antioxidant capacity; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor a; VEGF-A, vascular endothelial growth
factor A.
Values are presented as medians (interquartile ranges).
Change from pre-test value, P < .01.
Different from exercise groups, P < .01.
Different from exercise groups, P < .05.
Change from pre-test value, P < .05.

(P ¼ .007). Furthermore, these change scores were elicited an increase in circulating antioxidant capacity
different between the control group and the two exer- (HORAC) and VEGF-A and a decrease in E-selectin and
cise groups combined for HORAC (P ¼ .005), VEGF-A blood glucose.
(P ¼ .008), and E-selectin (P ¼ .034). No significant group
Exercise-mediated changes in cultured endothelial
differences were seen for the remaining biomarkers.
cells. PAD induces mitochondriopathy,10 which leads to
DISCUSSION increased production of oxidative stress within myocytes
A primary novel finding from this exploratory analysis is and damaging effects on muscle and other tissues.11 It
that both the home-based exercise and supervised exer- has been proposed that repeated episodes of ischemia
cise programs decreased cultured endothelial cell and reperfusion that occur with acute bouts of walking
apoptosis. In addition, the home-based exercise program by PAD patients, particularly at relatively high intensities,
Journal of Vascular Surgery Gardner et al 9
Volume -, Number -

may worsen the oxidative stress and inflammatory program, typically done at lower exercise intensity than
responses.15 However, our results of reduced endothelial a traditional supervised treadmill training program, can
cell apoptosis after home-based and supervised exercise be used to improve these biomarkers.
programs support the notion that chronic cycles of
Limitations. Several study limitations exist. Patients were
ischemia and reperfusion from 3 months of exercise
volunteers, and their participation may represent a self-
training elicit a preconditioning ischemic stimulus,15,29
selection bias (eg, those most interested in their health
resulting in an overall reduction in endothelial apoptosis.
were more likely to participate). A second limitation is that
Exercise-mediated changes in circulating bio- the study results may not be applicable to patients with
markers. Another novel finding of this investigation is either less severe (ie, asymptomatic) or more severe (ie,
that the home-based exercise program increased circu- critical limb ischemia) PAD. Another limitation is that we
lating HORAC, indicating that the total antioxidant used an indirect assay for the cultured endothelial cell data.
capacity was increased. This observation supports our Using this approach, the sera of patients were incubated
previous report that baseline daily activity level is posi- with primary human endothelial cells and thus were not the
tively associated with HORAC in patients with symp- endothelial cells of each patient. A fourth limitation is that
tomatic PAD16 and suggests that ischemic patients were not observed long term after completing the
preconditioning may play a role in the beneficial in- exercise interventions, and it cannot be determined
fluences of habitual exercise on circulating antioxidant whether exercise-mediated changes in vascular and in-
capacity.30 Furthermore, home-based exercise training flammatory biomarkers alter the progression of PAD or the
resulted in an increase in circulating VEGF-A and a observed declines in function.38,39 A final limitation was that
decrease in E-selectin and blood glucose, suggesting because of the expense of the assay analyses, we studied the
that home-based exercise elicited an increase in angio- biomarker data of only the final 114 patients who were ran-
genesis and decreases in endothelium-derived inflam- domized into this study, and thus we may have had insuf-
mation and insulin resistance. Our finding of exercise- ficient power to detect significant changes in some
mediated reduction in E-selectin supports a previous biomarkers. However, this was an exploratory analysis in
report that found E-selectin decreased in PAD patients which we found a number of significant changes in bio-
after 8 weeks of supervised exercise training.17 The effect markers with the exercise interventions, thereby providing a
of exercise on VEGF-A in patients with symptomatic PAD groundwork for future trials.
is inconsistent. Our findings of increased serum VEGF-A
after home-based exercise differ from those of a non- CONCLUSIONS
randomized exercise trial that found serum VEGF-A did This exploratory analysis found that both home-based
not change with a program of nonsupervised exercise, and supervised exercise programs are efficacious to
but it was increased with a program of supervised exer- decrease cultured endothelial cell apoptosis in patients
cise.31 However, an earlier report found that skeletal with symptomatic PAD. Furthermore, a monitored
muscle VEGF-A was decreased after 12 weeks of super- home-based walking program improves circulating
vised exercise and remained unchanged after a home- markers of endogenous antioxidant capacity, angiogen-
based exercise program.32 esis, endothelium-derived inflammation, and blood
Our observation of a reduction in blood glucose after a glucose concentration in patients with symptomatic
home-based exercise program is novel, and the finding PAD. The novel clinical significance is that important
that blood glucose concentration does not change after trends were found in this exploratory analysis that a
supervised treadmill exercise supports prior work from contemporary home-based exercise program and a
our laboratory.33 Given that we have previously found traditional supervised exercise program may favorably
that elevated fasting glucose in patients with symptom- improve vascular and inflammatory biomarkers in addi-
atic PAD is associated with peripheral circulation, tion to the well-described ambulatory improvements in
patient-perceived walking ability, health-related quality symptomatic patients with PAD.
of life, and sedentary behavior,34,35 the reduction of blood
glucose after home-based exercise has particular clinical AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
significance for these patients. These results are Conception and design: AG
supported by previous reports that diabetes impairs Analysis and interpretation: AG, DP
microcirculation36 and metabolic syndrome impairs Data collection: PM
ankle-brachial index and claudication distances in Writing the article: AG, DP
patients with PAD.37 In this study, the fact that monitored Critical revision of the article: AG, DP, PM
home-based exercise training improved circulating Final approval of the article: AG, DP, PM
markers of antioxidant capacity, angiogenesis, Statistical analysis: DP
endothelium-derived inflammation, and blood glucose Obtained funding: AG
concentration suggests that a home-based exercise Overall responsibility: AG
10 Gardner et al Journal of Vascular Surgery
--- 2019

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Submitted Aug 13, 2018; accepted Dec 26, 2018.

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