Peek Et Al2021sociology of Disasters

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Sociology of Disasters

Lori Peek, Tricia Wachtendorf, and Michelle Annette Meyer

Introduction color, the disabled, the elderly, the homeless,

those who are transit dependent, and
There is no such thing as a natural disaster. Not non-drivers—groups least able to withstand such
only is that phrase in the title of an influential disasters.”
volume published in the aftermath of Hurricane Of course, forces of nature such as hurricanes,
Katrina (Hartman & Squires, 2006), it has also tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, heat waves, and
long served as a rallying cry among social so forth can trigger disaster. The severity of the
scientists who strive to focus attention on the crisis that follows, however, is not simply a func-
social processes that turn natural hazards into tion of wind speeds, rainfall amounts, ground
human disasters (Hewitt, 1983; O’Keefe et al., motions, or temperature extremes. It is the inter-
1976; Tierney, 2014). As Olson (2018) argues, action between the natural hazard, the condition
the problem is that the term “natural disaster” puts of the built environment, and the status of the
the emphasis on the word natural, subtly shifting social structure that shapes the landscape of risk.
the responsibility for disaster losses away from It is also this interaction between the environment
their historical, economic, and political root and society that influences whether a disaster will
causes. Bullard (2008:757) writes that “what follow.
many people often call ‘natural’ disasters are in This chapter focuses on the contributions of
fact acts of social injustice perpetuated by gov- sociologists who study the root causes and social
ernment and business on the poor, people of consequences of everyday emergencies, disasters,
and large-scale catastrophes. For the sake of brev-
ity, we use the terms disaster or disasters through-
L. Peek (*) out much of the chapter. We want to be clear at
Department of Sociology and Natural Hazards Center,
the outset, however, that researchers in this field
University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
e-mail: tend to treat emergencies, disasters, and
catastrophes as analytically distinct and socially
T. Wachtendorf
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice and constructed phenomena. These terms have been
Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware, debated extensively (Perry & Quarantelli, 2005;
Newark, DE, USA Quarantelli, 1998), although there is general
agreement that they are associated with
M. A. Meyer differences in the spatial scope of an event, the
Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban
seriousness of impacts to human and other
Planning and Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA environments, the entities who respond and
e-mail: how, the level of public participation in providing
# The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 219
B. Schaefer Caniglia et al. (eds.), Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Handbooks of Sociology and
Social Research,
220 L. Peek et al.

assistance, and the degree of recovery challenges is possible. Massive and socially uneven recovery
that follow (Tierney, 2019:5–6). Further, what challenges often affect people and geographic
gets viewed as a disaster arises from “a contested regions for years or even decades after the initial
terrain in which various actors. . . make assertions event (Clarke, 2002; Kroll-Smith, 2018; Kroll-
about events and hope their definitions of those Smith et al., 2015; Perry & Lindell, 2007;
events prevail” (Webb, 2018:114). Indeed, what Quarantelli, 2008; Tierney, 2019; Wachtendorf
gets defined as a disaster by researchers is as et al., 2013).
much a consequence of how disciplinary culture The distinctions between emergencies,
has come to conceptualize such harm as it is a disasters, and catastrophes are ideal types, and
consequence of how our broader culture does or therefore researchers recognize that all of the
does not respond. features mentioned previously do not have to be
For our purposes here, an emergency is defined present for an event to be classified in a particular
as a narrow-scope incident such as a house fire, category (Wachtendorf et al., 2013). Consider, for
vehicle accident, or limited hazardous material example, the COVID-19 global pandemic. It
release. Fire departments, police departments, would certainly be classified as a catastrophe
emergency medical services, and other public based on the scope of impact, number of lives
sector agencies are trained to handle these lost, and enormous social and economic disrup-
smaller-scale and more easily contained events, tion caused globally, even though the pandemic
and therefore the public is typically not involved has led to negligible physical damage to the built
significantly in the response. Recovery times may environment.
vary for individuals, but the longer-term impact To date, most of the available sociological
of emergencies on communities is typically mini- research has focused on disasters or large-scale
mal (Quarantelli, 1996, 2008; Tierney, 2019). catastrophes (Peek, Champeau, et al., 2020a) and
A disaster is an event in which societies or this, too, is where we draw many of the case study
their larger subunits (such as communities or examples that are highlighted throughout. We
regions) incur damages, losses, and disruption of organize the remainder of the chapter into four
their routine functioning. A disaster is observable, sections that describe why sociologists study
although may not necessarily be concentrated in disasters, what this work has revealed regarding
time and space. Members of the public and formal human and organizational behavior during times
emergency response agencies converge to help of collective upheaval, how disasters both reflect
disaster survivors, and some individual autonomy the existing social order and may forever alter it,
may be lost given the emphasis on community and where the field might be heading in the
needs. Major recovery challenges tend to follow future.
(Fritz, 1961; Kreps, 1984; Quarantelli, 2008; We build upon—and encourage readers to
Tierney, 2019). consult—overviews of the field that have previ-
A catastrophe has a large scope of impact that ously been published in the Annual Review of
can affect multiple communities, states, or Sociology (Arcaya et al., 2020; Kreps, 1984;
nations. Such events produce high levels of phys- Quarantelli & Dynes, 1977; Tierney, 2007), the
ical damage and social disruption, which sharply first and second editions of the Handbook of
and concurrently interrupts essential services. The Disaster Research (Rodríguez et al., 2007,
challenges of response tend to exceed those 2018), and various other books, book chapters,
envisioned in disaster plans, and the broad scale and encyclopedia entries on the sociology of
of impact impairs each community’s emergency disaster and environmental sociology more
response system, limits extra-community support, broadly (Drabek, 2009, 2017; Herring, 2013;
and often necessitates a central government Lindell, 2013; Matthewman, 2015; Peek &
response because localities and entire regions Mileti, 2002; Phillips, 2015; Thomas et al.,
are devastated. Large-scale evacuation and long- 2013; Tierney, 2014, 2019; Webb, 2007). While
term displacement or exodus from affected areas our primary focus is on the discipline of
11 Sociology of Disasters 221

sociology, we also acknowledge the key late 1940s and early 1950s (Anderson, 2014;
contributions of many other disciplines in the Tierney, 2019). Social science disaster research
social sciences, public health and medicine, the began in earnest during this Cold War period,
humanities, and engineering to the multidisciplin- when the U.S. military funded a small cadre of
ary and increasingly interdisciplinary study of university-based field research teams to examine
disaster (for a review of such contributions, see how American civilian populations would
Peek & Guikema, 2021; Tierney, 2019). More- respond under conditions of extreme duress
over, much of the work that we cite in this chapter (Quarantelli, 1987). Tornadoes, fires, plane
was produced by U.S.-based sociologists. This is crashes, train derailments, hazardous chemical
due in part to the number of disasters that have releases, and several other unexpected, acute
affected millions of Americans over the past sev- onset emergencies and disasters served as natural
eral decades as well as the large number of social experiments for the study of individual and col-
scientists concentrated in the United States who lective behavior (Knowles, 2013). Interestingly,
study disasters (Peek et al., 2020a). We acknowl- in the 1970s, another important stream of disaster
edge, however, that there is a robust and ever- sociology emerged in Europe with the formation
growing body of knowledge being generated by of the Disaster Research Group in Sweden.
our colleagues in other contexts, and we hope that Sociologists Jan Trost and Örjan Hultåker led
readers will consult many of the available these efforts, which were supported by the Swed-
overviews of such work (Aguirre, 2002; Britton, ish government and, as in the United States, were
1992; Danielsson et al., 2015; Miura, 2016; also funded primarily by the military (Danielsson
Okabe & Hirose, 1985; Porfiriev, 1998; et al., 2015).
Quarantelli & Yamamoto, 1982; Schorr, 1987). In the U.S. context, concerns surrounding
American civil defense and the impact of wartime
stress remained a strong motivator for military
Why Sociologists Study Disasters: support of disaster research, even while
A Brief History and Overview sociologists were keen to use disasters as
occasions to understand broader sociological phe-
Samuel Henry Prince wrote the first English lan- nomenon (Quarantelli, 1987). Based on the
guage social science dissertation focused on questions that the U.S. military wanted to have
disaster while he was a doctoral student at Colum- answered, however, officials seemed to believe
bia University. His project, Catastrophe and that people would panic in disasters, behave in
Social Change, draws on observational and inter- aggressive ways, or become immobilized by fear.
view data that he collected in the aftermath of the Enrico Quarantelli, who was a member of the
deadly 1917 munitions ship explosion in Halifax early National Opinion Research Center
Harbor in Nova Scotia, Canada. His research (NORC) field research teams and who would
foreshadowed many of the concepts and concerns become one of the early founders of the sociology
that would eventually become central to the of disasters, wrote that “The intent of the work
sociological study of disaster including, for exam- was to find out how social control could be
ple, the assessment of short- and longer-term exercised by the authorities, and the assumption
impacts on survivors, mutual aid and helping was made that disaster problems were primarily
behavior, the role of blame and rumors in shaping social psychological in nature” (Quarantelli,
emergency response and recovery efforts, social 1987:290).
disorganization and the re-establishment of the As the number of post-disaster case studies
social order, and social change (Prince, 1920). began to mount, so too did the evidence that
Although Prince’s dissertation remains an many of the prevailing beliefs at the time were
influential founding document in the field, teams unfounded at best and wholly inaccurate at worst.
of social scientists did not begin systematically While the mass convergence of people and
studying disasters in the United States until the supplies to the scene of a disaster was framed as
222 L. Peek et al.

a problem to be managed (Fritz & Mathewson, study of disasters has remained heavily event
1957), most of the other early studies overwhelm- driven (Dyson, 2006). Traditional typologies
ingly pointed to altruistic, prosocial, and highly that focus on the commonalities and differences
adaptive behaviors among disaster survivors and between various disaster agents—natural hazards,
first responders (Barton, 1969; Fritz, 1961; technological disasters, episodes of mass vio-
Merton, 1963). The early field studies provided lence, and riots—gave form to this burgeoning
answers to the relatively limited scope questions, field and are still used today (McFarlane &
and the military soon lost interest in funding the Norris, 2006; Peek & Sutton, 2003; Quarantelli,
social science research teams. 1993).
Fortunately for the progression of the field, the Sociologists predominated in those early
National Academy of Sciences and the National research teams and they strongly influenced the
Science Foundation picked up where the military theoretical and methodological orientation of the
left off. Both scientific bodies recognized the nascent field (Dynes et al., 1987; Quarantelli,
importance of the disaster setting as a strategic 1987). The much broader study of natural hazards
site for learning about social phenomena, exam- and disasters, however, has its deepest disciplin-
ining social relationships and group-based ary roots in sociology and geography (Anderson
patterns, and revealing social problems. Indeed, & Mattingly, 1991; Mileti, 1999; National
disasters offer a realistic laboratory for testing the Research Council, 2006; White & Haas, 1975).
integration, stamina, and recuperative power of Sociologists—at least initially—focused heavily
large-scale social systems and communities on the emergency response period while
(Fritz, 1961:654). Thus while environmental soci- geographers historically concentrated on hazard
ology grew from a recognition of societal impacts vulnerability and hazard mitigation. In reflecting
on the environment, the sociology of disaster on the evolution of the field, Anderson (2014:4)
emerged largely in response to an interest in observed that, “Such domain distinctions would
how environmental extremes shape society. erode in the years ahead as researchers from
Sociologists who study disasters contend that across the social science disciplines began to col-
social processes are more visible in times of laborate and exchange perspectives.” Those dis-
disaster because they are compressed in a short ciplinary and methodological boundaries have
time span and in a dramatic way. Pioneering continued to morph and expand in new directions
scholars wrote that such events “break the cake as the field continues to grow and has become
of custom” and serve to “strip away the veil” that ever more integrated (Peek et al., 2020a, b).
typically obscures social relations during less The turn of the twenty-first century has led the
stressful times (quoted in Fothergill, 2004:26). social scientific and cross-disciplinary study of
From the inception of the field, disaster disasters to take on a newfound sense of urgency,
researchers were driven by a strong curiosity due in part to a number of landmark events that
and a desire to contribute to sociological knowl- have caused widespread human suffering such as
edge by learning from collective stress situations the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the
(Anderson, 2014; Bates & Peacock, 1987; Bates 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, Hur-
& Pelanda, 1994; Britton, 1987). At the same ricane Katrina in 2005, the 2010 Haiti earthquake,
time, the initial funding sources and applied ori- the 2011 triple disaster in Japan, Hurricane Maria
entation led to a heavy emphasis on acute onset in 2017, and the COVID-19 global pandemic.
disasters such as floods and tornadoes that are Sociologists and other social scientists who
prevalent in the United States versus more diffuse study disasters continue to use extreme events as
emergencies such as famines or epidemics that a mirror to reflect the realities of society while
occur more frequently in developing countries also working to effect change in the social
(Quarantelli, 1987). The pioneers recognized the conditions that turn hazards into disasters.
need to broaden this initial emphasis, even as the
11 Sociology of Disasters 223

What the Sociology of Disaster Has because reporting conventions tend to emphasize
Revealed: Human Behavior dramatic events or unusual behaviors (Tierney
in Collective Stress Situations et al., 2006). Moreover, social segmentation of
media audiences strongly influences media mes-
We have already alluded to some of the founda- saging, which can lead to a narrow scope of
tional contributions of sociologists who representations of complex human activities
participated in initial disaster field research (Campbell, 2010; Klinenberg, 2002).
teams. Quarantelli (1988:305) summarized in no Disaster myths are not just problematic
uncertain terms what these sociologists did, and because they are untrue—although that itself is
did not, observe in the various communities cause for concern in this era of fake news and
researchers studied: deeply contested scientific knowledge—but also
because the transmission of misinformation can
Self-control is maintained in extreme threat
situations. Panic or wild flight, hysterical break- influence organizational, governmental, and pub-
down, affective immobility are almost lic responses during disasters. This point was
nonexistent. . . Those in danger try to help one perhaps most tragically illustrated in Hurricane
another. Because persons are very frightened or
Katrina, when the news media reported unverified
afraid does not mean that they will fail to try and
take protective actions. . . Passivity is not character- and deeply racialized rumors from the disaster
istic of the immediate post-impact period. The ini- zone regarding violence and mayhem that was
tial and by far the greatest amount of search and purportedly taking place in the majority African
rescue is undertaken on the spot by survivors. . .
American city of New Orleans (Campbell, 2010).
Severe mental health problems are not occasioned
on any scale by disasters. . . Convergence on a As a consequence, life-saving resources were
disaster site is a major problem. . . There may be diverted and search and rescue efforts stalled as
widespread stories of looting, but actual cases of emergency responders were told to police the
looting are very rare in post-impact situations.
very people they were supposed to be helping
As knowledge accumulated and the sociology of (Dyson, 2006; Tierney et al., 2006). In that long
disasters matured as a field, sociologists began to pause, people died, suffered, and lost the illusion
push back more forcefully against “disaster that they could depend on the good will of their
myths” that did not accurately reflect human city, their state, and their country. The cost in
behavior in moments of collective stress (Fischer, human life and human dignity was tremendous
2008; Quarantelli, 2008; Quarantelli & Dynes, and continues to this day (Erikson & Peek, 2022).
1972). These myths are often rooted in public As researchers have worked to counter such
perception of human behavior in disaster, and potentially deadly disaster myths, they also
the media and popular culture have often started to reflect more deeply upon their own
contributed to furthering disaster-related myths narratives, and in so doing, to challenge what
about the prevalence of panic, looting, price Tierney (2007) refers to as the “good news”
gouging, and other forms of antisocial behavior frame that took hold of the field in the early
(Wilson, 2014). Because most people do not wit- decades. Disaster researchers created this frame,
ness a disaster firsthand, the frames that media in part, as an empirical antidote to the disaster
generate have a powerful influence over what myths that were being reported (Tierney, 2019).
people think happens (Kappeler & Potter, 1996; But this good news frame—and the attendant
Quarantelli, 1991; Wachtendorf et al., 2015). focus on altruistic behavior, organizational
There are understandable reasons why media problem-solving, and disasters as status
frames may not always match observed reality. levelers—also served to obscure important social
Reporters are almost always working under phenomena that was revealed in later studies with
exceptionally tight deadlines, and they tend to a wider range of disaster settings and more
be unfamiliar with the fundamentals of disaster- diverse population groups in different cultural
related behavior. This issue is exacerbated contexts. For example, more recent research has
224 L. Peek et al.

identified early onset and enduring mental health than the precipitating disaster agent. They also
challenges among some segments of the popula- found that children suffered more severe psycho-
tion (Fussell, 2015; Van Landingham, 2017), loss logical impacts than adults and that people in the
of community and increases in intergroup conflict developing world were more adversely affected
(Erikson, 1976), increased levels of interpersonal than those in wealthier countries. Among the
violence against women (Enarson, 2012; adult samples assessed, being female, middle
Fothergill, 2004), educational disparities among aged, or a member of a racial or ethnic minority
children (Fothergill & Peek, 2015), backlash and group; having other life stressors; and/or having a
discrimination against communities of color history of mental illness were all linked to more
(Peek, 2011; Peek & Meyer, 2016; Rivera & severe mental health consequences. While most
Miller, 2007), and a deepening of economic disaster survivors in the analysis did not develop
inequality (Dash et al., 1997; Howell & Elliott, long-term mental health issues, some did, and that
2019; Peacock et al., 1997; Siders, 2019; Tierney, has led to calls for more robust interventions after
2014). disaster and more longitudinal disaster research
Disasters clearly bring “bad news” as well as (Fothergill & Peek, 2015; Kroll-Smith, 2018;
“good news.” But the question still remains: How Kroll-Smith et al., 2015; Picou & Nicholls, 2019).
do humans actually behave in disasters? There is, It is difficult to characterize human behavior
of course, no simple answer. Human beings are as and disaster impacts, but part of our primary
complex as they are diverse. Their behavior and responsibility as sociologists is to identify
how they are impacted by disaster is influenced patterns. In that quest, we find it useful to ask
by countless situational, demographic, environ- the following types of questions: How do diverse
mental, political, economic, cultural, social, and groups of human beings behave before, during,
other variables. What we see as researchers is also and after disaster? What personal, environmental,
shaped by our own social and cultural positions and structural factors influence the behavior or
and theoretical lenses. Early disaster researchers outcome in question? Does the behavior or out-
were often working from a structural functionalist come hold across cultures and contexts? How and
or symbolic interactionist frame (Barton, 1969; why does human behavior vary? We raise these
Fritz, 1961; Quarantelli & Dynes, 1977); more questions not to challenge the existing body of
recent generations of researchers have drawn research, but rather to honor the diversity and
from a more robust theoretical toolkit and have intricacy of human response to disasters in a
increasingly used conflict theory, critical race rapidly evolving world that is increasingly
theory, feminist theory, or an intersectional lens punctuated by more intense and severe disasters.
in the study of disasters (Enarson et al., 2018; In that spirit, we now turn to a brief review of
Freudenburg et al., 2009; Luft, 2012; Penta available evidence regarding three enduring areas
et al., 2019; Stallings, 2002; Tierney, 1999). of study on human behavior in disaster—conver-
The disaster context and the time frame being gence behavior, panic and prosocial behavior, and
studied matters, as well. Consider, for example, crime and conflict. It is important to emphasize
the meta-review conducted by Norris et al. (2002) that the sociology of disasters extends well
that assessed the psychological harm experienced beyond these three areas. Our purpose here,
by 60,000 disaster survivors. Their work revealed though, is to use these examples to illustrate the
that those who experienced episodes of mass power of sociology in revealing social processes
violence, such as terrorism, were more impacted and group-based patterns, while also shedding
than survivors of natural hazards or technological light on the complicated, sometimes contradic-
disasters. It is worth noting, however, that the tory, and ever-expanding body of knowledge
severity of exposure and the scale of destruction that characterizes the sociological study of
and disruption mattered as much, if not more, disaster.
11 Sociology of Disasters 225

Convergence Behavior form of the curious (Gaillard & Gomez, 2015;

Gaillard & Peek, 2019; Kelman, 2005).
With the support of the National Academy of Researcher convergence is especially likely in
Sciences, Fritz and Mathewson (1957) published the case of large-scale disasters, where individual
the first comprehensive report on convergence researchers and research teams from many differ-
behavior in disasters. They defined convergence ent disciplines and geographic locations often
as the “mass movement of people, messages, and travel to the disaster zone to collect perishable
supplies toward the disaster struck area” (p. 1). data (Gaillard & Peek, 2019; Peek, Tobin, et al.,
Fritz and Mathewson (1957) were especially 2020b). The curious can also include journalists,
focused on understanding how to control these dignitaries, and celebrities (Kendra &
forms of personal, informational, and materiel Wachtendorf, 2003). In all cases, it is important
convergence at the scene of a disaster. They to note that a person might occupy more than one
characterized the convergence of people and convergence category or move between them.
supplies as a social problem to be studied and as Beyond the work that we have cited here, there
a disaster planning and management problem to are many dozens if not hundreds of other reports,
be solved. journal articles, book chapters, and books on the
Their initial report and the additional work of topic of post-disaster convergence. This research
other members of the pioneering field research has verified Fritz and Mathewson’s early asser-
teams spurred generations of research on conver- tion that convergence is a “virtually universal
gence behavior in the context of natural hazards, phenomenon following disasters” (1957:1). It
terrorist attacks, humanitarian emergencies, and has also helped to extend their initial typology
various other disasters (for a recent review and to more carefully consider both the problems and
theoretical statement, see Penta et al., 2019). possibilities associated with convergence.
Moreover, researchers have offered various Consider, for example, that certain types of
typologies to delineate the personal convergence continue to be described in the liter-
characteristics and behavioral motivations of ature as social problems to be studied and
“informal and unofficial convergers” (Fritz & solved—this is especially true of materiel conver-
Mathewson, 1957:29). These are the people who gence, or the convergence of supplies, donations,
may physically move toward the epicenter of a and equipment, which can create massive and
disaster, move toward other areas associated with long-term logistical problems in disaster affected
the disaster response milieu, or engage in actions areas (Holguín-Veras et al., 2007, 2012; Neal,
that otherwise contribute to post-disaster conver- 1994; Penta et al., 2019; Wachtendorf et al.,
gence (Kendra & Wachtendorf, 2003; Scanlon, 2013). Years after the 2011 Joplin tornado, for
1991) (see Table 11.1). instance, the school district had to continue to use
Research on convergence behavior in disasters staff to sort through the countless donations and
now spans many decades, and some of the most supplies that were shipped to the city after the
recent work has expanded our understanding of disaster. But other forms of convergence behavior
these categories. For example, Subba and Bui have been carefully recast as legitimate, even
(2010, 2017) have identified detectives as helper vital, to disaster response and recovery efforts
convergers, who by performing surveillance (Kendra & Wachtendorf, 2003). Survivors who
activity—either in person or online—enhance converge after disaster rescue other survivors
information management among authorities (Barsky et al., 2007; Kendra & Wachtendorf,
and the private sector. Their purpose is to serve 2016; Meyer et al., 2020). The supporters,
and protect the public, to deter criminal behavior, mourners, and memorializers who converge
and to report on or respond to suspicious activity. encourage emergency responders, assist
Others have taken a close look at researchers survivors, and contribute to the emergency
themselves as convergers who might constitute a response and healing of others (Kendra &
226 L. Peek et al.

Table 11.1 A typology of disaster convergence behaviors

Typology of
Convergers Brief Definition and Description of Motivations Source
The returnees Disaster survivors who have evacuated from the disaster area Fritz & Mathewson, (1957, p. 30)
and return to assess losses and retrieve, guard, or salvage
property from their residences, schools, or businesses. They
may also be motivated by a desire for a permanent return to
The anxious People, such as separated nuclear and extended family Fritz & Mathewson, (1957,
members or members of friendship groups, who have close p. 36–37)
ties with those in the disaster zone and are actively seeking out
information about affected loved ones.
The helpers Spontaneous, informal, often uncoordinated volunteers from Fritz & Mathewson, (1957,
inside or outside the disaster zone who try to bolster the efforts p. 40–41); Kendra &
of formal response and relief organizations. This category also Wachtendorf, (2003)
may include formal emergency responders and those who are
affiliated with established organizations or groups and choose
to self-deploy to the disaster zone.
The curious People who are typically detached from the immediate Fritz & Mathewson, (1957,
personal danger of the disaster and the overriding concerns for p. 46–47)
the safety and welfare of other people. They converge because
the disaster itself—an unusual and dramatic event—has
excited their attention.
The exploiters People who seek private gain from the public misfortune Fritz & Mathewson, (1957, p. 50)
caused by disaster. Exploitation, although relatively rare, may
come in various forms such as looting, price gouging, or
otherwise taking advantage of disaster-stricken people and
The supporters People who come to show their gratitude for and solidarity Kendra & Wachtendorf, (2003)
with survivors, emergency responders, and other rescue and
relief workers.
The mourners People who come to commemorate or remember those who Kendra & Wachtendorf, (2003)
and have perished in the disaster or to recognize those have
memorializers sacrificed to help victims and survivors.

Wachtendorf, 2016; Steffen & Fothergill, 2009). (Fischer, 2008). For instance, some people who
Research in the area of post-disaster convergence are not actually facing an impending threat, such
has helped to paint a more textured portrait of as a hurricane landfall, might still choose to evac-
human behavior in disaster, showing how the uate in an effort to move out of harm’s way (Dash
movement of people, information, and goods & Gladwin, 2007). Similarly, when the COVID-
can both help and harm during the height of an 19 pandemic took root and began to spread across
emergency. the United States, people were roundly criticized
for “panic buying” groceries and other household
goods rather than being recognized for their
Panic and Prosocial Behavior attempts to prepare in the face of a historic crisis
(Wachtendorf, 2020). These examples, by defini-
One of the most common, and longstanding, tion, are not indicative of panic but instead are
misconceptions about human behavior in disaster normal reactions to perceived danger and uncer-
is that people will panic. The reality is that panic, tainty. In fact, running away from threats is typi-
or a state of confusion triggering unreasonable cally an advisable protective response, although
behavior, is rare in disaster, but many otherwise in disasters such behaviors are often derisively
understandable behaviors can be labeled as panic referred to as panic (Clarke, 2002).
11 Sociology of Disasters 227

Issues arise when officials believe the panic regions and those who traveled to New Orleans
myth. This can cause them to delay issuing and the Gulf Coast after the storm shared count-
warnings or to otherwise withhold vital risk infor- less observations of how family members were
mation from the public (Drury et al., 2013; helping each other, friends were joining together,
Nogami, 2018). Moreover, the focus on individ- and strangers were offering mutual aid and sup-
ual behavior and the potential for panic can shift port in the time of Katrina. A small sampling of
critical attention away from more systemic such stories from the field, follows:
failures that can actually generate catastrophe A 51-year-old woman, badly injured before
(Wachtendorf, 2020). Katrina, was stuck with no way out of the city as
Decades of research has shown that during the the hurricane advanced. Her daughter-in-law came
immediate crisis period, people do not typically by to check on her, and she promised the ailing
woman, “I’m not going to leave you. . . because I
panic, nor do they descend into a state of shock know you’re here by yourself and you don’t have
and helplessness. The much more common any way to get out. . . So we’re either going to get
behavioral response is for those in the path of out or we’re going to be here together” (Mason,
harm to help one another as summarized here: 2012:186).

In the wake of disaster, most people experience a

newfound sense of urgency, purpose, and solidar-
A 12-year-old boy placed his 4-year-old brother,
ity. Indeed, the earliest disaster researchers were so
his grandmother, and his wheelchair-bound uncle
struck by the high levels of empathy and mutual
onto a mattress and floated them out the window to
helpfulness that they observed following cata-
a house with a second story when the floodwaters
strophic acts of nature, they used such terms as
from Katrina got too high (Kirschke & Van Vliet,
“altruistic community” and “therapeutic social sys-
tem” to depict the heightened sense of camaraderie.
These communities of compassion and care play an
important role after disaster: They can lead to
improved psychological functioning among Appalled by the conditions just outside the
traumatized victims and may even impel the entire Superdome and fearing what was occurring inside,
disaster-stricken population toward a state of recov- two parents and their five children stayed on an
ery (Peek, 2011:176). interstate bridge for five days after Katrina. They
joined forces with a neighboring family, looking
Such altruistic or prosocial behavior can take out for one another and foraging for food and water
many different forms during and in the immediate when their meager supplies ran out (Lein et al.,
aftermath of disaster. Neighbors and friends pro- 2012:50).
vide shelter, supplies, and financial support
through their social networks (Aldrich & Meyer,
The New Orleans Convention Center, without any
2015; Meyer, 2018). People often line up at blood planning, became a makeshift shelter for thousands
donation stations and philanthropic giving tends of people. When everyone was finally evacuated
to surge (Meyer et al., 2020). Children and adults from the facility, the chairs left behind were
may organize donation drives or fundraisers to arranged in hundreds of small circles—people
had, on their own, formed up into small groups of
help fulfill unmet needs (Fothergill, 2004; Peek, families and friends, protecting each other
2008). And spontaneous volunteerism almost (Quigley, 2008:377).
always occurs as people try to serve others during
Examples like these could stretch on for many
times of great loss and upheaval (Kendra &
pages. The point to be made here is that most
Wachtendorf, 2016; Lowe & Fothergill, 2003;
credible research and reliable journalistic
Steffen & Fothergill, 2009; Wenger & James,
accounts emphasize that Katrina survivors did
just what generations of disaster victims had
Following Hurricane Katrina, Rodríguez et al.
done before them. They looked out for and
(2006:82) concluded that prosocial behavior “was
cared for each other. They improvised and made
by far the primary response” to the catastrophe.
clever use of the scarce resources available to
Researchers who were located in the affected
228 L. Peek et al.

them. They were heroic in many ways as they in crime rates. Those in the other camp argue that
sacrificed in the face of grave danger. This is what disasters weaken the mechanisms of formal and
sociologists mean when we refer to prosocial informal social control, giving rise to
behavior in disaster and it is worth emphasizing opportunities to commit crime and increased
how often this occurs in the immediate term after- rates of unlawful behavior (see Zahran et al.,
math of crises of all different kinds. 2009) including activities associated with white-
collar crimes (Aguirre & Lane, 2019).
In a series of edited volumes on the topic,
Crime and Conflict Harper and Frailing (2010, 2012, 2015) have
helped to bridge the divide by drawing together
The mortar that holds human communities contributions that consider a wider range of crim-
together is made up, at least in part, of a sense inal behavior that can occur in the immediate and
of trust, respect, decency, and, in moments of longer-term aftermath of disaster. The chapter
emergency, of charity and concern. But disasters, authors explore the conditions that drive various
as previously mentioned, may also become sites criminogenic effects of disaster and use diverse
of conflict and social division. When and under data sources to examine instances of rape, domes-
what conditions certain types of crime, violent tic violence, homicide, hate crime, illegal drug
victimization, and other forms of antisocial use, and fraud that have occurred at varying
behavior occurs has been a longstanding focus rates after different disaster types. Contributors
of sociologists who study disasters. also explore what happens to people and
Although looting is often framed by the media communities when the disaster itself is a crime,
and in popular culture as a common criminal such as was the case in the Exxon Valdez Oil
occurrence in disaster, it is actually highly Spill and the BP Oil Spill (Gill et al., 2016). In
unusual (Green, 2006). When looting has hap- 9/11, the principal crime—the terrorist attacks—
pened in U.S. disasters, it is almost always carried prompted cascading criminal activity in the form
out in secret, involves isolated individuals or of retaliatory hate crimes that were leveled against
small groups rather than large numbers of people, Muslims, Arabs, and members of other religious
and is widely condemned by affected residents and ethnic minority groups (Peek, 2011; Peek &
(McEntire et al., 2003; Tierney et al., 2006). In Meyer, 2016).
instances where widespread looting has been Sociologists have made important connections
documented, such as in St. Croix after Hurricane between mass incarceration and disaster manage-
Hugo in 1989, the following conditions ment activities, as well. This line of research
influenced the observed behavior: dramatic describes how the criminal justice system, which
disparities between the rich and poor, high levels unequally targets low-income communities of
of pre-existing petty crime and gang activity, color, is used to expand emergency management
ineffective and corrupt police agencies, and a capacity during times of disaster (Purdum, 2019;
catastrophe that caused massive destruction with Purdum & Meyer, 2020). For example, Goodman
little hope for the quick arrival of humanitarian (2014) shows how inmates are regularly placed in
aid (Quarantelli, 2008). harm’s way when they are forced to fight wild-
Beyond looting, most crime and disaster liter- land fires. Scholars have also posited that mass
ature has historically focused on a limited range Black death is an ongoing disaster, a form of
of behaviors such as price gouging or property violence against Black bodies rooted in the very
crime that might be perpetrated during the impact systems that sometimes purport to protect
and emergency phases of disasters. This narrow communities (Henry, 2020a).
emphasis has resulted in a divide in the research As the study of crime, victimization, and
literature. Those in one camp contend that disaster has expanded in new directions over the
disasters strengthen norms of reciprocity and years, so too has the exploration of why
altruism and leads to a reduction or stabilization communities break down in certain disaster
11 Sociology of Disasters 229

situations. This research often draws on conflict recognition has not only spurred sociologists to
theory and has moved the field more squarely into challenge notions of “natural” disasters. It has
the study of technological disaster and chronic also led to a vitally important body of scholarship
environmental hazards. In a now classic work, that clearly documents what Matthewman
Erikson (1976) examined the loss of communality (2015:13) refers to as “vastly uneven landscapes
that followed the 1972 Buffalo Creek dam col- of risk.”
lapse and resulting flood. The community, which Social scientists from a range of disciplines
was a company mining town, became embroiled have found that disaster risk, like other forms of
in extensive litigation, and the surviving residents environmental injustice, is patterned in ways that
were moved to higher ground and away from the reflect pre-existing social and economic
floodplain. The officials who relocated the com- inequalities. Groups that are marginalized have
munity did so, however, without consideration of less power and fewer resources, and in turn,
pre-existing family and social formations that they often have the hardest time preparing for,
were the invisible bonds that held Buffalo Creek responding to, and recovering from disaster
together before the disaster. (Hewitt 1997; Wisner et al., 2004). This means
Later work in this same vein demonstrates that that disaster losses tend to be distributed along the
the disaster agent itself can predict whether com- familiar lines of race, ethnicity, gender, social
munity consensus or conflict is observed class, and age (Peacock et al., 1997; Phillips
(Erikson, 1994). Chronic crises involving clear et al., 2010; Thomas et al., 2013). It also means
human culpability are more likely than those per- that public and private sector regulation of risk—
ceived as purely acts of nature to result in a or lack thereof—can reproduce and create
“corrosive community” response (Cope et al., inequality (Giritli Nygren et al., 2017; Montelius
2016, 2020; Parks et al., 2020; Couch & Kroll- & Giritli Nygren, 2014; Petridou et al., 2019).
Smith, 1985, 1991). Civil disturbances (Hewitt The patterns that disasters both reveal and
1997; Warheit, 1976), riots (Quarantelli, 1993), reinforce are apparent in who lives and who dies
terrorist attacks (Peek & Sutton, 2003), and tech- in a disaster event. A recent global report showed
nological disasters (Couch & Kroll-Smith, 1985, that, of the 1.3 million people killed in natural
1991; Kroll-Smith & Couch, 1990; Neal, 1984) hazards events in the past 20 years, people in the
are especially likely to lead to conflict, blame world’s poorest nations were more than seven
attribution, and protracted litigation that can cre- times more likely to die than equivalent
ate or deepen already existing fault lines in populations in the richest nations (Wallemacq &
communities (Mayer et al., 2015; Picou et al., House, 2018). The United States and other high-
2004). Natural hazard events that generate tech- income countries have dramatically reduced over-
nological failures and cascading, complex all disaster mortality, largely due to enhanced
disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, can also building codes and standards, stronger govern-
lead to prolonged recovery processes among ment enforcement of mitigation policies,
marginalized populations and corrosive commu- advanced early warning systems, and other
nity responses (Laska et al., 2018; Mohammad & interventions. Still, when disasters have caused
Peek, 2019; Parks et al., 2020). large loss of life in the United States—including
in the still unfolding COVID-19 pandemic—
those at the margins of society have suffered
How Disasters Reflect the Existing disproportionately. Other recent examples
Social Order: Social Inequality include Hurricane Maria in 2017, Hurricane
and Group-Based Patterns Katrina in 2005, and the Chicago Heat Wave in
1995. These events resulted in higher death rates
Disasters do not cause indiscriminate harm, and among the elderly, people with pre-existing med-
while they may involve forces of nature, they are ical conditions, low-income people, those with
not external to our social systems. This limited social networks, and people of color
230 L. Peek et al.

(Klinenberg, 2002; Santos-Burgoa et al. 2018; are more likely to experience protracted and
Sharkey, 2007). uneven recovery processes (Arcaya et al., 2020).
In the first comprehensive examination of Sociologists have always played a central role
children’s mortality from forces of nature in the in identifying disaster-related disparities among
United States, Zahran et al. (2008) discovered that particular groups of people (Elliott, 2015; Elliott
while children’s overall risk of death is relatively & Pais, 2006; Enarson, 2012; Howell & Elliott,
low, differential risks exist depending on the haz- 2019; Luft, 2016). Of course, many of these
ard agent and the demographic characteristics of unequal and negative post-disaster outcomes are
the child. Their analyses of the Centers for Disease shaped by the pre-disaster circumstances of the
Control and Prevention’s WONDER database groups in question. Consider the following
revealed that risk of death among youth cohorts examples from the social science literature that
ages 0–24 is highest for infants and the death rate illustrate the power of pre-disaster context in
for male children is higher than the death rate for shaping post-disaster outcomes (adapted from
female children. Data on race indicate that African Peek & Domingue, 2020:67–68, Table 5.1):
American male children between the ages of 0–4
• Poverty: People in poverty or near-poverty are
are most at risk for death by disaster, while White
more likely to experience bouts of homeless-
male children between the ages of 5–24 are most at
ness and to live in the most vulnerable housing
risk. In terms of risk by age by hazard type, their
(Vickery, 2017). The poor and near poor tend
analyses revealed that infants and very young chil-
to lack the resources necessary to relocate or to
dren age 0–4 are most likely to die of exposure to
retrofit their dwellings, especially when they
extreme heat, 5–14 year-olds are most likely to die
are renters. Even though they may have higher
in cataclysmic storms and flood events, and youth
risk perceptions, they are less likely to receive
ages 15–24 are most likely to die of excessive cold.
warning messages and to be able to act appro-
Adams et al. (2020), also drawing on the CDC
priately to the messages they do receive (Dash
WONDER database, conducted similar analyses
2013; Peacock et al., 1987). The poor are less
to examine disaster mortality patterns among
likely to apply for and receive post-disaster
older adults (60+ years) in the United States.
recovery aid, and policies that are ostensibly
They found that older adults have a 3.84-fold
meant to spur recovery may actually deepen
increase in mortality caused by natural hazards
the wealth gap (Fothergill & Peek, 2004;
compared to those under age 60. Among older
Howell & Elliott, 2019).
adults, males have higher mortality rates than
• Race and Ethnicity: African Americans,
females. American Indians/Alaska Natives have
Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans,
the highest mortality rate of any racial/ethnic
and other communities of color in the United
group and are particularly impacted by excessive
States have been subjected to overtly racist
cold. Mortality is also high among Black males,
and discriminatory policies that have
especially in the context of cataclysmic storms.
institutionalized their exclusion and segrega-
Differences in mortality rates among racial/ethnic
tion and led to the denial of various rights
groups widen with age.
and opportunities. Formal policies and the
While we have focused on disparate patterns in
informal practices associated with race
terms of disaster-related mortality, group-based
and ethnicity have resulted in centuries of
inequalities are apparent across the disaster
unequal allocation of resources, as well as
lifecycle (Mileti, 1999). Sociological research
present-day racial disparities that influence
has repeatedly shown that those who are at the
the harm of disasters (Fothergill et al., 1999;
margins of society almost always have a harder
Peacock et al., 1997, 2014). Recent research
time preparing for disaster and, in turn, suffer
demonstrates the difficulty communities of
more severe physical and mental health
color experience even as they mobilize to
outcomes, are more likely to be displaced, and
11 Sociology of Disasters 231

overcome deeply entrenched inequalities people; and high rates of child poverty
(Rivera et al., 2015; Santos-Hernández, (Anderson, 2005; Fothergill, 2017; Fothergill
2006), as they continue to face unjust recovery & Peek, 2015; McDonald-Harker et al., 2020;
policies (Gotham, 2014; Hamideh, 2020). Peek, 2008; Peek et al., 2018).
• Gender: Gender roles, expectations, and
norms often lead to differential vulnerability Sociologists have also made important
between men and women (Alston & Kent, contributions in identifying how occupational sta-
2008; Fothergill, 2004; Haney & Gray-Scholz, tus (Adams & Anderson, 2019) and particular
2019; Houghton, 2009; Hyndman, 2008; institutions such as the family, schools, govern-
Parkinson & Zara, 2016; Tobin-Gurley & ment, religion, the healthcare system, and the
Enarson, 2013). In most places around the economy shape the context in which people live
world, women are less likely to have political and work, which in turn, influences the risks that
representation proportionate to their share of they face (Phillips, 2015). Often, disasters are the
the population, sustain financial and social predictable outcome of years if not generations of
independence, and earn wages and salaries short-sighted decision-making, typically
commensurate with their male counterparts motivated by profit-seeking or a focus on other
(Enarson, 2012). In turn, women and girls are forms of political or economic gain, that translate
more likely to experience violence and abuse, into environmental degradation, poor land use
be politically and socially marginalized and planning, and other unsustainable development
economically exploited, to live in poverty, practices. These contribute to what Mileti (1999)
and to be ignored or excluded in decision- calls “disasters by design,” which leave entire
making processes (Enarson et al., 2018; groups of people unprotected from the various
Jenkins & Phillips, 2008; Villarreal & Meyer, shocks and setbacks that accompany disasters.
• Age - Older Adults: Older persons may be
more susceptible to harm and suffering in
disaster under certain conditions, such as
The Future of the Field: Disaster
when they experience physical or medical
Sociology for a More Turbulent
conditions that limit their mobility, depend and Unequal World
on devices or medical treatments that require
power or access to prescription medications, Disaster losses are on the rise globally. According
have physical disabilities that limit their ability to recent analyses of data from the Emergency
to receive warnings or take necessary protec- Events Database (EM-DAT) maintained by the
tive actions, have fewer social connections or Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of
smaller social networks, and lack access to the Disasters (CRED), in the span from 1998 to
Internet, a computer, or other resources neces- 2017, countries experiencing natural hazards
sary to apply for and receive pre- or post- that became disasters reported $2.9 trillion in
disaster aid (Campbell, 2019; Klinenberg, economic losses (Wallemacq & House, 2018).
2002; Meyer, 2016; Peek, 2013). Due to higher asset values, the United States
• Age - Children and Youth: For children and alone accounted for about one-third, or approxi-
youth, their vulnerability is influenced by their mately $945 billion, of worldwide losses in the
age as well as other factors such as family study period. Although high-income countries
structure; exclusion from the public sphere bear the brunt of absolute economic losses in
and decision-making bodies that influence disasters, low- to middle-income countries suffer
them; lack of voting rights; cultural systems disproportionate losses that can erase decades of
that devalue their perspectives and ignore their development progress (Wallemacq & House,
voices; stigma or stereotypes against young 2018).
232 L. Peek et al.

Economic indicators obviously represent just challenges in an effort to reduce disaster losses
one measure of the mounting toll of disasters. The and promote collective well-being (Peek, Tobin,
same report found that during the period from et al., 2020b:2). This framework, which is
1998–2017, 1.3 million people died in disasters problem-focused and solutions-oriented, can
and 4.4 billion were injured, rendered homeless, help mobilize researchers and practitioners to
displaced, or left in need of emergency assistance respond to the many urgent environmental and
(Wallemacq & House, 2018). Sociological social challenges that confront humanity and
research has helped reveal the root causes of especially the world’s poorest and most
such disaster losses and has identified many addi- marginalized people (also see Prasad, 2018). To
tional personal and collective consequences. move in this direction, we conclude with the
Indeed, research in the sociology of disasters following ideas that we would like to see
provides an important window into the harm and advanced in the sociology of disaster over the
suffering caused by disasters, as it reveals the coming decade.
complicated interconnection between environ- First, disaster sociologists need to take a cen-
mental conditions and social processes and tral role in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary
systems. This work has advanced our understand- teams that are converging to study and respond to
ing of human behavior during times of immediate society’s grand challenges. At present, most con-
crisis. It has also focused attention on the role of vergence research efforts (and here again, we are
rising social and economic inequality, environ- referring to a distinct approach to doing research)
mental degradation, mounting population that are focused on major environmental
pressures and unsustainable development in problems are led by engineers, biomedical
hazard-prone areas, climate change, and other scientists, and others from traditional STEM
environmental and social forces that collide to disciplines. The social and behavioral sciences,
ultimately create catastrophe. as well as the humanities, have been largely
The twentieth century gave rise to both excluded from the convergence revolution that
disaster sociology in the 1940s and 1950s and has taken root in this century (Peek et al.,
environmental sociology in the 1970s. The losses 2020b). This is problematic because there is a
already incurred in the twenty-first century have strong chance, based on historical precedent,
demonstrated repeatedly how vital these areas of that these teams could move forth in issuing tech-
study are and how necessary it is to respond to nical fixes for what are actually social problems
recent calls to better integrate disaster studies with (ibid:4). Sociologists and other social scientists
the sociology of climate change, the intersectional should help lead the convergence revolution so
study of environmental injustice, and environ- that we can broaden the horizons of scientific
mental sociology more broadly (Dunlap & Brulle, inquiry and respond most effectively to increas-
2015; Malin & Ryder, 2018; Ryder, 2017; ingly complex environmental and social
Tierney, 2007). challenges.
Wachtendorf (2019) has encouraged bold Second, ethical considerations should be cen-
action among the disaster research community, tered alongside our research questions and given
challenging us to rethink the field and organize the same primacy. We take a broad and inclusive
ourselves around the grand challenges that we approach to research ethics, moving beyond insti-
now face. We believe that it is possible to respond tutional review board requirements to think
to this call through adopting a convergence deeply about the rights and obligations of
research framework—here defined as an researchers to one another, as well as to those
approach to knowledge production and action whom we study (Browne & Peek, 2014). This
that involves diverse teams working together in means that as the field progresses, it is crucial
novel ways, transcending disciplinary and orga- that the rights and interests of researchers (Kendra
nizational boundaries, to address vexing social, & Gregory, 2019) and research participants
economic, environmental, and technical (Gaillard & Peek, 2019) are equally respected
11 Sociology of Disasters 233

and protected. This will help ensure that evermore 2019). Environmental sociology and the sociol-
critical and lifesaving disaster research can con- ogy of climate change have furthered our theoret-
tinue unimpeded by overly bureaucratic ical understanding of development, urbanization,
restrictions (Kendra & Gregory, 2019). At the and capitalism in ways that intersect directly with
same time, researchers should engage in their disaster. When the powerful insights of these
work by centering ethics and respecting the dig- different areas merge, we see the possibility not
nity of their participants, even when they must just for exposing the roots of environmental
sometimes simultaneously identify actions and harms, but also for illuminating a more just and
beliefs of participants that contribute to systemic sustainable future.
inequalities and social vulnerability. While there Fourth, we call on disaster sociologists to
are limitations in relying solely on people’s own focus on the strengths and capacities of the people
personal experiences, the same can be said of whom they study. Sociologists have pointed out
relying only on numerical data (Perez, 2019). that those affected by disaster are not just “help-
The key, according to Perez (2020), is to figure less victims” waiting to be saved (Fothergill &
out where the two can meet and inform each other Peek, 2015:4). Children and adults also have
in ways that actually work to improve the lives of enormous strengths and capacities that can trans-
those most impacted by disaster and injustice. form disaster preparedness, response, and recov-
This assertion is as true in disaster sociology as ery efforts (Peek, 2008; Rivera et al., 2015). Even
it is in the discipline more broadly. Greater use of with that frame in mind, sociologists continue to
participatory engagement practices can be one focus overwhelmingly on disaster-related
effective way to better address the complex disparities and inequities. This is understandable
needs and desires of the people whom we study given our training to look for patterns in society,
(Hendricks et al., 2018; Meyer et al., 2020). and anyone who looks carefully can clearly see
Third, disaster sociology should focus on the that the already disadvantaged often suffer first
possibility for disaster justice in the twenty-first and worst in disasters. But there are also other
century. We believe such a shift could strengthen local and global patterns emerging. This includes
the ties to environmental sociology more broadly the mobilization of the poor, people of color,
and studies of environmental justice specifically children, and other groups that have been histori-
(Mohai et al., 2009; Pellow & Nyseth Brehm, cally marginalized who are rising up in response
2013), advancing stronger theoretical and applied to the risks they face. Sociologists should investi-
frameworks. Long-understood inequitable gate these patterns of progress and action in areas
disaster impacts based on race, ethnicity, income, of risk just as diligently as we study disaster-
gender, and other facets of social stratification related disadvantages.
should be aligned with the theoretical lineage Fifth, there needs to be a major investment in
of environmental justice and climate justice promoting public disaster sociology alongside a
literatures (Perez & Egan, 2016; Ryder, 2017). public environmental sociology (see Caniglia
Taylor (2014), for example, centers the processes et al., 2021, this volume). From the earliest
of historical and ongoing racial and economic days of disaster sociology, researchers have
marginalization that generate environmental been driven by the desire to make contributions
injustices around toxic exposures. These same both to knowledge as well as to practice.
processes, such as discriminatory redlining Sustained engagement by sociologists, working
practices that relegated African American with personnel from emergency management
neighborhoods to flood-prone areas and what agencies and non-governmental organizations,
have now become urban heat islands, can result disseminating findings in non-academic forums
in disaster injustices. Similarly, strategies to con- and through newspaper op-eds, and making calls
tend with the potential impact of climate change over the decades to continue to bridge the gap
can generate inequities in implementation, between researchers and practitioners are
outcomes, and benefits (Mach et al., 2019; Siders, examples of such outcomes of this motivation.
234 L. Peek et al.

Yet many of these efforts have been ad hoc or on to life. We also thank Jessica Austin and Candace Evans
an individual level. for their assistance with background research and the
references, Xiaorui Huang for the meticulous formatting
Research shows large gaps and potential and cross-checking work, Sara Hamideh for her thorough
opportunities for furthering the integration of review, and Jolie Breeden for the careful edit and scientific
disaster research into practice (Fothergill, 2000; writing advice.
Williams & Webb, 2019). This means that
investments in formal institutional mechanisms
and funding for public disaster sociology and
public environmental sociology training
programs for researchers at all career stages are Adams, R. M., Evans, C. M., Mathews, M., Wolkin, A., &
crucial. Such programs could help researchers Peek, L. (2020). Mortality from forces of nature among
learn how to translate what they already know older adults by race/ethnicity and gender. Journal of
Applied Gerontology.
to broader media, policy, and practitioner
audiences. Greater emphasis on open-access Adams, T. M., & Anderson, L. R. (2019). Policing in
publications (such as Laska, 2020) and natural disasters: Stress, resilience, and the challenges
continuing the legacy of readily available white of emergency management. Philadelphia, PA: Temple
University Press.
papers and other online publications such as those
Aguirre, B. (2002). Editor’s introduction. International
from the Disaster Research Center at the Univer- Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 20(3),
sity of Delaware, the Hazard Reduction & Recov- 289–292.
ery Center at Texas A&M University, the Natural Aguirre, B. E., & Lane, D. (2019). Fraud in disaster:
Rethinking the phases. International Journal of
Hazards Center at the University of Colorado
Disaster Risk Reduction, 39, 101232.
Boulder, and the many other academic hazards 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101232.
and disaster research centers that now exist glob- Aldrich, D. P., & Meyer, M. A. (2015). Social capital and
ally can help continue to democratize access to community resilience. American Behavioral Scientist,
59(2), 254–269.
knowledge (see Hines et al., 2020). Moreover,
taking advantage of novel, diverse, and accessible Alston, M., & Kent, J. (2008). ‘The big dry’: The link
dissemination methods such as social media, between rural masculinities and poor health outcomes
blogs, podcasts, videos, training modules, and for farming men. Journal of Sociology, 44(2),
other mediums can help expand the reach of
Anderson, W. A. (2005). Bringing children into focus on
research. As the speed at which information is the social science disaster research agenda. Interna-
produced and consumed has evolved in the tional Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters,
twenty-first century, so too have the actions of 23(3), 159–175.
Anderson, W. A. (2014). The great Alaska earthquake and
researchers as they increasingly combine their
the dawn of US social science earthquake research. In
activism and advocacy in ways that transform Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in earth-
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While disaster sociology is an ever-evolving neering Research Institute.
Anderson, W. A., & Mattingly, S. (1991). Future
field, we have a tremendous legacy of information
directions. In T. E. Drabek & G. J. Hoetmer (Eds.),
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policies do not lead to a deepening of inequality local government (pp. 311–335). Washington, D.C.:
and disadvantage the already disadvantaged. International City Management Association.
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focusing anew on twenty-first century challenges, munity change. Annual Review of Sociology, 46,
offers great promise and possibility for more just 11.1–11.21.
and equitable futures. 121919-054827.
Barsky, L. E., Trainor, J. E., Torres, M. R., & Aguirre,
B. E. (2007). Managing volunteers: FEMA's urban
Acknowledgments Thank you to the editors of the search and rescue programme and interactions with
Handbook of Environmental Sociology, for the time and unaffiliated responders in disaster response. Disasters,
effort they dedicated to help bring this chapter and volume
11 Sociology of Disasters 235

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